Nir Kshetri: Cybercrime and Cybersecurity in India: Causes, Consequences and Implications For The Future
Nir Kshetri: Cybercrime and Cybersecurity in India: Causes, Consequences and Implications For The Future
Nir Kshetri: Cybercrime and Cybersecurity in India: Causes, Consequences and Implications For The Future
Cybercrime and Cybersecurity in India: Causes, Consequences and Implications for the
Kshetri, Nir (2016). “Cybercrime and Cybersecurity in India: Causes, Consequences and
Implications for the Future” Crime, Law and Social Change, 66 (3), 313–338.
***Note: References indicated with brackets. Footnotes can be found at the end of the
Cybercrime is rising rapidly in India. Developing economies such as India face unique
cybercrime risks. This paper examines cybercrime and cybersecurity in India. The literature on
which this paper draws is diverse, encompassing the work of economists, criminologists,
institutionalists and international relations theorists. We develop a framework that delineates the
relationships of formal and informal institutions, various causes of prosperity and poverty and
international relations related aspects with cybercrime and cybersecurity and apply it to analyze
the cybercrime and cybersecurity situations in India. The findings suggest that developmental,
institutional and international relations issues are significant to cybercrime and cybersecurity in
developing countries.
Cybercrimes originating from and affecting India are escalating rapidly. Among the Indian
organizations, which responded to KPMG’s [1] Cybercrime survey report 2014, 89 % considered
cybercrime as a “major threat” (p, 3). According to the Norton Cybercrime Report 2011, 30
million Indians had become cybercrime victims, which cost the Indian economy $7.6 billion a
year. Another estimate suggested that 42 million Indians were victimized online in 2011 [2].
India has also been a target of high profile international cyberattacks. For instance, while the
Stuxnet virus was programmed to damage Iran’s centrifuges at Natanz nuclear site, it also
infected computers in India [3].
India also generates significant amount of cybercrimes that affect Internet users worldwide. For
instance, India was the top origin country for spam in 2011 and 2012 [4, 5]. Likewise, a phishing
survey released by the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) in April 2012 found that India
had the highest phishing TLDs by domain score (calculated as phish per 10,000 domains) in the
second half (H2) of 2011 [6]. India is also among the top click fraud originating countries
outside North America [7]. Finally, according to the U.S.-based Internet Crime Control Centre,
India ranked fifth in the number of complaints received by the agency [8].
Since the degree of digitization of economic activities is tightly linked to the probability of
experiencing cyberattacks [9], India’s massive digitization efforts deserve mention. Among the
most ambitious is the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) project. The new
government of India (GoI) led by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has indicated that it would
provide a strong support for the UIDAI project, which would require residents to have biometric
IDs in order to collect government benefits. The project has set a target of 1 billion enrolments
by 2015 [10]. The biometric ID assigns a person a 12-digit number, which is called the Aadhaar
number. It requires the collection of 10 fingerprints, iris scans and other information such as the
name, date of birth and address and will be hosted in the eGovernance cloud platform.
A number of issues motivate this paper. First, criminologists have emphasized the need to
understand the causes and motivations of frauds against consumers against the backdrop of rapid
growth in such frauds and other types of crimes transcending international boundaries [12, 13,
14, 15]. Prior researchers have also suggested that an understanding of the structure of
opportunity associated with white-collar crimes would help take countermeasures to prevent
such crimes [16]. This argument is equally valid for cybercrimes.
Second, it is estimated that only about 10 % of cybercrimes are reported,1 in India; and of those
reported about 2 % are actually registered. The conviction rate was estimated at as low as 2 %
[19]. As of August 2009, only four people in the country were convicted for cybercrimes [20].
Until 2010, there was not a single cybercrime related conviction in Bengaluru, the biggest
offshoring hub. The total number of convicted cases by 2010 was estimated at less than 10 [21].
Past studies have suggested three explanations that may account for the low rates of prosecutions
and convictions and differential treatment of white-collar offenders: organizational advantage
argument, alternative sanctions argument and system capacity argument [22, 23, 24, 25]. This
article attempts to examine these explanations and associated mechanisms in more detail in the
context of cybercrime by drawing upon institutional theory and international relations
(IR)/international political economy (IPE) perspectives.
Third, previous research has indicated that cybercrime and cybersecurity in developing
economies have unique structural characteristics [26, 27]. Yet the literature does not discuss how
key economic and social characteristics of developing countries such as low levels of human
development and education and weak democratic institutions [28] are connected to cybercrime
and cybersecurity. A related point is that while the roles of dual economy have been examined in
the context of the growth of the informal sector [29], it is not clear how dualism would affect the
key ingredients of cybercrimes.
Fourth, prior research has provided some evidence regarding the roles of public-private
partnership (PPP) in fighting cybercrime and enhancing national cybersecurity (e.g., [26, 30]). In
a study of the PPP in the fight against terrorism, Bures [31], however, reported that private
businesses’ roles were not appreciated and many private sector representatives considered the
public-private partnerships more like” public-private dictatorships”. More conclusive evidence is
clearly needed to assess the contexts, mechanisms and processes associated with the
effectiveness of public-private partnership.
Finally, policy makers need to re-examine various local and international tools and procedures to
combat crimes with cross-border dimension. In this regard, while some attention has been paid to
corruption and economic crime [32], relatively little systematic attention has been paid to
international cybercrimes.
In an attempt to fill the above research gaps, the article draws together a wide variety of research
from a number of fields such as criminology, international political economy (IPE), international
relations (IR), institutional theory and developmental economics to examine cybercrime and
cybersecurity in India. We first discuss relevant theories and concepts in order to develop a
framework to cybercrime and cybersecurity in developing economies. Next, we apply the
framework in the contexts of cybercrime and cybersecurity in India. Then, we provide discussion
and implications of our study. The final section provides concluding comments.
