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Debra Umberson University of Texas at Austin

Mieke Beth Thomeer University of Alabama at Birmingham∗

Rhiannon A. Kroeger University of Texas at Austin∗∗
Amy C. Lodge University of Texas at Austin∗∗∗
Minle Xu University of Texas at Austin∗∗∗∗

Challenges and Opportunities for Research

on Same-Sex Relationships

Research on same-sex relationships has discuss promising strategies and methods to

informed policy debates and legal decisions advance future research on same-sex rela-
that greatly affect American families, yet the tionships, with particular attention given to
data and methods available to scholars studying gendered contexts and dyadic research designs,
same-sex relationships have been limited. In this quasi-experimental designs, and a relationship
article the authors review current approaches biography approach. Innovation and advances
to studying same-sex relationships and sig- in the study of same-sex relationships will fur-
nificant challenges for this research. After ther theoretical and empirical knowledge in
exploring how researchers have dealt with family studies more broadly and increase under-
these challenges in prior studies, the authors standing of different-sex as well as same-sex

Department of Sociology and Population Research Center, One of the most high-stakes debates in the
University of Texas, 305 E. 23rd St., Austin, TX 78712 United States today concerns whether and how
( same-sex relationships influence the health and
∗ Department
of Sociology, University of Alabama at well-being of individuals, families, and even
Birmingham, HHB 460, 1720 2nd Ave. South, society. Social scientists have conducted studies
Birmingham, AL 35294. that compare same- and different-sex relation-
∗∗ Department of Sociology and Population Research ships across a range of outcomes (see reviews
Center, University of Texas, 305 E. 23rd St., Austin, TX in Peplau & Fingerhut, 2007; Rothblum, 2009),
78712. and state and federal judiciaries have drawn on
∗∗∗ Texas Institute for Excellence in Mental Health, Center
this evidence to make critical legal decisions
for Social Work Research, School of Social Work, that affect same-sex partners and their children
University of Texas, 1717 West 6th St., Ste. 335, Austin,
TX 78703. (e.g., American Sociological Association, 2013;
∗∗∗∗ Department of Sociology and Population Research DeBoer v. Snyder, 2014; Hollingsworth v. Perry,
Center, University of Texas, 305 E. 23rd St., Austin, TX 2013). Therefore, it is critical that family schol-
78712. ars develop a scientifically driven agenda to
Key Words: gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender; marriage advance a coordinated and informed program of
and close relationships; relationship processes. research in this area.
96 Journal of Marriage and Family 77 (February 2015): 96–111
Same-Sex Relationships 97

Advances in theory and research on marriage size concerns, addressing gender and sexual
and family are inherently shaped by the changing identity, recruiting respondents, and choosing
contours of family life over time. For example, comparison groups for studies of same-sex
during the past decade, increases in the num- relationships. In the third section we discuss
ber of people who cohabit outside of marriage promising strategies for future research on same-
have been accompanied by vast improvement in sex relationships, with a focus on gendered rela-
the methods and data used to study cohabiting tional contexts and dyadic research designs,
couples (Kroeger & Smock, 2014). A number quasi-experimental designs, and a relationship
of factors point to similarly significant advances biography approach.
in data and research on same-sex relationships We hope that this article, by drawing on
in the near future. First, the number of indi- multiple perspectives and methods in the study
viduals in same-sex unions is significant; recent of same-sex relationships, will advance future
data from the U.S. Census indicate that about research on same-sex unions. Although we
650,000 same-sex couples reside in the United discuss details of specific studies, the present
States, with 114,100 of those couples in legal article is not intended to be a comprehensive
marriages and another 108,600 in some other review of research findings on same-sex rela-
form of legally recognized partnership (Gates, tionships; our primary focus is on data concerns
2013b). Second, the increasing number of states and methodological strategies. We refer read-
that legally recognize same-sex marriage (now at ers to several outstanding reviews of research
19 states and the District of Columbia and likely on same-sex relationships (see, e.g., Kurdek,
more by the time this article is published) and 2005; Moore & Stambolis-Ruhstorfer, 2013;
the U.S. Supreme Court’s reversal of the Defense Patterson, 2000; Peplau & Fingerhut, 2007;
of Marriage Act in 2013 suggest there will be Rothblum, 2009).
many more legally married same-sex couples in
the years ahead. Third, growing efforts by the
Data and Methods: General Approaches
federal government to identify same-sex cou-
ples in U.S. Census counts and national surveys In the face of challenges to research on same-sex
(e.g., the National Health Interview Survey) and relationships, including the past failure of fed-
to fund research on sexual minority populations erally supported data collections to include
mean that researchers will have new sources of measures that clearly identify same-sex rela-
data with which to study same-sex relationships tionships, scholars have been creative in data
in the future. collection and methodological strategies for
We organize this article into three main research. In most analyses that use probability
sections. First, we provide a brief overview of samples and quantitative methods, social sci-
current research and data on same-sex rela- entists analyze data from individuals in same-
tionships, distinguishing between studies that sex relationships (e.g., Joyner, Manning, &
examine individuals in same-sex relationships Bogle, 2013), but a number of nonprobability
and those that examine same-sex couples studies (qualitative and quantitative) include
(i.e., dyads). These two approaches are often data from partners within couples (e.g., Moore,
conflated, yet they address different kinds of 2008; Totenhagen, Butler, & Ridley, 2012).
questions. For example, studies of individuals Both approaches are essential to advancing our
can assess the health benefits of being in a understanding of same-sex relationships.
same-sex relationship by comparing individuals
in same-sex relationships with individuals in
other relationship statuses, whereas a focus Research on Individuals
on couples allows researchers to examine how Studies on individuals in same-sex relationships,
same-sex partners compare with different-sex especially those in which nationally represen-
partners in influencing each other’s health. tative data are used, have been essential in
In the second section we consider common evaluating similarities and differences between
methodological challenges encountered in individuals in same-sex relationships and
studies of same-sex relationships as well as different-sex relationships. For major data sets
strategies for addressing these challenges, that can be used to study individuals in same-sex
with particular attention to identifying indi- relationships, readers may turn to several
viduals in same-sex relationships and sample overviews that address sample size and measures
98 Journal of Marriage and Family

