Module 01
Module 01
Module 01
Earthquakes constitute one of the worst natural hazards which often turn
into disaster causing widespread destruction and loss to human life.
What is Earthquake?
Causes of Earthquakes
4. Adjustment in inner Rock Beds: Earthquakes are also caused where is an
adjustment between Sima [i.e., beneath the ocean is formed by Silica
and Magnesium = Si + ma = Sima] and Sial (i.e., Continent is formed by
Silica and Aluminium = Si + al = Sial) in the interior of the Earth’s Crust. This
Earthquake may be called as a Plutonic Earthquake.
5. Pressure of gases in the interior: The expansion and contraction of gases in
the interior of the Earth sometimes cause a sudden shake on the Earth’s
6. Other Causes:
•Landslides and avalanches,
•Denudation of the Landmasses and depositions of materials,
•Faulting and folding in the rock beds are responsible for causing minor
2. Man-made Earthquakes:
1. The impounding of large quantities of water behind dams disturbs the
crustal balance. This causes earthquakes such as the Koyna earthquake
in Maharashtra.
2. The shock waves through rocks set up by the underground testing of
Atom bombs or Hydrogen bombs may be severe to cause earthquake.
2. Kashmir, Pakistan, 2005 (LEDC)
On 8 October 2005, an earthquake measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale hit the
Kashmir region of Pakistan. The earthquake was the result of collision between
the Indian and Eurasian plates.
CAUSES: The earthquake happened along a conservative plate margin marking the
bounder between the North American plate and the Caribbean plate. At 16:53 on
January 12th 2010 the island of Haiti was struck by a powerful 7.0 magnitude
earthquake. The earthquake was caused by stress building up along the
conservative plate margin, when this stress was released there was a sudden slip
along the fault. The earthquake was followed by several large aftershocks of up to
5.0 on the Richter scale.
EFFECTS: The earthquake devastated large parts of the capital Port-au-Prince and
resulted in massive loss of life making it one of the most destructive earthquakes of
all time.
PRIMARY EFFECTS: 230,000 people were killed. 180,000 homes destroyed by the
ground shaking.
SECONDARY EFFECTS: 2 million people were affected and 1.5 million were homeless.
The homeless were accommodated in over 1100 squalid camps with limited
services such as water and sanitation. People lived in these camps for over a year.
Cholera claimed the lives of several hundred people mainly children. Storms and
flooding caused further hardship in the camps. 19 million chic metres of rubble and
debris created- a huge job to clear up. 5000 schools damaged or destroyed.
Service such as electricity, water , sanitation and communications were badly
disrupted or destroyed. Total damage bill was $11.5billion. 9
4. Bhuj, India 2001
The powerful earthquake that struck the Kutch area in Gujarat at 8:46 a.m.
on January 26th, 2001 has been the most damaging earthquake in the last
five decades in India. The magnitude 7.9 quake caused a large loss of life
and property.
• Over 18,600 persons are reported to be dead and over 167,000 injured.
• The estimated economic loss due to this quake is placed at around Rs.
22,000 Crores
• The entire Kutch region of Gujarat, enclosed on three sides by the Great
Runn of Kutch, the Little Runn of Kutch and the Arabian Sea, sustained
the highest damage.
• Several towns and large villages, like Bhuj, Anjaar, Vondh and Bhachau
sustained widespread destruction.
• The other prominent failures in the Kutch region include extensive
liquefaction, failure of several earth dams of up to about 20m height,
damage to masonry arch and reinforced concrete bridges, and failure
of railroad and highway embankments.
• Numerous recently-built multistory reinforced concrete frame buildings
collapsed killing a large number of people.
Total collapse of traditional Collapse of the upper story of a
houses of stone masonry brick masonry building under
with mud mortar at Maliya construction at Bhachau village
and Samakhyali villages
Ground story
collapse of a four-
story reinforced
concrete building
with open ground
story at Bhuj
Focus is the point on the fault where
rupture occurs and the location from
which seismic waves are released.
Epicenter is the point on the earth’s
surface that is directly above the focus
,the point where an earthquake or
underground explosion originates.