In order to provide insights into the low rates of prosecution and conviction for cyber-offenders
in India, it is necessary to look at formal and informal institutions. Past researchers have
recognized that economic activities and actors are embedded in formal and informal institutions
[33, 34]. A related point is that the nature of activities of cybercriminals fits squarely with what
Baumol [35] calls destructive entrepreneurship. Baumol hypothesized that the distribution of
productive, unproductive, and destructive entrepreneurs is a function of the payoffs offered to
these activities by the society’s rules of the game. These rules are referred as institutions [36].
Some of the key economic and social characteristics of a developing country include a dual
economy, low levels of income and education, which lead to low levels of human development;
high unemployment rates, high degrees of income inequality, and weak democratic institutions
[28, 37]. We would argue that these characteristics are tightly connected to cybercrime and
For instance, low levels of income and education lead to relative laggardness in developing
world-based businesses’ and consumers’ adoption of new technologies. Many Internet users in
the developing world are inexperienced and not technically savvy as a high proportion of them
got their computers and connected to the Internet not long ago. A majority of them also lack
English language skills. This later point is crucial due to the fact that most of the information,
instructions, and other contents for security products are available in English language only.
Many Internet users in economies in the developing world are unable to use IT security products
developed in English language [26, 27].
In its basic form, a dual economy is characterized as one that has a relatively developed urban
industrialized sector and a rural sector [37]. The dual nature of the economy also means that in
addition to variation between sectors of the economy, developing economies are characterized by
an uneven development within a given sector [38]. Cybercrimes targeting developing economies
tend to be concentrated in well-developed industry sectors such as businesses in the online
gaming industry in China, banking and financial sectors in Brazil and the offshoring sector in
India [26, 27].
Based on a review of the literature, Acemoglu [39] and Acemoglu et al. [40] have identified
fundamental and proximate causes of prosperity and poverty. These are presented in Table 1 and
the last column shows how some of them are linked to cybercrime and cybersecurity in India.
Table 1
Causes of prosperity and poverty and their relations to cybersecurity orientation
Explanation Relevance to Example from India
cybersecurity in
developing economies
Fundamental causes of prosperity and poverty
Political and • Institutions such as • Many governments lack • Congestion in law
economic corruption, lack of technological enforcement systems:
institutions accountability and weak sophistication and are severe lack of law
law enforcement create poorly equipped to fight enforcement manpower
bottlenecks for the non-state criminal reported in Delhi, Mumbai
development [41] actors. and other cities.
• National governments • Lack of criminal
poorly equipped to deal database
with crimes.
Culture or • Sets of beliefs • Cybercrime are • Lack of guilt, remorse
informal generated by some associated with a lower and an ethical sense
institutions cultures may have anti- degree of stigmatization among cybercriminals
developmental than in industrialized • Call center employees
consequences [42]. countries consider it “undignified”
to undergo security checks
• password sharing is
common: cases of crimes
associated with such
Proximate causes of prosperity and poverty
Human • Most developing • Lack of cybersecurity • Significantly less
capital economies fail to invest related manpower number of cyber
enough in education and • Lack of cybersecurity specialists than the
skills. orientation of Internet demand
users • Sense of over-reliance
on basic security solution
such as antivirus
Technology • Developing economies • Low rate of adoption of • Lack of indigenous
tend to have low cybersecurity-related technology and patents
investment in R & D and technology related to cybersecurity
low rate of adoption of • Underdeveloped • A higher proportion of
technology cybersecurity industry computers using crime
• They also have a • Low-cost technologies prone technologies such
tendency to use low-cost are more prone to cyber- as IE6
technologies threats • Researchers in R&D per
million people lower than
in other BRIC economies
Institutions, culture and geography are arguably fundamental causes of prosperity [39, 40].
Economically successful societies are characterized by good economic and political institutions
[43]. Likewise, culture is related to different sets of beliefs regarding how people behave, which
has strong implications for development [42]. Institutional theorists consider culture as an
informal institution [36]. Since geography has a limited role in cybersecurity, we focus on the
roles of formal and informal institutions.
Building on the work of Roland [46], de Laiglesia [41] classifies institutions according to the rate
of change: “Slow-moving” institutions include legal infrastructure, culture and social norms,
while laws, rules and regulations, contract enforcement, political process and governance are
examples of “fast moving” institutions. Some elements of fast-moving institutions such as
corruption, lack of accountability and weak law enforcement may create bottlenecks for
The impacts of slow-moving and fast moving institutions on cybersecurity can be better
explained with the concept of institutional bottlenecks. In a framework proposed by de Laiglesia
[41] for an analysis of institutional bottlenecks in developing economies, technology-related
issues and factors are present at three levels: technological progress and dissemination
(institutional outcomes), technology opportunity set (interaction and decision area), technology
use, adoption and development (intermediate outcomes) ([41], p. 14). In this section, we analyze
these elements from the perspective of cybersecurity.
One way to understand the low level of technological progress is the lack of absorptive capacity,
which means that many developing economies lack capabilities to assimilate technologies and
associated organizational practices [47, 48]. This is mainly due to their institutional and social
arrangements [49]. In expanding their attack sources such as botnets, hackers tend to focus on
economies with less developed IT infrastructures [50]. In this regard, as to the technological
progress and dissemination, most developing countries are characterized by poor performance in
cybersecurity infrastructures. They often lack domestic anti-virus companies. Businesses and
consumers in some developing countries also prefer to buy domestically manufactured software.
Developing economies also tend to use low cost and insecure technologies. While some argue
that networks in developing have built-in security mechanisms as they have “wired security into
their IT network infrastructure” compared to the Western approach of “bolting it on afterward to
legacy systems” ([51], para. 11), contrary observations have been reported.