that are available to identify those in same-sex 2004). One nationally representative longitu-
relationships (see Black, Gates, Sanders, & dinal data set, How Couples Meet and Stay
Taylor, 2000; Carpenter & Gates, 2008; Gates Together (HCMST), includes a question about
& Badgett, 2006; Institute of Medicine, 2011). relationship quality and is unique in that it over-
These data sets have produced information on samples Americans in same-sex couples (Rosen-
the demographic characteristics (Carpenter & feld, Thomas, & Falcon, 2011 & 2014). The
Gates, 2008; Gates, 2013b) and the health and HCMST data make it possible to address ques-
economic well-being of individuals in same-sex tions about relationship stability over time, find-
relationships (Badgett, Durso, & Schneebaum, ing, for example, that same-sex and different-sex
2013; Denney, Gorman, & Barrera, 2013; Gon- couples have similar break-up rates once mar-
zales & Blewett, 2014; Liu, Reczek, & Brown, ital status is taken into account (Rosenfeld,
2013). For example, Wight and colleagues 2014).
(Wight, LeBlanc, & Badgett, 2013) analyzed
data from the California Health Interview Sur-
vey and found that being married was associated Research on Same-Sex Couples
with lower levels of psychological distress for Data sets that include information from both
individuals in same-sex relationships as well as partners in a relationship (i.e., dyadic data)
those in different-sex relationships. Given the allow researchers to look within relationships
decades of research showing the many benefits to compare partners’ behaviors, reports, and
of marriage for men and women in different- perceptions across a variety of outcomes. There-
sex relationships (Waite, 1995), research on fore, dyadic data have been used to advance
the possible benefits of marriage for individ- our understanding of same-sex partner dynam-
uals in same-sex relationships is an important ics. Researchers have analyzed dyadic data
endeavor. However, in contrast to research from same-sex partners using diverse meth-
on different-sex partnerships, scholars lack ods, including surveys (Rothblum, Balsam, &
longitudinal data from probability samples Solomon, 2011a), in-depth interviews (Reczek
that enable analysis of the consequences of & Umberson, 2012), ethnographies (Moore,
same-sex relationships for health outcomes 2008), and narrative analysis (Rothblum,
over time. Balsam, & Solomon, 2011b). A few nonprob-
Most probability samples used to study indi- ability samples that include dyadic data have
viduals in same-sex relationships have not been also incorporated a longitudinal design (e.g.,
designed to assess relationship dynamics or Kurdek, 2006; Solomon, Rothblum, & Balsam,
other psychosocial variables (e.g., social sup- 2004).
port, stress) that influence relationships; thus, In some dyadic studies data have been col-
these data sets do not include measures that lected from both partners separately, focusing
are most central to the study of close relation- on points of overlap and differences between
ships, and they do not include measures specific partners’ accounts, and studying such issues as
to same-sex couples (e.g., minority stressors, the symbolic meaning of legal unions for same-
legal policies) that may help explain any group sex couples (Reczek, Elliott, & Umberson,
differences that emerge. As a result, most 2009; Rothblum et al., 2011b), parenting expe-
qualitative and quantitative studies addressing riences (Goldberg, Kinkler, Richardson, &
questions about same-sex relationship dynamics Downing, 2011), intimacy dynamics (Umber-
have relied on smaller, nonprobability samples. son, Thomeer, & Lodge, in press), interracial
Although these studies are limited in generaliz- relationship dynamics (Steinbugler, 2010),
ability, a number of findings have been replicated partners’ interactions around health behavior
across data sets (including longitudinal and (Reczek & Umberson, 2012), and relationship
cross-sectional qualitative and quantitative satisfaction and closeness (Totenhagen et al.,
designs). For example, studies consistently 2012). In contrast, other studies have collected
indicate that same-sex partners share household data from partners simultaneously, through
labor more equally than do different-sex partners joint interviews, experiments, or ethnographic
and that individuals in same- and different-sex observations, focusing on interactions between
relationships report similar levels of relationship partners or partners’ collective responses. For
satisfaction and conflict (see reviews in Peplau example, researchers have used observational
& Fingerhut, 2007; Peplau, Fingerhut, & Beals, methods to provide unique insights into same-
Same-Sex Relationships 99

