3 Sieve Analysis
3 Sieve Analysis
3 Sieve Analysis
Two methods are generally used to find particle size distribution of soil:
The sieve analysis is generally applied to the soil fraction larger than 75 μm
(retaining on the No. 200 Sieve). Grains smaller than 75 μm (0.075 mm) are
The basic principles for sieve analysis and hydrometer analysis are
Sieve analysis consists of shaking the soil sample through a set of sieves
that have progressively smaller openings.
Fortunately, not all soils contain the full range of particle sizes so the test
can be simplified. Soils that are non-cohesive may only require dry sieving.
It is usually considered that the sedimentation procedure is not necessary
if the soil contains less than 10% fines.
Lab. Report NO. 3
Soils may be divided on the basis of their dominating particle size six
arbitrary categories which are called boulders, cobbles, gravel, sand, silt
and clay. Sieve Designation
b. Particles of both large and small sizes are present but with relatively low
proportion of the particles of intermediate sizes (a gap-graded or step-
graded soil) as shown by curve (3).
Soil particles have sizes ranging from greater than 200 mm down to less
Lab. Report NO. 3
Figure (a)
To determine the grain size distribution curve of a soil sample by which soil
can be classified and their engineering properties assessed.
2. Sieve shaker.
3. Balance sensitive to 0.1g.
4. Mortar and pestle.
Lab. Report NO. 3
Lab. Report NO. 3
Table (2).
Maximum Particle Size Minimum Weight of Sample (g)
7.5 cm 6000
5 cm 4000
2.5 cm 2000
1 cm 1000
Finer than No. 4 sieve 200
Finer than No. 10 sieve 100
Lab. Report NO. 3
1. Oven dry the sample, allow it to cool. Then take 500 g (depending on
maximum particle size) of oven dried soil.
2. Select a stack of sieves suitable to the soil being tested. Weigh each sieve
and a pan to be used Wo (make sure each sieve is clean before weighing it,
by using a brush to remove grains stuck in mesh openings).
3. Arrange the stack of sieves so that the largest mesh opening is at the top
and the smallest is at the bottom and attach the pan at the bottom of the
sieve stack.
4. Pour the dry sample on the top sieves. Add a cover plate (to avoid dust and
lost particles while shaking).
5. Place the stack of sieves in the mechanical shaker and shake for 10 min.
6. Remove the stack of sieves from the shaker, and measure the weight of
each sieve and the pan with the soil retained on them Wf.
7. Subtract the weights obtained in step (2) from those of step (6) to give the
weight of soil retained on each sieve. Their sum is compared to the initial
sample weight; both weights should be within about 1%. If the difference is
greater than 1%, too much material was lost, and weighing and/or sieving
should be repeated /Wf – Wo/ > 1%.
Lab. Report NO. 3
Weight of soil retained
% Retained on each sieve = *100
% Finer (passing) than any sieve size = 100 – Cumulative of %Retained
The gain-size distribution curve can be used to determine some of the basic
soil parameters such as the:
1. Effective size (D10); is the diameter in the particle size distribution curve
corresponding to 10% finer.
( D30 ) 2
3. Coefficient of gradation or concavity (Cc); is defined as Cc =
D60 * D10
Where D 30 = diameter through which 30% of the total soil mass is
Find gravel, sand and (silt and clay) percentage according to ASTM.
Find coarse, medium and fine sand according to ASTM.
2. Under what conditions should you use wet sieving instead of dry
Lab. Report NO. 3
Name: .........................................
Class: .....................
10 2.000
20 0.850
30 0.600
40 0.425
100 0.150
200 0.075
Signature: .....................