Based upon the related literature of white-collar offenders [22, 23, 24, 25], three explanations
can be offered regarding the differential treatment of cyber-offenders. According to an
organizational advantage argument, offenders that are in “organizationally shielded” positions
receive more lenient treatment. Hagan and Parker’s [22] analysis of securities fraud in Canada
indicated that employers were less likely to be prosecuted under criminal statutes than were
offenders in lower-class positions. The authors concluded that organizational structure of
corporations embedded class advantage in such a way that employers were often shielded from
According to an alternative sanctions argument, civil sanctions may replace criminal sanctions in
the response to white-collar crimes. Shapiro’s [24] study of violators of securities law in the U.S.
indicated a higher tendency to prosecute lower-status offenders than higher-status ones. Her
analysis, however, indicated that the variation in prosecutions and sanctions across different
levels of status was due to the availability of alternative sanctions in cases involving higher-
status offenders and was not because of a class bias.
Finally the system capacity argument maintains that the legal response to suspected crime is a
function of organizational resources and caseload pressures [23]. Resource limitations are of
particular concern for white-collar crimes due to their complexity, which require substantial
amounts of investigative and prosecutorial efforts [25].
It is recognized, however, that the three explanations above provide complementary rather than
mutually exclusive interpretation regarding the differential treatment of white-collar offenders.
For instance, prior research indicates that the limited capacity of criminal justice agencies due to
the complexity and hidden nature of white-collar crime and the system overload caused by such
crimes reduces state capacity to respond to such crimes [53]. Likewise, due to the difficulty
involved in obtaining direct evidence against high level criminals that are “organizationally
shielded”, system capacity limitations may lead to prosecution of lower-level employees, for
whom it is easier to locate the evidence ([25], p. 53).
In light of the cross-border nature of most serious cybercrime activities, In order to provide
further insights into cybercrime and cybersecurity in India, it is also important to understand the
importance of cyber-security issue from the IR/IPE perspective. A large body of literature
indicates that with the decline of violent geopolitical conflicts, traditional issues such as nuclear
war are losing salience and the focus and organizing principle in international relations have
been on nontraditional security issues [54, 55, 56]. Cyber-threat is increasingly recognized as a
legitimate security issue because cyber-attacks present threats to national security for the simple
fact that most of the critical infrastructures are connected to the Internet [57, 58]. This issue is
also tightly linked to economic security of countries.
Table 2
Direct effects Effects associated with indirect
causal chains and externality
Maintaining • Enforcing industry codes • Providing law enforcement
established orders related to cybersecurity agencies with cybersecurity-
• The requirement of external related expertise
audit of cybersecurity practices
Facilitating • Developing new industry codes • Mimetic effects associated with
institutional and norms related to high performing members
changes cybersecurity to account for • Help develop national
shifts in technology, market and cybersecurity regulative
other external factors. framework
Adapted from Kshetri & Dholakia [59]
The participatory state captures the extent to which policies and institutions represent the wishes
of the members of society [61]. In such a state, businesses may participate in the national policy
making arena through “dialogue, litigation, and mimesis” ([63], p. 502). Prior research indicates
that business groups can work closely with state agencies to protect their independence and
autonomy [64].
Various sources of institutional bottlenecks noted above [41, 46] are a major concern in India,
and are even greater and more evident in cybercrime and cybersecurity. For one thing, the gap
between the law in the book and the law in the action has been substantial. India has clearly
experienced rapid growth in cybercrime and congestion in cybercrime related law enforcement
systems. For instance, consider India’s only Cyber Appellate Tribunal (CAT), which started
functioning since 2006 [65]. It was reported in June 2014 that the tribunal had not adjudicated a
single case during the previous 3 years due to the non-availability of the chairperson and judicial
members [66].
To take another example, in 2004, of the 4,400 police officers in India’s Mumbai city, only five
worked in the cybercrime division [67]. As of 2011, the Delhi police cybercrime cell had only
two inspectors [68]. In 2012, the Delhi High Court criticized the lack of functionality of the
Delhi Police website, which according to the court was “completely useless … obsolete and does
not serve any purpose” ([69], p. A1).
The observations in the prior literature regarding the complexities of white-collar crimes,
difficulty involved in obtaining direct evidence against criminals involved and the system
overload caused by such crimes, leading to a limited capacity of criminal justice agencies and the
state to respond to such crimes [25, 53] have special significance to cybercrimes in India. For
instance, the Information Technology Act 2000 (Amended in 2008) did not cover issues such as
data protection and privacy, which hindered the development of call-center and BPO industries.
A survey reported that while most BPOs in Gurgaon had been cybercrime victims, about 70 % of
the respondents did not report to the police [70]. Most organizations expressed concerns about
competence, professionalism and integrity of the police in handling cybercrimes. About 50 % of
the respondents not reporting thought that the cases are not dealt with professionally and 30 %
noted that they had no faith in the police [70].
India’s social scientists have speculated and law enforcement officers have admitted that the
actual numbers of crimes in the country are significantly greater than what are reported in the
official crime statistics by National Crime Records Bureau and other agencies [12]. To put things
in context, according to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) (, in
2013, the states of Mizoram, Nagaland and Sikkim did not register any cybercrime related cases.
The reason probably could be attributed to the lack of reporting of cybercrimes in these states
rather than the non-occurrence of cybercrimes in these states.
One reason behind the low rate of registration of cybercrime cases concerns the barriers, hurdles
and hassles that confront the victims. In some cases the police show unwillingness to take the
extra works needed for the investigations [21]. There are reports that the police allegedly were
unsupportive to victims, who wanted to file a cybercrime case. Cybercrime victims have also
complained that the police follow a long and inefficient process to build a case [68].