sex couples’ conflict styles (Gottman, 1993), adjust for misidentification, see Gates & Cook,
division of household labor (Moore, 2008), 2011).
and coparenting interactions (Farr & Patterson, A particularly problematic approach for
2013). identifying individuals in same-sex relation-
ships is the use of proxy reports. This approach
assumes that children (or other proxies) have
Challenges and Strategies for Studying valid knowledge of other persons’ (e.g., par-
Same-Sex Relationships ents’) sexual and relationship histories and is
Although current data are characterized by highly likely to produce invalid or biased results
several limitations, this is no reason to avoid (Perrin, Cohen, & Caren, 2013). For example, a
the study of same-sex relationships. Indeed, recent study (Regnerus, 2012), which purport-
it is important to triangulate a range of qual- edly showed adverse effects of same-sex parents
itative and quantitative research designs and on children, has been widely criticized for using
sources of data in efforts to identify consis- retrospective proxy reports from adult children
tent patterns in same-sex relationships across to identify a parent as having ever been involved
studies and to draw on innovative strate- in a same-sex relationship (for a critique, see
gies that add to our knowledge of same-sex Perrin et al., 2013). Although the findings
relationships. In the sections that follow we from this study have been largely discredited
point to some specific challenges to, advances (Perrin et al., 2013), the results have been
in, and strategies for research on same-sex used as evidence in legal proceedings geared
relationships. toward forestalling same-sex partners’ efforts
to adopt children or legally marry (e.g., Ameri-
can Sociological Association, 2013; DeBoer v.
Snyder, 2014; Hollingsworth v. Perry, 2013).
Identifying Individuals in Same-Sex
This use of social science research highlights
the importance of adhering to best practices
Researchers must accurately identify people for research on same-sex relationships (which
who are in same-sex relationships if they are to several U.S.-based surveys are implementing),
produce valid results and/or allow comparison including directly asking respondents if they
of results across studies, both of which are have a same-sex partner and allowing for multi-
necessary to inform sound public policy (Bates ple response options for union status (e.g., legal
& DeMaio, 2013; DiBennardo & Gates, 2014). marriage, registered domestic partnership, civil
In most nonprobability studies researchers have union, cohabitation, and living-apart-together
relied on volunteer samples and respondents’ relationships; Bates & DeMaio, 2013; Festy,
self-identification as gay or lesbian. Such sam- 2008).
ples are more likely to include individuals
who are open about their sexual orientation
and socioeconomically privileged (Gates & Sample Size
Badgett, 2006). Studies that rely on probability An additional challenge is the small number
samples (e.g., the General Social Survey, the of people in same-sex relationships, making
U.S. Census) raise different concerns because it difficult to recruit substantial numbers of
these samples were not originally designed to respondents and to achieve racial, ethnic, and
identify people in same-sex relationships and do socioeconomic diversity in samples of persons
not directly ask about the sexual orientation or in same-sex relationships (Black et al., 2000;
sex of partners. As a result, to identify individ- Carpenter & Gates, 2008; for additional strate-
uals in same-sex relationships researchers have gies, see Cheng & Powell, 2005). One strategy
juxtaposed information about sex of household to deal with small samples of individuals in
head, relationship of head of household to same-sex relationships has been to pool data
other household members, and sex of those across years or data sets to obtain a sufficient
household members, a strategy that can result number of cases for analysis (e.g., Denney
in substantial misidentification of individuals et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2013; Wienke & Hill,
in same- and different-sex relationships (see 2009). For example, using pooled data from the
discussions in Bates & DeMaio, 2013, and National Health Interview Survey, Liu and col-
DiBennardo & Gates, 2014; for strategies to leagues (2013) found that socioeconomic status
100 Journal of Marriage and Family

suppressed the health disadvantage of same-sex in mixed-orientation marriages (e.g., bisexual

cohabitors compared with different-sex married men married to heterosexual women) may
adults. Other studies have pooled data across experience unique difficulties and relationship
different states to achieve larger and more strategies (Wolkomir, 2009). Failing to con-
representative samples, focusing especially on sider gender identity and presentation as well
states with higher concentrations of same-sex as sexual identity and orientation may also
couples. For example, Blosnich and Bossarte cause researchers to misidentify some same-sex
(2009) aggregated 3 years of state-level data relationships and overlook important sources
from 24 states to compare rates and conse- of diversity among same- and different-sex
quences of intimate partner violence in same- relationships (Moore & Stambolis-Ruhstorfer,
and different-sex relationships and found that 2013). Attention to gender identity and pre-
victims of intimate partner violence report sentation in future research will lead to a
poorer health outcomes regardless of sex of more nuanced understanding of gendered
perpetrator. dynamics within different- as well as same-sex
Gender and Sexual Identity
Recruitment Challenges
Since the publication of Jessie Bernard’s (1982)
classic work on “his” and “her” marriage, social Recruiting people for studies of same-sex
scientists have identified gender as a driving relationships poses several unique challenges
predictor of relationship experiences (Umber- beyond typical recruitment concerns. In partic-
son & Kroeger, in press). Studies of same- ular, because of past discrimination, people in
and different-sex relationships usually rely on same-sex relationships may not trust researchers
self-reports of sex/gender that allow for one to present research findings in fair and accurate
of two choices: male or female. But current ways, keep findings confidential and anony-
scholarship highlights the need to go beyond mous, or present findings in ways that will not
the male–female binary to take into account stigmatize same-sex couples and bolster legis-
transgender and transsexual identities by mea- lation that limits the rights of same-sex partners
suring sex assigned at birth and current sex or (McCormack, 2014; Meyer & Wilson, 2009).
gender (Center of Excellence for Transgender Recruiting both partners in same-sex couples
Health, 2014; Pfeffer, 2010) and to measure is even more challenging; even if one partner
both gender identity (i.e., psychological sense agrees to participate in a study, past experiences
of self) and gender presentation (i.e., external of discrimination or not being “out” may lead
expressions, e.g., physical appearance, cloth- the other partner to avoid taking part in the
ing choices, and deepness of voice; Moore study.
& Stambolis-Ruhstorfer, 2013). This approach Past strategies have included working with
pushes us to think about how gender identity and community partners (e.g., local lesbian, gay,
presentation might shape or modify relation- bisexual, and transgender advocacy groups) to
ship experiences of partners within same- and help researchers establish trust and opportunities
different-sex relationships. For example, gender for recruitment, in particular when recruiting
identity may be more important than sex in driv- more targeted samples based on race/ethnicity
ing housework (in)equality between partners or socioeconomic status (e.g., Meyer &
in both same- and different-sex relationships. Wilson, 2009; Moore, 2008). Researchers also
Scholars can further consider how these aspects can take advantage of information regarding
of gender and sexuality may vary across diverse the geographic distribution of same-sex couples
populations. in the United States to collect data in areas
Similarly, studies need to include ques- with higher concentrations of same-sex couples
tions about multiple aspects of sexuality and racial/ethnic and socioeconomic diver-
(e.g., desires, behavior, identity) in order sity (Black et al., 2000; Gates, 2010). Online
to capture a fuller range of diversity. For recruitment may also facilitate study participa-
example, this would allow for the examination tion; greater anonymity and ease of participation
of differences between people in same-sex with online surveys compared to face-to-face
relationships who identify as bisexual and those data collection may increase the probability that
who identify as gay or lesbian; individuals individuals in same-sex unions and same-sex
Same-Sex Relationships 101

