Ilp Form 11

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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)

Revised 11.5.18
Directions: The ILP should be completed with Mentor input. Complete blue cells prior to classroom implementation. Complete orange cells after POP Cycle is completed. Cells will expand as
needed. When submitting completed ILP to instructor, please include copies/images of pre/post assessments/directions and the Pre/Post Assessment Data Table.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Lauren Ulibarri All Subjects Transitional Kindergarten
Mentor Email School/District Date
St. Hedwig School, Diocese of
Dominique Wetzel 10/05/2023
Section 2: CSTP Areas of Inquiry
Directions: Identify 2-3 CSTP elements for ILP focus. Use most recent CSTP Assessment for Initial Rating. Identify both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2. See example.
CSTP Element Initial Rating Description Goal Rating Description
T - Guide students to think critically through use of questioning
T - Facilitates systematic opportunities for students to apply critical
strategies, posing/solving problems, and reflection on issues in
Promoting critical thinking thinking by designing structured inquires into complex problems.
T – Applying content. T – Innovating
1.5 through inquiry, problem S - Students pose and answer a wide-range of complex questions and
S – Exploring S - Students respond to varied questions or tasks designed to promote S - Innovating
solving, and reflection problems, reflect, and communicate understandings based on in depth
comprehension and critical thinking in single lessons or a sequence of
analysis of content learning.
Incorporates differentiated instructional Plans instruction incorporating a repertoire of
Planning instruction
strategies into ongoing planning that addresses strategies specifically meet students’ diverse
that incorporates
culturally responsive pedagogy, students’ language and learning needs and styles to
4.4 strategies to meet
Applying diverse language, and learning needs and styles. Innovating advance learning for all. Facilitates opportunities
Uses assessments of students’ learning and for students to reflect on their learning and the
the learning needs
language needs to inform planning impact of instructional strategies to meet their
of all students
differentiated instruction. learning and language needs.
Integrates instructional strategies appropriate
Utilizing Uses an extensive repertoire of instructional
to subject matter to meet students’ diverse
instructional strategies to develop enthusiasm, meta-cognitive
learning, to ensure student understanding of
3.4 strategies that are Integrating academic language, and guide student in
Innovating abilities, and support and challenge the full range
appropriate to the of student towards a deep knowledge of subject
understanding connections within and across
subject matter. matter.
subject matter.
Section 3: Inquiry Focus and Planning (Attach Pre/Post Assessments and Data Collection Tools)
Directions: Your inquiry question should be concise and likely no more than 8-10 words. Your hypothesis should indicate what you expect students to be able to do after the lesson, and it should
be able to be evaluated based on your assessment plan. Note that Semester 3 requires an inquiry question that focuses on use of technology to support teaching and learning.
Inquiry Question Hypothesis Lesson Series Topic Assessments/Data Collection
There will be a variety of
informal assessments
throughout the lesson. The
teacher will observe
students as they use various
Will incorporating the use of
Students will use the correct The path of motion used to manipulatives to practice
class iPads improve my student’s
path of motion when writing form upper and lowercase forming the letter J These
ability to use the correct path of
upper and lowercase letter J. letter J. include sand, stickers,
motion in forming the letter J?
playdough, and pattern
blocks. There will also be a
written assessment
administered before and
after the lesson.
Focus Students
Directions: Identify three focus students for your inquiry. Identify special characteristics of the students and include performance data. Explain why you have selected them for this inquiry focus.
Do not use actual names of students. (Note: At least one focus student should be an English learner and at least one must have an ILP/504 accommodation. The third is your choice, but please
identify someone that poses an instructional challenge.) Identify expected results for each focus student.
Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student with ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice
This English learner is at an
This student was recently diagnosed This student is among the
intermediate proficiency level. Her
with Autism. He has difficulty youngest in the TK classroom. She
primary language at home is
focusing and staying on task. I have does not have prior school
Vietnamese. I have selected this
Performance selected him for this inquiry focus experience. I have selected her for
student for this inquiry focus because
because there are diverse types of this inquiry focus because I would
technology-based lessons provide
assessments which will allow him to like to enhance her problem-
multiple modes of learning that will
demonstrate his knowledge in solving skills and encourage her to
assist her in comprehending and
various ways. explore new concepts and tools.
understanding instructions.
Expected Results The students’ ability to write letters The student’s ability to verbalize the The student will be more engaged
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 1 of 5
path of motion to form the letter J in the writing lessons due to the
with correct letter formation will
will improve as a result of using incorporation of technology. This
improve as a result of using technology
technology in this lesson. This student will need positive
in this lesson. This student will need
student will need the learning reinforcement throughout the
visuals that guide them through each
support specialist to act as a shadow lesson to stay on task and do their
throughout the lesson. best work.
Inquiry Lesson Implementation Plan
Directions: that Semester 3 requires a lesson that focuses on use of technology to support teaching and learning.
Administer Pre-Assessment Deliver Lesson(s) Administer Post-Assessment Analyze Results Discuss Results with Mentor

Identify dates for activities.