A related point is that a major factor behind the low conviction rate concerns the technological
illiteracy and low level of cybercrime awareness in the law-enforcement community. For
instance, it was reported that when a police officer was asked to seize the hacker’s computer in
an investigation, he brought the hacker’s monitor. In another case, the police seized the CD-
ROM drive from a hacker’s computer instead of the hard disk [20].
In one way, there is the development of a vicious circle: a) law enforcement agencies’
unwillingness to put efforts for investigating cybercrimes and their technological illiteracy
indicate that they lack the skills, orientation and capability to address cybercrime related
offenses; b) the survey conducted among Gurgaon-based BPOs indicates that there are low
cybercrime reporting rates because of the victims’ lack of confidence in law enforcement
agencies: and c) cybercriminals may become more confident, resourceful and powerful because
their offenses are not reported.
A final point that must be considered concerns the international political economy of
immigration. Whereas immigration policies in most industrialized economies provide a legal tool
to restrict entry and settlement, such policies are weak in India, which partly explains the
Nigerian cyber-fraudsters’ presence in India. For a Nigerian cybercriminal, for instance, fewer
efforts are required in establishing a predatory group in India compared to that more advanced
economies such the U.S.
Over the past few years, the popular press in India has routinely published story about Nigerian
cybercriminals’ engagement in cybercrimes, principally based on social engineering techniques.
Indians are reported to be victims of various versions of “Nigerian 419” frauds, which account
for a significant proportion of cyber-frauds in the country. Below we discuss some representative
examples among the numerous ones reported in the media. In 2012, Indian Police arrested six
Nigerians for allegedly defrauding hundreds of Indians. They seized 14 laptops, seven memory
sticks, 23 mobile phones, fake documents and cash [4]. A Defense Research & Development
Organization (DRDO) scientist reportedly paid Rs. 5.5 million (about US$110,000) to a Nigerian
scammer [71]. In another case, in 2009, two Nigerians were arrested in Kolkata, who duped a
housewife paying Rs. 122,000 (US$2,400) for a lottery scam [72]. The police suspected that they
were members of a cybercrime ring, ran a fake lottery scam and made more than Rs. 10 million
(US$200,000) in 3 months before their arrests.
It is important to understand the modus operandi used by the Nigerian cybercrime rings. A
Nigerian national involved in fake job racket, which allegedly victimized at least 40 people, had
recruited several women in his gang as money mules. Note that money mules in cybercrimes are
often duped and recruited on-line to transfer stolen money illegally. The mules falsely think that
they are employed in a legitimate business. The victims were asked to deposit Rs. 6,000–60,000
(US$ 110–1,100) as travel and related expenses for interviews. The women’s bank accounts
were used to receive the crime proceeds and their ATM cards were used to withdraw cash. The
victims were promised that the money would be refunded after the interview [73]. In light of
prior findings, which indicate a high degree of vulnerability of Indian women in the cyberspace
[74], this is yet another mode of victimization of women.
In an attempt to address some of the above issues, India is seeking to improve cybersecurity
performance through regulatory developments and institutional reforms. As a response to
domestic and international pressures to enhance cybersecurity measures, in July 2013, the GoI
released National Cyber Security Policy (NCSP) 2013, which set forth 14 objectives that
included enhancing the protection of critical infrastructure, and developing 500,000 skilled
cybersecurity professionals by 2018 [75]. The development of PPP efforts towards enhancing the
cybersecurity landscape is a also key component of the NCSP. The GoI has made efforts to
create a favorable climate for a higher participatory involvement in cybersecurity. For instance, a
Joint Working Group (JWG) on cybersecurity was established with representatives from
government agencies and the private sector, which was mandated to come up with
recommendations for consideration by the GoI on PPP in capacity building and policy making.
The JWG released its report “Engagement with Private Sector on Cyber Security” in October
2012. As a further sign for an improving climate for participatory involvement of the private
sector, in October 2012, India’s National Security Advisor announced a plan to establish a
permanent working group on cybersecurity with representatives from the government and the
private sector. The working group would implement the country’s cyber-defense framework. The
NSA advisor noted that this would mark the first time that the GoI allowed the participation of
the private sector in national security matters [30].
Among other positive changes in the Indian cybersecurity landscape, in July 2014, the IT
minister informed the lower house, Lok Sabha that all central and state/Union Territory
government agencies had been asked to conduct security auditing of their IT infrastructures,
websites and applications. State governments were also asked to build adequate technical
capacity including infrastructure, cyber police stations and sufficient manpower [76]. Likewise,
in 2011, the central bank, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) introduced a set of recommendations,
which include the formation of separate information security groups within banks and
maintenance of adequate cybersecurity resources based on their size and scope of operation.
The Asians often emphasize on social harmony and human relationships whereas the
Westerners’ place relatively higher emphasis on efficiency and control of time [77]. This aspect
of the Asian culture has a clear cybersecurity implication. For instance, call center employees in
India consider it “undignified” to undergo security checks [78]. A related point is that due to the
social circumstances, password sharing is more common in India than in the West. There have
been reported cases of crimes associated with this practice. In 2010, an employee of the Indian
IT company, Wipro used his colleague’s password to steal about US$4 million from the
company’s bank account [79].
The lack of previously developed mechanisms and established codes, policies, and procedures
and non-existence of identifiable victims in many cases [80] are likely to lead to much less in
cybercrimes guilt compared to conventional crimes. These conditions are more likely to be
prevalent in the developing world, where cybercrimes is more likely to be justifiable. An official
of India’s Cyber Crime Investigation Cell (CCIC) noted that many young people in the country
have committed cybercrimes for fun “without actually realising the gravity of their actions”
([81], para 11).
