This document contains a list of items for sale at QIYYA HALAL MART including medicines, baby products, cosmetics and household items. It includes the item code, name, type and selling price of each product. There are over 100 products listed with details on medicines, cosmetics, baby care items and other daily essentials. Contact information is provided at the top for ordering from the store.
This document contains a list of items for sale at QIYYA HALAL MART including medicines, baby products, cosmetics and household items. It includes the item code, name, type and selling price of each product. There are over 100 products listed with details on medicines, cosmetics, baby care items and other daily essentials. Contact information is provided at the top for ordering from the store.
This document contains a list of items for sale at QIYYA HALAL MART including medicines, baby products, cosmetics and household items. It includes the item code, name, type and selling price of each product. There are over 100 products listed with details on medicines, cosmetics, baby care items and other daily essentials. Contact information is provided at the top for ordering from the store.
This document contains a list of items for sale at QIYYA HALAL MART including medicines, baby products, cosmetics and household items. It includes the item code, name, type and selling price of each product. There are over 100 products listed with details on medicines, cosmetics, baby care items and other daily essentials. Contact information is provided at the top for ordering from the store.
N Kode Item Nama Item Jenis Harga Jual kunyitasam Kunyit Asam JAmu Herbal 2.000,00 kurap19cair Kurap 19 Cair OBAT 6.000,00 kutek Kutek Kosmetik 5.500,00 kutilos Kutilos OBAT 28.000,00 lactacydbaby Lactacyd Baby bayi 34.000,00 lactamor Lactamor Strip OBAT 30.000,00 lambucidsirup Lambucid Sirup OBAT 10.000,00 larutanpenyegarcap Larutan Penyegar Cap Badak 500 ml Herbal 9.000,00 badak lasegarbot Lasegar Botol Kecil oba 4.000,00 lasegarbot2 Lasegar Botol Besar oba 8.000,00 lasegarkal Lasegar Kaleng oba 7.000,00 lasegarsach Lasegar Sachet OBAT 2.000,00 laserin100 Laserin 100 ml OBAT 25.000,00 laserin60 Laserin 60 ml OBAT 14.000,00 lecozinc Lecozinc sirup OBAT 14.000,00 lelap Lelap Herbal 14.000,00 lembulumata Lem Bulu Mata Kosmetik 5.000,00 lemineral500 Lemineral 500 ml oba 3.000,00 lemineralbesar Lemineral 1 liter oba 6.000,00 lemontea Lemon Tea Kepala Djenggot oba 18.000,00 lemsetan Lem Setan utility 5.000,00 lerzin Lerzin Kapsul OBAT 10.000,00 lerzinsirup Lerzin Sirup OBAT 11.000,00 lifeboysabun Lifebuoy Sabun Kosmetik 3.500,00 lifeboysabuncairboto l Lifebouy Sabun Cair Botol Kosmetik 19.000,00
lifreeM Lifree M Perekat ALKES 7.000,00
lilinjumbo Lilin Jumbo utility 4.000,00 lipbalmtanako Tanako Lip Balm Kosmetik 6.000,00 lipmattehanasui Lip Matte Hanasui Kosmetik 25.000,00 listerinbiru100 Listerin Biru 100 ml Kosmetik 10.000,00 listikmekkah Lipstik Mekkah Kosmetik 9.000,00 livronbplex Livron B-plex OBAT 4.000,00 luxrefillmedium Lux Refill Medium Kosmetik 5.000,00 maduakasia Madu Akasia Herbal 25.000,00 maduhitamtj Madu Hitam TJ OBAT 35.000,00 madurasa Madu Rasa 1 kotak Herbal 15.000,00 madurasaecer Madu Rasa Ecer Herbal 1.500,00 madutj250 Madu TJ Murni 250 gr OBAT 30.000,00 madutjjahemerah15 0 Madu TJ Jahe Merah 150 gr Herbal 24.000,00
