Cookies and pies, like cakes, are served as Bar cookies are
desserts. Rich in calories, they will satisfy your made from a soft dough
appetite at the end of a meal. Both desserts that is spread evenly in a
originated in other countries. pan and baked. You may
Cookies came to us from many lands. For cut them into any shape
instance, Scotland contributed its thick, rich (square, rectangle or
shortbreads, while Finland gave us nut-studded triangle) after they are
butter strips known as finska kakor. In our own baked. Brownies are
country, in colonial times, the early settlers probably the most
made a large, flat chewy molasses cookie. popular bar cookies. Bar Cookies
Pies, too, came from other countries, Rolled cookies are
notably ancient Greece and Rome, and made from a stiff dough that has been rolled
England, where "pyes" were baked in deep pans into a thin sheet. You may
called "coffins." An American development cut the rolled dough into
was the round, shallow pan, which by 1790, various shapes with a
was lined with pastry, filled and baked to cookie cutter. When you
become one of our most traditional desserts. roll the dough, use only a
small amount of flour on
Types of Cookies the board so that you will
not have a hard cookie. Rolled Cookies
The stiffness and the method of handling You may find it easier to roll cookie dough that
the dough make it convenient to classify has been chilled. Roll only a small amount of
cookies into six basic types: drop, bar, rolled, cookie dough at a time so that you will avoid
refrigerator, pressed and molded. The dough for over handling, which causes toughness. Leave a
bar cookies and drop cookies is softer than the small amount of space between the cookies
dough for the other types of cookies. when you place them on the cookie sheet.
Drop cookies are made from a dough that is For refrigerator cookies, a stiff dough is
pushed from a spoon onto a cookie sheet. You pressed with the hands
should allow about 2 inches (5 cm) of space into a long, smooth roll
between the cookies to and chilled before
keep them from slicing and baking. The
spreading into each fat in the cookie
other. Use the same hardens, making it easy
amount of dough on to slice the cookies
the spoon each time so from the roll. If you
that the cookies will be slice the cookies thinly,
uniform in size. It is Refrigerator Cookies
they will be crisp and
best to use a cool crunchy. The refrigerator cookie dough may be
Drop Cookies
cookie sheet so the stored in the refrigerator for several days before
dough will not spread before it is placed in the baking.