Research Final Report (Mukuta)

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An investigation on factors influencing academic performance to fluctuate

in social science for final year students in Rundu campus.

A research submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of

Bachelor in Education (Honors) of the University of Namibia.


Melvina S. Mukuta 219377696

Helena K. Hendaick 219376562

Michael M. Mundinda 219385987

Supervisor: Dr. M. Shihako

08 December 2022
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background Information
The study was anticipated to investigate on academic performance fluctuating in social
science for final Year student in Rundu Campus. Academic performance is the outcome of
student’s effort in examinations, determined by a number of factors Eze (2016). Academic
performance is measured by the average marks of the previous semesters and total average
marks. The proposed research explore the beliefs of lecturers and students on the factors that
causes fluctuation in the performance of Social Science Education 4 at Rundu Campus. This
could be attributed to educational background, University support system, preferred learning
methods and family set up positive and negative attitudes also affect their academic
performances, physical facilities, aspirations and self-awareness. Students’ performances
(Mukhwana, 2017). Students will need to be motivated in order to succeed in their school work.
Meanwhile, Hincapie (2018) emphasized that relate academic performance to teaching
methodology, in this case, good results will be obtained when problem based learning it is used
to improve academic performance. Karrera (2019) concluded that highlight the importance of
using teaching strategies and also the use of information and communication technologies and
academic performance.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

It was noted with great concern in recent years that the performance of social science students,
particularly the final years were fluctuating. ‘‘There’s been an increase and decrease in social
science performance in some years” (Ngalangi, personal communication, October 13, 2022).
‘‘There’s a fluctuating in the performance of the final year students in social science education
4’’ (Iiyambo, personal communication, October 20, 2022). These figure is for October/November
2019-2021 examination showing the pass rate of final year students.

Table 1: Academic performance in social science (2019, 2020 and 2021).

Pass rate

Year Total number of students Total students that Pass rate

who wrote exams. passed.

2019 180 177 98.3%

2020 176 172 97.7%

2021 178 165 92.7%

This table shows the continual change of the academic pass rate in social science between 2019
and 2021. In 2019 they were only 180 students who wrote exams, but the number of students
slowly decreased to 178 students by 2021. Despite the good performance in social science, the
pass rate keeps going down. In 2019, about 180 students wrote exams and their pass rate was
98.3%. In 2020 they were 176 students who participated in exams and their pass rate slightly
went down to 97.7%. 178 students wrote exams in 2021 and their pass rate was lower compared
to the t wo previous years (2019 and 2020) they obtained 92.7%.

1.3 Research Question

• Research question: What are the factors influencing academic performance to fluctuate in
Social Science for final year student in Rundu campus?

1.4 Significance of the Study

This study was carried out to find answers of factors that influence academic performance
to fluctuate in Social science of final year students in Rundu campus, the study was intended to
help lecturers review their teaching approaches. Practical alternatives and suggestions to improve
learning may be created that are morewell-sported by students in facilitating learning. The results
of this study will provide an in-depth knowledge on the students based factors, lecturer-based
factors and University-based factors which affect 4 th year students’ performances in Rundu
Campus, Namibia.

The study suggested steps that could be taken in order to improve students’ performance in the
module. This information will be valuable to education stakeholders: The University of Namibia
and the Head of Department in the effort towards reversing the increase and decrease trend of
students ’performance in Social Sciences at Rundu Campus. The research also adds to the
existing body of current knowledge on the factors that affect academic performance in at the
University of Namibia at large.

1.5 Limitations of the Study

The study was affected by a limited financial resources as funding is need to buy
instruments for data collection and travel expense to and from the campus. Furthermore,
participants were not express their full knowledge and understanding due to their uniqueness,
(Mario, 2019). The study was carried out when the university was in full session. Thus, the
researcher will experience challenges due to the involvement of the social science students which
will affect participation of the respondents.
1.6 Definition of Terms
Influencing: Is the ability to cause desirable and measurable actions and outcomes (Brian, (2010,
Inadequate: not enough or good enough (Merriam, (2022, pg:101)
Fluctuating: is a continual change (Collins, (2012, pg:70)

Chapter 2: Literature Review

Conceptual Framework
This study investigated the factors influencing academic performance to fluctuate in social
science for final year students at Rundu campus. Swaen & George (2022), stated that the more
hours you study, the better they will do in exams. It is very possible that if a student feels ill, they
will get lower score in exams (Swaen & George, 2022). A student IQ can change the effect that
the hours of study has on exams score, the higher the IQ the fewer hours of study are needed to
do well in exams (Swaen & George, 2022).

