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Clinical Investigation

The Impact of Radiation Therapy in Children and

Adolescents With Metastatic Rhabdomyosarcoma
Alison L. Cameron, FRCR,* Markus C. Elze, PhD,y
Michela Casanova, MD,z Birgit Geoerger, MD,§ Mark N. Gaze, MD,k
Veronique Minard-Colin, MD,§ Kieran McHugh, FRCR,{
Rick R. van Rijn, MD,# Anna Kelsey, MRCS,** H!el"ene Martelli, PhD,yy
Henry Mandeville, MD (Res),zz Gianni Bisogno, MD,§§
Stephen Lowis, PhD,kk Milind Ronghe, FRCPCH,{{ Daniel Orbach, MD,##
Cecile Guizani, MSc,y Sabine Fu
€rst-Recktenwald, MD,y
Julia C. Chisholm, PhD,*** and Johannes H.M. Merks, PhDyyy,zzz on
behalf of the European Paediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group
(EpSSG) and the European Innovative Therapies for Children with
Cancer (ITCC) Consortium *Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre, University Hospitals
Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust, Bristol, United Kingdom; yF. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Basel,
Switzerland; zPediatric Oncology Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milano, Italy;
Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Oncology, Gustave Roussy Cancer Center, University Paris-
Saclay, INSERM U1015, Villejuif, France; kDepartment of Oncology, University College London
Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; {Department of Radiology, Great Ormond
Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; #Department of
Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Emma Children’s Hospital, Amsterdam UMC, University of
Amsterdam, the Netherlands; **Department of Paediatric Histopathology, Manchester University NHS

Corresponding author: Alison L. Cameron, FRCR; E-mail: Alison. Global Policy on the Sharing of Clinical Information and how to request
Cameron@UHBW.nhs.uk access to related clinical study documents, see: https://www.roche.com/
Julia C. Chisholm and Johannes H. M. Merks contributed equally to research_and_development/who_we_are_how_we_work/clinical_trials/
this study. our_commitment_to_data_sharing.htm
This work was supported by F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. Acknowledgments—The authors thank the patients, caregivers, and
Disclosures: A.L.C. received nonfinancial support from Roche during medical staff involved in this study from the recruiting countries. Dr M. N.
the conduct of the study. M.C.E. is an employee of and owns shares in F. Gaze is supported by the National Institute for Health Research Biomedi-
Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. M.C. has received consultancy fees from F. cal Research Centre of University College London Hospitals and by the
Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. R.RvR. has received consultancy fees from F. Radiation Research Unit at the Cancer Research UK City of London Cen-
Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. D.O. reports consultancy work for the French tre Award (C7893/A28990). Dr J. C. Chisholm and Dr H. C. Mandeville
transparency committee and for F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, and an inde- are supported by National Health Service funding to the National Institute
pendent translational research project partially supported by Bayer. C.G. is for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre of the Royal Marsden
an employee of F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. S.F.R. is an employee of F. Hospital. Dr J. C. Chisholm is also supported by the Royal Marsden Can-
Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. J.C.C. has received consultancy fees from F. cer Charity. Third-party medical writing assistance, under the direction of
Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd relating to the BERNIE study, and advisory the authors, was provided by Abigail Robertson, PhD, medical writer, and
board and educational meeting speaker fees from Bayer. Fiona Fernando, PhD, contract medical writer at Gardiner-Caldwell Com-
Qualified researchers may request access to individual patient level munications, and was funded by F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
data through the clinical study data request platform (https://vivli.org/). Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in the
Further details on Roche’s criteria for eligible studies are available at: online version, at doi:10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.06.031.
https://vivli.org/members/ourmembers/. For further details on Roche’s

Int J Radiation Oncol Biol Phys, Vol. 000, No. 00, pp. 1−11, 2021
0360-3016/$ - see front matter ! 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Cameron et al. International Journal of Radiation Oncology ! Biology ! Physics

