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Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

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Technological Forecasting & Social Change

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The Effects of Central Bank Digital Currencies News on Financial Markets

Yizhi Wang a, *, Brian M. Lucey a, b, c, Samuel A. Vigne d, Larisa Yarovaya e
Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland
Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Business Research, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, 59C Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City,
Institute for Industrial Economics, Jiangxi University of Economics and Finance, 169, East Shuanggang Road, Xialuo, Changbei District Nanchang 330013, Jiangxi,
LUISS Business School, LUISS University, Rome, Italy
Center for Digital Finance, University of Southampton, Highfield Campus, Southampton, UK


JEL classification: Based on coverage of over 660m news stories from LexisNexis News & Business between 2015–2021, we provide
C43 two new indices around the growing area of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC): the CBDC Uncertainty Index
C58 (CBDCUI) and CBDC Attention Index (CBDCAI). We show that both indices spiked during news related to new
developments in CBDC and in relation to digital currency news items. We demonstrate that CBDC indices have a
significant negative relationship with the volatilities of the MSCI World Banks Index, USEPU, and the FTSE All-
F31 World Index, and positive with the volatilities of cryptocurrency markets, foreign exchange markets, bond
G15 markets, VIX, and gold. Our results suggest that financial markets are more sensitive to CBDC Uncertainty than
G21 CBDC Attention as proxy by these indices. These findings contain useful insights to individual and institutional
Keywords: investors, and can guide policymakers, regulators, and the media on how CBDC evolved as a barometer in the
CBDC new digital-currency era.
Uncertainty and attention index
Market effect

1. Introduction which draws inspiration from famous crypto assets such as Bitcoin,
Ethereum, Binance Coin, among others. In 2013, Shoaib et al. (2013)
While our times are certainly changing, let us hope money remains introduced the alternative terms of Official Digital Currency (ODC) and
with us. As a medium of exchange, money has evolved from shells, dogs the Official Digital Currency System (ODCS).
teeth, knotted fabric, precious metals, banker’s notes, cash to crypto­ A CBDC is of great importance over conventional cryptocurrencies
currency (Davies, 2010). While cryptocurrency is still a largely unreg­ and fiat currencies when studying. First, from the perspective of pay­
ulated area, the introduction of the Central Bank Digital Currencies ment, it saves costs, prevents counterfeiting, and strengthens the au­
(CBDCs) will manifest the beginning of a new monetary era (Laboure thority of legal tender while enhancing the inclusive character of the
et al., 2021). Now, the Bahamas has already implemented CBDC in its payment system (Sun et al., 2017). It also optimises the payment func­
territory, and China has recently completed two CBDC tests. The CBDC tion of legal tender, reducing the reliance on payment services on
wallet app is now available in Suzhou, Xiongan, Shenzhen, and business banks and private sectors, thereby decreasing the burden and
Chengdu, and the People’s Bank of China and the Hong Kong Monetary pressure of supervision on the central bank (Qian, 2019). Second, CBDCs
Authority has begun ’technical testing’ for cross-border use of e-CNY. can benefit to the monetary supervision and regulation. The structured
Uruguay has also completed a CBDC pilot test. CBDC is a virtual form of currency circulation data allows total amount of money supply to be
a country’s fiat currency issued by the central bank (Yao, 2018b). CBDC regulated precisely [Agarwal et al., 2021; Fernández-Villaverde et al.,
was initially called a Digital Fiat Currency (DFC) (Krylov et al., 2018), 2021]. This ameliorates the dilemmas facing modern monetary policies,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: wangy27@tcd.ie (Y. Wang).

Received 6 November 2021; Received in revised form 15 April 2022; Accepted 19 April 2022
Available online 1 May 2022
0040-1625/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

such as inefficient policy transmissions, difficult regulation of conver­ of the CBDC variants, as well as the potential advantages and risks of its
sion periods, the flow of money from the real economy to the virtual one, introduction [Cunha et al., 2021; Kochergin, 2021]. The second focuses
and the failed realisation of expected requirements by monetary pol­ on the design theory, technology innovation, and model optimisation of
icies. Moreover, capital flow information can be fully and quickly CBDC [Qian, 2019; Lee et al., 2021b]. The third examines its security
investigated, thereby aiding anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, and privacy [Borgonovo et al., 2021; Lee et al., 2021c]. The fourth an­
anti-terrorist financing, and anti-tax evasion efforts [Tronnier, 2021; alyses CBDC’s impacts on the monetary system and monetary policy
Dupuis et al., 2021]. Third, CBDCs have the potential to promote [Davoodalhosseini, 2021; Meaning et al., 2021]. The fifth group in­
financial market stability by adjusting monetary, mitigating financial vestigates the relationships between CBDC and banking, including
systemic risk, reducing shadow banking, among others [Larina and commercial and central banking [Fernández-Villaverde et al., 2021;
Akimov, 2020; Copeland, 2020; Zams et al., 2020]. Williamson, 2021]. Whereas only few studies investigate how current
While a CBDC could provide some benefits, it may also bring several CBDCs’ discussion among regulators and in the media affect behaviour
significant challenges for society. First, CBDCs could exacerbate finan­ of financial markets. Considering the process of CBDCs is at the early
cial uncertainty during periods of economic stress [Ferrari et al., 2022; stages of development and adoption there is the lack of data or proxies
Sinelnikova-Muryleva, 2020]. Without effective regulations, individuals which can reflect and stand for the CBDCs, thus hindering quantitative
can hold CBDCs indefinitely. Therefore, in the event of a crisis, in­ analyses of CBDC’s effects on financial markets.
dividuals or economic agents could try to substitute CBDCs for bank To fill this research gap and conduct a quantitative analysis of CBDC
deposits, as they may be perceived as less risky (Williamson, 2021). This with financial markets, we developed and made available two CBDC
behaviour may lead to bank runs and financial instability. Second, indices the CBDC Uncertainty (CBDCUI) and the CBDC Attention
similar to the first point, CBDCs could have negative consequences for (CBDCAI), that can be used to track CBDCs’ trends and variations. Our
financial intermediation, aka the banking sector. Banks play an impor­ data covers the main period of CBDC development and the period of the
tant role in deposit management and payments. Now, some FinTech most active discussion of this new asset in the media, i.e. from January
payment platforms have emerged that only focus on one function of 2015 to June 2021. Thus, we construct our indices use 663,881,640
money: payments. Meanwhile, other financial services are organised news items collected from Lexis-Nexis News & Business. In this paper,
around the payment function, including features such as credit, fund we first to empirically examine the impact of CBDC news on the financial
management, and insurance (good examples of this kind of platform are markets. Our sample includes the main cryptocurrency uncertainty
Alipay and WeChat Wallet). These FinTech payment platforms connect indices, which are Cryptocurrency Policy Uncertainty Index (UCRY
consumers (borrowers, debtors, investors, among others) together, Policy or UCRYPo), Cryptocurrency Price Uncertainty Index (UCRY
rather than the banks, so that banks can be replaced. CBDCs could have Price or UCRYPr), Cryptocurrency Environmental Attention Index
the same characteristic as these FinTech payment platforms because (ICEA); Bitcoin as a proxy of cryptocurrency markets; the MSCI World
they also allow the general public easy access the central bank balance Banks Index (MSCI WBI) and the FTSE World Government Bond Index
sheet. Therefore, some scholars worry that digital currency and digi­ (FTSE WGBI) to represent the commercial banking sectors, and the bond
talisation could cause an inversion of the currency financial intermedi­ markets, separately. Furthermore, we selected EUR/USD, GBP/USD,
ation system [Tronnier et al., 2020; Meaning et al., 2021]. Although RUB/USD, JPY/USD, and CNY/USD to represent the foreign exchange
Brunnermeier and Landau (2022) argue that CBDCs would only have markets. To account for economic price and policy uncertainty we also
small negative effects on the financial intermediation system because of included the The Cboe Volatility Index (VIX) and the United States
the low circulation volume, the real effects of CBDCs on the banks Economic Policy Uncertainty Index (USEPU) in our sample. Finally, we
business model could only be proved with the development of CBDCs chose the FTSE All-World Index (FTSE AWI) to represent the stock
and would also vary depending on their liquidity. Third, CBDCs could markets and gold as a safe-haven assets that often has been compared
pose risks to individual privacy [Fu et al., 2019; Tronnier, 2021]. The with Bitcoin.
original intention of the CBDC design tries to strike a balance between We begin our empirical analysis with a vector autoregression (VAR)
the ’controllable anonymity’ and ’anti-money laundering’ (Turrin, for testing the effectiveness and validity of the newly issued indices.
2021). Therefore, CBDCs do not allow for anonymous transactions in the Then, we apply a structural vector autoregression (SVAR) model to
same way that cash can be spent anonymously (Lee et al., 2021c). Data process a structural shock analysis of the effects of CBDCUI and CBDCAI
privacy regulations could provide some protections, but these may be on indices, as well as macro-level variables using impulse response
insufficient to eliminate public concerns over the risk of state surveil­ function (IRF), forecast errors variance decomposition (FEVD), and
lance (Borgonovo et al., 2021). Fourth, as a kind of digital currency, historical decomposition (HD) tests. We further employ the dynamic
CBDCs could bring about environmental issues (Laboure et al., 2021). conditional correlation (DCC-GJR-GARCH) model to investigate in­
The production, deposit and transaction of CBDCs would likely consume terconnections between indices and financial variables. Applications of
a plethora of energy and emit a large amount of CO2 , leaving carbon SVAR and DCC-GJR-GARCH models to our set of variables, helps us to
footprints and causing increased environmental pollution. Finally, uncover how CBDC indices interact with these financial indicators
CBDCs could trigger a new round of trade wars between China and the providing novel empirical evidence on the CBDC news on financial
United States [Waller, 2021; Goldman, 2022]. The Society for World­ markets.
wide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) system gives the This paper contributes to the existing literature in three main ways.
United States a strong economic sanction capability. However, the dig­ First, based on news coverage from LexisNexis News & Business, we
ital renminbi supported by China’s Cross-Border International Payments developed two new indices for CBDC between 2015–2021: the CBDCUI
Systems (CIPS) can replace SWIFT and challenge the existing interna­ and CBDCAI, that can be used by investors, policy makers and financial
tional payments system, which is dominated by the United Stated regulators to monitor the impact of CBDC-related discussions on vola­
(Goldman, 2022). This potential threat could trigger U.S. sanctions on tility of financial markets. Our indices capture CBDC trends and un­
Chinese banks by pressuring their transaction nodes, leading to a certainties as they are able to react to major relevant events. For
renewed U.S.-China trade war. example, our indices spiked near new CBDC announcements, digital
CBDCs’ encouraging progress has generated extensive attention and currency flash-news, and main policy debates. Second, the paper reports
discussions among academics and economists. The majority of available that CBDCUI and CBDCAI indices had a significantly negative effect on
studies still concentrate on the fundamental qualitative analysis of CBDC the volatilities of the MSCI World Banks Index, USEPU, and FTSE All-
and its technological innovations. The latest CBDC studies can be clas­ World Index, where the volatilities of the financial variables reacted
sified into five sub-groups. The first discusses (among other aspects) the more strongly to shocks transmitted from the CBDCUI. Third, the paper
definition, characteristics, classification, main models, and implications presents the historical decomposition results, that show that the

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

cumulative positive and negative effects of CBDCUI disturbances tend to beyond the real economy. Wagner et al. (2021) discussed and proposed a
be larger than those of the CBDCAI on the financial variables. Positive potential blueprint for a digital euro and proved its possibility. Lee et al.
news items and government policy announcements can have a signifi­ (2021b) proposed a blockchain-based settlement system using
cant negative affect on the CBDCUI historical decomposition results, i.e. cross-chain atomic swaps that could be implemented for the CBDCs to
decreasing the uncertainty around CBDC introduction. Besides, we show manage settlement risks.
that both CBDCUI and CBDCAI historical decomposition results signifi­ The third group illustrates CBDCs’ security and privacy. Fu et al.
cantly spiked near key CBDC progress news and significant events (2019), Tronnier (2021) and Borgonovo et al. (2021) demonstrated the
regarding digital currency. significance of anonymity for increasing the overall attraction of CBDCs’
Our paper offers useful proxies of CBDCs uncertainty and attention social medium payment. Lee et al. (2021c) conducted a survey on se­
and a novel evidence for future quantitative studies into CBDCs. More­ curity and privacy in blockchain-based CBDCs to address the remaining
over, this paper successfully links CBDCs to the financial markets and security and privacy research gaps, and a techno-legal taxonomy of
other volatility and uncertainty measures, that can originate another methodologies was further proposed to balance CBDCs privacy and
strand of CBDCs literature. The results provide novel useful insights for transparency without impeding accountability (Pocher and Veneris,
investors, policymakers, regulators, and media on how CBDCs evolved 2021).
as a barometer in the new digital-currency era. For example, policy­ The fourth group analyses the impacts of CBDCs on monetary sys­
makers and regulators can adjust fiscal policy by referencing our CBDC tems and policy. For instance, using a literature review, Tronnier et al.
indices. And the CBDC indices can guide investors to increase or reduce (2020) systematically revised CBDCs and further discussed their impli­
their financial assets’ net long positions. cations on economics, monetary policy, and legal issues. Meaning et al.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 out­ (2021) discussed CBDCs’ potential impact on monetary transmission
lines previous CBDCs literature. Section 3 describes the construction of mechanisms, and found that monetary policy can operate as it does now
the indices and the data for the empirical analysis, while Section 4 de­ by adjusting the price or quantity of CBDCs. Shen and Hou (2021)
scribes the econometric methods used. Section 5 presents the empirical applied a qualitative analysis of China’s CBDCs and their impacts on
results and robustness tests. Finally, Section 6 discussed the main find­ monetary policy and payment competition, and argued that CBDCs have
ings of this research and its implications. potential to transform the field completely rather than be a mere regu­
latory toolkit, especially when CBDCs will be adopted at a large-scale. To
2. Literature review put it simply, some scholars hold positive views towards CBDCs on
monetary policy. They have argued that CBDCs are useful complements
A CBDC is a government credit-based digital currency, thereby to monetary and reserve policy (Davoodalhosseini, 2021), and that they
reducing their risks. Therefore, some economic agents and individuals have the potential power to strengthen the monetary transmission
might prefer to transfer money from commercial banks to CBDCs during mechanism and bear interest (Stevens, 2021). However, other studies
financial crises (Sinelnikova-Muryleva, 2020). Many regulators and re­ have discussed CBDCs’ monetary risks, for example, Viuela et al. (2020)
searchers regard a CBDC as a nationally issued ’tablecoin’, and believe it listed the sources of these risks, and presented both solutions and sug­
can balance the banking system (Sissoko, 2020) and positively impacts gestions for further CBDCs research.
financial stability [Larina and Akimov, 2020; Copeland, 2020; The fifth group investigates the relationships between CBDCs and
McLaughlin, 2021; Buckley et al., 2021]. Indeed, Zams et al. (2020), banking, including commercial and central banking. Cukierman (2020)
using an analytic network process and the Delphi method, demonstrated provided two proposals CBDCs’ implementation, i.e the moderate and
that the cash-like CBDCs model is the most suitable CBDCs design for radical. The former suggests that only the banking sector can have access
Indonesia because it can improve financial inclusion and reduce shadow to deposits at central banks, while the latter suggests that the whole
banking. Tong and Jiayou (2021) investigated the effects of the issuance private sector could hold digital currency deposits at central banks.
of digital currency/electronic payment on economics based on a Cukierman supported the radical proposal due to its ability to condense
four-sector DSGE model, and conclude that CBDCs can mitigate the the banking system and reduce the need for deposit insurance.
leverage ratio and the systemic financial risk. Barrdear and Kumhof Furthermore, some discussions have centred around the new role of
(2021) examined the macroeconomic consequences of launching CBDCs central banks in the digital currency era. Some scholars believe that
by a DSGE model, and found that CBDCs issuance 30%’s GDP, against CBDCs can upset commercial banking because central banks are more
government bonds, could be permanently raised by 3%. Additionally, stable and can play an essential role in reducing risks in economic
Fantacci and Gobbi (2021) focused on the geopolitical, strategic, and transactions [Yamaoka, 2019; Zams et al., 2020; Sinelnikova-Muryleva,
military impacts of CBDCs. 2020]. This could possibly even lead to commercial banking panic
However, CBDCs are new research fields within digital currency and (Williamson, 2021) or allow central banks to become deposit monopo­
fintech domain, and a few paper available to date can be roughly allo­ lists (Fernández-Villaverde et al., 2021).
cated into five main sub-groups. None of these studies have linked CBDCs to financial markets. One
The first group discusses, among other aspects, the definition, char­ possible reason for this research gap is the lack of a time series proxy that
acteristics, classification, main models, and implications of the CBDCs relates to the CBDCs. However, several scholars have shown that an
variants, and the potential advantages and risks of its introduction [Yao, index of news coverage frequency can serve as a proxy to reflect the
2018b; Masciandaro, 2018; Cunha et al., 2021; Kochergin, 2021; Li and uncertainty of one economic or financial objective (e.g., economic pol­
Huang, 2021; Allen et al., 2022]. While the above mentioned re­ icy, cryptocurrency policy, or cryptocurrency price) [Baker et al., 2016,
searchers hold positive attitudes towards CBDCs, Kirkby (2018) criti­ Huang and Luk, 2020; Lucey et al., 2021], or draw public attention to an
cised CBDCs as they would increase the central bank’s costs for the economic or financial objective (e.g., cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency
whole money supply system. environmental, P2P lending) [He et al., 2021; Smales, 2022; Wang et al.,
The second group of studies focuses on the CBDCs’ design theory, 2022]. These papers further confirm that the uncertainty or attention
technological innovation, and model optimisation. Sun et al. (2017) indices mentioned above can act as validity and efficiency proxies by
proposed a multi-blockchain data centre model for CBDCs in order to investigating their impacts on micro or macroeconomic variables. This
help central banks manage the issuance of currency, prevent research gap is the motivation behind our work to uncover the effects of
double-spending issues, and protect user privacy. Yao (2018a) con­ CBDC news on financial markets. This is achieved by introducing new
ducted an experimental study on a Chinese prototype of a CBDC system. CBDC indices to capture existing trends and reflect the variations of
Qian (2019) introduced a CBDC issuance framework designed for for­ CBDC uncertainty and attention by gathering a large amount of CBDC
ward contingencies in order to prevent the currency from circulating news items and analysing the interconnections between the CBDC

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

Fig. 1. CBDC uncertainty index search string

indices and financial market variables using a variety of quantitative Based on the CBDCAI’s search term, we then added a new search term,
techniques. ‘uncert!’, with the link of ‘and’, not ‘or’. Therefore, we obtained a new
This paper adds to the CBDCs literature in two main ways. First, it search string for CBDCUI. Additionally, we set the option for Group
introduces new CBDCUI and the CBDCAI indices that can capture the Duplicate to MODERATE so as to avoid duplicate results as much as
uncertainty and attention around introduction and adoption of CBDCs, possible2. The search strings for CBDCUI and CBDCAI are as follows:
and can be used for further analysis of the impacts of CBDCs on various We should also explain our decision to launch an extra CBDCUI, as
financial markets. These indices not only track current CBDCs’ news well as the differences between ‘volatility’ and ‘uncertainty’. We are
trends, but also presents their variations over time and relationships living in a period of great uncertainty. Indeed, in recent years, various
with other uncertainty and attention measures. Second, this is the first financial and political events have shaken the world. For example, the
paper to focus on the effects of CBDC news on financial markets using US financial crisis, the European sovereign debt crisis, terrorist attacks,
very large and comprehensive dataset. We have thoroughly investigated Brexit, and the current global COVID-19 pandemic, to name but a few.
how CBDC news can impact cryptocurrency markets, commercial This series of events has meant that uncertainty has become an impor­
banking sectors, bond markets, foreign exchange markets, stock mar­ tant variable in modern economies. The CBDCUI not only helps us
kets, uncertainty indices, and gold, and made our data available for identify the uncertainty of CBDC itself, but also allow us to capture how
replication. these uncertainties can disrupt the modern economies. Uncertainty
differs from volatility in the way it is designed and measured, and these
3. Data have been analysed differently in the academic literature. In fact,
volatility captures the variability in the price of financial assets.
3.1. CBDC indices data collection Therefore, it can be interpreted as a measure of ‘the present’. Simply out,
volatility is akin to a ‘photographs’ of the current situation. Uncertainty
We conduct multiple search in LexisNexis News & Business using tries to capture ‘the future’ through studying economic, social, and po­
combinations of keywords relevant to CBDCs. There is no doubt that litical sentiment, that in our case, can be extracted from analysis of wide
‘Central Bank Digital Currency’ and ‘CBDC’ were set as our key search news coverage of CBDC.
terms. Moreover, due to our identification of the strongest currencies
(see the literature review, above), we considered what the official non-
3.2. CBDC indices’ construction
English terms for ‘Central Bank Digital Currency’ in these countries. The
official language of the US, EU, and the UK is English1. Therefore, the
Our method of CBDC indices’ construction draws from the methods
aforementioned search terms have been translated to Chinese, Japanese,
of Baker et al. (2016) and Huang and Luk (2020) and is in line with the
Russian to ensure comprehensive coverage of the stories in the main
methods of Lucey et al. (2021) and Wang et al. (2022), who created the
countries that are leading the CBDCs development. Furthermore,
cryptocurrency uncertainty indices and cryptocurrency environmental
considering Spanish, Portuguese, French, and German are essential
attention index.
languages in the EU we also translated ‘Central Bank Digital Currency’
However, considering the database used for the new indices’ con­
into these four languages. Additionally, as a CBDC is a type of digital
struction, our method differs from Baker et al. (2016), Huang and Luk
currency, and some countries value a CBDC as a tool to counter cryp­
(2020), Shen et al. (2019), He et al. (2021) and Smales (2022), who
tocurrencies. Therefore, we included ‘Digital currency’ as another key
collected data only from American newspapers, Chinese newspapers,
term. Once done, we searched for the most popular synonyms for digital
Twitter trends, Baidu trends, or Google trends for constructing their
currency, which we found to be ‘digital money’, ‘electronic currency’,
indices. In contrast, we choose LexisNexis News & Business, a compre­
‘electronic money’, ‘e-currency’, and ‘e-money’. Therefore, we also set
hensive digital source, as our database because it provides access to a
these five synonyms as key search terms.
much larger volume of articles across various publication sources and
Knowing that USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, RUB, JPY, and CNY are heading
over time (including, but not limited to, newswire feeds and media news
towards CBDCs, we substituted the keywords ‘currency’ or ‘money’ with
transcripts) than Google, Twitter, Baidu and the other traditional trend
the official name of these currencies. For example, search terms for the
search engines offer.
currency of the United States also included ‘digital dollar’, ‘electronic
Moreover, we have to point out that one drawback of constructing an
dollar’, ‘e-dollar’, ‘digital USD’, ‘electronic USD’, and ‘e-USD’. For
index based on any literature archive is that articles enter and leave the
countries where English is not the official language, we not only kept the
archive, so the overall volume of articles could vary across publication
English search terms, but also translate them into the particular official
sources and time. This is why the standardisation and normalisation
language. Considering that Germany and France have the EU’s strongest
procedures should be processed according to the raw count data because
economies, we also translated ’digital euro’, ‘electronic euro’, and ‘e-
it allows one to sort the data on the same scale.
euro’ into German and French. As we considered Switzerland an English
For example, the CBDCUI scales the observed value of news articles
speaking country, we applied ‘digital Swiss franc’, ‘electronic Swiss
in each week by the number of articles that meet the search string Fig. 1
franc’, ‘e-franc’, ‘digital CHF’, ‘electronic CHF’, and ‘e-CHF’. Compiling
for the same week. The series is then standardised to obtain a time series
these key search terms together generated our search string for CBDCAI.
dataset as the initial index. Lastly, the initial index is normalised by
adding an average value of 100 to eliminate the potential negative

Although the official languages in Switzerland are German, French, Italian,
and Romansh, its population is relatively small, meaning that we consider Weekly values can be downloaded from: https://sites.google.com/view/cr
Switzerland an English-speaking country yptocurrency-indices/the-indices/cbdc-indices?authuser=0

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

Fig. 2. CBDC attention index search string


Fig. 4. CBDC annotated indices

impacts caused by the overall volume of articles varying across publi­ CBDCAI can be calculated as in Equation (1) and Equation 2:
cation sources and time3. The final series after the normalisation can be ( )
N1t − μ1
valued as the CBDCUI. Repeating the standardisation and normalisation CBDCUIt = + 100, (1)
procedures by using the search string Fig. 2 can construct the CBDCAI4.
Based on the demonstrations mentioned above, the CBDCUI and
where CBDCUIt is the value of the CBDCUI in the weeks t between
January 2015 and June 2021, N1t is the weekly observed value of news
articles on LexisNexis concerning CBDC uncertainty, μ1 is the mean of
Applying an average value of 100 as the normalisation value is consistent these same articles, and σ1 is the standard deviation of such. Adding an
with the other new digital currency indices, which are cryptocurrency policy average value of 100 to eliminate the potential negative impacts caused
uncertainty index, cryptocurrency price uncertainty index, cryptocurrency by the overall volume of articles varies across publication sources and
environmental attention index and NFTs attention index. These new digital time.
currency indices can be found at https://sites.google.com/view/cryptocurr
( )
ency-indices/home?authuser=0. N2t − μ2
4 CBDCAIt = + 100, (2)
More details about the methods of CBDC indices’ construction can be found σ2
in Lucey et al. (2021) and Wang et al. (2022).