Broad literature review

Education plays an important role in producing qualified human power that accelerates
economic development and solves the real problem of a community (Mesfin, 2022). This section
will give a review of literature that covered the following topics; factors influencing academic
performance to fluctuate in social science, the role lecturers can play to maintain academic
performance in social science, the role students can play to maintain academic performance in
social science.

Factors influencing academic performance to fluctuate in social science.

Student-Related Factors

Christopher (2019) highlighted that some reasons for fluctuating performance are specific to
the students and not related to external factors. For example, a learning disability is student-
centered and may create an obstacle to reaching certain academic standards. Student factors such
as developing interest in subject, engaging in co-curricular activities (Jevanthi et al. 2014),
regular studying self-motivation, punctuality in school (Sibanda et al. 2015; khan & Ahmed,
2013), and student’s personal goals as a well personality trait (Ulate & Carballo, 2011) affect
their academic performance. According to Maric and Sakac (2014), student factor that affect
their academic performance could be classified into internal and social factor.
Studies have been done on the effect of teaching/learning resources on performance of
mathematics (Yara & Otjieno, 2010) but there is no research however that has been taken to
discover the resources availability on performance in social science module. The educational
resources of schools play an important role in order to diminish the effect of socio economic
feather on academic achievement, and create equal opportunities for students (Savasci, 2013).
Tucker, Zyco & Herman, (2021) argues that, generally, education deals with the development of
human kind in so many ways. In this process, education is being given to students with different
methods namely Teaching, Demonstration, Laboratory Practice, Field Study

Study habits

The concept of habits refers to pattern of repetitive behaviors that are performed by an
individual automatically and does not require a conscious effort (Danner e tal., 2011). Anwar
(2019) argues that, the relationship between study habits and academic performance has received
attention recently. Good study habits may include among others learners being able to complete
their homework, scheduling study time as well as revising the notes or summary given during the
lessons. However, learners’ poor study habits and inadequate preparation for examination affect
performance in Social Sciences. To this, Bajwa et al (2015) identifies that study habits are kind
of more or less permanent method of studying also they are essence of a dynamic personality.

Lecturers’ roles to maintain academic performance in social science.

Lebata & Mudau, (2017) supports Christopher’s theory that, the role of lecturer is very
important in teaching exercise especially since his/her direct participation can range from
complete control over what is learned to minimal intervention. A lecturer can impact students
learning in different regards. However, among this the way and how he delivers the subject or
methodology is directly related to students. Helping student understand that taking notes is very
important to achieve academic success. Lynch, (2019) states that encouraging students to ask
questions when they don’t understand something or need further clarification as many student
fear appearing ‘‘stupid’’ in front of their classmates or the teacher.

Student roles to maintain academic performance in social science.

Bob (2003), states that the student should take responsibility for what is learned and be
accountable for the result of the learning process. As a student you should always take your
education seriously, studying help to understand what you learned to paraphrase it because social
science requires more of your understanding than memorizing to ensure you have good academic is important to connect with other students in your courses because you can learn
from one another, share challenges and concerns with materials and overcome them together
(university of Missouri, 2021).

Chapter 3: Methodology

3.1 Research Design

We used Qualitative approach, to get information on factors influencing academic
performance to fluctuate in social science for the final year student in Rundu campus. According
to (Creswell, 2014) qualitative research is an inquiry process of understanding based on distinct
methodological traditions of inquiry that explore a social or human problems. An explanatory
case study was used as it aims to find answers to the question of ‘what’ or ‘who’ (john, 2011).
This helped the researchers to understand what factors contribute to the academic performance in
social science for the fourth year student in Rundu campus. It also aims to understand how the
participant derives meanings from their surroundings, and how their meaning influences their
behaviors (Anwar, 2003).

3.2 Population
A population refers to the entire group that the research wants to draw conclusions about
(Pritha, 2020). The population of this study comprised of all (81) final year students who are in
the Social science department at Rundu Campus which made up the population of the research.
The reason for the selection of this population was because the lecturers and the 4 th year students
may have different experiences and views of the different factors that affect performance of
students in the social science department. This therefore, provided more insight into the factors
affecting social science students’ performance at Rundu Campus to fluctuate.

