Development of Standards For Hydrogen Safety

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E3S Web of Conferences 194, 02013 (2020)


Development of Standards for Hydrogen Safety

Yanmei Yang1,*, Haigang Xu2, Ling Lin1, Wei Bao1,3, Bangqiang Zhang3, Bin Ai3
1China National Institute of Standardization, 100191 Beijing, China
2Shanghai Institute of Space Propulsion, 201112 Shanghai, China
3 Foshan Green Development Innovation Research Institute, 528200 Guangdong, China

Abstract. Safety standards are foundation for the deployment and development of hydrogen industry. In
this paper, standards for hydrogen safety published by ISO, IEC and SAC are summarized and discussed.
Standard framework of hydrogen safety is analysed. ISO standards are mainly focused on general safety
standards and safety standards of hydrogen production. IEC standards are mainly focused on safety
standards of fuel cell and fuel cell applications. China has basically established a safety standard framework
for hydrogen industry. Safety standards for different stage of hydrogen industry are discussed and analysed.
Suggestions of safety standards preparation for China are proposed.

1 Introduction standards of hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles. ISO/TC

197 is specialized in standardization in the field of
In recent years, hydrogen industry is booming in China, systems and devices for the production, storage,
Europe, Japan, South Korea and USA under the transport, measurement and use of hydrogen. ISO/TC
development of technologies and the pressure of 22/SC 37 is specialized in aspects of electrically
environment protection [1, 2]. Since 2016, development propelled road vehicles, electric propulsion systems,
of hydrogen industry has sped up in China. Local related components and their vehicle integration.
governments and enterprises actively promote the
deployment of hydrogen applications, such as hydrogen
2.2 IEC technical committees
fuel cell vehicles, stationary power, and backup power.
From 2016 to 2019, total sales of hydrogen fuel cell Technical Committee of Fuel Cell Technologies
vehicles are 6450 in China, including buses and trucks. (IEC/TC 105) is focused on developing standards of fuel
Total number of hydrogen fuelling stations in operation cell technologies for all fuel cell (FC) types and various
is 41 in China, including 5 oil and hydrogen combined associated applications, including stationary FC power
fuelling stations [3]. Hydrogen industry clusters are systems for distributed power generators and combined
formed in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Pearl River heat and power systems, FCs for transportation, auxiliary
delta and Yangtze River delta, and are affecting the power units, portable FC power systems, micro FC
surrounding areas. power systems [6], etc..
Compared to hydrocarbons, hydrogen has wide limits
of flammability and detonability, ignition and detonation
energies low, non-luminous flame, very buoyant and 2.3 Chinese standardization technical
diffusive. Besides, hydrogen over time can migrate committees
through materials. When the metal surface is exposed to
National Standardization Technical Committee of
ionized hydrogen, hydrogen embrittlement usually
Hydrogen Energy (SAC/TC 309), Road Vehicles
occurs [4, 5]. Safety is the foundation of developing
(SAC/TC 114), Fuel Cell and Flow Battery (SAC/TC
hydrogen industry. In this paper, safety standards for
342), and High Pressure Vehicle Fuel Tanks (SAC/TC
hydrogen industry are discussed and analysed.
31/SC 8) are the main technical committees devote to
develop national hydrogen standards.
2 Standardization technical committees
3 Hydrogen safety standards
2.1 ISO technical committees
Safety standards are essentially important in hydrogen
Technical Committee of Hydrogen Technologies industry. As is shown in Figure 1, hydrogen safety
(ISO/TC 197) and subcommittee of Electrically standards include general safety standards, safety
Propelled Vehicles of Road Vehicles (ISO/TC 22/SC 37) standards of hydrogen production, storage and
are two main ISO technical committees focused on

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E3S Web of Conferences 194, 02013 (2020)

transportation, fuelling, fuel cell and fuel cell specifications - Protection

applications. against hydrogen hazards for
vehicles fuelled with
compressed hydrogen
Safety standards of
General safety standards
hydrogen production