couples will participate in studies (Meyer & study. This design, which could be adapted for
Wilson, 2009; Riggle, Rostosky, & Reedy, qualitative or quantitative studies, allowed the
2005). researchers to compare three types of couples
and address potentially confounding variables
(e.g., cohort, socioeconomic status, social
Comparison Group Challenges networks) by matching same-sex couples in
Decisions about the definition and composition civil unions with network members who were
of comparison groups in studies that compare similar on these background variables. Gates
same-sex relationships to different-sex rela- and Badgett (2006) have argued that future
tionships are critical because same-sex couples research comparing different legal statuses and
are demographically distinct from different-sex legal contexts across states will help us better
couples; individuals in same-sex couples are understand what is potentially unique about
younger, more educated, more likely to be marriage (e.g., whether there are health benefits
employed, less likely to have children, and associated with same-sex marriage compared to
slightly more likely to be female than individ- same-sex cohabitation).
uals in different-sex couples (Gates, 2013b). A related challenge is that same-sex cou-
For example, researchers may erroneously ples in legal unions may have cohabited for
conclude that relationship dynamics differ for many years but been in a legal union for a
same- and different-sex couples when it is in short time because legal union status became
fact parental status differences between same- available only recently. This limits investiga-
and different-sex couples that shape relationship tion into the implications of same-sex marriage
dynamics. Three specific comparison group con- given that marriage is conflated with relation-
siderations that create unique challenges—and ship duration. One strategy for dealing with this
opportunities—for research on same-sex is to match same- and different-sex couples in
relationships include (a) a shifting legal land- the same legal status (e.g., marriage) on total
scape, (b) parental status, and (c) unpartnered relationship duration rather than the amount of
individuals. time in their current status (e.g., cohabiting,
married, or other legal status; Umberson et al.,
Shifting legal landscape. As legal options have in press). An additional complication is that
expanded for same-sex couples, more studies historical changes in legal options for persons
have compared people in same-sex marriages in same-sex relationships contribute to differ-
and civil unions (or registered domestic part- ent relationship histories across successive birth
nerships) with people in different-sex married cohorts, an issue we address later in our discus-
partnerships (e.g., Solomon et al., 2004). Yet sion of relationship biography and directions for
because legal options vary across states and over future research. Future studies might also con-
time, the same statuses are not available to all sider whether access to legal marriage influences
same-sex couples. This shifting legal landscape the stability and duration of same-sex relation-
introduces significant challenges, in particular ships, perhaps using quasi-experimental meth-
for scholars who attempt to compare same-sex ods (also discussed below).
couples with different-sex couples, because most
same-sex couples have not married (or even had Parental status and kinship systems. Individuals
the option of marrying), whereas most different- in same-sex relationships are nested within
sex couples have had ample opportunity to larger kinship systems, in particular those
marry. that include children and parents, and family
One strategy for addressing this complexity dynamics may diverge from patterns found
is to collect data in states that legally acknowl- for individuals in different-sex relationships
edge same-sex partnerships. For example, (Ocobock, 2013; Patterson, 2000; Reczek,
Rothblum and colleagues (Rothblum et al., 2014). For example, some studies suggest that,
2011a; Solomon et al., 2004) contacted all compared with individuals in different-sex
couples who entered civil unions in Vermont in relationships, those in same-sex relationships
2000–2001, and same-sex couples who agreed experience more strain and less contact with
to participate then nominated their siblings in their families of origin (Rothblum, 2009). Mar-
either different-sex marriages or noncivil union riage holds great symbolic significance that may
same-sex relationships for participation in the alter how others, including family members,
102 Journal of Marriage and Family

