01 Intro
01 Intro
01 Intro
Hossam A. H. Fahmy
Cairo University
Electronics and Communications Engineering
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Building at the nanoscale
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The two architectures
Goals function, cost, safety, ease of
construction, energy efficiency, fast
build time, aesthetics, . . .
⇒ Plans
Materials steel, concrete, brick, wood, glass, . . .
Buildings houses, mosques, offices, museums,
schools, . . .
Goals function, performance, reliability,
cost, ease of manufacture, energy
effieciency, time to market, . . .
Technology logic gates, SRAM, DRAM, circuit
⇒ Plans
techniques, packaging, magnetic
storage, . . .
Computers PCs, servers, PDAs, supercomputers,
embedded, . . .
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What are the differences?
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Where does computer architecture fit?
Application Software
Computer Architecture
Digital design
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Design goals
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Computer architecture: Structure
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Computer architecture: Organization
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Same architecture and multiple circuits
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ISA types
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Data types
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Operation types
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Beyond the basics
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The journey from the processor to the memory
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Moore’s law
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A look at the trends
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Key issues
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