Theoretical Background
Theoretical Background
Theoretical Background
The scientist first proposed the theory in 2007, and it was met with both
skepticism and intrigue. On his website, Lanza explained that he believes that our reality is
reliant on biology, a concept that some might find confusing at first.
Although, all theses are the senses of human consciousness, the supporters of
Biocentrism claim that every event of nature seemed to have occured in human interest.
Ecocentrsim, according to (Washington , 2013), captures the broad idea that all
lifeforms have intrinsic value. It contracts with anthropocentrism which sees other lifeforms to
be valuable only in relation to human interests. Keller in (Kirsloskar-Steinbach and Diaconu,
2020) conceives ecocentrism as an axiology that accords moral consideration to biotic
communities and assigns moral judgemnet on the basis of the health and flourishing of
ecological wholes.
Thus, it account for the moral considerability of ecological level above the individual
organism. For (Rowe, 1994), ecocentrism underscores and axiological shift from homo sapiens
to the ecosphere, a value shift backed by the scientific rationale taht Earth Is the whole of
which we are subservant parts.
(Ezedike, 2020) captures its essence when he says that ecocentrism puts all beings in
the ecosystem in one moral universe and explains this to imply that quite apart from its
assumed intrumental value is supporting the existence of human species, nature is deemed as
valuable in and of itself. Humans, therefore, ought to respect and demonstrate moral
responsibility to all beings in the ecosystem.