Kalibo ,Aklan
Specialized Subjects
IPerformance Task 1
2. Choose the phase changes option,spend 2 minutes playing with the simulation
3. Choose oxygen from the molecules on the left, record initial temperature from the model
Initial Temperature: 27K or -246°C
4. Add heat until you notice a phase change(example: solid to liquid)
Initial Temperature: 87K or -186°C
5. Add heat until you notice another phase change
Initial Temperature:113K or -160°
6. Reset the model, the melting point of oxygen is -219°C and the boiling point is -183°C
a. -219°C+273.15=54.15K
b. -183°C+ 273.15=90.15K
7. According to the simulation, which phase has the fastest moving molecules? Does this match
your prediction in 1?
8. Reset the model, change the molecule to the water record the initial temperature.
9. Add heat until you notice a phase change ( example: solid to liquid)
Initial Temperature:258K or -16°C
10. Add heat until you notice another phase change
11. Reset the model, the melting point of water is 0.0°C, and the boiling point is 100.0°C
a. 0.0°C +273.15= 273.15K
b. 100.0°C+ 273.15= 373.15K
12. Which molecule, oxygen Or water, melts at a lower temperature?
Evaporates at a lower temperature?
13. Considering your answers to questions 12,what you think is happening between the molecules
of water compared to oxygen.
14. What is intermolecular Force?
b. How much energy takes to convert 1g liquid water to 1g water vapor? This is known as
the heat of vaporization.
-energy known as the talent heat of the vaporization is required to break the hydrogen
bonds. At 100°c, 545 calories per gram of water are needed to convert one gram of
liquid water to one gram of water vapour under normal pressure.
c. Using the simulation, how can you show that it takes more energy to convert a liquid to a
gas than a solid to a liquid ?
- the enthalpy of vaporization of a given substance is much greater than it’s enthalpy of fusion because
it’s takes more energy to completely separate molecules.