Marital Harmony Guide
Marital Harmony Guide
Marital Harmony Guide
The relationship
between a husband and wife
should be like
two true and sincere friends.
[Malfuzat, vol. 5, pp. 417]
In 2016, the Tarbiyat Subcommittee of Majlis-e-Shura recommended that
the National Tarbiyat Department should develop a concise referenced
educational guide on the topic of Islamic marriage and marital harmony.
If you believe an important excerpt from the above texts is missing from
this guide and will help the reader, kindly send the exact reference to us
before July 1st 2017. We will gladly include it in the upcoming print
[30:22] And one of His Signs is this, that He has created wives for you from
among yourselves that you may find peace of mind in them, and He has
put love and tenderness between you. In that surely are Signs for a people
who reflect.
knowledge of the true purpose of marriage has led to their weak offspring.
It is not merely for love and affection, because that love is a temporal emo-
tion, as are anger, desires, etc. in which man doesn’t care … Therefore,
those who base their marriage on love lose everything when the love dies
out. When a man marries a woman because of her beauty, but she has very
bad habits and cannot take care of the household, his life becomes a hell
for him. Therefore, the purpose of marriage is Taqwa (the fear of Allah),
safety of self and progeny, and for there to be success and ease in one’s
religious and worldly affairs. Islam understands this and teaches it as well.”
[25:75] And those who say, ‘Our Lord, grant us of our wives and children
the delight of our eyes, and make us a model for the righteous.
Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) said, "There are two types of Istikhara, one is
general Istikhara and the other is specific Istikhara. The general Istikhara is
done first and the specific Istikhara is done after.”
"Some people are first fond of a certain woman, and then they observe
Istikhara. In such an Istikhara, the inclination of the person generally
affects the outcome and they start thinking that the result of the Istikhara
was good. However, if they were not inclined to the proposal, then accord-
ing to their inclination they think the Istikhara went against the proposal.
However, the Istikhara did not go in favor of or against the proposal.
Rather, it was their inclination that went in favor of or against the proposal,
from which they come to the wrong conclusion." (Khutbate Nikah, pg. 435)
Huzur said that today he would counsel and advice in the hope that his
counselling will be blessed, he prayed that may Allah bless the words that
he counsels with. Huzur said it is distressing to hear incidents concerning
marital friction in the sense that our aims and objections are so lofty, and
here we are entangled in egotistical webs borne out of trivial matters. Both
men and women should self-reflect; in addition both sides of in-laws
should self-reflect, for it could be the fault of either side - although it is
usually the male side that commits the excesses. (Friday Sermon, Novem-
ber 10th 2006)
Huzur (aba) said that on his instruction Ameer Sahib (UK) has carried out a
survey that tells us that the rate of incidents of culpability amongst men
are three times that of women [and] in 30% to 40% of the matters it is the
in-laws who create the friction.
The Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) said: "Marriage
"When a man has married, he has completed one half of his religion"
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (ra) said, "Those men are Qawwam who finan-
cially provide for their wives. Those useless men who live off of the income
of their wives are not at all Qawwam." (Commentary 4:35)
“You hear so much about women’s liberation and women’s rights, etc.
Islam speaks of a comprehensive fundamental principle, which covers all
situations: And they (the women) have rights similar and equal to those (of
men) over them in equity; (i.e., for women, there are exactly equal rights as
for men, as men have rights upon women. There is thus total equality and
there is no difference whatsoever between the fundamental human rights
of women and men.) But men have a degree of advantage over them. And
Allah is Mighty and Wise.
In another part of a verse of the Holy Quran, it is stated: Men are appointed
guardians over women because of that in respect of which Allah has made
some of them excel others despite the fact that they spend of their wealth.
