WSP - Collaboration Drives Successful Systems Integration
WSP - Collaboration Drives Successful Systems Integration
WSP - Collaboration Drives Successful Systems Integration
This article explores practical methods for creating effective
collaboration toward rail program delivery.
July 2, 2020
Due to the highly complex nature of modern
railway megaprojects, it is impossible that any
team or organization has all the required skills
and knowledge to deliver a successful outcome
on its own. As is true for any major project,
collaboration is critical.
One of the main goals of systems integration
(SI) is to enable effective technical collaboration
by building it into the management framework of
a megaproject/program. From this perspective,
collaboration can be defined two ways:
1. Right Resources at the Right Time –
Getting the right mix of niche technical
expertise and deep domain knowledge, Figure 1 – Systems Integration through the SI:D3 approach
provides program leaders with practical methods for
with the team efficiently deployed undertaking collaborative systems integration.
against the program to assure the
outcome Collaboration and communication are central to
WSP’s SI:D3 framework, which brings together
the best knowledge from people, teams and the
2. Driving Collaborative Behaviours –
organization. Considering each organization’s
Supporting all team members to work in
unique culture and stakeholder objectives, the
an aligned way toward the collective
SI:D3 approach facilitates effective
delivery of the program
multidisciplinary thinking and interaction for
shared understanding and coordinated action
toward delivery of the expected outcomes.
Enabling collaboration across a megaproject
organization is a critical skill for SI team
leadership. If the focus on collaboration and
communication is not there, no amount of tools, Creating an Environment for Effective
techniques, people or process will fill the void. Collaboration
With teams and people at its core, WSP’s SI:D3
The leader of the SI team plays a key role in
framework provides practical methods for
creating the ideal environment for effective
collaborative SI.
collaboration by undertaking the following
2. Use examples for everything. We The outputs produced at this stage should
associated every mention of an abstract become focal points for collaboration. They
SI idea (e.g. a level of requirements; a provide the interface between the SI team and
physical interface) with examples the other parts of the organization. SI has every
audience could relate to. For instance, chance of success if, as has become the case
the concept of a requirements hierarchy on NPR, a point is reached where the wider
was illustrated by explaining that “Level stakeholder group is routinely communicating in
0 will include the NPR train frequencies a common language of Level 0/1/2
and journey times between cities. Level requirements, technical assumptions, interface
1 will include the lines of route chosen to agreements, etc.
achieve them. Level 2 will include the
interventions needed along the lines of 4
⎯ Rich, evidence-based reporting 5
About WSP 6