End of Unit Test Standard (S) : © Pearson Education LTD 2019. Copying Permitted For
End of Unit Test Standard (S) : © Pearson Education LTD 2019. Copying Permitted For
End of Unit Test Standard (S) : © Pearson Education LTD 2019. Copying Permitted For
(a) Give one characteristic that both sisters and their mother have.
(b) Give one characteristic both sisters have but their mother does not have.
3 The drawing shows a camel and some of its adaptations for living in a desert. In the desert,
nights can be very cold and days can be very hot.
(b) State the characteristic that helps the camel hide from predators.
(c) State which characteristic helps the camel survive for some time without food.
4 The drawings of bird feet show two different types of foot, X and Y.
A hunting
B fishing
D swimming
(b) What is foot Y adapted for? Tick one box.
A hunting
B fishing
D swimming
(Total for Question 4 = 2 marks)
5 The bar chart shows the lengths of ten carrots. Five carrots are of one type of carrot plant (A)
and five carrots are of a different type of carrot plant (B).
(a) Describe two differences between type A carrots and type B carrots.
(b) Suggest one reason for the differences you described in part (a).
(c) Some distributions of data show a bell shape. What is the name of this bell shape? Tick one
A an average distribution
B a normal distribution
C a median distribution
D a curved distribution
6 Blowflies lay their eggs on the bodies of dead animals. The ‘maggots’ hatch out of the eggs and
then eat the dead animals.
Ten blowfly maggots are put in the centre of a piece of apparatus called a choice chamber. The
choice chamber has four areas with different sets of conditions. The positions of the maggots
after 15 minutes are shown in the diagram.
(b) What conclusion can be made from the investigation? Tick one box.
(c) Suggest one reason for how this adaptation of blowfly maggots helps the maggots to survive.
(Total for Question 6 = 3 marks)
7 The table shows three different variations in humans. Put ticks () in the boxes to fully describe
the types of variation for each.
9 A fish called the blue pike used to live in the Great Lakes of Canada. The blue pike became
extinct in 1975. The extinction was partly because a new species of fish had been put into the
(a) Describe how putting a new species in the lakes could have reduced the population of blue
(b) There were several reasons why the blue pike became extinct. Describe a human activity
that could have helped cause blue pike to go extinct.
(Total for Question 9 = 2 marks)
10 (a) The red panda is an endangered mammal. Red pandas live in the trees in the forests in
China. Explain one way of making sure the red panda does not become extinct.
(b) Give one reason why we should try to keep a high biodiversity.
(Total for Question 10 = 2 marks)
11 (a) Which part of a cell are chromosomes found in? Tick one box.
B nucleus
C cytoplasm
D cell wall
(b) Name one substance found in chromosomes. Tick one box.
B chlorophyll
C fibre
D haemoglobin
(c) Explain how chromosomes cause inherited characteristics.
(Total for Question 11 = 4 marks)
12 Deer mice live in the USA. The deer mice live on the ground.
In hills where there is a lot of pale sand, the mice are usually a pale colour. In other places, the
deer mice are usually a dark colour. Explain the difference in colour.