(Week 11) Power Generation

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Topic 5

Power Generation

Dr. Zulkarnain Ahmad Noorden

P06-210, 07-5535451, 019-7422313

Institute of High Voltage & High Current (IVAT)

School of Electrical Engineering
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Course Topics

1 – AC Power (2 weeks)

2 – 3-Phase System (2 weeks)

3 – Magnetic Circuits (2 weeks)

4 – Transformers (2 weeks)

5 – Generation, Transmission & Distribution (4 weeks)

6 – DC Machines (1 week)

7 – AC Machines (1 week)

TOTAL – 14 weeks
Aims of Topic 5:

1. List and describe conventional and new methods

of electrical power generation.
2. Discuss configurations of various types of power
3. Calculate parameters and performances related
to electricity generation.
v Generation of electrical energy is the first process in
delivering of power to consumers.

v Electrical energy can be categorised as a commodity that

undergoes production process, similar to that of clothes,
food, etc.

v Electricity generation is also involved a process of

converting various nonelectrical energy such as
mechanical, chemical, etc. into electrical energy.

v The main difference in electrical energy production

compared to other commodities is that electricity must be
produced based on immediate demand.

v The energy must be processed and transmitted at the

instant it is required by consumers.

v Since the electricity supply and demand process is almost

instantaneous, the electricity generation requires
complicated technical and economic approaches.
Generation of Electrical Energy

v Electrical energy is generated by converting non-

electrical energy in suitable manner into electrical

v The conversion process can be divided into two categories:

i. Generation of mechanical energy to rotate electrical

ii. Direct conversion of non-electrical energy into
electrical energy with the aid of energy storage
components such as batteries.
Generation of Electrical Energy
v The techniques commonly utilized for generation of
mechanical energy to rotate electrical generators are:

a. Generation of heat/steam.

v This method is basically involved either burning of

suitable fuel resources or activating nuclear reaction to
produce heat.

v The heat is subsequently used to turn water into dried high

pressure steam which becomes the mechanical energy
source to move the turbine and generator shaft.
Generation of Electrical Energy
Natural gas

Commonly used
sources of energy
Petroleum Uranium
(Hydrocarbon Oil) (nuclear fission)

(nuclear fusion)
Generation of Electrical Energy

b. Mechanical energy directly from the source.

v The stored kinetic energy readily available is used to

develop mechanical energy source for electrical generator.

v Sources available are:

i. Water (hydro).
ii. Geothermal.
iii. Wind.
iv. Wave.
Generation of Electrical Energy

v In direct conversion of non-mechanical energy into

electrical energy, there are natural resources that can be
used to generate electricity.

v Among the sources are:

i. Solar energy.
ii. Fuel cell.
Generation Based on
Electrical Generator
v Electrical generating stations have machine that
functions to convert raw materials such as coal, gas,
water et cetera to mechanical energy.

v The energy is used to power the synchronous

generator, which is the main component in production
of electrical energy.
Generation Based on
Electrical Generator
Generation Based on
Electrical Generator
v Mechanical energy produces torque to rotate generator’s

v Shaft rotation enables flux from rotating structure to cut

conductors at the stationary part of the generator, which
produces electrical source in the form of generated
voltage at the line terminal of the generator.
Thermal Power Station

v Thermal power station involves conversion of heat energy

from coal combustion into electrical energy.

v The station is based on Rankine cycle concept:

mechanical power is generated by evaporating water to
high pressure steam in order to run the generator.

v The steam produced at high pressure has sufficient

mechanical energy to be able to move turbines and
rotates synchronous generator to generate electrical
Thermal Power Station

Thermal Power Plant with Steam Turbine

Thermal Power Station

(a) Sample of coal for power generation, and

(b) Thermal power station
Thermal Power Station

v The main components in the generation process at

thermal power station :

i. Coal and ash handling scheme.

ii. Steam generating plant.
iii. Steam turbine.
iv. Synchronous generator.
v. Water processing plant.
vi. Electrical connecting apparatus to transmission line.
Thermal Power Station

v The efficiency of thermal power station is quite low,

less than 30%.

v This is due to heat loss in various generating

processes, starting from burning of coal to the
mechanical power developed to move the steam
Thermal Power Station

v Thermal efficiency;

v The overall generating efficiency is;

Thermal Power Station
Example 1:
Overall efficiency of a thermal power station is 20%. 0.6 kg
of coal is required to produce 1 kWh of electrical energy. It
is known that 1 kWh of electrical energy is equivalent to
860 kcalorie (kcal). Calculate the value of energy from fuel
source for the station.
Thermal Power Station
Example 2:

A 100 MW thermal station uses source of 6400 kcal/kg.

