Steval Stwinbx1
Steval Stwinbx1
Steval Stwinbx1
Data brief
• Multisensing wireless platform for vibration monitoring and ultrasound detection
• Built around core system board with processing, sensing,
connectivity, and expansion capabilities
• Ultra-low power Arm® Cortex®-M33 with FPU and TrustZone at 160 MHz, 2048
kBytes Flash memory (STM32U585AI)
• MicroSD card slot for standalone data logging applications
• On-board Bluetooth® low energy v5.0 wireless technology (BlueNRG-M2), Wi-Fi
(EMW3080) and NFC (ST25DV04K)
• Option to implement authentication and brand protection secure solution with
• Wide range of industrial IoT sensors:
– Ultra-wide bandwidth (up to 6 kHz), low-noise, 3-axis digital vibration
sensor (IIS3DWB)
– 3D accelerometer + 3D gyro iNEMO inertial measurement unit
(ISM330DHCX) with Machine Learning Core
– High-performance ultra-low-power 3-axis accelerometer for industrial
applications (IIS2DLPC)
– Ultra-low power 3-axis magnetometer (IIS2MDC)
– High-accuracy, high-resolution, low-power, 2-axis digital inclinometer with
Embedded Machine Learning Core (IIS2ICLX)
– Dual full-scale, 1.26 bar and 4 bar, absolute digital output barometer in
full-mold package (ILPS22QS)
Product summary
– Low-voltage, ultra low-power, 0.5°C accuracy I²C/SMBus 3.0 temperature - sensor (STTS22H)
SensorTile Wireless STEVAL-
Industrial Node STWINBX1 – Industrial grade digital MEMS microphone (IMP34DT05)
Development Kit – Analog MEMS microphone with frequency response up to 80 kHz
Software example (IMP23ABSU)
for STEVAL- • Expandable via a 34-pin FPC connector
with FPU Arm
Cortex-M33 with The (STEVAL-STWINBX1) is a development kit and reference design
Trust Zone that simplifies prototyping and testing of advanced industrial sensing applications in
High-accuracy, IoT contexts such as condition monitoring and predictive maintenance.
It is an evolution of the original STWIN kit (STEVAL-STWINKT1B) and features
Low-power, 2-axis
Digital Inclinometer IIS2ICLX a higher mechanical accuracy in the measurement of vibrations, an improved
with Embedded robustness, an updated BoM to reflect the latest and best-in-class MCU and
Machine Learning industrial sensors, and an easy-to-use interface for external add-ons.
The kit consists of an core system, a 480mAh LiPo battery,
Ultra-wide an adapter for the ST-LINK debugger, a plastic case, an adapter board for DIL 24
bandwidth, low- sensors and a flexible cable.
noise, 3-axis digital
vibration sensor The many on-board industrial-grade sensors and the ultra-low power MCU enable
applications that feature: ultra-low power, 9 DoF motion sensing, wide-bandwidth
Factory vibration analysis, audio and ultrasound acoustic inspection, very precise local
Applications Automation /
temperature, and environmental monitoring.
Industrial Sensors
1 Solution overview
Predictive maintenance applications collect and process data from a wide variety of sensors in order to identify
potential failures in machinery before they happen. A principal requirement of such applications is that the
condition monitoring equipment is placed very close to relevant machine componentry for the data to be reliable,
which is why the node is designed to be small but robust, self-powered and capable of wireless
communication. Another application issue is the high volumes of preferably real-time data processing involved,
which can overwhelm centralized monitoring and control systems, and corresponding communication networks.
Distributed (or decentralized) computing architectures represent a valid solution to this problem by performing
data preprocessing and analytical operations directly on the node. The STWIN kit supports and can demonstrate
this concept through sample applications in the firmware package running on the STM32U5 ultra-low-power
microcontroller embedded on the core system board. An additional possibility is provided by the embedded
processing capabilities of the IIS2ICLX and the ISM330DHCX sensors, thanks to their programmable finite state
machine and machine learning core.
2 Kit versions
1. This code identifies the STEVAL-STWINBX1 evaluation kit first version. The STEVAL-STWINBX1 kit contains the
STEVAL$STWBXCS1A main board, the STEVAL$C34DIL24A expansion board, the STEVAL$FLTCB01A flexible cable,
and the STEVAL$MKIGIBV4A adapter.
Revision history