view and interact with individuals in same-sex One strategy for addressing parental status
unions (Badgett, 2009). Past research shows is to match same- and different-sex compari-
that individuals in different-sex marriages are son groups so that parents are compared with
more involved with their family of origin than parents and nonparents are compared with non-
are those in different-sex cohabiting unions. parents (e.g., Kurdek, 2004). This strategy has
Future research should further explore how the advantage of reducing uncontrolled-variable
the transition from cohabitation to marriage bias owing to parental status (for quantitative
alters relationships with other family members studies) and yields unique insights into the
(including relationships with families of origin) experiences of same- and different-sex par-
for those in same-sex unions (Ocobock, 2013). ents and/or nonparents (for qualitative and
Although a full discussion of data and quantitative studies). A second strategy for
methodological issues concerning larger kinship quantitative researchers is to consider parental
systems is beyond the scope of this article (see status as potentially confounding or moder-
Ocobock, 2013; Patterson, 2000), we focus ating the effects of union status on selected
on one aspect of kinship—parental status—to outcomes. For example, Denney and colleagues
demonstrate some important comparison group (2013) found that parental status is an important
considerations. Parental status varies for same- moderator in understanding health disparities
and different-sex couples and can confound between women in same-sex and different-sex
differences between these two groups as well as relationships in that having children was associ-
within groups of same-sex couples (e.g., com- ated with poorer health for women in same-sex
paring men with men to women with women). relationships than for women in different-sex
Moreover, because having children contributes relationships.
to relationship stability for different-sex cou- We further recommend that social scien-
ples, parental status differences between same- tists understand—and embrace—the diverse
and different-sex couples could contribute to ways that parental status varies across union
differences in relationship stability (Joyner types. It is impossible to fully eliminate
et al., 2013). Same-sex couples are less likely uncontrolled-variable bias, and we know that
than different-sex couples to be raising children, same-sex partners who are parents differ in other
although this distinction is diminishing, albeit important ways from different-sex partners, in
modestly (Gates, 2013b). In 2010, about 19% particular in terms of sociodemographic char-
of same-sex couples had children under age acteristics. Moreover, many same-sex partners
18 in the home, compared with about 43% of did not have the option of becoming parents
different-sex couples (Gates, 2013b). Same-sex because of barriers to adoption as well as a lack
partners living with children are also more likely of access to or the prohibitive cost of reproduc-
to be female than male and tend to be more eco- tive technologies, and this unique history shapes
nomically disadvantaged and to be from racial their relationship experiences (Brewster et al.,
minority groups than same-sex couples without 2014). In fact, attempting to “control away”
children (Gates, 2013a). the experience of parental status may mask
Pathways to parenthood are diverse among differences in the lived experiences of same-
same-sex couples (e.g., surrogacy, adoption, bio- and different-sex partners. Future research
logical child of one partner from previous rela- should take into account cohort differences in
tionship), and these pathways differ by age and pathways to (and probability of) parenthood for
cohort, gender, race, and socioeconomic status, same-sex partners, in particular in connection
all factors that may influence parenting expe- with intimate relationship experiences (also
riences (Brewster, Tillman, & Jokinen-Gordon, see Biblarz & Savci, 2010; Brewster et al.,
2014; Gates & Badgett, 2006; Patterson & Tor- 2014; Goldberg, Smith, & Kashy, 2010; Pat-
nello, 2010). For example, most gay fathers over terson & Riskind, 2010). Researchers could
age 50 had their children within the context of also compare parenthood and relationship expe-
heterosexual marriage, whereas most gay fathers riences in geographic regions that differ on
under age 50 became fathers through foster care attitudes toward same-sex relationships and
or adoption (Patterson & Tornello, 2010). A his- families.
tory of different-sex marriage and divorce may
influence current relationship dynamics for indi- Unpartnered individuals. Very few stud-
viduals in same-sex unions. ies have compared individuals in same-sex
Same-Sex Relationships 103

relationships with their unpartnered counter- Gendered Relational Contexts and Dyadic Data
parts, that is, single men and women with Analysis
similar attractions, behaviors, and identities. Gender almost certainly plays an important role
Yet the comparison of partnered to unpartnered in shaping relationship dynamics for same-sex
persons has led to some of the most fundamental couples, but gender is often conflated with gen-
findings about different-sex relationships, show- dered relational contexts in studies that compare
ing, for example, that married and cohabiting same- and different-sex couples. For example,
different-sex partners are wealthier, healthier, women with men may experience their relation-
and live longer than the unmarried (Waite, ships very differently from women with women,
1995). and these different experiences may reflect the
Recent quantitative studies that have consid- respondent’s own gender (typically viewed in
ered the unpartnered as a comparison group terms of a gender binary) and/or the gendered
have found that those in same-sex relationships context of their relationship (i.e., being a woman
report better health than those who are widowed, in relation to a woman or a woman in relation to
divorced, or never married (Denney et al., 2013; a man).
Liu et al., 2013). Unfortunately, owing to a lack A gender-as-relational perspective (C. West
of information on sexual identity/orientation in & Zimmerman, 2009) suggests a shift from the
most available probability data, individuals in focus on gender to a focus on gendered relational
same- and different-sex relationships have been contexts that differentiates (at least) four groups
compared with unpartnered persons regardless for comparison in qualitative and quantitative
of the unpartnered person’s sexual orientation research: (a) men in relationships with men, (b)
or relationship history. Furthermore, studies that men in relationships with women, (c) women
focus on sexual orientation and health seldom in relationships with women, and (d) women
consider whether such associations differ for the in relationships with men (see also Goldberg,
unpartnered versus partnered. Given the substan- 2013; Umberson, Thomeer, & Lodge, in press).
tial evidence that close social ties are central to Indeed, some scholars argue that unbiased gen-
health and quality of life (Umberson & Montez, der effects in quantitative studies of relationships
2010) and the relative absence of research com- cannot be estimated unless researchers include
paring individuals in same-sex partnerships to men and women in different- and same-sex cou-
their unpartnered counterparts, research designs ples so that effects for the four aforementioned
that compare those in same-sex relationships to groups can be estimated (T. V. West, Popp,
the unpartnered will provide many opportuni- & Kenny, 2008). Similarly, others emphasize
ties for future research. Data collections that same-sex couples as an important counterfactual
focus on individuals who transition from an to different-sex couples in broadening our under-
unpartnered status to a same-sex relationship standing of gender and relationships (Carpenter
may be particularly fruitful. For example, given & Gates, 2008; Joyner et al., 2013; Moore,
different levels of social recognition and stress 2008). For example, recent qualitative research
exposure, researchers may find that relationship has shown that although gender drives differ-
formation (and dissolution) affects individuals ences in the way individuals view emotional
from same- and different-sex relationships in intimacy (with women desiring more permeable
different ways. boundaries between partners in both same-
and different-sex contexts), gendered relational
contexts drive the types of emotion work that
individuals do to promote intimacy in their
Future Directions for Research relationships (with women with men and men
on Same-Sex Relationships with men doing more emotion work to sustain
boundaries between partners; Umberson et al.,
We now turn to three strategies that may help in press). A gender-as-relational perspective
catalyze current theoretical and analytical also draws on intersectionality research (Collins,
energy and innovation in research on same-sex 1999) to emphasize that gendered interactions
relationships: (a) gendered relational contexts reflect more than the gender of each partner;
and dyadic data analysis, (b) quasi-experimental instead, gendered experiences vary depending
designs, and (c) the relationship biography on other aspects of social location (e.g., the expe-
approach. rience of gender may depend on gender identity).
104 Journal of Marriage and Family