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

where CBDCAIt is the value of the CBDCAI in the weeks t between (Corbet et al., 2020b), since this digital asset attract the highest attention
January 2015 and June 2021, N2t is the weekly observed value of Lex­ from media and general public [Su et al., 2020a; Wu et al., 2021], and
isNexis news articles concerning the CBDC attention, μ2 is the mean of also often used a proxy of overall cryptocurrency market volatility [Le
these and, σ 2 is the standard deviation of such. Adding an average value et al., 2021b; Elsayed et al., 2022]. We omitted two composite crypto­
of 100 to eliminate the potential negative impacts caused by the overall currency indices, the Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index (BGCI) and the
volume of articles varies across publication sources and time. Royalton CRIX Cypto Index (CRIX), because they only began in 2017
Based on our index construction method mentioned above, we do not and 2018, respectively, and thus do not cover our entire research period.
need to distinguish and sort between the important news stories and the Moreover, we applied weekly data in this study, but the weekly available
smaller ones when we construct our CBDC indices. Instead, we just need data of the BGCI and the CRIX are too short and may not be enough to
to count the weekly observed value of news articles from LexisNexis run a successful and ideal advanced econometric model.
News & Business, regardless of where the keywords from Fig. 1 or Fig. 2 While the above studies would overwhelmingly suggest that intro­
are located in an article’s title, main content, comments or elsewhere. In duction of CBDCs will affect commercial banks, there are insufficient
other words, if the keywords from Fig. 1 or Fig. 2 show in one article’s quantitative analysis results that can prove this perspective. Therefore,
title, main content, comments or the other parts, we will collect it and we selected the MSCI World Banks Index5 to represent the commercial
record this article as one unit for constructing the CBDCUI or CBDCAI. banking sector, and investigated the impacts of CBDC indices on com­
Moreover, flash events are collected according to the frequency of ar­ mercial banking. In addition, we chose the FTSE World Government
ticles that have a same topic. During the CBDC high uncertainty and Bond Index as a proxy for bond markets6, since the bond market is a
attention periods, there are a plethora of articles discussing the same major segment of the financial system and a key player in monetary
topic. The flash events can then be extracted from the heated discussion policy transmission mechanisms to other financial markets (Yan et al.,
topics. 2018). Barrdear and Kumhof (2021) have investigated the impacts of the
Fig. 3 shows the weekly values for the derived indices based on CBDCs issuance on the GDP, compared with government bonds. It is a
663,881,640 news items collected between January 2015 and June popular belief, that a CBDC is a simply digital version of a fiat currency,
2021. According to (Turrin, 2021), Ecuador was the first country to while many scholars consider it to be a ’national stablecoin’. Therefore,
launch CBDCs, which it did in February 2015 to promote it is pertinent to examine its effects on the fiat currencies of countries
anti-dollarisation. This implementation is why we selected January that according to the literature are heading towards adopting the
2015 as the beginning of our observation period. The weekly CBDCUI CBDCs, such as China, the US, the EU, the UK, Canada, Russia, and Japan
and CBDCAI indices were annotated in Fig. 4 and display which events (Alonso et al., 2021). Moreover, Ciner et al. (2013); Fatum et al. (2017);
can drive spikes on the indices. The plot allowed us to clearly see how Fong and Wong (2020) and Shehadeh et al. (2021) suggest that USD,
new CBDC developments could raise the indices, while they could also EUR, GBP, RUB, JPY, and CNY are the strongest currencies in the world,
be stimulated by other significant events related to cryptocurrencies. We and these countries (or blocs) are leading the CBDCs progress world­
have listed all of the events captured by our indices in Appendix-A. wide. We also set the F.X. Spot unit of all the currencies as USD, meaning
that USD units per 1 of another currency (Aslam et al., 2020). Therefore,
the increase in the exchange rate implies the appreciation of the
3.3. Financial market variable selection EUR/GBP/JPY/RUB/CNY against the USD, and vice versa.
To analyse the relationship between our new CBDC indices and other
To justify the selections of financial markets in our sample, we popular global uncertainty measures we selected the VIX and the USEPU
consider previous literature that reported which markets were suscep­ indices (Umar et al., 2021a). We did not choose the EPU (global) because
tible to shocked transmitted from CBDCs, or reverse, were immunised it contains only monthly data. While in this paper, we utilise weekly data
from these shocks. According to the viewpoints expressed by the central for all variables. The effects of CBDCUI and CBDCAI on stock markets is
banks around the world, a CBDC is a national tool to counter crypto­ also captured by including the FTSE All-World Index in our analysis and
currency volatility and uncertainty [Tronnier et al., 2020; Larina and we can assign the FTSE All-World Index to represent the all-world stock
Akimov, 2020; Lee et al., 2021a; Koziuk, 2021]. We thus hypothesise markets.7 Lastly, we selected gold as our safe-haven [Baur and Lucey,
that CBDCUI and CBDCAI may have significant effects on crypto­ 2010; Lucey et al., 2017], because our sample covers the period of
currency markets. Specifically, we assume that debates around CBDCs COVID-19 pandemic (Yousfi et al., 2021), and safe-haven properties of
may affect cryptocurrency price and policy uncertainty, therefore we gold has been often compared to the other assets [Thampanya et al.,
decided to also include UCRY Policy and UCRY Price indices in our 2020; Le et al., 2021a; Chemkha et al., 2021].
sample. It is important to assess how the new CBDC indices are related to
other indices capture uncertainty of the cryptocurrency markets as a 4. Methodology
whole. ICEA can capture the public attention and concerns regarding the
environment and cryptocurrency (Wang et al., 2022). Both crypto­ The existing literature provides numerous examples of effective
currencies and CBDCs are a type of digital currency, and they will lead to
environmental issues such as increased energy consumption and carbon
emissions during their production and circulation [Chen et al., 2020; Su 5
The MSCI World Banks Index is constructed on large and mid-capitalisation
et al., 2020b]. Moreover, Laboure et al. (2021) already pointed out the stocks across 23 developed market countries (Australia, Austria, Belgium,
environmental implications of the introduction of CBDCs. The envi­ Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy,
ronmental concerns surrounding CBDCs require governments to make Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Swe­
CBDCs sustainable; otherwise, the CBDCs might be seen as against den, Switzerland, the UK, and the US). All stocks in the MSCI World Banks
environmental agendas. These environmental concerns related to digital Index are classified in the Banks industry group.
currencies could determine whether CBDCs are introduced in some The FTSE World Government Bond Index is a broad benchmark for the
global sovereign fixed income market. It measures the performance of fixed-
countries or even decide the fate of CBDCs entirely. Investigating the
rate, local currency, investment-grade sovereign bonds. The FTSE WGBI com­
interconnections between CBDCUI or CBDCAI and the ICEA could
prises sovereign debt from over 20 countries and is denominated in a variety of
quantify the extent of CBDCs’ impact on environmental concerns. The currencies.
results could be a strong determinant in the increased debates on the 7
The FTSE All-World Index is an international equity index which tracks the
necessity of regulation of CBDCs and proactive government intervention market performance of large- and mid-capitalisation stocks of companies from
in the FinTech ecosystem. We also selected the most important crypto­ developed and developing markets worldwide. The FTSE All-World Index in­
currency markets leader, i.e. Bitcoin, as one of our financial variables cludes roughly 3,900 stocks in approximately 50 countries.

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

methodologies that can be used to capture the impact of Uncertainty and ⎡ ⎤

Attention indices on financial markets. The DCC-GARCH model, wavelet
⎢ CBDC2t ⎥
analysis, and the VAR model (SVAR structural shock analysis) are the ⎢

UCRY Policyt
three most popular and straightforward methodologies for analysing of ⎢
⎢ UCRY Pricet

the relationships between different financial variables. Applying the ⎢

⎢ ⎥
DCC-GARCH model, Akyildirim et al. (2020) analysed the relationship ⎢ MSCI World Banks Indext ⎥
⎢ ⎥
between the price volatility of cryptocurrencies and the implied vola­ ⎢
⎢ VIXt ⎥

tilities of VIX and VSTOXX (EURO STOXX 50 indices Volatility Index). ⎢
⎢ USEPUt ⎥

Aepni et al. (2021) investigated the time-varying co-movements be­ Yt = ⎢
⎢ FTSE All World Indext ⎥
⎥ (4)
⎢ ⎥
tween Turkish sovereign yield curve factors and oil price shocks. Xie and ⎢ EUR/USDt ⎥
⎢ ⎥
Zhu (2021) examined the stabilisation effects of economic policy un­ ⎢ GBP/USDt ⎥
⎢ JPY/USDt ⎥
certainty (EPU) on gold futures market and spot market price volatility. ⎢

Several recent studies have used wavelet-analysis to investigate the ⎢

structure of financial indices’ correlation with various financial asset ⎢
⎢ Goldt

⎢ ⎥
classes. For instance, Conlon et al. (2018) used the continuous wavelet ⎣ Bitcoint ⎦
transformation to check the relationship between gold and inflation, as FTSE World Government Bond Indext
well as gold’s ability to hedge against inflation dynamically. Sharif et al.
(2020) analysed the connection between COVID-19, oil prices, stock where, CBDCUI or CBDCAI was ordered first and second because we
markets, geopolitical risks, and EPU in the United States by applying the believed that the UCRY Policy Index, UCRY Price Index, ICEA, MSCI
time-frequency coherence wavelet method. Moreover, Shahzad et al. World Banks Index, VIX, USEPU, FTSE All-World Index, EUR/USD, GBP/
(2021) examined the dynamics relationships between realised variances USD, JPY/USD, RUB/USD, CNY/USD, gold, Bitcoin and FTSE World
and semi-variances of the six strongest currencies by fitting wavelet Government Bond Index could react contemporaneously to uncertainty
squared coherence and wavelet cohesion. The VAR model, and its SVAR or attention shocks.
structural analysis tools, are widely used in issuing new financial The standard VAR is a reduced form model designed for stationary
indices. Baker et al. (2016) launched the EPU index and analysed its data forms. If economic theory is used to provide links between forecast
impact on economic activities (S&P 500 index, VIX, industrial produc­ errors and fundamental structural shocks, the SVAR model can be used.
tion, and unemployment rate). Huang and Luk (2020) issued China Accordingly, structural shocks on the system variables yt based on the
Economic Policy Uncertainty Index (China’s EPU) to examine the impact VAR can be calculated as Equation (5):
of its shocks on macroeconomic variables (equity price, deposit rate,
unemployment rate, and output volume). Lucey et al. (2021) and Wang A0 yt = A1 yt− 1 + A2 yt− 2 + ⋯ + Ap− 1 yt− (p− 1) + Ap yt− p + ΞDt + εt , (5)
et al. (2022) built the UCRY Policy, UCRY Price and ICEA. Then, these
where εt is a K × 1 dimensional vector white noise process with
studies performed the IRF, FEVD, and HD tests to further investigate the
covariance matrix Σε , also meaning structural shocks. A1 , A2 , ⋯, Ap− 1 , Ap
impacts of the three indices on financial and commodities assets. In this
− 1
paper, we used the VAR model to check the effectiveness and validity of are K × K coefficient matrices. Pre-multiplying the Equation (3) by A0
two new CBDC indices. Moreover, the SVAR model can investigate how can link the reduced form disturbance (forecast errors) ut to the un­
CBDC indices can affect the financial variables and contribute to their derlying structural shocks εt . The normal distribution (0, IK ) is subject to
variations. Furthermore, to determine the interconnections between εt . Therefore, from this we can reach Equation 6:
CBDC indices and each financial variable, we employed the DCC-GARCH
− 1
model as the most suitable and straightforward method for achieving ut = A0 εt ,
this goal. The SVAR model allows for three tools: the impulse response func­
tion (IRF), forecast error variance decomposition (FEVD), and historical
4.1. Structural shock model specification decomposition (HD). These are used to capture the dynamic and
instantaneous impacts of structural shocks within the variable system
The main uses of the VAR model are forecasting and structural (see Equation 4). The three elements can be broadly defined as follows.
analysis Lütkepohl (2005). The standard VAR is a reduced form model,
and can be expressed as Fig. 3: 4.1.1. Impulse Response Function
yt = A1 yt− 1 + A2 yt− 2 + ⋯ + Ap− 1 yt− +
(3) When a VAR process is stationary, it can be said it has a moving-
1) + Δyt− p + Ξ Dt + ut ,
average (MA) representation. In the MA representation, the IRF can

where yt is a K × 1 dimensional vector of variables observed at time t. trace the marginal effect of a shock to one variable by counterfactual
A1 , A2 , ⋯, Ap− 1 , Ap are K × K coefficient matrices. Dt is a vector of experiment. The MA representation can be expressed as Equation 7:
deterministic terms, and Ξ+ is the coefficient matrices corresponding ∑

with Dt . ut is a k-dimensional unobservable zero mean vector white noise yt = ut + Φi ut− i , Φ0 = Ik , (7)
process, and has covariance matrix Σu . ut also denotes the reduced form

disturbance. where ut is a k-dimensional unobservable zero mean vector white noise

In order to investigate the relationship between our indices and
process, and has covariance matrix Σu . Φi = JAi J and J =

economic activities, we established a variable system based on the VAR

[Ik : 0 : 0 : ⋯ : 0]. Ai are summable.
model. The CBDCUI, the CBDCAI, the UCRY Policy, the UCRY Price, the
ICEA, the MSCI World Banks Index, the FTSE World Government Bond
4.1.2. Forecast Error Variance Decomposition
Index, the VIX, the US EPU, the FTSE All-World Index, and the EUR/
The forecast error variance of the k-th element of the forecast error
USD, GBP/USD, JPY/USD, RUB/USD, and CNY/USD exchange rates, as
vector can be denoted as Equation 8:
well as the price of gold and Bitcoin, were selected as the system vari­
ables. We ordered variables as indicated by Equation 4: ( K (
)2 ∑ )
E yj,t+h − yj,t (h) = θ2jk,0 + ⋯ + θ2jk,h− 1 , (8)

where θ2jk,0 + ⋯ + θ2jk,h− 1 can represent the contribution of the j-th εt

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

innovation to the h-step forecast error variance of variable k. number of series. This calculation result suggested a maximum lag value
θ2jk,0 +⋯+θ2jk,h− of 13. Second, we calculated the optimal lag value based on the AIC, HQ,
2 can compute the contribution % of the j-th εt innovation to
E(yj,t+h − yj,t (h)) SC and FPE information criteria from lag max = 1 to lag max = 13. The
the h-step forecast error variance of variable k. ωkj,h can decompose the SVAR optimal lag calculation results are displayed in the Table 8,
contribution of the j-th εt innovation to the h-step forecast error variance Appendix B - Table. Except for the AIC criteria in lag max = 13, 12 and 11
of variable k. suggest 13, 12, 11 as the optimal lag, respectively. The other informa­
tion criteria in each lag max value all suggest that 1 is the optimal lag.
4.1.3. Historical Decomposition Third, we excluded 13, 12, 11 as the optimal lag by testing how sta­
ut can be decomposed into different structural components in the HD tionary the SVAR model stayed. The results in the Table B3, Appendix B -
- much like what has been analysed above. Equation 7, the MA repre­ Table show that the SVAR model cannot keep stationary when the lag is
sentation can be further denoted as Equation 9: 13, 12, or 11, but the SVAR is a stationary model when the lag is 18.

t− 1 ∑
∞ Moreover, Lütkepohl (2005) suggests that a large lag should not be
yt = Φi,t ut− i + Φi,t ut− i , (9) added into a variable system when one has a small number of obser­
i=1 i=t vations and a comparatively large number of variables. Therefore, we
decided to select 1 as the optimal lag value.
where the time series can be decomposed into the estimate structural
shocks ε from time 1 to time t, and the inestimable structural shocks ε
preceding the dataset’s start point. 4.2. Dynamic conditional correlation model specification

In a stationary VAR process, the ∞ i=t Φi,t ut− i can have a constantly
diminishing impact on the yt as time t increases, which can contribute to The key preconditions to apply a GARCH model is that the time series
a reasonable approximation. This process can be denoted as Equation data is stationary with ARCH effects. The results in Table 1 Panel C
10: confirms that all the time series variables are stationarity in the
continuously compounded returns. Moreover, Table B6 in Appendix B -
∑ Table indicates that all the variables have ARCH effects in 1, 2 and 3
t− 1
yt =
̂ Φi,t ut− i , (10)
i=1 orders. The above statistical evidence confirmed that the GARCH-type
models were appropriate to use.
Therefore, the HD is equal to the weighted sums, which can be The DCC model, proposed by Engle (2002), enables the identification
measured as the contribution of shock j on variable k in the stationary of the time-varying correlation among different variables. Many studies
VAR process. Consequently, the HD can be denoted as Equation 11: have applied multivariate GARCH-DCC models to estimate the DCCs

t− 1 [Celık, 2012; Jones and Olson, 2013; Ciner et al., 2013]. However,
y (j)
̂ kt = Φkj,t uj,t (11) finding a suitable GARCH-type model is an extremely challenging task.
There are five popular standard GARCH competing models in the digital
Based on the prior ordering in the SVAR Cholesky decomposition, the currency field Chu et al. (2017): SGARCH(p,q), EGARCH(p,q), IGARCH
relationship between reduced form residuals and structural shocks are (p,q), APARCH(p,q) and GJR-GARCH(p,q). We fitted these five
shown in Equation 12: GARCH-type models by the method of maximum likelihood, and the
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ discrimination among them is identified by the AIC, BIC, SC and HQ
⎢ uCBDC 1 ⎥ ⎢ εt
⎥ information criteria. The smaller the values of these criteria, the better
the fit. Table B7, Table B8, Table B9 and Table B10 in Appendix B - Table
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ CBDC2 ⎥ ⎢ εCBDC2 ⎥
⎢ ut ⎥ ⎡ ⎤ ⎢ ⎥
give the GJR-GARCH model as the model with smallest values of AIC,
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ t ⎥
⎢ UCRY Policy ⎥ S11 012 013 ⋯ 0115 0116 0117 ⎢ UCRY Policy ⎥
⎢ ut ⎥ ε
BIC, SC and HQ for each variable.
⎥ ⎢ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ UCRY Price ⎥ ⎢ S21
⎢ S22 023 ⋯ 0215 0216 0217 ⎥ ⎢ t
⎥ ⎢ εUCRY Price ⎥ ⎥
⎢ ut

⎥ ⎢S
⎥ ⎢ 31 S32 S33 ⋯ 0315 0316 ⎥ ⎢
0317 ⎥ ⎢ t ⎥
⎥ The DCC-GJR-GARCH model is an innovative extension of the
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ uICEA 0417 ⎥ GARCH model, expanded by including an additional leverage term that
⎢ t ⎥
⎥ ⎢ 41
S S42 S43 ⋯ 0415 0416 ⎥ ⎢⎢ ε t ⎥

⎢ MSCI WBI ⎥ ⎢ S51 0517 ⎥
⎢ ut

⎥ ⎢
⎥ ⎢S
S52 S53 ⋯ 0515 0516 ⎥ ⎢

εt ⎥

detects asymmetries, and it can assess an asymmetric response to posi­
S62 S63 ⋯ 0615 0616 ⎥
0617 ⎥ ⎢

⎢ uVIX ⎥ ⎢ 61
⎥ ⎢ ⎢ ε VIX ⎥
⎥ tive and negative shocks. The latest research suggests that the DCC-GJR-
⎢ t ⎥
⎢ S71 S72 S73 ⋯ 0715 0716 0717 ⎥⎥ ⎢ USEPU ⎥
⎢ t

⎢ ut
⎥ ⎢ S81 ⎥ ⎢ ε ⎥
⎥ GARCH model outperforms other standard GARCH competing models in
S82 S83 ⋯ 0815 0816 0817 ⎥ ⎢ t

⎢ FTSE AWI ⎥ ⎢
⎥ ⎢
⎥ ⎢ FTSE AWI ⎥
0917 ⎥ = ⎢ εt

identifying financial variables’ DCC [Laurent et al., 2012; Al Mamun
⎢ ut ⎥ = ⎢ S91 S92 S93 ⋯ 0915 0916 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ EUR/USD ⎥ ⎢ S101 01017 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ et al., 2020; Corbet et al., 2021].
⎢ ut ⎥ ⎢ S102 S103 ⋯ 01015 01016 ⎥ ⎢⎢ εt

We first set rt = [r1,t , ⋯, rn,t ] and εt = [ε1,t , ⋯, εn,t ] as the (n × 1)
′ ′
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
01117 ⎥ ⎢ GBP/USD ⎥

⎢ GBP/USD ⎥ ⎢ S111 S112 S113 ⋯ 01115 01116 ⎥
⎢ ut ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ ε ⎥ vector of financial time series returns and the vector of return residuals,
⎢ ⎥
⎢ JPY/USD ⎥ ⎢ 121
S S122 S123 ⋯ 01215 01216 01217 ⎥
⎥ ⎢

⎢ ut

⎥ ⎢ S131
⎥ ⎢ S132 S133 ⋯ 01315 01316 ⎥ ⎢
01317 ⎥ ⎢ t ε ⎥
⎥ respectively. μ denotes a vector of constant with length n. ψ represents
the coefficient vector of the autoregressive terms. Second, set hi,t as the
⎢ RUB/USD ⎥ ⎢ S ⎢ RUB/USD ⎥
⎢ ut ⎥ ⎢ 141 S142 S143 ⋯ 01415 01416 01417 ⎥
⎥ ⎢ εt ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ CNY/USD ⎥ ⎢ S1517 ⎥
⎥ ⎢ ⎥ parallel conditional volatilities captured from the univariate GARCH
⎢ ut ⎥ ⎢ S151 S152 S153 ⋯ 01515 S1516 ⎢ εCNY/USD
t ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎣S ⎦ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ uGold

161 S162 S163 ⋯ 01615 01616 S1617 ⎢
⎢ εt Gold ⎥
⎥ process. Therefore, the mean equation with zero mean normally
t S171 S172 S173 ⋯ S1715 S1716 S1717 distributed return series can be given as Equation 13:
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ uBitcoin ⎥ ⎢ Bitcoin ⎥
⎢ t ⎥ ⎢ εt ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
t εt rt = μ + ψ rt− 1 + εt , εt = zt ht , zt ∼ N(0, 1).