A related point is that in many cases, people engaged in cyber-offenses are not aware of the
potential damage that their activities can cause to others. For instance, studies found that click
fraud is pervasive in India but most people involved in such frauds click on ads just to make
money and may not know that some businesses are victimized by their activities.
Studies and reports issued over the past few years have pointed out that a severe shortage of
qualified cybersecurity professionals currently exists in India. One estimate suggested that India
needs 250,000 cyber specialists to deal with cybercrime [82]. According to the market research
firm, International Data Corporation (IDC), only 22,000 security professionals were available in
India in 2012 whereas the country needed 188,000 [83].
There is also a severe lack of cybersecurity orientation among consumers, businesses and policy
makers. According to a Norton survey, 60 % of Indian Internet users believed that a basic
security solution such as antivirus would be sufficient for cybersecurity [84]. Cybersecurity
orientation has also been low among high-level politicians. In 2012, three Indian lawmakers
resigned after they were filmed allegedly watching pornography on a cell-phone during debate at
a state assembly in Bangalore [85].
According to the World Bank, India had 100 researchers in R&D per million people in 2000 (the
numbers for other BRIC economies were: Brazil: 424, China: 548 and Russia: 3,451) [86].
Looking at more recent data, according to a report presented by the then Science and Technology
Minister Kapil Sibal to the Rajya Sabha, the upper House of the Indian Parliament, India had 156
researchers in R&D per million people in 2008. As a point of comparison, according to the
World Bank, the corresponding numbers for other so called BRIC economies for 2008 were:
Brazil: 696, China: 1,199 and Russia: 3,152. Sibal suggested that universities in India were
characterized by inferior R&D quality and capabilities [87]. A related point is that much of the
R&D in India is geared toward smaller projects that complement other innovation centers in
Silicon Valley and elsewhere [88].
India’s status as a low human development country also means that most cybercrimes associated
with the Indian offshoring industry are related to inside abuse rather than high-tech crimes
requiring super-hacker skills. Here, for illustration, we offer some representative examples. In
2005, workers at Pune, India, subsidiary of Mphasis, a provider of outsourcing services,
transferred about US$500,000 from four Citibank customers’ accounts to their personal
accounts. This was among the first major BPO scams in India [89]. In another case, the British
Tabloid, Sun, reported that an employee of the Gurgaon-based BPO firm Infinity E-Search sold
confidential information of 1,000 bank accounts for US$5.50 each to its reporter working as an
undercover [58]. In still another case, in 2006, two employees of Mumbai-based BPO, Intelenet
Global allegedly manipulated credit records of 400 U.S. customers [89]. In a more recent case
reported in March 2012, two ‘consultants’, who claimed to be workers in Indian offshoring firms
met undercover reporters of The Sunday Times. They came with a laptop full of data and
bragged that they had 45 different sets of personal information on about 500,000 U.K.
consumers. The information included credit card holders’ names, addresses, phone numbers,
start and expiry dates and security verification codes. Data for sale also included information
about mortgages, loans, insurance, phone contracts and Television subscriptions [90]. In another
interesting example, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sued the California-based
American Credit Crunchers in 2012, According to the FTC, a company based in India associated
with American Credit Crunchers made threatening calls to U.S. consumers with histories of
applying for payday loans, which are short term, high interest loans that are typically applied
online. Agents in India with massive amount of personal data allegedly called potential victims
and threatened the victims if they did not pay the fictitious loans of up to US$2,000. U.S.
consumers had lost over US$ 5 million to the scam by 2012, which had been in operation since
2010 [89].
India’s low R&D profile has an important implication for cybersecurity. Due to poor R&D and
innovation performance, some liken economic activities in the Indian IT and offshoring industry
to a “hollow ring”. An Economist article notes: “India makes drugs, but copies almost all of the
compounds; it writes software, but rarely owns the result. … [it has] flourished, but mostly on
the back of other countries’ technology” ([91], para 1). Regarding the location of R&D activities
in Russia, Moscow-based Kaspersky Lab’s CEO and Chairman Eugene Kaspersky noted:
“[Engineers in] China or India …are good if you just want something programmed, but if it’s
about research, then it has to be Russia” [92].
Notably absent from India are complex and sophisticated malware and spyware. Note that the
creation of sophisticated malware is a R&D intensive task. One explanation of the lack of
sophisticated malware originated from India could be the country’s low R&D profile. To further
understand the absence of major malware originated from India, it is also worth noting that
unlike some developing countries, India lacks major anti-virus companies. For instance, in 2010,
Moscow-based Kaspersky Lab was the world’s fourth biggest IT security company. Some other
former second world economies also have top IT security companies such as Czech Republic’s
AVG Technologies, Romania’s BitDefender, and Slovak Republic’s ESET [93]. Likewise, the
Belarusian firm VirusBlokAda was the first company to identify the Stuxnet code in June 2010
[94]. This issue is important as malware firms and anti-virus companies tap into the same skill
The duality of the Indian economy also means that there is a high degree of intersectoral
differences in cybercrime target attractiveness. More specifically, as indicated by some of the
most high-profile and widely publicized cybercrimes, the Indian offshoring industry has become
a lucrative target for data thieves. Data frauds have been reported in call centers in major cities
such as Pune, Hyderabad, Bangalore, and Gurgaon. A survey indicated that most BPOs in
Gurgaon had been cybercrime victims [70]. In first- and second-tier cities, data brokers
reportedly obtain data from offshoring companies’ employees and sell to cybercriminals [20].
A further implication of the duality is that some illegal and extra-legal global enterprises have
opened call centers in India. In the early 2008, a criminal group involved in botnet attacks set up
offices in India to process applications that cannot be completed automatically [97]. Information
technology (IT) workers in India offered help to facilitate signing up of free e-mail accounts.