Thermal and overall efficiencies are 30% dan 27.6%.
respectively. Obtain (i) coal consumption for every hour
and (ii) electrical efficiency, if the station supplies the rated
electrical output.
Thermal Thermal
Power Station
Power Station
Self-Study Question:

[24.3 ton, 584.6 ton]

Hydroelectric Station

v Hydroelectric station involves conversion of hydraulic

energy into electrical energy.

Main components in a
hydroelectric station are:
i. Dam.
ii. Spillways.
iii. Headworks.
iv. Surge tank.
v. Penstock.

General structural schematic for a hydroelectric station.

Hydroelectric Station
v A dam is constructed across river or lake to form

v A tunnel is built to connect the dam to a large pipeline

called penstock through valve house.

v A surge tank on top of penstock is to protect the penstock

against sudden increase of pressure that occurs if turbine
opening is suddenly closed due to rapid decrease of
electrical load at generator.

v In this situation, water pressure is transferred from the

penstock to the surge tank which will increase the water
level in the tank.
Hydroelectric Station
v Energy from water in the reservoir depends on the volume
and difference in height between water source and output.

v This height difference is called head, for which the stored

energy is directly proportional to the water head.

v To obtain a high head, water from the dam used to move

hydraulic turbine is channeled through penstock to the

v The turbine converts hydraulic energy from water into

mechanical energy which is then transferred to the generator
shaft for subsequent conversion to electrical energy.
Hydroelectric Station

Cross-sectional view of connection between hydro turbine

and generator
Hydroelectric Station
Types of Water Turbine
v Water turbines normally used in hydroelectric station.

i. Impulse turbine

o Used for a high water head.

o Suitable for slow rate water
o High water pressure from nozzle is
sprayed to turbine blades.
o The velocity of the water jet drives
the wheel.
Hydroelectric Station
ii. Reaction turbine

o Used for low and medium water head.

o For this turbine, water pressure combines with head velocity to
move the turbine blades.

Examples of the turbine : Francis and Kaplan turbines.

v Francis turbine: for medium and low head with the flow of
water in parallel with axis of the turbine.

v Kaplan turbine: for low head, same as Francis but differs in

the aspect of water flow through the axis of turbine’s shaft.
Hydroelectric Station
Francis turbine Kaplan turbine
Hydroelectric Station
Calculation of performance for hydroelectric station

It is known that mass for 1 m3 of water is 1000 kg and

typical value for constant of gravitational acceleration is
9.81 m/s2.
Hydroelectric Station
Hydroelectric Station
Example 3:

A hydroelectric station has a reservoir with water volume of

5 x 10 6 m3 and head of 200 m. Calculate electrical energy
available if the overall efficiency is 75%.
Hydroelectric Station
Hydroelectric Station
Example 4:

Water from a hydroelectric station is obtained from a 100 m

head. Calculate electrical energy by a 1 m3 flow of water
every hour if hydraulic and electrical efficiencies are 0.86
and 0.92 respectively.
Hydroelectric Station
Hydroelectric Station
Example 5:

A hydroelectric station has a catchment area of 2.4 km2 and

water capacity of 5 x 106 m3. The water head is 100 m.
Overall efficiency of the station is 72.6%. Obtain:

(i) total electrical energy that can be generated by the

Hydroelectric Station
Hydroelectric Station
(ii) the drop in the dam level if an electrical load of 15
MW has to be supplied for 3 hours.
Hydroelectric Station
Hydroelectric Station
Self-Study Question:
Gas Turbine Power Station
v Generating station that uses gas as fuel to power the
turbine is known as gas turbine generating station.

v In the gas turbine, mechanical energy is developed by a

combination of compressed air and burning gas.

v Initially, air is compressed in compressor then combined

with the burning fuel in combustion chamber.

v The process results in increase of temperature and

pressure of the compressed air.

v This enables air to flow with high velocity volume to

rotate the turbine and move the generator.
Gas Turbine Power Station
Gas Turbine Power Station

Gas turbine generating station process

Wind Power Electric Generator

v Energy from wind has become one of the potentially viable

renewable energy resources contributing to commercial
electrical energy generation.

v Although currently wind generation is not significant in

most countries, however technological advances related to
wind generation and clean source of wind energy are
expected to increase role of the generation in near
Wind Power Electric Generator
v Wind turbine is used to convert energy from wind to
electrical energy.
v Wind rotates turbine blades and electrical power is
obtained when the turbine is connected to electrical

Main components in a wind turbine

Wind Power Electric Generator
Types of wind turbines

Horizontal axis Vertical axis

Wind Power Electric Generator

v Since wind cannot be predicted accurately and differs

from the load demand pattern, electrical supply from
wind station cannot be scheduled accordingly to fulfill
the given load as the other conventional generation

v Thus, in commercial generation, it is commonly used to

replace other generation techniques at specific time and
also contributes to reserve supply source such as battery
system and hydro-based pumped storage.
Wind Power Electric Generator
Calculation in Wind Power Generator

Blades of turbine rotor normally covers a circular area. The area

can be calculated by:

Rotor area, A = πr2

where A : area covered by rotor (m2)
r : radius of the rotor
Wind Power Electric Generator

Power obtained from the wind depends on area covers by

turbine rotor and speed and density of the wind.

