Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
Prepared by:
Dr. P. Robert
Assistant Professor
Department of Computing Technologies
SRM Institute of Science and Technology,
Evolution of Programming & Languages - Problem solving through programming -
Writing algorithms & Pseudo code - Single line and multiline comments - Introduction to
C: Structure of the C program - Input and output statements. Variables and identifiers,
Constants, Keywords - Values, Names, Scope, Binding, Storage Classes - Numeric Data
types: integer, floating point Non-Numeric Data types: char and string - L value and R
value in expression, Increment and decrement operator - Comma, Arrow and Assignment
operator, Bitwise and Size-of operator - Arithmetic, Relational and logical Operators -
Condition Operators, Operator Precedence - Expressions with pre / post increment operator
Evolution of Programming Languages
Programming Language is considered as the set of commands and instructions that we give to the
machines to perform a particular task. For example, if you give some set of instructions to add two
numbers then the machine will do it for you and tell you the correct answer accordingly.
But a good programming language----
1. Portability
2. Maintainability
3. Efficient
4. Reliable
5. Machine Independence
6. Cost Effectiveness
7. Flexible
Evolution of Programming Languages
In the global, we have about 500+ programming languages with having their own syntax and features.
In the early days, Charles Babbage had made the device, but he was confused about
how to give instructions to the machine, and then Ada Lovelace wrote the instructions
for the analytical engine.
• Developed by IBM
1957 FORTRAN • Numeric computation and scientific computing
• Software for NASA was written in FORTRAN
• ALGOrithmic language
• It is the fundamental for C, C++ and Java
1958 ALGOL
• The first PL to have a code block like “Begin” that indicates that your program has
started and “End” means you have ended your code
• SQL was developed at IBM by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce. The
1972 SQL
earlier name was SEQUEL (Structured English Query Language).
• C++ is the fastest high-level programming language. Earlier, Apple Inc uses
1983 C, C++ Objective-C to make applications.
• The language is very easy to understand. Famous language among data scientists
1991 Python
and analysts.
Evolution of Programming Languages
• C#(C-sharp) is mainly used for making games. Unity engine uses C# for making
2000 C#
amazing games for all platforms
Problem Solving through programming
What is problem solving?
Problem solving is the act of defining a problem; determining the cause of the problem; identifying,
prioritizing, and selecting alternatives for a solution; and implementing a solution.
Problem Solving through programming
Stages of Problem solving
1. Understand the problem
2. Define the problem
3. Define boundaries
4. Plan solution
5. Check solution
/* This program takes age input from the user It stores it in the age variable And, print the value using
printf() */
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
//declare integer variable
int age;
printf("Enter the age: ");
scanf("%d", &age);
printf("Age = %d", age);
return 0;
Introduction to C
Basic Structure of C Program
❖ C is an imperative programming language. Dennis Ritchie invented it in the year 1972. It was created
primarily as a system programming language for creating an operating system.
❖ The main features of the C language include low-level memory access, a simple set of keywords,
and a clean style, these features make C language suitable for system programming like an operating
system or compiler development.
❖ Many advanced programming languages have borrowed syntax/features directly or indirectly from
the C language. The languages like Java, PHP, Java script and many other programming languages
are mainly based on the C language.
Basic Structure of C Program
The C programming language contains a set of protocols that describe its operations.
Basic Structure of C Program
Basic Structure of C Program
The sections of a C program are listed below:
❖ Documentation section
❖ Preprocessor section
❖ Definition section
❖ Global declaration
❖ Main function
int i = 2; //local variable
Basic Structure of C Program
Main Function Section:
The statements refers to if, else, while, do, for, etc. used in a program within the main function.
An expression is a type of formula where operands are linked with each other by the use of operators. It
is given by:
a - b;
a +b;
Basic Structure of C Program
User Defined Function:
It includes number of functions implemented in the program. For example, color(), sum(), division(), etc.
