Artikel 3
Artikel 3
Artikel 3
DOI: https://10.55927/eajmr.v1i11.1965
ISSN-E: 2828-1519 2621
Hiariey, Latupapua, Risambessy, Sahalessy
This study discusses how work life balance affects job satisfaction.
Human resources are the main element in the development of a business, so it
is required to continue to improve self-quality and develop professional
abilities, while at the same time having high competitiveness among
employees, so that productivity and target achievement in the company can be
achieved. According to Collins & Shaw (2003), Work Life Balance is the extent
to which employees are equally involved and satisfied in their roles in work life
and non-work life. According to Hasibuan (2010 p.202) Job Satisfaction is an
emotional attitude that is pleasant and loves work that is felt by employees.
Series 1
Worklife Balance
Dundas in (Pengemanan, 2017) argues that work-life balance is the
effective management of work & other activities that are important things such
as family, community activities, volunteer work, self-development, travel and
recreation. Based on research conducted by the State Services Commission
(2005: p46), work-life balance includes:
1. Aspects of the workplace consisting of:
a. Type of work.
East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (EAJMR)
Vol. 1, No. 11, 2022 : 2621-2634
b. Workplace type.
c. Problems at work such as unreasonable workload.
Job Satisfaction
According to Donni Juni Priansa (2014: p.290) Job satisfaction is an
important thing that individuals have at work. Each individual work has
different characteristics, so the level of job satisfaction is also different.
According to Nova Syafrina (2018) theories about Job Satisfaction are put
forward, namely:
1. Theory of Balance (Equity Theory). According to this theory, whether
employees are satisfied or not is the result of comparing input-outcome. So,
if the comparison is felt to be balanced, the employee will be satisfied.
2. Discrepancy Theory. If what the employee gets is greater than what was
expected, the employee will be satisfied. Conversely, if what is obtained by
employees is lower than expected, it will cause employees to be dissatisfied.
3. Need Fulfillment Theory. According to this theory, employee satisfaction
depends on whether or not employee needs are met. Employees will be
satisfied if he gets what he needs.
4. Group View Theory (Social Reference Group Theory). According to this
theory, employee satisfaction does not depend on fulfilling needs alone, but
is very dependent on the views and opinions of groups that employees
consider as a reference group. .
5. Two Factor Theory of Herzberg. According to Herzberg, two factors can
cause satisfaction or dissatisfaction, namely maintenance factors and
motivational factors.
6. Expectancy Theory. Hope is the power of belief in a treatment followed by a
special result. This illustrates that employee decisions that allow achieving
one result can lead to other results.
Job Stress
Mangkunegara in Rico et al (2017) revealed that work stress is a feeling
of pressure experienced by employees in dealing with work. Aspects of work
stress according to Robbins & Judge (2008) include three general categories,
1. Physiological symptoms, that stress can create changes in metabolism,
increase heart rate, breathing, cause headaches, and heart attacks.
2. Psychological symptoms, that stress related to work can cause dissatisfaction
at work.
3. Behavioral symptoms, including changes in lifestyle, anxiety, smoking,
excessive appetite, and sleep disturbances.
Hiariey, Latupapua, Risambessy, Sahalessy
H1 : Work Life Balance affects Job Satisfaction
H2 : Work Life Balance affects Work Stress
H3 : Job Stress has an effect on Job Satisfaction
H4 : Work Life Balance affects Job Satisfaction through Job Stress as a
Mediating Variable.
In this study, researchers used quantitative methods. The type of
approach that researchers use is a type of quantitative description analysis
approach with explanatory research (Kuncoro, 2007). The population used in
this study was 39 people. Based on calculations using the slovin formula, the
sample respondents in this study were adjusted to 35 respondents, namely
employees of PT. JNE Ekspress Ambon Branch, this is done to facilitate data
processing and for better test results. Samples were taken based on probability
sampling technique, simple random sampling.
East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (EAJMR)
Vol. 1, No. 11, 2022 : 2621-2634
Charateristics of Respondents
Hiariey, Latupapua, Risambessy, Sahalessy
East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (EAJMR)
Vol. 1, No. 11, 2022 : 2621-2634
Based on the table data above. It is known that the AVE value, the X1
variable (Work Life Balance) is 0.782, the X2 variable (Work Stress) is 0.649 and
the Y variable (Job Satisfaction) is 0.772 Which is where the value is above 0.5
and these variables can be said to be valid based on predetermined standard
values .
Fornell-Lacker Criterion
The construct on the variable (X1 with X1) has a value of 0.879, while the
variable construct (X1 with X2) has a value of 0.145, the variable construct (X1
with Y) has a value of 0.806, the construct (X2 with X2) has a value of 0.859, the
variable construct (X2 with Y) has a value of 0.227 and the variable construct (Y
with Y) has a value of 0.884. Which has a value greater than the construct (X
with X) itself. This also applies equally to other variable constructs.
Composite Reliability
Based on the table data above, it can be seen that the composite
reliability value of all research variables > 0.7. The Work Life Balance variable
(X1) is 0.971, the Work Stress variable (X2) is 0.936 and the Job Satisfaction
variable (Y) is 0.973. This result shows that each variable has met composite
reliability so that it can be concluded that the entire variable has a high level of
reliability. In the Q-Square presictive relevance value, the job satisfaction
variable has a value of 0.741. This shows that work-life balance has a strong
predictive power against Work Stress. The Job Satisfaction variable has a Q-
Square presictive revelance value of 0.051 This indicates that Work Life Balance
and Work Stress have a strong predictive power against Job Satisfaction.
Hiariey, Latupapua, Risambessy, Sahalessy
East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (EAJMR)
Vol. 1, No. 11, 2022 : 2621-2634
1. Work Life Balance has a significant effect on Job Satisfaction. This significant
influence proves that the better the time balance of PT. JNE Express Ambon
Branch will be better satisfaction to work.
2. Work Life Balance is not significant to the Work Stress of PT. JNE Express
Branch .
3. Work Stress is not significant to Job Satisfaction in employees of PT, JNE
Ekspress Ambon Branch.
4. Based on the results of the study, it is proven that the variable of Work
Stress is not a mediating variable between work-life balance and Job
Satisfaction because it is not significant, PT employees. JNE Express Ambon
Branch feels that there is a good work-life balance that can directly increase
Job Satisfaction tampa the existence of Work Stress intermediaries.
5. Pt. JNE Express ambon branch has implemented a good work-life balance
system to be a reference in working. It is hoped that the implementation of
work-life balance can be further improved so that the average employee can
divide their time well.
6. It is expected that PT. JNE Expres Ambon Branch can pay attention to every
worker who feels uncomfortable while working and provide solutions and
innovations that can reduce work stress levels.
Hiariey, Latupapua, Risambessy, Sahalessy
The analytical test tool used is Smart PLS 3.0 with the SEM (Structural
Equation Modeling) analysis method. The results of this study indicate that
work life balance has a significant and significant effect on job satisfaction with
a P-Value of 0.000, work life balance has a negative and insignificant effect on
work stress with a P-Value of 0.397, work stress has a negative and not
significant effect on satisfaction work with a P-Values of 0.543, and finally work
stress is not proven to mediate the effect of work life balance on job satisfaction
with a P-Values of 0.657.
East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (EAJMR)
Vol. 1, No. 11, 2022 : 2621-2634
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