Foundation Trust, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, Manchester, United Kingdom; yyDepartment
of Paediatric Surgery, Ho^pital Bice^tre-Ho^pitaux Universitaires Paris-Saclay, Assistance Publique-
Ho^pitaux de Paris, Paris, France; zzDepartment of Radiotherapy, the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation
Trust, and the Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, United Kingdom; xxDepartment of Women’s and
Children’s Health, University of Padova, Padova, Italy; kkDepartment of Paediatric and Adolescent
Oncology, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, Bristol, United Kingdom; {{Department of Paediatric
Oncology, Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow, United Kingdom; ##SIREDO Oncology Center, Institut
Curie, PSL University, Paris, France; ***Children and Young People’s Unit, the Royal Marsden NHS
Foundation Trust, and the Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, United Kingdom; yyyPrincess Ma!xima
Center for Pediatric Oncology, Utrecht, the Netherlands; and zzzDepartment of Pediatric Oncology,
Emma Children’s Hospital-Academic Medical Center (EKZ-AMC), Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Received Jan 7, 2021; Revised Jun 18, 2021; Accepted for publication Jun 21, 2021

Purpose: There is limited evidence to define the role of radiation therapy in children with metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma
(mRMS). In the international BERNIE study, children with mRMS or non-RMS soft tissue sarcoma were randomized to
receive standard chemotherapy with or without bevacizumab, with radiation therapy to all disease sites recommended after
chemotherapy cycle 6. We retrospectively evaluated the impact of radiation therapy on survival in the mRMS cohort.
Methods and Materials: Patients were grouped according to the radiation therapy they received: radical, partial, or none. Radical
irradiation was defined as radiation therapy delivered to all disease sites, unless a site was completely surgically resected. Partial
irradiation was defined as radiation therapy to ≥1, but not all, disease sites. Landmark analysis excluded patients with an event
before day 221. Overall survival (OS) and event-free survival (EFS) were modeled using Cox proportional hazards models.
Results: Of 102 patients with mRMS, 97 were included in the analysis for OS and 85 for EFS. Overall, 27 patients received
radical irradiation, 46 partial irradiation, and 24 no irradiation. EFS was not significantly different among patient groups after
adjustment for prognostic factors (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.520; P = .054 for any vs no irradiation). Radiation therapy was asso-
ciated with improved OS compared with no radiation therapy (adjusted HR = 0.249; P = .00025), with OS being greater for
radical versus partial irradiation (HR = 0.245; P = .039). The 3-year OS rate was 84%, 54%, and 23% for patients receiving
radical, partial, and no irradiation, respectively. Radical treatment (surgery, irradiation, or both) of the primary site improved
EFS and OS compared with no treatment.
Conclusions: These findings demonstrate variability in the application of radiation therapy for mRMS and support the routine
use of radical treatment to the primary site. Radical irradiation to metastatic sites may further improve OS. The burden of
such treatment should be balanced against prognosis; further studies are needed. ! 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction without radiation therapy).5 However, the German Coopera-