Return statement is generally the last section of a code. But, it is not necessary to include. It is used
when we want to return a value. The return function returns a value when the return type other than the
void is specified with the function.
return expression;
For example
return 0;
Basic Structure of C Program
/* Sum of two numbers */
int main()
int a, b, sum;
printf("Enter two numbers to be added ");
scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
// calculating sum
sum = a + b;
printf("%d + %d = %d", a, b, sum);
return 0; // return the integer value in the sum
Executing a C Program
Executing a C Program
Creating Source Code:
1. Click on the Start button
2. Select Run
3. Type cmd and press Enter
4. Type cd c:\TC\bin in the command prompt and press Enter
5. Type TC press Enter
6. Click on File -> New in C Editor window
7. Type the program
8. Save it as FileName.c (Use shortcut key F2 to save)
Executing a C Program
Compile Source Code:
The compilation is the process of converting high-level language instructions into low-level language
instructions. We use the shortcut key Alt + F9 to compile a C program in Turbo C.
Whenever we press Alt + F9, the source file is going to be submitted to the Compiler. On receiving a
source file, the compiler first checks for the Errors. If there are any Errors then compiler returns List of
Errors, if there are no errors then the source code is converted into object code and stores it as a file
with .obj extension.
Then the object code is given to the Linker. The Linker combines both the object code and
specified header file code and generates an Executable file with a .exe extension.
Executing a C Program
Executing/Running Executable File(Ctrl+F9):
After completing compilation successfully, an executable file is created with a .exe extension. The
processor can understand this .exe file content so that it can perform the task specified in the source file.
We use a shortcut key Ctrl + F9 to run a C program. Whenever we press Ctrl + F9, the .exe file is
submitted to the CPU. On receiving .exe file, CPU performs the task according to the instruction written
in the file. The result generated from the execution is placed in a window called User Screen.
Check Result(Alt+F5):
After running the program, the result is placed into User Screen. Just we need to open the User Screen to
check the result of the program execution. We use the shortcut key Alt + F5 to open the User Screen and
check the result.
A variable is a name of the memory location. It is used to store data. Its value can be changed, and it can
be reused many times.
It is a way to represent memory location through symbol so that it can be easily identified.
datatype variable_name;
int a;
float b;
char c;
Here, a, b, c are variables. The int, float, char are the data types. We can also provide values while
declaring the variables as given below:
int a=10,b=20;//declaring 2 variable of integer type
float f=20.8;
char c='A';
Rules for defining variables:
❖ A variable can have alphabets, digits, and underscore.
❖ A variable name can start with the alphabet, and underscore only. It can't start with a digit.
❖ No whitespace is allowed within the variable name.
❖ A variable name must not be any reserved word or keyword, e.g. int, float, etc.
Valid variable names:
int a;
int _ab;
int a30;
Invalid variable names:
int 2;
int a b;
int long;
Types of variables in C:
There are many types of variables in c:
1) local variable
2) global variable
3) static variable
4) automatic variable
5) external variable
local variable:
A variable that is declared inside the function or block is called a local variable.
It must be declared at the start of the block.
void add(){
int x=12;//local variable
global variable:
A variable that is declared outside the function or block is called a global variable. Any function can
change the value of the global variable. It is available to all the functions.
It must be declared at the start of the block.
void function1(){
int x=10;//local variable
If you call this function many times, the local variable
static int y=10;//static
will print the same value for each function call, e.g,
11,11,11 and so on. But the static variable will print
the incremented value in each function call, e.g. 11,
12, 13 and so on.
automatic variable:
All variables in C that are declared inside the block, are automatic variables by default. We can explicitly
declare an automatic variable using auto keyword.
void main(){
int x=10;//local variable (also automatic)
auto int y=20;//automatic variable
"Identifiers" or "symbols" are the names you supply for variables, types, functions, and labels in your program.
Identifier names must differ in spelling and case from any keywords. You can't use keywords (either C or
Microsoft) as identifiers; they're reserved for special use. Identifiers must be unique. They are created to give a
unique name to an entity to identify it during the execution of the program. For example:
int money;
double accountBalance;
C const Keyword
The const keyword is used to define constant in C programming.
Syntax: int main(){
const data_type constant_name; const float PI=3.14;
printf("The value of PI is: %f",PI);
const float PI=3.14;
return 0;
Note: If we try to change the value of PI, it will throw compile time error.
Compile Time Error: Cannot modify a const object
C #define preprocessor
The #define preprocessor is also used to define constant.
