Numerical Study of The Injection Conditions Effect On The Behavior of Hydrogen-Air Diffusion Flame
Numerical Study of The Injection Conditions Effect On The Behavior of Hydrogen-Air Diffusion Flame
Numerical Study of The Injection Conditions Effect On The Behavior of Hydrogen-Air Diffusion Flame
THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2022, Vol. 26, No. 5A, pp. 3741-3750 3741
In order to respond to the increased demand for clean energy without harming
the atmosphere through polluting emissions, energy production from the hydrogen
combustion become largely used. This work presents a numerical study of the in-
jection conditions effect on the structure of the H2-air diffusion flame. The aim is to
reproduce a practical case of non-polluting combustion and resulting in very high
temperatures. The configuration is composed of two axisymmetric coaxial jets, as
can be found in the diffusion burners. A presumed probability density function
approach is used to describe the chemistry-turbulence interaction. The k-ε model
of turbulence is used. Particular attention is given to phenomena anchoring or
blowout of the flame.
Key words: diffusion flame, H2-air, PDF, turbulence, k-ε model, CFD
The development of energy systems requires substantial support in terms of fossil re-
sources. The activities inherent to domestic and industrial needs require the supply of fuels, the
majority of which are hydrocarbons. In addition availability and cost issues, products derived
from petroleum and natural gas provide great energy, but release large amounts of pollutants
[1, 2]. As a result, the international community is turning to alternative fuels, offering good
ecological performance at attractive production costs [3-6].
In this context, hydrogen appears to satisfy these criteria. In fact, it offers a low energy
level at ignition and has a wide range of flammability, but still has the disadvantage of having a
low density and to be very diffuse, which leads to technological problems, respectively related
to sealing and storage [7, 8]. Although premixed flames are less polluting and more used in
energy installations as diffusion flames, premixed hydrogen-air flame presents great risks of
transition detonation and return of flames (flashback) [9-11].
As a fuel, hydrogen is involved in a several applications from internal combustion
engines where it is mixed with natural gas, through gas turbines (mixed with methane) to
(H2-air) burners (low NOx), and rocket engines (H2-O2) [12-15].
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Boukhelef, M., et al.: Numerical Study of the Injection Conditions Effect ...
3742 THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2022, Vol. 26, No. 5A, pp. 3741-3750
The aim of this investigation is to use CFD approach as an effective computer based
simulationol to study and develop the hydrogen combustion processes [16]. Several con-
straints can get involved to make an experiments of combustion not recommended where,
these ones may cause a harmful danger to the entourage [2, 5]. For the hydrogen combustion
case is even worse, due to the characteristics of the hydrogen substance itself. This is the
reason why it is preferred to use a high fidelity computation systems [16-18]. The CFD and
modelling techniques are becoming increasingly important tools to assess the impact of hy-
drogen combustion in the operating burners [2, 15]. Developments in the field of computer
simulation would be extremely useful in predicting flames and combustion process, without
the need for expensive and time-consuming field tests. However, the complete description
of particle trajectories, chemistry reactions and energy production is needed. This numerical
investigation is about making a numerical approach to comprehend how injection conditions
can affect the hydrogen flame behavior which is dependent to the same geometric configura-
tion [5, 16].
In the present study, the impacts of tube diameter and fuel velocity on combustion
efficiency were examined. The present work mainly concerns the numerical simulation of the
phenomenon of turbulent combustion, in a non-premixed flame of the H2-air type. The aim is
to produce a numerical investigation of non-polluting combustion and giving rise to very high
temperatures (of the order of 2000 K) [19]. The studied configuration is composed of two co-
axial axis-symmetric jets, such as can be found in diffusion burners. In this simulation, the k-ε
turbulence model was used with a reduced chemical mechanism. We examine the effect of in-
jection conditions on the structure of the diffusion flame, more specifically, speed, temperature
and static pressure. We are particularly interested in the phenomena of attachment or blowing
of the flame.
