RFP - Acquisition of Broadband VSAT Connectivity
RFP - Acquisition of Broadband VSAT Connectivity
RFP - Acquisition of Broadband VSAT Connectivity
Letter of Invitation
The African Development Bank (hereinafter referred to as “AfDB “or the “Bank”) requests your Proposal
for implementation of a broadband VSAT WAN connectivity for The African Development Bank’s
32 Office Locations in Africa with NOC/hub station located in Abidjan, Ivory Coast as specified in
this Request for Proposal (RFP), Annex I of this RFP.
1. This RFP includes the following letter of invitation together with its annexes and the appendices to
these annexes:
2. Only those bidders that are nationals of member countries of the Bank and whose items and
services that are provided originate from the member countries of the Bank are eligible to submit a
bid in accordance with the RFP. The list of member countries is given as in Annex 6.
3. Your proposal must be received on or before the date and time specified in the RFP data sheet by
mail, courier or hand-delivery at the addresses given below:
Postal Address:
African Development Bank,
Corporate Procurement Division (CGSP.2)
ADB Temporary Relocation Agency (Tunis)
Angle des trois rues: Avenue du Ghana, Rue Pierre de
Coubertin, Rue Hedi Nouira
75BP: 323
1002 - Tunis Belvédère
4. Proposals should be enclosed in a sealed envelope (with both the technical and the financial
proposal in separate sealed envelopes) and addressed to the Bank at the address given below.
Each bidder will submit their proposal in one original and four copies: the original proposal must
carry the mention “original” and each of the four copies the mention “copy”. The technical proposal
(one original + 4 copy) and the financial proposal (one original + 4 copy) will each be placed in two
separate sealed envelopes (the “internal envelopes”).
The two internal envelopes should be placed together in a large single sealed envelope called “external
envelope”, which must be anonymous and, carry only the label specified in the RFP data sheet
which should be photocopied and placed on the external envelope. Please ensure that you fill
out and include the Proposal checklist in the external envelope.( Refer to Annex 3 Appendix F)
5. It is the sole responsibility of the bidders to ensure that the sealed envelope containing the
proposal reaches the above address before the time and date indicated in paragraph 4 above.
When delivered by hand, the proposals must be delivered at the above address during the Bank’s
working hours from 0800 hrs to 1200 hrs and from 1400 hrs to 1800 hrs, Monday through Friday
except for holidays observed by the African Development Bank. Delivery to any other office of the
African Development Bank will be at the risk of the bidder and will not constitute timely delivery.
Proposals received after the above-mentioned closing time or deadline shall be rejected. If
the deadline for submission happens to be a holiday, the proposals will be opened at the same
time on the next working day. The Bank may extend the deadline for submission of proposals at
any time without incurring any liability to the bidders. Opening of the technical bids will occur at the
date and time specified in the RFP data sheet.
6. A prospective bidder requiring any clarification in relation with the bidding documents may notify
the Bank in writing to the Bank’s mailing address indicated in these documents. All requests for
clarifications must be received by telefax (at the fax number +216-71 835 249) or by
electronic mail: tender@afdb.org, no later than the date stated in RFP Data Sheet. If a
Bidder feels that any important provision in the documents will be unacceptable, such an issue
should be raised at this stage. The Bank will respond within a week in writing to all prospective
requests for clarification or modification of the bidding documents that it receives before the date
stated in RFP Data Sheet. Written copies of the Bank’s response to questions raised by telefax or
electronic mail (including an explanation of the query but with no indication of its source) will be
sent to all prospective bidders that have received the bidding documents.
7. At any time before the submission of proposals, the Bank may, for any reason, whether at its own
initiative or in response to a clarification requested by the Bidder, amend the RFP. The amendment
shall be sent in writing by telefax or email to all invited firms and will be binding on them. The Bank
may at its sole discretion extend the deadline for the submission of proposals.
8. Proposals must be submitted in the English or French language in One Original + Four Copies (any
attachments or appendices and annexes thereto must also be submitted in One Original + Four
Copies). The Technical Proposal must include information in sufficient detail to allow the Bank to
consider whether your company has the necessary capability, experience, knowledge, expertise, and
the required capacity to perform satisfactorily the services specified along with any other information
that may be requested by Annex 3 of this RFP and a checklist required as per Appendix F.
9. It is mandatory for the bidders to submit the Financial Proposal by using the bid submission form,
attached as Appendix B of this RFP, including a description of the proposed items and services. Any
deviation from the requested requirements (see TOR on Annex 2) shall be highlighted and
explained. Please note that the Bank will only consider those deviations that have an effect of
improving the items and services requested.
10. The evaluation method of the proposal is described in detail in Annex 4. For this procurement,
evaluation will be based on combined technical and financial proposals. Only bidders, whose
technical proposal meet or exceed the minimum qualification points, will be considered for financial
11. By submitting the proposal, the bidders confirm that they have taken into account all the
documents of this RFP including the addenda (if any), all the annexes and as the case may be, the
appendices to annexes. The Bank is not bound by any other terms and conditions unless agreed
in writing by the Bank.
12. The prices quoted shall be net free and clear of all applicable taxes including withholding tax duties,
fees, levies or indirect taxes including customs duties. Prices must be expressed in Euros/dollars.
Surcharges imposed by, or pursuant to the laws, statutes or regulations of any governmental agency
or authority as the Bank, its property, other assets, income and its operations and transactions are
exempt from any obligation relating to the payment, withholding, or collection of any tax or duty, by
virtue of article 57 of the Agreement establishing the Bank.
13. By submitting their bids, each bidder also warrants that they are legally authorized to provide the
items and perform the services and that they are not in default with the tax and social security
obligations in their country. The Bank may, at its sole discretion, ask any bidder to provide
documentary evidence establishing the same.
14. Proposals should remain valid for a period of not less than ninety (90) days after the deadline date
specified for submission.
15. The Bank will award the contract to the bidder whose technical proposal has been determined to be
substantially responsive and who has offered the lowest financial proposal in accordance with the
evaluation criteria given in Annex 4. Responsiveness will be judged by conformance to all the terms,
conditions and specifications of the RFP.
16. The Contract shall be governed by the Terms of References attached in Annex 2 of this RFP and,
the draft contract (Annex 8). Any such contract will require compliance with all factual statements
and representations made in the proposal.
17. Unless otherwise specified in this RFP, the rates quoted should be fixed for the duration of the
contract and should not be subject to adjustment on any account.
18. Notwithstanding the above, the Bank reserves the right to amend the content of this RFP and to
accept or reject any or all proposals and to cancel the bidding process at any time prior to the award
of the contract without incurring any liability to any bidder.
19. Please note that it is the policy of the Bank that bidders, observe the highest standard of ethics
during the procurement process and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the
Bank will reject a bid if it determines that the Bidder has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices
in competing for the contract in question.
20. The Bank encourages sustainable procurement, a healthy work environment and social
responsibility, therefore the Offerors are equally motivated to observe and support the initiative
by indicating on their response how they are intending to be environmentally and socially
responsible. Environmental issues will be factored in the evaluation.
21. We look forward to receiving your proposal and thank you for your interest in the African Development
Division Manager,
Corporate Procurement Division (CGSP. 2)
Annex 1
African Development Bank
Temporary Relocation Agency
1. The Items and services to be delivered are listed in the Price Schedule (Appendix D) and
clearly described in the TOR (Annex 2)
3 The deadline for submission of proposals is 16 December 2013 at 15.00 hours Tunis
The text to be photocopied and placed on the external envelope is the following:
Closing Date and Time: 16 December 2013 at 15.00 hours Tunis Time
5. The opening of the technical bids will occur 16 December 2013 at 15.30 hours Tunis Time
in the Banks’s premises according to addresses indicated above.
6 All requests for clarifications must be received by telefax or by electronic mail two week
before the deadline for submission.
Annex 2
1. Introduction
In the framework of its mission, the Bank requires extensive communication not only worldwide but
also in the Bank’s Group network including its head quarter, 2 regional resource centers(RRCs)
and 31 Field Offices(FOs), located in African countries and Japan.
The Bank currently operates a broadband integrated telecommunications Wide Area Network
(WAN), as part of its IT and Telecommunications infrastructure which contribute to the
enhancement of the communication among the staff within the Bank, between the Bank and its
member countries, partners, and sister institutions.
The Bank’s WAN includes three components optimally integrated and simultaneously
The first component which is a satellite based solution is an end to end Internet Protocol over
VSAT network (IPoS) connecting currently 33 Field Offices (FO) to a satellite Teleport located in
Fuchsstadt, Germany USA. This component is a fully managed platform through standard C-Band
Intelsat Satellite IS 901. The second component which is a terrestrial solution is a fiber optic STM-
1 backhaul connecting TRA to the same satellite Teleport located in Fuchsstadt through an IP
Gateway located in Frankfurt, Germany. The third component of the Bank’s WAN infrastructure is
the MPLS backbone connecting the TRA, the head quarter and 2 regional resource centers. The
resulting overall network architecture design of BITS is a VSAT Star Topology combined with fiber
optic backhaul link.
2.1 The objective of this document is to attract proposal from potential bidders for AFDB
broadband VSAT WAN connectivity for the African Development Bank’s offices
in 32 locations in Africa with NOC/hub station located in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
2.2 The proposal for providing the services mentioned in item 2.1 shall cover a minimum
period of 36 months with a possibility for extension for an additional period of one year
2.3 The proposal for services mentioned in item 2.1 is for high quality voice, high definition
videoconferencing, transactional applications, bulk data traffic and internet browsing for
the use of the Bank.
2.4 Any solution proposed should be able to function efficiently with bandwidth optimization
and WAN Acceleration functions.
3.1 The Bank requires the implementation of a fully managed broadband IP over VSAT turnkey
connectivity solution.
3.2 The proposed VSAT solution shall operate in C-band. If the bidder proposes a Ku band solution
he should provide a strong technical justification and commit to ensure high link performances
minimizing attenuation.
3.3 The VSAT network is expected provide any to any connectivity of all Field Offices/Regional
Resources Centres with STAR TOPOLOGY and the hub station as well as provides access to
applications and resources at the HQ and on public internet. ( refer to the diagram- Appendix i)
The Network Operation Centre (NOC)/VSAT Hub with redundancy automatic failover must be
located in the Bank’s headquarter in Abidjan and the remote stations will be implemented in all
FOs and RRCs except Japan Field office. Both the hub station and remote sites will be fully
managed by the service provider and the Bank will have access to monitor the network and
manage resources such as the bandwidth.
3.4 The VSAT link is expected to be a backup link to the MPLS link of most FOs and thus dynamic
bandwidth allocation will be used for both the outbound (of forward link) and inbound (of return
link) traffic as a means of efficiently allocating shared bandwidth. Accordingly a total bandwidth
of 60Mbps will be allocated for both the forward and return link( 30Mbps for inbound and 30
Mbps for outbound traffic)
3.5 The preferred access technology/protocol should be multicast outbound while the inbound traffic
can be TDMA or dSCPC whichever one justified being the best user experience within the delay
environment of satellite communications. The TDM/MCPC solutions should allow for larger
multicasts utilizing DVB-S2/ACM for outbound and TDMA or dSCPC for inbound traffic.
3.6 The bidder should prepare the satellite link budget for all locations.
3.7 The bidder is requested to use as much as possible the existing outdoor units in each location
consisting of 2.4 M or 3.8 M or 4.5 M antenna and 20 watt, or 25 watt or 35 watt BUC operating
in standard C-Band. The detailed list of existing equipment and antenna for each FO is
attached in annex 3 as Appendix I. The bidder shall provide technical justification for each
existing device that needs to be changed with the new one for each location.
3.8 The proposed VSAT solution should include the major and most recent IP over satellite solution
such as Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM), TCP IP Acceleration, DNS caching, effective
QoS and effective compression for multimedia traffic (voice, video and data), turbo codes, etc.
3.9 The bidder is expected to propose a technical solution for the smooth migration of all of the
Bank’s existing VSAT installations to an IP based Quality of Service solution that dynamically
utilizes bandwidth efficiently. The dynamic utilization would ensure that :
- If there is no video conference session, the entire bandwidth will be allocated to voice
and data.
- Any non-occupied voice channels during each time slot will be allocated to data traffic.
3.10 .The bidder(s) must propose a Bandwidth Allocation Plan that would permit progressive
expansion of bandwidth in each site, and in which the starting bandwidth and the maximal
bandwidth will be clearly specified in conjunction with existing and planned traffic per site.
3.11 It is the bidder’s responsibility to propose a comprehensive cost for the space segment, and the
cost of shared bandwidth for all sites:
3.12 The preliminary bandwidth allocation per site is specified in the table hereunder.
640 p
The Bank requires that the selected vendor meets the SLAs and credit allocation policy for the VSAT
network as summarized in table below:
2 VSAT round trip on a single satellite hop circuit Less than 680 milliseconds
3 Packet Loss Less than 0.3 %
4 Pack Jitter Less than 2 milliseconds
5 Mean time to repair 1 hour
4.2 Credit allocation policy for availability of the any of the VSAT link
4.3 Credit allocation for Latency, packet loss, jitter
Only one service credit will be applied if two or three of the KPI are degraded at the same time.
5.1 H.323 and H.264 based videoconference using IP Protocols with 2 main video traffic:
5.3 The bidder will also provide performance assurance tool which will enable the Bank to
monitor, control, configure, manage and evaluate the performance of the services in the
three lots. The tool should enable measure and provide results of standard KPI for WAN
services such as the following.
– Link status
–Availability of links for up to one year log
- One way delay
–Round trip delay
–Packet loss
-link throughput
-Bandwidth utilization
The tool should also have the capability of automated bandwidth and capacity management and
generating summarized and detailed reports relevant to the KPIs.
5.4 In its proposal the bidder should clearly indicate the methodologies of implementation
of the services and performance assurance and the high level design illustrating how
the topology should be implemented.
5.5 The bidder must have specific knowledge, experience and competence in broadband IP
and Satellite networks and it is preferred that bidder operates VSAT service in Africa.
5.6 Finally, in addition to cost of supply and installation of the remote and hub station, it is the
bidder’s responsibility to specify the monthly charges for operations, maintenance,
relocation, supply of spare part costs for each site for the solution proposed.
1. Qualification of Bidder
The bidder must be a well experienced Telecommunications Operator, Internet Service Provider or
Network Solution Provider. The bidder is expected to possess a strong background and experiences in
broadband satellite connectivity services provisioning with international institutions or major companies
particularly in Africa.
The bidder should have an excellent knowledge and understanding of satellite technology, Systems,
Network and relevant experience in Enterprise IP hybrid (VSAT/Optic Fiber) integrated network design
and implementation.
The selected bidder shall take necessary steps to ensure that the entrusted task is executed properly
and scheduled in accordance with the TOR.
The bidder shall maintain a complete list of sources of information used and surrender all documents
to the Bank at the end of the project.
All the reports produced by the bidder within the framework of the project shall be the exclusive
property of the Bank
Information on qualification of proposed staff for the project should be provided using the format
indicated in Appendix C (i&ii) Format of Curriculum Vitae (CV) For Proposed Key Staff. Please
note that the Bank accepts a different format as long as it provide all the necessary information
3. Project Timeline
The project all sites is expected to last not more than six month from the date of contract signature..
5. Special conditions
Tenderers must ensure that the goods and services offered under this request for proposal is qualified
and that export licenses are valid for all countries under Annex V and other countries specified in
Annex 6. In addition, potential bidders are requested to confirm:
Annex 3
The bidder must submit its technical proposal as outlined below and in conformity to Appendix F of this
Executive Summary
This section will present a high-level synopsis of the bidder’s responses to the RFP. The Executive Summary
should be a brief overview of the engagement, and should identify the main features and benefits of the
proposed work.
1. Administrative requirements
(i) Official identification information (registered name, address, main telephone number, fax
numbers, etc.
(ii) Key contact name, title, address (if different from above address), direct telephone and fax
(iii) Person authorized to contractually bind the organization for any proposal against this RFP.
(iv) Brief history, including year established and number of years your company has been similar
(v) A copy of the company certificate of incorporation and/or register of commerce. The requested
documents shall clearly indicate the country of origin of the company and allocation of capital
between stakeholders, which must meet the Bank eligibility requirements;
(vi) A description of your relevant experience on this particular field, supported with at least one
example of projects and CVs of proposed personnel- Appendix C
(vii) The initialed and stamped on each page contract
(viii) Explanations for deviations (if any)
2. Mandatory requirements
I. Eligibility Criteria: Interested companies must originate from one of the Bank’s member
countries listed in the request for Proposals.
II. Financial Criteria: An average turnover of at least US$ 3,000,000 per annum for the past three
years (2010, 2011 and 2012 ) in the form of audited Financial Statement or if not required by
laws of the bidder’s county the provide other financial statements acceptable to the Bank
demonstrating the current bidder’s financial position.
III. General and Specific Experience Criteria: The bidder shall have a minimum of three years’
IV. Number of projects implemented – The Bidders shall have successfully implemented as a
principal contractor, at least two projects of VSAT network hub station and Network Operation
Center in a multiple location environment implemented in a multiple locations environment. (The
Bank reserves the right to check references).
V. County of origin of products – Products shall originate from ADB Member countries (See
Annex 6).
I. A bid submission form fully completed and signed (using format as described in Appendix B).
III. A general table summarizing pricing (Appendix D fully completed and signed).
Appendix A
A statement of conformity
Dear Sir,
Having examined the Request for Proposals documents (RFP N° ADB/ICB/CGSP/2013/0157 we, the
undersigned, offer to provide the Bank, with [the items and services], in conformity with the Request for
Proposals mentioned above, in the amount indicated in the Price Schedule form included in our Financial
We undertake, if our Proposal is accepted, to commence and complete delivery of all items and services
required in this Request for Proposals within the time frame stipulated in our Proposal.