10/26/2023 10/26/2023 10/26/2023 11/1/2023 11/1/2023
The lesson will begin with the pre-assessment where students will be asked to write the letter J without
previous instruction. Then, the teacher will show the students how to correctly form upper and lowercase
letter J on the whiteboard using wooden pieces and a marker. The teacher will also use verbal cues to
Provide 1-2 sentence
emphasize the correct path of motion. Then, the students will break out into small groups to create the
summary of your lesson
plan. letter using various materials. One group will use the Wet, Dry, Try app on the iPads. Another group will
trace the letter J in sand while the third group forms the letter using pattern blocks. The fourth group will be
using stickers to form the letter J. After the rotations, the students will complete the post-assessment
worksheet where they will be asked to write the upper and lowercase letter J again.
Summarize process for The pre-assessment will be given directly before the lesson while the post-assessment will be given at the
administering and analyzing end of the lesson. The pre- and post-assessments will be the same letter J worksheet that allows the
pre- and post-assessments. students to practice both tracing and writing the letter J.
Semester 3 Only: Identify
the specific technology
The application used on the student iPads is titled “Wet Dry Try.” I will also be using interactive videos that
tools, applications, links,
and/or devices to be include hand motions and songs.
incorporated into the lesson.
Section 4: Inquiry Research and Exploration
Research/Professional Learning (Identify two articles that have informed inquiry focus. Provide title, URL or citation, and statement of what was learned.)
Technology and young children: Preschoolers and Kindergartners.
NAEYC. (n.d.). Brightwheel. (2023, May 8). Technology in early childhood education.
media/preschoolers-and-kindergartners in-early-childhood-education

In this article I learned how digital technology can be another outlet In this article I learned how technology, if used appropriately,
for students to use their creativity in the classroom. I also learned can help students improve their fine motor skills, promote
that there are many ways to incorporate technology in all collaboration among peers, help with language development,
situations. Using technology enhances the lesson and encourages and even improve coordination. I also learned how there are
the students to interact with the content in a unique way making it limitless virtual possibilities for students.
easily differentiated for all learners.
Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed this issue in their classroom. Identify grade level, subject, and summary of ideas.)
Grade Level: 1st Grade
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Subject: Math
Subject: Math
Another teacher at my school uses IXL with her students. Within this
One colleague at my school uses iPads to reinforce math skills. She often
application, there are many different concepts students can work on.
uses technology in a small group setting. During these small groups, the
These concepts include skip counting, telling time, subtraction, word
students can practice specific math concepts assigned by the teacher.
problems, data, and graphs, etc. Once a student has mastered a
Immediate feedback during the activities helps the students master specific
concept, they are able to move onto the next one. This application
skills. The kindergarten teacher has seen significant growth in her student’s
also includes games where students can practice what they have
math skills after using technology to practice in small groups.
learned in a different setting.
Special Emphasis: ISTE Standards (Semester 3 only)
Directions: Identify at least one ISTE-Educator and at least one ISTE- Student Standards that are the primary focus of your project. Explain how these standards will be incorporated.
Special Emphasis Focus How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated
At the beginning of the lesson, I will demonstrate how to use
Student-1.1.d Technology Operations the iPads effectively and efficiently. This includes turning the
iPad on and off and modeling how to correctly plug in the
Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology
headphones. I will also emphasize the importance of
operations; demonstrate the ability to choose, use and
troubleshooting and encouraging the students to seek help if
troubleshoot current technologies; and are able to transfer their
needed. I will demonstrate how to restart the app if students
knowledge to explore emerging technologies.
encounter a problem. To promote a well-managed classroom
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 2 of 5
Teacher-2.6.b Foster Classroom Management of Tech environment, I will circulate the classroom during the lesson to
provide support and answer student questions as needed. After
Manage the use of technology and student learning strategies in the lesson, I plan to go over the challenges the students
digital platforms, virtual environments, hands-on makerspaces and encountered during the activity while also providing them with
in the field. strategies to use for next time.

Section 5: Results and Reflection

Directions: Record Pre- and post- assessment data into Pre/Post Assessment Data Table (see end of document). Include copies/images of pre/post assessments/directions and the Pre/Post
Assessment Data Table with submission.
Pre/Post Assessment Data Analysis Findings for Whole Class Pre/Post Assessment Data Analysis Findings for Three Focus Students
The class showed improvement in their path of motion when
writing the letter J and were able to verbally express the steps The three focus students performed as I expected. The EL focus
needed to form the letter. They took many assessments throughout student was on task and showed improvement. She was able to
the lesson with one being the handwriting worksheet. Most score two points higher on the post assessment. The ILP focus
students improved their scores by two or three points. During the student had difficulty staying on task and showed little
lesson I was able to walk around and assess students’ improvement with the help from a one-on-one aide. He
understanding of the path of motion as the students worked in received the same score as the pre-assessment. The third focus
small groups. Another assessment given involved the use of white student showed improvement after the lesson and scored two
boards. Students were asked to write upper and lowercase letter J points higher on the post assessment.
one at a time.
Initial Evidence/Rational for Rating
CSTP Element Revised Rating Suggestions for Moving Forward
Rating (Summarize from POP Section 3)
Promoting critical
To move to INNOVATING level: Consider how to increase
thinking through Teacher asked questions of analysis and evaluation.
T – Applying T – Integrating complexity of task beyond a single lesson so that there are
1.5 inquiry, problem Students answered questions that included all levels of Bloom’s.
S – Exploring S - Integrating continuing opportunities for students to engage in inquiry in
solving, and Students created their own math problems.
complex problem. How could you extend lesson into PBL?