#include <stdio.h>
#define PI 3.14 Output:
void main() {
Constant Types in C
❑ Numeric Constant
✔ Integer Constant
✔ Real Constant
❑ Character Constant
✔ Single Character Constant
✔ String Constant
✔ Backslash Character Constant
Integer Constant
It's referring to a sequence of digits. Integers are of three types:
✔ Decimal Integer
✔ Octal Integer
✔ Hexadecimal Integer
15, -265, 0, 99818, +25, 045, 0X6
Real Constant
The numbers containing fractional parts like 99.25 are called real or floating points constant.
Single Character Constant
It simply contains a single character enclosed within ' and ' (a pair of single quote). It is to be noted that
the character '8' is not the same as 8.
'X', '5', ';’
String Constant
These are a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes, and they may include letters, digits, special
characters, and blank spaces. It is again to be noted that "G" and 'G' are different - because "G"
represents a string as it is enclosed within a pair of double quotes whereas 'G' represents a single
"Hello!", "2015", "2+1"
Backslash Character Constant
C supports some character constants having a backslash in front of it. The lists of backslash characters
have a specific meaning which is known to the compiler. They are also termed as "Escape Sequence".
For Example:
\t is used to give a tab
\n is used to give a new line
A keyword is a reserved word. You cannot use it as a variable name, constant name, etc. There are only
32 reserved words (keywords) in the C language.
When we say Input, it means to feed some data into a program. An input can be given in the form of a file
or from the command line. C programming provides a set of built-in functions to read the given input and
feed it to the program as per requirement.
When we say Output, it means to display some data on screen, printer, or in any file. C programming
provides a set of built-in functions to output the data on the computer screen as well as to save it in text or
binary files.
Input and Output Statements
scanf() and printf() functions
1. The printf() function
The printf() function is the most used function in the C language. This function is defined in <stdio.h>
header file.
1. Print a sentence
printf(“Welcome to SRMIST”);
2. Print an integer value
We can use the printf() function to print integer value using the %d format specifier.
int x=10;
Input and Output Statements
Format specifier
2. The scanf() function
The scanf() is used to store the input value into a variable.
Input integer value
Input float value
Input and Output Statements
getchar() & putchar() functions
The getchar() function reads a character from the terminal and returns it as an integer.
int getchar(void)
The putchar() function is used to display only one character at a time.
int putchar(int character)
gets() & puts() functions
The gets() function reads a line from standard input into the buffer pointed to by str pointer.
char* gets(char* str)
The puts() function writes the string str with a newline character at the end to stdout. On success,
non-negative value is returned.
int puts(const char* str)
Input and Output Statements
The main difference between scanf() and gets() functions is
gets() function reads space as character.
scanf() stop reading characters when it encounters a space.
If we eneter SRM University using scanf() it will only read and store SRM and will leave the part of the
string after space. But gets() function will read it completely.
Input and Output Statements
The main difference between scanf() and gets() functions is
gets() function reads space as character.
scanf() stop reading characters when it encounters a space.
If we eneter SRM University using scanf() it will only read and store SRM and will leave the part of
the string after space. But gets() function will read it completely.
A block or a region where a variable is declared, defined and used and when a block or a region ends,
variable is automatically destroyed.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int var = 34; // Scope of this variable is within main() function only.
// Therefore, called LOCAL to main() function.
printf("%d", var);
return 0;
Local Variables:
Variables that are declared within the function block and can be used only within the function are called
local variables.
Local Scope or Block Scope
A local scope or block is a collective program statement placed and declared within a function or block (a
specific area surrounded by curly braces). C also has a provision for nested blocks, which means that a
block or function can occur within another block or function. So it means that variables declared within a
block can be accessed within that specific block and all other internal blocks of that block but cannot be
accessed outside the block.
Example (Local Variable):
#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
//local variable definition and initialization
int x,y,z;
//actual initialization
x = 20;
y = 30;
z = x + y;
printf ("value of x = %d, y = %d and z = %d\n", x, y, z);
return 0;
Example (Global Variable):
#include <stdio.h>
int z; //global variable
int main ()
//local variable definition and initialization
int x,y;
//actual initialization
x = 20;
y = 30;
z = x + y;
printf ("value of x = %d, y = %d and z = %d\n", x, y, z);
return 0;
In C, binding refers to the association of a name with a particular entity, such as a variable or a function.