We agree to abide by this proposal for a minimum period of ninety (90) days from the date of the submission
of the proposals in the Request for Proposals, and it shall remain binding on us and may be accepted by the
Bank at any time before the expiration of that period.
In the capacity of
Appendix B
Dear Sir,
Having examined the Request for Proposals N° ADB/ICB/CGSP/2013/0157 the receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, we the undersigned, offer to provide the requested items and services in full conformity with
the said Request for Proposals in the total amount (free and clear of all taxes) of [amount in words], [amount
in figures].
We agree to abide by this proposal, for a minimum period of ninety (90) days from the proposal
submission date as stipulated in the Request for Proposals, and it shall remain binding upon us and may
be accepted by you at any time before the expiration of that period.
Until a formal contract is prepared and executed between us, this bid, together with your written
acceptance thereof and your notification of award shall constitute a binding contract between us.
In the capacity of
Appendix C (i)
To be included in the Technical Proposal -
Proposed Position:
Name of Firm:
Name of Staff:
Date of Birth:
Key Qualifications:
[Give an outline of key staff member’s experience and training most pertinent to tasks assignment.
Describe degree of responsibility held by each staff member on relevant previous assignments and
give dates and locations. Use up to half a page.]
[Summarize college/university and other specialized education of each staff member, giving names of
schools, dates attended and degrees obtained. Use up to a quarter page.]
Employment Record:
[Starting with present position, list in reverse order every employment held. List all positions held by
each staff member since graduation, giving dates, names of employing organization, title of positions
held and location of assignments. For experience in last five years, also give types of activities
performed and client references, where appropriate. Use up to three-quarters of a page.]
Professional certifications: Please indicate any certifications relevant to the project issued by recognized
[Indicate proficiency in speaking, reading and writing of each language: excellent, good, fair, or poor.]
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these bio data correctly describe
myself, my qualifications and my experience.
Signature of or authorized officer from the bidding firm Day/Month/Year
Appendix C(ii)
Personnel form
Project Manager
Technical Lead
RF Engineer
Network Engineer
Appendix C (iii)
Place of Registration:
Project performed as prime Contractor on similar nature and volume. Also list details of work
underway or committed, including expected completion date.
Contract Name Name of Client Type of Work Performed and Value of Contract
and Country and Contact Person Year of Completion
Appendix D
Financial Proposal:
1. The price schedule shall consist of two major components the One Time Charge (OTC) and Monthly
Recurrent Charge (MRC).
2. The financial offer for supply and installation of equipment shall consider the reusability of existing
equipment in each location. Detail of equipment that necessarily shall be supplied as new should be
specified for each location in a separate document.
1. A Bid Forms in Appendix D (i) shall be duly completed and signed by a person or persons duly authorized
to bind the Bidder to the Contract.
3. The Bidder shall submit its Bid using the forms furnished in APPENDIX D(i-iv). These forms must be
completed without any alterations to its format, and no substitutes shall be accepted.
4. Unless otherwise indicated in the BDS, alternative bids shall not be considered. If alternative bids are
allowed by the BDS, a bidder may propose deviations to a noncritical requirement, or propose an alternative
solution. In that case the Bidder shall quote the price for the fully compliant bid AND then separately indicate
the adjustment in price that can be offered if the deviation or alternative solution is accepted. For any of the
deviations to be considered, the Bidder must specify the related adjustment in price. Only the alternative bid
of the substantially responsive lowest evaluated cost bidder shall be considered. Bidders are reminded that
their bids may be rejected if there is a material deviations.
5. Bid Prices
5.1 All Goods and Services identified in Appendix D (i-v) (Related Services Price Schedule and Maintenance
Costs Schedule) and all other Goods and Services proposed by the Bidder to fulfill the requirements of the
TS must be priced separately in the format of the same tables and summarized in the Grand Summary Cost
Table Appendix D (i).
5.2 The price of items left blank in the cost tables shall be assumed to be included in the price of other items.
Items omitted altogether from the cost tables shall be assumed to be omitted from the bid and, provided that
the bid is substantially responsive, an adjustment to the bid price will be made during evaluation by adding
the highest prices from other responsive bids for the same goods and services.
5.3 Unit prices must be quoted at a level of detail appropriate for calculation of any partial deliveries or partial
payments under the contract, in accordance with the Implementation Schedule in Section 6 -Technical
Requirements and with GCC and SCC Clause 11 – Terms of Payment. Bidders may be required to provide a
breakdown of any composite or lump sum items included in the Cost Tables.
5.4 The prices for Goods components of the TS are to be expressed and shall be defined and governed in
accordance with the rules prescribed in the current edition of Incoterms published by the International
Chamber of Commerce Paris, France and quoted in the appropriate columns of the above cost tables as
a) Goods supplied from outside the Purchaser’s country:
Total cost of goods components of the TS offered shall be quoted as specified in the BDS. In quoting the
price, Bidder shall be free to use transportation through carriers registered in any eligible country and to
obtain insurance from any eligible source country. Bidder shall acquire an insurance policy in favor of
the Bank as stipulated in the BDS for the value of goods shipped.
b) Locally supplied Goods
Cost of Goods offered from within the host country shall be quoted for delivery at the Bank’s
Temporary Relocation Agency Angle des Trois Rues: Avenue du Ghana, Rue Pierre de Coubertin et
Rue Hedi Nouira, Tunis, Tunisia free of customs duties and free of all taxes levied in the host country.
5.5 The price of Services shall be quoted in total for each service (where appropriate, broken down into unit
prices). Prices shall be free of all taxes, duties and levies that may be assessed in the Purchaser’s host
country or in any country where the services are being provided. Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, the
prices must include all costs incidental to the delivery and performance of the Services, as incurred by the
Supplier, such as travel, subsistence, office support, communications, translation, etc.
5.6 Prices for Recurrent Costs to be incurred during the contract period shall be listed in detail as follows:
(a) The cost of all goods, such as equipment, spare parts, consumables, supplies, new software releases,
recurrent licensing fees, etc., shall be quoted
(b) The cost of all maintenance, technical support, and other services on APPENDIX D(ii).
5.7 Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the Bidder’s
performance of the Contract and not subject to increases on any account. Bids submitted that are subject to
price adjustment will be rejected.
6. Bid Currencies
6.1 Prices shall be quoted in the following currencies:
(a) The Bidder may quote its prices for all TS, associated Goods, and Services to be supplied from
outside the country where the Bank is located in US Dollar, EURO or in a currency, from any
eligible member country, which is widely used in international trade.
Appendix D (I)
Name of bidder
Appendix D(ii)
Appendix D(iii)
Appendix D (iv)
Cost of Supply of Spares, site relocation and implementation of VSAT remote terminal for new location.
Appendix D(v)
Appendix E
Delivery Requirements
Appendix F
The bidder should use this checklist for ensuring that his proposal Checked by Indicate page
complies with all requirements of this RFP. the Bidder number of the
“,(Y/N)” document
The bidder should respond in the column labeled “,(Y/N)” and insert the
original of this checklist in the external envelope, in addition to the
technical and financial envelopes.
Documents to be provided for Proposals are:
Bid estimates indicating prices in accordance with the sample in the
Annex IV (including the financial and annual maintenance bid)
The original of this checklist duly filled and placed in the external
Appendix G
Appendix H
Rabat, Morocco 2.4 meters HX200 NJT5669_5W_C 3.4-4.2GHz
C-band(5850- 8530
Maputo, Mozambique 4.5 meters HX200 6425GHz) 3.4-4.2GHz
C-band(5850- 8530
Abuja, Nigeria 4.5 meters HX200 6425GHz) 3.4-4.2GHz
Kigali, Rwanda 2.4 meters HX200 NJT5669_5W_C 3.4-4.2GHz
C-band(5850- 8530
Freetown, Sierra Leon 3.8 meters HX200 6425GHz) 3.4-4.2GHz
C-band(5850- 8530
Dakar, Senegal 4.5 meters HX200 6425GHz) 3.4-4.2GHz
Pretoria, South Africa 3.8 meters HX200 ADB_HX200_60W_C 3.4-4.2GHz
C-band(5850- 8530
Juba, South Sudan 3.8 meters HX200 6425GHz) 3.4-4.2GHz
Khartoum, Sudan 2.4 meters HX200 ELSAT_20W_C 3.4-4.2GHz
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 4.5 meters HX200 ELSAT_20W_C 3.4-4.2GHz
C-band(5850- 8530
Lome, Togo 3.8 meters HX200 6425GHz) 3.4-4.2GHz
C-band(5850- 8530
Tunis, Tunisia 4.5 meters HX200 6425GHz) 3.4-4.2GHz
Kampala, Uganda 4.5 meters HX200 NJT5669_5W_C 3.4-4.2GHz
Lusaka, Zambia 2.4 meters HX200 ELSAT_20W_C 3.4-4.2GHz
C-band(5850- 8530
Harare, Zimbabwe 3.8 meters HX200 6425GHz) 3.4-4.2GHz
Appendix I
MPLS Backnone
MPLS link
to LS L
ea ink
Annex 4
Evaluation Criteria
To be responsive, offers must contain all information required in each envelop as described above.
Responsive offers will be the subject of a three-stage evaluation procedure detailed as follows:
a) A pass/fail assessment will be carried out to determine whether the proposals meet the minimum
pass/fail criteria indicated in 2, below.
b) Technical proposals determined to meet the minimum pass/fail criteria shall be evaluated using a two
stage evaluation procedure, as indicated under point 3 below.
c) Firms scoring less than 70 points will be rejected and their financial proposals returned unopened.
d) The financial evaluation will be carried for bids which have satisfied the minimum technical evaluation
score of 70 points. Firms shall be ranked using a combined technical (Nt) / financial scores (Nf), as
indicated below.
If the Bidder fails to satisfy the criteria listed below, their bid will be disqualified and will not proceed
further in the Technical Evaluation.
Eligibility Criteria: Interested companies must originate from
one of the Bank’s member countries listed in the request for
Financial Criteria: An average turnover of at least US$
3,000,000 per annum for the past three years (2010, 2011 and
2012 ) in the form of audited Financial Statement or if not
required by laws of the bidder’s county the provide other
financial statements acceptable to the Bank demonstrating the
current bidder’s financial position
General and Specific Experience Criteria: The bidder shall
have a minimum of three years’ experience
Number of projects implemented – The Bidders shall have
successfully implemented as a principal contractor, at least two
VSAT network projects implemented in a multiple locations
environment within the last five years. (The Bank reserves the
right to check references).
County of origin of products – Products shall originate from
ADB Member countries (See Annex 6).
Remarks (Accept/ Reject for the next Stage)
3. TECHNICAL EVALUATION (100 POINTS) (weight = 75%)
The evaluation for qualified firms shall be based on the evaluation criteria and point
System specified below.
Technical Evaluation Criteria Points
Acceptance of the terms and conditions of the contract 5
Demonstrated Understanding of the TOR and the Overall Quality of the 15
i. General technical approach and proposed methodologies including
main activities of the assignment (3 points)
ii. Quality assurance and Risk Management methodology (3 points)
iii. High level design illustrating how the topology should be implemented
in Field Offices, Regional Resource Centers and HQ (3 points)
iv. Implementation, Project Organization and Management Plan including
installation, Task, Time, and Resource Schedule, (3 points)
v. Technical Support and maintenance Plan. (3 points)
Conformity of the Proposed technical solution to the Terms of reference 30
( Each 5 points)
i. Transparency for voice, data and video
ii. Model of quality of service based on class of services and prioritization
iii. Scalability of the solution
iv. 24hx 7 days support in both French and English
v. Application acceleration functions
vi. Hub and remote sites management and Monitoring
Conformity to the proposed SLA ; conformity of the proposed SLA in a table in 15
Annex 3, Appendix G
Qualifications and Competence of the Key Personnel for the Assignment. 20
Knowledge, skills and experience on design and implementation satellite network
earth station: Project manager
Team Leader Expert
RF Engineer
Network Engineer
4 points for each staff five years of experience for the knowledge areas required
( total 16 points)
Relevant certification for each staff ( total 4 points for 4 staff)
Mastery and excellent knowledge of English or French of the key people proposed
for the project. ( 5 points) 5
Training and transfer of knowledge 5
Training and suitability of the transfer of knowledge program
indicating the type- Type of training available, Duration of the training, elements
to be covered under the training, Whether the training will be done in Tunis or in
a different location and Training outline
Support and maintenance: Availability of support and maintenance service 5
Total 100
An offer is declared technically valid and is considered for the financial analysis if it obtains a
minimum score of seventy (70) points. The Bidders who fail to do so, or which offers did not
comprehensively address this RFP, will have their financial proposal not opened and not evaluated.
Financial offer will then be returned to them unopened. Evaluation will be scored taking into account
responses from both Phase 1 and 2.
4. FINANCIAL EVALUATION (weight = 25%)
1. Bidders obtaining the qualifying minimum technical score will be advised so, and it shall be notified to them
(by email or by fax) the date and time of the opening of their financial envelope.
2. The financial proposals will first be checked for completeness and corrected for computational errors.
3. Detailed financial evaluation will then be carried out. The Bidder making the lowest financial proposal (FM)
shall be given 100 points.
4. The financial scores of the other Bidders (F) shall be computed as follows:
Proposals shall finally be ranked according to their combined technical (Nt) and financial (Nf) scores using the
weights (T = the weight given to the technical proposal, 75%); f = the weight given to the financial proposal, 25%;
T + f = 1) indicated in the above:
The bidder making the highest combined score will be ranked first, and be eligible for award of the
For purpose of evaluation, the Bank will convert all bid prices expressed in the currency of the RFP in which
the bid price is payable, into the Bank’s Units of Accounts (UA) by using the Bank’s monthly moving average
rate for the applicable month (deadline for submission of proposals).
Annex 5:
2. Rabat:
Physical address: Bureau National du Maroc (MAFO), Park Technopolis, Bâtiment B7, Sala El Jadida
Rocade de Rabat-Salé, BP 592 Rabat Chellah, Rabat, Maroc
Tél: (212) 530177300
Fax: (212) 538014402
4. Pretoria: Regional Resource Center and Business continuity Center with Data-center requiring
data replication
Physical address: Eco 1, 339 Witch-Hazel Street, Erf 3080 Highveld Extension 78, Centurion,
Tel: +27 12 003 6900
6. Addis Ababa:
Physical address : 7th and 8th Floor, Get-House Building, Kirkos Sub-City, Kebele 20/21, House N°
056, P.O Box 25543 Code 1000, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: +251 115 546 336, +251 115175560/61/62…/90 Ext. 7250 - 7299,
Fax: +251 115 546 335
7. Abuja:
Physical address : Nigeria Country Office (NGCO) 8, Lake Chad Crescent
Maitama District, Abuja, Nigeria
Tel: +234 – 70 40 277 810, 7040277814, 70 40 277 818 Ext. 6650; 6656; 6657; 6658
8. Lilongwe:
Physical address: Malawi Country Office (MWFO), 2nd Floor, Kang’ombe House
Box 30732 City Centre, Lilongwe, Malawi
Tel: (+265) 0 1 77 44 60-62/64 Ext. 6300-6329
Fax: (+265) 0 1 77 44 69
9. Luanda :
Physical address: Angola Country office (AOFO), 2 floor, Rua: Liga Africana- Rei katyavala,
Maculusso, Luanda
Box: 3198
Tel: (+244) 222701000 or 244 930049256 Ext: 6900, 6901, and 6902
10. Bangui :
Physical address:
11. Ndjamena :
Physical address: Immeuble BCC, 2eme etage, Avenue Charles de Gaulle
BP 193, N’Djamena, Tchad,
Tel: (235) 52 46 79/ 52 45 57 Ext. 6200-6229
Fax: (235) 52 49 96
12. Yaoundé:
Physical address: Bureau National du Cameroun (CMFO), Immeuble No 1067 bis
Rue 1750 Nouvelle Route Bastos, Yaoundé, Cameroun,
Tel: +237 22 20 27 61 Ext. 6800-6859
Fax: +237 22 20 27 64
13. Cairo:
Physical address: 72 B Al-Maahad El-Eshteraky St. – 5th floor, Opposite to Maryland
Roxy/Heliopolis Cairo, EGYPT Tel: +202 22 563 790/1
Fax: +202 22 563 792 Ext: 6730-6759
14. Accra:
Physical address: Ghana Country Office (GHFO), No.1 Dr. Isert Road
7th Avenue – Ridge, Accra, Ghana
Tel: +233 302 66 28 18/+233 302 66 28 35/ +233 302 68 72 72
Fax: +233 302 66 28 55 Ext: 6130-6159
15. Maputo:
Physical address: Mozambique Regional Office (MZFO), 3rd floor, JAT 4 Building
Zedequias Maganhela, 267, Maputo, Mozambique
Tel: (258) 21326409 Ext. 6430-6499
Fax (258) 21315600
16. Dakar:
Physical address: Bureau Régional du Sénégal (SNFO), Immeuble Coumba
Route de Ngor, Zone 12, Quartier des Almadies, Dakar, Sénégal.