“In this regard, the verse cited earlier, which refers to guardians (Qawwa-
In a famous tradition, Abu Hurairah (ra) relates that the Holy Prophet (sa)
said: “The most perfect of believers in the matter of faith is he whose
behavior is best; and the best of you are those who behave best towards
their wives.” (Tirmidhi)
Huzoor (aba) said, “Every married man is the guardian of his family, and
looking after their needs is his responsibility. Man has been made the
Qawwam, and to provide for the expenses of the home and for the educa-
tion of the children is his responsibility. However, unfortunately in the
Jama’at there are some men who, rather than providing the expenses of
the home, instead ask their wives to to pay their expenses. However, they
have no right on the income of their wives. If a wife pays some expenses,
then that is her favor to her husband.” (Khutbate Masroor 2004, pg. 184,
March 5 2004)
“No marriage can be arranged and entered into without the consent of
both man and woman. However, the woman needs a guardian or repre-
sentative for the arrangement. The purpose is to safeguard her rights and
to maintain her modesty. Islam allows both the man and the woman to see
and talk to each other before the marriage, with a chaperon present at
these meetings.” (Khalifatul Masih IV, Questions and answers, 6/21/92)
What are the rights of a boy and girl if they don't like a proposed
“It is narrated by Ibn ‘Abbas (ra) that a virgin girl came to the Holy prophet
(sa) and said that her father had married her with someone but she did not
like him. The Holy Prophet (sa) gave her the option to maintain that
marriage or reject it.” (Abi Dawud, Bab Fil-Bikr Yuzawwijuha Abaha)
“It is regrettable that some demand from the first day that they do not
wish to live with their spouse and it transpires that the marriage only took
place due to parental pressure and that their intent was to marry
elsewhere. Huzur said parents should not destroy lives in this manner.”
“Indeed, one should take into consideration the proposals from within
one's family, but even then it is not compulsory. The Promised Messiah (as)
was also once asked in regards to the proposals from one's own family, and
the Promised Messiah (as) said that it is better to settle the marriage within
one's family if a suitable match is available, but it is not compulsory to do
so.” (
Huzoor (aba) said that Islam has laid down various injunctions to secure
the future of a woman. One of these is that a dowry should be fixed for her
at the time of Nikah which the husband is obligated to pay. Some people
have a misunderstanding that dowry is only to be paid in case of divorce
or separation. Some people covet the earnings of their wives. Likewise,
there is a custom in some poor families and countries that the bride’s
parents receive the dowry from the bridegroom at the time of the wed-
ding and the bride receives nothing and remains empty handed. Huzoor
(aba) said that such ways are totally unlawful and are strictly forbidden by
Islam. Citing an episode of a companion of the Promised Messiah (as),
Huzoor (aba) said that it is essential to hand over the dowry to the wife
before she chooses to forego it.
( )
Citing part of verse 20 from Surah Al Nisa (4:20) as a guide, Huzur (aba) said
there is a tendency among some men from India & Pakistan who marry
girls living in the Western world that as soon as their immigration status is
confirmed, they tend to turn nasty. Then there are those who marry girls
from Pakistan, etc. but later maintain that they do not quite like them. It
has become trendy to maintain that they feel there is no compatibility.
These people should reflect and ponder over this; their actions are far
removed from taqwa.
(Friday Sermon, November 10th 2006)
Section II -
At the Time of the Wedding
What is our position on Mehndi?
At times, women are reproached and given taunts for not bringing
enough dowry. Such people need to look at the blessed model of
the Holy Prophet (sa) in this regard and how he married off his
daughters by adopting simplicity when gifting the dowry. Similarly,
the family of the bride should not place undue burden upon them-
selves and only gift what they can easily afford. (Friday Sermon,
March 3rd, 2017)
Huzur added that the girls' side of the family often ask before the
marriage whether the boys has a house of his own and if not, then
they do not pursue with the proposal. This is also wrong because
eventually one is able acquire a house of their own but marriages
should be settled by giving precedence to Taqwa [righteousness]
and not by worldly standards. Similarly, certain families do not give
their daughters in marriage to missionaries because they are
life-devotees. (Friday sermon, March 3rd, 2017)
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (ra) said, "In India, people often complain
of arguments at home, especially between mother-in-laws and
daughter-in-laws. If they act on the Holy Qur'an, this will not
happen. Look, it gives guidance that homes should be separate, the
mother's home separate and the married children's home separate."
(Commentary 24:62)
"(Verse 24:62 of the Holy Qur'an) gives guidance that homes should
be separate. The mother's home should be separate and the mar-
ried children's home separate, only then will you go to one anoth-
er’s homes and eat there. This perception of people, that if they live
separately from their parents [this] would be a great sin, is wrong.
