Clinical Ethics
Clinical Ethics
Clinical Ethics
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In the case study "Proxy Permission for a Medical Gamble," new mother Norma Walker
exhibits signs of a potentially fatal condition. Once the findings of her spinal fluid culture are
finished, her doctor, Dr. Stanley, advises that she be admitted to the hospital for two days of
intravenous antibiotics. But, Mrs. Walker's husband chooses to take her home instead of
undergoing the therapy despite being well aware of the hazards. He is acting as her substitute
This case poses various ethical issues, such as what is medically necessary for this
circumstance, who should decide how to treat the patient, and how patient autonomy should be
applied. Considering the possible dangers and advantages of therapy, the first consideration is
whether a medical course of action is suitable for Mrs. Walker's health. The second query focuses
on the function of the surrogate decision-maker and their responsibility to act in the patient's best
interests. Lastly, the problem of patient autonomy comes up since Mrs. Walker can't decide for
herself and needs her husband to make decisions for her. To give a thorough ethical examination
of these difficulties, this article will make use of the SBAR framework. To support its claims, it
will reference pertinent ethical norms and direct citations from the Clinical Ethics book.
SBAR evaluation
Mrs. Walker was brought into the hospital with signs of bacterial or viral meningitis. The
findings of the tests showed that viral meningitis that may have had bacterial meningitis was just
getting started. When the spinal fluid culture was finished, Dr. Stanley advised Mrs. Walker to
stay in the hospital and receive intravenous antibiotics for two days. Although fully aware of the
dangers and Dr. Stanley's concern with his choice, Mr. Walker disagreed and decided to bring his
wife home. There are various moral and medical questions raised by the case involving Mrs.
Walker. Meningitis, whether bacterial or viral, is a deadly illness that may result in death, brain
damage, seizures, and other serious problems. To reduce these risks, it is essential to identify and
treat these illnesses as soon as possible. Mr. Walker, Mrs. Walker's husband, chose to take her
Concerns concerning patient autonomy, informed consent, and medical malpractice are
brought up by this ruling. As a matter of fact, "Patient autonomy is the most fundamental of the
principles of clinical ethics." (Jonsen et al., 2002, p. 17) On the one hand, patients have the
freedom to choose how they will be treated, even by declining medical intervention. Yet, this
choice must be well-informed and taken after carefully weighing the advantages and hazards. In
this instance, Mr. Walker was aware of the dangers of bringing his wife home, but it is
questionable whether he completely comprehended the seriousness of the situation and the
possible repercussions of postponing treatment. Moreover, if Mrs. Walker's health worsens, Mr.
Walker's choice to take her home may be seen as medical malpractice since it may have
endangered her life. Ultimately, this circumstance emphasizes how crucial it is for patients, their
families, and medical personnel to communicate clearly and make decisions together.
abnormalities, but she was advised to see an internist for additional testing. This illustrates how
crucial accurate referrals and consultations are to the functioning of the healthcare system.
Moreover, Dr. Stanley's participation, a doctor the Walkers are familiar with, emphasizes the
value of patient-provider connections and trust. When patients and their healthcare professionals
get along well, they are more likely to get high-quality treatment.
The identification of Mrs. Walker's possible meningitis prompts worries about the
disease's potential spread to other people and emphasizes the need for timely and effective
treatment for halting the spread of infectious illnesses. The ethical conundrum that developed in
this instance highlights the necessity for open communication between the medical staff and the
"When surrogate decision makers are called upon to make decisions, they must base their
decisions on the values and preferences of the patient, if known, and if not, on what is in the
patient's best interest." (Jonsen et al., 2002, p. 73) As his wife's substitute decision-maker in this
instance, Mr. Walker has assumed this duty. The decision-maker must be knowledgeable about
the patient's medical condition, the available treatment choices, and the possible risks and
advantages of each option since acting as a surrogate decision-maker entails a great deal of
antibiotics was disregarded by Mr. Walker in favor of taking his wife home.
The condition may advance quickly and treatment delays can have serious, even deadly,
effects. Therefore, the urgency and seriousness of the problem are emphasized in this remark,
emphasizing how crucial immediate and right medical care is. The advice of Dr. Stanley for
hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics is following the ethical rule of beneficence, which
calls for medical personnel to act in the patient's best interests. It is not acceptable for Mr. Walker
to have taken his wife home instead of doing what the doctor advised. If bacterial meningitis is
is essential to put the patient's well-being first in these circumstances and to heed the advice of
My ethical proposal is to admit Mrs. Walker to the hospital and provide intravenous
antibiotics up to the conclusion of the spinal fluid culture. Given that it gives the patient the
greatest chance of a successful result, this is consistent with the beneficence principle. Making
sure the decision-maker is the right one and gets the information they need to make an educated
choice is also crucial. In addition, medical professionals should keep informing the family about
the need for timely medical attention as well as the advantages and disadvantages of various
treatment choices. This will make it possible for the family to comprehend the issue and make
wise judgments.
It is their duty as healthcare professionals to put the patient's needs first and to provide
moral and caring treatment. "Beneficence requires that the physician act in the patient's best
interests. In this case, administering the medication as prescribed by the physician will help
alleviate the patient's pain and improve their overall well-being." (Jonsen et al., 2002, p. 15).
Hence, Mr. Walker and the family should be firmly advised to seek hospitalization and treatment
with intravenous antibiotics, with clear communication and education on the advantages and
disadvantages of this choice. Respecting the patients and surrogate decision-autonomy makers is
crucial, as is advancing the beneficence principle and giving patients the best treatment possible.
“Surrogate decision makers are ethically compelled to make judgments based on what is
in the patient's best interest when there is ambiguity or dispute about what the patient would
prefer" (Jonsen et al., 2002, p. 73). In this instance, the risks of hospitalization exceed the
dangers of not treating a suspected case of bacterial meningitis, thus Mr. Walker should be urged
to change his mind and let Mrs. Walker obtain the required care. He may have chosen to take his
wife home because he wanted to respect her desires, but it's crucial to remember that she may not
be able to make an educated choice because of her sickness. In these situations, surrogate
decision-makers are in charge of making decisions that are best for the patient.
In this instance, hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics are required to guarantee that
Mrs. Walker gets the finest care possible. This is per the ethical concept of beneficence, which
calls for healthcare personnel to act in the best interest of the patient. It's also crucial to think
about the serious and possibly deadly repercussions of not seeking medical attention for a
suspected case of bacterial meningitis. Hence, I advise that further information be given to Mr.
Walker about the possible repercussions of disregarding a suspected case of bacterial meningitis
as well as the advantages of hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics. He may use this
knowledge to guide his choice and act in his wife's best interests.
Health Sciences.
Jonsen, A. R., Siegler, M., & Winslade, W. J. (2002). Clinical ethics: A practical approach