Episode 12
Episode 12
Episode 12
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Social Studies
P6, National Highway, Bulanao Centro, Tabuk City, Kalinga
FS 1 12
Assessment AS Learning
(Formative Assessment)
1. Observe what Teacher does or listen to what Teacher says to find out if the
students understood the lesson while teaching—learning is in progress.
What Teacher Said Tally Total
Do you have any question IIII 5
Learning Episode 11: Utilizing Teaching-Learning Resources and ICT
Kalinga State University
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Social Studies
P6, National Highway, Bulanao Centro, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Teacher asks questions to IIII-I 6
random students
2. Did the teacher ask the class "Did you understand"? If she did, what was the
class response?
-Yes, most of the time she ask this kind of question for clarification and to ensure
that her student t learned something from the lesson sometimes she would ask if
there's a question in the subjection or lesson they didn't understand and eventually
the class they would response that with a positive reaction that “ma'am we
understood the lessons.
3. Did the students make the teacher feel or sense they did not understand the
lesson or a part of the lesson? How?
-In a way that the students often time ask question or even ask for further
clarification or would sometimes question to explain more briefly about a certain
term or meaning of a certain word and sometimes to will be observe in the
assessment if the evaluation result is low then there is something wrong in the
5. Were the students given the opportunity to ask questions for clarification? How
was this done?
-Well every time at the very end point of the discussion the teacher always ask
question to the if theirs need for clarification something they didn't understand or
for something that they know and further comprehend the discussion.
Learning Episode 11: Utilizing Teaching-Learning Resources and ICT
Kalinga State University
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Social Studies
P6, National Highway, Bulanao Centro, Tabuk City, Kalinga
6. If she found out that her/his lesson was not clearly understood, what did teacher
do? Did you observe any of these activities? Please check.
_____ Peer tutoring (Tutors were assigned by teacher to teach one or two
_____ Each- one-teach-one (Students paired with one another)
_____ Teacher gave a Module for more exercises for lesson mastery
Teacher did re-teaching
7. If she engaged in re-teaching, how did she do it? Did he/she use the same
teaching strategy? Describe.
-For me yes, its re- teaching to which she uses the same content of the lesson but
there are more clarification and then the teaching strategy is still the same they're
just some a little adjustment addition for the students to understand.
8. While re-teaching by himself/ herself and /or with other students-turned tutors,
did teacher check on students' progress?
-Yes, Well for as much as I observe that the teacher is keep on observing,
monitoring the progress of the student tutor to see how it was executed preddyson
and explain in accordance to their learning levels and would find result if there is
learning establish within the process often find result if there is learning establish
within the process.
1. Why should a teacher find out if students understand the lesson while teaching
is in progress? It is not better to do a once-and-for- all assessment at the
completion of the entire lesson?
- It is important that while teaching is in progress. Teacher should find out if the
learners did understand, so that at the end of the lesson, failure to achieve the
learning outcomes can be avoided. It should be done so the time will not be wasted
for the whole class duration just to know that they did not get it at the end.
2. Why is not enough for a teacher to ask "Did you understand, class?" when
he/she intends to check on learners' progress?
-Asking "do you understand class?" is okay to know if they did, but it is not enough,
if you really want to check on learners progress, you must try another way like
having question and answer, short activity, and others. Sometimes students say
yes, but the reality is they just want to move on to next topic or just finish the class.
Learning Episode 11: Utilizing Teaching-Learning Resources and ICT
Kalinga State University
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Social Studies
P6, National Highway, Bulanao Centro, Tabuk City, Kalinga
• Formative assessment is tasting the soup while cooking. Reflect on this and write
your reflections.
- In teaching and learning process assessments are very much important.
Formative assessment is an assessment conducted for monitoring student’s
progress throughout the lesson. It is like tasting the soup while cooking, because
you are adding the ingredients to achieve desired taste, just like in teaching
formative assessment allows you to prepare the learners on achieving the learning
goals and achieve success at the end. By formative assessment it allows you to
make an adjustment to what are the right ingredients and ways to succeed.
Furthermore, You have an idea what is going on, what is the status or level of
learning of the students. Assessment for Learning happens during the learning,
often more than once, rather than at the end. Students understand exactly what
Learning Episode 11: Utilizing Teaching-Learning Resources and ICT
Kalinga State University
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Social Studies
P6, National Highway, Bulanao Centro, Tabuk City, Kalinga
they are to learn, what is expected of them and are given feedback and advice on
how to improve their work.
2. My Analysis
- Informative assessment teachers have their ways to check the students
understanding of the lesson.
Ways done by teacher when students did not fully understand the lesson
• Peer tutoring (Tutors were assigned by teacher to teach one or two classmates.
Each-one-teacher-one (Students paired with one another).
Teacher gave a Module for more exercises for lesson mastery.
Teacher did re-teaching
3. My Reflection
- In teaching and learning cycle assessment is very crucial. It allows you to
determine the success of learning Formative assessment is assessment for
learning. Assessment for Learning happens during the learning, often more than
once, rather than at the end. Students understand exactly what they are to learn,
what is expected of them and are given feedback and advice on how to improve
their work. In Assessment for Learning, teachers use assessment as an
investigable tool to find out as much as they can about what their students know
Learning Episode 11: Utilizing Teaching-Learning Resources and ICT
Kalinga State University
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Social Studies
P6, National Highway, Bulanao Centro, Tabuk City, Kalinga
and can do, and what confusions, preconceptions, or gaps they might have. The
wide variety of information that teachers collect about students' learning processes
provides the basis for determining what they need to do next to move student
learning forward. It provides the basis for providing descriptive feedback for
students and deciding on groupings, instructional strategies, and resources
Teachers also use assessment for learning to enhance students' motivation and
commitment to learning. Applying formative assessment can help both the
students and teachers to achieve success in the learning cycle. Failures at the end
can be avoided if it is successfully and effectively implemented.
