The Impact of Social Media On Self Expression
The Impact of Social Media On Self Expression
The Impact of Social Media On Self Expression
Tameka Ferguson
Student – 67069
Intro to Humanities
Table Of Contents
Conclusion……………………………………………………………… ……..11
Bibliography……………………………………………………………… ……12
When you are alive, you want to feel important to everyone. Family members and friends
are all a part of an inner place which is valued. How do one express themselves in a working
environment, you want to feel secure and needed within the company. Regardless of your
position, you want to be noticed and applauded for a job well done. Your intriguing resume,
impressive skills or even your interest in enhancing your knowledge of the company has brought
Most people admit they have faced times when they’ve wondered if it would have been
better to have way more time within the day. Various employees are working professionals who
need to make plans and organize while considering a routine. Using personal productivity
techniques properly, you can achieve targets effectively while meeting the deadline. In doing
this, your personal goals are being successfully met along with the team goals.
What is productivity?
This is when we are being efficient, not wasting time, focused, energized, and move at a steady,
but limited paste. These are mostly all the component needed to get the task done in a timely
manner. While doing this, you can’t be burnt out, unfocused or even limited to your resources.
The soul purpose of any company is to be heavy into production so that the company can
prosper and continuously meet their financial quota or beyond at the end of the day. With
productivity growth, economy can produce more goods and services for the same amount of
Productivity increases have business sectors overflowing in labor and increasing capitals
while reducing incurring cost. The reasons why we want to be productive is to soak up the
exposure and benefits while preforming an effective job. This promotes a sense of fulfillment
and satisfaction all in a day’s work. Also, the more things get done without wasted time, the
more the company builds up the rate to a great production increasing finance and value.
There are many barriers to productivity in the working environment. They affect the
organization business success. The workers are the life of the company and many of them spends
most of their time investing in various components making sure the task runs smoothly.
Work Environment
No one enjoys working in a negative or toxic environment. The company needs to create
an atmosphere that is based on the values where your employees feel valued, safe, and supported.
Rewarding your workers when recognition is due will give them a complete access to embrace
the healthy habit of contributing to a productive workforce. The right environment will totally be
All employees want to grow in their career. This provides them with a sense of essential
worth within the company. Enhancing their professional development throughout their journey
will make them feel relevant. An untrained employee will not know what’s needed for them to
be more efficient to produce a good work ethic. One of the best ways to train an employee is
through microlearning. This enables the employee to feel flexible within the department and not
Pay Structure
All employees have bills to pay, many have children to take care of, but all have a goal to
accomplish. Which would bring us to the reason they are working for your company. This can
be used as a motivation tool which will need to be explained clearly on how the pay structure
works. With this notion in place, it will give the employee something to consider when officials
Employee Wellness
Employee wellness has become a physical and mental health issue when referring to the
team members. As an employer, you want to provide the necessary tools and resources for all
your employees. This way, you are creating and offering a healthy option that encourages them
to be a betterment for themselves. When the company helps put their welfare first, it helps a
The new normal is now multi – culture in the workplace. It has become an important
factor in employee engagement. Having diversity in the workplace is one key factor to increase
employee productivity which benefit the company success. With different gender, ethnicity,
religions, and culture bringing diversity, gives an opportunity to learn and understand other
perspectives ensuring a dynamic team. Providing this range will make the employee satisfaction
a plus with different skills which leads to a healthy and productive employee.
Mrs. Lita Nesbitt who is employed with Furniture Plus for the last 8 years to present,
Being an employee with Furniture Plus you will learn the industry is competitive. The
marketing campaigns attracts customers to the show room. The quality of the products cannot be
tested online. They want to make sure the value is worth the money. Failing to recognize the
brand and product is another main concern. It is extremely important to understand what your
selling, whether it’s showcase or by technology. The consumers need inspiration, guidance and
education when buying furniture. The retail industry is advance in platforms such as social media
and online purchasing. Therefore, knowing the market expectations will be a plus for the
The art of technology has been extended to having photoshoots in 3D visualization where
you have option to lighting, textures, and scenery to help with decision making. The company
also adjusted price fluctuations and customer demand. By improving the inventory management,
the stock control will balance the furniture manufacturers. Seasonal items will be made with
production planning and scheduling. Some of the items will be made from lower quality material
The biggest challenge is to stay in business at a profit. You also must change your style
and paste with the demanding market for the consumer. The quality must be durable for its price
Company resources can include time management, staffing and production. Being an employee
Production Waste
The waste of materials is bound to happen within any company. The importance is, how
much is wasted causing a decrease in margins. This excessive product waste can cost severe
Warehouse Management
No company wants over supply nor under supply, so this management is greatly needed
for the company to run successfully. The materials should always be on hand for demand, with
Double Work
The way double work can be exempt is for teams not to be working on the same things.
That would be a waste of time and a major strain on the company resource. Once a decision is
made and the all the tasks are disbursed into sections, there is no need to for the double work and
wasted time.
Growth is necessary for any company, however, taking a leap to expand your company
can be risky. It can lead to loss of credibility and product. Everyone should be on board and
prepared for the venture. Make sure you are comfortable with the move and willing to take the
Unnecessary Expenditures
When approving expenses and investments you should always consider the time and
value. Simple calculations can save money and guide personal and professional choices. Making
a simple decision of replacing items or machinery instead of always fixing it multiple times, can
agenda with status, updates and progression to moving forward making the company better. The
meeting should contain objections and actions. Bringing a meeting to the table with no
Mark Pentecost, (April 1, 2019), 7 Common Drains On A Company’s Resources,
Retrieved from
Qais Almaamari and Husain Alaswad, (July 2021), Factors Influencing Employee’ Productivity.
Retrieved from (PDF) Factors Influencing Employees’ Productivity- Literature Review
Will Kenton, (August 29, 2022), What Is Productivity and How to Measure It Explained
Retrieved from What Is Productivity and How to Measure It Explained
Nidhi Parikh, (July 26, 2022), Top Factors Affecting Productivity In A Workplace
Retrieved from