Scientists Adrienne Zhou and Mathew Meng recently discovered a new comet called "Spirit of the Frost". At 61 km in diameter, it is about 6 times larger than the average comet nucleus of 1-10 km. Its coma extends to around 61,000 km due to sublimation of frozen gases from the nucleus when heated by the Sun. The comet has a dust tail 5.4 million miles long and an ion tail over 2.3 astronomical units. Comets originate from the Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belt and have highly elliptical orbits influenced by planetary gravity.
Scientists Adrienne Zhou and Mathew Meng recently discovered a new comet called "Spirit of the Frost". At 61 km in diameter, it is about 6 times larger than the average comet nucleus of 1-10 km. Its coma extends to around 61,000 km due to sublimation of frozen gases from the nucleus when heated by the Sun. The comet has a dust tail 5.4 million miles long and an ion tail over 2.3 astronomical units. Comets originate from the Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belt and have highly elliptical orbits influenced by planetary gravity.
Scientists Adrienne Zhou and Mathew Meng recently discovered a new comet called "Spirit of the Frost". At 61 km in diameter, it is about 6 times larger than the average comet nucleus of 1-10 km. Its coma extends to around 61,000 km due to sublimation of frozen gases from the nucleus when heated by the Sun. The comet has a dust tail 5.4 million miles long and an ion tail over 2.3 astronomical units. Comets originate from the Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belt and have highly elliptical orbits influenced by planetary gravity.
Scientists Adrienne Zhou and Mathew Meng recently discovered a new comet called "Spirit of the Frost". At 61 km in diameter, it is about 6 times larger than the average comet nucleus of 1-10 km. Its coma extends to around 61,000 km due to sublimation of frozen gases from the nucleus when heated by the Sun. The comet has a dust tail 5.4 million miles long and an ion tail over 2.3 astronomical units. Comets originate from the Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belt and have highly elliptical orbits influenced by planetary gravity.
Comets, an icy dirt ball in our solar system. Formed from left overs of planets, astroids, and frozen gasses, with a bumpy and rough texture. Lately on the day of September, 20th, 2023, two scientist from Shanghai, China named Adrienne Zhou and Mathew Meng have discovered a comet that has a diameter of the nucleus of total Adrienne Zhou 38 miles which rounds up to 61 km. They manages to name their comet “ Spirit Of The Frost”. As some may know, the normal size of a comet is about 1-10 km. That claims that “Spirit Of The Frost” is about 6 times as large as a normal comet. This also means that its coma is about 61,000 km because a comets nucleus is 1,000 or more times smaller than the coma. Spirit Of The Frost People often have questions about comets. How they form, what they are made of and other exclusive questions. A lot of people seem to be very curious about the relationship between comets and life on earth. Thanks to scientists like Adrienne and Mathew, we have discovered and solved many things we didn’t know and were curious about. “The coma of a comet is formed when the nucleus experiences sublimation. The frozen carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide sublimates and turns into gasses. The gasses surround the nucleus, therefor we have the coma. The coma of a comet is able to reach 1000 times larger than the nucleus, but they aren’t always that large. Due to its orbital path, the closer the comet is from the sun, the bigger the coma and the tails are because when the comet is closer, the heat from the sun effects its sublimation.” Comets are unlike other astroids because they have tails. Not one, but two. The newest discovered comet Spirit Of The Frost’s dust tail has the length of 5.4 million miles also known as about 8 million kilometers, and the ion tail has the length of 2.3 astronomical units. We all must have lots of questions about tails because of its length compared to the nucleus. According to Adrienne’s speech, ion tails are made out of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and molecular nitrogen. Dust tails are simply made out of dust particles. Both the tails and the coma are created due to outgassing. Outgassing is when a solid releases frozen gasses, it includes both sublimation and evaporation. In their discovery, they noticed that the tails always point away from the sun. Mathew claims that It it because of the solar wind which is particles from the sun that travels through the entire solar system. It sweeps the dust and the gas of the coma into long tail shapes and away from the sun. Like said before, the tail grows as it gets closer to the sun due to the heat that the sun produces. They also noticed that when the comet gets closer to the sun, not only does the tail get larger, the speed of the comets orbit also accelerates. On September, 23rd, 2023 Adrienne and Mathew posted their reasoning for why the speed accelerates. “We all know that kinetic energy is the energy to make something move. When comets get closer to the sun, the kinetic energy increases, causing a gravitational pull. The increase of gravity leads to the increase of speed. That’s why when a comet gets closer to the sun, it speeds up.” Adrienne and Mathew have said that comets orbit around the sun in long oval shapes and usually orbits in higher angles than planets do. This weird orbital path is due to gravity from other small planets and stars. Recently on October, 4th, 2023 Adrienne has replied to the question millions of people were wondering about. Where do comets come from? “Comets come from the Oort Cloud and the Kuiper Belt. The Oort Cloud is a collection of icy objects, dust particles, dwarf planets and billions of comets shaped into a sphere shell that surrounds the sun and our entire solar system and is also the edge of our solar system. The comets that are formed there are called “long period comets” and they take more than 200 years, some even up to 1,000,000 years to orbit the sun. On the other hand, the Kuiper Belt is also made of icy objects, dust particles, dwarf planets, and comets, but instead of a sphere shape, they form into a doughnut shape that is seen around the sun, and orbits beyond Neptune. Comets that are formed in the Kuiper Belt are called “short period comets”. These comets take less than 200 years to orbit around the sun. Some may even be possible to see twice in a life time”The new discovered Spirit Of the Frost is a short period comet and is claimed that it will be able to see in another 143 years.