The teacher set clear learning

Planning objectives at the beginning of the
lesson and verbalized them with
that Moving forward, I will continue to
incorporates the students. The teacher provided
provide my students with
appropriate students with multiple types of
4.4 strategies to
Applying Integrating different types of assessments. I
activities (stickers, playdough,
meet the will also simplify, or advance
Ipads, and thumbtack art). The
learning activities based on student needs.
needs of all students were able to demonstrate
students their understanding in multiple
Moving forward, I will incorporate
centers into our daily routine. The
The teacher used manipulatives
Utilizing students will become familiar with
(pattern blocks) to help students
the stations and will be able to
strategies form the letter in different ways.
form all the letters of the
3.4 that are Integrating Innovating The teacher provided students with
appropriate alphabet by the end of the year. I
auditory learning opportunities on
to the subject will also use more technology in
the iPad, where they could listen
my lessons and look for different
and write the letter J.
types of alphabet apps I can add
to my center activities.
Special Emphasis ISTE-Educator and ISTE-Student Standards (Semester 3 only)
Results of Incorporation into Lesson Key Learnings and New Skills/Knowledge Developed by Teacher
Incorporating technology into the lesson increased engagement and I learned that I could use QR codes to create a listening center
reinforced the learning concept. The students were able to use the for my students. I plan to set this up in my classroom as a
iPads in a small group setting and were all able to navigate the app center and as an early finisher activity. The students can listen
effectively. The use of iPads improved the student’s ability to write to a story and then complete a short writing activity or craft
the letter J using correct letter formation/path of motion. that goes along with the story or characters.
Action Items
For curriculum design, I am continuing to assess student progress throughout lessons and will readjust the curriculum or lesson
lesson planning, assessment plans as necessary. I also plan to observe other teachers and gain ideas on how to incorporate differentiated
planning assessments.
In the future I would like to go over the center time rules at the very beginning of the lesson. The following
For classroom practice rules are: Work the whole time, ask a friend for help, quiet group time voices, and work together to clean
up. I would also like to create a visual of these rules to hang up in the classroom.
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 3 of 5
For teaching English
learners, students with I am going to incorporate more visual examples in my writing lessons. This will increase engagement and
special needs, and students help solidify the path of motion. The students will have a visual example of the letter and will be asked to
with other instructional follow the letter with their fingers.
For future professional I would like to find and listen to various podcasts about early childhood education to help master my
development practice. My mentor recommended a podcast about teaching students how to read effectively
My future inquiry question will include technology and how I can differentiate the lesson for all types of
For future inquiry/ILP learners. This includes having different types of assessments, activities that match the students at their own
For the next POP Cycle, I will teach a different subject and will include more whole group activities. I also
For next POP cycle plan on watching my mentor teach the same subject and see how I can implement some of here teaching
strategies into my own lesson.
I plan to use polls and other digital graphing platforms that help the students visualize information and
Semester 3 Only:
For future use of technology
ideas. I would also love to look into Seesaw and teach my students how to be more independent with
technology and guide them as they troubleshoot different problems.
Other Notes

Pre-/Post- Assessment Data Table follows this document.

Include copies/images of pre-/post- assessments/directions and the Pre/Post Assessment Data Table with submission.

Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)
Revised 5.1.17
Directions: Record student pre and post scores in this table. Do not use student’s actual names.
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Lauren Ulibarri ELA/Writing TK
Pre-Assessment Data Range and Average Post-Assessment Data Range and Average

The average score on the pre-assessment was 3/8. The average score on the post-assessment was 5/8.


Student Pre-Assessment Score Post-Assessment Score Comments
1. Focus Student: EL 6/8 8/8
2. Focus Student: 504/IEP 0/8 4/8
3. Focus Student: Teacher Choice 2/8 4/8
4. Student 4 4/8 4/8
5. Student 5 0/8 1/8
6. Student 6 4/8 8/8
7. Student 7 3/8 7/8
8. Student 8 7/8 7/8
9. Student 9 5/8 7/8
10. Student 10 5/8 6/8
11. Student 11 2/8 6/8
12. Student 12 0/8 6/8
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 4 of 5


Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 5 of 5

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