(12) Second, we set It− 1 = 0 if εt− 1 ≥ 0, otherwise It− 1 = 1. Moreover, the

asymmetric effect of positive and negative shocks are identified by λ (the
where, ut denotes the reduced form disturbances (forecast errors) at time leverage coefficient). Based on the GJR - GARCH (1,1) model, the con­
t, εt denotes the structural shocks at time t. ditional volatility h2i,t can be expressed as Equation 14:
This study adds 1 lag to the SVAR model and the three structural
shock analysis tools. The optimal lag value of 1 for our variable system h2i,t = ω + αε2t− 1 + βσ2t− 1 + λε2t− 1 It− 1 , (14)
Equation 4 and SVAR model was selected based on the following pro­
cedures. First, we calculated the maximum lag value by applying the
equation (Winker and Maringer, 2004) and (Lütkepohl, 2005): Lag.max 8
( N) The SVAR optimal lag calculation criteria are also displayed in the
= 10 × ln m , where N is the number of observations and m is the
Appendix B - Table.

Table 1

Y. Wang et al.
Descriptive statistics

Panel A: price

Observation 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340
Mean 100.0000 100.0000 100.19 100.20 100.29 88.23 17.45 127.95 325.55 1.14 1.35 0.01 0.02 0.15 1384.81 8323.89 957.72
Min 99.12 99.44 99.02 99.03 99.40 56.19 9.14 35.15 235.71 1.04 1.17 0.01 0.01 0.14 1056.20 210.34 856.07
Max 106.16 106.02 108.26 109.18 112.00 114.62 66.04 601.16 477.60 1.25 1.59 0.01 0.02 0.16 2010.10 60204.96 1098.56
Range 7.04 6.58 9.23 10.15 12.60 58.43 56.90 566.01 241.89 0.20 0.42 0.001 0.01 0.02 953.90 59994.63 242.49
Std. Dev. 1.00 1.00 1.23 1.26 1.68 12.21 7.76 99.22 53.53 0.05 0.10 0.001 0.001 0.01 241.71 12156.80 62.90
MAD 0.50 0.29 0.46 0.48 0.58 11.20 4.51 39.93 53.91 0.05 0.08 0.001 0.001 0.01 130.91 7038.16 70.02
Skewness 3.00 3.95 2.78 3.07 3.94 - 0.43 2.63 2.59 0.88 0.33 0.79 - 0.47 0.22 0.23 1.03 2.67 0.46
Kurtosis 11.70 16.40 9.38 11.90 17.70 - 0.45 10.63 7.16 0.48 - 0.67 - 0.38 - 0.24 - 0.26 - 1.03 - 0.20 7.12 - 0.73
SE 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.07 0.09 0.66 0.42 5.38 2.90 0.001 0.01 0.001 0.001 0.001 13.11 659.30 3.41
J-B test 2482.9*** 4755.8*** 1707.8*** 2577.1*** 5387.9*** 13.307*** 2021*** 1122.5*** 47.539*** 12.454*** 37.628*** 13.465*** 3.5849 17.872*** 61.496*** 1137.9*** 19.359***
ADF - 2.7817 - 2.5028 - 2.9183 - 2.9066 - 2.9971 - 1.973 - 3.8293** - 3.1866* - 1.7614 - 2.516 - 1.4776 - 2.62 - 3.3439* - 1.9712 - 2.1804 - 2.6065 - 2.9232
KPSS 1.8065*** 1.549*** 1.9293*** 2.056*** 1.6208*** 0.45627* 1.3422*** 2.132*** 4.3691*** 1.2755*** 2.3293*** 2.3074*** 2.0678*** 1.9179*** 4.2772*** 2.7922*** 4.6276***
PP - 48.75*** - 17.008 - 52.702 - - 11.743 - 8.3806 - - - 9.5526 - 16.624 - 6.6449 - 15.1 - 16.056 - 4.6877 - 8.3714 - 7.8294 - 13.548
46.594*** 45.253*** 35.045***

Panel B: log return

Observation 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340
Mean 4.61 4.61 4.61 4.61 4.61 4.47 2.79 4.67 5.77 0.13 0.30 - 4.71 - 4.17 - 1.90 7.22 8.02 6.86
Min 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.03 2.21 3.56 5.46 0.04 0.15 - 4.83 - 4.38 - 1.97 6.96 5.35 6.75
Max 4.66 4.66 4.68 4.69 4.72 4.74 4.19 6.40 6.17 0.22 0.46 - 4.61 - 3.91 - 1.81 7.61 11.01 7.00
Range 0.07 0.06 0.09 0.10 0.12 0.71 1.98 2.84 0.71 0.18 0.31 0.22 0.47 0.15 0.64 5.66 0.25
Std. Dev. 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.15 0.36 0.56 0.16 0.04 0.07 0.05 0.10 0.04 0.16 1.60 0.06
MAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.12 0.33 0.44 0.17 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.10 0.05 0.11 1.22 0.07

Skewness 2.94 3.91 2.72 2.99 3.84 - 0.73 0.97 1.03 0.50 0.26 0.68 - 0.58 - 0.02 0.18 0.84 - 0.22 0.35
Kurtosis 11.17 16.07 8.84 11.16 16.72 - 0.08 1.11 0.87 - 0.20 - 0.70 - 0.51 - 0.16 - 0.49 - 1.06 - 0.47 - 1.13 - 0.81
SE 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.01 0.001 0.01 0.09 0.001
J-B test 2287.2*** 4582.7*** 1548*** 2304.3*** 4861.3*** 30.458*** 72.197*** 72.304*** 14.563*** 10.38*** 30.283*** 19.708*** 3.1647 17.367*** 43.413*** 20.697*** 16.209***
ADF - 2.7481 - 2.4361 - 2.9059 - 2.9066 - 2.9764 - 2.1027 - 3.4551** - 3.3427 - 2.4057 - 2.527 - 1.4932 - 2.5921 - 3.216 - 1.9756 - 2.3738 - 2.0129 - 3.0199
KPSS 1.8263*** 1.5654*** 1.9409*** 2.0727*** 1.6474*** 0.43944* 1.5168*** 2.998*** 4.5332*** 1.2814*** 2.2613*** 2.373*** 2.1086*** 1.9105*** 4.378*** 5.0548*** 4.6417***
PP - - 16.703 - - - 10.838 - 9.2871 - - - 14.076 - 16.959 - 6.9719 - 14.908 - 15.736 - 4.661 - 9.7523 - 7.0336 - 14.356
48.518*** 51.967*** 45.332*** 41.388*** 69.578***

Panel C: continuously compounded returns

Observation 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339 339

Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

Mean 0.0063 0.0091 0.0058 0.0064 0.0164 0.04 - 0.05 0.03 0.16 0.00 - 0.03 0.02 - 0.07 - 0.01 0.12 1.44 0.04
Min - 1.83 - 1.54 - 3.58 - 3.27 - 2.37 - 16.02 - 55.62 - 84.69 - 13.30 - 3.88 - 8.10 - 4.63 - 8.90 - 3.01 - 9.74 - 40.79 - 3.81
Max 2.32 2.35 3.53 3.92 5.68 15.26 85.37 114.54 9.88 3.69 6.68 4.57 7.93 1.57 9.01 34.70 3.24
Range 4.14 3.89 7.10 7.19 8.05 31.28 140.99 199.23 23.19 7.58 14.78 9.20 16.83 4.57 18.75 75.49 7.05
Std. Dev. 0.48 0.30 0.61 0.58 0.44 3.31 17.09 28.11 2.26 1.18 1.42 1.17 2.15 0.59 2.06 10.69 0.86
MAD 0.32 0.10 0.44 0.32 0.08 2.37 12.88 24.02 1.47 1.06 1.37 0.93 1.67 0.49 1.65 7.28 0.73
Skewness 0.49 2.41 0.32 1.61 5.37 - 0.35 0.84 0.38 - 1.22 - 0.26 - 0.60 0.30 - 0.72 - 0.42 - 0.10 - 0.45 - 0.37
Kurtosis 4.61 21.55 7.41 15.73 82.55 5.17 3.25 1.55 9.11 0.92 4.59 1.85 2.59 2.37 2.69 1.49 2.46
SE 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.18 0.93 1.53 0.12 0.06 0.08 0.06 0.12 0.03 0.11 0.58 0.05
J-B test 320.29*** 6978.5*** 794.3*** 3692.9*** 99083*** 391.05*** 193.08*** 43.262*** 1274.6*** 16.377*** 323.61*** 54.847*** 127.13*** 91.052*** 105.04*** 44.051*** 95.406***
ADF - 7.13*** - 6.49*** - 7.98*** - 7.43*** - 6.81*** - 6.67*** - 8.44*** - 9.04*** - 7.43*** - 6.67*** - 7.91*** - 7.06*** - 6.26*** - 5.72*** - 6.85*** - 6.51*** -
KPSS 0.022 0.089 0.0227 0.0234 0.149 0.084 0.024 0.026 0.125 0.11921 0.19924 0.083 0.035 0.246 0.094 0.075 0.0662
PP - - - - - - 336.6*** - - - - - - - - - - -
337.34*** 330.11*** 393.61*** 369.76*** 300.27*** 352.41*** 351.84*** 350.27*** 360.01*** 338.73*** 333.46*** 372.79*** 400.91*** 339.31*** 332.54*** 353.12***

Note:*p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

Fig. 5. The dynamics of variables returns

where, when λ < 0, the negative shocks can have a less of a significant effect Ht = Dt × Rt × Dt , (16)
on volatility than positive shocks, and when λ > 0, the positive shocks can
have a less significant effect on volatility than negative ones. If parameters ω, where, Rt = [ρij,r ] is the n × n time-varying correlation matrix that is
α, β, and λ can satisfy the conditions of ω > 0, α, β, λ ≥ 0, and λ + (α + β)/2 √̅̅̅̅̅̅
computed by the standardised residuals (i.e., zi,t = εi,t / hi,t computed
< 1, Equation 14 can always hold for a positive and stationarity volatility
from the univariate GARCH estimates).
process [Glosten et al., 1993; Al Mamun et al., 2020].
Moreover, based on the DCC model explanations in (Engle, 2002),
Third, based on the constant conditional correlation model (Boller­
we can further reach Equation 17, and Equation 18, and Equation 19:
slev, 1990), the constant conditional correlation Ht can be denoted as
( )− 1 ( )− 1
Equation 15: Rt = Q∗t 2 × Qt Q∗t 2 , (17)
Ht = Dt × R × Dt , (15)

Qt = (1 − α − β)Qs + αZt− 1 Zt− 1 + βQt− 1 ,
where, Dt = diag hi,t and it is the diagonal matrix of the conditional [ ]
variances, R = [ρij ] is the n × n correlation matrix. Since εt = D−t 1 rt , we ( )− 1 1 1
Q∗t 2
= diag √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅, ⋯, √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ , (19)
D−t 1
can reach Et− 1 [εt ] = 0 and R = Et− 1 [εt εt ] = × Ht ×D−t 1 ,
where Et [⋅] is Q11,t Qij,t

the conditional expectation on εt , εt− 1 , ⋯, εt− n .

Based on the Equation 15, a simple estimate of R is the unconditional where, Qt = (qij,t ) denotes the time-varying correlation matrix of Zt , and
correlation matrix of the standardised residuals. When R is set as time- Q∗t = diag(Qt ). Qs denotes the n × n unconditional variance matrix of Zt ,
varying, we can reach a dynamic correlation model, which can be and Qs = E[Zt Zt ]. α, and β are non-negative scalars as long as α + β < 1.

denoted as Equation 16: Finally, we can give the element of the conditional correlation matrix
ρij,t as Equation 20:

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

ρij,t = (20)
qii,t × qjj,t

5. Results


To investigate the indices’ structural shocks on cryptocurrency,
foreign exchange and stock markets as well as banking sectors, uncer­

tainty indices and safe-haven gold, we applied the IRF, FEVD and HD

tests derived from the SVAR model. By using the DCC-GJR-GARCH

model, we can further examine the interconnections between CBDC

indices and financial markets. We will discuss the results of these tests,
including their potential underlying causes in full detail in the following


- 0.025*
subsections. We demonstrate that CBDC indices have a significant

negative relationship with the volatilities of the MSCI World Banks

Index, USEPU and the FTSE All-World Index, and a positive one with
that of cryptocurrency markets, bond markets, foreign exchange mar­


kets, VIX and gold. Considering that the empirical findings from the two

econometrics models are identical, we will not interpret them in each


subsection for the sake of brevity. However, we will develop an inde­

pendent subsection at the end of the current one to fully explain the


empirical findings and further discuss the underlying excuses.


5.1. Descriptive statistic results





The time-varying of the dynamic returns for each variable can be


seen in Fig. 5. Table 1 shows the descriptive statistics for the variable
system Equation 4. We opted for weekly data to process the empirical




analysis. Following (Long et al., 2021), digital currency markets are


enormously volatile, meaning that there are many outliers in the very

short-term data period (1-min, 30-mins, or daily data). Weekly data is





most suitable for analysing digital currency variables and effectively

- 0.089*


showcases the data’s characteristics. We collected CBDCUI and CBDCAI


from LexisNexis News & Business. UCRY Policy Index, UCRY Price
Index, and ICEA were all collected from Cryptocurrency Indices9. We
- 0.079*

- 0.040*

- 0.068*

- 0.045*




collected the MSCI World Banks Index, VIX, FTSE World Government
Bond Index, FTSE All-World Index, EUR/USD, GBP/USD, JPY/USD,

RUB/USD, CNY/USD, and gold and Bitcoin prices from Thomson Reu­
- 0.159**

ters. USEPU10 was collected from the EPU. Panel A presents the


- 0.134*




descriptive statistics for the raw data; panel B displays the descriptive

statistics for the log return of the raw data; and panel C shows the

descriptive statistics for the continuously compounded returns of the





- 0.069*

- 0.012*

- 0.092*

raw data. We calculated the continuously compounded returns as



volatility by processing the first-difference in the logarithmic values of


two consecutive prices, expressed as: CCRi,t = ln(Pi,t /Pi,t− 1 ) × 100,


where CCRi,t denotes continuously compounded returns for index i at

- 0.063*
- 0.015*

- 0.011*

- 0.022*
- 0.028*
- 0.051*




time t, and Pit stands for the price of index i at time t.


As shown in Table 1, we will explain our raw data from the three

perspectives of frequency distribution, central tendency, and dispersion.


The indices had the same mean values - even when we expanded the
- 0.012*

- 0.071*

- 0.024*

- 0.035*

- 0.029*
- 0.048*







decimal point to six. The value of CBDCUI’s range was greater than the

CBDCAI’s, causing the former to have a lower minimum value and a

higher maximum value than the latter. The standard deviation values of
- 0.101**

- 0.044*

- 0.028*

- 0.031*

- 0.038*
- 0.056*
- 0.024*
Unconditional correlation of variables returns

CBDCUI and CBDCAI were almost identical, and the differences in





standard deviation were apparent when we set the decimal point to nine.

The CBDCAI had higher skewness and kurtosis valued than the CBDCUI.
Note:*p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
- 0.158**

Furthermore, the skewness and kurtosis values of these two variables


- 0.047*

- 0.031*





were positive. These results indicate that an asymmetrical probability

distribution of both indices (the mean was greater than the median, and

the tail is on the right side), their being leptokurtic, and rejecting the

- 0.015*

- 0.081*
- 0.021*



normal distribution, which was confirmed by the Jarque-Bera tests.






Based on the unit root test (ADF, KPSS, and PP) results, unit roots con­

tained in all the (raw) variables were a non-stationary time series.

UCRY Price




Table 2






Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

Fig. 6. CBDCUI shocks to other variables

According to Lütkepohl (2005) and Durlauf and Blume (2010), a 5.2. CBDC shocks on the dynamics of financial variables volatility
VAR model requires every variable running in the model to be station­
ary. Therefore, we calculated the log return to Equation 4. The results In this subsection, we examine the effects of the indices’ shocks on
are shown in Equation 1 in Panel B. Unfortunately, unit roots still existed the financial variables’ volatilities in Equation 4 from different time
in variable system Equation 4 confirmed by the ADF, PP, and KPSS tests. horizons. Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 show that the impulse response of financial
Therefore, we calculated the continuously compounded returns to variables in the structural CBDCUI is to continuously compound returns,
Equation 4. The results are shown in Equation 1 Panel C indicating the as well as for CBDCAI shocks in short-, mid-, and long-term time hori­
variables showed stationarity in the continuously compounded returns. zons. 0-2, 2-4, 4-6, 6-8, 8-10, and >10 represent the very short-term,
Baker et al. (2016) used EPU raw data, the log of the S&P 500 Index, and short-term, mid-term 1, mid-term 2, long-term, and very long-term,
the employment and industrial production log to process the IRF anal­ respectively.
ysis. However, Lütkepohl (2005) and Corbet et al. (2021) indicated that As for CBDCUI shocks on the dynamics of financial variables’ vola­
continuously compounded return is more suitable than the log return for tility, we can draw several inferences from Fig. 6. First, we have
analysing the volatility characteristics. As such, we used the continu­ empirically verified that CBDCUI shocks can significantly increase the
ously compounded returns of Equation 4 to run the VAR and volatilities of UCRY Policy, UCRY Price, ICEA, VIX, EUR/USD, GBP/
DCC-GARCH models. USD, JPY/USD, RUB/USD, CNY/USD, gold, Bitcoin and the FTSE World
Table 2 unveils the Pearson correlation relationship between each Government Bond Index in the very short-term period. However, this
variable. We can observe that the CBDCUI and CBDCAI indices posi­ increase tends to quickly drop to a negative value at the end of this
tively correlated with the volatility of UCRY Policy, UCRY Price, and period (expect for RUB/USD and CNY/USD). Moreover, CBDCUI shocks
ICEA indices at the 1% significance level. When compared with CBDCAI, can significantly decrease the volatilities of the MSCI World Banks
CBDCUI has a stronger positive correlation relationship with the vola­ Index, USEPU, and the FTSE All-World Index in the very short-term
tility of UCRY Policy (0.577 > 0.354) and UCRY Price (0.578 > 0.355), period - although this decrease tends to reverse rather rapidly (except
but the correlation relationship is weaker with the volatility of ICEA for the MSCI World Banks Index). Second, CBDCUI shocks can slightly
(0.412 < 0.536). Furthermore, the CBDCAI and CBDCUI indices are also decrease the volatilities of UCRY Policy, UCRY Price, ICEA, the MSCI
significantly positively correlated with the volatility of VIX, and all ex­ World Banks Index, VIX, USEPU, FTSE All World Index, EUR/USD, GBP/
change rates EUR/USD, GBP/USD, JPY/USD, RUB/USD, CNY/USD, as USD, JPY/USD, gold and the FTSE World Government Bond Index in the
well as with gold, Bitcoin, and the FTSE World Government Bond Index. short-term, and maintains an increasing growth trend. Additionally,
However, we found negative correlation between both CBDC indices CBDCUI shocks can slightly increase the volatilities of RUB/USD, CNY/
and the volatility of the MSCI World Banks Index, USEPU, and the FTSE USD, and Bitcoin in the short-term period, and maintains a decreasing
All-World Index. growth trend. Third, although CBDCUI can still slightly affect financial
variables from the mid-term, the selected financial markets and indices’
responses tend to quickly show a convergence trend.

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

Fig. 7. CBDCAI shocks to other variables

Fig. 8. CBDC indices FEVD

Based on these three inferences mentioned above, we can draw two significantly decrease the volatilities of the MSCI World Banks Index,
short conclusions that, CBDCUI shocks can significantly increase the USEPU, and the FTSE All-World Index overall.
volatilities of UCRY Policy, UCRY Price, ICEA, VIX, EUR/USD, GBP/ As for CBDCAI shocks, we can also draw several inferences from
USD, JPY/USD, RUB/USD, CNY/USD, gold, Bitcoin and the FTSE World Fig. 7. First, we empirically verified that CBDCAI shocks can signifi­
Government Bond Index as a whole. Moreover, CBDCUI shocks can also cantly increase the volatilities of UCRY Policy, UCRY Price, ICEA, VIX,

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

Table 3
FEVD of variable system due to the CBDCUI and CBDCAI shocks
Panel A: CBDCUI shocks FEVD}

1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0.873979956 0.07846738 0.001496663 0.001844651 0.024090811 0.000203611 3.78E-06 0.000297256
3 0.854600173 0.090435837 0.0044316 0.002347661 0.024326694 0.000283899 8.66E-06 0.000667154
4 0.851570744 0.090391836 0.005939381 0.003102635 0.024409359 0.000311848 4.26E-05 0.000675592
5 0.850722621 0.090339539 0.006272954 0.003345428 0.024481338 0.00031184 0.000100753 0.000679373
6 0.85054351 0.090344359 0.006310054 0.003392455 0.024481396 0.000318058 0.000125011 0.000682702
7 0.850516634 0.090344031 0.00631196 0.003399798 0.024481251 0.000321154 0.000129175 0.000683255
8 0.850512456 0.090343641 0.006311976 0.003400975 0.024482317 0.000321782 0.000129516 0.000683285
9 0.85051166 0.090343553 0.006311971 0.003401208 0.024482722 0.000321859 0.000129533 0.000683284
10 0.850511507 0.090343536 0.006311971 0.003401264 0.024482806 0.000321868 0.000129535 0.000683284

Panel B: CBDCAI shocks FEVD

1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0.948640469 0.003687947 0.005916024 0.003804595 0.009650608 0.003625086 0.005578543 0.000132395
3 0.93994376 0.004924018 0.006824692 0.004104308 0.01231671 0.003841894 0.005642791 0.000695599
4 0.939048189 0.004966926 0.00683459 0.004099166 0.012392858 0.003847147 0.005672115 0.000841025
5 0.938943976 0.004970073 0.006839745 0.004105207 0.012397154 0.003859491 0.005677105 0.00085391
6 0.938922872 0.004974669 0.006842558 0.004107717 0.012402616 0.003860467 0.005677214 0.000854087
7 0.938919355 0.004975524 0.006842717 0.004108076 0.012403182 0.003860455 0.005677733 0.000854093
8 0.938918975 0.004975571 0.006842717 0.0041081 0.012403176 0.003860486 0.005677827 0.000854094
9 0.938918921 0.004975571 0.006842726 0.004108101 0.012403192 0.003860492 0.005677829 0.000854094
10 0.93891891 0.004975571 0.006842727 0.004108101 0.012403199 0.003860492 0.005677829 0.000854094