Binding is typically done through the use of declarations or definitions in the code.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int x = 5; // Binding the name 'x' to the value 5
printf("The value of x is: %d\n", x);
int x = 10; // Binding a new 'x' in a nested block
printf("The value of nested x is: %d\n", x);
printf("The value of x is still: %d\n", x); // Accessing the outer 'x'
return 0;
Storage classes
Each variable in C programming language has two properties.
1. type
2. storage class
Type refers to the data type of a variable. And, a storage class determines or specify the scope or lifetime
of the variable.
There are four types of storage classes
1. automatic
2. external
3. static
4. register
Storage classes
Types Description
They are arithmetic types and are further classified into: (a) integer types and
Basic Types
(b) floating-point types.
Enumerated They are again arithmetic types, and they are used to define variables that
Types can only assign certain discrete integer values throughout the program.
They include (a) Pointer types, (b) Array types, (c) Structure types, (d)
Derived Types
Union types and (e) Function types.
Integer Types
To get the exact size of a type or a variable on a particular platform, you can use the sizeof operator.
The expressions sizeof(type) yields the storage size of the object or type in bytes.
Floating-Point Types
The void type
L value and R value in expression
L value and R value refer to the left and right sides of the assignment operator.
An L value refers to an expression that represents a memory location. An L value means expression
which can be placed on the left-hand side of the assignment operator. An expression which has memory
An examples of L values include variables, array elements, and deferential pointers.
An R value refers to an expression that represents a value that is stored at some location.
It can appear on the right-hand side of the assignment operator.
An examples of R value include literals (e.g numbers and characters), the results of arithmetic operations,
and function return values.
L value and R value in expression
L value can be used as an R value , but an R-value cannot be used as an L value.
The unary operator ‘&’ can be used to get the address of L value.
The address of operator ‘&’ cannot be applied to R value.
int main() {
int x = 10; // 'x' is an l-value
int y = x; // 'x' is an r-value on the right side of the assignment, and 'y' is an l-value
int* ptr = &x; // '&' operator gets the address of 'x', which is an l-value
// The following lines would result in compilation errors:
// int* ptr2 = &10; // Error: Cannot take the address of an r-value
// &x = 20; // Error: 'x' is an l-value, but the left side of the assignment operator expects an l-value
return 0;
Operator Precedence
❖ The precedence of operators in C indicates the order in which the operators will be evaluated in the
❖ Associativity, on the other hand, defines the order in which the operators of the same precedence will
be evaluated in an expression. Also, associativity can occur from either right to left or left to right.
❖ The precedence of operators determines which operator is executed first if there is more than
one operator in an expression.
An operator is a symbol that operates on a value or a variable.
For example : a+b (or) 4+5
A symbol that instructs the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logical functions is known as an
Types of Operators
1. Unary Operator
2. Arithmetic Operator
3. Relational Operator
4. Logical Operator
5. The ternary or conditional operator
6. Increment and Decrement operator
7. Bitwise Operator
8. Comma Operator
9. Sizeof Operator
Arithmetic Operator
An arithmetic operator performs mathematical operations on numerical values such as addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division (constants and variables).
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulo division
Arithmetic Operator
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
{ Output
int a = 10,b = 20, c;
c = a+b;
printf("a+b = %d \n",c);
c = a-b;
printf("a-b = %d \n",c);
c = a*b;
printf("a*b = %d \n",c);
c = a/b;
printf("a/b = %d \n",c);
c = a%b;
printf("Remainder when a divided by b = %d \n",c);
return 0;
Relational Operators
A relational operator checks the relationship between two operands. Relational operators are
specifically used to compare two quantities or values in a program. If the relation is true, it returns 1; if
the relation is false, it returns value 0.
