Business Idea
Business Idea
Business Idea
The idea started from the observation that it is not well-known among the
population the fact that they can eat healthy and delicious food while not
sacrificing their well-being or fitness results. This is a limiting belief that our
company aims to disolve through educating the market and bring to light our
fast-food-like products and desserts.
As the food preparation technology has improved over the last decades and
new ingredients emerged, the creation of food that is low-calorie and still has
the same taste, texture and appearance, as the one traditionaly manufactured,
was possible. Our restaurant uses only certified and safe cooking-devices and
ingredients which will provide the best quality products.
SWOT analysis
low-calories focus
healthy fast-food variety: pizza, crispy, burgers, "fries", sauces, pasta,
high dessert variety: tiramisu, chocolate bread, toast with creamy sauce,
pancakes, ice cream, cheese cake, etc.
food preparation technology - air fryers which is a crucial tool to keep
the taste, texture and appearance of the food similar to fast-food,
without using oils or additives
using sweetners (well-researched and safe) - helps improving the
desserts' taste without using sugars, oils, additives
focusing on sauces and condiments as a differenciator from other
healthy restaurants
educating the market and shifting the limiting beliefs from "healthy food
is boring and tasteless" to "I can have the body I want without sacrificing
my food pleasures"
different marketing targets: instead of selling our products only to gym
lovers, sportsmen and people who already have a healthy lifestyle, we
may also focus on 15-25 years old teenagers who would like not to eat
junk food anymore, not to put additional weight, but who are not willing
to change something in their eating habits (and they don’t have to); kids
7-12 years old
focus on delivery
having our own delivery infrastructure will reduce the costs of the price
paid by customers
potential market leaders on this niche
poorly developed delivery infrastructure (2-3 delivery vehicles only)
non-addictive -> even if our food tastes one to one to fastfood, it does
not create the same phisiological pleasure as the least does => people
may be more tempted to go to a classic fast-food for this reason
small locations with only several tables
educating the market might take months to years
focus on number of locations instead of size and design of the location
collaborations with gyms, sport centres, football clubs, box clubs, etc.
number of people who start paying attention to how they look, their
health and what they eat is increasing (BIO food stands from
supermarket have increased their size considerably in the past years)
technology made people to be more comfortable - they order food
rather than cooking for themselves
people have the tendency to want to look good, to have results, but not
to change their habits
due to tiktok growing in popularity, we have the opportunity to promote
our business to more people and lower costs - collaborations with small
influencers which request cheaper costs, but focusing on numbers
big market gap in low-calories fast-food and desserts products
competing with other big fast-food chain restaurants
delicious and low-calories food choices on the supermarket shelves,
which are convenients and low-priced has drastically increased in the
past few years (puddings, protein bars, low-fat yogurts, low-fat chips and
snacks, etc.)
rising numbers of companies which sell healthy food
online stores which sell supliments
TOWS matrix
SO - by being the only low-calories fast-food in Romania, we have the
opportunity to become market leaders in this niche. People may link our brand
with the idea of "we can be fit and healthy while eating what we want".
ST - we may use the newest preparation technology, together with sauces and
condiments to compete with the food from big fast-food chains.
WO - we may use tiktok as the main marketing channel to educate the market
as fast as possible through little pieces of research which highlight the negative
impact of normal fastfood to health, change general opinion that healthy food
is tasteless and boring, maybe showing real results of people who changed
their diet using our products, etc.
we may use delivery apps to keep up with the number of orders short-
term (1-3 years) until we gather enough financial resources to improve
our own infrastructure
testing and creating new recipes to improve the taste of our products
trying to use fresh and unprocessed ingredients as much as financialy
possible in order to enhance the flavour of the food
trying new food preparation techniques
PESTLE analysis
Tax regulations are in our advantage as they are low for start-ups with
turnovers up to 300k RON. Taxes for wages are low, as well as the taxex
for dividents. MEDIUM
The war in Ukraine is affecting the global market as Europe is very
dependent on Russia's energy resources. This matter is an obstacle for
businesses, because it brings uncertainty and affects the flow of trade.
As Romania takes part of the European Union, trade is made easier by
the interconnection of national borders which reduce trasnport taxex
and makes possible importing products at a good price. MEDIUM
Europe is on the verge of entering a recession, fact that is affecting and
will negatively influence the consumer spending habits. The population
will be prone to save money and to spend it on very basic products which
will reduce the potential for our growth. HIGH
Inflation is rising from month to month which makes the spending power
of population weaker and affects the cashflow of businesses, especially
the small and medium ones. HIGH
Suppliers will be forced to renegociate contracts which will lead to supply
volatility, and will negatively impact the quality and quanitity of the
products sold by busineses as they would be forced to reorient
themselves to smaller stoks or lower standard raw materials. HIGH
Romanian citizens start to focus more on their health and what are they
eating which can be seen in the increasing size of BIO stands in
supermarkets, increasing number of fitness and health programs on the
market and emergence of role models on social media HIGH
Technology improvement, catalyzed by the pandemic totally changed
consumer behaviour - people are more confortable and are more leaned
towards ordering food online or going to eat out HIGH
The pace of cotidian life has increased a lot in the past decade because of
the arising capitalism, people are busier, have less time to relax and also
less time to cook for themsleves HIGH
The need to have your own website, app, social media becomes
mandatory to be visible in the marketplace which means additional costs
for website/app creation, maintanance, posting on social media, taking
quality photos, writing selling texts, web design, etc. HIGH
The need for infrastructure to sustain all online operation: collaborations
with 3rd party companies, additional employees with expertise in
domain, servers, computers, storage for data - HIGH
Internet marketing which requires hiring a 3rd party or training you
employees HIGH - this means more costs, buying courses, investment in
online ads
More national and EU energy consumtion and business sustainsbility
regulations. MEDIUM
Complying with the standards of food safety and sanitation, acquiring all
certifications and authorizations, training the staff to respect the
regulations LOW
Respecting GDPR regulations, especially with regards to online
interaction between business and customers MEDIUM
Keeping up to date when it comes to industry legislation, complying and
changing the structure of the business in accordance with the
reagulations MEDIUM
Consumers become more environmentally aware wich puts pressure on
businesses to recycle, use sustainable materials, reduce waste, improve
their production efficiency. MEDIUM
Increasing pressure to use sustainable energy sources which rise the
initial costs of setting-up the business location (even though the money
will be returned by the investment, long-term) MEDIUM
Customers are becoming more aware what the final products are made
of and claim the the raw materials to come from ethical sources LOW
We have identified several main competitors:
King Rolls
Other fast-food restaurants
In the first market map, we found a market gap because most of our
competitors have healthy food and calorie awareness, but not fast-food which
is low-calorie. The closest to our product is King Rolls which is a "healthy fast-
food" company, but from the research, we concluded that they don’t focus on
low-calories, but rather on health.
In the second one, we saw 2 market gaps, regarding the customer target: our
competitors have little to no focus on kids and don't aim through their
marketing people who have never tried to eat healthy, but want or wish to.
FitFoodWay has some food and marketing for kids, but it is not very extensive.
We may compete with other fast-food chains for the kids market, which will
imply a educating the taste and habits of both children and parents and also
intense marketing on this part.
We may also differentiate from the competitors thorugh our low-calorie
dessert variety. Oatbox is the closest one in this area, because they have a lot
of healthy, natural-ingredients-based dessert, but they are far from what we
are aiming when it comes to calories.