CNY/USD and the FTSE World Government Bond Index in the very to 2.4482%) had a greater contribution to the CBDCUI’s fluctuations.
short-term period. CBDCAI shocks on UCRY Policy, UCRY Price, and VIX Therefore, a novel finding is cryptocurrency environmental attention
show an increasing trend, whereas CBDCAI shocks on the ICEA, CNY/ contributed more to the CBDCUI variations than cryptocurrency policy
USD and the FTSE World Government Bond Index display a decreasing uncertainty and cryptocurrency price uncertainty. As for the five foreign
trend. CBDCAI shocks can significantly decrease the volatilities of the exchange rate variables, JPY/USD (0.8366% to 0.8724%) was the most
MSCI World Banks Index, USEPU, and the FTSE All-World Index in the important for CBDCUI variations. Banking sectors (i.e. MSCI WBI:
very short-term, which maintains an increasing trend. CBDCAI shocks 0.0322%), Stock markets (i.e. FTSE AWI: 0.2905%), Gold (0.03%),
can significantly increase, but also can slightly decrease (the initial Bitcoin (0.1%) and bond markets (i.e. FTSE WGBI: 0.0215%) can only be
significant increase is followed by a slight decrease), the volatilities of used to explain a small part of the CBDCUI’s variations.
EUR/USD, GBP/USD, JPY/USD, RUB/USD, gold, and Bitcoin in the From Fig. 8 and Table 3, the dominant role that a shock from the
short-term. Additionally, for these financial variables, positive shocks CBDCAI (93.8919% to 94.8640%) could play in explaining variations in
tend to have a greater effect in the very short-term. Second, slightly the CBDCAI FEVD. However, the CBDCUI’s explanation power in the
negative shocks from the CBDCAI have a greater short-term effect for all FEVD of CBDCAI was significantly lower than that of the CBDCAI. Due to
of the variables. However, as for the variables which receive positive the dominant role of the CBDCAI, and the lower importance of the
shocks from the CBDCAI at the very short-term period, the small nega­ CBDCUI’s contributions in the FEVD of CBDCAI, the contributions from
tive shocks from CBDCAI at the short-term are not significant enough to the other variables become more significant on the percentage level
contribute a significantly negative effect as a whole, the positive shock (despite each variable’s contribution value being lower than those in the
results are still dominant in the final results. Third, although the CBDCAI CBDCUI FEVD). For example, the contributions from the three crypto­
can still have positive or negative effects on financial variables at the currencies have become more critical to the CBDCAI FEVD. Compared
mid- or long-term, the responses of the financial variables begin to with the joint contributions of the ICEA with UCRY Policy and UCRY
converge from the former. Price, ICEA (0.9651% to 1.2403%) still had the leading role. Compared
These three inferences illustrated above can lead to three short with the three world indices, the MSCI World Banks Index was more
conclusions. First, the results of CBDCAI shocks on the dynamics of relevant (0.3625% 0.3861%) than the FTSE All-World Index (0.0251%)
financial variables’ volatility are the same as those relating to CBDCUI and the FTSE World Government Bond Index (0.0954%) in explaining
shocks. Second, CBDCAI shocks can significantly increase the volatilities the CBDCAI’s FEVD. Compared with the two uncertainty indices
of UCRY Policy, UCRY Price, ICEA, VIX, EUR/USD, GBP/USD, JPY/USD, together, the VIX (0.5578% to 0.5678%) was relatively more important
RUB/USD, CNY/USD, gold, Bitcoin and the FTSE World Government than the USEPU (0.0132% to 0.0854%) in explaining the FEVD of
Bond Index. Third, CBDCAI shocks can significantly decrease the vola­ CBDCAI. Although JPY/USD (0.5152% to 0.5147%) was still important
tilities of the MSCI World Banks Index, USEPU, and the FTSE All-World for the FEVD of CBDCAI among other foreign exchange rates, the RUB/
Index. USD (0.8386% to 0.8413%) had the greatest contribution to the
CBDCAI’s variations. Surprisingly, although China is leading the CBDC
revolution, CNY/USD (0.0205% to 0.0588%) was relatively less
5.3. Contributions of CBDC disturbances to the variation of financial important in explaining the variations in the CBDCAI FEVD. Compared
variables’ volatility with the role of Bitcoin in CBDCUI FEVD, Bitcoin is relatively more
important (0.3250% to 0.3582%) in explaining the FEVD of CBDCAI.
From Fig. 8 and Table 3, we can see that a shock from the CBDCUI Moreover, we found that gold (4.25E-05) did not greatly contribute to
(100% to 85.0512%) could play a non-trivial role in explaining varia­ the CBDCAI’s variations.
tions in the CBDCUI FEVD. CBDCAI (7.8467% to 9.0344%) was also a
relatively significant variable in explaining variations in the CBDCUI
FEVD. Considering the three cryptocurrency indices, the ICEA (2.4091%

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

Panel A: CBDCUI shocks FEVD}

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.002699565 0.001495986 0.002360862 0.008366141 0.001219922 0.002065292 6.90E-05 0.001217338 0.0001218
0.002807125 0.001732437 0.003082989 0.008752332 0.0019327 0.002545808 0.000218449 0.001641437 0.000185045
0.002879157 0.001782057 0.003259399 0.008728048 0.00222783 0.002569148 0.000283798 0.00163837 0.000188191
0.002901356 0.001823814 0.003265762 0.008720344 0.002262951 0.002577728 0.000329472 0.001657245 0.000207482
0.002904905 0.001829038 0.003265105 0.008721943 0.002263478 0.002588781 0.000347521 0.001667503 0.000214181
0.002904969 0.001829043 0.003265041 0.008723218 0.002263503 0.002591291 0.000351549 0.001669164 0.000214964
0.002904967 0.001829091 0.003265032 0.008723483 0.002263616 0.002591526 0.000352081 0.001669266 0.00021499
0.002904984 0.001829126 0.003265029 0.008723509 0.002263648 0.002591533 0.000352125 0.001669266 0.00021499
0.002904989 0.001829133 0.003265028 0.00872351 0.002263654 0.002591533 0.000352127 0.001669265 0.000214991

Panel B: CBDCAI shocks FEVD

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.000251176 0.001527289 8.55E-05 0.005151805 0.008413023 0.000204582 2.50E-05 0.003250982 5.50E-05
0.000248548 0.003194334 9.35E-05 0.005133189 0.00837129 0.000397517 2.62E-05 0.003491917 0.000749703
0.000250012 0.003275832 0.00012652 0.005137899 0.008375937 0.000570173 3.95E-05 0.003577699 0.000944383
0.000250156 0.003275506 0.000131054 0.00514611 0.008384987 0.000587528 4.24E-05 0.003581923 0.000953721
0.000250854 0.003276833 0.000131274 0.005146986 0.008386207 0.000587615 4.24E-05 0.003581955 0.000953723
0.000251029 0.003277069 0.000131274 0.005146964 0.008386226 0.000587763 4.25E-05 0.003582208 0.000953867
0.000251037 0.003277072 0.000131275 0.005146978 0.008386223 0.000587812 4.25E-05 0.003582257 0.00095389
0.000251037 0.003277073 0.000131275 0.005146982 0.008386225 0.000587815 4.25E-05 0.003582259 0.00095389
0.000251038 0.003277074 0.000131275 0.005146983 0.008386226 0.000587815 4.25E-05 0.003582259 0.00095389

5.4. Cumulative contributions of CBDC disturbances to the financial It is worth noting that CBDC’s progress in the UK may have signifi­
variables’ volatility cantly and positively affected the CBDCUI’s HD results in the first larger
cluster. In other words, between March 2015 to July 2015, the UK’s new
While Fig. 8 and Table 3 assess the timing and magnitude of the CBDC progress could have increased the CBDCUI. Analysing the second
indices’ responses to a typical structural shock, they do not quantify how larger cluster period with the third and fourth also yielded several
much of each shock explains the historical fluctuations in the CBDCUI interesting findings. First, new CBDC developments (e.g., the digital-
and CBDCAI. Therefore, it is essential to investigate the historical evo­ CAD, digital-EUR, digital-USD, etc,) significantly decreased CBDC un­
lution of both indices, and the contribution of each of the structural certainties. However, it is also worth noting that the UK’s CBDC per­
shocks to fluctuations in both, mainly following major historical epi­ formed differently, and thus increased CBDC uncertainty before the
sodes. Based on the HD method introduced in the previous section, Fig. 9 larger cluster in period four. Besides, perhaps because the Renminbi is
and Fig. 10 present the cumulative contributions of CBDCUI and not a free-float currency, it is hard to place it into the first portfolio
CBDCAI disturbances to the volatilities of financial variables under dy­ position. Alternatively, many regulators and investors are concerned
namic economic environments. The contribution of CBDCUI shocks is that the digital-RMB could challenge the USD’s international hegemony.
given in the red, while the contribution of CBDCAI is presented in light The new developments of digital-RMB could increase CBDC uncertainty,
blue. that is, until Hong Kong helps with its offshore digital-CNH test. Second,
Several conclusions can be drawn from Fig. 9 and Fig. 10. Firstly, we negative CBDC news can significantly increase CBDC uncertainties. For
found that both the cumulative positive and negative effects of CBDCUI example, the Danish Central Bank’s cancellation of its CBDC plans, the
disturbances on financial variables were larger than those of the Deutsche Bundesbank’s warning that there will be no CBDC in the Euro-
CBDCAI. The reasons seem abundantly clear: the uncertainty index zone, and the Deutsche Bundesbank and the Schweizerische Natio­
fluctuates more than the attention index, and financial markets are also nalbank’s anti-CBDC plans. Furthermore, significant cryptocurrency
more sensitive to shocks from uncertainty indices. Our findings recon­ events, as well as COVID-19, have seemingly increased CBDC
firm those of [Lucey et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2022]. Secondly, the uncertainties.
contributions of the estimated CBDCUI shocks to the evolution of the The contributions of the estimated CBDCAI shocks to the evolution of
financial variables’ volatilities changed over time, and we found that the financial variables’ volatilities are changing over time, and we
they tended to be larger between March 2015 to July 2015, February clearly noted the presence of four larger clusters between May 2016,
2017 to December 2018, June 2019 to August 2019, and April 2020 to December 2017, January 2018, June 2019 to July 2019, and March
July 2021. Generally speaking, these positive or negative shocks appear 2021 to July 2021. We also successfully captured which significant
perfectly reasonable. Indeed, in the first larger cluster period, we found events could cause these larger positive or negative shocks. These shocks
that some good news about CBDC could have significantly negative match the expectations of the public to a certain extent. For example,
shocks on the CBDCUI’s HD results. For example, dollarisation and the digital-CAD, digital-USD, digital-RMB, and the Bahamas Sand Dollar
launch of an electronic monetary system in Ecuador. Furthermore, new prepaid card, as well as other forms of new CBDC progress, could
government CBDC regulations also negatively affected the CBDCUI’s HD significantly and positively affect the CBDCAI’s HD results. However,
results. For example, the Chinese government revised its Anti-Money during the 2021 cryptocurrency bull market, South Korea-based Shin­
Laundering Law because digital currency makes Anti-Money Laun­ han Bank and the Central Bank of Russia’s new CBDC announcements
dering enforcement challenging. Regarding the positive shocks in the showed a significantly negative impact on the CBDCAI’s HD results.
first larger cluster, we clearly found that the new digital money process Furthermore, we can notice that certain significant events from the
in commercial banks could have significant positive effects on the cryptocurrency market could also have significantly positive impacts on
CBDCUI’s HD results. For example, M-payment progresses in Brazil, the CBDCAI’s HD results. For example, Bitcoin’s one-year bull market,
Colombia, and Peru, and PayPal’s announcement of their acquisition of and its record highs for both price and transaction values. In terms of the
Xoom. negative shocks, some negative CBDC news could have significantly

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

Fig. 9. CBDCUI historical decomposition

Fig. 10. CBDCAI historical decomposition

negative impacts on CBDCAI’s HD results. For instance, the Swiss town Panel B (1), the p-values of the results of the diagnostic tests mentioned
of Zug is planning to allow its residents to use Bitcoin to pay for above are all greater than 0.05, which cannot reject the null hypothesis
municipal services; and the aforementioned plans of the Danish Central of no autocorrelation, no hypothesis and abnormal distribution of re­
Bank, the Deutsche Bundesbank, and the Schweizerische National Bank. siduals, separately. Moreover, the best-match ARIMA(p,d,q) models for
Additionally, potential CBDC concerns, such as how it cannot be applied the 17 variables’ residuals are all ARIMA(0,0,0), as shown in Panel B (2),
to less developed areas due to poor internet connections. Moreover, due indicating that the residuals’ time series is stationary. In this way, we
to its reliance on smart devices and technology, CBDC may not be ideally can infer that the SVAR model does not suffer autocorrelation and het­
suited to the elderly. Other concerns include CBDC’s energy consump­ eroscedasticity. Moreover, the residuals in the SVAR model are also
tion and environmental issues, and free-float concerns regarding the normally distributed and stationary. Therefore, we can verify the cor­
digital-RMB. More details about these events can be found in the Ap­ rectness of the SVAR model and that lag 1 is the optimal lag.
5.6. Dynamic conditional correlations
5.5. Diagnostic tests for SVAR
Table 4 and Table 5 displays the bivariate DCC-GJR-GARCH (1,1)
We processed several diagnostic tests for the SVAR to check the model results for CBDCUI/CBDCAI and each financial variable in
validity of this model and to further confirm that lag 1 is the optimal lag. Equation 4.
We tested the autocorrelation, heteroscedasticity and the properties of Regarding the interconnections between the CBDCUI and financial
the residuals for the SVAR model. Autocorrelation and hetero­ variables, as shown in Panel A of Table 4, the ARCH, GARCH and GJR
scedasticity are tested by the portmanteau test (asymptotic) and ARCH parameters were statistically significant at the 10% level for all vari­
(multivariate) tests, respectively. Using the Jarque-Bera test, skewness ables. These statistical results indicate that the application of the DCC-
(multivariate) and kurtosis (multivariate) are examined to ensure GJR-GARCH (1,1) models between CBDCUI and the other variables in
normal distribution of the residuals. The stationarity of the residuals is Equation 4 is appropriate and reasonable. Panel B of Table 4 reveals the
investigated by the ARIMA test. The diagnostic test results are presented DCC between the CBDCUI’s volatility and other financial variables. This
in Panel B (1) and (2) of the Table B2. As seen in the statistic results in allowed us to obtain three findings. First, the CBDCUI had a positive and

Y. Wang et al.
Table 4
Estimate from the CBDCUI GJR-GARCH-DCC model
Panel A (1): estimates of AR(1)-GARCH(1,1) model

Banks Index Index

Const.(v) 0.0048* 0.0094* 0.0027* 0.0054** 0.0042* 0.0016** - 0.0030* - 0.9474*** 0.0031* 21.2874*** - 0.0233* - 3.4476*** - 0.0041* - 0.3035**
(0.8677) (1.9222) (0.9759) (1.923) (0.7985) (0.7124) ( - 0.8779) ( - 2.3587) (0.9243) (6.5871) ( - 0.2637) ( - 3.0515) ( - 0.9847) ( - 2.0948)
ARCH (1) 0.1852*** 0.1755*** 0.1065*** 0.1177*** 0.1693*** 0.1502*** - 0.2033*** - 0.0171* 0.2076*** 0.000092* - 0.0582* - 0.0272* - 0.2012*** - 0.0689**
(2.9619) (3.9854) (3.6433) (2.8688) (3.0564) (2.7573) ( - 3.0502) ( - 0.3867) (3.3069) (0.0288) ( - 0.2764) ( - 0.3032) ( - 3.2419) ( - 0.9216)
GARCH (1) 0.7899*** 0.7420*** 0.8221*** 0.8768*** 0.8065*** 0.7643*** 0.8212*** 0.7078*** 0.8190*** 0.9592*** 0.9782*** 0.7743*** 0.7922*** 0.6856***
(7.3271) (15.6031) (11.9939) (12.0024) (8.1141) (4.7883) (10.0654) (7.3188) (10.4843) (2113.9894) (14.7319) (2.7395) (9.0582) (11.5944)
GJR 0.0477* - 0.1237*** - 0.0590** - 0.3015*** 0.0464* - 0.4310*** - 0.0511* 0.3539** - 0.0552* - 0.1345*** 0.2923* 0.2626* 0.0113* 0.3890**
(0.2631) ( - 0.8861) ( - 0.4398) ( - 2.3607) (0.2397) ( - 3.0971) ( - 0.3541) (1.9956) ( - 0.3857) ( - 4.5559) (0.6655) (1.7554) (0.0722) (2.1039)

Panel B (1): DCC estimates

a 0.1409* 0.0581* 0.0205* 0.0135* 0.000001* - 0.000001* 0.000001*

(1.7584) (0.2856) (0.4701) (0.6689) (1.3003) (0.000002) (0.000002)
b 0.4720*** 0.8457* 0.6829* - 0.9566*** 0.3009* - 0.9078*** - 0.9495***
(2.9921) (0.6339) (0.5171) (10.54563) (0.3059) (8.7714) (9.0846)
V joint 4.5734*** 4.3269*** 4.0000** 6.0310*** 5.2892* 5.6025*** 5.3985***
DCC probability 3.7189* 6.3556** 1.0551* 1.0238* 4.0604* 7.7064** 1.1945*

Panel C (1): diagnostic test results

McLeod-Li_P- 0.1804 > 0.7371 > 0.05 0.8329 > 0.9437 > 0.7147 > 0.9566 > 0.8518 > 0.3505 > 0.05 0.3342 > 0.8411 > 0.4664 > 0.9368 > 0.4012 > 0.3065 > 0.05
value (1) 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Jarque-Bera 2.6598 4.2656 1.4566 5.2438 7.9927 7.0328 1.5172 5.2357 1.5241 2.7787 1.1455 7.5602 1.0929 1.6572
Ljung-Box (1) 3.4232 6.1564 5.8232 5.3688 7.1347 3.8588 5.9821 9.4327 5.8329 3.5654 3.8446 0.7547 3.705 6.4882

Panel A (2): estimates of AR(1)-GARCH(1,1) model

Const.(v) 0.0033** 0.0638* 0.0277* 0.3203*** 0.0044* 0.0395* 0.0042* 0.1507* 0.0035* 0.0187*** 0.0045* 0.3254* 0.0042* 0.8772***
(0.8943) (1.1504) (0.3692) (2.5007) (0.8349) (1.4056) (0.8676) (1.6818) (0.9418) (8.2973) (0.8976) (1.0609) (7.7588 × (4.2911 × 102 )
10− 1 )
ARCH (1) 0.0973*** 0.0764** 0.0305* 0.0986* 0.1836*** 0.1018*** 0.1878*** 0.0061* 0.1793*** 0.000001* 0.1914*** 0.1959* 0.1753*** 0.0671***
(3.3401) (1.2547) (0.1998) (0.6922) (3.0963) (2.6788) (2.8232) (0.1549) (3.1339) (0.0081) (2.9448) (1.8621) (2.5477) (7.0613 × 102 )
GARCH (1) 0.8195*** 0.8466*** 0.8742*** 0.4535*** 0.7891*** 0.8585*** 0.7969*** 0.8592*** 0.8149*** 0.9635*** 0.7916*** 0.7989*** 0.8069*** 0.8816***
(10.1700) (9.5910) (20.7864) (2.6901) (7.4884) (17.5126) (7.5917) (14.4046) (9.5409) (4508.0829) (7.5012) (6.9123) (7.4144) (1.6031 × 105 )

Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

GJR - 0.0356* 0.0426* 0.3234* 0.5766*** 0.0526* 0.0218* 0.0287* 0.1657* - 0.0106* - 0.0363** 0.0321* - 0.1466* 0.0337* - 0.0993***
( - 0.2468) (0.7341) (1.1818) (2.8659) (0.3128) (0.3181) (0.1861) (1.7291) ( - 0.0814) ( - 2.0156) (0.1921) ( - 1.2593) (2.1941 × ( − 5.9355 ×
10− 1 ) 102 )

Panel B (2): DCC estimates

a 0.000001* 0.0082* 0.0193* 0.000001* 0.000001* 0.000001* 0.0146*

(0.000001) (0.5754) (0.4099) (0.000003) (0.000002) (0.000002) (3.6812 ×
10− 1 )
b 0.9305*** 0.9907*** 0.8528** 0.9284*** 0.9449*** 0.9208*** 0.7588***
(13.2015) (25.2558) (2.3202) (20.9329) (7.7331) (8.1857) (2.4951)
V joint 10.1227*** 10.2529*** 9.6711*** 6.4888*** 5.7948*** 6.9853*** 4.7952***
DCC probability 1.0143* 2.7122** 3.5886** 11.1605* 3.6006* 8.4513* 3.9446**

Panel C (2): diagnostic test results

McLeod-Li_P- 0.1447 > 0.4721 > 0.05 0.8301 > 0.0635 > 0.1228 > 0.0965 > 0.0827 > 0.1093 > 0.05 0.8647 > 0.8837 > 0.1276 > 0.1079 > 0.1842 > 0.4940 > 0.05
value (1) 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Jarque-Bera 1.6233 1.257 1.0333 2.9808 1.0826 5.1906 0.1140 0.1298 0.1365 1.1039 1.2008 1.2107 1.3363 4.4916
(continued on next page)
Y. Wang et al.
Table 4 (continued )
Panel A (1): estimates of AR(1)-GARCH(1,1) model

Ljung-Box (1) 6.4495 2.6392 0.3964 2.5867 3.7461 0.1595 0.3829 4.1799 5.6423 × 2.9604 × 3.7328 1.0619 8.3839 4.844
10− 5 10− 5

Panel A (3): estimates of AR(1)-GARCH(1,1) model


Government Bond
Const.(v) 0.0044* 0.3504∗
(0.9101) (1.8085)
ARCH (1) 0.1866*** 0.2630***
(3.0656) (1.6748)
GARCH (1) 0.7918*** 0.2620*
(7.9789) (0.7923)
GJR 0.0412* 0.0903*
(0.2530) (0.5546)

Panel B (3): DCC estimates

a 0.00048*
b 0.9103***
V joint 7.8098***
DCC probability 14.4181***

Panel C (3): diagnostic test results

Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

McLeod-Li_P- 0.2685 > 0.1051 > 0.05
value (1) 0.05
Jarque-Bera 0.1101 0.7513
Ljung-Box (1) 0.3724 0.7982

Note:*p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01.

