Civil Service Rules and Allied
Rules (Theory)
Summer Exam-2023
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Summer Exam-2023
Solutions – Civil Service Rules and Allied Rules (Theory)
The provisions under rule 3 (2-4) above shall also be applicable in the case of civil servants of a
Vocation Department.
Total Marks 16
Summer Exam-2023
Solutions – Civil Service Rules and Allied Rules (Theory)
If the departmental proceedings are not completed within one year after retirement of the
Government servant, he may be allowed to draw up to 80% or less of full pension so as to ensure
that Government loss in full is recovered from the balance. In the case of judicial proceedings,
judgment of the court may be awaited. If the proceedings are delayed beyond one year after
retirement, reduced pension may be allowed as in the case of pensioners facing departmental
Total Marks 16
Q.4. In case where an inquiry against an accused under section s5 is inevitable following Procedure
should be followed by competent authority:
If the competent authority decides that it is necessary to hold an inquiry against the accused under
Section 5, it shall pass an order of inquiry in writing, which shall include:-
(a) Appointment of an inquiry officer or an inquiry committee; provided that the inquiry
officer or the convener of inquiry committee, as the case may be, shall be of a rank
senior to the accused and where two or more accused are proceeded against jointly, the
inquiry officer or the convener of the inquiry committee shall be of a rank senior to the
senior most accused;
(b) The grounds for proceeding, clearly specifying the charges along with apportionment
of responsibility;
(c) Appointment of the departmental representative by designation; and
(d) Direction to the accused to submit written defense to the inquiry officer or the inquiry
committee, as the case may be, within seven days of the date of receipt of orders or
within such extended period as the competent authority may determine.
The record of the case and the list of witnesses, if any, shall be communicated to the inquiry
officer or the inquiry committee, as the case may be, along with the orders of inquiry.
Total Marks 16
Q.5. (a) Head Quarter of a Migratory Government Servant. The Headquarters of a Government
servant is if he is a migratory Government servant, Lahore or summer headquarters of
Government, if any, according to the place where he is for the time being in residence.
(b) Proforma promotion means predating of promotion of civil servant or retired civil servant
with effect from the date of regular promotion of his junior, for the purpose of fixation of
pay and payment of arrears as may be prescribed.
Summer Exam-2023
Solutions – Civil Service Rules and Allied Rules (Theory)
(c) Presumptive pay of a post, when used with reference to any particular Government servant,
means the pay to which he would be entitled if he held the post substantively and were
performing its duties; but it does not include special pay unless the Government servant
performs or discharges the work of responsibility, or is exposed to the unhealthy conditions,
in consideration of which the special pay was sanctioned.
(d) “ad hoc appointment” means appointment of a duly qualified person made otherwise than
in accordance with the prescribed method of recruitment, pending recruitment in accordance
with such method.
Total Marks 16