BP 50544 - CP 18524, RP Dakar, Senegal
Tel: (+221) 33.820.08.88 / (+221) 33.869.75.44 Ext. 6530-6599
Fax: (+221) 33.820.09.99
17. Freetown:
Physical address: Sierra Leone Country Office (SLFO), 5th & 6th floor, Bishop Building, 13 Lamina
Sankoh Street, PMP335, Freetown, Sierra Leone
Tel: +232 (0) 76541328 Ext. 6260-6290
18. Khartoum:
Physical address: Sudan Country office (SDFO), Higleig Petroleum Tower, 7th Floor
Plot 499, Square 65, East-Second, Khartoum, Sudan
Tel: +249 183 236240 / 236320 / 236131
20. Kampala:
Physical address: Uganda Country Office (UGFO), 14th Floor, Crested Towers Building, Hannington
Road, P.O. Box 28509, Kampala - Uganda
Tel: (+256-414) 236 166/7
Fax: (+256-414) 234 011 Ext. 6760-6790
21. Lusaka:
Physical address: Zambia Country Office (ZMFO), Banc ABC House, 746 Church Road
Cathedral Hill, PO Box 51449, Ridgeway, Lusaka, ZAMBIA
Tel: +260 211 257868/69/74
Fax: +260 211 257872 Ext: 6400 - 6426
22. Algiers:
Physical address: Bureau National de l’Algérie (DZFO), Commune Hydra Paradou
3, rue Hamdani Lahcène, Daira Birmouradrais, Alger, Algérie
Tél : 00213 21 43 53 95 /66
Fax : 00213 21 43 53 92
23. Ouagadougou:
Physical address: Bureau National du Burkina Faso (BFFO), 5ème étage Immeuble Administratif et
Technique de l’ARCEP, (Autorité Nationale de Régulation des Communications Electroniques et de
Postes) - Ouaga 2000,
10 BP 13680 Ouagadougou 10, Burkina Faso, Tel: +226 50375750/51/53 Ext. 6100-6129
Fax: +226 50375749
24. Libreville:
Physical address: Bureau Régional du Gabon (GAFO), Immeuble Saint Georges
Quartier Kalikak, B.P. 4075, Libreville, Gabon
Tel: +241 01 44 29 52 / +241 01 44 29 53 Ext. 6600-6649
Fax: +241 01 44 29 51
25. Antananarivo:
Physical address: Bureau National de Madagascar (MGFO), 9ème étage, Immeuble Fitaratra
Ankorondrano, Rue Ravoninahitriniarivo, BP 1718 Analakely,
Antananarivo 101, Madagascar
Tel: (261) 2022 643 61, 202264189 Ext. 6000-6029
Fax: (261) 2022 642 32
26. Bamako:
Physical address: Bureau National du Mali (MLFO), Immeuble SODIES ACI-2000
Rue 286, angle derrière BNDA BP. 2950 – Bamako, Mali
Tél : (223) 20 22 28 85/20 22 28 72/20 22 76 20/20 22 76 24
Fax : (223) 20 22 29 13
Ext : 7200 - 7234
27. Kigali:
Physical address:
African Development Bank – Rwanda Field Office
Glory House, 3-4 Floor, Avenue de l’Umuganda
Po.Box.7329 Kigali, Rwanda
Tel: +250 252 504250, Fax : +250 252 504298
28. Lome:
Physical address:
Banque Africaine de Développement
Bureau National du Togo (TGFO) ; Immeuble de la BOAD - 6e étage 68, Avenue
de la Libération, 01 B.P. 2722 Lomé, Togo Tel: +228 22 20 31 23
29. Harare:
Physical address: 5th Floor Joina City Cnr. Jason Moyo Ave/Julius Nyerere Way,
Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: (+263) 4 752 917/838, (+263) 4 758 877, (+263) 4 750 399
Fax: (+263) 4 779 398
30. Bujumbura:
Physical address:
Banque Africaine de Développement
Bureau National du Burundi(BIFO)
10, Rue des Travailleurs, Kiriri, Rohero ,
Bujumbura, Burundi,
B.P 7543,
Tel : (+257)22277823/24
31. Juba:
Physical address:
African Development Bank, South Sudan Country Office
Koita Complex, Ministries Road
P.O.Box 622, Juba South Sudan
32. Kinshasa:
Physical address: Boulevard du 30 Juin. Immeuble de la BCDC (Banque Commerciale du Congo),6e
Etage - Kinshasa NRC Kinshasa 340,Kinshasa I
République Démocratique du Congo
Tel: +243 815 560 291 / +243 970069701 Ext. 6341-6399,
Fax: +243 815 560 294
33. Monrovia:
Physical address: Liberia Country Office, Sophie Community, Old Congo Town,
P.O. Box 1844, 1000 Monrovia, 10 Liberia.
Tel.: +231 777 11 773/777 11 775
1. Algeria 2. Angola 3. Benin 4. Botswana
5. Burkina Faso 6. Burundi 7. Cameroon 8. Cape Verde
9. Central African Rep. 10. Chad 11. Comoros 12. Congo
13. Côte d’Ivoire 14. Democratic Rep of 15. Djibouti 16. Egypt
17. Equatorial Guinea 18. Eritrea 19. Ethiopia 20. Gabon
Annex 7
(1-3) RATING (Coef. x
(1-10) Rating)
Annex 8
xx xxxxx, 2013
THIS CONTRACT (together with all the Annexes and Appendices attached hereto and
forming an integral part hereof), (hereinafter called the “Contract”) is entered into by and
between THE AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (hereinafter referred to as the “Bank”), an
International Financial Institution having its Headquarters on Avenue Joseph Anoma, 01
BP 1387, ABIDJAN 01, COTE D’IVOIRE, and operating from its Temporary Relocation
Agency (TRA) in Tunis, 15 Avenue du Ghana, Angle des rues Pierre Coubertin et Hedi
Nouira, BP 323, 1002 Tunis Belvedere, TUNISIA, of the one part,
Parties mean the Bank and the Supplier collectively, and Party means any one of them, as the
context may indicate.
WHEREAS the Bank identified a need, and launched a request for proposals (RFP) under an
International Competitive Bidding procurement process for Provision broadband VSAT WAN
connectivity for The African Development Bank’s 32 Office Locations in Africa with NOC/hub
station located in Abidjan, Ivory Coast Ref: ADB/ICB/CGSP/2013/0157
(which forms an integral part of this Contract);
WHEREAS the Bank has selected the Supplier for Provision of broadband VSAT WAN
connectivity for The African Development Bank’s 32 Office Locations in Africa with NOC/hub
station located in Abidjan, Ivory Coast in accordance with the terms and conditions set out under
this Contract (the “Services”);
AND WHEREAS the Supplier has represented and affirmed to the Bank that it has the required
qualifications, professional skills, experience, personnel, technical resources and capability to
provide the required equipment and perform the required services, and has agreed to provide the
Services on the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract;
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein
and intending to be legally bound, the Parties hereby agree as follows:
Commencement Date and Duration of The Contract
1.1 The Supplier shall commence the Services after this Contract has been signed by
both parties. Performance and payments for the services shall be effected in
accordance with the Bank’s Request for Proposals (RFP) letter Ref.:
ADB/ICB/CGSP/2013/0157 and upon submission by the Supplier of:
(a) Invoice,
(b) the required work product; and
(c) Certification by the Bank’s representative that the Services have been
satisfactorily performed in accordance with the terms of this Contract.
1.2 This Contract is for three (3) years effective from its signature by both parties (the date of
the last such signature being the “Commencement Date”). The Contract may, subject to
satisfactory performance by the Supplier and due compliance with all the material terms
and conditions, be renewed for further periods of one year each, up to a maximum of two
(2) consecutive years, in accordance with the Bank’s RFP documents as amended, and
on such terms and conditions as the parties may mutually agree, including modification
and supply of more devices and services and adjustment of the contract price.
The Services, Order of Precedence of Contract Documents, and Undertakings
2.1 The Services to be performed by the Supplier under this Contract are those described in
the Terms of Reference (TOR) of the RFP documents. The initial period of three (3) years
covers Provision of broadband VSAT WAN connectivity for The African Development
Bank’s 32 Office Locations in Africa with NOC/hub station located in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
Maintenance after Operational Acceptance is covered separately by a Maintenance
Contract executed between the parties. The Bank’s obligation to pay Monthly recurrent
Fees under the Maintenance Contract shall come into effect after Operational
2.2 The following documents shall constitute the Contract between the Bank and the
Supplier, and each shall be read and construed as an integral part of the Contract:
In the event of any ambiguity or conflict between the Contract Documents listed
above, the order of precedence shall be the order in which the Contract Documents
are listed above.
2.3 The Supplier understand and expressly agrees that the Services under this Contract shall
be performed in Phases and that the implementation of each and every subsequent
phase shall be contingent on the acceptance by the Bank of the Services performed
under the preceding phase as being wholly satisfactory to the Bank.
2.4 The Services shall be carried out by the personnel of the Supplier agreed to with the
Bank prior to the effectiveness of this Contract and for the periods of time indicated
herein. No substitution for any such personnel and of the billing rates proposed by the
Supplier for the replacement personnel shall be made without the Bank’s prior written
authorization such authorisation not to be unreasonably withheld.
Costs and Payments
3.1 The Bank shall pay the Supplier for Provision of broadband VSAT WAN connectivity for
The African Development Bank’s 32 Office Locations in Africa with NOC/hub station
located in Abidjan, Ivory Coast for period of three (3) years, an amount not exceeding
xxxxxxxxx as further specified in detail in the Payment Schedule: Appendix H.
In the event that the Bank requires additional devices, services or licences during the
course of this Contract, the following unit rates shall apply
Description Price
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx
3.2 The Bank shall not be obligated to make any payment under this Contract except to the
extent provided in Article 1.1 of this Contract.
Duties of the Supplier
4.1 The Supplier shall conduct all contracted activities with due care and diligence, in
accordance with the Contract and with the skill and care expected of a competent provider
of information technologies, information systems, support, maintenance, and other related
services, and in accordance with best industry practices. In particular, the Supplier shall
provide and employ only technical personnel who are skilled and experienced in their
respective callings and supervisory staff who are competent to adequately supervise the
work at hand.
4.2 The Supplier confirms that it has entered into this Contract on the basis of a proper
examination of the data relating to the System provided by the Bank and on the basis of
information that the Supplier could have obtained from a visual inspection of the site (if
access to the site was available) and of other data readily available to the Supplier relating
to the System prior to bid submission. The Supplier acknowledges that any failure to
acquaint itself with all such data and information shall not relieve its responsibility for
properly estimating the difficulty or cost of successfully performing the Contract.
4.3 The Supplier shall be responsible for provision of all resources, information, and decision
making under its control within the time schedule specified in the mutually agreed Project
Implementation Plan. Failure to provide such resources, information, and decision-making
may constitute grounds for termination of this Contract.
4.4 The Supplier shall acquire in its name all permits, approvals, and/or licenses from all local,
state, or national government authorities or public service undertakings in the Bank’s country
that are necessary for its performance of the Contract, including, without limitation, visas for
the Supplier’s and Subcontractor’s personnel and entry permits for all imported equipment of
the Supplier. The Supplier shall acquire all other permits, approvals, and/or licenses that are
not the responsibility of the Bank under Article 5.3 and that are necessary for the
performance of the Contract.
4.5 The Supplier shall comply with all laws in force in the country in which the Bank is situated and
that are applicable to the Supplier. However, Supplier is not required to provide support or
services in any country if in Supplier’s reasonable judgment any of the laws described above
require Supplier to incur material incremental costs, or require Supplier to provide Supplier’s
Confidential Intellectual Property to any third party, or requires Supplier to make modifications
to its products in order to comply with such laws. Subject to the foregoing, the laws will include
all national, provincial, municipal, or other laws that affect the performance of the Contract and
are binding upon the Supplier. The Supplier shall indemnify and hold harmless the Bank from
and against any and all liabilities, damages, claims, fines, penalties, and expenses of whatever
nature arising or resulting from the violation of such laws by the Supplier or its personnel,
including the Subcontractors and their personnel, but without prejudice to Article 4.1, that are
claimed against the Bank by a governmental authority with the reasonable right to do so or that
are finally upheld against the Bank by an adjudicating authority with competent jurisdiction.
4.6 The Supplier shall, in all dealings with its labour and the labour of its subcontractors
currently employed or connected with this Contract, pay due regard to all recognized official
holidays and all local laws and regulations pertaining to the employment of labour.
Duties of the Bank
5.1 The Bank shall ensure the accuracy of all information and/or data to be supplied by the Bank
to the Supplier, except when otherwise expressly stated in this Contract.
5.2 The Bank shall be responsible for provision of all resources, information, and decision
making under its control within the time schedule specified in the Project Implementation
5.3 If requested by the Supplier, the Bank shall use its best endeavors to assist the Supplier in
obtaining in a timely and expeditious manner all permits, approvals, and/or licenses
necessary for the execution of this Contract from all local, state, or national government
authorities or public service undertakings that such authorities or undertakings require the
Supplier or its subcontractors or the personnel of the Supplier or its subcontractors, as the
case may be, to obtain.
5.4 The Bank will designate appropriate staff for the training courses ( if needed) to be given by
the Supplier and shall make all appropriate logistical arrangements for such training as
specified in the Technical Requirements, the Project Implementation Plan, or other parts of
the Contract.
5.5 The Bank assumes primary responsibility for the Operational Acceptance Test(s) for the
System, in accordance with the Project Implementation Plan, and shall be responsible for the
continued operation of the System after Operational Acceptance. However, this shall not limit
in any way the Supplier’s responsibilities after the date of Operational Acceptance otherwise
specified in the Contract.
Ownership of Reports, Equipment, Representations and Warranties
6.1 Proprietary and intellectual property rights in all documents and reports describing the
System configuration, all regular maintenance reports provided, and such training Materials
specifically created for the Bank by the Supplier pursuant to this Contract, (the
“Deliverables”) shall be property of the Bank. The Supplier may retain copies of the
deliverables provided that any material which contains Bank specific information shall not
be used by the Supplier for purposes unrelated to this Contract, without the prior written
authorization of the Bank. The Supplier shall retain ownership of all its pre-existing
proprietary and intellectual property rights in all pre-existing products and materials,
ideas, concepts, analyses, know-how, tools, frameworks, models and industry
perspectives used and/or developed by the Supplier in connection with the performance of
the Services under this Contract (the “Supplier’s Tools”), it being understood that none of
the Supplier’s Tools shall contain the Bank’s Confidential Information. In the event that
any of the Deliverables includes any of the Supplier’s Tools, the Supplier hereby grants the
Bank a non-exclusive worldwide royalty-free license to use and copy the Supplier’s Tools
solely as part of the Deliverables and solely for the Bank’s internal use.
6.2 If a third party asserts a claim against the Bank that any hardware, software, equipment,
deliverable, material or other product (“Product”) that the Supplier provides to the Bank
under this Contract infringes that third party's patent, trade mark, copyright or other
intellectual property rights, the Supplier will defend the Bank against that claim at the
Supplier’s expense and pay all costs, damages, and attorney's fees awarded against the
Bank or that are included in a settlement approved in advance by the Supplier, provided
that Bank:
(a) - promptly notifies the Supplier in writing of the claim, and
(b) - allows the Supplier to control, and reasonably cooperates with the Supplier in, the
defense and any related settlement negotiations.
If such a claim is made, the Bank shall inform the Supplier for the Supplier to either (i)
obtain a license to enable the Bank to continue to use the Product concerned, in
accordance with the terms of this Contract, (ii) modify the infringing Product to avoid
infringement, or (iii) replace the Product, without additional charges to the Bank, with one
that is compatible, functionally equivalent and non-infringing. If the Supplier determines
that none of the foregoing alternatives is reasonably available, then on the Supplier’s
written request, the Bank shall return the Product to the Supplier and discontinue its use.
The Supplier shall then give the Bank a prorated refund of the cost of the Product based
on a five (5) year life beginning on the date of Operational Acceptance.
6.3 The Supplier hereby acknowledges that all computer hardware, software and other
equipment supplied in accordance with the terms of this Contract and paid for out of the
funds disbursed by the Bank pursuant to the provisions of this Contract is property of the
Bank. The risk in such property shall pass to the Bank only upon the hardware, software
and other equipment being accepted by the Bank as having been supplied in accordance
with the terms of this Contract and in a condition fit to meet the Bank’s needs as specified
in this Contract. The Bank shall only be liable to pay the Supplier for the products,
software, materials and other equipment after they have been delivered to, and accepted
by, the Bank pursuant to the terms of this Contract. The Supplier shall take all steps
required under the laws of Tunisia and all other relevant jurisdictions where the hardware,
software or other equipment may be licensed, to pass good and effective title to the Bank
in compliance with such applicable laws, rules and regulations. For avoidance of doubt all
software provided under this Contract is licensed not sold and all Intellectual Property
rights in such software are retained by Supplier.
6.4 The Supplier represents and warrants that it has full power and authority to grant the
rights granted by this Contract to the Bank, without exception, with respect to the
hardware, software and equipment supplied under this contract without further consent of
any other person. The Supplier further represents and warrants that neither the supply,
nor purchase, nor license to, and use by, the Bank of any hardware, software, equipment
and documentation provided by the Supplier under this Contract will in any way constitute
an infringement or other violation of any copyright, trademark, patent, or other intellectual
or proprietary or other rights of any third party.
6.5 No party shall at any time without written authorization from the other party,
communicate to any third party any Confidential Information disclosed to it for the
purpose of, or obtained in the course of, performing its obligations under this
Contract. For purposes of this paragraph, “Confidential Information” means (a) any
information of Supplier or Bank that, if disclosed in writing, is marked
“confidential” or “proprietary” at the time of disclosure, or, if disclosed orally, is
identified as “confidential” or “proprietary” at the time of disclosure, and is
summarized in a writing sent by the disclosing party to the other party within thirty
(30) days of such disclosure; or (b) any information that, under the circumstances
of disclosure, a person exercising reasonable business judgment would
understand to be confidential or proprietary. Without limiting the foregoing,
Supplier Confidential Information include the Software and Documentation.