Some parents instill fear in their children and blackmail them, as if
they will be hell bound as soon as they start living separately. This
is an extremely wrong attitude.
fact even their husbands say this. However, when I ask them sepa-
rately, the response from both of them is that they are living togeth-
er because they have to. The result is that sometimes the daugh-
ter-in-law is transgressing against the mother-in-law, and some-
times the mother-in-law is transgressing against the daugh-
Huzoor stated, “Most families live with great love, but those who
cannot should not make emotional decisions. Rather, if they have
the capacity and facility, and there is no necessity, then it is better
that they live separately. This is a very good point by Hazrat Khalifat-
ul Masih I (ra) that if living together is so important, then why have
the homes of the parents been mentioned separately?” (Khutbate
Masroor vol. 4 pg. 570-571)
Hazrat Khalifa Rabi (rh) said, "Some ladies have such professions as
are very important for the lady folk itself, for instance lady doctors.
Their profession also, perhaps, interferes to some degree with
primary purpose of creation, yet it helps the women folk in general
and that is in itself a very useful occupation. So, I fully support ladies
becoming lady doctors, particularly specializing in the diseases of
ladies, so that they don't have to go to men."
Hazrat Musleh Maud's (ra) own wife, Hazrat Sarah (rh), was not able
to raise her youngest child because she was extremely busy in
studying so that she could gain the education needed to educate
the women of the Jama'at. (Meri Sarah, pg 8)
Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) said, "Thus, we have to see what knowl-
edge we are in need of. We are in need of the knowledge of religion.
If a girl passes in M.A. but she does not know training of children
and homemaking, then she is not a scholar but is ignorant. The first
obligation of a mother is training of children, and then homemak-
ing. She who studies Hadith and the Holy Qur'an is a religious and
Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) said, "Similarly, women say that we will
have jobs; but if they have jobs, then their offspring will be ruined.
How will they train their children ... The real responsibility on
women is the education and training of children, and this responsi-
bility is no less than the responsibility of Jihad. If the training of
children is done well, then the foundation of a people is firm and
they progress. If their training is not done well, then one day or
another those people are inevitably ruined." (Anwarul Ulum, vol 15
pg 28)
Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) wrote, "Many girls are studying just for
earning and employment, although the duty of a woman is not
employment. This trend of employment of women is a remnant
from the cursed remnants of Western culture. Islam has placed the
responsibility of providing income on men. "Men are guardians
over women because Allah has made some of them excel others,
and because they (men) spend of their wealth. So virtuous women
are those who are obedient, and guard the secrets of their
husbands with Allah’s protection." (4:35) ...Thus, rather than spend-
ing their time in some other way, righteous women should spend
their time in the protection and guardianship of men, and in the
absence of men when they are out earning a living, they should,
with the help of Allah Almighty, safeguard those trusts that have
been entrusted to them, as in they should turn their attention to
matters of homemaking, train the children, keep the morals of the
home and neighborhood right, etc." (Meri Sarah pg 23)
The Holy Prophet (sa) said, "The man is a guardian of his family, the
woman is a guardian and is responsible for her husband's house
and his offspring" (Bukhari, Muslim)
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh) said, "Islam has placed the responsi-
bility on men to earn a living. It carries a profound wisdom in it.
Although women are allowed to earn when necessary and to fulfill
their needs, but only if they are unable to avoid it. But to earn as a
profession is men’s responsibility." (Hawa Ki Betian pg 148)
Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) said, “The intentions of Hazrat Khadija (ra)
were very lofty. When the Holy Prophet (sa) married her, she quickly
perceived that she had married a man who has self-respect. She
realized that, ‘He does not have wealth and I have great wealth;
when I place food before him, then he will feel that his wife has
given him food; if I have clothes made for him, then he will feel that
his wife had it made for him; if I give him money, he will feel his wife
has given him money. He will not be able to bear this because God
Almighty has made him a man with self respect.’ Thus, after mar-
riage, Hazrat Khadija (ra) said to the Holy Prophet (sa) that, ‘I have a
wish, please accept it.’ He asked what the matter was. She said, ‘I
wish to call witnesses and give you all of my wealth, spend it as you
wish.’ Hearing this might have also been difficult for the Holy Proph-
et (sa) but Hazrat Khadija (ra) said, ‘I also give all of my slaves to you.’