Y. Wang et al.
Table 5
Estimate from the CBDCAI GJR-GARCH-DCC model
Panel A (1): estimates of AR(1)-GARCH(1,1) model

Banks Index World Index
Const.(v) 0.0013* 0.0093* 0.0013* 0.0055* 0.0029* 0.0014* - 0.0017* - 0.7918** 0.0048* 3.2251*** - 0.0163* - 3.2242*** - 0.0016* - 0.3176*
(1.9087) (1.8120) (1.5935) (1.7201) (1.0917) (0.1321) ( - 1.3207) ( - 2.3191) (0.0234) (4.0131) ( - 0.0859) ( - 3.0266) ( - 1.3712) ( - 1.7539)
ARCH (1) 0.1288*** 0.1548*** 0.2231** 0.2113*** 0.3094*** 0.3906*** - 0.5238*** - 0.00059* 0.3263* 0.4947*** - 0.4152* - 0.0231* - 0.4676*** - 0.0886*
(20.3448) (3.7060) (2.2679) (3.3912) (3.0216) (3.0702) ( - 2.8854) ( - 0.0147) (1.2392) (3.4608) ( - 1.4535) ( - 0.2666) ( - 2.6122) ( - 0.9773)
GARCH (1) 0.7670*** 0.7643*** 0.7584*** 0.7603*** 0.5801*** 0.5951* 0.7433*** 0.7392*** 0.9412*** 0.4112*** 0.9329*** 0.5106*** 0.7488*** 0.6892***
(20.0939) (15.6031) (20.6359) (20.4433) (5.2085) (1.3843) (19.9631) (9.4292) (27.2468) (2.9420) (30.0175) (3.1421) (14.3742) (11.8936)
GJR - 0.5936*** - 0.1434* - 0.5649** - 0.2231* 0.2189* - 0.3733* - 0.5361* 0.3787** 0.8831*** - 0.1739* 1.0704*** 0.2437* - 0.4348* 0.3278*
( - 25.0153) ( - 1.7349) ( - 2.2012) ( - 1.6833) (0.5515) ( - 1.6126) ( - 1.9006) (2.2753) (3.4623) ( - 1.1930) (3.4552) (1.6828) ( - 1.3385) (1.7767)

Panel B (1): DCC estimates

a 0.0467* 0.0732** 0.2322* - 0.000001* 0.000001* - 0.000001* - 0.000001*

(1.1837) (2.2918) (1.247532) (0.0071) (0.0285) (0.0188) (0.000006)
b 0.8325*** 0.8452*** 0.000001* - 0.9042*** 0.8930*** - 0.8805*** - 0.9217***
(4.0646) (12.9301) (0.0661) (8.037396) (3.6646) (4.4211) (10.1536)
V joint 6.4781*** 4.6399*** 3.4095*** 4.3905*** 6.0514*** 9.3804*** 8.9469***
DCC probability 3.4955** 2.4237* 3.5039* 1.0565* 4.8980* 2.5105** 1.1679*

Panel C (1): diagnostic test results

McLeod-Li_P- 0.0504 > 0.9658 > 0.05 0.3437 > 0.8460 > 0.9071 > 0.9890 > 0.0577 > 0.2983 > 0.05 0.3903 > 0.9679 > 0.0686 > 0.8301 > 0.0091 > 0.1772 > 0.05
value (1) 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Jarque-Bera 0.1516 0.7987 2.0341 1.4345 0.9985 0.8086 1.0186 3.1173 0.7015 0.2709 0.9995 0.6371 0.7386 0.1802
Ljung-Box (1) 3.9336 4.7332 3.3573 4.1482 1.272 1.757 3.7117 3.8769 3.9879 1.815 0.3342 0.3082 0.3646 0.6259

Panel A (2): estimates of AR(1)-GARCH(1,1) model

Const.(v) 0.0014* 0.0583* 0.0391* 0.3431** 0.0026* 0.0453* 0.0025* 0.1532* 0.0702* 0.0862*** 0.0024* 0.2289* 0.0026* 0.9453***
(1.2329) (1.1390) (0.2276) (2.4791) (0.9869) (1.3657) (0.9726) (1.6683) (3.9045 × (1.9338 × (0.7893) (0.7083) (9.8787 × (1.0553 × 102 )
10− 1 ) 101 ) 10− 1 )
ARCH (1) 0.1119** 0.0757* 0.1789* 0.1084* 0.2883* 0.1014*** 0.2829*** 0.0074* 0.0261* 0.0216* 0.3085* 0.1709* 0.2891*** 0.0555***
(2.0227) (1.4179) (1.3574) (0.7446) (2.3987) (2.6579) (2.8084) (0.1718) (1.2410) (9.7291 × (1.7366) (1.3358) (2.9371) (2.9794 × 102 )
10− 1 )
GARCH (1) 0.7551*** 0.8549*** 0.5393*** 0.4265** 0.6581*** 0.8581*** 0.6490*** 0.8516*** 0.9295*** 0.9259*** 0.6657*** 0.8301*** 0.6658*** 0.9003***
(19.3449) (10.7939) (28.3969) (2.3780) (5.2388) (15.0118) (6.0123) (13.2041) (2.5945 × (8.6684 × (3.7912) (6.1930) (6.8731) (1.4925 × 104 )

Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

101 ) 104 )
GJR - 0.5359* 0.0391* 0.8743*** 0.5663*** 0.1051* 0.0125* 0.1341* 0.1782* 0.8785*** - 0.0861*** 0.0496* - 0.1145* 0.0881* - 0.0935***
( - 1.9671) (0.6952) (4.1450) (2.8378) (0.2088) (0.1796) (0.3082) (1.7084) (4.0370) ( − 2.7836 × (0.0744) ( - 0.8677) (1.9239 × ( − 2.8211 ×
101 ) 10− 1 ) 102 )

Panel B (2): DCC estimates

a - 0.000001* 0.000001* - 0.0095* - 0.0053* - 0.000002* - 0.000001* - 0.000001*

(0.000005) (0.0359) (0.8089) (0.3851) (9.1802 × (0.0178) (0.0017)
10− 1 )
b 0.9244*** 0.9369*** 0.9799*** 0.9062*** 0.0808* 0.9058*** 0.8068*
(9.5477) (15.2649) (27.4912) (6.4818) (5.0000 × (14.5571) (0.2973)
10− 6 )
V joint 5.1638*** 5.4233*** 4.5620*** 4.3547*** 4.3371*** 4.4663*** 6.6174***
DCC probability 1.7567* 9.5174** 2.4577* 3.6097* 1.3021* 12.5413*** 7.6275***

Panel C (2): diagnostic test results

(continued on next page)

Y. Wang et al.
Table 5 (continued )
McLeod-Li_P- 0.0622 > 0.3031 > 0.05 0.4749 > 0.4201 > 0.2259 > 0.1195 > 0.2915 > 0.1001 > 0.05 0.1697 > 0.8625 0.0580 > 0.0148 > 0.2631 > 0.4449 > 0.05
value (1) 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Jarque-Bera 0.1469 1.159 0.6080 0.2933 0.7164 0.4967 0.7329 1.3315 0.5617 0.9983 0.6816 0.1011 0.2034 0.9439
Ljung-Box (1) 3.9887 2.7279 5.9796 2.7408 3.3871 1.5461 0.3284 0.8889 0.0656 0.0192 0.3929 0.8558 3.3573 1.8929

Panel A (3): estimates of AR(1)-GARCH(1,1) model


Government Bond
Const.(v) 0.0025* 0.4097∗ ∗ ∗
(0.9742) (2.6198)
ARCH (1) 0.2828*** 0.2558***
(2.6113) (1.7066)
GARCH (1) 0.6428*** 0.1870*
(4.9617) (0.7399)
GJR 0.1467* 0.0796*
(0.3212) (0.4851)

Panel B (3): DCC estimates

a 0.0105*
b 0.6995**
V joint 4.5908***
DCC probability 1.0167*

Panel C (3): diagnostic test results

Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

McLeod-Li_P- 0.1633 > 0.0948 > 0.05
value (1) 0.05
Jarque-Bera 0.5184 0.7725
Ljung-Box (1) 0.4844 0.8587

Note:*p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01.

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

Fig. 11. CBDCUI dynamic condition correlation

statistically significant DCC with the volatility of UCRY Policy, UCRY Regarding the CBDCUI and CBDCAI DCC results, it is worth noting
Price, ICEA, VIX, EUR/USD, GBP/USD, JPY/USD, RUB/USD, CNY/USD, that the volatilities of the same financial variables reacted differently to
gold, Bitcoin and the FTSE World Government Bond Index in both the both indices. For example, compared with the CBDCUI, the volatility of
short- (a) and long-term (b). Second, the CBDCUI had a significantly the UCRY Policy had a stronger long- and short-term DCC relationship
small positive DCC with the volatility of the MSCI World Bank Index and with the CBDCAI. Moreover, the volatility of the UCRY Price and ICEA
FTSE All-World Index in the short-term, but a significantly negative DCC had a stronger short-term DCC relationship with the CBDCAI. However,
with both indices in the long-term. The value of b was significantly these stronger relationships did not exist in the long-term, and the
greater than a. Therefore, we can infer that the CBDCUI had a signifi­ volatility of the UCRY Price and ICEA were more sensitive to the CBDCUI
cantly negative DCC with the MSCI World Bank Index and FTSE All- in the long-term (0.8457 > 0.8452, 0.6829 > 0.000001).
World Index in general. Third, the CBDCUI had a significantly nega­ Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 displays the time-varying correlations between
tive DCC with the volatility of USEPU in both the short- and long-term. CBDCUI/CBDCAI and each financial variable in Equation 4.
In terms of the interconnections between the CBDCAI and financial As for the CBDCUI, the dynamic correlations between changes in the
variables, as shown in Panel A of Table 5, the ARCH, GARCH and GJR Bitcoin, CNY/USD, EUR/USD, gold, ICEA, RUB/USD, UCRY price, VIX
parameters were statistically significant at the 10% level for all vari­ and the FTSE World Government Bond Index were significantly positive
ables. These statistical results indicate that the application of the DCC- across the entire research period. However, some details require further
GJR-GARCH (1,1) models between CBDCAI and the other variables in explanation. The maximum dynamic correlation value between the
Equation 4 is appropriate and reasonable. Panel B of Table 5 reveals the CBDCUI and Bitcoin, i.e., 0.2786, occurred on 2020-03-20, while the
DCC between the CBDCAI and other financial variables, thus leading to minimum value, i.e., 0.0318, occurred on 2021-04-30. The dynamic
three results. First, the CBDCAI had a significantly positive DCC with the correlations between the CBDCUI and CNY/USD showed a significant
volatility of UCRY Policy, UCRY Price, ICEA, VIX, GBP/USD and the increase trend after China’s Central Bank began to both test and launch
FTSE World Government Bond Index in both the short- and long-term. CBDC. Three peaks are visible in the dynamic correlation between the
Second, the CBDCAI had a significantly small negative DCC with the CBDCUI and EUR/USD. The first one is the cryptocurrency bear market
volatility of EUR/USD, JPY/USD, RUB/USD, CNY/USD, gold, and Bit­ and the China-US trade war of 2018-19. The second was due to Brexit in
coin in the short-term, but has a significantly positive one in the long- the second half of 2019, and the third occurred due to the crypto­
term. Furthermore, the value of b was significantly greater than that currency bull market in 2021. Regarding the CBDCUI and gold, there
of a. Therefore, we can infer that the CBDCAI has a significantly positive was a significant cliff-like drop in 2017-18, which may have been caused
DCC with the volatility of EUR/USD, JPY/USD, RUB/USD, CNY/USD, by the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hike. The most volatile dynamic
gold, and Bitcoin in general. Third, the CBDCAI had a significantly correlation relationships exist in the CBDCUI and VIX, which may
negative DCC with the volatility of the MSCI World Banks Index, USEPU, explain why some refer to the VIX as a fear index. The dynamic corre­
and FTSE All-World Index in both short- and long-term, although the lation values between the CBDCUI and GBP/USD, CBDCUI and JPY/
long-term effects were significantly stronger. USD, CBDCUI and MSCI World Bank Index, and the CBDCUI and UCRY

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

Fig. 12. CBDCAI dynamic condition correlation

Policy were both significantly partially positive and negative11. From Index, CBDCAI and MSCI World Banks Index, and CBDCAI and USEPU
the negative dynamic correlation periods, we found that, generally were negative throughout the whole research period, thus evidencing
speaking, the partial significantly positive dynamic correlations were the potential availability of the hedging strategy.
the most significant relationships between the CBDCUI and the UCRY
Policy, GBP/USD, and JPY/USD. Moreover, the partial significantly
negative dynamic correlations were the foremost relationships between 5.7. Diagnostic tests for DCC-GJR-GARCH (1,1)
the CBDCUI and MSCI World Bank Index. We found the degrees of dy­
namic correlations between changes in the CBDCUI and USEPU, and the Following the guidance of Huber (2004), one efficient and robust
CBDCUI and FTSE All-World Index were negative throughout the entire GARCH-type-DCC (p,q) model should pass the following seven criteria:
research period, thereby providing the potential ability of the hedging (1) the sum of the coefficient values of the ARCH (p) and GARCH (q) is
strategy. greater than 0 and less than 1; (2) the significance level of these DCC
Regarding the CBDCAI, the degrees of dynamic correlations between parameters should less than 0.1; (3) the morphological parameter of the
changes in the CBDCAI and Bitcoin, CNY/USD, EUR/USD, GBP/USD, joint distribution should be significant; (4) DCC keeps a dynamic
gold, ICEA, UCRY Policy, and VIX were positive and statistically sig­ probability; (5) no ARCH effects in the residuals of the fitted
nificant throughout the whole research period. These empirical results DCC-GJR-GARCH (1, 1) models; (6) if we assume that the standardised
imply that one unit increase in CBDC attention can increase the vola­ errors follow a multivariate normal distribution in the DCC-GJR-GARCH
tilities of Bitcoin, CNY/USD, EUR/USD, GBP/USD, Gold, ICEA, UCRY (1,1) models, we should confirm that the residuals of the estimated
Policy, and VIX. The dynamic correlation values between the CBDCAI models are normally distributed; (7) no serial correlation in the squared
and JPY/USD, the CBDCAI and RUB/USD, the CBDCAI and UCRY Price, residuals. We processed diagnostic tests for the fitted DCC-GJR-GARCH
and the CBDCAI and FTSE World Government Bond Index were both (1,1) models by using the seven criteria mentioned above.
significantly partially positive and negative12. From the negative dy­ The diagnostic test results for each fitted DCC-GJR-GARCH (1,1)
namic correlations periods, we found that, generally speaking, the par­ model are presented in Table 4 and Table 5. The sum of the coefficient
tial significantly positive dynamic correlations to be the most important values of the ARCH (1) and GARCH (1) for each fitted DCC-GJR-GARCH
relationships between the CBDCAI and UCRY Price, RUB/USD, JPY/ (1,1) model are all greater than 0 and less than 1. Parameters a and b
USD, and the FTSE World Government Bond Index. The degrees of dy­ represent the DCC short-run volatility impact and DCC long-run vola­
namic correlations between changes in the CBDCAI and FTSE All-World tility impact, respectively. The p values of a and b are all significant in
the 10% significance level. Parameter v stands for the joint distribution,
and all the p values of v are significant in the 10% significance level. We
For the sake of brevity, we list these negative dynamic correlation periods in applied the Engle and Sheppard method Engle and Granger (1987) to
the Appendix-C. confirm that the DCC holds a dynamic probability. Based on the p values
For the sake of brevity, we list these negative dynamic correlation periods in of the DCC probability, all the p values are less than 0.1, which can
the Appendix-C. significantly reject the null hypothesis that the DCC holds a constant

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

Table 6
Uncertainty risk and volatility structure risk
CBDC risk (CCR) CBDC risk (RV) CBDC risk (R)


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
UCRY Policy 0.7003*** 0.6334*** 0.6094*** 0.7315*** 0.4520*** 0.1773***
(0.0529) (0.0995) (0.1293) (0.1524) 0.0056*** - 0.0073***
UCRY Price 0.6555∗∗∗ 0.6366∗∗∗ 0.5949*** 0.6594*** 0.4483*** 0.1788***
(0.0526) (0.0963) (0.1495) (0.1837) 0.0316*** 0.0096***
ICEA 0.3969∗∗∗ 0.7964∗∗∗ 0.7685*** 0.7884*** 0.4022*** 3.747e-01***
(0.0461) (0.0681) (0.1187) (0.1384) 0.1423*** - 4.096e-02***
MSCI WBI − 0.0985∗ − 0.5429∗ - 0.1455* - 0.6099* - 0.0132* - 0.0112*
(0.3749) (0.6023) (0.6335) (0.7801) - 0.0206* - 0.0130*
VIX 0.1592∗∗ 0.1531∗∗ 0.0473* 0.0943* 0.0004* 0.0004*
(0.0538) (0.0543) (0.1177) (0.1159) 0.0055* 0.0022*
USEPU − 0.2394∗∗ − 0.2406∗∗∗ - 3.2239* - 0.2895* - 0.0002* - 0.0011*
(0.0528) (0.0522) (0.675) (0.1164) - 0.0025* - 0.0012*
FTSE AWI − 0.0995∗∗ − 0.2132∗ - 0.0649* - 0.2601* - 0.0048* - 0.0031*
(0.2567) (0.4129) (0.4390) (0.5405) - 0.0005* - 0.0019*
EUR/USD 0.1238∗ 0.0216∗ 0.4218* 0.4018*** 0.0423* 0.0018*
(0.1323) (0.2124) (0.1013) (0.1022) 0.0425* 0.0040*
GBP/USD 0.1800∗ 0.3351∗ 0.5098* 0.7419* 0.0201* 0.0121*
(0.1607) (0.2573) (0.2653) (0.3295) 0.0021* 0.0042*
JPY/USD 0.2524∗ 0.1240∗ 0.2555* 0.2731* 0.0203* 0.0044*
(0.1316) (0.2120) (0.1116) (0.1115) 0.0503* 0.0080*
RUB/USD 0.0281∗ 0.1526∗ 0.3585* 0.3608* 0.0196* 0.00682*
(0.2429) (0.3894) (0.1012) (0.1007) 0.0312* - 0.00665*
CNY/USD 0.0411∗ 0.0305∗ 0.0291* 0.1519* 0.0830* 0.0022*
(0.0664) (0.1064) (0.1002) (0.1229) 0.2111* 0.0187*
Gold 0.3893∗ 0.0704∗ 0.1704* 0.2555* 0.0022* 0.0028*
(0.2329) (0.3747) (0.3618) (0.1133) 0.0488* 0.0087*
Bitcoin 0.4789∗ 0.6257∗ 5.6714** 5.428* 0.0141*** 0.0041*
(1.2138) (1.9506) (1.8814) (2.334) 0.0259*** 0.0069*
FTSE WGBI 0.1049* 0.0174* 0.4623*** 0.4603*** 0.11161* 0.02549*
(0.0968) (0.1554) (0.0484) (0.0485) - 0.02526* - 0.01177*
CRIX 1.387** 0.793** 24.0391* 7.449* 0.01487* 0.0051*
(1.196) (1.792) (1.4447) (1.8108) - 0.01480* - 0.0029*

Note:*p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01.

probability. The McLeod-Li test with 1 lag confirms no ARCH effects in for cryptocurrency. Under this condition, cryptocurrency investors
the residuals of the fitted DCC-GJR-GARCH (1,1) models (McLeod and could increase their transaction and speculation activities, which will
Li, 1983). All the p-values of the McLeod-Li (1) test results are greater raise uncertainty in relevant markets [Akyildirim et al., 2020; Smales,
than 0.05, indicating that the null hypothesis of the McLeod-Li (1) test 2022]. For example, during cryptocurrency flash event periods (e.g.,
cannot be rejected, and there are no ARCH effects among 1 lag to note in Bitcoin value record high and Bitcoin transaction volume record high).
the residuals of the fitted DCC-GJR-GARCH (1,1) models. The p values of As a result, cryptocurrency markets experienced extreme volatility and
the Jarque-Bera and Ljung-Box tests with 1 lag for residuals of each uncertainty, and these fluctuations can be conducted to the CBDCs. This
fitted DCC-GJR-GARCH (1,1) model are all greater than 0.05, which can is also can explain why CBDCUI has a meaningful positive relationship
confirm that the residuals of each estimated model are normally with the volatility of cryptocurrency markets. Third, the reasons
distributed with no autocorrelation in the squared residuals. Therefore, CBDCAI sport a substantial association with the cryptocurrency mar­
all the fitted DCC-GJR-GARCH (1,1) models can successfully pass the ket’s volatility are similar to those with CBDCUI. From Fig. 4 and Fig. 10,
diagnostic tests, suggesting the correctness and robustness of the we can clearly observe that CBDCAI is occasionally dragged up by major
models. Moreover, these diagnostic tests can prove the GJR-GARCH (1, cryptocurrency events. For example, during Bitcoin’s one-year bull
1) model can fit well to the estimated variables, and there is no need to market, Bitcoin hit a record-high $63503 while volumes recorded
further apply the higher-order moments within the GJR model. 1.26358E+11, among others. Moreover, CBDC is a well-known fiat
digital currency [Kirkby, 2018; Ferrari et al., 2022], which aims to be
’anti-cryptocurrency’ (Brunnermeier and Landau, 2022). Therefore, a
5.8. A comprehensive interpretation of empirical findings heated discussion on or intensive attention of CBDCs will trigger the
fluctuations in the cryptocurrency markets, same as the investor atten­
To start, we want to discuss the potential reasons why CBDC indices tion conduct mechanism in cryptocurrency market [Smales, 2022; Yan
have a significant positive relationship with the volatility of crypto­ et al., 2022]. Fourth, we also desire to explain why CBDC indices can
currency markets. It is clear that CBDCUI represents uncertainty, which influence the volatility behind ICEA. This empirical finding is in line
has conduction effects on financial markets (Cao et al., 2017), so one with the existing literature concerning the environmental issues of the
variable’s uncertainty may cause such in other variables. Thus, there CBDCs (Laboure et al., 2021). Importantly, although the central banks
exists a definite correlation between CBDCs and cryptocurrencies in launch CBDCs, they are still digital currencies. As such, CBDCs also will
terms of uncertainty. Second, upon examining the high CBDCUI periods consume energy and thus pollute the environment. ICEA is an index that
in detail from Fig. 4 and Fig. 9, we find that the high CBDCUI values are captures the cryptocurrency attention on environmental issues. There­
aroused by unfavourable news regarding CBDC or cryptocurrency flash fore, CBDC indices and ICEA volatility showcase a meaningful correla­
events. As we mentioned many times above, CBDCs can be viewed as tion with one another.
’cryptocurrency counters’ launched by central banks (Turrin, 2021). Now, we will explain why the CBDC indices have a significant
Consequently, the negative news for CBDC results is an acceptable signal

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

positive relationship with the volatility of the foreign exchange markets. spike both CBDCUI and CBDCAI. Moreover, many media, scholars and
First, one possible explanation is that the rise in CBDC uncertainty and investors believe that e-CNY is challenging the hegemony of the USD
attention can motivate foreign exchange traders to reduce or increase and will supplant it as the most important currency used for interna­
their net long positions due to the ’stablecoin’ characteristic of the tional settlements (Fantacci and Gobbi, 2021). This kind of viewpoint
CBDCs [Copeland, 2020; Fantacci and Gobbi, 2021; Brunnermeier and will shake the confidence of US financial markets and cause panic in the
Landau, 2022], thus directly inducing fluctuations in the foreign ex­ US stock market, especially for large companies with prominent inter­
change rate. Second, the essence of a CBDC is the fiat currency. With the national businesses.
development of CBDCs, the public has access both to cash and digital Fourthly, we want to illustrate that why CBDC indices have a sig­
currency, which leads to increased supplies of both in general. The nificant positive relationship with the safe-haven, gold. This empirical
supply influx may lead to inflation. Although Chen and Siklos (2022) evidence confirms our concerns that CBDC may lead to inflation because
indicates that CBDCs need not produce higher inflation, this is only a favourable CBDC news spike CBDC indices in general, and gold is a safe
simulation result based on the historical behaviour of the velocity of haven against anti-inflation (Brunnermeier and Landau, 2022). First, a
circulation. Undoubtedly, liquidity will increase by developing CBDCs, widely discussed viewpoint now is that the CBDCs could serve as a
but excess supply will cause disruptions and major inflation (Brunner­ stablecoin, and it is preferable to hold CBDCs as a safe-haven instead of
meier and Landau, 2022). Under this circumstance, increasing one the traditional safe-haven, gold in times of financial crisis [Copeland,
country’s inflation rate will increase the volatility of its currency ex­ 2020; Fantacci and Gobbi, 2021]. Second, with the increasing of CBDC
change rate. Moreover, because of a conduction effect, the same will uncertainties, speculation transaction activities concerning gold as a
occur between one country’s currency exchange rate and that of other safe haven also will increase, thus causing gold price fluctuations. Third,
currencies. Third, CBDCUI is an uncertainty index. High uncertainty the significant positive relationship between CBDCAI and gold can be
maybe can cause high volatility. Fourth, from Fig. 4 and Fig. 10, we can similarly explained by the aforementioned gold speculation trans­
see that excellent news about CBDCs spikes the high CBDC attention actions. If some investors value CBDCs from an analyst perspective, they
value (e.g., the CBDCs’ new developments). As we mentioned, CBDCs may also realise this phenomenon is a potential issue. They will increase
can increase the liquidity of currencies, which also means the cost of their net long positions in gold, thus directly inducing fluctuations in
currency circulation is reduced, and foreign exchange transactions will gold prices.
become easier to perform. Therefore, the cost of the foreign exchange Fifthly, CBDC indices have a significant negative impact on the
speculation transactions will lower, and the foreign exchange specula­ volatility of the MSCI World Bank Index. This empirical finding re­
tion activities will also increase, bringing more fluctuations to foreign confirms the notion of [Sissoko, 2020; Zams et al., 2020; Brunnermeier
exchange markets. This is especially true for CNY due to the progress of and Landau, 2022] that CBDCs can balance the banking system, reduce
cross-border transactions involving e-CNY. The exchange rates of CNY the shadow banking, and the magnitude of the disruption from the
will definitely become more volatile. CBDCs to banks business model is small, but different from [Yamaoka,
Thirdly, we want to explain the relationships between CBDC and 2019; Zams et al., 2020; Sinelnikova-Muryleva, 2020; Williamson, 2021;
uncertainty indices (i.e., VIX and USEPU). Moreover, we will further Fernández-Villaverde et al., 2021; Viuela et al., 2020; Chen and Siklos,
elucidate on the inconsistency between the two sets of relationships. Our 2022], who believe that CBDCs can upset commercial banking, the
empirical findings indicate CBDC indices have a significant positive CBDCs may have significant negative consequences for the risk of
relationship with the volatility of VIX but conversely have a negative structural bank disintermediation and systemic bank runs, and the
one with that of USEPU. These findings are consistent with the views of central banks will become deposit monopolists by issuing CBDCs.
Larina and Akimov (2020), who believe that the CBDCs are conductive (Barrdear and Kumhof, 2021) also suggests the risks to banks can be
to reducing systemic financial risk, and also reconfirm the notions that minimised through appropriate CBDCs issuance arrangements. The
CBDCs positively impact the consumer friendly (Larina and Akimov, operating system of CBDCs could contribute a lot to this phenomenon.
2020); financial stability [Zams et al., 2020; Copeland, 2020; Currently, multiple countries have adopted the two-level operation
McLaughlin, 2021; Buckley et al., 2021]; welfare gains (Davoo­ system of CBDCs. For example, the People’s Bank of China converts
dalhosseini, 2021); economic growth rate (Tong and Jiayou, 2021); the e-CNY to the designated operating institutions such as commercial banks
ability of central bank’s to stabilise the business cycle (Barrdear and or other commercial institutions and allows these institutions to convert
Kumhof, 2021). First, one possible explanation behind the latter case e-CNY to the public instead of directly issuing and converting CBDCs to
concerns the ’stablecoin’ characteristic of CBDCs because the substitu­ the public. The conversion of a CBDC adopts the conversion process of
tion effect of the CBDCs on bank deposits is limited, and the overall 1:1, which means commercial banks and other operating institutions
economic effect is positive. Second, based on our unconditional corre­ must pay the central bank the reserve fund of 100%. The two-level
lation table Table 2 and the literature about USEPU and VIX, the USEPU operation system of CBDCs guarantees the reasonability of a CBDC is­
and the VIX should express a positive relationship. In fact, the re­ suances like the issuance of paper currencies, which will negatively in­
lationships between CBDC indices and USEPU, the relationships of CBDC fluence the existing financial system and impact the real economy or
indices and VIX are inconsistent in this study. The potential explanations financial stability such as increasing inflation rate, competing for com­
could be that the VIX-EPU relationship is not always positive and is mercial banks and traditional financial institutions and stimulating the
time-variant, and USEPU and VIX are more coherent to the developed speculative transactions of the financial market. Digital Currency/E­
market (i.e., France, Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom), which is lectronic Payment (DC/EP) in China adopts the two-level operation
confirmed by (Tiwari et al., 2019). However, our CBDC indices boast mode to guarantee the excess issuance of CBDCs. When the currency
wider coverage (e.g., China, Russia, Swiss, Spain, Portugal, etc.), also production requirement meets verification rules, corresponding limit
including some developing countries (e.g., Ukraine, Panama, Ecuador, vouchers will be sent, which will neither negatively influence the
etc.). These points potentially can explain the inconsistencies in the inflation rate nor compete with the traditional business model of com­
relationships between CBDC and uncertainty indices. Third, the likeliest mercial banks.
reason for the significant positive relationship between CBDC indices Sixth, we seek to uncover the significant negative relationships be­
and VIX is that the latter is related to the market’s expectations for the tween the FTSE All-World Index and CBDC indices. The characteristic of
volatility in the S&P 500 over the coming 30 transaction days, and the the CBDCs have the potential to promote financial stability can explain
S&P 500 contains 500 large companies listed on stock exchanges in the this empirical phenomenon [Zams et al., 2020; Copeland, 2020;
USA. From the news our indices captured, we know that, although the McLaughlin, 2021; Buckley et al., 2021]. Moreover, this empirical proof
e-USD is being tested, the progress remains slow. China and its e-CNY is consistent with [Zams et al., 2020; Tong and Jiayou, 2021; Barrdear
are leading in the CBDC (Turrin, 2021). The new progress of e-CNY can and Kumhof, 2021; Fantacci and Gobbi, 2021], who suggest that CBDCs