3.3 Sample and Sampling Procedures

The sampling technique that was used in this study is random sampling. The sample of the
study consisted of 10 final year students in social science class. Participants were randomly
selected whereas a range of gender balance had to be looked at. According to Check and Schutt,
(2012) Random sampling is the ideal procedure that will be used in this study because the use of
simple random sampling removes all hints of bias or at least it should. Individuals who made up
the subset of the larger group were chosen at random, each individual in the large population set
had the same probability of being selected. Random sampling created a balanced subset that
carried the greatest potential for representing the larger group as a whole.

3.4 Research Instruments

In this study the researcher used interview guide, an interview guide is agenda for
interview an interview guide is designed to help the researcher to conduct a semi-structured
interview (Bob & Liz, 2010, pg;227), Mobile phones were used to collect data. The interviewer
used mobile phone to record the spoken responses of participants. The interviewer had the
interview questions on a paper. The reason for choosing interview it can help the researcher to
collect valid and reliable data that are relevant to the aim and objective of the study. By using an
in-depth data by analyzing body language and facial expression of the respondent. Interviews are
very effective in understanding the opinion, believes and values, thus making it the ideal and
suitable research instrument for this study (Namupala, 2013)

3.5 Data Collection Procedures

Firstly, the researchers had to seek permission from the lecturer to do a random sampling
from the participants, after the lecturer had concerted, the participants were selected randomly.
After the 10 participants had been randomly selected and had concerted to take part in the study,
the participants were approached to schedule the interviews at a time and place where is most
convenient to them. Cellphone was used to record the interview to insure that the participants’
responses are not misquoted.

3.6 Data Analysis

The qualitative data from the interviews were analyzed using the content analysis technique
in order to identify patterns, ideas and themes that emerge from the data. Content analysis is a
research method used in qualitative research to identify patterns in recorded communication
(Neuman, 2011). In this method, the researchers systematically collected data from a set of texts,
which can be written, oral, or visual.

The researchers transcribed the recorded data verbatim using the Microsoft Word. The
researchers then read through the data interview transcripts, code the data using predetermined
themes developed from the research questions and then interpreted the data in detailed
discussions. Lastly, we summarized the data and linked research findings to research aim and
objectives by highlighting major themes within findings and possible contradictions.

3.7 Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations in research are a set of principles that guide the research designs and
practices (Noori, 2021). The researchers explained to the participants their right in relation to the
study and must always adhere to a certain code of conduct when collecting data from people this
includes that the participants had right to withdraw from the study at any time without any
implications to them, whom they should contact for any complaints with the research or the
conduct of the research. Where the use of audio-visual recording is applied on publication of
results from the study, the identity of the participants was not to be revealed, in this study
positions in the order of how the participants followed each other during the interview sessions
such as ‘Participant 1, Participant 2’ had to be used instead of their real names, the rights of
research participants was protected whereas confidentiality was assured to all participants.

Chapter 4

4.1 Findings and discussion.

The major purpose of the study was to find out the factors influencings academic
performance to fluctuate in social science for final year students in Rundu Campus since 2019 to
2022. The study was mainly qualitative and used an explanatory case study. The study employed
critical theory for its conceptual framework. Semi-interview was used to gather data from ten
participants, data were analyzed using content analysis. The findings of the study showed that
there were several factors that can contribute to the academic performance to fluctuate. This data
is presented following the question of the study.

These findings are based on the response of students.

4.1.1. Academic performance in social science for final year students.

To find out the general overview of final year student performance, the researcher had to
ask how is the academic performance in social science for final year students to the participant.
The table below shows the percentage results on how students reacted to the question.

Student performance Number of students Percentage

Good 6 60%

Bad 3 30%

Neutral 1 10%

The results of this study made the discovery that the academic performance in social is
good as the total of 60 percent student said the academic performance in social science is good
while 30 percent of student said the academic performance of student is neutral and only one
student said that the academic performance is bad when it comes to test.

4.1.2. Factors influencing academic performance.

Students were asked to mention any factor influencing academic performance to fluctuate.