Since the Holy Prophet (sa) did not like slavery, this also became a
reason why he accepted the request of Hazrat Khadija (ra). He (sa)
said, ‘Khadija, think it over well, lest you regret it afterwards. I do not
like keeping slaves, and if you give me your slaves, I will immediately
free them.’ Hazrat Khadija (ra) said that she accepted. Thus, Hazrat
Khadija (ra) gave all of her wealth and all of her slaves to the Holy
Prophet (sa) and he immediately freed all of them.” “Hazrat Khadija
(ra) did not just marry a poor man. After marrying him, she also did
not care for whether her wealth would be a source of comfort for
her. She turned her wealth over to her husband as well so that he
may give it away. This quality is the reason why the Holy Prophet
(sa) had extreme love for her in his heart.” (Khutbate Nikah, pg.
Any career would be all right which does not interfere with the
purpose of their creation as women. Women are held mainly
responsible and this is how they are created differently from man.
To give birth to children, the future generation of mankind, look
after them and bring them up in a way as the future of mankind is
brighter and better than before; at least it is as good as the present,
not worse. This is a very great and grave responsibility on the shoul-
ders of ladies. If they are drawn much more to other hollow activi-
ties of life which begins to tell on their main function, and which
begins to divert their attention from the main purpose for which
they are created, then to that extent, humanity as such would begin
to suffer. And they may leave such generations behind as would be
in a worse state of human relationships as they would not be well
brought up. So any profession which begins to interfere with this
timely function of ladies would be that much discouraged. To that
degree, it should be discouraged. But that is not a general rule.
Some ladies have such professions that are very important for the
lady folk itself, for instance lady doctors. Their profession also
perhaps interferes, to some degree, with the primary purpose of
creation, yet it helps the women folk in general and that in itself is a
very useful occupation. So I fully support ladies becom[ing] lady
doctors, particularly specializing in the diseases of ladies so that
they do not have to go to men. But otherwise there are other
professions which draw them out to a life pattern that they are
ill-suited … So whatever we do in life, we should not let this main
purpose of our creation be interfered with. (Hadhrat Khalifatul
Masih, Question and Answer Session 8th June 1985)
Hadhrat Umm Salamah (ra), wife of the Holy Prophet (sa), narrates,
“Whenever Allah's Messenger (sa) finished his prayers with Taslim,
the women would get up and he would stay on for a while in his
place before getting up.” (Bukhari)
Hadhrat Umm Salamah, wife of the Holy Prophet (sa), also said,
“When the Messenger of Allah (sa) gave the salutation, he stayed for
a while. By this people thought that women should return earlier
than men.” (Abu Dawud)
It emerges from the above that if the task of the running of a home
is a special area of responsibility to be assigned to either man or
woman, a woman has obviously much greater merit than a man to
perform such responsibilities. Additionally, by nature women have
been assigned the responsibility of looking after the children. Such
responsibility can only be partly shared with men.” (Islam’s
Response to Contemporary Issues, pp. 100-101)
“So virtuous women are obedient and guard the secrets of their
husbands with Allah's protection. And as for those on whose part
you fear disobedience admonish them and keep away from them in
their beds and chastise them. Then if they obey you seek not a way
against them. Surely Allah is High and Great” (4:35).
This is like sharing one’s life with a dead man. But still, as long as he
is the husband then you have to do whatever is due to you to a
husband from the Islamic point of view. Be good in worldly things
and let him realize that his partner who regularly says prayers is a
better partner in so many ways, well behaved, better behaved and
that she has benefitted from whatever she was pursuing. So that
should be the practical example that you must stick to and never
change your attitude of kindness and goodness to that husband.
Again we find in the Holy Quran the life of the wife of Pharaoh. What
worse husband could you imagine than Pharoah, for a poor wife
who was a believer? And the advice rendered to her was to pray to
Allah, seek help from Him. This is the second advice. First of all your
conduct should be exceptionally good, an exemplary conduct. And
secondly, to pray to Allah to change that husband’s heart. Again the
third advice is that you should see to it that you be more kind to
your children than before. Attach them more towards you so that
they escape the evil influence of the husband. Or, if it is not evil, at
least the bad influence of the husband, and that they are more grav-
itated towards you to learn the Holy Quran, the prayers and all the
good things of life from you, because you are now practically the
single parent of the family. As far as Islam goes, the other party does
not help at all, so you have to read along on one will alone and
greater effort is required for that. (Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV,
Question and Answer Session 2nd May 1994)
"If he changes his religion or it becomes difficult for the wife to live
with him on account of some incompatibility; in all these situations,
she or her guardian ought to report to the judge."