6.6 The obligations under Article 6.5 of this Contract will not be deemed to have been breached
to the extent that Confidential Information: (a) is disclosed solely in order to comply with
obligations, or exercise rights, under this Contract; or (b) is in the public domain other than
due to a breach of Article 6.5; or (c) is independently and legally developed or acquired
without the obligation of confidentiality; or (d) is legally required to be disclosed by operation
of law or judicial process, provided that the party required to make such disclosure has
been given prompt prior notice of any such request for disclosure to allow the other party
a reasonable opportunity to obtain a protective order. Where a party discloses Confidential
Information to another person or entity pursuant to Article 6.5 above, the disclosing party will
(a) notify the receiving person that the information is Confidential Information and (b) not
provide the Confidential Information unless the receiving person agrees to comply with the
terms and conditions set forth in Article 6.5 above. In every instance, the disclosing party
shall notify the other party (a) prior to making any such disclosure and (b) promptly of any
breach of its confidentiality obligations when it has learnt of such a breach.
6.7 The parties agree that during the term of this Contract and for 5 years thereafter each
party and any entity affiliated with such party, as well as any personnel or affiliate of such
party, shall not disclose or use any Confidential Information of the disclosing party on
behalf, or for the benefit of any third party.
6.8 The Supplier warrants that the hardware, software and equipment supplied under this
Contract shall be free from defect in the design, engineering, materials and workmanship
that prevent the System and/or any of its components from fulfilling the Technical
requirements or that limit in a material way the performance, reliability, or extensibility of the
System and/or Subsystems.
6.9 In addition, the Supplier warrants that: all hardware components to be incorporated into the
System (i) form part of the Supplier’s and/or subcontractor’s current product lines, (ii) have
been previously released to the market, and (iii) those specific items identified in the RFP
have been in the market for at least the minimum periods specified in the RFP. The
Warranty Period shall commence from the date of Operational Acceptance of the System (or
of any major component or Subsystem for which separate Operational Acceptance is
provided for in the Contract) and shall extend for twelve (12) months. The cost of
Maintenance and Support applies during the Warranty Period.
6.10 If during the Warranty Period any defect, should be found in the design, engineering,
materials, and workmanship of the hardware, software and other equipment supplied by
the Supplier, the Supplier shall promptly, in consultation and agreement with the Bank
regarding appropriate remedying of the defective parts, hardware and software; and at its
sole cost, repair, replace, or otherwise make good such defect as well as any damage to
the system caused by such defect. The Supplier shall also replace, as part of its
maintenance duty under this warranty, parts which have become non-performing as a
result of normal wear and tear.
Records and Reports
7.1 The Supplier shall keep accurate and systematic accounts and records in respect of the
Services hereunder, in accordance with internationally accepted accounting principles and
in such form and detail as will clearly identify all relevant time charges and costs and the
basis thereof. The Supplier shall, on reasonable request, provide to the Bank or its
designated representative the accounting information of the Supplier in relation to this
Contract for a period of up to one year from the expiration or termination of this Contract.
7.2 The Supplier shall furnish to the Bank such information related to the Services as the
Bank may reasonably request from time to time.
7.3 The Supplier shall submit to the Bank operating, maintenance and warranty
instructions/manuals and training materials for hardware, equipment and software
supplied under this contract as specified in the RFP in the language(s), number of copies
and within the time agreed in the Project Implementation Plan.
Neither party may assign this Contract without the prior written consent of the other party,
which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any prohibited assignment or
sublicense shall be null and void. The foregoing notwithstanding, upon written notice to
the other party, either party may assign or otherwise transfer this Contract to (i) its Affiliate
or (ii) the surviving entity as a result of a merger, acquisition or other consolidation, asset
purchase of all or substantially all of the assets of such party, or in connection with any other
transaction resulting in more than 50% of such party’s voting securities being held by the
surviving entity, provided that such acquiring entity agrees in writing it will be bound by the
terms and conditions of this Contract.
9.1 The Supplier shall take out and maintain full coverage insurance against loss of or
damage to equipment purchased in whole or in part with funds provided under this
Contract until title to such equipment has been transferred to the Bank. The Supplier shall
take out and maintain full coverage insurance against loss of or damage to their property,
including papers and documents necessary for the Services.
9.2 The Supplier shall take out and maintain full coverage insurance against claims by third
parties resulting from acts performed in carrying out the Services under this Contract,
including Workers’ Compensation Insurance covering all of the Supplier’ personnel
employed to perform Services pursuant to this Contract in accordance with any applicable
Workers’ Compensation statutes including Employers’ Liability Coverage.
Tax Exemptions and Indemnification of the Bank
10.1 The Bank is exempt from all taxation, customs duties and other such imposts in its
member countries in accordance with Article 57 of the Agreement establishing the African
Development Bank. The Supplier shall not claim from the Bank any taxes, levies, license
fees or any other such charges in relation to this Contract which are paid or may be
payable to the municipal/local Council or any other responsible Authority in relation to this
Contract and or the Services provided under this Contract. The Bank shall provide the
Supplier with documentation reasonably necessary to support any such tax exemptions. If
Supplier improperly charges Bank for any such taxes, the Supplier hereby authorizes the
Bank to deduct the amount of any tax or other impost included on any invoice presented
by the Supplier in connection with this Contract, without any cost to the Bank.
10.2 Nothing contained in this Contract shall be construed as establishing or creating any
relationship between the Bank and the Supplier other than that of independent contractor.
Accordingly, each party shall accept no liability in contract or in tort or any responsibility
for the acts, omissions, errors or negligence of the other party. Neither Party shall be
liable to the other Party for any lost profits, indirect, consequential, incidental, punitive and
special damages.
10.3 The Supplier undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless the Bank from and
against any action and all losses, liabilities, costs, claims, damages and expenses
(“Losses”) which the Bank may incur in relation to, arising out of, or otherwise in
respect of any act, omission, error or negligence of the Supplier arising from the
Supplier’s performance of its obligations under this Contract, including third party
claims. The Supplier shall reimburse the Bank for all costs, charges and expenses
which the Bank may pay or incur in connection with investigating, disputing or
defending against any such action or Losses.
10.4 Supplier will defend or settle any action brought against Bank to the extent that it is
based upon a claim that the Software, as provided by supplier to Bank under this
Agreement and used within the scope of this Agreement, infringes any patent or
any copyright or misappropriates any trade secret, and will pay any costs,
damages and reasonable attorneys’ fees attributable to such claim that are
awarded against or payable in settlement by Bank, provided that Bank: (a) promptly
notifies Supplier in writing of the claim; (b) grants Supplier sole control of the
defense and settlement of the claim; and (c) provides Supplier, at Supplier’s
expense, with all assistance, information and authority reasonably required for the
defense and settlement of the claim.
10.5 Injunctions. If Bank’s use of any of the Software hereunder is, or in supplier’s
opinion is likely to be, enjoined due to a claim of the type specified in Section 10.4
above, then supplier may, at its sole option and expense: (a) procure for Bank the
right to continue using such Software under the terms of this Agreement; (b)
replace or modify such Software so that it is non-infringing and substantially
equivalent in function to the enjoined Software; or (c) if options (a) and (b) above
cannot be accomplished despite Supplier’s reasonable efforts, then supplier may
terminate Bank’s rights and Supplier’s obligations hereunder with respect to such
Software and refund to Bank the unamortized portion of the license fees paid for
such Software, based upon a straight-line five (5) year depreciation commencing as
of the date of Operational Acceptance by Bank of such Software.
10.6 Sole remedy. The provisions of this section 10 set forth supplier’s sole and
exclusive obligations, and bank’s sole and exclusive remedies, with respect to
infringement or misappropriation of intellectual property rights of any kind.
10.7 Limitation of liability. Except as provided in article 10.4, supplier’s liability to the
bank for damages under this agreement, from all causes of action and under all
theories of liability, shall in no event exceed one million us dollars
(US$1,000,000.00). in no event shall either party be liable for any incidental, special,
punitive or consequential damages, including but not limited to lost data or lost
profits, however arising, even if it has been advised of the possibility of such
damages, regardless of the form of action, whether based in contract, tort, or any
other legal theory. The parties agree that these limitations will survive and apply
even if any limited remedy specified in this agreement is found to have failed of its
essential purpose. the parties expressly acknowledge and agree that supplier has
set its prices and entered into this agreement in reliance upon the limitations of
liability specified herein, which allocate the risk between supplier and bank and
form an essential basis of the bargain between the parties.
10.8 The provisions set out in this Article shall survive the expiration or termination of this
Force Majeure
11.1 Neither party to this Contract shall be responsible for any delay or failure to perform its
obligations under this Contract if the delay or failure is attributable to Force Majeure. “Force
Majeure” means any event or condition which (a) wholly or partially delays or prevents the
affected party from performing any of its obligations under this Contract, (b) is unforeseeable
and unavoidable, (c) is beyond the reasonable control of the party invoking force majeure,
and (d) occurs without the fault or negligence of such party
11.2 The party affected by force majeure shall give prompt written notice to the other party
specifying the nature and probable duration of the Force Majeure, and the extent of its
effects on such party's performance of its obligations under this Contract. During the
continuance of such Force Majeure, the obligations of the affected party shall be
suspended to the extent necessitated by such Force Majeure.
11.3 In the event of a Force Majeure which delays or prevents performance of the whole or any
part of this Contract for more than thirty (30) days, either party shall have the right, by notice
in writing to the other party, to terminate this Contract.
Authorized Representatives, Notices and Requests
12.1 Any action required or permitted to be taken and any document required or permitted to
be executed under this Contract may be taken or executed on behalf of the Supplier by
Supplier’s Chief Financial Officer or his duly designated representative.
12.2 Any notice or request required or permitted to be given or made in this Contract shall be
in writing. Such notice or request shall be deemed to be duly given or made when it has
been delivered by hand, registered mail, or facsimile to the party to which it is required to
be given or made, at such party’s address specified below or at such other address as
the party shall have specified in writing to the party giving such notice or making such
Fax: (216) 71 83 52 49
Fax: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Suspension and Termination
13.1 The Bank shall, in its reasonable judgment, be entitled by notice to the Supplier to
suspend the disbursement of funds hereunder if the Supplier shall have failed to carry out
any material obligation of the Supplier under this Contract.
13.2 The Bank, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies it may possess, may
terminate the Contract forthwith in the following circumstances by giving a fifteen (15)
days prior written notice of termination and its reasons therefore to the Supplier:
(a) if the Supplier becomes bankrupt or insolvent, has a receiving order issued against
it, compounds with its creditors, or, a resolution is passed or order is made for its
winding up (other than a voluntary liquidation for the purposes of amalgamation or
reconstruction), a receiver is appointed over any part of its undertaking or assets,
or if the Supplier takes or suffers any other analogous action in consequence of
(b) if the Supplier assigns or transfers the Contract or any right or interest in violation
of this Contract; or
(c) if the Supplier, in the reasonable judgment of the Bank, has engaged in corrupt or
fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract, including but not
limited to willful misrepresentation of facts concerning ownership of intellectual
property rights in, or proper authorization and/or licenses from the owner to offer,
the hardware, software, or materials provided under this Contract.
“corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of any thing of
value to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in
contract execution, and includes, inter alia, bribery and extortion or coercion
which involves any threat of injury to any person, property or reputation; and
(d) If the Supplier is in material breach of its obligations under this Contract and has
not remedied the same within fifteen (15) days of being given notice of the breach
by the Bank.
13.3 The Bank may terminate this Contract at any time upon not less than thirty (30) days’
written notice to the Supplier, without limitation to the foregoing. Upon receipt of such
notice, the Supplier shall take immediate steps to bring the Services to a close in a
prompt and orderly manner, and to reduce expenditures for this purpose to a minimum.
13.4 (a) The Supplier shall promptly notify the Bank in writing of any action or the
occurrence of any event beyond the reasonable control of the Supplier which makes it
impossible for the Supplier to carry out its obligations under this contract. Upon
confirmation in writing by the Bank of the existence of any such situation or event or
upon failure of the Bank to respond to such notice within fifteen (15) days of receipt
thereof, the Supplier shall be relieved from all liability for failure to carry out such
obligations. In case of disagreement between the parties as to the existence of such
situation or event, the matter shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with
provisions of Article XIV of this contract.
(b) Upon such confirmation or failure to respond by the Bank or award by the
arbitrators in favour of the existence of such situation or event, the Supplier may
terminate this Contract by not less than thirty (30) days’ notice thereof in writing to
the Bank.
(c) Upon giving such notice of termination to the Bank, the Supplier shall proceed in
the same manner as set forth in Section 13.3 of this contract.
13.5 Upon termination of this Contract pursuant to the provisions of Articles 11 and 13 hereof,
no payment shall be due to the Supplier except for any hardware, software, equipment,
deliverables and Services satisfactorily supplied or performed in accordance with the
provisions of this Contract, expenditures reasonably incurred hereunder in good faith prior
to the date of such termination or incidental to the prompt and orderly termination of the
13.6 The Supplier may terminate the Contract upon not less than thirty (30) days written prior
notice following the Banks material breach of this Contract, which shall include but not be
limited to non-payment by the Bank to the Supplier.
Dispute Resolution; Governing Law and Immunity
14.1 The Bank and the Supplier shall make every effort to resolve any disagreement or dispute
arising between them under or in connection with this Contract amicably by direct
informal negotiation. The party asserting the existence of a disagreement or dispute shall,
promptly upon becoming aware of such disagreement or dispute, notify the other party in
writing (such writing being referred to herein as the “Notice of Dispute”) specifying the
nature of the disagreement or dispute, and shall also provide such other information
about the disagreement or dispute as the other party may reasonably require.
14.2 If, after thirty (30) days from the commencement of such informal negotiations, the parties
have been unable to amicably resolve the dispute or disagreement, either party shall
have the right to initiate arbitration proceedings in accordance with the UNCITRAL
Arbitration Rules as at present in force. The arbitral tribunal shall consist of one (1)
arbitrator selected by agreement of the parties. If the parties are unable to agree on the
arbitrator, the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) shall act as the appointing
authority. The arbitration shall take place in London. The language to be used in the
arbitral proceedings shall be English. The resulting award shall be final and binding on
the parties and shall be in lieu of any other remedy.
14.3 The Arbitrator shall abide by the rules of Ethics for international Arbitrators established by
the International Bar Association. The authority of the Arbitration Tribunal to grant relief is
subject to the terms of this Arbitration clause, the terms of this Contract, and the law
governing the Contract. The Arbitration Tribunal shall have no authority to award
exemplary, punitive, or special damages or any other damages excluded by this Contract.
14.4 This Contract shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with English Law,
excluding its conflicts of law provisions.
14.5 Nothing in this Contract shall operate or be construed as a waiver, renunciation or other
modification of any right, privilege, immunity and exemption accorded to the Bank under
the Agreement establishing the African Development Bank, international conventions or
any other applicable law.
14.6 The provisions of this Article shall survive the termination of this Contract.
Modification or Amendment
15.1 Except by mutual agreement in writing between the parties, no change, modification or
amendment shall be made to the present Contract.
15.2 Notwithstanding the foregoing clause, the Bank may at any time order or require changes in
the scope of the Services. If such changes add to, or reduce, the cost of the Services, the
Contract Amount shall be adjusted accordingly, following mutual agreement between both
The Supplier shall complete the supply, Installation, Commissioning, and achieve
Operational Acceptance of the System (or Subsystems, if specified in the Contract) within
the time periods specified in the Implementation Schedule in the Technical Requirements
Section and/or the mutually agreed Final Project Plan pursuant to the requirements in the
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto, each acting through its authorized representative,
have caused this Contract to be duly executed on the respective dates specified below.
………………………………….. ……………………………………
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THIS CONTRACT is and entered into by and between THE AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK
(hereinafter referred to as the “Bank”), of the one part and XXXXXXXXXXX. (Hereinafter referred
to as the “Supplier”), of the other part.
Parties mean the Supplier and the Bank collectively, and Party means any one of them, as the
context may indicate.
WHEREAS the Bank and the Supplier have concluded a Contract for Provision of broadband
VSAT WAN connectivity for The African Development Bank’s 32 Office Locations in Africa with
NOC/hub station located in Abidjan, Ivory Coast
AND WHEREAS the Bank and the Supplier have agreed, in accordance with the Request for
Proposal (RFP) and the said contract, that the Supplier shall provide maintenance support and
routine assistance in respect of firmware, software, hardware and infrastructure, as well as
provide software and firmware updates and upgrades for operating system for the duration of this
1.1 The purpose of this Contract is to describe the Supplier's responsibilities in the
maintenance of hardware equipment and software at the Bank’s premises. The Supplier
shall perform the services and carry out its obligations with due diligence, efficiency and
economy, in accordance with standards specified in the Service Level Agreement. The
Supplier shall observe sound management practices, and employ as appropriate
advanced technology and safe methods of work. In respect of this Contract, the Supplier
shall always act as a faithful adviser to the Bank and shall at all times support and
safeguard the Bank’s legitimate interests in any dealings with sub-contractors or third
1.2 This Maintenance Contract shall remain valid for a period of Thirty-Six (36) months
commencing on the day following the Operational Acceptance date in accordance with
the Contract for the for the Provision of Broadband VSAT WAN connectivity for The African
Development Bank’s 32 Office Locations in Africa with NOC/hub station located in Abidjan,
Ivory Coast concluded between the Bank and the Supplier. Maintenance costs are
detailed in the Pricing Schedule. Upon expiry of its term, this Contract may be renewed
for further periods of one year each up to a maximum of two (2) consecutive years, on
such terms and conditions as may be decided by the parties.
