SE Lateral Depth With Codes 202410
SE Lateral Depth With Codes 202410
SE Lateral Depth With Codes 202410
The Lateral Forces (Wind/Earthquake) depth section focuses on a single area of practice in
structural engineering. Examinees have 5.5 hours to complete this section, which contains 5 scenarios
with 12 questions each, totaling 60 questions. The 5.5-hour time includes a tutorial and a scheduled
break. The section will contain scored and unscored (pretest) questions. All questions are alternative item
type (AIT) questions. Examinees must choose either the BUILDINGS or the BRIDGES section.
Examinees must work the same section on both components. That is, if bridges is the section chosen in
the Vertical Forces component, then bridges must be the section chosen in the Lateral Forces component.
The exam section is computer-based. It is closed book with electronic references. The NCEES PE
Structural Engineering Reference Handbook is included in the exam along with the design
standards shown on the last page.
The Lateral Forces (Wind/Earthquake) Structural Engineering depth section in BUILDINGS
covers lateral forces, lateral force distribution, analysis methods, general structural considerations
(element design), structural systems integration (connections), and foundations and retaining structures.
This 5.5-hour section contains at least one scenario from each of the following types:
Steel structure
Concrete structure
Wood and/or masonry structure
General analysis (e.g., existing structures, secondary structures, nonbuilding structures, and/or
computer verification)
At least two scenarios include seismic content at Seismic Design Category D and above.
At least one scenario includes wind content of at least 140 mph.
Scenarios may include a multistory building.
Scenarios may include a foundation.
1. All questions use the U.S. Customary System (USCS) of units.
These standards apply to the Vertical and Lateral components of the Structural Engineering exam.
In addition to the NCEES PE Structural Engineering Reference Handbook, the following codes and
standards will be supplied in the exam as searchable, electronic pdf files with links for easy navigation.
Standards will be provided as individual chapters on the exam, and only one chapter at a time can be
opened and searched. This ensures the exam software runs large files effectively.
Solutions to exam questions that reference a standard of practice are scored based on this list
and the revision year shown. Solutions based on other standards will not receive credit. All
questions use the U.S. Customary System (USCS) of units.
NCEES does not sell design standards or printed copies of the NCEES handbook. The NCEES handbook
is accessible from your MyNCEES account.