(Chashma-e-Ma'rifat, Ruhani Khaza'in Vol 23 Pg 289)
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (ra) said, "Those men are Qawwam who
financially provide for their wives. Those useless men who live off of
the income of their wives are not at all Qawwam." (Commentary
Huzoor (aba) said, “Every married man is the guardian of his family,
and looking after their needs is his responsibility. Man has been
made the Qawwam, and to provide for the expenses of the home
and for the education of the children is his responsibility. However,
unfortunately in the Jama’at there are some men who, rather than
providing the expenses of the home, instead ask their wives to pay
their expenses. However, they have no right on the income of their
wives. If a wife pays some expenses, then that is her favor to her
husband.” (Khutbate Masroor 2004, pg. 184, March 5 2004)
Huzoor (aba) said, “Those men who look to their wives’ wealth
should remember that this responsibility is there’s, and they have
no right on the woman’s money. Men are themselves responsible
for fulfilling the financial needs of their wives and children. There-
fore, whatever the circumstances, even if they have to do labor to
meet the expenses of the home, it is their obligation that they meet
the expenses of the home. If they pray along with this effort, Allah
places blessings and creates ease.” (Khutbate Masroor 2004, pg. 455,
July 2 2004)
“In our family, most often than not, the property of the husband
and the property of the wife are just like one. There is no difference
Huzoor (aba) said, “Those men who look to their wives’ wealth
should remember that this responsibility is theirs and they have no
right on the woman’s money. Men are themselves responsible for
fulfilling the financial needs of their wives and children. Therefore,
whatever the circumstances, even if they have to do labor to meet
the expenses of the home, it is their obligation that they meet the
expenses of the home. If they pray along with this effort, Allah
places blessings and creates ease.” (Khutbate Masroor 2004, pg. 455,
July 2 2004)
"If parents are in need and they do not have wealth with which they
can support themselves, then, according to circumstances and
capacity, the son is responsible for providing for them." (Fiqh
Ahmadiyya, vol.2 pg.108).
“It emerges from the above that if the task of the running of a home
is a special area of responsibility to be assigned to either man or
woman, a woman has obviously much greater merit than a man to
Huzur (aba) said, "So after marriage, if the husband and wife want to
live separately and they can afford to, and the parents have arrived
in that last part of life where they are in need of someone's support
and they have no child with them, then it is a different matter and
they have to sacrifice (and live together), and that is the responsibil-
ity of the son. But if they have no son, then the daughter is obliged."
(Khutbate Masroor, 2004 pg. 934)
If your spouse wrongs you, should you talk to your friends and
family about it?
They are a garment for you, and you are a garment for them. (2:188)
“Hadrat Amman Jan advised that it is most meritable [sic] that one’s
husband be one’s main confidante, rather than female friends.” (Pg
187 – Hazrat Amman Jan (ra), An Inspiration for us all)
A husband has no right to punish his wife for other faults or neglect
of duty."
(Ahmadiyyat Ya'ni Haqiqi Islam, pg 161, Ahmadiyyat or the True
Islam, pg 238, 239)
"(Verse 24:62 of the Holy Qur'an) gives guidance that homes should
be separate. The mother's home should be separate and the mar-
ried children's home separate - only then will you go to one anoth-
er’s homes and eat there. This perception of people, that if they live
Huzur (aba) stated, “Most families live with great love, but those
who cannot should not make emotional decisions. Rather, if they
have the capacity and facility, and there is no necessity, then it is
better that they live separately. This is a very good point by Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih I (ra) that if living together is so important, then
why have the homes of the parents been mentioned separately?”