1.3 The Supplier warrants that it is qualified by the manufacturer, in case of third party
products, to supply and provide maintenance services, technical or help desk support,
new version upgrade and/or other services related to the Hardware and Software
installed. The Supplier further warrants that its work will not negatively affect the
performance of the system.
2.1 In consideration of the provision of services hereunder, the Bank agrees to pay to the
Supplier an amount detailed in the Pricing Schedule as Quarterly Fee.
The Supplier’s software support personnel shall be available to assist and consult with
the staff of the Bank 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Supplier and/or Local
Representative Agent shall provide necessary support services to answer questions and
to assist the Bank in resolving problems related to the use and operation of the Software
supplied and installed by the Supplier. The Supplier and/or Local Representative Agent
shall be responsible for training Bank’s Staff to operate new and/or upgraded Software.
The Supplier shall provide and Bank shall install, at no additional cost to the Bank all new
versions, releases, and updates for all security related software that are used in the
System, within thirty (30) days of their availability from the Supplier to other clients and no
later than three (3) months after they are released in the country of origin of the Software.
New releases of the Software shall be supplied on CD ROM or as a download via the
internet. Appropriate documentation and installation instructions with respect to new
releases shall also be provided. The Bank agrees, with the effective telephone support of
the Supplier, to install each new release of Software as soon as possible.
The Supplier and/or Local Representative Agent shall provide the following maintenance
and support services to the Hardware:
The Supplier’s support staff shall provide telephone support services to answer questions
and to assist the Bank, either on the phone or through on-site intervention, in resolving
problems related to the use and operation of the Hardware. Supplier shall ship
replacement Hardware, via expedited courier, within one business day of determination of
the need to replace any defective Hardware. Bank shall ship to Supplier within ten (10)
business days, at Supplier’s cost, such defective Hardware. Supplier shall be responsible
for training the Bank’s personnel to use the Hardware in case of System and/or Hardware
upgrade. Support shall be provided via telephone, email and on-site intervention where
The Supplier shall not assign, in whole or in part, its obligations to perform under this
Contract, except as otherwise provided herein.
The Supplier shall notify the Bank in writing of all subcontracts awarded under this
Contract. Such notification shall not relieve the Supplier from any liability or obligation
under the Contract.
All services to be performed under this Maintenance Contract shall be provided by the
Supplier in accordance with the time schedule prescribed hereunder. If at any time during
performance of this Contract, the Supplier should encounter conditions impeding timely
delivery and performance of the Services, the Supplier shall promptly notify the Bank in
writing of the delay, its likely duration and its cause(s). As soon as practicable after
receipt of the Supplier’s notice, the Bank shall evaluate the situation and may at its
discretion extend the Supplier’s time for performance, or terminate the Contract with or
without claiming liquidated damages from the Supplier.
This Contract shall be effective on the day following the Operational Acceptance date.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto, each acting through its authorized representative,
have caused this Contract to be duly executed on the respective dates specified below.
………………………………….. ……………………………………
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Provision of Broadband VSAT WAN connectivity for The African Development Bank’s
32 Office Locations in Africa with NOC/hub station located in Abidjan, Ivory Coast
1. Purpose
The purpose of this Service Level Agreement (SLA) is to specify in detail the level of
maintenance and support service expected from the Supplier under the Contract
Provision of Broadband VSAT WAN connectivity for The African Development Bank’s 32
Office Locations in Africa with NOC/hub station located in Abidjan, Ivory Coast t, of which
this SLA is an integral part. This SLA will evolve over time, with additional knowledge of
the Bank’s requirements, as well as the introduction of new applications and services into
the support portfolio provided by the Supplier.
i. Preventive maintenance - All software shall undergo regular maintenance works with a
view to undertaking corrective preventive maintenance actions. The frequency and
content of such preventive maintenance activities shall be proposed by the Supplier and
approved by the Bank within ten (10) days of the signing of this contract. The latter
reserves the right to modify the proposal to better reflect its needs. In any event these
activities shall include, among others, the identification, analysis and actions aimed at
preventing the occurrence of potential problems.
2.1.2 Corrective maintenance - Defined as activities associated with root-cause analysis and
bug-fix isolation and resolution.
2.1.3 Root-cause analysis - Analysis of the root causes of problems. Problems will be
reviewed to determine their root causes, measures will be taken to correct the sources of
the problems, and reports will be prepared and distributed in a timely fashion.
2.1.4 Bug fixes - Defined as the emergency repair of any system operation that does not
comply with the current signed and approved system specification. This includes system
errors, "hung" or halted screens, or unexpected results within the system that render it
unusable for the purpose for which it was designed.
2.1.5 Adaptive maintenance – The Supplier shall provide adaptive maintenance that is
activities relating to upgrades or conversions to an application due to new versions of
operating environment, including operating system, application server, or database
2.1.6 Advice of Performance - The Bank’s Security unit will inform the Supplier of the
resolution of each problem brought to its attention by e-mail.
2.2 Other Services
The following hardware and software application-related services shall also be provided:
2.2.1 Application monitoring – The Supplier will make every effort to conduct upon Bank’s
request; periodic monitoring of the system performance to determine whether there is
deterioration and advice the Bank on the same.
2.2.3 Status reporting - monthly status reports will be completed by the Bank’s Security unit
and submitted to the Supplier for all items covered by the Maintenance Contract. Monthly
Status reports will be discussed by the Bank’s Security Manager or the Bank’s Chief
Information Security Officer with the Supplier’s Support management to ensure that the
Supplier is aware of the support issues and risks faced by the Bank.
2.2.5 Software licensing - Pursuant to the general conditions of the Supply, Installation and
Commissioning of Hardware Equipment and Software, the Supplier shall provide all
software together with the licensing appropriate to the Bank’s operations.
2.2.6 Specific training – The Bank may purchase and Supplier shall provide training for the
Bank’s Staff Members. The Supplier shall provide advice and training about the services.
2.2.7 Upgrades to application software - When an upgrade to the system is released i.e.
operating system drivers, firmware upgrades, and vendor-required upgrades; the Supplier
shall provide and install the upgrade at no additional cost to the Bank.
A request for support is defined as a request to fix a defect in existing software application
and/or hardware or a malfunction in the security system as a whole. Such requests may
be executed by e-mail, fax or phone call. In the latter case the Bank’s Security unit must
summarize in writing for its file, the conversation held with the Supplier and/or its Local
Agent. The support request sent to the Supplier shall clearly mention the severity level of
the problem.
The Supplier shall set up within its organization a unit in charge of recording and tracking
all problem reports, inquires, or other types of calls received from the Bank.
The Bank will provide regular reporting to the Supplier to indicate how the latter is
performing vis-à-vis the related target performance (see below). These reports are
expected to be produced by the Bank’s Security unit and will provide details on the
Supplier’s performance against SLA targets.
Reporting against the SLA resolution targets will focus on the time to resolve operating
problems. This evaluation will only address the support requests submitted to the Supplier
for resolution. The evaluation report will be in the form of a written letter or e-mail as
The following characteristics are used to identify the severity of a problem report:
5. SLA Key Indicators
2 VSAT round trip on a single satellite hop circuit Less than 680 milliseconds
3 Packet Loss Less than 0.3 %
4 Pack Jitter Less than 2 milliseconds
5 Mean time to repair 1 hour
5.2 Credit allocation policy for availability of the any of the VSAT link
Only one service credit will be applied if two or three of the KPI are degraded at the same
The equipment failure The equipment failure The equipment failure The equipment
creates a serious creates a serious creates a low failure creates a
business and financial business and financial business and financial minimal
exposure. exposure. exposure. business and
Work Outage
Severity 1 (Critical) Severity 2 (High) Severity 3 (Medium) Severity 4
The equipment failure The equipment failure The equipment failure The equipment
causes the client to be causes the client to be causes the client to be failure causes
unable to work or perform unable to work or unable to perform the client to be
some significant portion perform some some small portion of unable to
of their job. significant portion of their job, but they are perform a minor
their job. still able to complete portion of their
most other tasks. May job, but they are
also include questions still able to
and requests for complete most
information. other tasks.
Number of Clients Affected
Response Time
Within one hour. Within one hour. Within eight hours or Within eight
by next business day. hours or by next
business day.
Resolution Time
Levels of Service
The service levels offered by the Supplier to the Bank are described below. The Supplier’s goal
must be to meet, and even exceed, when possible, the levels of services described below.
The level of effort expected of the Supplier shall be exercised in full, either through
corrective maintenance activities or through preventative maintenance activities.
The Supplier’s Support Team has the following general responsibilities under the Contract:
The Supplier shall conduct business in a courteous and professional manner.
Once a support request has been submitted, the Supplier shall make itself available
to work with the Bank’s support resource assigned to the support request.
The Supplier shall continue to provide the Bank access, software, licensing, training,
documentation, and support for all software and hardware supplied.
The Supplier shall provide all of the necessary and requested documentation,
information, and knowledge capital to the Bank prior to the deployment of any new
Supplier’s Support Specialists
The Bank end-users do not contact the Supplier support resources directly to report
a problem. All problem calls must be logged through the Bank’s Security unit.
Conducting all root-cause analysis and bug fix isolation and resolution activities, and
associated documentation for the individual tasks, as assigned by the Bank.
Acting as a point of contact for all application issues (bugs and enhancements).
For enhancements, determining the potential high-level effort for all changes, and
based on that, either passing it on to a developer or completing it themselves.
Identifying all tasks associated with each support request and deriving estimates for
the completion of each task.
Responsible for responding to support requests.
Conducting coding and testing to resolve application problems.
Participating in the acceptance testing and implementation activities.
Providing knowledge transfer to the Bank’s Security unit staff.
Preparing status reports upon request.
The Bank has the following general responsibilities under the Contract:
The Bank shall conduct business in the context of this Contract in a courteous and
professional manner with the Supplier.
The Bank shall log all information from the Supplier required to establish contact
information, document the nature of a problem and the Supplier’s hardware/network
environment (as applicable).
The Bank shall attempt to resolve problems over the phone on first call.
The Bank shall escalate support request to next level of severity upon approach of
established resolution targets.
The Bank’s Security unit shall assign severity codes based on its analysis of the
There are several roles deployed within the Bank that are integral to the provision of
support services to the Bank. These roles include the following:
Transition Officer
The Bank Transition Officer works as a point of contact for all activities relating to the
transition of a new or modified application from the Supplier to the Bank’s relevant unit
and the decommissioning of supported applications. Reporting to the person in charge of
the Bank’s relevant unit, he/she is responsible for planning, coordinating, and overseeing
the transition of a new application into support. His/her duties include:
Corporate Information Management and Method Department
The Bank’s Project Manager will provide the overall direction of the activities of the
support specialists, participate directly in the production of the associated deliverables,
and will negotiate with the Supplier’s support manager regarding the classification of
enhancements and the scheduling of tasks. His/her duties will include:
Ensuring SLA targets are met (coordinating all activities to ensure all tasks are
performed in a consistent manner and on schedule).
Ensuring all work is performed according to the agreed-upon work methods and
Participating directly in the production of the associated deliverables.
Assigning severity codes to support requests and liaising with the Supplier’s team to
negotiate the scheduling of tasks, and coordinate the activities of the Supplier’s
support team.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto, each acting through its authorized representative,
have caused this Contract to be duly executed on the respective dates specified below.
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………………………………….. ……………………………………
1. Preventive maintenance
The Supplier commits to ensure a support of the equipment by on-site maintenance starting from
the central site of the ADB located in XXXXXXXX in accordance with a timetable adopted by the
two parties.
Thus, the service objectives of the preventive maintenance include:
To test the correct operation of the equipment to minimise configuration errors, bugs.
Analysis of the logs.
Review of monitoring tools alerts
The resolution of the noted anomalies.
The control of the good technical state of the equipment.
Free deployment of the new software. The necessary extensions, if needed, will be
charged to Bank.
Assistance and advice in the best practice administration of the equipment
To perform biannual review of the equipment
2. Curative maintenance
The Supplier makes every effort to ensure the curative maintenance consisting in executing the
repair works of equipments quoted in Appendix further to the breakdowns caused by a normal
use which could arise. To answer the demands of intervention, The Supplier arranges following
A Hot line service for minor information.
A service Fax or e-mail for the abnormalities of all kinds, which allows defining the
problem with certainty and pulls a sure and effective intervention.
A distant intervention via public networks, from the central site of the customer.
If the problem persists after exhaustion of all these forms of services, the ADB will pay for
the travel and lodging of the technician to visit the remote location for on-site resolution of
the problem.
3. Obligations of the Supplier
The Supplier commits to maintain and upgrade equipment, and software covered by the
present contract, in good working order.
The Supplier commits to intervene further to the announcement of the breakdown by The
The Supplier will keep secret any information having a confidential character or any
technical or commercial document of The ADB, marked confidential, during the duration
of the contract and one year after the end of this one.
Further to the intervention of his technicians, The Supplier will supply to The ADB a
complete index card containing the nature of the problem, the made works and the
measures to be taken to avoid that it reproduces.
The Supplier has to inform The ADB of a possible change of telephone numbers and\or of
his address.
The maintenance contract also includes technical support which may include the
Assistance in the resolution of the technical problems the equipment.
Assistance in the security and the reinforcement of the configuration of the equipment
against the possible attempts of intrusion.
Advise and recommend any operation likely to reinforce the solution of security already
installed by the Supplier.
All technical support will be supported by a signed report of the work which will indicate
the followings:
The hour of call;
The name of the technical support;
The summary of the intervention;
The duration of the intervention.
A request for support is defined as a request to fix a defect in existing equipment such requests
may be executed by e-mail, fax or phone call. In the latter case the Bank Project Manager must
summarize in writing for its file, the conversation held with the Supplier and/or its Local agent. The
support request sent to the Supplier shall clearly mention the severity level of the problem.
The Supplier shall set up within its organization a unit in charge of recording and tracking all
problem reports, inquires, or other types of calls received from the Bank.
4.3 Performance Evaluation
4.3.1 Evaluation Reporting
The Bank will provide regular reporting to the Supplier to indicate how the latter is performing vis-
à-vis the related target performance (see below). These reports are expected to be produced by
the Bank’s support unit and will provide details on the Supplier’s performance against SLA targets.
Work outage
It is not necessary (nor is it likely) to have perfect match of each characteristic to categorize a
problem report at a particular severity level. A given problem must be judged against each of the
characteristics to make an overall assessment of which severity level best describes the problem.
6. SLA Key Indicators
The Bank will sign with the selected vendors SLAs and credit allocation policy for the VSAT
network as summarized in table below:
2 VSAT round trip on a single satellite hop circuit Less than 680 milliseconds
3 Packet Loss Less than 0.3 %
4 Pack Jitter Less than 2 milliseconds
5 Mean time to repair 1 hour
6.2 Credit allocation policy for availability of the any of the VSAT link
Only one service credit will be applied if two or three of the KPI are degraded at the same
Severity 1 (Critical) Severity 2 (High) Severity 3 (Medium) Severity 4
Business and financial exposure
The equipment failure The equipment failure The equipment failure The equipment
creates a serious creates a serious creates a low failure creates a
business and financial business and financial business and financial minimal
exposure. exposure. exposure. business and
Work Outage
The equipment failure The equipment failure The equipment failure The equipment
causes the client to be causes the client to be causes the client to be failure causes
unable to work or perform unable to work or unable to perform the client to be
some significant portion perform some some small portion of unable to
of their job. significant portion of their job, but they are perform a minor
their job. still able to complete portion of their
most other tasks. May job, but they are
also include questions still able to
and requests for complete most
information. other tasks.
Number of Clients Affected
Response Time
Within one hour. Within one hour. Within eight hours or Within eight
by next business day. hours or by next
business day.
Resolution Time
Levels of Service
The service levels offered by the Supplier to the Bank are described below. The Supplier’s goal
must be to meet, and even exceed, when possible, the levels of services described below.
Levels of Effort
The level of effort expected of the Supplier shall be exercised in full, either through corrective
maintenance activities or through preventative maintenance activities.
Once a support request has been submitted, the Supplier shall make themselves
available to work with the Bank support resource assigned to the support request.
The Supplier shall continue to provide the Bank access, software, licensing, training,
documentation, and support for all software supplied.
The Supplier shall provide all of the necessary and requested documentation,
information, and knowledge capital to the Bank prior to the deployment of any new
Identifying all tasks associated with each support request and deriving estimates for the
completion of each task.
Conducting testing (system/integration/acceptance testing activities should be performed).
The Bank
The Bank has the following general responsibilities under the Contract
The Bank shall conduct business in the context of this Contract in a courteous and
professional manner with the Supplier.
The Bank shall log all information from the Supplier required to establish contact
information, document the nature of a problem and the Supplier’s equipment
environment (as applicable).
The Bank shall attempt to resolve problems over the phone on first call.
The Bank shall escalate support request to next level of severity upon approach of
established resolution targets.
The Bank support unit shall assign severity codes based on its analysis of the situation.
There are several roles deployed within the Bank that are integral to the provision of
support services to the Bank. These roles include the following:
Principal Network and Systems Security Analyst will act as the task manager and will provide the
overall direction of the activities of the support specialists, participate directly in the production of
the associated deliverables, and will negotiate with the Supplier’s support manager regarding the
classification of enhancements and the scheduling of tasks.
His or her duties will include:
Ensuring SLA targets are met (coordinating all activities to ensure all tasks are
performed in a consistent manner and on schedule).