Learning Episode 11: Utilizing Teaching-Learning Resources and ICT
Kalinga State University
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Social Studies
P6, National Highway, Bulanao Centro, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Isabel C. Odan Teacher’s Signature: _______
School: Agbannawag National High School
Grade/Year Level: Grade 7 Subject Area: Araling Panlipunan Date: October
27, 2023
Observe a class and find Out practices that reflect assessment as learning.
Record your observations.
Teacher My Observation
1. Did teacher provide opportunities Yes base on my observation
for the learners to monitor and sometimes the teacher would tend
reflect on their own learning? to tell the students to share on
what have they learned in the
discussion base on their
understanding and would often time
ask them to construct an essay of
reflecting on the lesson that they
2. What are proofs hat students were Well first is that they were often
engaged in self-reflection, self- times understand and reflect on the
monitoring and self-adjustment? lesson that they learned and then
monitor them self to what they have
learned in order for their skills to
develop even adjust on a certain part
to level theirs abilities and skills for a
much complex knowledge.
3. Did students record and report For me they recorded the lesson
their own learning? that was being discuss in the session
for their reference and further
clarification of the topic in support on
their studies.
Learning Episode 11: Utilizing Teaching-Learning Resources and ICT
Kalinga State University
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Social Studies
P6, National Highway, Bulanao Centro, Tabuk City, Kalinga
4. Did teacher create criteria with the Yes every time there is a
students for tasks to be completed discussion or a meeting session that
or skill to learned? was going to commence there’s always
a post of instruction every week by the
teacher in the GCR that includes the
steps of instructions including the
objectives the learning outcomes and
the activities of the students to be
1. If the student is at the heart of all assessment, then all assessment should
support student learning. Do you agree? Why Or why not?
For me there is potential that it has the same purpose for both assessment as
learning and assessment for learning because assessment for learning focuses on
the strategies and methods that is going to be implemented in the
fields of discussion whiles constantly attaining feedback for them to monitor if the
students is truly learning or their something that they have learned the same thing
as to assessment for learning is a self – assessment to which students assess
themselves reflect on their understanding of the lesson to which they will know if
there is something that they have attain or something that they need to improve
Learning Episode 11: Utilizing Teaching-Learning Resources and ICT
Kalinga State University
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Social Studies
P6, National Highway, Bulanao Centro, Tabuk City, Kalinga
2. My Analysis
-Formative assessment is conducted to know exactly if the students are
progressing. It is also done so that the teacher will be able to plan on how he/she
will going to reteach and make the students understand the lesson that they have
difficulties in absorbing. It can be in a form of remedial teaching through peer
teaching, the teacher teaching him/herself, and other forms of creative activities.
3. My Reflection
My lifelong strategy has been one of improving myself as much as possible in any
way possible. I have found this to be very satisfying and has helped
achieve lifelong balance and happiness in my entire life. As my surroundings and
I change my challenge will be to maintain the balance and happiness for
myself and by applying evolution and growth principles in all and every aspect of
my life. It is as simple as that. It is always based on those guidelines that I try to
function and evaluate my overall high level performance as a person. When I know
that I did well, I feel good and that makes me feel happy.
My overall goal in life in general is to maintain a very good balance and happiness
for myself and my family. I think I can guarantee that level of happiness by staying
on and maintaining this continued path of personal growth and improvement. . In
order to properly assess myself I need to first clearly identify where I am, and where
I want to be. Knowing where I came from and how I got here helps me evaluate
whether or not I am going in the right path. Once I have that defined I need to try
to visualize my path to where I am
Learning Episode 11: Utilizing Teaching-Learning Resources and ICT
Kalinga State University
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Social Studies
P6, National Highway, Bulanao Centro, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study, Episode 12 – Assessment FOR Learning
And Assessment AS Learning (Formative Assessment)
Learning Outcomes: Demonstrate knowledge of the design and use of formative
assessment • Explain the importance of formative assessment.
Learning Episode 11: Utilizing Teaching-Learning Resources and ICT
Kalinga State University
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Social Studies
P6, National Highway, Bulanao Centro, Tabuk City, Kalinga
highly to the
relevant to learning
the learning outcome.
Submissio Submitted Submitted on Submitted a day Submitted two (2)
n before the the deadline. after the deadline. days or more after
deadline. the deadline.
Over-all Rating:
Score (Based on
Learning Episode 11: Utilizing Teaching-Learning Resources and ICT
Kalinga State University
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Social Studies
P6, National Highway, Bulanao Centro, Tabuk City, Kalinga
I. Assessment as learning
II. Assessment for learning
III. Assessment of learning
A. I only C. l and II
B. II and III D. l, II and III
B 4.You check for understanding in the midst of your lesson. In which form Is
Of assessment are engaged?
A. Yes C. Somewhat
B. No D. TRUE except the clause after and
Learning Episode 11: Utilizing Teaching-Learning Resources and ICT
Kalinga State University
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Social Studies
P6, National Highway, Bulanao Centro, Tabuk City, Kalinga
B. Assessment for learning D. Assessment in learning
B 11. Which assessment is likened to tasting the soup while in the process of
cooking the soup?
Learning Episode 11: Utilizing Teaching-Learning Resources and ICT