(Khutbate Masroor vol. 4 pg. 570-571)
Huzoor (aba) said, “Those men who look to their wives’ wealth
should remember that this responsibility is there’s, and they have
no right on the woman’s money. Men are themselves responsible
for fulfilling the financial needs of their wives and children. There-
fore, whatever the circumstances, even if they have to do labor to
meet the expenses of the home, it is their obligation that they meet
the expenses of the home. If they pray along with this effort, Allah
places blessings and creates ease.” (Khutbate Masroor 2004, pg. 455,
July 2 2004)
cant!! Our perfect guide, the Holy Prophet (saw) has said: ‘The best
among you is he who is best towards his wife.’ How can one claim to
be pious when he does not behave well towards his wife … It is
unacceptable to get furious or hit one’s wife on the slightest
pretense. There have been instances where an enraged husband hit
his wife over some slight matter … and mortally wounded her. This
is why God Almighty has said concerning them: “Consort with them
in kindness.” There is no doubt that admonition is necessary if a
woman behaves improperly. A husband ought to impress upon his
wife that he will not tolerate anything which is contrary to the faith,
and yet he is not a tyrant who will not overlook any mistake on her
part. For a woman, her husband is a manifestation of the divine.
According to a Hadith, had God been pleased to enjoin prostration
before anyone but Himself, He would have enjoined upon a woman
to prostrate herself before her husband. Hence, a man should be
both hard and soft, depending on the occasion.” (Malfuzat, vol. 3, p.
calls his wife to his bed and she refuses and causes him to sleep in
anger, the angels will curse her till morning." Bukhari 3237.
• If a thing is done against his wishes, never try to hide it. Inform him
clearly, as that is the way to retain respect. To hide it leads to
disgrace and disrespect.
• Consider his dear ones and their children as your own dear ones.
Never think of harming anyone even if he is doing wrong to you.
You should have good will in your heart for all, and do not take any
action in revenge against anyone. Then you will always behold God
doing good to you. (Seerat Hazrat Ammañ Jan, Part II, pp. 167-168,
compiled by Mahmad ‘Ali ‘Irfani)
“Hadrat Amman Jan advised ladies never to keep secrets from their
husbands. She said that if one makes a mistake, one should openly
admit it rather than attempting to conceal it.” (Page 186 – Hazrat
Amman Jan (ra), An Inspiration for us all)
“As for me, I once addressed my wife in a loud voice and I felt that
my tone was indicative of displeasure, though I had uttered no
harsh words. Yet, thereafter, I sought forgiveness from God for a
long time and offered supererogatory prayers with great humility
and also gave alms because I felt that my harshness towards my
wife might have been occasioned by some unconscious weakness
in my obedience to God Almighty.” (Malfuzat, vol. 2, p. 2)
It should be borne in mind that there are three conditions for repen-
tance, without fulfillment of which true repentance is not achieved.
The first condition is to get rid of wicked fancies which arouse evil
The third condition is a firm resolve that he will not revert to those
vices. If he adheres to this resolve, God will bestow upon him the
strength for true repentance and he will be rid altogether of his
vices which will be replaced by good morals and praiseworthy
actions. This is a moral victory. It is for God Almighty to bestow the
power and strength for it for He is the Master of all power and all
strength, as He has said: All power belongs to Allah (2:166)
(Malfoozat, Vol. I, pp.132-134).
Regarding this, the Promised Messiah (as) states that the law of God
Almighty should not be used contrary to its purpose, nor should it
be invoked to serve as a shield for self-indulgence. To do so would
be a great sin. God Almighty has repeatedly admonished against
yielding to carnal passions. Righteousness alone should be your
motive for everything.
Huzur (aba) said that at times men make matters of divorce drag on.
There are clear and distinct commandments regarding the rights of
the wife after marriage that has lasted a period of time and also
where there are children. However, God commands man to fulfil the
rights of a wife in the instance of a divorce even where the
‘going-away’ ceremony has not taken place and the marriage has
not been consummated. It is stated in Surah Al Baqarah, ‘It shall be
no sin for you if you divorce women while you have not touched
them, nor settled for them a dowry. But provide for them — the rich
man according to his means and the poor man according to his
Huzur (aba) explained that the Holy Prophet (saw) was most specific
about this matter. Once the matter of an Ansari man was brought
before the Prophet (saw). The man said that he had divorced his
wife before settling on Haq Mehr and without consummating the
marriage. The Prophet (saw) asked him if he had paid anything to
the wife out of kindness. The man replied he did not have anything
to give. The Prophet (saw) told him if he had nothing else to give
then he should give her the cap that he wore. This illustrates the
significance of the rights of women in marriage. This, of course, is an
instance where Haq Mehr was not settled on. In the instance where
it is settled but the marriage has not been consummated then the
command is to pay half of it. (Friday Sermon May 15th 2009)
goes near him and says: ‘You have done well and then embraces
him.” (Muslim)