Ensuring all work is performed according to the agreed-upon work methods and
standards. Participating directly in the production of the associated deliverables.
Assigning severity codes to support requests and liaising with the Supplier’s team
to negotiate the scheduling of tasks, and coordinate the activities of the Supplier’s
support team.
Principal Network and Systems Security Analyst works as a point of contact for all activities
relating to the transition of a new or modified equipment service from the Supplier to the African
Development Bank’s support unit and the decommissioning of Network and Systems Security
Equipment. Reporting to the person in charge of the Network and Systems Security Divisional
manager, he or she is responsible for planning, coordinating, and overseeing the transition of new
equipment into production.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Contract to be duly executed in
their respective names by their duly authorized representatives, on the respective dates specified
………………………………….. ……………………………………
…………………………………… …………………………………..
………………………………….. ……………………………………
Annex 10
Table of Clauses
General Conditions of Contract
1. Definitions
1.1 In this Contract, the following terms shall be interpreted as indicated below.
(a) contract elements
(i) “Contract” means the agreement entered into between the Purchaser and the
Supplier, together with the Contract Documents. The agreement and the
Contract Documents shall constitute the Contract, and the term “the Contract”
shall in all such documents be construed accordingly.
(ii) “Contract Documents” means the following documents:
(a) The General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
(b) The Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)
(c) The Technical Requirements (Including Implementation Schedule)
(d) The Supplier’s Bid and the Price Schedules Forms (FORMS 13, 14,
15 and 16) including any amendments to these Documents.
(iii) “Implementation Schedule” means the Implementation Schedule Chapter of the
Technical Requirements.
(iv) “Contract Price” means the Total Bid Price specified in the Supplier’s Bid Form.
(v) “Bidding Documents” refers to the collection of documents issued by the
Purchaser to instruct and inform potential suppliers of the processes for bidding,
selection of the winning bid, and Contract formation, as well as the contractual
conditions governing the relationship between the Purchaser and the Supplier.
(b) entities
(i) “The Purchaser” or “the Bank” means the entity, the African Development Bank,
purchasing the Information System.
(ii) “Project Manager” means the person appointed by the Purchaser in the manner
provided in GCC Clause 18.1 (Project Manager) and named as such in the SCC
to perform the duties delegated by the Purchaser.
(iii) “Supplier” means the person(s) whose bid to perform the Contract has been
accepted and is named as such in the Contract Agreement and includes the
legal successors or permitted assigns of the Supplier.
(iv) “Supplier’s Representative” means any person nominated by the Supplier and
named as such in the Contract Agreement and approved by the Purchaser in
the manner provided in GCC Clause 18.2 (Supplier’s Representative) to perform
the duties delegated by the Supplier.
(v) “Subcontractor,” means any person to whom any of the obligations of the
Supplier, including preparation of any design or supply of any Information
Technologies or other Goods or Services, is subcontracted directly or indirectly
by the Supplier and includes its legal successors or permitted assigns.
(vi) “Purchaser’s Group” means the Purchaser, a subsidiary undertaking or holding
company for the time being of the Purchaser, or a subsidiary or subsidiary
undertaking for the time being of a holding company of the Purchaser.
(c) subject
(i) “Information System,” also called “the System,” means all the Information
Technologies, Materials, and other Goods to be supplied, installed, integrated,
and made operational (exclusive of the Supplier’s Equipment), together with the
Services to be carried out by the Supplier under the Contract.
(ii) “Subsystem” means any subset of the System identified as such in the
Contract that may be supplied, installed, tested, and commissioned individually
before Commissioning of the entire System.
(iii) “Information Technologies” means all information processing and
communications-related hardware, Software, supplies, and consumable items
that the Supplier is required to supply and install.
(iv) “Goods” means all equipment, machinery, furnishings, Materials, and other
tangible items that the Supplier is required to supply or supply and install under
the Contract, including, without limitation, the Information Technologies and
Materials, but excluding the Supplier’s Equipment.
(v) “Services” means all technical, logistical, management, and any other Services
to be provided by the Supplier under the Contract to supply, install, customize,
integrate, and make operational the System. Such Services may include, but
are not restricted to, activity management and quality assurance, design,
development, customization, documentation, transportation, insurance,
inspection, expediting, site preparation, installation, integration, training, data
migration, Pre-commissioning, Commissioning, maintenance, and technical
(vi) “The Project Plan” means the document to be developed by the Supplier and
approved by the Purchaser, pursuant to GCC Clause 19 and the SCC, based
on the requirements of the Contract and the Preliminary Project Plan included
in the Supplier’s bid. For the sake of clarity, “the Agreed and Finalized Project
Plan” refers to the version of the Project Plan approved by the Purchaser, in
accordance with GCC Clause 19.2. Should the Project Plan conflict with the
Contract in any way, the relevant provisions of the Contract, including any
amendments, shall prevail.
(vii) “Software” means part of the System which are instructions that cause
information processing Subsystems to perform in a specific manner or execute
specific operations.
(viii) “System Software” means Software that provides the operating and
management instructions for the underlying hardware and other components,
and is identified as such in Appendix 4 of the Contract Agreement and such
other Software as the parties may agree in writing to be Systems Software.
Such System Software includes, but is not restricted to, micro-code embedded
in hardware (i.e., “firmware”), operating systems, communications, system and
network management, and utility software.
(ix) “General-Purpose Software” means Software that supports general-purpose
office and software development activities and is identified as such in
Appendix 4 of the Contract Agreement and such other Software as the parties
may agree in writing to be General- Purpose Software. Such General-Purpose
Software may include, but is not restricted to, word processing, spreadsheet,
generic database management, and application development software.
(x) “Application Software” means Software formulated to perform specific business
or technical functions and interface with the business or technical users of the
System and is identified as such in Appendix 4 of the Contract Agreement and
such other Software as the parties may agree in writing to be Application
(xi) “Standard Software” means Software identified as such in Appendix 4 of the
Contract Agreement and such other Software as the parties may agree in
writing to be Standard Software.
(xii) “Custom Software” means Software identified as such in Appendix 4 of the
Contract Agreement and such other Software as the parties may agree in
writing to be Custom Software.
(xiii) “Source Code” means the database structures, dictionaries, definitions,
program source files, and any other symbolic representations necessary for the
compilation, execution, and subsequent maintenance of the Software (typically,
but not exclusively, required for Custom Software).
(xiv) “Materials” means all documentation in printed or printable form and all
instructional and informational aides in any form (including audio, video, and
text) and on any medium, provided to the Purchaser under the Contract.
(xv) “Standard Materials” means all Materials not specified as Custom Materials.
(xvi) “Custom Materials” means Materials developed by the Supplier at the
Purchaser’s expense under the Contract and identified as such in Appendix 5
of the Contract Agreement and such other Materials as the parties may agree
in writing to be Custom Materials. Custom Materials includes Materials created
from Standard Materials.
(xvii) “Intellectual Property Rights” means any and all copyright, trademark, patent,
and other intellectual and proprietary rights, title and interests worldwide,
whether vested, contingent, or future, including without limitation all economic
rights and all exclusive rights to reproduce, fix, adapt, modify, translate, create
derivative works from, extract or re-utilize data from, manufacture, introduce
into circulation, publish, distribute, sell, license, sublicense, transfer, rent,
lease, transmit or provide access electronically, broadcast, display, enter into
computer memory, or otherwise use any portion or copy, in whole or in part, in
any form, directly or indirectly, or to authorize or assign others to do so.
(xviii) “Supplier’s Equipment” means all equipment, tools, apparatus, or things of every
kind required in or for installation, completion and maintenance of the System
that are to be provided by the Supplier, but excluding the Information
Technologies, or other items forming part of the System.
(d) activities
(i) “Delivery” means the transfer of the Goods from the Supplier to the Purchaser
in accordance with the Incoterms specified in the Contract.
(ii) “Installation” means that the System or a Subsystem was specified in the
Contract is ready for Commissioning as provided in GCC Clause 26.
(iii) “Pre-commissioning” means the testing, checking, and any other required
activity that may be specified in the Technical Requirements that are to be
carried out by the Supplier in preparation for Commissioning of the System as
provided in the General Conditions of Contract (hereafter GCC) Clause 24.
(iv) “Commissioning” means operation of the System or any Subsystem by the
Supplier following Installation, which operation is to be carried out by the
Supplier as provided in GCC Clause 24.1, for the purpose of carrying out
Operational Acceptance Test(s).
(v) “Operational Acceptance Tests” means the tests specified in the Technical
Requirements and Agreed and Finalized Project Plan to be carried out to
ascertain whether the System, or a specified Subsystem, is able to attain the
functional and performance requirements specified in the Technical
Requirements and Agreed and Finalized Project Plan, in accordance with the
provisions of GCC Clause 24.2.
(vi) “Operational Acceptance” means the acceptance by the Purchaser of the
System (or any Subsystem(s) where the Contract provides for acceptance of the
System in parts), in accordance with GCC Clause 24.3.
(e) place and time
(i) “Purchaser’s Country” is the host country of the Bank.
(ii) “Supplier’s Country” is the country in which the Supplier is legally organized, as
named in the Contract Agreement.
(iii) “Project Site(s)” means the place(s) specified in the SCC for the supply and
installation of the System.
(iv) “Eligible Country” means the Bank’s member countries eligible for participation
in procurements financed by the African Development Bank. The Bank
maintains a list of members countries which Bidders, Goods, and Services are
eligible to participate in procurement financed by the Bank.
(vi) The Contract has been duly signed for on behalf of the Purchaser and
(vii) “Contract Period” is the time period during which this Contract governs the
relations and obligations of the Purchaser and Supplier in relation to the System,
as specified in the SCC.
(viii) “Defect Liability Period” (also referred to as the “Warranty Period”) means the
period of validity of the warranties given by the Supplier commencing at date of
the Operational Acceptance Certificate of the System or Subsystem(s), during
which the Supplier is responsible for defects with respect to the System (or the
relevant Subsystem[s]) and other related services.
(ix) “The Post-Warranty Services Period” means the number of years defined in the
SCC (if any), following the expiration of the Warranty Period during which the
Supplier may be obligated to provide Software licenses, maintenance, and/or
technical support services for the system, either under this Contract or under
separate contract(s)).
(x) “The Coverage Period” means the Days of the Week and the hours of those
Days during which maintenance, operational, and/or technical support services
(if any) must be available.
2. Interpretation
2.1 Language
2.1 .Unless otherwise agree, all Contract Documents, all correspondence, and communications to
be given shall be written in the language specified in the Special Conditions of Contract
(hereafter SCC), and the Contract shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with that
The Supplier shall be an independent contractor performing the Contract. The Contract does
not create any agency, partnership, joint venture, or other joint relationship between the
parties to the Contract.
2.3 Incoterms
The meaning of any trade term and the rights and obligations of parties thereunder shall be
as prescribed by the current edition of Incoterms published by the International Chamber of
Commerce, Paris, France
If the Supplier is a Joint Venture or consortium of two or more persons, all such firms shall
be jointly and severally bound to the Purchaser for the fulfillment of the provisions of the
Contract and shall designate one of such persons to act as a leader with authority to bind
the Joint Venture or consortium. The composition or constitution of the Joint Venture or
consortium shall not be altered without the prior consent of the Purchaser.
3. Notices
Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, all notices to be give under the Contract shall be in
writing and shall be sent by personnel delivery, special express courier, facsimile to the
address of the relevant party as specified in the SCC, with the following provisions.
Any notice sent by facsimile shall be confirmed within three (3) days after dispatch by notice
sent by special courier, or delivered personally, except as otherwise specified in the Contract
4. Governing Law
4.1 The Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the
country specified in the SCC.
5. Settlement of Disputes
5.1.1 If any dispute of any kind whatsoever shall arise between the Purchaser and the
Supplier in connection with or arising out of the Contract, including without prejudice to
the generality of the foregoing, any question regarding its existence, validity, or
termination, or the operation of the System, the parties shall seek to resolve any such
dispute or difference by mutual consultation. If the parties fail to resolve such a
dispute or difference by mutual consultation, within fourteen (14) days after one party
has notified the other in writing of the dispute or difference, then the dispute can be
referred to arbitration.
5.2 Arbitration
5.2.1 The interested party must give notice to the other party of its intention to commence
arbitration, as provided below, as to the matter in dispute.
5.2.2 Any dispute in respect of which a notice of intention to commence arbitration has been
given, in accordance with GCC Clause 5.2.1, shall be finally settled by arbitration.
Arbitration may be commenced prior to or after Installation of the Information System.
5.2.3 Arbitration proceedings shall be conducted: (i) in accordance with the UNCITRAL
arbitration rules, (ii) in the place specified in the SCC, and (iii) in the language in which
this Contract has been executed.
5.2.4 Decisions that, according to: (i) UNCITRAL arbitration rules, need to be made by an
appointing authority, shall be made by (ii) the Appointing Authority as specified in the
(a) the parties shall continue to perform their respective obligations under the Contract
unless they otherwise agree;
(b) the Purchaser shall pay the Supplier any monies due to the Supplier;
(c) the submission of any dispute between the parties shall not be construed as
constituting a waiver, renunciation, or other modification of any right, immunity,
privilege or exemption accorded to the Bank under the Agreement Establishing the
African Development Bank, the Agreement Establishing the Temporary Relocation
Agency of the African Development Bank and the African Development Fund in
Tunisia, or any applicable law.
6.1 Unless otherwise expressly limited in the SCC or Technical Requirements, the Supplier’s obligations
cover the provision of all Information Technologies, Materials and other Goods as well as the
performance of all Services required for the design, development, and implementation (including
procurement, quality assurance, assembly, associated site preparation, Delivery, Pre-commissioning,
Installation, Testing, and Commissioning) of the System, in accordance with the plans, procedures,
specifications, drawings, codes, and any other documents specified in the Contract and the Agreed and
Finalized Project Plan.
6.2 The Supplier shall, unless specifically excluded in the Contract, perform all such work and / or supply
all such items and Materials not specifically mentioned in the Contract but that can be reasonably
inferred from the Contract as being required for attaining Operational Acceptance of the System as if
such work and / or items and Materials were expressly mentioned in the Contract.
6.3 The Supplier’s obligations (if any) to provide Goods and Services identified in the Related Services
Price Schedule and Maintenance Cost Schedule Forms of the Supplier’s bid, such as consumables,
spare parts, and technical services (e.g., maintenance, technical assistance, and operational support),
are as specified in the SCC, including the relevant terms, characteristics, and timings.
7.1 The Supplier shall commence work on the System within the period specified in the SCC, and without
prejudice to GCC Clause 25.2, the Supplier shall thereafter proceed with the System in accordance
with the time schedule specified in the Implementation Schedule in the Technical Requirements
Section and any refinements made in the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan.
7.2 The Supplier shall achieve Operational Acceptance of the System (or Subsystem(s) where a separate
time for Operational Acceptance of such Subsystem(s) is specified in the Contract) within the time
specified in the SCC and in accordance with the time schedule specified in the Implementation
Schedule in the Technical Requirements Section and any refinements made in the Agreed and
Finalized Project Plan, or within such extended time to which the Supplier shall be entitled
8. Supplier’s Responsibilities
8.1 The Supplier shall conduct all contracted activities with due care and diligence, in accordance with the
Contract and with the skill and care expected of a competent provider of information technologies,
information systems, support, maintenance, training, and other related services, or in accordance with
best industry practices. In particular, the Supplier shall provide and employ only technical personnel
who are skilled and experienced in their respective callings and supervisory staff who are competent to
adequately supervise the work at hand.
8.2 The Supplier confirms that it has entered into this Contract on the basis of a proper examination of the
data relating to the System provided by the Purchaser and on the basis of information that the Supplier
could have obtained from a visual inspection of the site (if access to the site was available) and of other
data readily available to the Supplier relating to the System as at the date twenty-eight (28) days prior
to bid submission. The Supplier acknowledges that any failure to acquaint itself with all such data and
information shall not relieve its responsibility for properly estimating the difficulty or cost of successfully
performing the Contract.
8.3 The Supplier shall be responsible for timely provision of all resources, information, and decision making
under its control that are necessary to reach a mutually Agreed and Finalized Project Plan (pursuant to
GCC Clause 16.2) within the time schedule specified in the Implementation Schedule in the Technical
Requirements Section. Failure to provide such resources, information, and decision-making may
constitute grounds for termination pursuant to GCC Clause 29.2.
8.4 The Supplier shall acquire in its name all permits, approvals, and/or licenses from all local, state, or
national government authorities or public service undertakings in the Purchaser’s Country that are
necessary for the performance of the Contract, including, without limitation, visas for the Supplier’s and
Subcontractor’s personnel and entry permits for all imported Supplier’s Equipment. The Supplier shall
acquire all other permits, approvals, and/or licenses that are not the responsibility of the Purchaser
under GCC Clause 9.3 and that are necessary for the performance of the Contract.
8.5 The Supplier shall comply with all laws in force in the Purchaser’s Country. The laws will include all
national, provincial, municipal, or other laws that affect the performance of the Contract and are binding
upon the Supplier. The Supplier shall indemnify and hold harmless the Purchaser from and against any
and all liabilities, damages, claims, fines, penalties, and expenses of whatever nature arising or
resulting from the violation of such laws by the Supplier or its personnel, including the Subcontractors
and their personnel, but without prejudice to GCC Clause 9.1.
8.6 The Supplier shall, in all dealings with its labor and the labor of its Subcontractors currently employed
on or connected with the Contract, pay due regard to all recognized festivals, official holidays, religious
or other customs, and all local laws and regulations pertaining to the employment of labor.