Relational Operators
== Equal to
!= Not equal to
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int x = 5;
int y = 3;
printf("%d", x == y); // returns 0 (false) because 5
is not equal to 3
return 0;
Relational Operators
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int x = 5;
int y = 5;
printf("%d", x == y); // returns 1 (true) because 5
is equal to 5
return 0;
Relational Operators
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int x = 5;
int y = 3;
printf("%d", x != y); // returns 1 (true) because 5
is not equal to 3
return 0;
Relational Operators
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int x = 5;
int y = 3;
printf("%d", x>y); // returns 1 (true) because 5 is
greater than 3
return 0;
Logical Operators
An expression containing logical operator returns either 0 or 1 depending upon whether expression
results true or false. Logical operators are commonly used in decision making in C programming.
Logical Operators
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a = 10,b=6,c=12,d=15;
printf("a=%d \n", ++a);
printf("b=%d \n", --b);
printf("c=%d \n", ++c);
printf("d=%d \n", --d);
return 0;
Increment and Decrement operator
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a = 10,b=6,c=12,d=15;
printf("a=%d \n", a++);
printf("b=%d \n", b--);
printf("c=%d \n", c++);
printf("d=%d \n", d--);
return 0;
Increment and Decrement operator
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a = 10;
printf("a=%d \n", a++);
printf("b=%d \n", a);
printf("c=%d \n", ++a);
printf("d=%d \n", a);
return 0;
Bitwise Operators in C
❖ Bitwise operators are used to manipulate one or more bits from integral operands like char, int, short,
❖ Bitwise operators operate on individual bits of integer (int and long) values.
❖ If an operand is shorter than int, it is promoted to int before doing the operations.
❖ In the calculation, just the individual bits of a number are considered, not the complete number.
❖ Negative integers are stored or represented in two’s complement form. For example, -4 is 1111 1111 1111
1111 1111 1111 1111 1100.
Bitwise Operators in C
--------- 2
Bitwise Operators in C
Bitwise OR ‘|’
int c=a | b;
Bitwise Operators in C
Bitwise XOR ‘^’
int c=a ^ b;
00 01
Bitwise Operators in C
Bitwise Negation ‘~’
int c=~a;
11 01
Bitwise Operators in C
Bitwise Negation ‘~’
Input 2=> 0 0 1 0
#include <stdio.h>
int main() Apply negation 1101
{ 1101 Output:
printf("%d",~2); Take 2’s complement(1’s
0010 -3
return 0; complement+1)
} 00 11
Equivalent decimal value is -3
Bitwise Operators in C
Shift operators are used to shift a number's bits left or right. Basically two types of shift
1. Left Shift Operator (<<)
2. Right Shift Operator (>>)
Left Shift Operator
It moves the first operand's bits to the left by the number of positions specified by the
second operand. Simultaneously, the empty spaces left by the shifted bits are filled with
Right Shift Operator
The right shift operator (>>) shifts the first operand to the right by the specified number of
bits. Excess bits that are shifted to the right are discarded.
Bitwise Operators in C (Left Shift)
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
These two places
filled with zeros
Bitwise Operators in C Right Shift)
Bitwise Operators in C
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
return 0;
Output: 40
Bitwise Operators in C
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
return 0;
Output: 2
Bitwise Operators in C (Signed Integer)
Signed integers are numbers with a “+” or “-“ sign. If n bits are used to represent a signed
binary integer number, then out of n bits,1 bit will be used to represent a sign of the number
and rest (n - 1)bits will be utilized to represent magnitude part of the number itself.
There are various ways of representing signed numbers in a computer −
•Sign and magnitude
•One's complement
•Two's complement
Bitwise Operators in C (Signed Integer)
-8>>0 1000 -8
-8<<0 1000 -8
Bitwise Operators in C
#include <stdio.h>
Example: -13<<2
int main()
Perform right shift for two times. {
return 0;
How? Output:
Bitwise Operators in C
-13>>2 Perform shift operation for two times
Binary form of 13 Take 2’s complement of 13
00001101 Binary format
13 11110010 One’s complement
1 (+) Add 1
Perform left shift(two bits
will be removed)
Actual output of signed
After shifting 11001100
left shift
To get equivalent decimal
Take 2’s complement again
00110011 One’s complement
1(+) Add 1
Find the equivalent
decimal value
Bitwise Operators in C
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 2
0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
Comma operator
Comma operators are used to link related expressions together.
sizeof operator
The sizeof is a unary operator that returns the size of data (constants, variables, array, structure, etc).
