Cost and Time Estimation 19IN
Cost and Time Estimation 19IN
Cost and Time Estimation 19IN
Cost and Time Estimation
Project Estimate
Project estimation is indeed a yardstick for project cost control.
And if the yardstick is faulty, you start on the “wrong foot.” . . .
we exhort you not to underestimate the estimate.
(O. P. Kharbanda and J. K. Pinto, 1996).
Hybrid approach begins with a top-down estimate for the project and then refines estimates for
phases of the project as it is implemented.
Cost and Time Estimation
Cost Micro or Bottom-up estimates are typically performed by the
Approaches people who are doing the work.
Bottom- up approach
Macro Micro Hybrid
• Most time consuming and most expensive
• Uses WBS where each task is estimated and
• Micro (Bottom-Up) Approaches then added together as reverse upward “Roll –
up of Elements”.
– Template
Bottom-up estimates methods
are typically performed by
the people who are doing the work. • Can provide an accurate estimate but is time
– Parametric Procedures consuming.
– Detailed Methods for WBS (Work • May require multiple personnel and time to
Packages) complete.
• If done properly, a bottom-up estimate can
yield accurate cost and time estimates.
Cost and Time Estimation
Why Estimating Time and Cost Are Important
❖Planning Horizon.
❖Project Duration.
Bottom-up structure
estimates and
are typically organization
performed by
the people who are doing the work.
❖Padding Estimates
❖ organizational culture