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

can improve financial inclusion, mitigate systemic financial risk and increases.
raise GDP. In point three, we have demonstrated why the CBDC indices Or
have a significant positive relationship with the volatility of the VIX. H1 : CBDC indices risk increases, financial variables’ volatility
However, the FTSE All-World Index is also related to the stock market, decreases.
and its volatility shows a significantly negative relationship with CBDC To evaluate the significance of the relationship, we followed the
indices. To determine why the two stock market indices have adverse methodologies of [Pástor and Veronesi, 2013; Demir et al., 2018, Al
reactions to the shocks from the CBDCs, we need to differentiate be­ Mamun et al., 2020; Lang et al., 2021]. The regression model is as fol­
tween the scopes of the VIX and the FTSE All-World Index. VIX focuses lows Equation21:
on large companies in the U.S. financial market (Whaley, 2009), but the
FVt = β1 + β2 CBDCt + β3 FVt− 1 + εt , (21)
FTSE All-World Index is an international stock market index that covers
over 3,100 companies in 47 countries. The markets represented by the where, FV denotes financial variable volatility, and CBDC denotes the
FTSE All-World Index and the VIX differ, resulting in their different CBDC uncertainty risk or the CBDC attention risk, FVt− 1 is designed to
relationships with the CBDC indices. removing any serial correlation in FVt . ε is the error term.
Finally, CBDCUI and CBDCAI positively affect the FTSE World We tested this hypothesis as a null hypothesis of when β2 > 0, in­
Government Bond Index, which can be explained by the following two dicates that the volatility of financial variables increases under more
points. First, CBDCs could cast doubt on the solvency of commercial uncertainty or attention; when β2 < 0, indicates that the volatility of
banks, reshape the international monetary system, and cause negative financial variables increase when there is less uncertainty or attention.
interest rates (Brunnermeier and Landau, 2022). Moreover, this finding First, FV and CBDC are still calculated by the continuously com­
echoes the latest study of (Ferrari et al., 2022), which indicates that a pounded returns. The results are shown in Table 6 columns (1) and (2).
CBDC issued by one country could increase asymmetries in the inter­ The results in columns (1) and (2) show the significance of the results
national monetary system by having negative consequences on mone­ at the 10% level. The β2 values of the MSCI World Bank Index, USEPU,
tary policy autonomy and welfare in the other countries. These potential and FTSE All-World Index in the CBDCUI and CBDCAI were less than
characteristics of CBDCs may destabilise the financial system. The lower zero, thus implying that the volatility of these three financial variables
the financial stability, the higher the volatility of bond markets, espe­ had a negative relationship with the CBDCUI and CBDCAI. In other
cially government bond markets (Acharya and Steffen, 2015). Second, words, the volatility of the MSCI World Bank Index, USEPU, and the
exchange rate mechanisms and exchange rate regimes also have a pos­ FTSE All-World Index decrease in the face of greater CBDC uncertainty
itive impact on the volatility of sovereign bond markets (Cappiello et al., or attention. The β2 values of the other financial variables (except for the
2006). Since CBDC indices positively impact the exchange rate volatility three just discussed) were greater than zero, thereby indicating a posi­
of EUR/USD, GBP/USD, JPY/USD, RUB/USD and CNY/USD, they will tive relationship between these financial variables and the CBDCUI or
certainly bring a positive shock to the volatility of the FTSE World CBDCAI. These additional results accord with our former empirical
Government Bond Index. Moreover, the positive relationships between analysis, thus proving our main findings’ robustness.
CBDC indices and bond markets volatility can also be interpreted as Second, while we still followed the formula of Equation21, we
public concern for CBDCs in the economy and society. calculated the FV and CBDC by the realised variance. For example,
denoting the nearby weekly variable value at time t as St , the realised
5.9. Robustness test variance from time 1 to time T, denoted as RVt,T , can be computed as:

RVt,T = T1 Ti=1 (rt+i − rt+i )2 , where rt+i = 100 × ln(St+i /St+i− 1 ) and rt+i =
As we sought to identify the effects of CBDC indices on financial
markets, we selected the SVAR and DCC-GJR-GARCH models as the two 100 × ln(St+i /St+i− 1 ) are the one-period return and the average return
econometrics models that would most effectively help us achieved our for T periods. The results are shown in Table 6 columns (3) and (4).
research aim. In order to obtain a more rigorous conclusion, we From the results in columns (3) and (4), although we calculated all of
considered it necessary to design and process several robustness tests. the variables in a realised variance, the relationships between the
The core heart of the indices’ effects on financial markets with SVAR and financial variables and the CBDC indices (which we demonstrated in the
DCC-GJR-GARCH models is the relationships between the indices and former empirical analysis) still held in the Equation21. Moreover, the
the financial variables. From our empirical analysis, we concluded that MSCI World Banks Index, USEPU, and FTSE All-World Index showed a
both CBDC indices had a significantly negative relationship with the statistically significant negative relationship with the CBDCUI or
MSCI World Bank Index, USEPU, and FTSE All-World Index. Moreover, CBDCAI at the 10% significance level. The statistically significant pos­
both CBDC indices had a significantly positive relationship with the itive relationships between the other financial variables and CBDC
other financial variables. Therefore, our robustness tests could focus on indices were also still at the 10% level. The results from this Equation21
how to confirm these relationships between the CBDC indices and those further prove the robustness of our main empirical findings.
financial variables. Secondly, the robustness test of our results can be confirmed using
Due to the limitation of the data period, we only selected Bitcoin as a the methodology of Whaley (2009). When CBDCt displayed a negative
proxy to represent the broader cryptocurrency market in the main relationship with FVt , we found that the changes in CBDCt rose at a
empirical analysis. In the robustness test, we consider including a more higher absolute rate when the FVt fell than when it increased. In other
comprehensive cryptocurrency proxy, CRIX (Trimborn and Härdle, words, when CBDCt showed a positive relationship with FVt , the changes
2018), to capture the cryptocurrency market. It allows close tracking of in CBDCt rise at a higher absolute rate when the FVt rises, than when the
the evolution of the diverse, very volatile, and frequently changing FVt falls. The regression model is as follows Equation 22:
cryptocurrency market with a small number of constituents (a minimum CBDCt = β1 + β2 FVt + β3 FVt− + εt , (22)
of five cryptocurrency assets, which are verified as investable). We
collected the CRIX from S&P Global. CRIX is widely used as a broad where CBDC and FV are still calculated by the continuously com­
cryptocurrency market indicator to investigate the relationships be­ pounded return and represent the rate of change of the CBDCUI,
tween the cryptocurrency market and other financial markets [Klein CBDCAI, and financial variables. FV − denotes the rate of change of the
et al., 2018; Umar et al., 2021b; Yan et al., 2022]. financial variables conditional on the market going down, and zero
In order to evaluate the reliability of the empirical results, we first otherwise. ε is the error term.
further analysed the relationship between CBDC indices risk and First, if CBDC has a positive relationship with FV, both of the slope
financial variables’ volatility. Our hypothesis is as follows: coefficients of FV and FV − would have to be greater than zero. The
H1 : CBDC indices risk increases, financial variables’ volatility also

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

second condition is that the slope coefficient of FV is more significant to financial areas. This methodology can provide a new channel to more
than zero, and the slope coefficient of FV − less than, but the coefficient comprehensively understand broad financial developments by system­
value of FV would be greater than that of FV − . If CBDC has a negative atic online empirical inquiries.
relationship with FV, both of the slope coefficients of FV and FV − should While early research suggests that Bitcoin is by far the most influ­
be less than zero. ential cryptocurrency [Corbet et al., 2020a; Ma et al., 2020], the most
The results are shown in Table 6 columns (5) and (6). The results of recent evidence indicates that crypto-assets can be categorised as
the robustness test confirmed our empirical results reported earlier. decentralised applications (dapps) and protocols [Huynh et al., 2020;
Moreover, the results allow us to clearly observe that the CBDCUI and Chang et al., 2020], and have become more attractive for investors than
CBDCAI have a statistically significant and negative relationship with ’pure’ cryptocurrencies (White et al., 2020). This displays a shift in
the MSCI World Banks Index, USEPU, and FTSE All-World Index. consumer and investor preferences from pioneer cryptocurrency to­
Additionally, the CBDCUI and CBDCAI have a statistically significant wards more innovative, scalable, and versatile digital payment in­
and positive relationship with the other variables. For example, if the struments and assets (Umar et al., 2021a). Thus, CBDC may become a
USEPU rises by 100 basis points, the CBDCUI will fall by: CBDCUIt = − competitive product for investors and cryptocurrency users, thereby
0.000, 2 × (0.01) = − 0.000, 2%, and if the USEPU falls by 100 basis bridging the gap between cryptocurrency and traditional markets for
points, the CBDCUI will rise by: CBDCUIt = − 0.000, 2 × ( − 0.01) − widespread use.
0.002, 5( − 0.01) = 0.000, 002 + 0.000, 025 = 0.000, 027 = 0.0027%. We believe it pertinent to mention several research pathways for
In the end, the statistical results regarding effects of the CBDC indices future investigation. As another innovation of a central bank’s financial
on the CRIX from column (1) to column (7) show that the CBDCUI and system, CBDCs are aimed at the digitisation, decentration, and disin­
CBDCAI have a statistically significant and positive relationship with the termediation of sovereign currency. From a global monetary perspec­
CRIX, which indicates that the CBDCUI and CBDCAI can have a positive tive, applying these (central bank-endorsed) digital currencies is a new
impact on the cryptocurrency market. Moreover, this finding can further step towards modern society’s digital transformation. As CBDCs
confirm the positive relationship between the CBDC indices and Bitcoin, continue progressing, the functions of sovereign currency will be
which has been proved above. enriched, and sovereign currency will be endowed with such new
functions as value storage and measurement, and free convertibility
6. Conclusions instead of a single payment tool. As society increasingly accepts CBDCs,
the global financial system will be changed dramatically and inevitably
This paper assesses the impact of CBDC news on financial markets in multiple aspects, such as daily individual payment modes, the pay­
using the over 660m news items collected from LexisNexis News & ment system of society as a whole, the structure of the commercial
Business database. Specifically, we introduce two new measures of un­ banking system, and even the operation of the capital market. Countries
certainty and attention for CBDCs that can be used by cryptocurrency assuming the leading role regarding CBDCs can maintain effective
researchers, investors, and financial regulators in their subsequent work. competitive advantages during the digitisation of global currencies.
Our new CBDC Uncertainty Index and the CBDC Attention Index While promoting the internationalisation of sovereign currency, CBDCs
have been constructed and made available for the period from January can improve the financial software power of various countries. In China
2015 to June 2021. We employ of empirical test to examine the especially, the RMB has been castigated due to its failure to freely
behaviour of CBDC indexes in relation to cryptocurrency markets (i.e. circulate and be converted in the international market. As the progress
UCRY indices, ICEA and Bitcoin), other popular uncertainty measures (i. of digital-RMB is pushed forward, the currency will operate more
e. VIX and USEPU), stock markets (i.e. FTSE All-World Index), banking competitively at the levels of international or reserve currency. We thus
sectors (i.e. MSCI World Bank Index), bond markets (i.e. FTSE World expect to see significant local and international impacts of CBDCs on
Government Bond Index), exchange rates (i.e. EUR/USD, GBP/USD, competition in the payments and fintech sector.
RUB/USD, JPY/USD, and CNY/USD) and gold during this period and The role of CBDCs in the monetary system, its actual economic
capture the dynamics of these interrelationships. performance, and society’s acceptance of it remain to be tested and
Our empirical results suggest that CBDC indices have a significantly observed. Therefore, CBDCs’ problems require further investigation.
negative effect on the volatilities of the MSCI World Banks Index, First, we can further analyse the CBDCAI and CBDCUI with firm-level
USEPU, and FTSE All-World Index. However, CBDC indices have a data. For example, we can investigate if our CBDC indices are associ­
significantly positive effect on the volatilities of UCRY Policy, UCRY ated with greater stock price volatility, poor financial statement per­
Price, ICEA, and Bitcoin (cryptocurrency markets), FTSE World Gov­ formances in the financial services sector, or other policy-sensitive
ernment Bond Index (bond markets), EUR/USD, GBP/USD, RUB/USD, sectors, such as energy, technology, and real estate. Second, due to
JPY/USD, and CNY/USD (foreign exchange markets), as well as VIX and constraints regarding the scope of this paper, future studies could
gold. Furthermore, the volatilities of financial variables are more sen­ examine the effects of CBDCUI and CBDCAI on cryptocurrencies in
sitive to CBDCUI when compared with reactions from CBDCAI shocks, greater detail. Considering the issue of the data period length, we did not
highlighting the importance of CBDC uncertainty in this interconnected include composite cryptocurrency indices into the main variable system.
system. The HD results suggest that both cumulative positive and However, it would be interesting to also investigate the interconnections
negative effects of CBDCUI’s disturbances on financial variables are between the CBDC indices and the CRIX or BGCI by using the VAR, DCC-
larger than those of CBDCAI disturbances. These results display that GARCH or VAR spillover connectedness model. Besides, the predicted
uncertainty around CBDC news plays more important role that just an powers of CBDC indices can also be further developed. Third, it is worth
attention to this new digital assets, which suggest that introduction of understanding that cryptocurrencies can have a partial effect between
CBDC can bring significant changes to the economy. Our results show CBDC indices and financial markets or the partial effects of CBDC indices
that good news and positive government policies can significantly on USEPU and VIX. Fourth, the construction of infrastructures sup­
negatively affect the CBDCUI HD results, by decreasing the uncertainty porting the progress of CBDCs, issuance and market supervision of
around these assets. However, the HD results for both the CBDCUI and CBDCs, and compliance and supervision of the financial institutions
CBDCAI show significant spikes near key CBDC innovations and responsible should be explored further. Focusing on individual users is
important digital currency events. The results of the robustness test another potential research direction. What actual effects, advantages,
demonstrate the reliability and validity of our empirical findings. and disadvantages will a CBDC be able to provide a country’s different
In terms of methodology, our paper further contributes to the liter­ users? When other digital payment modes still occupy a large market
ature by showcasing how to make the most effective use of internet share, can various governments’ CBDCs research and efforts expect
literature database archives to develop and issue new indices of interest returns?

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

There is plenty of room for the development of CBDC in various editing. Samuel A. Vigne: Conceptualization, Supervision, Project
countries, and there remains much progress to be made. However, administration, Resources, Writing – review & editing. Larisa Yar­
digital currency is reshaping our payment system, payment modes, and ovaya: Conceptualization, Supervision, Project administration, Re­
new financial order. CBDC must be the main battlefield of various sources, Writing – review & editing.
countries in the field of fintech. Besides, as money never sleeps, further
research into the roles and advantages of CBDCs can only be beneficial.
Declaration of Competing Interest
CRediT authorship contribution statement
No conflicts of interest to declare
Yizhi Wang: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Validation,
Formal analysis, Investigation, Resources, Data curation, Writing – Acknowledgments
original draft, Visualization, Project administration, Funding acquisi­
tion, Writing – review & editing. Brian M. Lucey: Conceptualization, The authors would like to acknowledge the support of The China
Supervision, Project administration, Resources, Writing – review & Scholarship Council (project code:202008300011).

Appendix A. Big events in annotated indices

• 23/03/2015 - 29/03/2015 (2015-03-27)

1). M-payments in Brazil, Colombia and Peru (23/03/2015).

2). ABA accepts the NAC (23/03/2015). Explanation: American Bankers Association accepts the National Atan Coin.
3). UK claims digital currency friendly (24/03/2015).
• 29/06/2015 - 05/07/2015 (2015-07-03)

1). Fiscal moves spark protests in Ecuador (01/07/2015). Explanation: A new Electronic Currency System (ECS), the nationwide central bank digital
currency progress have sent out danger signals to investors.
2). PayPal announces to acquire Xoom (02/07/2015).
• 13/07/2015 - 19/07/2015 (2015-07-17)

1). ”GovCoin.” (15/07/2015) Explanation: UK intellectual property office grants trade mark ”GovCoin” to GovCoin Limited.
2). ”Licensing media consumption using digital currency.” (16/07/2015) Explanation: The United States Patent and Trademark office has granted a
patent to WILDTANGENT, INC, titled as ”Licensing media consumption using digital currency”.
3). Dollarization in Ecuador (17/07/2015) Explanation: the dollarization of Ecuador process could come to an end within months, weeks or even days.
Ecuador’s government is trying to creating digital-currency to avoid to print cash. The use of digital-currency transactions has been imposed on private
• 28/09/2015 - 04/10/2015 (2015-10-02)

1). The PRC revises the Anti-Money Laundering Law (01/10/2015). Explanation: Digital currency makes the Anti-Money Laundering enforcement gets
• 07/12/2015 - 13/12/2015 (2015-12-11)

1). ”Sistema de Dinero Electronico” formally available (05/12/2015). Explanation: Electronic money system was launched in Ecuador, making Ecuador
becomes the first country with a state-run electronic payment system.
• 29/02/2016 - 20/03/2016 (2016-03-04 to 2016-03-18)

1). Britcoin new progress (03/03/2016). Explanation: Ben Broadent (Bank of England)’s speech about CBDC. In details, what is a CBDC? And what are
the economic implications of introducing the CBDC.
• 02/05/2016 - 08/05/2016 (2016-05-06)

1). DLT for CBDC (02/05/2016). Explanation: Distributed ledger technology for CBDC.
2). Digital-CAD new progress & Digital-USD new progress (06/05/2016). Explanation: Bank of Canada and the U.S. Treasury propose a project about
launching dollars in digital.
• 09/05/2016 - 15/05/2016 (2016-05-13)

1). First time Bitcoin for official use. Explanation: Swiss town of Zug is planning to allow its residents to use Bitcoin to pay for municipal services.
• 11/07/2016 - 17/07/2016 (2016-07-15)

1). EU revises the Anti-Money Laundering Directive (12/07/2016). Explanation: EU brings virtual currency exchanges and wallet providers under the
EU Anti-Money Laundering Directive.
2). Blockchain technology for CBDC (15/07/2016). Explanation: The UK Parliament issued the news about the Economic Affairs Committee takes ev­
idence from the Bank of England, Imperial College London, Z/Yen Group limited, among others for distributed ledger or blockchain technology for CBDC.
• 20/02/2017 - 26/02/2017 (2017-02-24)

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

1). Bitcoin record high and digital-CNY new progress (25/02/2017). Explanation: Bitcoin surges to record high ($1200) and China is developing digital-
• 05/06/2017 - 11/06/2017 (2017-06-09)

1). Bitcoin mania (05/06/2017).

• 03/07/2017 - 09/07/2017 (2017-07-07)

1). South Korean digital currency regulatory framework (03/07/2017). Explanation: Lawmakers of South Korea are preparing a set of bills to give
cryptocurrencies legal grounds.
• 10/07/2017 - 16/07/2017 (2017-07-14)

1). The State of Digital Money (11/07/2017). Explanation: Los Angeles’ first global fintech and blockchain event.
2). Digital-currency multimillionaire (16/07/2017). Explanation: A secret cryptocurrency trader in Amyster turned $55 million of paper wealth into
$283 million in just over a month.
• 31/07/2017 - 06/08/2017 (2017-08-04)

1). E-currency makes a splash in Cambodia (01/08/2017). Explanation: the ASC group begins to use Aseancoin in the retail, e-commerce, tourism and
import-export sectors all around Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
• 27/11/2017 - 24/12/2017 (2017-12-01 to 2017-12-22)

1). Digital-CAD new progress (2017-12-01). Explanation: a research paper from the BOC points out that the Bank of Canada is considering the merits to
creating the CBDC.
2). Bank of Canada White Paper on CBDC (15/12/2017).
3). Danish Central Bank cancels the plan for CBDC (22/12/2017).
4). CBDC testing and studying (23/12/2017). Explanation: a digital currency sponsored by the U.S. government and managed by the Federal Reserve is
been studying. China’s Central Bank is testing a digital currency. Bank of England, Bank of Canada, European Central Bank, Bank of Russia, Bank of
Japan, Bank of Australia, among others are studying the Central Bank Digital Currency.
4). Deutsche Bundesbank warnings (24/12/2017). Explanation: Deutsche Bundesbank warns that there will be no CBDC in Euro-zone.
• 08/01/2018 - 14/01/2018 (2018-01-12)

1). Bitcoin one-year bull market. Explanation: In January 2017, the price of Bitcoin was still under $1000, and 12 months later, the price of Bitcoin has
risen to around $19600, increased by nearly 20 times.
• 19/02/2018 - 25/02/2018 (2018-02-23)

1). Chairman of Basel Committee warnings (19/02/2018). Explanation: Stefan Ingves, the Chairman of Basel Committee warned banks to stay away
from cryptocurrency.
2). Call for ”e-franc” (25/02/2018). Explanation: the chairman of Switzerland’s stock exchange urges that Switzerland should launch a cryptocurrency
version of the Swiss franc.
• 04/06/2018 - 10/06/2018 (2018-06-08)

1). Visa European payments network disruption (07/06/2018).