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a;
float b;
double c;
char d;
printf("Size of int=%lu bytes\n",sizeof(a));
printf("Size of float=%lu bytes\n",sizeof(b));
printf("Size of double=%lu bytes\n",sizeof(c));
printf("Size of char=%lu byte\n",sizeof(d));
return 0;
In C, an expression is a set of operands and operators that computes a single value stored in a
variable. The operator represents the action or operation to be carried out. The operands are the
items to which the operation is applied.
An expression can be defined depending on the position and number of its operator and operands:
Infix Expression (operator is used between the operands)
Postfix Expression (operator is used after the operands)
Prefix Expression (operator is used before the operands)
Unary Expression (one operator and one operand)
Binary Expression (one operator and two operands)
Types of Expression
Types of Expression
Arithmetic Expression
It consists of arithmetic operators ( + , - , * , and / ) and computes values of int, float, or double type.
Relational Expression
It usually consists of comparison operators (> , < , >= , <= , === , and !== ) and computes the
answer in the bool type, i.e., true (1) or false (0).
Logical Expression
It consists of logical operators (&&, ||, and !) and combines relational expressions to compute
answers in the bool type.
Types of Expression
Conditional Expression
It consists of conditional statements that return true if the condition is met and false otherwise.
Pointer Expression
It may consist of an ampersand (&) operator and returns address values.
Bitwise Expression
It consists of bitwise operators ( >>, <<, ~, &, |, and ^ ) and performs operations at the bit level.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int a = (6 * 2) + 7 - 9; //Arithmetic Expression
printf("The arithmetic expression returns: %d\n", a);
int b = 10;
printf("The relational expression returns: %d\n", b % 2 == 0); //Relational Expression
int c = (7 > 9) && ( 5 <= 9); //Logical Expression
printf("The logical expression returns: %d\n", c);
int d = (34 > 7) ? 1 : 0; //Conditional Expression
printf("The conditional expression returns: %d\n", d); //Pointer Expression
int e = 20;
int *addr = &e;
printf("The pointer expression returns: %p\n", addr); //Bitwise Expression
int f = 10;
int shift = 10 >> 1;
printf("The bitwise expression returns: %d\n", shift);
return 0;
Postfix operators:
Postfix operators like function calls and array subscripting have higher precedence than most other
int arr[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int value = arr[2] * 3; // value = 9
Operator Precedence
The expressions within parentheses are evaluated first. This allows you to control the order of evaluation.
int result = (2 + 3) * 4; // result = 20
(2+3) is evaluated first and then it is multiplied with 4.
1) 2+3=5
2) 5*4=20
Postfix operators:
Postfix operators like function calls and array subscripting have higher precedence than most other
int arr[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int value = arr[2] * 3; // value = 9
Operator Precedence
Unary operators:
Unary operators, such as the increment (++) and decrement (--) operators, are applied next.
int a = 5;
int result = ++a; // a becomes 6, (Right to Left)
result = 6
Multiplicative operators:
Multiplication (*), division (/), and modulo division (%) operators have higher precedence than additive
int result = 10 + 2 * 5; // result = 20 (multiplication is done first)
Additive operators:
Addition (+) and subtraction (-) operators are applied after the multiplicative operators.
int result = 10 - 2 + 5; // result = 13 (subtraction is done first) (Left to Right)
Operator Precedence
Relational and equality operators:
These operators compare values and have higher precedence than logical operators.
int result = 5 < 10 && 2 == 2; // result = 1 (true)
Order of Evaluation
1. 5<10 =>1(Hence 5 is less than 10)
2. 2==2=>1
3. Finally && is evaluated (1&&1)=1
Operator Precedence
Logical operators:
Logical AND (&&) and logical OR (||) operators are applied after relational and equality operators.
int result = 5 < 10 || 2 > 5; // result = 1 (true)
Assignment operators:
Assignment operators (=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=) are applied after all other operators.
int a = 5;
a += 3; // a becomes 8
Conditional operator (ternary operator):
The conditional operator (?:) is evaluated after all other operators. It is used for conditional
int a = 5; int result = (a > 10) ? a : 10; // result = 10