Factors influencing academic Number of student Percentage

performance to fluctuate

Lectures effectiveness 2 20%

Students attitudes 4 40%

Absenteeism of students 2 20%

Cancelations of classes 2 20%

From the findings it was discovered that they are a lot of factors influencing academic
performance in social science to fluctuate. This study pointed out factors such as lecturer’s
effectiveness, student’s attitudes, and absenteeism of students and cancellation of classes.
According to our survey student’s attitudes is the main factors influencing academic
performance in social science to fluctuate it can be positive or negative attitudes.
4.1.3. How does the factor you mention affect final year students’ academic performance in

social science?

A. Lectures effectiveness
The study also found that Social Science Lecturers are overloaded with work. This is what
one Participant 3 explained:
“In the social science field, we are overloaded; we have so many periods
and one may teach 4 to 7 periods in 1 day and the content of the subject is also a
lot” (Interview, Participant 3).

Another participant further explained that such overload affects performance because lecturer
will only rush through the course outline content in order to complete the content while teaching
for understanding is compromised. A

Again, this is what Participant 6 said: “When the teacher is overloaded, he or she
cannot concentrate on the important matters. Sometimes, they can even rush just to
complete the content and not necessarily putting in a lot of effort for students to
understand the content so that they will be able to answer the questions when asked in
tests or examination”

B. Students attitudes
The respondents generally revealed that the fourth year student lack commitment.

Students: are disobedient, do not study, and are not serious with their school work. This is

what Participant 4 said:

“I have seen it over a couple of years that it has tormented our performance due

to the type of students that we are having. Students that do not follow orders and they do

not know what time to study; students that do not take their assignments and exams

serious and even their preparatory activities”

Participant 5:
It was also noted during the interview that the fourth year students lacks of commitment to

school works often affect their performance in social science examination. Students bunk

lessons, and also fail to do their homework.

Participant 5: “Sometimes students are coming to school and you just notice that

they have not even gone through what the lecturer discussed the previous day. Students

themselves do not show much commitment because at times, you give homework and the

students come back to school without doing the homework”

C. Absenteeism of students
Furthermore, one participant (4) also indicated that:
“It is the Students’ commitment affecting their performance in social
sciences modules given the fact that most students are not committed to their
studies. For instance, they are not coming to school; they are missing lessons;
they are bunking lessons; they are not doing their homework” (Interview,
Participant 4).

D. Cancelations of classes
It was also noted during the study that the major factor affecting performance in social
science is the cancellation of classes by lecturer

“the lecturers also cancels to many classes, instead of attending them, they
just send a message on the Whatsapp platform that the class has been cancelled,
and this happens too many time leading to students not receiving the much
expected support from the lecturer (Interview, Participant 2)”

The findings as brought to light by the social science students showed that the factors can
affect the academic performance both in a negative and positive way. The findings of this study
revealed that when the academic performance decline it affected them in a negative way but
when their academic performance increase its means it affected them in positive way. Our finding
shows that the final year students come across with negative and positive factors causes the
academic performance to fluctuate.

4.1.4. Strategies which can be done by students, university and government to maintain

academic performance for final year students not to fluctuate.

The above theme was paraphrased from the questions which required students to give their

opinion on what should the students, university and government do maintain the academic

performance in social science.

The interviews revealed that the lengthy course outline affects the students’ performance

in university of Namibia. The result of the study also reveals that the long social science content

of the course outline hinders learning. This is what Participant 5 had to say:

“The lengthy syllabus content also hinders the proper learning of the facts

as the students may find it difficult to memorize them given that they also have

other subjects to study during the examination. It was indicated that as a result of

the long content, it becomes difficult to complete the course outline within the

given time scheduled on the timetable”.

In order to persuade students to commit to their school works, lecturers have to talk to learners to

enable them understand the consequences of their behavior. This is what the Participants had to


“Encourage them, motivate them mostly through speaking to them and just telling

them the consequences of not being committed and I also give them 60 work in an attempt

to keep them busy and focused on the subject” (Interview, Participant 1).
Participant 2: Students should be punctual coming to class and submission of assignments.

Participant 3: Students should avoid being absent so that they cannot miss on what others are

taught by the lecturer.

The university’s role.

The interview reveals that commitment from the University management affects the performance

of learners in Social scienes. They need to do class visit so that they can monitor the work of

lecturers. This is what one participants had to say:

“Commitment of management... head of department is supposed to

monitor the progress of the lecturers and department and how they teach because

those lectures also need assistance somewhere, somehow in the process of

teaching” (Interview, Participant 6).

Participant 1: the university should take high absenteeism of student very seriously by calling

them in for counselling to find the problem.

