This document provides definitions for various slang terms commonly used by members and veterans of the Australian Defence Force. It defines terms like "A.J." (Army Jerk), "Action stations" (a Navy term), "Adgie" (Airfield Defence Guard), and "Compass Issues" (compassionate issues regarding being cleared from duty for personal reasons). The summary provides an overview of the purpose and content of the document without directly copying from it.
This document provides definitions for various slang terms commonly used by members and veterans of the Australian Defence Force. It defines terms like "A.J." (Army Jerk), "Action stations" (a Navy term), "Adgie" (Airfield Defence Guard), and "Compass Issues" (compassionate issues regarding being cleared from duty for personal reasons). The summary provides an overview of the purpose and content of the document without directly copying from it.
This document provides definitions for various slang terms commonly used by members and veterans of the Australian Defence Force. It defines terms like "A.J." (Army Jerk), "Action stations" (a Navy term), "Adgie" (Airfield Defence Guard), and "Compass Issues" (compassionate issues regarding being cleared from duty for personal reasons). The summary provides an overview of the purpose and content of the document without directly copying from it.
This document provides definitions for various slang terms commonly used by members and veterans of the Australian Defence Force. It defines terms like "A.J." (Army Jerk), "Action stations" (a Navy term), "Adgie" (Airfield Defence Guard), and "Compass Issues" (compassionate issues regarding being cleared from duty for personal reasons). The summary provides an overview of the purpose and content of the document without directly copying from it.
The following are slang terms you may hear during counselling sessions.
They are commonly used by members and
veterans of the ADF and some terms may be considered offensive in civilian life. Term Definition Term Definition A.J. Army Jerk Compass Issues Compassionate issues – when a member is cleared to leave duty for personal issues Action stations Navy term for when ship is in Decompression Unwind period after duty danger or going into action, (completed while still overseas) incl. sailors report to designated medical/psych screening “action station” Adgie Airfield Defence Guard DRN Defence Restricted Network
Adrift A sailor is said to be adrift Durrie or darb Cigarette
when he is absent, or late for muster Air Crew Personnel that crew aircraft FOB Forward Operating Base e.g. Pilots, Flight Engineers, Navigators and Load masters. AMAB Al Minhad Airbase (located Going Postal Shooting spree in the UAE) AMTG Al Muthanna Task Group— Grunt ‘Government Reject Unfit for Australia’s main ground force Normal Training’ – term coined by contribution to the other corps about infantry soldiers Multinational force in Iraq between 2005-2006 ANA Afghanistan National Army Guardian Angel Soldiers tasked to watch over duty Australian Army mentors working with the ANA to keep them safe
ASLAV/PMV Australian light armoured Herc Short for Hercules aircraft
vehicle/Protected military vehicle Base pass Pass required for Open Arms HQ Headquarters staff (or military partners etc) to access the base Beagle Navy steward IED Improvised Explosive Device
Birdie Fleet Air Arm sailor/officer ISAF International Security Assistance
Force (NATO led mission in Afghanistan) Black handers Air Force aviation technicians Jack To be selfish or to go it alone, for that work on engines and example Don’t jack on your mates! airframes Stop being jack! Blunts RAAF non-technical personnel JOC Joint Operations Command e.g. admin. Refers to not being at the sharp end of operations Bou Short for Caribou aircraft also JTF Joint Task Force known as a Gravel truck due to its noise Bushmaster/ BM A vehicle used to carry infantry KIA Killed In Action
Charges A member is ‘charged’ under Linger Short for a ‘malingerer’. Refers to
the DFDA (Defence Force soldiers faking an injury to get out Disciplinary Act) similar to of certain activities civilian law breaking Chit A sick note from a Doctor. LZ Landing Zone Medical Advice Card out-lining any treatment or limitations to service Choco An Army Reserve soldier (a MEAO Middle East Area of Operation chocolate soldier – likely to melt) Chook Signals (Army) MHPS Mental Health and Psychology Section Chopper Generic term for helicopter MIA Missing In Action
Civvy Civilian Middy Navy term for lowest rank officer -
midshipman Civvy Street Civilian life MO Medical Officer (a uniformed Doctor) CO Commanding Officer MRE Mission Readiness Exercise