Operating conditions
The studied configuration is a set of
two turbulent jets in an axis-symmetric burn-
er, composed of a coaxial injector, (r1 and r2,
of length, l, opening on a cylindrical pipe of
length, L, and radius, R , fig. 1. An air stream
Figure 1. Geometrical configuration of standard composition (O2% = 21.008%,
N2% = 78.992%) is sent via the axial injector at a temperature Tair = 300 K, with a turbulence
intensity of the order of 15% which corresponds to a fluctuating speed given:
′ =
Vair V (1)
The combustible stream (H2% = 100%) is blown peripherally by the annular injector
with an average speed VH2=200 m/s and a temperature TH2 = 300 K. The blowing is character-
ized by an intensity of turbulence equal to 15%:
The injection Reynolds number related to the fuel flow is given:
ρ H 2 VH 2
= R H2 = r1 8934 (2)
Mathematical modelling
In this study, a CFD approach is applied. The prediction of the aerothermochemical
variables of fluid-flow is available by solving the RANS equations, energy and transport of
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THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2022, Vol. 26, No. 5A, pp. 3741-3750 3743
chemical species [20-22]. Turbulence is described by k-ɛ model [16-25]. This is useful in order
to correct an overestimation due to radial expansion of the round jet coming from the ring in-
jector [26, 27].
Thus, the governing equations include the continuity eq. (3), momentum eq. (4), and
additional conservation equations, such as energy eq. (6) and species concentrations eq. (7). In
turbulence circumstance, two others equations are added eqs. (10) and (11).
We can write these equations as following [20-28]:
–– Continuity equation
∂ρ ∂
+ ( ρ ui ) =
0 (3)
∂t ∂xi
–– Momentum equations
∂ ∂ui ∂u j 2 ∂ul ∂
( ρ ui ) +
ρ ui u j =
+ µ + − δ ij
∂xi ∂x j ∂x j ∂xi 3
∂xl ∂x j
− ρ ui′u ′j ( ) (4)
For combustion cases, all fluids are assumed as Newtonian and the viscous stress
∂ui ∂u j 2 ∂uk
τ ij = µ + − µδ ij (5)
∂x j ∂xi 3 ∂xk
where µ is the molecular viscosity which depends on the fluid. The Kronecker delta is δ = 1, if
i = j, 0 otherwise.
–– Energy equation
( ρ E ) + ∇ V ( ρ E + p ) = ∇ keff ∇T −
∑ ( )
h j J j + τ eff V + Sh
where keff is the effective conductivity, Jj – the diffusion flux of species j, and Sh – the combina-
tion of heat chemical reactant and every other heat resource which are defined.
–– Species equation
∂ ( ρYα ) (
∂ ρ u j Yα )= ∂J αj
α= (7)
+ − +w α, 1, 2,3..., n
∂t ∂x j ∂x j
where n is the number of species, J αj – the molecular diffusivity flux of the species α in the jth
co-ordinate direction, wα – the mass reaction rate of this species per unit volume, and Yα – the
mass fraction of species α.
The diffusive flux, J αj , can be approximated:
µ ∂Yα ∂Y
J αj =− =− ρ Dα α (8)
Scα ∂x j ∂x j
where Scα is the Schmidt number of the species α, defined:
Scα = (9)
ρ Dα
where D is the molecular diffusivity of the species α relative to the other species.
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3744 THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2022, Vol. 26, No. 5A, pp. 3741-3750
Turbulence-combustion modelling
The RANS are used to calculate the transport of the averaged flow quantities, with the
entire range of turbulent time and length scales being modeled. The RANS approach greatly
reduces the required computational effort and resources compared to LES and DNS. This is
why RANS method is widely adopted for practical engineering applications.
In this work, the RNG k-ε turbulence model is used for determining the turbulence
behavior which defined by the transport equations [5, 28, 29]:
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂k
( ρ k )=
+ ( ρ kui ) α k µeff + Gk + Gb − ρε − YM + Sk (10)
∂t ∂xi ∂x j ∂x j
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ε ε ε2
( ρε )=
+ ( ρε ui ) αε µeff + C1ε ( Gk + C3ε Gb ) + C2ε − Rε + Sε (11)
∂t ∂xi ∂x j ∂x j k k
=µt ρ=
Cµ Cµ ρϑ (12)
Cµ ρη 3 (1 − ηη0 ) ε 2
Rε = (13)
1 + βη 3 k
where ϑ the velocity is scale and – the length scale [30].