Focal depth
The focal depth refers to the depth of an earthquake hypocenter. The depth of
the focus can be categorized as shallow (up to 70 km below the surface),
intermediate (70 to 300 km), or deep (greater than 300 km).
• Faults are fractures in Earth's crust where rocks on either side of the crack
have slid past each other.
• An earthquake is what happens when these two blocks of the earth,
seemingly stuck together, suddenly slip past one another.
• The surface where they slip is called the fault or fault plane.
Fault plane:
Fault plane are the crackes or
sudden slips of the land .
Fault Scrap:
A Fault scrap is the topographic
expression of faulting attributed to
the displacement of the land
surface by movement along
1. Strike-slip faults
indicate rocks are sliding past each other horizontally, with little to no
vertical movement. Eg San Andreas and Anatolian Faults
2. Normal faults
They create space. Two blocks of crust pull apart, stretching the crust into a
valley. Eg : East African Rift Zone
3. Reverse faults
also called thrust faults, slide one block of crust on top of another.
These faults are commonly found in collisions zones, where tectonic plates
push up mountain ranges such as the Himalayas
• PGA is an important
parameter (also
known as an intensity
for earthquake
Microzoning –
• the process of subdividing a potential seismic or earthquake prone area
into zones with respect to
some geological and geophysical characteristics of the sites such as
ground shaking, liquefaction susceptibility, landslide and rock fall hazard,
earthquake-related flooding, so that seismic hazards at different locations
within the area can correctly be identified.
• Micro zonation should provide general guidelines for the types of new
structures that are most suited to an area, and it should also provide
information on the relative damage potential of the existing structures in a
• It consists of mapping in detail all possible earthquake and earthquake
induced hazards.
• Microzonation is subdivision of a region into zones that have relatively
similar exposure to various earthquake related effects.
• Bureau of Indian Standards, based on the past seismic history, grouped the
country into four seismic zones, viz. Zone-II, -III, -IV and –V.
Zone-V comprises of entire northeastern India, parts of Jammu and Kashmir,
Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Rann of Kutch in Gujarat, parts of North Bihar
and Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
• Zone-IV covers remaining parts of Jammu & Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh,
Union Territory of Delhi, Sikkim, northern parts of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West
Bengal, parts of Gujarat and small portions of Maharashtra near the west
coast and Rajasthan.
Types of Soils
• Soils are generally categorized as gravel, sand, silt and clay. Sand consists
of particles from near 0.5mm to 5.0mm (about 1/4 inch) in diameter.
• Gravel ranges from near 5.0mm to 75mm (about 3 inches) in diameter.
• Anything larger is considered either a cobble or boulder.
• Silt and clay are fine grained.
What Makes Soils Unstable?
• A dramatic type of failure occurs in areas of so-called expansive clays.
These soils are prone to large volume changes related to moisture content.
They shrink in dry seasons; swell in wet seasons or when otherwise in the
presence of water.
• Ground freezing is responsible for soil expansion due to "frost heave." Soil
deposits containing silts are very prone to severe frost heave. Expansion
caused by frost heave is great enough to lift even heavily loaded
foundations and slabs.
• Some causes of soil movement (e.g. landslides where steep slopes exist)
are predictable. Other causes of soil movement are less predictable.
Earthquakes have an obvious effect on the building system. Foundations
typically are designed to support downward vertical load. However,
ground shaking during an earthquake produces horizontal forces.
Designers in earthquake prone zones must account for these as well.
Deposits of loose sand in these areas can also create further problems as
the intense shaking may cause the soil to "liquify." 28
• Certain types of movement are entirely preventable. Before a building
foundation is constructed, any fill soil should be properly placed and
compacted. There should be no organic material (e.g tree stumps or
construction debris) in the soil. These will decay over time, leaving voids
that result in unstable conditions.
• Underground water has been known to cause severe problems. When a
foundation is built on a site, it may interfere with the natural flow of
groundwater. Buildings may even be built over aquifers or seasonal flows.
The erosive nature of moving water is well known, and voids or excessive
pressure build-ups are possible.
• Basement walls can shift, crack, and possibly collapse as a result of poor
foundation soils, or because of lateral pressures caused by soil and
groundwater on the wall exterior. Concrete floor slabs can crack if the
supporting soil settles, expands or lifts because of soil expansion or ground