tive Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group’s retrospective analy-
Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most common soft tissue sis of 4 consecutive trials noted no improvement in OS, EFS,
sarcoma in children.1 When disease is metastatic at presen- or local control in 29 patients with embryonal RMS, only 10
tation, in approximately 15% of cases, outcomes are poor, of whom had received local treatment for lung metastases.6
with a 3-year event-free survival (EFS) of just 27%.2 Opti- Small single-center series report 73% to 100% local con-
mization of treatment combinations and development of trol of non-lung metastatic sites with radiation therapy
new therapies are needed. In metastatic RMS (mRMS), (fractionated 18-50.4 Gy)3,4,7,8 and 56% local control with
radiation therapy can be used to treat the primary site, dis- whole-lung irradiation (15 Gy in 10 fractions).9 In addition,
tant disease sites, or both, with the aim of controlling symp- a series of 35 patients with mRMS suggested a survival
toms and improving disease control. The use of radiation advantage for patients receiving radiation therapy to all
therapy in mRMS is variable, with limited evidence sup- sites compared with less than all metastatic sites (5-year
porting its use.3-10 progression-free survival of 31% vs 0%, respectively,
In patients with RMS and lung-only metastases, conflict- P = .002; 5-year OS of 37% vs 0%, respectively, P < .001),
ing results have been published regarding the benefit of although the groups were imbalanced, with considerably
whole-lung radiation therapy. A retrospective nonrandom- more patients with lung-only metastases in the radiation
ized analysis of the North American Intergroup Rhabdomyo- therapy group.9 The largest series of patients with mRMS,
sarcoma Studies IV Pilot and IV trials of 46 patients treated between 1998 and 2011, considered the local treat-
suggested that those who received lung radiation therapy had ment of 88 children and young adults and noted that those
improved 4-year overall survival (OS) (47% vs 31% without who received both radiation therapy and surgery had
radiation therapy) and failure-free survival (48% vs 12% improved OS. On both univariate and multivariate analyses,
Volume 00 ! Number 00 ! 2021 Impact of RT on survival in mRMS 3

5-year OS was 44% for patients treated with surgery and cycle 9 plus 1-month grace period), to reduce the risk of
radiation therapy, 19% after surgery alone, and 16% for immortality bias in those receiving radiation therapy—a
radiation therapy alone.10 The authors concluded that landmark approach.12 This approach resulted in only surgery
aggressive local therapy was important in the treatment of and radiation therapy before day 221 and only OS and EFS
mRMS. No comment was made on the role of radiation after day 221 being considered.
therapy to distant metastatic sites, except that only 34% of Patients were classified according to the radiation ther-
patients received such irradiation. apy they received: radical, partial, or none. Radical irradia-
The multicenter, randomized, phase 2 BERNIE study tion was defined as radiation therapy to all disease sites
investigated whether the addition of bevacizumab to standard (primary [unless completely resected paratesticular or limb
chemotherapy extended EFS in patients with untreated site], nodal, and metastatic [except bone marrow]) identi-
mRMS and non-RMS soft tissue sarcoma (NRSTS).11 Radia- fied at trial entry and delivered at a dose consistent with rad-
tion therapy to all sites of disease was recommended if feasi- ical irradiation (as per doses previously stated, although a
ble in BERNIE, but not all patients received radiation therapy: minimum of 24 Gy was considered acceptable where the
patients received radiation therapy to none, some, or all known whole abdomen was irradiated 4). Partial irradiation was
disease sites. The reason for this variation was not recorded. defined as radiation therapy to ≥1 site of disease, but not
Within BERNIE, 102 patients had mRMS, thus enabling the fulfilling the definition of radical irradiation. In addition,
largest analysis to date of radiation therapy use in this patient patients were classified as receiving any radiation therapy
group. (partial or radical) or no radiation therapy.
The aim of this nonrandomized, retrospective analysis The Oberlin score2 was determined for all patients, with
was to describe the use of radiation therapy in the BERNIE 0 to 1 considered good prognosis and 2 to 4 considered
study and to explore the impact of radiation therapy on EFS poor prognosis.
and OS in mRMS to inform future radiation therapy treat- Regarding treatment of the primary site, “radical surgery
ment guidelines and trial protocols. alone” was defined as complete surgical resection without
any additional radiation therapy to that site before day 221;
“radical irradiation alone” was defined as no surgery but
Methods and Materials radiation at a radical dose to the primary site before day
221; “radical radiation therapy and surgery” was defined as
Study design per “radical irradiation alone” with the addition of partial or
complete surgical resection; and “no radical local therapy”
was used for all patients outside these definitions.
Full methodology of the BERNIE study has been pub-
lished.11 In brief, 154 patients aged 0.5 to <18 years with
untreated mRMS or NRSTS were randomized to receive or Statistical analyses
not receive bevacizumab in addition to 9 cycles of 3-weekly
induction and 12 cycles of 4-weekly maintenance chemo- EFS and OS were modeled using Cox proportional hazards
therapy (Fig. E1). The protocol recommended local therapy models for the different radiation therapy classifications,
with surgery (if indicated) after cycle 7 and radiation ther- treatment of primary site, and sites of metastases and were
apy between cycles 7 and 9 of induction chemotherapy. corrected for risk factors that may influence outcome in
Radiation therapy was recommended to all sites of disease, mRMS. Risk factors were defined as bevacizumab treat-
where feasible, except extremity postamputation and para- ment, disease risk (high-risk disease: age ≥10 years, unfa-
testicular primary after complete surgical resection. The vorable primary site, bone or bone marrow metastasis, >2
trial suggested a dose of 41.4 to 55.8 Gy to the primary site, metastatic sites), age (<1 vs 1-9 vs ≥10 years), histologic
dependent on response to chemotherapy and surgical resec- type (alveolar vs embryonal vs other), and metastatic lesion
tion; 41.4 to 50.4 Gy to regional lymph nodes; and varying count (1 vs 2-3 vs >3). No correction was applied for EFS
doses to metastatic sites (30 Gy to bone and brain metasta- and OS analysis of the Oberlin factors. The Pearson x2 test
ses; 15 Gy to whole lung; rarely 40-50 Gy to limited sites). was used for comparison between groups. Descriptive anal-
The study protocol was approved by applicable ethics ysis was used to explore differences in patients who
committees and institutional review boards, and the study received radiation therapy and those who did not.
was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Hel-
sinki and Good Clinical Practice. Written informed consent
was obtained from patients or parents or legally acceptable Results
representatives before any study-related procedures.
Landmark analysis
In total, 102 of 154 patients enrolled in BERNIE had
The current analysis included only patients with mRMS who mRMS. Of these, 97 were alive (85 were event-free) at the
were alive without progression at day 221 (planned end of landmark point of day 221 and were included in this
4 Cameron et al. International Journal of Radiation Oncology ! Biology ! Physics