3.2 IEC standards

Safety standards of storage
and transportation
IEC safety standards for hydrogen are listed in Table 2.
IEC 62282-2-100 provides safety related requirements
Safety standards of fuelling
for construction, operation under normal and abnormal
conditions and the testing of fuel cell modules. It deals
with conditions that can yield hazards to persons and
Safety standards of fuel cell and fuel cause damage outside the fuel cell modules. IEC 62282-
cell applications
3-100 applies to stationary packaged, self-contained fuel
Fig. 1. Framework of Hydrogen Safety Standards cell power systems or fuel cell power systems comprised
of factory matched packages of integrated systems which
generate electricity through electrochemical reactions. It
3.1 ISO standards is applicable to stationary fuel cell power systems
ISO safety standards for hydrogen are listed in Table 1. intended for indoor and outdoor commercial, industrial
ISO/TR 15916 provides guidelines for the use of and residential use in non-hazardous areas. IEC 62282-4-
hydrogen in its gaseous and liquid forms as well as its 101 provides safety requirements for fuel cell power
storage in either of these or other forms (hydrides). It systems intended to be used in electrically powered
defines the basic safety concerns, hazards and risks, and industrial trucks. It is limited to electrically powered
describes the properties of hydrogen that are relevant to industrial trucks and is applicable to material-handling
safety. ISO 16110-1 is a product safety standards which equipment, e.g. forklifts. It applies to gaseous hydrogen-
provides significant hazards, hazardous situations and fuelled fuel cell power systems and direct methanol fuel
events relevant to hydrogen generators, with the cell power systems for electrically powered industrial
exception of those associated with environmental trucks. IEC 62282-5-100 covers construction, marking
compatibility (installation conditions), when they are and test requirements for portable fuel cell power
used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by systems. It applies to AC and DC type portable fuel cell
the manufacturer. It is applicable to stationary hydrogen power systems, with a rated output voltage not
generators intended for indoor and outdoor commercial, exceeding 600 V AC, or 850 V DC for indoor and
industrial, light industrial and residential use. ISO/TS outdoor use. IEC 62282-6-100 covers micro fuel cell
19883 identifies safety measures and applicable design power systems, micro fuel cell power units and fuel
features that are used in the design, commissioning, and cartridges that are wearable or easily carried by hand,
operation of pressure swing adsorption (PSA) systems providing d.c. outputs that do not exceed 60 V d.c. and
for hydrogen separation and purification. It applies to power outputs that do not exceed 240 VA. IEC/PAS
hydrogen pressure swing adsorption systems that process 62282-6-150 covers micro fuel cell power systems using
all kinds of impure hydrogen streams as feed. It also hydrogen produced from the reaction of an aqueous
applies to small-scale PSA hydrogen system installed solution with solid UN Devision 4.3 (water-reactive)
within containers, which allowed by local regulations. compounds in indirect PEM fuel cell systems that are
ISO 23273 specifies the essential requirements for fuel wearable or easily carried by hand, providing d.c.
cell vehicles with respect to the protection of persons outputs that do not exceed 60 V d.c. and power outputs
and the environment inside and outside the vehicle that do not exceed 240 VA.
against hydrogen-related hazards. It applies only to such Table 2. IEC standards for hydrogen safety
fuel cell vehicles where compressed hydrogen is used as
fuel for the fuel cell system.
No. Number of standards Name of standards
Table 1. ISO standards for hydrogen safety
Fuel cell technologies -
1 IEC 62282-2-100:2020 Part 2-100: Fuel cell
No. Number of standards Name of standards modules - Safety
Fuel cell technologies -
Basic considerations for the Part 3-100: Stationary
1 ISO/TR 15916:2015 2 IEC 62282-3-100:2019
safety of hydrogen systems fuel cell power systems
Hydrogen generators using - Safety
2 ISO 16110-1:2007 fuel processing technologies -- Fuel cell technologies -
Part 1: Safety Part 4-101: Fuel cell
Safety of pressure swing power systems for
adsorption systems for 4 IEC 62282-4-101:2014 propulsion other than
3 ISO/TS 19883:2017
hydrogen separation and road vehicles and
purification auxiliary power units
4 ISO 23273:2013 Fuel cell road vehicles - Safety (APU) - Safety of

E3S Web of Conferences 194, 02013 (2020)