All the coefficients of eqs. (10)-(13) are illustrated in tab. 1.
Table 1. Constants values used for turbulence models [29]
Cμ σk σε C1ε C2ε
RNG k-ε 0.0845 1.3900 1.3900 1.4200 1.6800
Numerical method
In this investigation, we have used the CFD package Ansys FLUENT 12.0 in order
to model combustion and heat transfer phenomenon in a diffusion hydrogen-air (or hydro-
gen-di-oxygen) flame. All the governing equations including momentum, energy, species trans-
port, turbulence and chemical reactions are solved using the finite volume approach coupled
to turbulence and PDF models. The velocity and pressure fields are linked via SIMPLEC algo-
rithm. The grid nodes are interpolated via the second-order schemes [22].
The numerical simulations are carried out on 2-D, axis-symmetric, quadrilateral and
non-uniform grid-mesh of co-ordinates 14442 cells. The grid spacing decreases far from the
reaction zones, the mesh form is illustrated on fig. 2. A grid independence test was performed
which it leads to use 14442 cells grid, fig. 3.
Figure 2. Grid form type used in this study Figure 3. Grid independence test: temperature
distribution along the axial direction
The residual of the energy equation should be below 1–6 and for all other variables
it is set at 10–4 to ensure the convergence of the solution. The swirl velocity of components is
eliminated in the steady-state CFD study. To investigate various aspects of combustion, the
simulation is done in stoichiometric equivalence ratios (Φ = 1).
Second-order discretization scheme is applied to solve all governing equations. The
residual of the energy equation should be below 10–6 and for all other variables it is set at 10–4
to ensure the convergence of the solution. The swirl velocity of components is eliminated in the
steady-state CFD study. To investigate various aspects of combustion, the simulation is done in
stoichiometric equivalence ratios (Φ = 1).
The instantaneous thermochemical state is described by means of the mixing fraction
which represents a single passive scalar when the diffusion coefficients are equal for all chem-
ical species. The mixing fraction is defined [32]:
zi − zi ,ox
f = (15)
zi , f − zi ,ox
of VH2 = 90 m/s. The flame core keeps the same shape and illustrates a flame hanging from the
nozzle of the injector. The two graphs approximate each other up to x = 250 mm which rep-
resents a point of intersection.
On the other hand, fig. 7 shows that the
slopes of the mass fractions are important, which
reveals a rapid disappearance of hydrogen. In-
deed, hydrogen has become almost non-existent
beyond x = 600 mm. We also note that the graph
of VH2 = 90 m/s is relatively sharp compared to
the others, this is explained by the fact that the
flame hangs in a place closer to the injectors,
than in the case of VH2 = 236 m/s where we can
note a blowing of the flame which begins to take
place. Figure 7. Effect of hydrogen injection
speed on the H2 mass fraction
Effect of oxygen inlet temperature
In this case, the parameters relating to the H2 flow are maintained (VH2 = 236 m/s
and TH2 = 287 K). The oxygen inlet temperatures are changed as TO2 = 85 K, TO2 = 120 K, and
TO2 = 300 K. Figure 8 shows the effect of the oxygen inlet temperature does not seem to be very
large on the axial distribution of the static temperature. The visualization of the combustion
temperature fields, fig. 9, shows the shapes of the temperatures are the same. However, at the
output of the burner, the output temperature for TO2 = 85 K is higher than that of TO2= 300 K.
Figure 10. Mass fraction of H2 for Figure 11. The H2 reaction rate for
different O2 inlet temperatures different O2 inlet temperatures
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3748 THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2022, Vol. 26, No. 5A, pp. 3741-3750
In addition, fig. 10 shows that the slope of hydrogen consumption in the case of com-
bustion with oxygen is greater than the case with air, the oxidation reactions are therefore, fast-
er, although the oxygen injection temperature only slightly influences the consumption of H2.
This is justified by the variation in the reaction rate plotted as a function of the inlet temperature
of the oxygen, fig. 11.