8.7 The Supplier shall permit the Bank to inspect the Supplier’s accounts and records relating to the
performance of the Supplier and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the Bank, if so required
by the Bank.
9. Purchaser’s Responsibilities
9.1 The Purchaser shall ensure the accuracy of all information and/or data to be supplied by the Purchaser
to the Supplier, except when otherwise expressly stated in the Contract.
9.2 The Purchaser shall be responsible for timely provision of all resources, information, and decision making
under its control that are necessary to reach an Agreed and Finalized Project Plan (pursuant to GCC
Clause 16.2) within the time schedule specified in the Implementation Schedule in the Technical
Requirements Section.
9.3 If requested by the Supplier, the Purchaser shall use its best endeavors to assist the Supplier in obtaining
in a timely and expeditious manner all permits, approvals, and/or licenses necessary for the execution of
the Contract from all local, state, or national government authorities or public service undertakings that
such authorities or undertakings require the Supplier or Subcontractors or the personnel of the Supplier
or Subcontractors, as the case may be, to obtain.
9.4 The Purchaser will designate appropriate staff for the training courses to be given by the Supplier and
shall make all appropriate logistical arrangements for such training as specified in the Technical
Requirements, SCC, the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan, or other parts of the Contract.
9.5 The Purchaser assumes primary responsibility for the Operational Acceptance Test(s) for the System,
in accordance with GCC Clause 24.2, and shall be responsible for the continued operation of the
System after Operational Acceptance. However, this shall not limit in any way the Supplier’s
responsibilities after the date of Operational Acceptance otherwise specified in the Contract.
10.1 The Contract Price shall be as specified in the signed Bid Form (Form 17)
10.2 The Contract Price shall be a firm lump sum not subject to any alteration, except:
(a) in the event of a Change in the System;
(b) in accordance with the price adjustment formula (if any) specified in the SCC.
10.3 The Contract Price of individual Supply Items or of Sub-systems delivered, installed, and made
operational adheres to the following terms:
(a) Foreign Goods. Goods supplied from outside the host country are priced on a DDU basis. The
named place of destination and other specific requirements for the contract of carriage shall be
as specified in SCC
(i) Goods offered from within the host country shall be priced free of customs duties and all taxes
levied by the host country. The place of delivery is as specified in SCC.
10.4 Services required by the Contract (such as inland transport and cargo insurance for domestic goods;
software development; system installation, customization, integration, commissioning, and testing;
training; technical support; and other services necessary for proper installation and operation of the
Information System), shall be priced free of all taxes levied by the host country
10.5 The Supplier shall be deemed to have satisfied itself as to the correctness and sufficiency of the
Contract Price, which shall, except as otherwise provided for in the Contract, cover all its obligations
under the Contract.
11. Terms of Payment
11.1 The Supplier’s request for payment shall be made to the Purchaser in writing, accompanied by an
invoice describing, as appropriate, the System or Subsystem(s), Delivered, Pre-commissioned,
Installed, and Operationally Accepted, and by documents submitted pursuant to GCC Clause 19.1.1
and upon fulfillment of other obligations stipulated in the Contract.
11.2 No payment made by the Purchaser herein shall be deemed to constitute acceptance by the Purchaser
of the System or any Subsystem(s).
11.4 All payments shall be made in the currency(ies) specified in the Contract, pursuant to GCC Clause 10.
11.5 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, payment of the Contract Price for Goods and Services supplied
from outside the Purchaser’s Country shall be made to the Supplier through a confirmed irrevocable
sight letter of credit to be issued by the Bank, the terms and conditions of which will be agreed prior to
issuance. It is agreed that the letter of credit will be subject to the latest revision of Uniform Customs
and Practice for Documentary Credits, published by the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris.
12. Securities
12.2.1 The Supplier may, if it wishes and provided the performance security has been submitted and
other Contract conditions fulfilled, receive an advance payment of no more than ten (10)
percent of the Contract Price against delivery of an Advance Payment Security as specified
in the SCC.
12.2.2 The security shall be in the form provided in the Bidding Documents (FORM 12) or in another
form acceptable to the Purchaser. The amount of the security shall be reduced in proportion
to the value of the System executed by and paid to the Supplier from time to time and shall
automatically become null and void when the full amount of the advance payment has been
recovered by the Purchaser. The security shall be returned to the Supplier immediately after
its expiration.
12.3.1 The Supplier shall, within fifteen (15) days of the notification of Contract award, provide a
security for the due performance of the Contract in the amount and currency specified in the
12.3.2 The security shall be in the form of a bank guarantee or standby irrevocable sight letter of credit,
in favor of the Bank, issued by an eligible banking institution acceptable to the Bank. The letter
of credit shall be confirmed in the Bank’s host country by a reputable bank, acceptable to the
Bank. The format of the security shall be substantially in accordance with the sample form of
Performance Security (FORM 11) included in these Bidding Documents.
13.3.3 The security shall automatically become null and void once all the obligations of the Supplier
under the Contract have been fulfilled, including, but not limited to, any obligations during the
Warranty Period and any extensions to the period. The security shall be returned to the Supplier
no later than thirty (30) days after its expiration.
(a) pro rata by the portion of the Contract Price payable for any Subsystem(s) that has
achieved Operational Acceptance, if permitted by the Contract, on the date of such
Operational Acceptance;
(b) by the amount specified in the SCC, to reflect Operational Acceptance of the entire
System, on the date of such Operational Acceptance, and provide for reduced coverage
during the Warranty Period and Post Warranty period.
13.1 Except for the tax exemptions and privileges the Purchaser and/or its operations is entitled to, or as
otherwise specifically provided in the Contract, the Supplier shall bear and pay all taxes, duties,
levies, and charges assessed on the Supplier, its Subcontractors, or their employees by all municipal,
state, or national government authorities, both within and outside the Purchaser’s Country, in
connection with the Goods and Services supplied under the Contract.
13.1 Notwithstanding GCC Clause 13.1 above, the Purchaser shall bear and promptly pay all customs
clearance costs, sales or other indirect taxes imposed by law in the Purchaser’s Country on the
Goods supplied under the Contract.
14.1 Except to the extent that the Intellectual Property Rights in the Software vest in the Purchaser, the
Supplier hereby grants to the Purchaser license to access and use the Software, including all
inventions, designs, and marks embodied in the Software.
Such license to access and use the Software shall:
(a) be:
(i) valid throughout the territory of the Purchaser’s Country and in any other country where the
Purchaser maintains an office or rent facilities for its operations (or such other territory as
specified in the SCC)
(ii) subject to additional restrictions (if any) as specified in the SCC.
(b) permit the Software to be:
(i) reproduce for safekeeping or backup purposes;
(ii) customized, adapted, or combined with other computer software for use by the Purchaser,
provided that derivative software incorporating any substantial par of the delivered, restricted
Software shall be subject to same restrictions as are set forth in this Contract;
(iii) disclosed to, and reproduced for use by, support service suppliers and their subcontractors,
(and the Purchaser may sublicense such persons to use and copy for use the Software)to the
extent reasonably necessary to the performance of their support service contracts, subject to
the same restrictions as are set forth in this Contract;
(iv) disclosed to, and reproduced for use by, the Purchaser or by the Purchaser’s Group and by
such other persons as are specified in the SCC (and the Purchaser may sublicense such
persons to use and copy for use the Software), subject to the same restrictions as are set
forth in this Contract.
14.2 The Purchaser and the Supplier (“the Receiving Party”) shall each keep confidential and shall not,
without the prior written consent of the other party to this Contract (“the Disclosing Party”), divulge to
any third party any documents, data, or other information of a confidential nature (“Confidential
Information”)., whether such information has been furnished or generated or discovered prior to, during,
or following termination of the Contract. The provisions of this Clause 14.2 shall survive the termination,
for whatever reason, of the five-year contractual relationships or any longer period as may be specified
in the SCC.
15. Representatives
The Project Manager is named in the SCC. The Purchaser may from time to time appoint some other
person as the Project Manager in place of the person previously so appointed and shall give a notice of
such change to the Supplier without delay.
15.2.2 Subject to the extensions and/or limitations specified in the SCC (if any), the Supplier’s
Representative shall have the authority to represent the Supplier on all day-to-day matters
relating to the System or arising from the Contract. The Supplier’s Representative shall give to
the Project Manager all the Supplier’s notices, instructions, information, and all other
communications under the Contract.
16.1 In close cooperation with the Purchaser and based on the Preliminary Project Plan included in the
Supplier’s bid, the Supplier shall develop a Project Plan encompassing the activities specified in the
Contract. The contents of the Project Plan shall be as specified in the SCC and/or Technical
16.2 The Supplier shall formally present to the Purchaser the Project Plan in accordance with the procedure
specified in the SCC.
16.4 The Supplier shall undertake to supply, install, test, and commission the System in accordance with the
Agreed and Finalized Project Plan and the Contract.
16.5 The Progress and other reports specified in the SCC shall be prepared by the Supplier and submitted
to the Purchaser in the format and frequency specified in the Technical Requirements or agreed.
17. Subcontracting
17.1 If applicable, a List of Approved Subcontractors attached to the Contract shall specify critical items of
supply or services and a list of Subcontractors for each item that are considered acceptable by the
18.1.1 The Supplier shall execute the basic and detailed design and the implementation activities
necessary for successful installation of the System in compliance with the provisions of the
Contract or, where not so specified, in accordance with good industry practice. The Supplier
shall be responsible for any discrepancies, errors or omissions in the specifications,
drawings, and other technical documents that it has prepared, whether such specifications,
drawings, and other documents have been approved by the Project Manager or not, provided
that such discrepancies, errors, or omissions are not because of inaccurate information
furnished in writing to the Supplier by or on behalf of the Purchaser.
18.1.2 The Supplier shall be entitled to disclaim responsibility for any design, data, drawing,
specification, or other document, or any modification of such design, drawings, specification,
or other documents provided or designated by or on behalf of the Purchaser, by giving a
notice of such disclaimer to the Project Manager.
19.1 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, the Supplier will provide the Purchaser with shipping and
other documents, as specified below:
1) For Goods supplied from outside the Purchaser’s Country:
Upon shipment, the Supplier shall notify the Purchaser by facsimile or electronic mail, with the
full details of the shipment. The Supplier shall, within 24 hours after shipment, transmit by
facsimile or electronic mail copy of the airway bill or clean on board Bill of lading and a copy of
the invoice to the Purchaser. The full set of original documents will be handled as per the terms
and conditions of the letter of credit specified in GCC 11.5.
(a) The Purchaser shall bear responsibility for customs clearance of goods into the host country in
accordance with the Incoterms used for pricing of foreign goods.
20.1 At any point during performance of the Contract, should technological advances be introduced by the
Supplier for Information Technologies originally offered by the Supplier in its bid and still to be
delivered, the Supplier shall be obligated to offer to the Purchaser the latest versions of the available
Information Technologies having equal or better performance or functionality at the same or lesser
unit prices.
20.2 At any point during performance of the Contract, for Information Technologies still to be delivered, the
Supplier will also pass on to the Purchaser any cost reductions and additional and/or improved
support and facilities that it offers to other clients of the Supplier in the Purchaser’s Country.
20.3 During performance of the Contract, the Supplier shall offer to the Purchaser all new versions,
releases, and updates of Standard Software, as well as related documentation and technical support
services, within thirty (30) days of their availability from the Supplier to other clients of the Supplier,
and no later than three (3) months after they are released in the country of origin. In no case will the
prices for these Software exceed those quoted by the Supplier in the Recurrent Costs Form in its bid.
20.4 During the Warranty Period unless otherwise specified in the SCC, the Supplier shall provide and
install at no additional cost (i.e. labor, software and incidental costs) to the Purchaser all new
versions, releases, and updates for all Software that are used in the System, within thirty (30)
days of their availability from the Supplier, and no later than three (3) months after they are released
in the country of origin of the Software. The Purchaser shall allow the introduction of all new versions,
releases or updates of the Software provided that the new version, release, or update does not
adversely affect current System operation or performance or require extensive reworking of the
System. In cases where the new version, release, or update adversely affects current System
operation or performance, or requires extensive reworking of the System, the Supplier shall continue
to support and maintain the version or release previously in operation for as long as necessary to
allow introduction of the new version, release, or update.
21.1 The Supplier shall provide all Services specified in the Contract and Agreed and Finalized Project Plan
in accordance with the highest standards of professional competence and integrity.
21.2 Prices charged by the Supplier for Services, if not included in the Contract, shall be agreed upon in
advance by the parties (including, but not restricted to, any prices submitted by the Supplier in the
Recurrent Cost Schedules of its Bid) and shall not exceed the prevailing rates charged by the Supplier
to other purchasers in the Purchaser’s Country for similar services.
The Purchaser or an Agent duly authorized by the purchaser shall have the right to inspect and/or test
at its own cost, any components of the System, as specified in the Technical Requirements, to confirm
their good working order and/or conformity to the Contract at supplier’s facilities prior to shipment, at
the point of delivery and/or at the Project Site.
23.1 As soon as the System, or any Subsystem, has, in the opinion of the Supplier, been delivered, Pre-
commissioned, and made ready for Commissioning and Operational Acceptance Testing in
accordance with the Technical Requirements the SCC and the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan,
the Supplier shall so notify the Purchaser in writing.
23.2 The Project Manager shall, within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the Supplier’s notice under GCC
Clause 23.1, either issue an Installation Certificate or notify the Supplier in writing of any defects
and/or deficiencies, including, but not limited to, defects or deficiencies in the interoperability or
integration of the various components and/or Subsystems making up the System. The Supplier shall
use all reasonable endeavors to promptly remedy any defect and/or deficiencies that the Project
Manager has notified the Supplier of.
24. Commissioning and Operational Acceptance
24.1 Commissioning
24.1.1 commissioning of the System (or Subsystem if specified in the Contract) shall be commenced by
the Supplier:
a) immediately after the Installation Certificate is issued by the Project Manager or as otherwise
specified in the Technical Requirement or the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan.
24.2.1 The Operational Acceptance Tests (and repeats of such tests) shall be the primary responsibility
of the Purchaser, but shall be conducted with the full cooperation of the Supplier during
Commissioning of the System (or Subsystem[s] if specified in the Contract), to ascertain
whether the System (or major component or Subsystem[s]) conforms to the Technical
Requirements and meets the standard of performance quoted in the Supplier’s bid, including,
but not restricted to, the functional and technical performance requirements. The Operational
Acceptance Tests during Commissioning will be conducted as specified in the SCC, the
Technical Requirements and/or the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan.
24.3.1 Subject to GCC Clause 24.4 (Partial Acceptance) below, Operational Acceptance shall occur in
respect of the System, when
(a) the Operational Acceptance Tests, as specified in the Technical Requirements, and/or
SCC and/or the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan have been successfully completed; or
(b) the Purchaser has put the System into production or use for sixty (60) consecutive days. If
the System is put into production or use in this manner, the Supplier shall notify the
Purchaser and document such use.
24.3.2 At any time after any of the events set out in GCC Clause 24.3.1 have occurred, the Supplier may
give a notice to the Project Manager requesting the issue of an Operational Acceptance Certificate.
24.3.3 After consultation with the Purchaser, and within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the Supplier’s
notice, the Project Manager shall:
(b) notify the Supplier in writing of any defect or deficiencies or other reason for the failure of
the Operational Acceptance Tests; or
(c) issue the Operational Acceptance Certificate, if the situation covered by GCC Paragraph
24.3.1 (b) arises.
24.3.4 The Supplier shall use all reasonable endeavors to promptly remedy any defect and/or deficiencies
and/or other reasons for the failure of the Operational Acceptance Test that the Project Manager has
notified the Supplier of. Once such remedies have been made by the Supplier, the Supplier shall
notify the Purchaser, and the Purchaser, with the full cooperation of the Supplier, shall use all
reasonable endeavors to promptly carry out retesting of the System or Subsystem. Upon the
successful conclusion of the Operational Acceptance Tests, the Supplier shall notify the Purchaser of
its request for Operational Acceptance Certification, in accordance with GCC Clause 24.3.3. The
Purchaser shall then issue to the Supplier the Operational Acceptance Certification, in accordance
with GCC Paragraph 24.3.3 (a) or notify the Supplier of further defects, deficiencies, or other reasons
for the failure of the Operational Acceptance Test. The procedure set out in this GCC Clause 24.3.4
shall be repeated, as necessary, until an Operational Acceptance Certificate is issued.
24.3.5 If the System or Subsystem fails to pass the Operational Acceptance Test(s) in accordance with GCC
Clause 24.2, then either:
(a) the Purchaser may consider terminating the Contract, pursuant to GCC Clause 29.2.2;
24.3.6 If within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the Supplier’s notice the Project Manager fails to issue the
Operational Acceptance Certificate or fails to inform the Supplier in writing of the justifiable reasons
why the Project Manager has not issued the Operational Acceptance Certificate, the System or
Subsystem shall be deemed to have been accepted as of the date of the Supplier’s said notice.
24.4.1 If specified in the Contract, Installation and Commissioning shall be carried out individually for each
identified major component or Subsystem(s) of the System. In this event, the provisions in the Contract
relating to Installation and Commissioning, including the Operational Acceptance Test, shall apply to each
such major component or Subsystem individually, and Operational Acceptance Certificate(s) shall be
issued accordingly for each such major component or Subsystem of the System, subject to the limitations
contained in GCC Clause 24.4.2.
24.4.2 The issuance of Operational Acceptance Certificates for individual major components or Subsystems
pursuant to GCC Clause 24.4.1 shall not relieve the Supplier of its obligation to obtain an Operational
Acceptance Certificate for the System as a whole (if specified in the Contract) once all major
components and Subsystems have been supplied, installed, tested, and commissioned.