Likewise, the Ukrainian scareware producer, Innovative Marketing Ukraine had established call
centers in India [98].
These realities of the cyberspace have put tremendous pressures on Indian companies in the
offshoring sector to strengthen cybersecurity. In an attempt to address their clients’
cybersecurity-related fear, Indian outsourcing firms have taken strict measures. They have
established biometric authentication controls for workers and banned cell phones, pens, paper,
and Internet access [99]. Computer terminals lack hard drives, e-mail, CD-ROM drives, or other
ways to store, copy, or forward data [100]. Indian outsourcing firms also extensively monitor and
analyze employee logs [99].
When the state’s regulatory roles are weak, trade associations and industry bodies may fill the
regulatory vacuum. Previous research has suggested that interfirm linkages such as trade
associations in emerging economies can play an important role in establishing moral legitimacy
of the industry in Western economies [106]. To put things in context, developed world-based
offshoring clients may rely more on trade associations such as the NASSCOM than on the weak,
ineffective state.
Trade associations such as the NASSCOM influence industry behaviors in a number of ways.
First, these associations’ norms and codes can influence firms to behave in a certain way by
penalizing noncompliance with various mechanisms [36]. Second, prior research indicates that
such associations can work closely with state agencies to protect their self-regulating
independence and autonomy [64]. Just as important is the fact that in some situations, the state
finds it beneficial to collaborate with them to rationalize an arena of activity [107]. Professional
and trade associations thus play an important role in strengthening the regulative institutions by
providing the state with their expertise in developing new regulatory framework and
strengthening the enforcement mechanisms [59].
In light of the state’s inability to enforce regulations due to various bottlenecks [41, 46], the
NASSCOM monitors member companies to ensure they adhere to the standards. For instance,
the NASSCOM requires its members self-police and provide additional layers of security. Non-
compliant companies would lose memberships [108]. The Data Security Council of India (DSCI)
is a self-regulatory member organization set up by the NASSCOM to create trustworthiness of
Indian companies as global outsourcing service providers. Companies that fail to secure can be
fined up to US$1 million [19].
Trade associations such as the NASSCOM influence industry behaviors directly as well as
through indirect causal chains (Table 2). Indirect effects related to externalities also arise via
mimetic isomorphism, which entails mimicking behaviors of other actors that are perceived to be
exemplar and have a higher degree of effectiveness [109, 110]. Most obviously exemplar firms
serve as models for smaller firms to imitate. In such a case, knowledge flow takes place by
externalities [111, 112, 113]. It is important to emphasize that while mimetic isomorphism may
take place in the absence of an association, the association is likely to accelerate the process by
stimulating interaction among member companies.
A trade association’s enforcement strategy becomes efficient and powerful if a large number of
firms in the industry join the association [102]. NASSCOM members and professionals have
supported the DSCI enthusiastically. As of August 2014, the DSCI had about 700 organizations
as Corporate Members, and more than 1350 security and privacy professionals and practitioners
as its Chapter Members [30].
The NASSCOM’s measures have paid off brilliantly. Commenting on data security measures in
the Indian offshoring sector, a report of the UK’s Banking Code Standards Board (BCSB) noted:
“Customer data is subject to the same level of security as in the UK. High risk and more complex
processes are subject to higher levels of scrutiny than similar activities onshore” ([114], para.
12). Citing the findings of the BCSB and Forrester Research, the NASSCOM’s then president,
Karnik, asserted that security standards in Indian call centers were among the best in the world
and there were more security breaches in the U.K. and the U.S. in 2005 than in India (AFX
The NASSCOM partnered with the Ministry of Information Technology to draft data protection
and data privacy laws to respond to privacy concerns of offshore clients [116]. A main goal was
to bring Indian data protection laws to the same level as the European and the U.S. standards. In
2011, the DSCI announced a plan to set up a cloud security advisory group that would develop a
policy framework. The group would also advise the GoI on security and privacy issues in a cloud
environment [117].
Many of the NASSCOM’s responses are the results of a hollow state and the thin institutions that
hamper legislative and law enforcement efforts. For instance, India lacks standard identifiers like
the U.S. Social security number making it difficult to check potential employees’ backgrounds. It
was reported that a thorough background check cost up to $1,000 per employee to [118]. In
response to the lack of such databases, in 2005, NASSCOM announced a plan to launch a pilot
employee-screening program called “Fortress India”, which would allow employers to screen out
potential workers who have criminal records. Subsequently it was developed into the National
Skill Registry (NSR), which allows employers to perform background checks on existing or
prospective employees. It is a voluntary registry for call center employees (Table 2).
Various ongoing efforts and activities initiated by the NASSCOM and the DSCI in facilitating
the enforcement of cybersecurity regulations in the country deserve mention. They prepared a
detailed project report to set up cybercrime police stations and Cyber Labs across the country.
NASSCOM helped police departments of Mumbai and Thane in establishing cybercrime units
and in training officers [119]. In 2005, NASSCOM announced a training initiative for Pune’s
cybercrime unit [120]. A cybercrime unit established in Bangalore in 2007 has resources to train
more than 1,000 police officers and other law-enforcement personnel annually [121]. As of April
2014, there were eight Cyber Labs in various Indian cities, which provided training to over
28,000 police officers [122].
The NASSCOM and the DSCI also meet with bar councils in different cities to educate legal
communities. In addition, NASSCOM offered to work with authorities in the U.K. and India to
investigate cases involving identity theft [123]. This issue is especially important because
identity theft-related crimes are rapidly growing worldwide [124].