analysis. Overall, 24 of 97 (25%) patients received no radia- (HR = 0.245; 95% CI, 0.064-0.938; P = .039) (Fig. 2B and
tion therapy. Of the 73 of 97 (75%) patients who did receive Table 3). The 3-year OS was 84% (95% CI, 70-100), 54%
radiation therapy, 46 (47%) received partial and 27 (28%) (95% CI, 40-72), and 23% (95% CI, 10-56) for radical, par-
received radical irradiation. Six patients who received radi- tial, and no irradiation, respectively (Fig. 2B).
ation therapy after day 221 were considered not to have
received radiation therapy for the purpose of this analysis.
Baseline patient demographic and clinical characteristics Effect of metastatic sites
are shown in Table 1. Not all potential risk factors were bal-
anced across the groups at baseline. A greater proportion of Patients with lung-only metastases (n = 9 for EFS; n = 11
patients receiving radical irradiation had a good-prognosis for OS) did not experience improved EFS (adjusted
Oberlin score (score 0-1: 70% [19 of 27], 26% [12 of 46], and P = .39) or OS (adjusted P = .49). However, only 2 of these
50% [12 of 24] for radical, partial, and none, respectively) and patients received radiation therapy to their lung metastases.
oligometastatic disease (1-3 metastatic lesions: 59% [16 of Of 9 patients with bone-only metastases, 4 had a single
27], 22% [10 of 46], and 21% [5 of 24], respectively). metastasis, 1 had 2 metastases, and 4 had multiple bone
Treatment delivered to each disease site is shown in metastases. Three patients had their single bone metastasis
Table 2. In the partial radiation therapy group, 93% of irradiated, 3 had some of their bone lesions irradiated, and
patients (43 of 46) had radical treatment of the primary site, 3 had none irradiated. In patients with bone-only metasta-
but none had radical treatment of all regional lymph node/ ses, 3-year EFS and OS were 78% (95% CI, 55-100) and
metastatic sites. In the no-radiation-therapy group, 9% of 89% (95% CI, 71-100), respectively, compared with 29%
patients (2 of 22) had surgery to the primary site, which (95% CI, 16-52; adjusted P = .10) and 30% (95% CI, 17-
required no adjuvant radiation therapy (paratesticular), and 52; adjusted P = .001), respectively, for those with bone
91% (20 of 22) did not receive radical treatment of the pri- and other metastatic sites.
mary site. In the adjusted analysis, EFS and OS were significantly
The radiation therapy dose to the primary site ranged longer in patients with a single metastatic site versus 2 to 3
from 30 to 61.4 Gy (median 50.4 Gy), dose to regional (P = .026 EFS; P = .0002 OS) or ≥4 involved sites
lymph nodes from 30 to 55.4 Gy (median 41.4 Gy), and (P = .034 EFS; P = .023 OS) (Fig. E2). The 3-year EFS was
dose to distant metastases from 10.5 to 59.4 Gy (median 52% (95% CI, 36-73), 38% (95% CI, 23-64), and 17%
41.4 Gy). Regarding doses to metastatic sites, 1 patient (95% CI, 5-54) for patients with 1, 2 to 3, or ≥4 metastatic
received 10.5 Gy (to peritoneum, not considered “radical”), sites, respectively. The corresponding 3-year OS was 74%
10 patients 15 Gy to lungs (5 exclusively), 15 patients 30 to (95% CI, 59-93), 54% (95% CI, 40-73), and 16% (95% CI,
33 Gy, 17 patients 40 to 45 Gy, and 17 patients 50 to 59.4 5-55), respectively. There was no significant difference in
Gy. None received stereotactic body radiation therapy, and EFS or OS in 19 patients with a single metastatic lesion
all were delivered in 1.5 to 1.8 Gy per fraction where docu- compared with those with >1 lesion.