Dyadic data analysis. Although quite a few Dyadic diary data. Dyadic diary methods may
nonprobability samples (qualitative and quan- provide particular utility in advancing our under-
titative) include data from both partners in standing of gendered relational contexts. These
relationships, many of these studies have methods involve the collection of data from
analyzed individuals rather than adopting meth- both partners in a dyad, typically via short daily
ods that are designed to analyze dyadic data questionnaires, over a period of days or weeks
(for quantitative exceptions, see Clausell & (Bolger & Laurenceau, 2013). This approach is
Roisman, 2009; Parsons, Starks, Gamarel, & ideal for examining relationship dynamics that
Grov, 2012; Totenhagen et al., 2012; for qual- unfold over short periods of time (e.g., the effect
itative exceptions, see Moore, 2008; Reczek & of daily stress levels on relationship conflict)
Umberson, 2012; Umberson et al., in press). Yet and has been used extensively in the study of
leading family scholars call for more research different-sex couples, in particular to examine
that analyzes dyadic-/couple-level data (Carr gender differences in relationship experiences
& Springer, 2010). Dyadic data and methods and consequences. Totenhagen et al. (2012) has
provide a promising strategy for studying same- also used diary data to study men and women
and different-sex couples across gendered rela- in same-sex couples and found that daily stress
tional contexts and for further considering how was significantly and negatively correlated with
gender identity and presentation matter across relationship closeness, relationship satisfaction,
and within these contexts. We now touch on and sexual satisfaction in similar ways for men
some unique elements of dyadic data analysis and women. Umberson and colleagues (in press)
for quantitative studies of same-sex couples, but have also used dyadic diary data to study mar-
we refer readers elsewhere for comprehensive ital dynamics and health outcomes for same-
guides to analyzing quantitative dyadic data, and different-sex couples. Diary data collected
both in general (Kenny, Kashy, & Cook, 2006) from both partners in same- and different-sex
and specifically for same-sex couples (Smith, contexts make it possible to conduct longitudi-
Sayer, & Goldberg, 2013), and for analyzing nal analyses of daily fluctuations in reciprocal
qualitative dyadic data (Eisikovits & Koren, relationship dynamics and outcomes as well as
2010). to consider whether and how these processes
Many approaches to analyzing dyadic data vary by gendered relationship context and are
require that members of a dyad be distin- potentially moderated by gender identity and
guishable from each other (Kenny et al., gender presentation.
2006). Studies that examine gender effects
in different-sex couples can distinguish dyad
Quasi-experimental Designs
members on the basis of sex of partner, but sex
of partner cannot be used to distinguish between Quasi-experimental designs that test the effects
members of same-sex dyads. To estimate gen- of social policies on individuals and couples in
der effects in multilevel models comparing same-sex relationships provide another promis-
same- and different-sex couples, researchers ing research strategy. These designs provide a
can use the factorial method developed by T. way to address questions of causal inference by
V. West and colleagues (2008). This approach looking at data across place (i.e., across state
calls for the inclusion of three gender effects and national contexts) and over time—in par-
in a given model: (a) gender of respondent, ticular, before and after the implementation of
(b) gender of partner, and (c) the interaction exclusionary (e.g., same-sex marriage bans) or
between gender of respondent and gender of inclusionary (e.g., legalization of same-sex
partner. Goldberg and colleagues (2010) used marriage) policies (Hatzenbuehler et al.,
this method to illustrate gendered dynamics 2012; Hatzenbuehler, Keyes, & Hasin, 2009;
of perceived parenting skills and relationship Hatzenbuehler, McLaughlin, Keyes, & Hasin,
quality across same- and different-sex couples 2010; see Shadish, Cook, & Campbell, 2002,
before and after adoption and found that both regarding quasi-experimental methods). This
same- and different-sex parents experience a approach turns the methodological challenge
decline in relationship quality during the first of a constantly changing legal landscape into
years of parenting but that women experience an exciting opportunity to consider how social
steeper declines in love across relationship policies influence relationships and how this
types. influence may vary across age cohorts. For
Same-Sex Relationships 105