• 11/06/2018 - 17/06/2018 (2018-06-15)

1). Former FDIC Chair urges Fed to consider CBDC (11/06/2018). Explanation: Sheila Blair, former chair of the US Federal Deposit Insurance Cor­
poration (FDIC) urges the Federal Reserve to consider a CBDC.
• 26/11/2018 - 02/12/2018 (2018-11-30)

1). Digital-SEK (26/11/2018). Explanation: Sweden’s Central Bank plans to launch CBDC to against cash usage declines.
2). Digital-KES (27/11/2018). Explanation: Central Bank of Kenya is thinking to issue CBDC of Kenyan shilling.
3). GBPP Stablecoin (27/11/2018). Explanation: the first digital pound sterling is mined, minted and used. London Block Exchange works with Alphapoint
to create the first digital pound sterling, and the GBPP stablecoin is pegged to the value of pound sterling.
4). Digital-KRW (29/11/2018). Explanation: Bank of Korea gave a presentation about CBDC on an international symposium held by the Financial Su­
pervisory Service.
5). Digital-Nordic (30/11/2018). Explanation: Nordic central banks are considering the CBDC because of the cyber security of digital payment.
• 17/06/2019 - 21/07/2019 (2019-06-21 to 2019-07-19)

1). Chinese CBDC plans (10/06/2019). Explanation: China’s Central Bank publish the lastest plans for Chinese CBDC plan, and the cabinet gives approval
to central bank to launch CBDC.
2). Russian CBDC plan (18/06/2019). Explanation: The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is exploring its options when it begins to launching the
3). Successful transactions of securities with CBDC (21/06/2019). Explanation: Banque Internationale Luxembourg, LuxCSD and Seba Bank suc­
cessfully tested use of CBDC for securities transactions.
4). Digital-CNY new progress (21/06/2019). Explanation: Over 3,000 ATMs in Beijing now support CBDC withdrawals.
5). Digital-THB (25/06/2019). Explanation: Bank of Thailand is developing its own CBDC (Can not beat them, join them, can not beat the cryptocurrency,
launch own digital currency).
6). Deutsche Bundesbank and Schweizerische Nationalbank anti-CBDC plans (05/07/2019).

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

7). Facebook’s Libra and Chinese CBDC (08/07/2019). Explanation: the cryptocurrency plan of Facebook have forced China’s Central Bank into stepping
up research into launching Chinese CBDC.
8). Digital-TL (11/07/2019). Explanation: The Turkish Central Bank is planing to launch CBDC).
• 22/07/2019 - 28/07/2019 (2019-07-26)

1). Huawei CEO’s fearless on Facebook’s Libra. Explanation: Ren, Zhengfei, the CEO of Huawei, has dismissed concerns that Facebook’s Libra could
dominate the world at the expense of China and its tech firms.
• 30/03/2020 - 03/05/2020 (2020-04-03 to 2020-05-01)

1). Digital-USD new progress (30/03/2020). Explanation: (1) The Digital-Dollar project names 22 new advisory group members. And a partnership
between Accenture and the Digital Dollar Foundation aims to promote establishment of a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency. (2) Digital Dollar Project
White Paper.
2). BOE CBDC proposal (30/03/2020). Explanation: Bank of England released a 57-page discussion paper about the opportunities, challenges and design
of CBDC.
3). Covid-19 with CBDC (08/04/2020). COVID-19 has accelerated a move toward CBDC).
4). Digital-CNY testing underway (21/04/2020). Explanation: China has started testing the government-backed digital legal tender, CBDC wallet App
available in Suzhou, Xiongan, Shenzhen and Chengdu these four cities..
5). Digital-EUR new progress (02/05/2020). Explanation: (1). The Banque de France plans to find cooperators to process the experiments in the use of a
digital euro in interbank settlements. (2). The Dutch Central Bank intends to actively participate in any related policy discussions around a European
CBDC in the future.
• 03/08/2020 - 09/08/2020 (2020-08-07)

1). Digital-JPY new progress (07/08/2020). Explanation: The Bank of Japan has set up a new department to further promote digital Yen progress.
2). Big-4 banks start tests on digital-CNY (07/08/2020). Explanation: The Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Industrial and Commetrical Bank of
China and Agricultural Bank of China, these big four state-owned commercial banks had started large-scale internal testing of digital-yuan..
• 28/09/2020 - 04/10/2020 (2020-10-02)

1). Digital-EUR report (02/10/2020). Explanation: this report examines the issuance of the digital euro from the perspective of the Euro-system.
• 02/11/2020 - 08/11/2020 (2020-11-06)

1). Digital-CNY transaction volumes doubling (03/11/2020). Explanation: China’s CBDC testings has so far been smooth, with transaction volumes
doubling over October, and the transactions hit $300 million.
2). Digital-AUD new progress (04/11/2020). Explanation: The National Australia Bank and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia will join forces to work
with the Reserve Bank of Australia to develop CBDC. And Reserve Bank of Australia considering on Ethereum based digital currency.
3). Digital-NOK new progress (06/11/2020). Explanation: Norges Bank’s presentation about CBDC and real-time digital payments.
• 08/02/2021 - 28/02/2021 (2021-02-21 to 2021-02-26)

1). Bahamas Sand Dollar Prepaid card (17/02/2021). Explanation: Collaboration of MasterCard, Central Bank of the Bahamas and Island Pay issue the
Bahamas Sand Dollar prepaid card, and can give people additional option to use the Bahamas Sand Dollar CBDC. This is the world’s first CBDC-linked
2). Digital-CNY ”red packets” (18/02/2021). Explanation: ”Red packet” e-currency trials in Beijing, it is a catalyzator to hasten Asia e-currency race.
3). IMF publishes commentary on CBDC (20/02/2021).
4). Bitcoin hits record high (21/02/2021). Explanation: Bitcoin hit record high price $57,539.95 on 21/02/2021.
• 08/03/2021 - 14/03/2021 (2021-03-12)

1). Digital-KRW new progress. Explanation: South Korea-based Shinhan Bank has said that it has built a platform for a potential South Korean CBDC.
2). Digital-RUB new progress. Explanation: Russian Central Bank Chairperson Elvira Nabiulline said on Association of Russian Banks that Central Bank of
Russia will test digital ruble platform on 01/01/2022.
• 29/03/2021 - 04/04/2021 (2021-04-02)

1). Hong Kong helps with digital-CNY test (02/04/2021). Explanation: The People’s Bank of China and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority have begun
”technical testing” for cross-border use of digital-RMB.
2). Dcash (31/03/2021). Explanation: ’Dcash’, launched by the international fintech company, Bitt, in partnership with the Eastern Caribbean Central
Bank (ECCB), became the world’s first retail CBDC to be publicly issued within a formal currency union.
• 05/04/2021 - 11/04/2021 (2021-04-09)

1). CBDC technical issues in less developed areas.

• 19/04/2021 - 25/04/2021 (2021-04-23)

1). Bitcoin $63503 (13/04/2021). Explanation: Bitcoin hits the historical recording high $63503.
2). Britcoin new progress (19/04/2021). Explanation: The Bank of England and the Treasury will set up a new taskforce and joint together to explore the
objectives of establishing a CBDC.
3). Wall Street banks new views to CBDC (20/04/2021). Explanation: Wall Street banks is warming up to the idea that CBDC as the next big financial
• 26/04/2021 - 02/05/2021 (2021-04-30)

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

1). Free float concerns about digital-Renminbi. Explanation: Some scholars worry about that RMB is not fully convertible, so taking a head position using
RMB might be difficult.
• 10/05/2021 - 23/05/2021 (2021-05-14 & 2021-05-21)

1). Digital-CNY new progress (11/05/2021). Explanation: (1). Digital-CNY trials has for the first time included a private bank, Zhejiang E-Commerce Co
Ltd. (2). MYbanks joins Digital-RMB platform (12/05/2021)..
2). Britcoin new progress (14/05/2021). Explanation: Bank of England officially announces that Britcoin CBDC launch is ’probable’..
3). Bitcoin vol record high (19/05/2021). Explanation: Bitcoin transaction volumes hit the record high 1.26358E+11.
4). Digital-EUR new progress (21/05/2021). Explanation: The European Central Bank takes a new rush toward the digital-euro. In the coming weeks, The
European Central Bank will announce whether it will issue a ”digital euro” within the next four years. And many experts believe it will.
5). CBDC is not friendly for old people (21/05/2021).
• 07/06/2021 - 13/06/2021 (2021-06-11)

1). Britcoin new progress (07/06/2021). Explanation: Bank of England publishes discussion paper on the CBDC-Britcoin.
2). Digital-CNY new progress (08/06/2021). Explanation: The second stage experiments of digital-RMB in Hong Kong starts, and Hong Kong is to test
connecting digital-RMB with its domestic payment network.
3). Digital-USD new progress (09/06/2021). Explanation: Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Policy Hearing about
Building a stronger financial system: opportunities of a CBDC.
4). France and Switzerland CBDC trials (11/06/2021). Explanation: two Central Banks of European in France and Switzerland have launched a joint
CBDC cross-border trial.
• 28/06/2021 - 04/07/2021 (2021-07-02)

1). Digital currency environmental issue.

Appendix B

Table B1
The negative dynamic correlation periods in the CBDC indices and financial variables
CBDCUI & Financial variables Time period CBDCAI & Financial variables Time period

CBDCUI & GBP/USD 2015-07-03 to 2016-03-25 CBDCAI & JPY/USD 2017-01-13 to 2017-07-28
2016-04-15 to 2017-09-15 2017-08-11 to 2017-09-08
2019-06-14 to 2019-06-21 2017-09-22 to 2019-06-21
CBDCUI & MSCI WBI 2015-07-10 to 2016-03-04 2021-04-09 to 2021-04-16
2016-04-29 to 2016-09-30 CBDCAI & RUB/USD 2015-04-17 to 2015-06-26
2019-08-09 2015-07-10
2020-12-11 2016-05-13 to 2016-09-23
2021-04-30 to 2021-06-18 2016-11-04
CBDCUI & JPY/USD 2017-03-31 2017-11-10 to 2018-04-27
2017-05-12 2018-05-18 to 2018-05-25
CBDCUI & UCRYPo 2020-03-20 2019-04-26
2019-06-07 to 2019-06-21
2020-03-06 to 2020-03-13
2020-11-06 to 2020-12-04
2020-04-02 to 2021-07-02
CBDCAI & UCRYPr 2020-03-20
CBDCAI & FTSE WGBI 2016-11-25
2021-01-22 to 2021-01-29
2021-04-09 to 2021-04-16

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

Table B2
SVAR stationary test results
Panel A (1): SVAR optimal lag calculation results

lag max=13 lag max=12 lag max=11 lag max=10 lag max=9 lag max=8

AIC(n) 13 12 11 1 1 1
HQ(n) 1 1 1 1 1 1
SC(n) 1 1 1 1 1 1
FPE(n) 1 1 1 1 1 1

Panel A (2): SVAR optimal lag calculation results

lag max=7 lag max=6 lag max=5 lag max=4 lag max=3 lag max=2

AIC(n) 1 1 1 1 1 1
HQ(n) 1 1 1 1 1 1
SC(n) 1 1 1 1 1 1
FPE(n) 1 1 1 1 1 1

Panel A (3): SVAR optimal lag calculation results

lag max=1

AIC(n) 1
HQ(n) 1
SC(n) 1
FPE(n) 1

Panel B (1): SVAR diagnostic test results

Autocorrelation Heteroscedasticity Normal distribution

Portmanteau test (asymptotic) 60.798

ARCH (multivariate) 26329
Jarque-Bera test 57233
Skewness (multivariate) 1459
Kurtosis (multivariate) 55774

Panel B (2): SVAR diagnostic test results


ARIMA(p,d,q) ARIMA(0,0,0) ARIMA(0,0,0) ARIMA(0,0,0) ARIMA(0,0,0) ARIMA(0,0,0) ARIMA(0,0,0)


ARIMA(p,d,q) ARIMA(0,0,0) ARIMA(0,0,0) ARIMA(0,0,0) ARIMA(0,0,0) ARIMA(0,0,0) ARIMA(0,0,0)

RUB/USD CNY/USD Gold Bitcoin FTSE World Bank Index

ARIMA(p,d,q) ARIMA(0,0,0) ARIMA(0,0,0) ARIMA(0,0,0) ARIMA(0,0,0) ARIMA(0,0,0)

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

Table B3
SVAR stationary test results
Panel A: lag ¼ 1

0.43339025 0.40103622 0.35739782 0.35739782 0.33678955 0.33678955 0.28040093 0.28040093 0.20960593 0.20960593
0.18534036 0.17590883 0.17590883 0.11187534 0.11187534 0.09602493 0.09602493

Panel B: lag ¼ 11

1.0626308 1.0626308 1.0477280 1.0477280 0.9967779 0.9967779 0.9966858 0.9966858 0.9934265 0.9934265
0.9855301 0.9855301 0.9855177 0.9855177 0.9823259 0.9823259 0.9816757 0.9816757 0.9773306 0.9773306
0.9662268 0.9662268 0.9650655 0.9650655 0.9617585 0.9617585 0.9589159 0.9589159 0.9566369 0.9566369
0.9566146 0.9566146 0.9551385 0.9551385 0.9540229 0.9540229 0.9527343 0.9527343 0.9512787 0.9512787
0.9511361 0.9511361 0.9494771 0.9494771 0.9475306 0.9475306 0.9454159 0.9454159 0.9416422 0.9416422
0.9388607 0.9382693 0.9382693 0.9355511 0.9355511 0.9354032 0.9354032 0.9345113 0.9345113 0.9345017
0.9345017 0.9343431 0.9343431 0.9324365 0.9324365 0.9318819 0.9318819 0.9318705 0.9318705 0.9316112
0.9316112 0.9271749 0.9271749 0.9257596 0.9257596 0.9252973 0.9252973 0.9248595 0.9248595 0.9230105
0.9230105 0.9214961 0.9214961 0.9210916 0.9210916 0.9206875 0.9206875 0.9195477 0.9195477 0.9190009
0.9190009 0.9183191 0.9183191 0.9176708 0.9176708 0.9171782 0.9171782 0.9163064 0.9163064 0.9159635
0.9159635 0.9152966 0.9152966 0.9149638 0.9149638 0.9145136 0.9145136 0.9131954 0.9131954 0.9119801
0.9119801 0.9113989 0.9113989 0.9108363 0.9108363 0.9087380 0.9087380 0.9072714 0.9072714 0.9051846
0.9051846 0.9032133 0.9032133 0.9016401 0.9016401 0.8983769 0.8983769 0.8971456 0.8971456 0.8967732
0.8967732 0.8944260 0.8944260 0.8920923 0.8920923 0.8907755 0.8907755 0.8881035 0.8861473 0.8803714
0.8803714 0.8790250 0.8790250 0.8714777 0.8714777 0.8681207 0.8681207 0.8623371 0.8623371 0.8569263
0.8569263 0.8542542 0.8542542 0.8530951 0.8445511 0.8445511 0.8363759 0.8363759 0.8337704 0.8337704
0.8219375 0.8219375 0.8190283 0.8190283 0.8174261 0.8174261 0.8056541 0.8056541 0.7863461 0.7863461
0.7771035 0.7771035 0.7592535 0.7592535 0.6916011 0.6916011 0.6909626 0.6909626 0.6269823 0.6269823
0.6018190 0.6018190 0.5366766 0.4604166 0.4604166 0.2650298 0.2650298

Panel B: lag ¼ 12

1.0692721 1.0692721 1.0479791 1.0479791 1.0127661 1.0127661 1.0071390 1.0071390 0.9994340 0.9994340
0.9972357 0.9972357 0.9917537 0.9917537 0.9880777 0.9880777 0.9854073 0.9854073 0.9831043 0.9831043
0.9733102 0.9733102 0.9730303 0.9730303 0.9699824 0.9699824 0.9692017 0.9692017 0.9690887 0.9690887
0.9690575 0.9690575 0.9665838 0.9665838 0.9663045 0.9663045 0.9646449 0.9646449 0.9642430 0.9642430
0.9622168 0.9622168 0.9584299 0.9584299 0.9557876 0.9557876 0.9549043 0.9549043 0.9534340 0.9534340
0.9521581 0.9521581 0.9515492 0.9515492 0.9514725 0.9514725 0.9489688 0.9489688 0.9483764 0.9483764
0.9478416 0.9478416 0.9478208 0.9478208 0.9476316 0.9476316 0.9471321 0.9471321 0.9454357 0.9454357
0.9451474 0.9451474 0.9443143 0.9443143 0.9440328 0.9440328 0.9424881 0.9424881 0.9423777 0.9423777
0.9421368 0.9421368 0.9406066 0.9406066 0.9392456 0.9392456 0.9369675 0.9369675 0.9366846 0.9366846
0.9365431 0.9365431 0.9355346 0.9355346 0.9345062 0.9343123 0.9343123 0.9332733 0.9332733 0.9325329
0.9325329 0.9297648 0.9297648 0.9251661 0.9251661 0.9242737 0.9242737 0.9235828 0.9235828 0.9226230
0.9226230 0.9217563 0.9217563 0.9212035 0.9212035 0.9210401 0.9210401 0.9178952 0.9178952 0.9176051
0.9176051 0.9175646 0.9175646 0.9094094 0.9094094 0.9076621 0.9076621 0.9067346 0.9067346 0.9062449
0.9062449 0.9058348 0.9058348 0.9058276 0.9058276 0.9020215 0.9020215 0.9007341 0.9007341 0.8995925
0.8995925 0.8975175 0.8975175 0.8967814 0.8967814 0.8962136 0.8962136 0.8932653 0.8932653 0.8919239
0.8919239 0.8912290 0.8912290 0.8907098 0.8907098 0.8892957 0.8892957 0.8862659 0.8862659 0.8852197
0.8852197 0.8838815 0.8838815 0.8829566 0.8829566 0.8780702 0.8780702 0.8778946 0.8778946 0.8730989
0.8730989 0.8655382 0.8407097 0.8407097 0.8372654 0.8372654 0.8335346 0.8335346 0.8318033 0.8318033
0.8191835 0.8191835 0.8185088 0.8185088 0.8157835 0.8157835 0.8120816 0.8120816 0.8102164 0.8102164
0.7532686 0.7532686 0.6590117 0.6590117 0.5936493 0.4370524 0.3808283 0.3808283 0.3403902 0.3403902
0.3324544 0.3324544 0.3042311 0.0880327

Panel B: lag ¼ 13

1.08079651 1.08079651 1.05277286 1.05277286 1.02574642 1.02574642 1.02201397 1.02201397 1.00918356 1.00918356
1.00830681 1.00830681 1.00258545 1.00258545 0.99993082 0.99993082 0.99828206 0.99828206 0.99690832 0.99690832
0.98795723 0.98795723 0.98606582 0.98606582 0.98211813 0.98211813 0.98129502 0.98129502 0.97589092 0.97589092
0.97271447 0.97271447 0.97121679 0.97121679 0.97015381 0.97015381 0.96799468 0.96799468 0.96776894 0.96776894
0.96773548 0.96773548 0.96743883 0.96743883 0.96452746 0.96452746 0.96444397 0.96444397 0.96363322 0.96363322
0.96312747 0.96312747 0.96121910 0.96121910 0.96033324 0.96033324 0.96003727 0.96003727 0.95877533 0.95877533
0.95845444 0.95845444 0.95654931 0.95654931 0.95632280 0.95632280 0.95520970 0.95520970 0.95481234 0.95481234
0.95455164 0.95455164 0.95427086 0.95427086 0.95332853 0.95332853 0.95318110 0.95318110 0.95115687 0.95115687
0.95038997 0.95038997 0.95018586 0.95018586 0.94980732 0.94980732 0.94827701 0.94827701 0.94712449 0.94712449
0.94690987 0.94690987 0.94677823 0.94677823 0.94572472 0.94535278 0.94535278 0.94514437 0.94514437 0.94444826
0.94444826 0.94326054 0.94326054 0.94312437 0.94312437 0.94278238 0.94278238 0.94092301 0.94092301 0.94005740
0.94005740 0.93962665 0.93962665 0.93939154 0.93939154 0.93880128 0.93880128 0.93801427 0.93801427 0.93662231
0.93662231 0.93611079 0.93611079 0.93544416 0.93544416 0.93444024 0.93444024 0.93379336 0.93379336 0.93318596
0.93318596 0.93071486 0.93071486 0.92996406 0.92996406 0.92835493 0.92835493 0.92833365 0.92833365 0.92798452
0.92798452 0.92694052 0.92694052 0.92601931 0.92601931 0.92587238 0.92587238 0.92426223 0.92426223 0.92020826
0.92020826 0.91823800 0.91823800 0.91711539 0.91711539 0.91706001 0.91706001 0.91251199 0.91251199 0.91121012
0.91121012 0.90866618 0.90866618 0.90745772 0.90745772 0.90349062 0.90349062 0.89728675 0.89728675 0.89681609
0.89681609 0.89317347 0.89317347 0.89128595 0.89128595 0.89051934 0.89051934 0.88674028 0.88674028 0.88648894
0.88648894 0.88343736 0.88343736 0.88117329 0.88117329 0.87504033 0.87504033 0.86991612 0.86991612 0.85184079
0.85184079 0.84638441 0.84638441 0.83586632 0.83586632 0.83544710 0.83544710 0.80825590 0.80825590 0.80284388
0.80284388 0.80016600 0.80016600 0.79805552 0.79805552 0.77706191 0.77706191 0.77674594 0.77674594 0.74719710
0.71065329 0.71065329 0.69123325 0.69123325 0.61819128 0.61819128 0.50233710 0.50233710 0.41145848 0.41145848

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

Table B4
SVAR optimal lag calculation criteria (1)
Lag max ¼ 13

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

AIC(n) 7.1483 7.2868 7.3456 7.3988 7.6133 7.8013 7.6772 7.5974

HQ(n) 8.5668 10.0449 11.4434 12.8363 14.3905 15.9182 17.1337 18.3936
SC(n) 10.7028 14.1985 17.6144 21.0247 24.5962 28.1413 31.3743 34.6516
FPE(n) 1274.3396 1481.6475 1623.4400 1824.8461 2516.1362 3575.3178 3997.2043 5118.9926

9 10 11 12 13

AIC(n) 7.8459 7.2113 6.8053 6.1426 4.6754

HQ(n) 19.9818 20.6869 21.6205 22.2975 22.1699
SC(n) 38.2572 40.9798 43.9308 46.6252 48.5151
FPE(n) 10213.6519 9747.7599 14078.3623 20025.1389 17571.2484

Lag max ¼ 12

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

AIC(n) 7.1295 7.2636 7.3239 7.3738 7.5856 7.7731 7.6630 7.6003

HQ(n) 8.5446 10.0153 11.4120 12.7985 14.3468 15.8708 17.0973 18.3710
SC(n) 10.6761 14.1597 17.5695 20.9690 24.5303 28.0674 31.3068 34.5936
FPE(n) 1250.5989 1447.5312 1587.8582 1778.0184 2442.3489 3463.4084 3917.6939 5085.9929

9 10 11 12

AIC(n) 7.8547 7.2109 6.8094 6.1419

HQ(n) 19.9619 20.6548 21.5897 22.2588
SC(n) 38.1976 40.9034 43.8513 46.5335
FPE(n) 10160.5989 9545.5491 13722.3073 19179.2235

Lag max ¼ 11

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

AIC(n) 7.1202 7.2562 7.3154 7.3618 7.5735 7.7614 7.6629 7.5799

HQ(n) 8.5320 10.0013 11.3939 12.7736 14.3188 15.8400 17.0750 18.3253
SC(n) 10.6588 14.1368 17.5380 20.9264 24.4802 28.0100 31.2537 34.5126
FPE(n) 1239.0616 1436.6499 1573.8272 1754.9352 2408.3007 3410.7337 3894.4533 4937.6258