24.4.3 In the case of minor components for the System that by their nature do not require Commissioning or
an Operational Acceptance Test (e.g., minor fittings, furnishings or site works, etc.), the Project
Manager shall issue an Operational Acceptance Certificate within fourteen (14) days after the fittings
and/or furnishings have been delivered and/or installed or the site works have been completed. The
Supplier shall, however, use all reasonable endeavors to promptly remedy any defects or deficiencies
in such minor components detected by the Purchaser or Supplier.
25. Operational Acceptance, Time Guarantee, Defect Liability and Maintenance Commitment
25.1 The Supplier guarantees that it shall complete the supply, Installation, Commissioning, and achieve
Operational Acceptance of the System (or Subsystems, if specified in the Contract) within the time
periods specified in the Implementation Schedule in the Technical Requirements Section and/or the
Agreed and Finalized Project Plan pursuant to GCC Clause 7.2, or within such extended time to
which the Supplier shall be entitled.
25.2 If the Supplier fails to supply, install, commission, and achieve Operational Acceptance of the System
(or Subsystems if specified in the Contract) within the time for achieving Operational Acceptance
specified in the Implementation Schedule in the Technical Requirement or the Agreed and Finalized
Project Plan, or any extension of the time for achieving Operational Acceptance previously granted,
the Supplier shall pay to the Purchaser liquidated damages at the rate specified in the SCC as a
percentage of the Contract Price
25.3 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, liquidated damages payable under this GCC Clause 25.2
shall apply only to the failure to achieve Operational Acceptance of the System (and Subsystems) as
specified in the Implementation Schedule in the Technical Requirements and/or Agreed and Finalized
Project Plan. This Clause 25.3 shall not limit, however, any other rights or remedies the Purchaser
may have under the Contract for other delays.
25.4 The Supplier warrants that the services and goods supplied under this Contract shall be free from
defect in the design, engineering, materials and workmanship that prevent the System and/or any of
its components from fulfilling the Technical requirements or that limit in a material fashion the
performance, reliability, or extensibility of the System and/or Subsystems. He also warrants that the
Information Technologies, Materials, and other Goods supplied under the Contract are new, unused,
and incorporate all recent improvements in design that materially affect the System’s or Subsystem’s
ability to fulfill the Technical Requirements.
25.4.1 Maintenance: Supplier commits to ensure the following activities over the Warranty and Post
Warranty Periods
1 Hardware Maintenance: Supplier shall provide both preventive and corrective maintenance
services as per the terms of the Maintenance Contract and Service Level Agreement, which
are an integral part of this Contract. Manufacturer’s hardware warranty normally covers
repair and spare parts replacement and shall be provided at no additional cost (i.e.
labor, spare parts and incidental expenses) to the Purchaser except for any cost
directly linked to special requirements of the Maintenance Contract and the Service
Level Agreement not covered by manufacturer’s warranty.
3 Technical Support: Supplier shall provide all support related services stipulated in the
maintenance contract and service level agreement and elsewhere in this Contract.
25.5 In addition, the Supplier warrants that: (i) all Goods components to be incorporated into the System
from part of the Supplier’s and/or Subcontractor’s current product lines, (ii) they have been previously
released to the market, and (iii) those specific items identified in the SCC (if any) have been in the
market for at least the minimum periods specified in the SCC.
25.6 The Warranty Period shall commence from the date of Operational Acceptance of the System (or of
any major component or Subsystem for which separate Operational Acceptance is provided for in the
Contract) and shall extend for the length of time specified in the SCC.
25.7 If during the Warranty and Post Warranty Periods any defect, as described in GCC Clause 25.4
and/or the corresponding SCC, should be found in the design, engineering, Materials, and
workmanship of the Information Technologies and other Goods supplied or of the Services provided
by the Supplier, the Supplier shall promptly, in consultation and agreement with the Purchaser
regarding appropriate remedying of the defective parts, hardware and software; and at its sole cost,
repair, replace, or otherwise make good such defect as well as any damage to the System caused by
such defect. Supplier shall also replace, as part of its maintenance duty under this warranty, parts
which have become non-performing as a result of normal wear and tear.
25.8 The Purchaser shall give the Supplier a notice promptly following the discovery of such defect, stating
the nature of any such defect together with all available evidence.
25.9 The Supplier may, with the consent of the Purchaser, remove at its cost any Information
Technologies and other Goods that are defective, if the nature of the defect, and/or any damage to
the System caused by the defect, is such that repairs cannot be expeditiously carried out at the site.
25.10 The Supplier commits to fully comply with the terms and conditions of the Maintenance Contract and
Service Level Agreement. The terms of the Maintenance Contract and Service Level Agreement
(also referred to as SLA) shall apply during the three (3) year Warranty Period called for in this Bid.
The Service Level Agreement shall also apply during the Post Warranty Period as an integral part of
the two (2) year Maintenance Contract which shall automatically take effect on the last day of the
Warranty Period.
25.11 The Post Warranty Period shall commence automatically on the Day the Warranty Period expires.
The start of the Post Warranty period coincides with the entry in force of the Maintenance Contract,
which shall extend for the length of time specified in the SCC.
26.1 The Supplier guarantees that, once the Operational Acceptance Certificate(s) has been issued, the
System represents a complete, integrated solution to the Purchaser’s requirements set forth in the
Technical Requirements and it conforms to all other aspects of the Contract. The Supplier acknowledges
that GCC Clause 24 regarding Commissioning and Operational Acceptance governs how technical
conformance of the System to the Contract requirements will be determined.
27. Insurances
27.1 The Supplier shall at its own expense take out and maintain in effect, or cause to be taken out and
maintained in effect, during the performance of the Contract, the insurance set forth below. The
identity of the insurers and the form of the policies shall be subject to the approval of the Purchaser,
who should not unreasonably withhold such approval.
as applicable, 110 percent of the price of the Information Technologies and other Goods in the
currency of the contract, covering the Goods from physical loss or damage during shipment
through receipt at the Project Site. The insurance should cover ALL RISKS including War, strikes,
civil commotion etc…
as applicable, 110 percent of the price of the Information Technologies and other Goods covering
the Goods at the site from all risks of physical loss or damage (excluding only perils commonly
excluded under “all risks” insurance policies of this type by reputable insurers) occurring prior to
Operational Acceptance of the System.
On terms as specified in the SCC, covering bodily injury or death suffered by third parties
(including the Purchaser’s personnel) and loss of or damage to property, such as the Bank’s
property including the Information System and any subsystem that have been accepted by the
Purchaser, the building housing the Bank’s site and all equipment and appurtenances thereto,
occurring in connection with the supply and installation of the Information System.
27.2 The Purchaser shall be named as loss-payee under all insurance policies taken out by the Supplier
pursuant to GCC Clause 27.1, except for the Third-Party Liability, and the Supplier’s Subcontractors
shall be named as co-insured under all insurance policies taken out by the Supplier pursuant to GCC
Clause 27.1 except for Cargo Insurance during Transport of goods to be supplied under the contract..
All insurers’ rights of subrogation against such loss-payee and co-insured for losses or claims arising
out of the performance of the Contract shall be waived under such policies.
27.3 The Supplier shall deliver to the Purchaser certificates of insurance (or copies of the insurance
policies) as evidence that the required policies are in full force and effect during the performance of
this Contract.
28. Force Majeure
28.1 “Force Majeure” shall mean any event beyond the reasonable control of the Purchaser or of the
Supplier, as the case may be, and which is unavoidable notwithstanding the reasonable care of the
party affected and shall include, without limitation, the following:
(a) war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, mutiny, usurpation of civil or military government,
conspiracy, riot, civil commotion, and terrorist acts etc…
28.2 If either party is prevented, hindered, or delayed from or in performing any of its obligations under the
Contract by an event of Force Majeure, then it shall notify the other in writing of the occurrence of
such event and the circumstances of the event of Force Majeure within fourteen (14) days after the
occurrence of such event.
28.3 The party who has given such notice shall be excused from the performance or punctual
performance of its obligations under the Contract for so long as the relevant event of Force Majeure
continues and to the extent that such party’s performance is prevented, hindered, or delayed. The
Time for Achieving Operational Acceptance shall be extended in accordance.
29. Termination
29.1.2 Upon receipt of the notice of termination under GCC Clause 29.1.1, the Supplier shall either
as soon as reasonably practical or upon the date specified in the notice of termination:
(a) cease all further work, except for such work as the Purchaser may specify in the notice of
termination for the sole purpose of protecting that part of the System already executed, or any
work required to leave the site in a clean and safe condition;
(b) remove all Supplier’s equipment from the site, repatriate the Supplier’s and its
Subcontractor’s personnel from the site, remove from the site any wreckage, rubbish, and
debris of any kind;
(i) deliver to the Purchaser the parts of the System executed by the Supplier
up to the date of termination;
(ii) to the extent legally possible, assign to the Purchaser all right, title,
and benefit of the Supplier to the system, as at the date of termination, and
as may be required by the Purchaser, in any subcontracts concluded
between the Supplier and its Subcontractors;
(iii) deliver to the Purchaser all non proprietary drawings, specifications, and
other documents prepared by the Supplier or its Subcontractors as of the
date of termination in connection with the System.
29.1.3 In the event of termination of the Contract under GCC Clause 29.1.1, the Purchaser shall pay
to the Supplier the following amounts:
(a) the Contract Price, properly attributable to the parts of the System executed by the
Supplier as of the date of termination;
(b) the costs reasonably incurred by the Supplier in the removing of the Supplier’s personnel
and Equipment from the site.
(c ) costs incurred by the Supplier in protecting the System and leaving the site in a clean and
safe condition pursuant to GCC Clause 29.1.2 (a); and
(d) the costs of satisfying all obligations, commitments and claims that the Supplier may in
good faith have undertaken with third parties in connection with the Contract and that are
not covered by Paragraphs 29.1.3 (a) through (d) above.
29.2.1 The Purchaser, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies it may possess, may
terminate the Contract forthwith in the following circumstances by giving a notice of
termination and its reasons therefore to the Supplier, referring to this GCC Clause 29.2:
(a) if the Supplier becomes bankrupt or insolvent, has a receiving order issued against it,
compounds with its creditors, or, if the Supplier is a corporation, a resolution is passed or
order is made for its winding up (other than a voluntary liquidation for the purposes of
amalgamation or reconstruction), a receiver is appointed over any part of its undertaking
or assets, or if the Supplier takes or suffers any other analogous action in consequence of
(b) if the Supplier assigns or transfers the Contract or any right or interest without
authorization; or
(c) if the Supplier, in the judgment of the Purchaser, has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent
practices in competing for or in executing the Contract, including but not limited to willful
misrepresentation of facts concerning ownership of Intellectual Property Rights in, or
proper authorization and/or licenses from the owner to offer, the hardware, software, or
materials provided under this Contract.
(b) has without valid reason failed to commence work on the System promptly;
(c) persistently fails to execute the Contract in accordance with the Contract or persistently
neglects to carry out its obligations under the Contract without just cause;
(d) refuses or is unable to provide sufficient Materials, Services, or labor to execute and
complete the System in the manner specified in the Agreed and Finalized Project Plan at
rates of progress that give reasonable assurance to the Purchaser that the Supplier can
attain Operational Acceptance of the System by the Time for Achieving Operational
Acceptance as extended;
then the Purchaser may, without prejudice to any other rights it may possess under the
Contract, give a notice to the Supplier stating the nature of the default and requiring the
Supplier to remedy the same. If the Supplier fails to remedy or to take steps to remedy the
same within fourteen (14) days of its receipt of such notice, then the Purchaser may terminate
the Contract forthwith by giving a notice of termination to the Supplier that refers to this GCC
Clause 29.2.
29.2.3 Upon receipt of the notice of termination under GCC Clauses 29.2.1 or 29.2.2, the Supplier
shall, either immediately or upon such date as is specified in the notice of termination:
(a) cease all further work, except for such work as the Purchaser may specify in the notice of
termination for the sole purpose of protecting that part of the System already executed or
any work required to leave the site in a clean and safe condition;
(b) terminate all subcontracts, except those to be assigned to the Purchaser pursuant to
Paragraph 29.2.3 (d) below;
(c) deliver to the Purchaser the parts of the System executed by the Supplier up to the date of
(d) to the extent legally possible, assign to the Purchaser all right, title and benefit of the
Supplier to the System or Subsystems as at the date of termination, and, as may be
required by the Purchaser, in any subcontracts concluded between the Supplier and its
(e) deliver to the Purchaser all drawings, specifications, and other documents prepared by the
Supplier or its Subcontractors as at the date of termination in connection with the System.
29.2.4 The Purchaser may enter upon the site, expel the Supplier, and complete the System itself or
by employing any third party. Upon completion of the System or at such earlier date as the
Purchaser thinks appropriate, the Purchaser shall give notice to the Supplier that such
Supplier’s Equipment will be returned to the Supplier at or near the site and shall return such
Supplier’s Equipment to the Supplier in accordance with such notice. The Supplier shall
thereafter without delay and at its cost remove or arrange removal of the same from the site.
29.2.5 Subject to GCC Clause 29.2.6, the Supplier shall be entitled to be paid the Contract Price
attributable to the portion of the System executed as at the date of termination and the costs, if
any, incurred in protecting the System and in leaving the site in a clean and safe condition
pursuant to GCC Clause 29.2.3 (a). Any sums due the Purchaser from the Supplier accruing
prior to the date of termination shall be deducted from the amount to be paid to the Supplier
under this Contract.
29.2.6 If the Purchaser completes the System, the cost of completing the System by the Purchaser
shall be determined. If the sum that the Supplier is entitled to be paid, pursuant to GCC
Clause 29.2.5, plus the reasonable costs incurred by the Purchaser in completing the System,
exceeds the Contract Price, the Supplier shall be liable for such excess. If such excess is
greater than the sums due the Supplier under GCC Clause 29.2.5, the Supplier shall pay the
balance to the Purchaser, and if such excess is less than the sums due the Supplier under
GCC Clause 29.2.5, the Purchaser shall pay the balance to the Supplier. The Purchaser and
the Supplier shall agree, in writing, on the computation described above and the manner in
which any sums shall be paid.
29.3.1 If:
(a) the Purchaser has failed to pay the Supplier any sum due under the Contract within the
specified period, has failed to approve any invoice or supporting documents without just
cause pursuant to the SCC, or commits a substantial breach of the Contract, the Supplier
may give a notice to the Purchaser that requires payment of such sum, requires approval
of such invoice or supporting documents, or specifies the breach and requires the
Purchaser to remedy the same, as the case may be. If the Purchaser fails to pay such
sum , fails to approve such invoice or supporting documents or give its reasons for
withholding such approval, fails to remedy the breach or take steps to remedy the breach
within thirty (30) days after receipt of the Supplier’s notice; or
(b) the Supplier is unable to carry out any of its obligations under the Contract for any reason
attributable to the Purchaser, including but not limited to the Purchaser’s failure to provide
possession of or access to the site or other areas or failure to obtain any governmental
permit necessary for the execution and/or completion of the System;
then the Supplier may give a notice to the Purchaser of such events, and if the Purchaser has
failed to pay the outstanding sum, to approve the invoice or supporting documents, to give its
reasons for withholding such approval, or to remedy the breach within twenty-eight (28) days
of such notice, or if the Supplier is still unable to carry out any of its obligations under the
Contract for any reason attributable to the Purchaser within twenty-eight (28) days of the said
notice, the Supplier may by a further notice to the Purchaser referring to this GCC Clause
29.3.1, forthwith terminate the Contract.
29.3.2 If the Contract is terminated under GCC Clauses 29.3.1 then the Supplier shall immediately:
(a) cease all further work, except for such work as may be necessary for the purpose of
protecting that part of the System already executed, or any work required to leave the site
in a clean and safe condition;
(b) terminate all subcontracts, except those to be assigned to the Purchaser pursuant to
Clause 29.3.3 (d) (ii);
(c) remove all Supplier’s Equipment and personnel from the site.
(d) In addition, the Supplier, subject to the payment specified in GCC Clause 29.3.3, shall:
(i) deliver to the Purchaser the parts of the System executed by the Supplier up to the
date of termination;
(ii) to the extent legally possible, assign to the Purchaser all right, title, and benefit of
the Supplier to the System, or Subsystems, as of the date of termination, and, as
may be required by the Purchaser, in any subcontracts concluded between the
Supplier and its Subcontractors;
(iii) to the extent legally possible, deliver to the Purchaser all drawings, specifications,
and other documents prepared by the Supplier or its Subcontractors as of the date
of termination in connection with the System.
29.3.3 If the Contract is terminated under GCC Clauses 29.3.1, the Purchaser shall pay to the
Supplier all payments specified in GCC Clause 29.1.3.
29.4 In this GCC Clause 29, the expression “portion of the System executed” shall include all work
executed, Services provided, and all Information Technologies, or other Goods acquired (or subject
to a legally binding obligation to purchase) by the Supplier and used or intended to be used for the
purpose of the System, up to and including the date of termination.
29.5 In this GCC Clause 29, in calculating any monies due from the Purchaser to the Supplier, account
shall be taken of any sum previously paid by the Purchaser to the Supplier under the Contract,
including any advance payment paid pursuant to the SCC.
30. Assignment
30.l Supplier shall, without the express prior written consent of the Bank, assign to any third party the
Contract or any part thereof, or any right, benefit, obligation, or interest therein or thereunder, except
that the Supplier shall be entitled to assign either absolutely or by way of charge any monies due and
payable to it or that may become due and payable to it under this Contract.