Development of Standards For Hydrogen Safety
Development of Standards For Hydrogen Safety
Development of Standards For Hydrogen Safety
Abstract. Safety standards are foundation for the deployment and development of hydrogen industry. In
this paper, standards for hydrogen safety published by ISO, IEC and SAC are summarized and discussed.
Standard framework of hydrogen safety is analysed. ISO standards are mainly focused on general safety
standards and safety standards of hydrogen production. IEC standards are mainly focused on safety
standards of fuel cell and fuel cell applications. China has basically established a safety standard framework
for hydrogen industry. Safety standards for different stage of hydrogen industry are discussed and analysed.
Suggestions of safety standards preparation for China are proposed.
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E3S Web of Conferences 194, 02013 (2020)
E3S Web of Conferences 194, 02013 (2020)
E3S Web of Conferences 194, 02013 (2020)
management of facilities involved in providing hydrogen 8 GB safety standards of fuel cell and fuel cell
fuelling services for hydrogen vehicles by using high- applications.
pressure gaseous hydrogen, liquid hydrogen and
hydrogen mixed gas as fuel. General safety standards
Safety standards of fuel cell and
fuel cell applications
GB 4962-2008 ISO 23273:2013
Table 3. Chinese national standards for hydrogen safety GB/T 29729-2013 IEC 62282-2-100:2020
ISO/TR 15916:2015 IEC 62282-3-100:2019
IEC 62282-4-101:2014
IEC 62282-5-100:2018
No. Number of standards Name of standards Safety standards of Safety standards of
IEC 62282-6-100:2010
Safety standards of IEC PAS 62282-6-150:2011
hydrogen storage and
fuelling GB/T 23751.1-2009
production transportation
Technical safety regulation for GB/T 24549-2009
1 GB 4962-2008
gaseous hydrogen use GB/T 34539-2017 GB/T 34542.1-2017 GB/T 31139-2014
GB/T 27748.1-2017
GB/T 30084-2013
Micro fuel cell power systems GB/T 37563-2019 GB/T 34583-2017 GB/T 34584-2017 GB/T 31036-2014
2 GB/T 23751.1-2009
- Part 1: Safety ISO 16110-1:2017
ISO/TS 19883:2017
GB/Z 34541-2017 GB/T 31037.1-2014
GB/T 33983.1-2017
Fuel cell electric vehicles - GB/T 36288-2018
3 GB/T 24549-2009
Safety requirements Fig. 2. Hydrogen Safety Standards
Stationary fuel cell power
4 GB/T 27748.1-2017
systems - Part 1:safety
Essential requirements for the 4 Conclusions
5 GB/T 29729-2013
safety of hydrogen systems
Portable fuel cell power Safety standards are foundation for the deployment and
6 GB/T 30084-2013 development of hydrogen industry. ISO standards are
Proton exchange membrane mainly focused on general safety standards and safety
7 GB/T 31036-2014 fuel cell backup power system standards of hydrogen production. IEC standards are
- Safety mainly focused on safety standards of fuel cell and fuel
Fuel cell power system used cell applications. China has basically established a safety
8 GB/T 31037.1-2014 for industrial lift truck standard framework for hydrogen industry. There are
applications - Part 1: Safety
some GB standards for safety of hydrogen production,
Safety technical regulations
storage and transportation, fuelling, fuel cell, and fuel
9 GB/T 31139-2014 for mobile hydrogen refuelling
facility cell applications. Based on the demands of industry,
Direct methanol fuel cell safety standards of storage and transportation, fuelling,
10 GB/T 33983.1-2017 fuel cell applications need to be prepared in pace with
system - Part 1: Safety
Safety requirements on development of technologies and industry.
11 GB/T 34539-2017
hydrogen-oxygen generator
Safety test methods for
onboard low pressure References
12 GB/T 34544-2017
hydrogen storage devices for
small fuel cell vehicles 1. Hydrogen Council. Hydrogen scaling up - a
Safety technical requirements sustainable pathway for the global energy transition
for hydrogen storage devices (2017)
13 GB/T 34583-2017
used in hydrogen fuelling 2. J. D. Holladay, J. Hu, D. L. King, Y. Wang,
station Catalysis Today 139 17 (2009)
Safety technical regulations
14 GB/T 34584-2017 3. China Association of Automobile Manufactures,
for hydrogen refuelling station
Fuel cell electric vehicles - Report of fuel cell vehicle industry (2019)
15 GB/T 36288-2018 Safety requirement of fuel cell 4. R. Wurster, Compendium of Hydrogen Energy 4,
stack 195 (2016)
Safety requirements for
pressurized water electrolysis A. O. Bique, L. K. Maia, F. L. Mantia, D. Manca, E.
16 GB/T 37563-2019 Zondervan, Computers & Chemical Engineering
system for hydrogen
production 129 (2019)
Safety operation management 5. Y. Yang, G. Wang, S. Zhang, L. Zhang, L. Lin,
regulation for hydrogen ICAEER 2019
17 GB/Z 34541-2017
fuelling facilities of hydrogen