Comparison between hydrogen flames
for the case of oxygen and the case of air
In comparison of the case of pure oxygen taken as oxidant (100% O2, 0% N2), fig. 12
shows that the thermal energy released during combustion is greater than for air case. Indeed,
the temperature variation on the axis shows the maximum temperature for oxygen (2850 K) is
greater than that for air (2130 K) as shown in fig. 13 with a relative rise by 33.80%.
On the other hand, the slope of the plot of oxygen is greater than that of air; which
means the reactions in the case of oxygen are faster. This is the reason why the position of the
peak of case A is upstream compared to the B case, fig. 13, also, this one requires more time to
reach its maximum value, although the maximum temperature for B case is very lower than in
A case.
Figure 12. Temperature field for hydrogen Figure 13. Temperature variation for hydrogen
combustion difference for air and oxygen case combustion for air and oxygen case
This paper concerns a numerical investigation for the effect of the injection conditions
on the structure of the diffusion flame, more specifically, speed and temperature was examined.
We are particularly interested in the flame blowing phenomena.
An important remark can be concluded: although nitrogen has an important mass
fraction in the air constitutions (78.99% N2) but hydrogen-air leads to generate non-significant
traces of NOx. On the other hand, it has been observed that increasing the hydrogen injection
rate causes the flame to blow away from the injection region, also, the areas with a high tem-
perature gradient are pushed towards the outlet of the combustion chamber away from the
injector, which promotes cooling of the nozzle region. The high fuel injection speeds decrease
the maximum temperature at the central zone of the tube while they promote an increase in tem-
peratures near the walls of the chamber. The maximum temperature decreases with increasing
fuel velocity.
Therefore, the high temperature inlet leads to flame clings to the injection nozzle.
Which can represent a dangerous situation by melting the nozzle if the residual time exceeds
a certain limit and gives rise to a possibility of flashback if the injection diameter exceeds the
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THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2022, Vol. 26, No. 5A, pp. 3741-3750 3749
quenching distance of the flame. Also, the flame length decreases when the air inlet temperature
and/or the air inlet velocity are increasing so the flame clinging to the injection nozzle. The
temperature increases continuously as it advances towards the end of the tube for a low inlet air
velocity. That means, for high air speeds, the temperature increases and the length of the flame
On the other hand, the comparison between the combustion of hydrogen with oxygen
with that with air has shown the energy released by the combustion with oxygen is greater for
that of the combustion with air. Indeed, by varying the speed of air injection, it has been ob-
served that the flame front moves away from the outlet of the axial injector without leaving it.
However, the increasing in the hydrogen injection rate pushes the flame front away from the
injection nozzle. The areas of high temperature gradient are pushed out of the tube away from
the injector, which helps to cool the nozzle region. The high fuel injection speeds decrease the
maximum temperature at the central zone of the tube while promoting an increase in the fuel
speed. In addition, it noticed in the two cases previously discussed for combustion with oxygen,
the hydrogen appears to be completely consumed upstream of the station x = 600 mm.
C1ε, C2ε, C3ε – constants in k-ε model V – overall velocity vector, [ms–1]
Di – diffusion coefficient of species i Vair, Vgas – air, gas velocity, [ms–1]
E, hi – enthalpy of species i, [J] x, y – radial, axial co-ordinates, [mm]
f – mixture fraction YM – fluctuating dilatation in compressible
Gk – generation of turbulence kinetic energy due turbulence to the overall dissipation rate
to mean velocity gradients
Gb – generation of turbulence kinetic energy due Greek symbols
to buoyancy ε – dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic
Ji – diffusive flux [molm–2s–1] energy, [m2s–3]
k – turbulence kinetic energy [m2s–2] μ – molecular viscosity
nj – stochiometric coefficient for product j μt – dynamic turbulence viscosity, [kgm–1s–1]
p – absolute pressure, [Pa] ρ – mass density
Reg – Reynolds number for gas σk, σε – turbulent Prandtl number for k and ε,
Sk, Sε – user-defined source term respectively
T – temperature, [K] ϑ – velocity scale
ui – density-weightedcartesian velocity ω~n, wi – density-weighted net rate of production of
component species n, i [molm3s–1]
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Paper submitted: May 30, 2021 © 2022 Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia
Paper revised: August 21, 2021 Published by the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia.
Paper accepted: September 21, 2021 This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 terms and conditions