example, researchers might test the effects of 2015). For example, Frost and Meyer (2009)
policy implementation on relationship quality found that higher levels of internalized homo-
or marriage formation across age cohorts. phobia were associated with worse relationship
Quasi-experimental designs have not yet quality for lesbian, gay, and bisexual men and
been applied to the study of same-sex relation- women. These associations could be evaluated
ship outcomes, but a number of recent studies before and after key policy changes. Moreover,
point to the potential for innovation. Hatzen- this approach could use dyadic data to assess the
buehler has been at the forefront of research effects of policy change on couples and individ-
using quasi-experimental designs to consider uals in same- and different-sex relationships.
how same-sex marriage laws influence health
care expenditures for sexual minority men
(Hatzenbuehler et al., 2012) and psychopathol- Relationship Biography Approach
ogy in sexual minority populations (Hatzen- In closing, we suggest that a relationship
buehler et al., 2010). For example, he found that biography approach—that is, focusing on
the effect of marriage policy change on health temporal changes in relationship statuses and
care use and costs was similar for gay and bisex- other components of relationship histories,
ual men who were unpartnered and those who such as relationship durations—be used as an
were in same-sex relationships (Hatzenbuehler organizing framework to drive future qualita-
et al., 2012). He and his colleagues have noted tive and quantitative research and studies of
that the challenges of a quasi-experimental individuals as well as partner dyads. The life
approach include dealing with the constraints course perspective (Elder, Johnson, & Crosnoe,
of measures available in existing data sets 2003) has been used to guide a relationship
before and after policy implementation and the biography approach in studies of different-sex
difficulty (or impossibility) of knowing when couples (e.g., Hughes &Waite, 2009) and could
particular policies will be implemented as well offer great utility in addressing key challenges
as limitations associated with lack of random of research on same-sex couples (Institute of
assignment and changes other than policy shifts Medicine, 2011). In particular, a relationship
that occur during the same time period and may biography approach could take into account the
influence results (Hatzenbuehler et al., 2009, constantly changing legal landscape and rela-
2010, 2012). One strategy for addressing the tionship status options for same-sex couples, the
latter challenge is to test the plausibility of varying amounts of time it would be possible
alternative explanations; for example, Hatzen- to spend in those statuses (both over time and
buehler et al. (2012) examined whether other across geographic areas/states/nations), and
co-occurring changes could explain their find- cohort differences. A biographical approach
ings (e.g., changes in health care use among would address these challenges by considering
all Massachusetts residents). Future studies three things: (a) multiple relationship statuses
could also follow up on prior qualitative and over the life course, (b) duration of time in each
quantitative data collections to compare indi- relationship status, and (c) history of transitions
vidual and relationship experiences of interest into and out of relationships as well as timing of
(e.g., relationship satisfaction) before and after those transitions in the life course. We further
policy changes (e.g., repeal of the Defense of suggest that change in relationship quality over
Marriage Act). time be considered as a component of relation-
Quasi-experimental designs are also useful ship biography. The biographical frame can be
for identifying mechanisms (e.g., stress) that used with different theoretical approaches, is
explain different outcomes across and within multidisciplinary in scope, urges multiple and
couples. Sexual minority populations face intersecting research methods, and emphasizes
higher rates of stress, stigma, and discrimination diversity in life course experiences.
both at the individual and institutional levels, In considering an individual’s relationship
as described by Meyer’s (2003) minority stress biography over the life course, information
model. Measures that tap into minority stress and on the legal status (e.g., civil union, regis-
discrimination could be incorporated in future tered domestic partnership) of each of his or
studies as a way to better understand same-sex her unions could be collected. The available
relationship dynamics and outcomes for indi- evidence on relationship duration and disso-
viduals and dyads (see LeBlanc, Frost, & White, lution is mixed, with some studies suggesting
106 Journal of Marriage and Family

that same-sex unions dissolve more quickly Retirement Survey) do not include sufficient
than do different-sex unions (Lau, 2012) and numbers of same-sex couples to allow valid
others showing no difference (Rosenfeld, statistical analysis. Incorporating relationship
2014). However, we do not yet have exten- quality measures into representative data sets
sive biographical evidence about the duration will contribute to a better understanding of the
of same-sex unions in the United States or predictors and consequences of relationship
how access to marriage might influence rela- quality for same-sex partnerships, the links
tionship duration. By taking into account between relationship quality and relationship
relationship duration and transitions out of sig- duration and transitions, and relationship effects
nificant relationships, future research could also on psychological and physical well-being. A
address the predictors, experiences, and con- relationship biography can be obtained retro-
sequences of relationship dissolution through spectively in cross-sectional data collections or
death or breakup, experiences that have not assessed longitudinally as relationships evolve
been adequately explored in past research on over time. A relationship biography approach
same-sex couples (Gates & Badgett, 2006; would benefit from including an unpartnered
Rothblum, 2009). A relationship biography comparison group, taking into account previous
approach could also take into account gender relationship statuses. A biographical approach
identity and sexual identity transitions. Prior might also be used in future research to consider
qualitative research suggests that one partner’s the impact of structural changes (in addition
gender transition has important implications to personal or relationship changes), such as
for relationship dynamics (e.g., the division of change in public policies or moving to/from a
labor) as well as relationship formation and geographic area with laws/policies that support
dissolution (Moore & Stambolis-Ruhstorfer, same-sex relationships.
2013; Pfeffer, 2010). The National Longitudinal Study of Ado-
Relationship biography is fundamentally lescent Health (Add Health, see www.cpc.
shaped by birth cohort, race/ethnicity, gen- provides a promis-
der and transgender identity, social class, and ing opportunity for studying same-sex relation-
former as well as current sexual orientation. ship biographies in the future. This nationally
Older cohorts of people in same-sex relation- representative study of adolescents (beginning
ships, who formed their relationships in an in 1994) has followed respondents into young
era of significantly greater discrimination and adulthood; respondents were, on average, age 28
no legal recognition for same-sex couples, in the most recent survey. Add Health includes
may differ dramatically from younger cohorts measures of same-sex attraction, sexual identity,
(LeBlanc et al., 2015; Patterson & Tornello, and histories of same- and different-sex relation-
2010). Unique historical backdrops result in ships, allowing for detailed analysis of the lives
different relationship histories (e.g., number of young adults. A biographical approach directs
of years cohabiting prior to marriage, shifts in attention to relationship formation throughout
sexual orientation, risk for HIV, and effects on the life course, and Add Health data may be
relationship dynamics), parenting experiences, useful for studies of relationship formation. For
and, potentially, relationship quality for younger example, Ueno (2010) used Add Health data to
and older cohorts. Thus, age, period, and cohort incorporate the idea of life course transitions
variation are important to consider in future into a study of shifts in sexual orientation among
studies of same-sex relationships (Gotta et al., adolescents over time and found that moving
2011). from different-sex relationships to same-sex
A biographical approach should incorporate relationships was correlated with worse mental
information on relationship quality. Studies of health than continually dating same-sex part-
different-sex couples show that relationship ners. A focus on relationship transitions between
quality is linked to relationship duration and same- and different-sex relationships over the
transitions as well as mental and physical health life course also builds on theoretical and empir-
(Choi & Marks, 2013; Umberson, Williams, ical work on the fluidity of sexual attraction
Powers, Liu, & Needham, 2006). Currently, (Diamond, 2008; Savin-Williams, Joyner, &
most national data sets that include information Rieger, 2012). Bisexual patterns of sexual attrac-
on relationship dynamics (e.g., the National Sur- tion and behavior (which are more common than
vey of Families and Households, the Health and exclusive same-sex sexuality) and transitions
Same-Sex Relationships 107