The observations regarding the decreasing salience and level of nontraditional security issues and
the evolution of cyber-threat as a more legitimate security issue [54, 55, 56, 57, 58] are
consistent with the emergence of IR issues involving India. India’s weak cybersecurity
infrastructures and capabilities have been a matter of concern to Western countries. India
undoubtedly occupies an important geopolitical position, which has made it an attractive target
for high profile politically motivated cyberattacks. At the same time, such a position would
qualify for a strategic partnership with major global players. Cybersecurity experts, for instance,
have preached that in order to win the competition with China, the U.S. government needs to
work with like-minded countries such as India to define international norms about cyberspace
[125]. There have already been some progresses on this front. In July 2011, the U.S. and India
signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to promote cybersecurity related cooperation
and exchange information [126]. In April 2012, bilateral talks were held between India and the
U.S. While the talks also included a number of other issues, the main emphasis was on India’s
cybersecurity capacity. As India has emerged as a major offshoring destination for back offices
as well as other high value business functions, cybersecurity orientation of Indian businesses has
been an issue of pressing concern to U.S. businesses. The U.S. officials involved in the talks
were especially interested in India’s capability to detect and investigate cybercrime. India has
also signed MoU on cyber security cooperation with Japan and South Korea [127].
The escalation of cybercrime activities originated in and affecting India can be attributed to
formal and informal institutions that are conducive to such activities as well as poor
cybersecurity orientation of consumers, businesses and government agencies. India’s approach to
cybersecurity and capabilities are economic developmental as well as international relations
issues facing the country.
Second, industrialized economies clearly perform better in terms of the economic and
institutional conditions discussed above and thus provide unfavorable environment for
cybercriminal. An upshot is that developing economies such as India become top cybercrime
hotspots as cybercriminals are forced out of industrialized economies with strong controls,
regulations and cybersecurity measures. For instance, security specialists believe that the arrests
of several spambot operators in the U.S. forced others to operate from India and other developing
countries [129]. Note that the U.S., which was No. 1 spam generator for many years, was not on
the top 10 spam-sending countries list in 2011.
Third, a low level of income as discussed earlier is a key characteristic of a developing economy
[28, 37]. India’s low wages have been an attractive factor for performing some cybercrime
activities from the country. One example concerns generating clicks on ads, and collecting
commission from pay-per-click (PPC) programs. In this regard, most search terms cost just US$
0.10–0.15 per click. Let’s assume that it takes 8 s for an individual to click on an ad and view a
page and the advertiser has to pay US$ 0.10 to a PPC provider for the click. At this rate, the
clicker’s activities generate US$ 45 per hour. Even if we assume that PPC providers and other
intermediaries involved in click fraud activities take 90 % of this amount, the clicker can still
make US$ 4.50 per hour. This amount is much higher than many people make in developing
countries. Declining connectivity and computer costs have made this a reality.
To better illustrate how weak formal and informal institutions have facilitated cybercrimes,
consider click fraud activities. There were reports that housewives, college graduates, and
working professionals in India make US$ 100–200 per month by clicking on Internet ads [130].
It was reported that fraudsters openly advertised in national newspapers in India looking for
people, who would use home computers to click on Internet ads [131]. Many click fraudsters
engage in such activities just to make money and they do not know that their actions would be
victimizing businesses.
Uneven and unequal development associated with the duality of the Indian economy [28, 37] has
translated into differential risks as well as differential cybersecurity performance and capability.
This can be illustrated best by comparing India’s outsourcing sector with other economic sectors.
The outsourcing sector has become the target of many high-profile cybercrime incidents.
Consequently the industry was forced to take measures to strengthen the cybersecurity
The PPP constitutes an important force that has substantially contributed to strengthening
cybersecurity in India. Contrary to the findings reported by Bures [31], the outcome of the
NASSCOM-government partnership in India has been a fruitful one, which is based on mutual
understanding and trust. As to the NASSCOM‘s measures to enhance cybersecurity, it is worth
noting that the Indian economy is less centralized with more room for associations to flourish
and to have a strong voice [132]. A strong mutual interdependence between the state and the
private economic actors, particularly organized business groups, has developed very quickly
after the economic liberalization of the 1990s.
It is also interesting to contrast and compare this situation with China, where non-government
entities, special interest groups and the civil society are organized loosely. There is little room
for these groups to influence national policymaking. Some nascent special-interest groups such
as environmental and animal-rights organizations and sports clubs have placed new demands on
the state and created competition for resources, attention, status and legitimacy. While such
groups provide tremendous societal benefits, their potential for mobilizing people on a regional
or even nationwide scale has increased the government’s nervousness. Although China’s
industrial leaders and state science and technology officials have repeatedly appealed to the
government to take measures necessary to increase the participation of the trade, industry and
professional associations, unsurprisingly, the regime has responded with reluctance and
resistance to accept an increased role of the independent civil society.
Regarding the low cybercrime reporting rates, it is worth noting that reporting rates are also low
for some forms of conventional crimes. Chockalingam’s [12] findings indicated that many
crimes occurring in India are not reported, the police recorded version of facts about crimes may
provide only a limited perspective on the realities of victimization and police figures “are only
the tip of the iceberg”. In order to provide further insights and a deeper understanding of this
issue, it is important to consider primary and secondary victimization. Note that primary
victimization occurs when a person becomes a victim of the crime itself. Some mechanisms
involved in primary victimization include physical/psychological suffering or financial losses.
Secondary victimization, on the other hand, takes place due to the actions of the victim’s social
environment. Key mechanisms involved in secondary victimization include stigmatization, social
isolation, or intrusive and humiliating questioning [133]. Secondary victimization also occurs
due to journalists’ faulty and insensitive practices in gathering or reporting news or inappropriate
actions of the criminal justice system [133]. As noted earlier, law enforcement agencies’
unsupportive attitudes and unwillingness to help victims have contributed to a low reporting rate
of cybercrime cases [68].