madutjjahemerh250 Madu TJ Jahe Merah 250 gr OBAT 34.000,00
madutjpanasdalam Madu Tj Panas Dalam 150 gr Herbal 22.500,00 madutjsac Madu Tj Sachet Original Herbal 1.000,00 makarizohairfragran Makarizo Hair Fraganze Kosmetik 14.000,00 za mancis Mancis utility 3.000,00 marcks Marcks Bedak Kosmetik 18.500,00 marinabodylotionkec Marina Lotion Kecil Kosmetik 6.000,00 il maskanak Masker Anak 3 pcs ALKES 5.000,00 maskducbox Masker Duckbill Box 50's ALKES 20.000,00 maskduckwarna Masker Duckbill Warna ALKES 12.000,00 maskerecer Masker 1 pieces ALKES 2.000,00 maskerkain1 Masker Kain 1 Kosmetik 4.000,00
29/09/2023 12.10 ADMI 10/16
N Kode Item Nama Item Jenis Harga Jual maskerorg Masker Organik Kosmetik 2.500,00 mbksach MBK Sachet Kosmetik 2.500,00 menaralima Menara Lima Ecer OBAT 2.500,00 miconazole Miconazole Cream OBAT 5.500,00 microlax Microlax OBAT 25.000,00 minyakangincaplang Minyak Angin Caplang 12 ml OBAT 23.000,00 12ml minyakanginlang3 Minyak Angin Lang 3 ml OBAT 7.500,00 minyakcapkapak10 Minyak Cap Kapak 10 ml Herbal 20.000,00 ml minyaksereh Minyak Sereh Dragon OBAT 13.000,00 minyaktawon Minyak Tawon Kecil OBAT 26.000,00 mirandahitam Miranda Hitam Kosmetik 14.000,00 mirasic Mirasic 500 mg OBAT 7.000,00 mitutisubasahkecil Mitu Tisu Basah Kecil OBAT 5.000,00 mixagbat Mixagrip Flu dan Batuk OBAT 3.000,00 mixalgin Mixalgin Strip OBAT 12.000,00 mkp120 ml Minyak Kayu Putih Caplang 120 ml OBAT 45.000,00 mkp15 Minyak Kayu Putih Caplang 15 ml OBAT 7.500,00 mkp30 Minyak Kayu Putih Caplang 30 ml OBAT 13.500,00 mkp60ml Minyak Kayu Putih Caplang 60 ml OBAT 26.000,00 mkpcapayambesar MKP Cap Ayam Besar OBAT 75.000,00 molagittab Molagit strip OBAT 7.000,00 molexflupe Molexflu PE OBAT 6.500,00 momilenrash Momilen Rash Cr Baby bayi 35.000,00 msdutjbot150 Madu TJ Murni 150 gr oba 20.000,00 muraqua Muraqua oba 500,00 mustikaayu40 Mustika Ayu Pil 40 Hari OBAT 125.000,00 mybabyhairnbody My Baby Hair and Body Wash bayi 13.000,00 mybabysoapbar My Baby Soap Bar bayi 4.000,00 mybabytelon60 My Baby Minyak Telon 60 ml bayi 20.000,00 mybabytelon90 My Baby Minyak Telon 90 ml bayi 26.000,00 mybabytelonbesar My Baby Minyak Telon Besar Herbal 37.000,00 mybabytisuebasahk My Baby Tissue Basah Kecil bayi 5.000,00 ecil mycoralcr Mycoral Cream OBAT 18.000,00 mylantasyrkecil Mylanta Syrup 50 ml OBAT 18.000,00 mylantatab Mylanta Tablet OBAT 9.000,00 mywelld3 My Well D3 1000 IU OBAT 20.000,00 naspro Naspro OBAT 2.000,00 nature300 Nature E 300 IU 16 tab OBAT 43.000,00 naturee10016 Nature E 100 IU 16 Kap OBAT 23.000,00 naturewhite Nature E White OBAT 55.000,00 nelcobesar Nelco Spesial 100 ml OBAT 35.000,00 nellcospesialbesar OBH Nellco Spesial 100 ml OBAT 48.000,00 neohormoviton Neo Hormoviton Pasak Bumi Herbal 9.000,00 neomethor Neomethor Strip OBAT 7.000,00 neonapacin Neo Napacin OBAT 3.500,00 neorheumacyl Neo Rheumacyl Tab OBAT 10.000,00 neozep Neozep Tab OBAT 3.000,00 neuremakrim Neuremacyl Krim OBAT 12.500,00