electrically powered requirements, operation safety management,

industrial trucks transportation and long-term parking requirements of
Fuel cell technologies - mobile hydrogen refuelling facilities. It is applicable to
Part 5-100: Portable mobile hydrogen refuelling facilities with fuelling
5 IEC 62282-5-100:2018
fuel cell power systems
pressure ranging from 15MPa to 70MPa. GB/T 33983.1-
- Safety
2017 only considers the dangerous situations that may
Fuel cell technologies -
Part 6-100: Micro fuel cause harm to public safety, human health or
6 IEC 62282-6-100:2010 environment outside the direct methanol fuel cell system.
cell power systems -
Safety It includes the safety requirements for dangerous
Fuel cell technologies - situations, excluding the safety measures that may cause
Part 6-150: Micro fuel damage to the system itself. GB/T 34539-2017 specifies
cell power systems - the basic safety requirements of hydrogen-oxygen
IEC PAS 62282-6-
7 Safety - Water reactive generator, environmental safety requirements, gas supply
(UN Devision 4.3) system, electrical device, safety protection device, trial
compounds in indirect
operation, operation and maintenance, emergency
PEM fuel cells
treatment and other requirements. It is applicable to
hydrogen-oxygen generator and hydrogen oxygen mixed
3.3 Chinese National standards pipelines with working pressure ≤ 0.2MPa and PV ≤
8.0MPa·L. GB/T 34544-2017 specifies the safety test
Chinese national standards (GB standards) for hydrogen
conditions and test methods of low-pressure hydrogen
safety are listed in Table 3. GB 4962-2008 provides the
storage device for small fuel cell vehicles, which is
safety technical requirements for the use, replacement,
applicable to the low-pressure hydrogen storage device
storage, compression, fuelling, discharge, fire control,
for small fuel cell vehicles with internal volume not
emergency treatment, and safety protection for gaseous
greater than 3L, maximum temperature rise pressure not
hydrogen. It applies to the ground workplaces after
greater than 25MPa, working temperature not lower than
production of gaseous hydrogen, but not applies to liquid
hydrogen, gaseous hydrogen on water, hydrogen for - 40 ℃ and not higher than 65 ℃. GB/T 34583-2017
aviation and on-board hydrogen supply system. GB/T specifies safety technical requirements for hydrogen
23751.1-2009 is modified adopted from IEC 62282-6- storage devices used in hydrogen fuelling station. It is
100:2007. GB/T 24549-2009 provides the safety applicable to stationary gaseous hydrogen storage device
requirements of fuel system, fuel cell system, power and seamless tube type gaseous hydrogen storage
circuit system, function, fault protection and collision of cylinders used in hydrogen fuelling station filled with
fuel cell electric vehicles. It applies to fuel cell electric high-pressure hydrogen, and the design pressure is not
vehicles using gaseous hydrogen. GB/T 27748.1-2017 is more than 100MPa, and the service temperature is not
identical adopted from IEC 62282-3-100:2012. GB/T lower than - 40 ℃ and not higher than 60 ℃. GB/T
29729-2013 specifies the basic categories of hydrogen 34584-2017 specifies the safety technical requirements
system (hydrogen production system, storage system and for hydrogen transportation, hydrogen production,
transportation system), basic characteristics of hydrogen, hydrogen storage, compression, fuelling, safety and fire
risk factors of hydrogen system and basic requirements protection of hydrogen fuelling station. It is applicable to
of risk control. It is applicable to the design and use of the hydrogen fuelling station with various hydrogen
hydrogen production, storage and transportation system. supply methods, and also applicable to hydrogen and
GB/T 30084-2013 is identically adopted from IEC gasoline joint fuelling stations, hydrogen and natural gas
62282-5-1:2012. GB/T 31036-2014 covers terms, safety joint fuelling stations, hydrogen fuelling and charging
requirements and protective measures, type tests, routine stations, etc. GB/T 36288-2018 specifies the safety
tests, identification, label and packaging related to the requirements of hydrogen gas, electrical equipment, and
proton exchange membrane fuel cell backup power mechanical structure for fuel cell stacks used in fuel cell
system (PEMFC). This standard applies to proton electric vehicles. It is applicable to the protection of
exchange membrane fuel cell backup power systems, human body and harm outside the stacks, not include the
including PEMFC backup power systems that provide protection of fuel cell stacks. GB/T 37563-2019 specifies
AC or DC current, and PEMFC backup power systems the dangerous and harmful factors, basic safety
that use hydrogen and air as reaction gases. GB/T requirements and requirements for environmental
31037.1-2014 specifies the safety requirements and conditions, system components, operation and
safety protection measures related to the structure, maintenance, operators and emergency treatment of
identification and performance test of fuel cell power pressurized water electrolysis system. It is applicable to
generation system for lifting vehicles. It is applicable to alkaline water electrolysis system and proton exchange
proton exchange membrane fuel cell industrial lifting membrane water electrolysis system with working
vehicles which use gaseous hydrogen as fuel and air as pressure ≥ 0.3MPa and ≤ 5.0MPa. GB/Z 34541-2017
oxidant. It only considers the risk situations that may specifies the management procedures related to the safe
cause injury to persons, objects or environment outside operation, personnel, equipment safety, gas quality,
the fuel cell power generation system, and proposes production operation, supervision and inspection, and
safety measures for such dangerous situations. GB/T emergency plan of hydrogen fuelling facilities of
31139-2014 specifies the terms, safety technical hydrogen vehicles. It is applicable to the safe operation