between same- and different-sex unions and have enriched the available data on different-sex
the timing of those transitions are important, couples, yet current longitudinal data on
but understudied, research topics (Biblarz & same-sex couples are comparable to those
Savci, 2010) that could be addressed through a gained through research on different-sex cou-
relationship biography lens. For example, future ples 30 or more years ago. Investment in future
studies could consider the ages at which these data collections will be essential to advancing
transitions are most likely to occur, duration knowledge on same-sex couples. Although there
of same- and different-sex unions, relationship is much that we can learn from data collections
quality experiences, and effects on individual and methods used to study different-sex cou-
well-being. Men and women may differ in ples, we should not simply superimpose those
these relationship experiences; women seem procedures onto the study of same-sex couples.
to be more situationally driven and fluid in Indeed, as we have discussed, some research
their sexuality than are men (Diamond, 2008; questions, measures, and sample composition
Savin-Williams et al., 2012). issues are unique to the study of same-sex
Researchers have also used Add Health data relationships and require novel approaches.
to study same-sex romantic attraction and sub- Most people yearn for and value an intimate
stance use (Russell, Driscoll, & Truong, 2002), relationship and, once established, a cohabiting,
same-sex dating and mental health (Ueno, 2010), marital, or romantic union becomes a defining
and same-sex intimate partner violence (Russell, feature of their lives. Relationships inevitably go
Franz, & Driscoll, 2001). As respondents age, through ups and downs. At some points, part-
the Add Health project will become even more ners impose stress on each other, and at other
valuable to a relationship biography approach. times they provide invaluable emotional support.
For example, Meier and colleagues (Meier, Hull, Over the life course, relationships are formed,
& Ortyl, 2009) compared relationship values of sustained, and inevitably ended through breakup
heterosexual youth with those of sexual minority or death, with profound effects on individuals
youth; follow-up studies could assess whether and families. Family scholars must design stud-
these differences in values influence relation- ies that address same-sex partner dating and
ships throughout adulthood. Data for study- relationship formation as well as relationship
ing relationship biographies of older cohorts losses and transitions throughout life, with all
of same-sex couples are sorely lacking at the the vicissitudes therein. In this article we have
national level. Investigators certainly must con- identified contemporary challenges to research
tinue to push for funding to include same-sex on same-sex relationships and suggested strate-
relationships in new and ongoing data collec- gies for beginning to address those challenges in
tions. Scholars who have collected data from order to capture the fullness of lives as they are
individuals in same-sex relationships in the past lived across diverse communities. We hope these
should also consider returning to their origi- strategies will inspire scholars to move the field
nal respondents for longitudinal follow-up as forward in new and innovative ways.
well as follow-up with respondents’ partners
(e.g., Rothblum et al., 2011a).
Conclusion We thank Justin Denney, Jennifer Glass, Mark Hatzen-
buehler, Kara Joyner, Wendy Manning, Corinne Reczek, and
Research on same-sex relationships is in a Esther Rothblum for their helpful comments on this article.
period of intense discovery and enlightenment, This research was supported, in part, by an Investigator in
and advances in the study of these relationships Health Policy Research Award to Debra Umberson from the
are sure to further our theoretical and empirical Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; Grant R21 AG044585,
knowledge in family studies more broadly. awarded to Debra Umberson in the Population Research
Center at the University of Texas at Austin by the National
Because of the diversity of same-sex couples Institute on Aging; Grant 5 R24 HD042849, awarded to the
and the political and legal significance of who is Population Research Center at the University of Texas at
in a same-sex relationship or family, it is essen- Austin by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute
tial to advance research that reflects professional of Child Health and Human Development; and Grant F32
HD072616, awarded to Rhiannon A. Kroeger in the Popu-
and ethical standards as well as the diversity lation Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin
of same-sex couples (Perrin, Cohen, & Caren, by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child
2013). Decades of federally funded research Health and Human Development.
108 Journal of Marriage and Family

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