Prior researchers have noted that despite the existence of laws against cyber-harassment in India,
the criminal justice system in the country has failed to perform its roles. Worse still, cybercrime
victims may face further victimization [134]. For instance, in some cases of online victimization
(e.g., bullying, stalking, defamation), as a response to the offender’s actions, the victims
themselves are likely to engage in activities that can be considered to be a crime. In such cases,
police, lawyers and the courts may blame the victim of an online assault [135].
The issue of stigmatization deserves further elaboration and discussion. Wiesenfeld et al. [136]
argue that arbiters’ “constituent-minded sensemaking” influences stigmatization process. They
have identified three categories of “arbiters”— social, legal, and economic [136]. Social arbiters
include members of the press, governance watchdog groups, academics, and activists. Tandon
[133] reported that Indian media have a tendency to invade the privacy of victims, offenders and
celebrities. In this regard, some criminal activities are more likely to be of interest to the media
than others. These may include crimes involving children, sexual offenses [133] and new
criminal activities such as cybercrimes [7]. Concerns related to secondary victimization by the
media are likely to result in low reporting rates. For instance, a study of four South Indian cities
indicated that only 4 % of the victims of sexual offences had reported the crimes to the police
Chockalingam [12] also found that, in cases involving consumer frauds and corruptions the
reporting rate was less than 1 %. In such cases, consumers and citizens often fear that they would
be penalized in future dealings with law enforcement agencies, government agencies and
commercial organizations if they report such crimes [12]. In this example, law enforcement
agencies, government agencies can be considered to be legal arbiters, who enforce rules and
regulations. Commercial organizations on the other hand can be viewed as economic arbiters,
who make decisions about engaging in economic exchange with individuals [136].
As noted earlier, among cybercrimes that are reported, prosecution rates are low. A main reason
why cyber-offenders are often not criminally prosecuted may not be not because alternative
sanctions are applied as predicted by the alternative sanctions argument [24], but no sanctions
may be actually imposed. This is similar to what prior research has noted in the context of the
economies in the Former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe (FSU&CEE) [58]. On
the other hand, while most international cybercriminals were found to “jurisdictionally shield”
themselves in some FSU&CEE economies due to their low degree of cooperation and integration
with the West, this is not the case for India-based cyber-offenders. As noted by prior white-collar
crime researchers [25], resource limitations are of particular concern for addressing cybercrime
issues in India due to their complexity, which require substantial amounts of investigative and
prosecutorial efforts. The findings of prior research on cybercrime in FSU&CEE economies
regarding the outdated regulative institutions and unwillingness of law enforcement agencies to
pursue cyber-fraud cases as the criminals mainly victimize foreigners [58] are less relevant in
Regarding the regulative institutions, as mentioned earlier, while legal infrastructures are slow-
moving institutions, laws, rules and regulations are considered to be fast moving institutions.
India has been relatively quick in following the global trend in enacting cybersecurity related
laws and regulations. For instance, the Information Technology Act was passed in 2000, which
was amended in 2008 to address a number of issues (e.g., adoption of electronic signatures and a
more detailed and careful approach to child pornography). For instance, the Information
Technology Amendment Act of 2008 has made it an offence to facilitate the abuse of children
Concluding comments
India has begun developing ambitious digital projects such as the UIDAI. It is pursuing equally
ambitious plans in the area of the development of cybersecurity professionals. Recent measures
such as the National Cyber Security Policy (NCSP) can help put the Indian cybersecurity
landscape on the path toward a brighter future. For instance, the lack of human resources is a key
problem facing the GoI. If India is successful to accomplish even a part of the goal of developing
500,000 skilled cybersecurity professionals by 2018, it would be a considerable achievement.
While factors such as corruption, lack of accountability and weak law enforcement have created
bottlenecks for development in India, such bottlenecks seem to have more negative effects on
cybersecurity. In addition, cybercrime activities in India are also associated with a lower degree
of stigmatization than in the West. Due to these factors, India’s overall cybersecurity orientation
is weak. Cybersecurity currently is also relatively a low priority for the GoI due to tremendous
resource pressure to address problems related to poverty and underdevelopment. Overcoming
these policy and institutional bottlenecks that constrain the country’s ability to fight cybercrimes
is central to improving the cybersecurity profile. This is important because this problem is
increasingly recognized in broader economic sectors and thus no more limited to the offshoring
The unique features of the Indian dual economy are connected in many ways with cybercrime
and cybersecurity. In part, relatively lower rate of cybercrimes in India compared to that in some
former Soviet economies may be due to the development of the legitimate IT industry. A related
point is that India’s low R&D profile is associated with the lack of the origin of sophisticated
malware products.
Major roles have been played by trade associations such as the NASSCOM to strengthen India’s
cybersecurity landscape. Such roles are especially valuable in the context of the state’s weak
regulatory roles in India. However, compliance is voluntary. Moreover, best practice security
standards, procedures, guidelines developed by the NASSCOM have relatively little influence in
strengthening cybersecurity outside the offshoring industry. While the DSCI’s codes of behavior
are irrelevant outside the offshoring sector, training and education to law enforcement personnel
are one of the key mechanisms to strengthen the national cybersecurity profile. In this regard,
one reason behind the extremely low conviction rate could be that the training programs
provided by the DSCI often are insufficient to develop measurable competence in cybercrime
investigation among law enforcement officers. A majority of the initiatives are special lectures or
programs that do not last longer than 3–5 days. More comprehensive training programs will
allow them to master the cybercrime investigation techniques, and feel confident about their
ability to deal with cybercrimes. While most of the current programs mainly focus on police
officers, the DSCI and the GoI need to place more emphasis on educating prosecutors, judges
and lawyers using practical and layman’s language.
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