Participant 2: lectures should focus more on micro teaching as this allow students to search

things they don’t know.

Participant 3: the university should organize educational tours for social science students for

them to see things they learn.

The government’s role.

Participant 1: The government should acknowledge and address overcrowding of classrooms

and provide teaching aids for lecturers.

Participant 2: The government should assist the university with money to build more classes.

Participant 3: the government should assist students with learning materials like laptops.
The social science students came up with suggestions on how to maintain the academic
performance in social science. If students study regularly it will improve their academic
performance. Another improvement suggestion was lecturers should control and ensure positive
behaviors of their students as this will reduce lesson distractions and government involvement
can also try to offer a little help with financial assistance.


Based on the results of the study, the researcher recommends the following:
1. University managements and Lecturers should make sure that rules on absenteeism and
punctuality are displayed in the classrooms and adhered to.
2. The students should be encouraged to participate actively.
3. The students should be guided on how to answer questions in the examination.
4. There is need for the social science lecturers to attend capacity building workshops to
improve their skills on the topics they could not teach competently.
5. There is need to reduce the number of students in the social science department so that the
lecturers can adequately assist them and attend to their learning needs.
6. There is need to also reduce the social science lectures’ workload to enable them cope
with the long course outline contents.
7. University management should explore external interventions in the provision of useful
teaching and learning resources.

This research was aimed to find out what factors influence academic performance in
social science for final year students to fluctuate, most academic performance in social science
research published were conducted specifically on primary students and the researchers thought it
was best to conduct at the university where the problem starts before they come professional

From the findings by the researchers, academic performance in social science indeed
fluctuate due to student-based, lecturer-based and school-based factors that affect their academic
performance. The student-based factors affecting their performances in Social science modules
include learners’ indiscipline, lack of commitment to school work, and lack of skills in answering
questions. The students need to change their behaviour and show commitment to the subject in
order to improve their performances. The lecturer-based factors affecting social science students’
fluctuatin performances include lecturers’ poor competencies in teaching some topics in the
social science course outline, and the teacher-centred teaching methods employed. More
commitment from the lecturers’ side may improve the students’ academic performance in Social
sciences. In addition, the University-based factors affecting Social sciences student’ fluctuating
performances are lack of resources and equipment, lengthy social sciences course outline content,
overcrowded classrooms and poor classroom environment as well as lack of commitment from
the University management. The University management need to provide the necessary support
in order to improve the students’ performance in social science modules.

Lecturer’s effectiveness, student attitude, high absenteeism of student and cancellation of

classes. The study did not go smoothly as planned due to the fact that the researchers had limited
time and we had to beg student to do the interview as some students refused to do the interview.
Despite the challenges the researchers managed to find the reasons why academic performance in
social science for final year student to fluctuate and the is a big need to help maintain the
situation towards building future social study teachers.

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Appendix A: Consent form

Topic: an investigation on factors influencing academic performance to fluctuate in social

science for final year student in Rundu campus.

Name of the researcher………………………………………………………………………

1. I confirm that I have read and understand the information sheet for the above study and what
my contribution will be
yes no

2. I agree to take part in the interview

yes no

3. I agree to the interview being taped recorded

yes no

4. I understand my participation is voluntary and that I can withdraw from the research without
giving any explanation
yes no

5. I have been given an opportunity to ask questions

yes no

6. I understand the purpose of this study

Yes no

Name of the participant…………………………………………………………….

Appendix B: Interview questions

We appreciate your willingness to participate in this interview as part of our study on the
factors influencing academic performance to fluctuate in social science for final year students at
Rundu campus. As you are aware academically good student have better employment benefits,
higher income and are less likely to engage in substance abuse. Your responses to this question
will help us understand factors influencing the academic performance in social science of final
year student.

This interview will be taped so that they may more readily review the recording later.


1. how is the academic performance in social science for final year students?

2. what do you think could be the factor influencing academic performance to fluctuate in social


3. How is the factor you mentioned affect final year students’ academic performance in social


4. How can you deal with the negative factors affecting final year student academic performance

in social science to improve?

5. As a student what can you do to improve the academic performance of final year student in

social science?

6. In your opinion, what should the university do to maintain academic performance in social

science for final year student?

7. In your opinion, what should the government do to contribute to the improvement of student

academic performance in social science at the university?

8. Do you have anything you want to add?

Thank you…

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