9 10 11

AIC(n) 7.8201 7.1819 6.7757

HQ(n) 19.8989 20.5941 21.5211
SC(n) 38.0949 40.7987 43.7344
FPE(n) 9680.1171 9086.1669 12883.9164

Lag max ¼ 10

AIC(n) 7.1103 7.2374 7.2909 7.3403 7.5548 7.7365 7.6481 7.5851

HQ(n) 8.5188 9.9761 11.3598 12.7395 14.2843 15.7962 17.0380 18.3053

SC(n) 10.6409 14.1026 17.4906 20.8745 24.4236 27.9398 31.1859 34.4575
FPE(n) 1226.8064 1409.7365 1535.0295 1715.8552 2358.9883 3315.0542 3814.5749 4918.7681
9 10
AIC(n) 7.8100 7.1913
HQ(n) 19.8605 20.5719
SC(n) 38.0169 40.7327
FPE(n) 9452.8966 8988.9134

Lag max ¼ 9

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

AIC(n) 7.1083 7.2279 7.2833 7.3294 7.5469 7.7481 7.6661 7.5898

HQ(n) 8.5135 9.9602 11.3427 12.7159 14.2607 15.7889 17.0340 18.2849
SC(n) 10.6311 14.0778 17.4602 20.8335 24.3781 27.9063 31.1514 34.4022
FPE(n) 1224.3200 1396.1812 1522.7426 1695.6430 2335.8997 3342.0060 3861.5644 4897.6894

AIC(n) 7.8302
HQ(n) 19.8524
SC(n) 37.9697
FPE(n) 9516.3813

Lag max ¼ 8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

AIC(n) 7.1263 7.2406 7.2942 7.3391 7.5512 7.7395 7.6402 7.5422

HQ(n) 8.5282 9.9665 11.3441 12.7131 14.2492 15.7615 16.9863 18.2123
SC(n) 10.6413 14.0752 17.4485 20.8131 24.3448 27.8528 31.0732 34.2948
FPE(n) 1246.5799 1413.8811 1538.8156 1710.5023 2341.1906 3301.9935 3741.6611 4628.6341

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

Table B5
SVAR optimal lag calculation criteria (2)
Lag max ¼ 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

AIC(n) 7.1174 7.2207 7.2779 7.3303 7.5359 7.7039 7.6142

HQ(n) 8.5160 9.9402 11.3184 12.6917 14.2183 15.7073 16.9385
SC(n) 10.6245 14.0401 17.4096 20.7743 24.2923 27.7726 30.9952
FPE(n) 1235.4159 1385.7890 1513.3511 1693.7885 2301.3159 3175.9308 3625.3067

Lag max ¼ 6

1 2 3 4 5 6

AIC(n) 7.0872 7.1855 7.2552 7.3035 7.5259 7.6684

HQ(n) 8.4826 9.8987 11.2863 12.6525 14.1929 15.6531
SC(n) 10.5866 13.9898 17.3645 20.7177 24.2452 27.6926
FPE(n) 1198.7548 1337.6903 1478.8132 1647.4476 2274.2655 3054.6347

Lag max ¼ 5

1 2 3 4 5

AIC(n) 7.0726 7.1835 7.2731 7.3072 7.5216

HQ(n) 8.4647 9.8905 11.2949 12.6439 14.1731
SC(n) 10.5642 13.9728 17.3601 20.6919 24.2039
FPE(n) 1181.2554 1334.9066 1504.8965 1652.1029 2260.0905

Lag max ¼ 4

1 2 3 4

AIC(n) 7.0619 7.1669 7.2506 7.2969

HQ(n) 8.4509 9.8676 11.2632 12.6212
SC(n) 10.5459 13.9412 17.3154 20.6520
FPE(n) 1168.8174 1312.7693 1470.9322 1633.5009

Lag max ¼ 3

1 2 3

AIC(n) 7.0666 7.1589 7.2407

HQ(n) 8.4523 9.8535 11.2439
SC(n) 10.5429 13.9185 17.2833
FPE(n) 1174.1801 1302.2939 1455.8068

Lag max ¼ 2

1 2

AIC(n) 7.1052 7.2215

HQ(n) 8.4878 9.9098
SC(n) 10.5739 13.9661
FPE(n) 1220.3938 1386.0852

Lag max ¼ 1

AIC(n) 7.1722
HQ(n) 8.5516
SC(n) 10.6333
FPE(n) 1304.9024

Table B6
ARCH test results
Panel A (1): ARCH LM test results


ARCH (1) 101.1*** 12.825*** 76.698*** 57.917*** 42.304*** 85.994*** 35.552*** 28.52***
ARCH (2) 103.79*** 81.565*** 77.213*** 57.828*** 58.616*** 94.616*** 39.163*** 34.37***
ARCH (3) 111.78*** 101*** 84.319*** 60.496*** 132.08*** 108.81*** 59.307*** 44.657***

Panel A (2): ARCH LM test results


ARCH (1) 65.298*** 27.788*** 24.996*** 17.653*** 7.7402*** 24.148*** 8.6592*** 5.8392***
ARCH (2) 91.569*** 30.267*** 30.663*** 23.779*** 24.116*** 44.83*** 54.364*** 16.479***
ARCH (3) 94.209*** 32.741*** 31.96*** 28.84*** 25.117*** 45.14*** 55.625*** 18.058***

Panel A (3): ARCH LM test results


ARCH (1) 72.181***

ARCH (2) 76.453***
ARCH (3) 81.246***

Notes: *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01.

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

Table B7
Discrimination among the GARCH-type models (1)
Panel A (1): GARCH-type models for CBDCUI


AIC 1.5625 1.5623 1.5625 1.5635 > 1.5622
BIC 1.8895 1.8228 1.8569 1.8356 > 1.8218
SC 1.5554 1.5538 1.5567 1.5635 > 1.5538
HQ 1.6670 1.6658 1.6680 1.6659 > 1.6657
AIC 1.1016 1.1052 1.0899 1.1096 > 1.0892
BIC 1.4138 1.4099 1.4195 1.4069 > 1.3939
SC 1.0917 1.0937 1.0814 1.0864 > 1.0777
HQ 1.2141 1.2266 1.2133 1.2119 > 1.2106
AIC - 0.73181 - 0.73243 - 0.74415 - 0.74499 > - 0.74563
BIC - 0.44065 - 0.43771 - 0.43457 - 0.41769 > - 0.44090
SC - 0.74172 - 0.74392 - 0.75260 - 0.75614 > - 0.75711
HQ - 0.61937 - 0.61610 - 0.61071 - 0.61456 > - 0.62419
MSCI World Banks Index
AIC 5.5973 5.5836 5.5937 5.5988 > 5.5821
BIC 5.8895 5.8884 5.8953 5.8961 > 5.8868
SC 5.5874 5.5722 5.5852 5.5757 > 5.5706
HQ 5.7098 5.7051 5.7071 5.7093 > 5.7035
AIC 9.1167 9.1088 9.1050 9.1030 > 9.1017
BIC 9.4088 9.4135 9.4146 9.4081 > 9.4065
SC 9.1068 9.0973 9.0965 9.0976 > 9.0902
HQ 9.2291 9.2302 9.2284 9.2312 > 9.2232
AIC 10.080 10.070 10.059 10.418 > 10.057
BIC 10.339 10.307 10.373 10.700 > 10.316
SC 10.071 10.063 10.053 10.408 > 10.048
HQ 10.183 10.165 10.164 10.531 > 10.160
FTSE All World Index
AIC 4.7216 4.7103 4.7097 5.0249 > 4.6941
BIC 4.9586 4.9699 4.9641 5.3071 > 4.9537
SC 4.7145 4.7018 4.7038 5.0150 > 4.6857
HQ 4.8160 4.8137 4.7976 5.1374 > 4.7951
AIC 3.7989 3.7997 3.7917 3.7840 > 3.7368
BIC 4.1036 4.1045 4.0738 4.0641 > 4.0436
SC 3.7874 3.7883 3.7818 3.7756 > 3.7236
HQ 3.9203 3.9212 3.9041 3.8875 > 3.8672
AIC 4.1801 4.1801 4.1597 4.1990 > 4.1348
BIC 4.4396 4.3967 4.4170 4.4396 > 4.4134
SC 4.1716 4.1716 4.1526 4.1932 > 4.1249
HQ 4.2835 4.2541 4.2835 4.2845 > 4.2472
AIC 3.7297 3.7429 3.7429 3.7283 > 3.7202
BIC 3.9667 4.0058 4.0024 3.9774 > 3.9346
SC 3.7226 3.7378 3.7344 3.7273 > 3.7143
HQ 3.8241 3.8497 3.8463 3.8314 > 3.8056
AIC 4.8659 4.8638 4.8652 5.2130 > 4.8580
BIC 5.1029 5.1234 5.1248 5.4951 > 5.0724
SC 4.8588 4.8553 4.8568 5.2030 > 4.8521
HQ 4.9603 4.9672 4.9687 5.3254 > 4.9434
AIC 2.4001 2.4045 2.3880 2.4119 > 2.3705
BIC 2.6823 2.7092 2.7166 2.6978 > 2.6476
SC 2.3902 2.3930 2.3795 2.4004 > 2.3574
HQ 2.5125 2.5259 2.5333 2.5010 > 2.4914

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

Table B8
Discrimination among the GARCH-type models (2)
Panel A (2): GARCH-type models for CBDCUI


AIC 4.9124 4.9219 4.9234 4.915 > 4.9023
BIC 5.1494 5.1815 5.1830 5.1577 > 5.1168
SC 4.9053 4.9135 4.9150 4.9076 > 4.8965
HQ 5.0069 5.0254 5.0269 5.0118 > 4.9878
AIC 8.1124 8.1246 8.1004 8.1069 > 8.0901
BIC 8.3494 8.3842 8.3497 8.3495 > 8.3148
SC 8.1053 8.1162 8.0945 8.0994 > 8.0817
HQ 8.2068 8.2280 8.1936 8.2036 > 8.1858
FTSE World Government Bond Index
AIC 3.1561 3.1586 3.1544 3.1528 > 3.1422
BIC 3.3792 3.4182 3.4157 3.3955 > 3.3688
SC 3.1477 3.1502 3.1485 3.1454 > 3.1351
HQ 3.2398 3.2621 3.2596 3.2496 > 3.2367

Table B9
Discrimination among the GARCH-type models (3)
Panel B (1): GARCH-type models for CBDCAI


AIC - 0.1957 - 0.1434 - 0.1625 - 0.1789 > - 0.2139
BIC 0.0865 0.1613 0.1422 0.1089 > 0.0456
SC - 0.2056 - 0.1549 - 0.1740 - 0.1892 > - 0.2224
HQ - 0.0832 - 0.0219 - 0.0411 - 0.0642 > - 0.1105
AIC - 0.5828 - 0.5238 - 0.5522 - 0.5454 > - 0.5948
BIC - 0.3007 - 0.2191 - 0.2474 - 0.2181 > - 0.3352
SC - 0.5927 - 0.5353 - 0.5636 - 0.5585 > - 0.6032
HQ - 0.4704 - 0.4023 - 0.4307 - 0.4149 > - 0.4913
AIC - 2.8596 - 2.8584 - 2.8470 228.89 > - 2.8721
BIC - 2.5774 - 2.5537 - 2.5422 229.22 > - 2.6126
SC - 2.8695 - 2.8699 - 2.8584 228.88 > - 2.8806
HQ - 2.7471 - 2.7370 - 2.7255 229.03 > - 2.7687
MSCI World Banks Index
AIC 3.8452 3.8606 3.8267 3.8303 > 3.8145
BIC 4.0822 4.0741 4.1202 4.1125 > 4.0411
SC 3.8381 3.8521 3.8209 3.8204 > 3.8060
HQ 3.9397 3.9179 3.9640 3.9428 > 3.9122
AIC 7.2956 7.3110 7.2957 7.3339 > 7.2835
BIC 7.5326 7.5706 7.5553 7.6160 > 7.4980
SC 7.2885 7.3026 7.2872 7.3239 > 7.2777
HQ 7.3901 7.4145 7.3991 7.4463 > 7.3690
AIC 8.2987 8.3802 8.3021 8.3048 > 8.2858
BIC 8.5357 8.6398 8.5617 8.5869 > 8.5003
SC 8.2916 8.3717 8.2937 8.2948 > 8.2800
HQ 8.3932 8.4836 8.4056 8.4172 > 8.3713
FTSE All World Index
AIC 2.8813 2.9354 2.8692 2.9144 > 2.8640
BIC 3.1183 3.1949 3.1236 3.1965 > 3.0837
SC 2.8742 2.9269 2.8634 2.9045 > 2.8555
HQ 2.9757 3.0388 2.9674 3.0268 > 2.9547
AIC 2.0317 2.1001 2.0108 2.0441 > 2.0056
BIC 2.3139 2.4048 2.2704 2.3489 > 2.3329
SC 2.0218 2.0886 2.0024 2.0327 > 1.9925
HQ 2.1441 2.2215 2.1656 2.1361 > 2.1142
AIC 2.3908 2.4355 2.3660 2.4154 > 2.3630
BIC 2.6000 2.6951 2.6504 2.6976 > 2.5804
SC 2.3824 2.4271 2.3601 2.4055 > 2.3559
HQ 2.4575 2.5390 2.4943 2.5278 > 2.4514
AIC 1.9568 2.0358 1.9728 1.9931 > 1.9380
BIC 2.1938 2.2953 2.2324 2.2752 > 2.1524
SC 1.9497 2.0273 1.9643 1.9832 > 1.9321
(continued on next page)

Y. Wang et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 180 (2022) 121715

Table B9 (continued )
Panel B (1): GARCH-type models for CBDCAI


HQ 2.0512 2.1392 2.0762 2.1055 > 2.0234

AIC 3.0287 3.0818 3.0327 3.0452 > 3.0075
BIC 3.2657 3.3414 3.2923 3.3273 > 3.2220
SC 3.0216 3.0733 3.0242 3.0353 > 3.0017
HQ 3.1231 3.1852 3.1361 3.1576 > 3.0930
AIC 0.61710 0.67858 0.65096 0.66704 > 0.60253
BIC 0.85411 0.93816 0.91054 0.94919 > 0.81697
SC 0.61001 0.67013 0.64251 0.65712 > 0.59668
HQ 0.71155 0.78203 0.75441 0.77947 > 0.68799

Table B10
Discrimination among the GARCH-type models (4)
Panel B (2): GARCH-type models for CBDCAI

AIC 3.1150 3.1835 3.1331 3.1541 > 3.0921
BIC 3.3520 3.4430 3.3926 3.4363 > 3.3065
SC 3.1079 3.1750 3.1246 3.1442 > 3.0863
HQ 3.2095 3.2869 3.2365 3.2665 > 3.1776
AIC 6.2935 6.2848 6.3016 6.3105 > 6.2708
BIC 6.5305 6.5443 6.5611 6.5926 > 6.4852
SC 6.2864 6.2763 6.2931 6.3006 > 6.2649
HQ 6.3879 6.3882 6.4050 6.4229 > 6.3562
FTSE World Government Bond Index
AIC 1.3629 1.4259 1.3878 1.4303 > 1.3581
BIC 1.5547 1.6404 1.6022 1.6674 > 1.5274
SC 1.3582 1.4201 1.3820 1.4232 > 1.3544
HQ 1.4393 1.5114 1.4733 1.5248 > 1.4256

References Buckley, R.P., Arner, D.W., Zetzsche, D.A., Didenko, A.N., Van Romburg, L.J., 2021.
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Turrin, R., 2021. CASHLESS: China’s Digital Currency Revolution. Authority Publishing. Dr. Samuel A. Vigne is a Full Professor. Previously, he was an Associate Professor with
Umar, M., Su, C.-W., Rizvi, S.K.A., Shao, X.-F., 2021. Bitcoin: A safe haven asset and a Trinity Business School. He obtained his PhD in Finance from Trinity College, Dublin, an
winner amid political and economic uncertainties in the us? Technological MSc Finance (University of Dublin), a PGCHET (Queen’s University), and a BSc in Business
Forecasting and Social Change 167, 120680. Economics (Universitt Mannheim). His research interests include econometric modelling,
Umar, Z., Trabelsi, N., Alqahtani, F., 2021. Connectedness between cryptocurrency and international finance, and corporate finance. His research is widely published in ABS4
technology sectors: International evidence. International Review of Economics & ranked journals, such as the Journal of Corporate Finance and the European Journal of
Finance 71, 910–922. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iref.2020.10.021. Operational Research. Furthermore, Samuel serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier’s
ViȘuela, C., Sapena, J., Wandosell, G., 2020. The future of money and the central bank Finance Research Letters, which became the 4th best academic outlet in finance by Impact
digital currency dilemma. Sustainability (Switzerland) 12 (22), 1–21. Factor under his tenure. Samuel also serves as Associate Editor for the International Re­
Wagner, E., Bruggink, D., Benevelli, A., 2021. Preparing euro payments for the future: A view of Financial Analysis, the Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions &
blueprint for a digital euro. Journal of Payments Strategy & Systems 15 (2), Money, and Research in International Business and Finance, amongst other academic
165–187. outlets. Furthermore, Samuel is a consultant for the Association of the Independent Pro­
Waller, C.J., 2021. Central bank digital currency: A solution in search of a problem? fessionals and the Self Employed and develops policy recommendations for HM Govern­
Central Bank Digital Currency Considerations, Projects, Outlook. ment, the Bank of England, and the Government of India. A recognised exemplar in the
Wang, Y., Lucey, B., Vigne, S.A., Yarovaya, L., 2022. An index of cryptocurrency profession, Samuel is the recipient of multiple teaching awards and received a national
environmental attention (icea). China Finance Review International. distinction for his services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Whaley, R.E., 2009. Understanding the vix. The Journal of Portfolio Management 35 (3),
Dr Larisa Yarovaya is Associate Professor of Finance, Programme Director of BSc Finance,
White, R., Marinakis, Y., Islam, N., Walsh, S., 2020. Is bitcoin a currency, a technology-
and Deputy Head of the Centre for Digital Finance at the Southampton Business School,
based product, or something else? Technological Forecasting and Social Change 151.
University of Southampton. Larisa is a researcher in International Finance and Financial
Technologies (Fintech), with specialism in interconnectedness between financial markets,
Williamson, S.D., 2021. Central bank digital currency and flight to safety. Journal of
contagion and spillover effect, diversification, hedging and safe haven properties of new
Economic Dynamics and Control 104146.
markets, including cryptocurrencies, green, and Islamic assets. Larisa has published her
Winker, P., Maringer, D., 2004. Optimal lag structure selection in vec-models.
research in peer-reviewed academic journals, such as Journal of Corporate Finance;
Contributions to Economic Analysis 269, 213–234.
Journal of Financial Stability; Energy Economics; International Review of Financial
Wu, W., Tiwari, A.K., Gozgor, G., Leping, H., 2021. Does economic policy uncertainty
Analysis, and European Journal of Finance among others. She also co-edited a book
affect cryptocurrency markets? evidence from twitter-based uncertainty measures.
“Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology”, and organises the annual Cryptocurrency
Research in International Business and Finance 58, 101478. https://doi.org/
Research Conference. Larisa serves as an Associate Editor in International Review of
Financial Analysis; Research in International Business and Finance; and International
Xie, X., Zhu, H., 2021. The role of gold futures in mitigating the impact of economic
Review of Economics and Finance. She also serves as a Subject Editor in Journal of In­
uncertainty on spot prices: Evidence from china. Research in International Business
ternational Financial Markets, Institutions & Money; and Emerging Markets Review. Larisa
and Finance 56.
is a Section Editor of the Heliyon Business and Economics section, and she also serves as a
Yamaoka, H., 2019. The future of central banking. Accounting, Economics and Law: A
Section Editor in Data-in-Brief Journal. Larisa’s research has been featured in BBC, Metro
UK, Yahoo Finance, Newsweek, Daily Express, Business Essex, Cosmopolitan and else­
Yan, L., Mirza, N., Umar, M., 2022. The cryptocurrency uncertainties and investment
where. Before starting her academic career, Larisa was an elite Paralympic swimmer for
transitions: Evidence from high and low carbon energy funds in china. Technological
over 16 years, and worked with charities and non-profit organisation supporting children
Forecasting and Social Change 175, 121326.
with disabilities and their families in Moscow, Russia. Her interest in Finance developed
Yan, W., Hamill, P., Li, Y., Vigne, S.A., Waterworth, J., 2018. An analysis of liquidity
during the time of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 which severely hit the unstable
skewness for european sovereign bond markets. Finance Research Letters 26,
Russian economy, especially impacting on people and families from less privileged
274–280. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.frl.2018.02.027.
backgrounds. She decided to study finance at the Management Faculty in the Finance
Yao, Q., 2018. Experimental study on prototype system of central bank digital currency.
University under the Government of the Russian Federation to understand how countries
Journal of Software 29 (9), 2716–2732.
can become more resilient to financial crises. She received the Scholarship of the President
Yao, Q., 2018. A systematic framework to understand central bank digital currency.
of the Russian Federation for foreign education and continued her academic journey in
Science China Information Sciences 61 (3), 1–8.
Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, UK, where she completed her PhD
Yousfi, M., Zaied, Y.B., Cheikh, N.B., Lahouel, B.B., Bouzgarrou, H., 2021. Effects of the
with the project entitled “Return and Volatility transmission in emerging and developed
covid-19 pandemic on the us stock market and uncertainty: A comparative
stock markets” under the supervision of Professor Janusz Brzeszczynski and Dr Chi Keung
assessment between the first and second waves. Technological Forecasting and
Marco Lau in 2016. Since then Larisa published more than 30 papers in top academic
Social Change 167, 120710.
journals and became one of the most cited female authors in the Fintech and crypto­
Zams, B.M., Indrastuti, R., Pangersa, A.G., Hasniawati, N.A., Zahra, F.A., Fauziah, I.A.,
currency research area.
2020. Designing central bank digital currency for indonesia: the delphi-analytic
network process. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter Dan Perbankan 23 (3), 413–440.
Aepni, O., Gal, S., Ylmaz, M., Lucey, B., 2021. The impact of oil price shocks on turkish Yizhi Wang is an adjunct assistant professor and a Ph.D. researcher in Trinity Business
sovereign yield curve. International Journal of Emerging Markets. School, Trinity College Dublin. Previously, he was a research assistant in Henan Poly­
technic University. He obtained an MSc in Financial Risk Management with a distinction
from Trinity College Dublin, an BSc in Financial Management with a distinction from
Brian Lucey is Professor of International Finance and commodities. A graduate of TCD
Henan Polytechnic University. His research interests include econometric modelling, data
(BA, Economics, 1985), the National University of Ireland (MA, International Trade 1988)
analysis, fintech, digital currencies. His research is widely published in ABS ranked jour­
and Stirling (PhD, Finance, 2003), he has worked at Trinity Business School since 1992.
nals, such as International Review of Financial Analysis (ABS3), Finance Research Letters
Prior he worked as an economist at the Central Bank of Ireland and as an analyst at the
(ABS2), China Finance Review International (ABS1). He was awarded the Shanghai
Department of Health and Children. Brian researches mainly in the areas of the financial
Institute of International Finance and Economics Best Paper Award from 2021 China
economics of precious metals, and has attracted significant funding from industry over the
Finance Review International Conference. Furthermore, Yizhi Wang serves as a peer
years on this area. He also researches international finance, with an emphasis on financial
reviewer for International Review of Financial Analysis, Journal of Commodity Markets,
integration, chairing the annual INFINITI Conference on International Financial Integra­
Economics Letters, Finance Research Letters, Journal of Asian Business and Economic
tion. He also edits two academic journals. He is editor in chief of International Review of
Studies, among others. Yizhi Wang is holding a PhD full scholarship from China Schol­
Financial Analysis, and co-editor in chief of Finance Research Letters. He has published
arship Council (CSC) - Trinity College Dublin Joint Scholarship Programme.
over 200 refereed papers in international finance, commodities, behavioural finance and
financial management. A fellow of the University, Professor Lucey has been recognized as
a Conference Ambassador by Filte Ireland, for his work in development of the INFINITI
conference on International Finance.


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