Little Fisherman S Rib Henley
Little Fisherman S Rib Henley
Little Fisherman S Rib Henley
This little sweater and matching beanie were made for a 3 to 6 month old baby boy.
Knitting in the round for all parts means that the nearly completed sweater dangles from your
needles - and looks so cute!
I have bought a special set of bamboo needles for working baby clothes, a 40cm 3mm
circular for the body etc, and two sets of dpns in 3mm and 2.75mm for the sleeves.
The shoulders were Kitchener stitched tog and the sleeves picked up around armholes and
knitted out to the cuffs. This has made for a flexible and very soft baby sweater with no large
lumpy seams.
cast on 132 sts and join into round, place marker to mark start of round.
k1p1 rib for 10 rounds.
When changing to knitting from the round to back and forth, the pattern changes slightly in that
row 1 is now a knit row, and row 2 is still k1b, p1 as before.
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For back - dec 1 st at each end of every knit row 5 times to 50 sts.
Continue without further shaping until back measures about 9 cm from armhole.
Keeping pattern correct, shape back neck as follows: work 20sts, cast off 10sts, work 20 sts.
Continue on these last 20 sts.
Dec at neck edge on every row 5 times = 15 sts. Work 12 more rows in pattern, or until desired
armhole depth and leave the 15 sts on a piece of thread.
Re-join yarn and complete other side of back neck to match leaving 15 sts on a thread.
This closure is for a boy with button holes on the left hand front piece.
With the front facing you, join yarn to the lefthand side, and pattern across all of the front 60 sts.
Row 1 – k2tog, knit 30, turn.
Row 2 – k4, pattern to end.
Row 3 – k2tog, knit to end
Row 4 – k4, pattern to end
rpt rows 3 and 4 (3) more times – 27 sts.
The 4 stitches at the centre front in garter stitch will form the buttonband under-lap for the front opening
Continue in rib pattern on the LH front piece until work measures the same as to the start of the
back neck. Keeping pattern correct, cast off 4 sts at the neck edge, then dec 1st at neck edge on
every row until 15 sts remain. Continue pattern on these sts until front measures the same as the
back to the shoulder, leave the 15 sts on a piece of thread.
RH front piece:-
The 4 sts in garter stitch at the centre front form the buttonhole band.
Repeat rows 2 and 3 (3) more times – 27 sts. Make another buttonhole when work is half as long as
the corresponding LH side front piece.
Continue in rib pattern on the RH front piece until work measures the same to the start of the left
hand neck. Keeping pattern correct, cast off 4 sts at the neck edge, then dec 1st at neck edge on
every row until 15 sts remain. Continue to pattern on these 15 sts until front measures the same as
the back to the shoulder, leave the 15 sts on a piece of thread.
Kitchener stitch join the back shoulders together with each front shoulder.
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With 3mm circular needle, pick up about 25 st from LH front neck (above buttonholes), 30 sts from
back neck, 25 sts from RH front neck. About 80 sts. Knit one row.
Last buttonhole :-
k2, yo, k2tog – knit to shoulder, k2tog, knit to centre back, k2toh, knit to other shoulder, k2tog.
Next 3 rows – knit to shoulder, k2tog, knit to centre back, k2toh, knit to other shoulder, k2tog.
About 68 sts – bind off a wee bit loosely.
Sleevies :-
Pick up about 56 to 60 sts aound armholes with 3mm dpns. Mark start of round.
Row 1 – purl.
Row 2 – k1b, p1.
Continue in rib pattern, at same time decrease 2 sts at underarm on every purl row 7 times
About 46 sts. Continue until sleeve measures about 13 cm or length desired. Change to 2.75 dpns
and continue in single rib for 2 to 3 cms while decreasing a further 6 sts as before. Bind off as
stretchy as possible. Repeat for the other sleeve.
Weave in the ends and stitch down the bottom of the buttonhole band. Give garment a little soak
and hand block it to get the front opening sitting smoothly and everything nicely shaped.
Sew on the bottons, try it on your baby, model it for Dad, wear it to the mother-in-law's place!
My final measurements:-
chest = 48cm
underarm = 16cm
length from hem to shoulder = 25cm
I think, given these final measurements, this pattern is scalable for an experienced knitter.
The hat was just an average ribbed beanie hat pattern available from many sources, I just adapted
it to fit the little boy in question.