E3S Web of Conferences 194, 02013 (2020)

management of facilities involved in providing hydrogen 8 GB safety standards of fuel cell and fuel cell
fuelling services for hydrogen vehicles by using high- applications.
pressure gaseous hydrogen, liquid hydrogen and
hydrogen mixed gas as fuel. General safety standards
Safety standards of fuel cell and
fuel cell applications
GB 4962-2008 ISO 23273:2013
Table 3. Chinese national standards for hydrogen safety GB/T 29729-2013 IEC 62282-2-100:2020
ISO/TR 15916:2015 IEC 62282-3-100:2019
IEC 62282-4-101:2014
IEC 62282-5-100:2018
No. Number of standards Name of standards Safety standards of Safety standards of
IEC 62282-6-100:2010
Safety standards of IEC PAS 62282-6-150:2011
hydrogen storage and
fuelling GB/T 23751.1-2009
production transportation
Technical safety regulation for GB/T 24549-2009
1 GB 4962-2008
gaseous hydrogen use GB/T 34539-2017 GB/T 34542.1-2017 GB/T 31139-2014
GB/T 27748.1-2017
GB/T 30084-2013
Micro fuel cell power systems GB/T 37563-2019 GB/T 34583-2017 GB/T 34584-2017 GB/T 31036-2014
2 GB/T 23751.1-2009
- Part 1: Safety ISO 16110-1:2017
ISO/TS 19883:2017
GB/Z 34541-2017 GB/T 31037.1-2014
GB/T 33983.1-2017
Fuel cell electric vehicles - GB/T 36288-2018
3 GB/T 24549-2009
Safety requirements Fig. 2. Hydrogen Safety Standards
Stationary fuel cell power
4 GB/T 27748.1-2017
systems - Part 1:safety
Essential requirements for the 4 Conclusions
5 GB/T 29729-2013
safety of hydrogen systems
Portable fuel cell power Safety standards are foundation for the deployment and
6 GB/T 30084-2013 development of hydrogen industry. ISO standards are
Proton exchange membrane mainly focused on general safety standards and safety
7 GB/T 31036-2014 fuel cell backup power system standards of hydrogen production. IEC standards are
- Safety mainly focused on safety standards of fuel cell and fuel
Fuel cell power system used cell applications. China has basically established a safety
8 GB/T 31037.1-2014 for industrial lift truck standard framework for hydrogen industry. There are
applications - Part 1: Safety
some GB standards for safety of hydrogen production,
Safety technical regulations
storage and transportation, fuelling, fuel cell, and fuel
9 GB/T 31139-2014 for mobile hydrogen refuelling
facility cell applications. Based on the demands of industry,
Direct methanol fuel cell safety standards of storage and transportation, fuelling,
10 GB/T 33983.1-2017 fuel cell applications need to be prepared in pace with
system - Part 1: Safety
Safety requirements on development of technologies and industry.
11 GB/T 34539-2017
hydrogen-oxygen generator
Safety test methods for
onboard low pressure References
12 GB/T 34544-2017
hydrogen storage devices for
small fuel cell vehicles 1. Hydrogen Council. Hydrogen scaling up - a
Safety technical requirements sustainable pathway for the global energy transition
for hydrogen storage devices (2017)
13 GB/T 34583-2017
used in hydrogen fuelling 2. J. D. Holladay, J. Hu, D. L. King, Y. Wang,
station Catalysis Today 139 17 (2009)
Safety technical regulations
14 GB/T 34584-2017 3. China Association of Automobile Manufactures,
for hydrogen refuelling station
Fuel cell electric vehicles - Report of fuel cell vehicle industry (2019)
15 GB/T 36288-2018 Safety requirement of fuel cell 4. R. Wurster, Compendium of Hydrogen Energy 4,
stack 195 (2016)
Safety requirements for
pressurized water electrolysis A. O. Bique, L. K. Maia, F. L. Mantia, D. Manca, E.
16 GB/T 37563-2019 Zondervan, Computers & Chemical Engineering
system for hydrogen
production 129 (2019)
Safety operation management 5. Y. Yang, G. Wang, S. Zhang, L. Zhang, L. Lin,
regulation for hydrogen ICAEER 2019
17 GB/Z 34541-2017
fuelling facilities of hydrogen

3.4 Safety standards

As is shown in Figure 2, there are 1 ISO general safety
standards, 2 ISO safety standards of hydrogen
production, 1 ISO safety standards of fuel cell
application, and 6 IEC safety standards of fuel cell and
fuel cell applications. There are 2 GB general safety
standards, 2 GB safety standards of hydrogen production,
2 GB safety standards of storage and transportation, and

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