P = 0.5dAv3

where P : derived power (W),

d : wind density,
A : rotor area (m2),
v : wind speed (m/s).
Wind Power Electric Generator
Air density depends on elevation (height) above ground while
surrounding temperature does not significantly affect energy
produced by wind. Therefore, the wind power:

P = 0.625Av3

Wind power density is a parameter normally used and defined as

power from the wind per unit area occupied by the turbine blade
(in W/m2).

Pdensity = 0.625v3
Solar Energy Generation

v Solar energy is one of the preferred source of energy


v This is due to the fact that the energy is renewable, clean

and does not have significant impact to the environment.

v Sun ray is estimated to produce 1000 W/m2 of energy at

sea level on earth surfaces.

v However, the energy conversion process to electrical

energy with available technology at this moment is still
quite low, which is about 100 W/m2.
Solar Energy Generation
v As an example, a photovoltaic panel (PV) with an efficiency
of 15% is normally be able to generate between 19 to 60
W/m² or 0.45 to 1.35 kWh/m²/day.

Arrangement of PV panel that is used to

generate electrical power.
Solar Energy Generation

v Typically energy from the sun rays is converted to

electrical energy by utilizing PV cell.

v PV cell is a semiconductor device that receives photon

from sun rays to produce charge carriers (electrons and
holes) in the cell.

v The separation of charge carrier to conductor side

results into flow of electrical current.

v The conversion process is known as ‘ photovoltaic

Solar Energy Generation

Photovoltaic effect in PV cell

Components in a PV System

A PV system for generating alternating current source is

normally consisted of the following components:

i. PV cell module
ii. Junction box
iii. Charge regulator
iv. Fuse and DC wiring system
v. Battery
vi. DC/AC inverter
Direct Conversion Method : Solar
Main components in a PV system
PV cell
module Junction Charge
box regulator

Fuse and DC
wiring system

Solar Energy Generation
v Battery unit is used to store energy produced by the PV
cell during the day, which is then consumed at night.

v For commercial scale applications, normally the PV

system is connected to the grid system.

v There is an inverter component or a Power Conditioning

Unit (PCU).
o Convert DC to AC power that fulfills voltage and
power quality specifications of the power grid
system. The unit also cut the supply to the grid if the
grid is not functioning.
Solar Energy Generation

Connection arrangement from PV system to grid and loads

Fuel Cell Energy Generation

v Fuel cell is an electrochemical energy conversion device

with functions quite similar to those of a battery.

v However it differs compared to the battery in two aspects:

i. Chemical source supply for fuel cell is obtained

continuously from external supply of fuel and

ii. Electrodes in fuel cell is catalysts and relatively

Fuel Cell Energy Generation
v Reaction elements used in hydrogen fuel cell are gases in
the forms of hydrogen at anode and oxygen at cathode.

v Both gases flow into the cell and reactants flows out of
the cell.

v Electricity generation process is continuous as long as the

flow can be maintained.
Fuel Cell Energy Generation

PEMFC-type cell and electric generation process

Fuel Cell Energy Generation
v At anode, hydrogen is mixed with anode catalyst and
breaks into proton and electron charges.

v Proton charges flow through membrane towards cathode,

while electron charges cannot move through the
membrane which acts as insulator.

v The electron charges are forced to flow in the circuit to

produce electrical current.

v At cathode, oxygen molecules react with electron and

proton charges to form water, which is the result of
reaction in the cell and can be made to flow out of the
Fuel Cell Energy Generation
v Besides pure hydrogen gas, other types of fuels
containing hydrogen element can be used such as diesel,
methanol, and chemical hydrates.

v The reactant for these fuels is carbon dioxide gas.

v Each fuel cell is typically be able to produce voltage in

the range of 0.3 to 0.8 V and a maximum power of 1

v In order to produce required voltage and power, several

cells are combined in series or parallel in “Fuel Cell
Stack” arrangement.
Hydroelectric Station
In-Class Activity 4: (Final 2013/2014-1)

(b) A hydroelectric station has a catchment area of 3 km2 and water

capacity of 5.2 million cubic meters. The water head is 170 m while the
overall efficiency of the station is 89%. Obtain:
(i) total electrical energy that can be generated by the station.
(ii) the drop in water level if an electrical load of 25 MW has to be
supplied by the station for 3.5 hours.

[9 marks]

The density of water is 1000 kg/m3 and the acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2.
Water weight (N) = Volume (m3) x Density (kg/m3) x Gravity constant (m/s2)
Energy stored (Ws) = Water weight (N) x Head (m)

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