Effect of Oberlin prognostic score

Effect of irradiation
The Oberlin score was prognostic for OS but not EFS. The
Radiation therapy was associated with improved EFS com- 3-year OS was 71% (95% CI, 57-89) for the good prognos-
pared with no radiation therapy (unadjusted hazard ratio tic group versus 41% (95% CI, 29-58) for the poor prognos-
[HR] = 0.505; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.289-0.881; tic group (P = .004). When dividing radiation therapy
P = .016) (Fig. 1A and Table 3). However, after adjusting delivered by Oberlin prognostic group, EFS and OS were
for risk factors, this became a nonsignificant trend significantly better in patients who received irradiation
(HR = 0.520; 95% CI, 0.267-1.011; P = .054). The 3-year compared with those who did not. In patients in the Oberlin
EFS was 61% (95% CI, 44-85), 41% (95% CI, 27-62), and good prognostic group, the 3-year OS was 89% (95% CI,
9% (95% CI, 2-56) for radical, partial, and no irradiation, 77-100) with radiation therapy and 29% (95% CI, 10-87)
respectively (Fig. 1B). without radiation therapy. In the Oberlin poor prognostic
Radiation therapy was associated with improved OS group, OS was 48% (95% CI, 34-68) with radiation therapy
compared with no radiation therapy (unadjusted and 14% (95% CI, 3-76) without radiation therapy (Fig. 3).
HR = 0.292; 95% CI, 0.153-0.555; P = .00018) (Fig. 2A The proportion of patients receiving radiation therapy
and Table 3), and this remained significant when adjusting was similar between good and poor prognostic Oberlin
for risk factors (adjusted HR = 0.249; 95% CI, 0.119-0.524; groups (72% vs 78%, respectively; P = .519). However, the
P = .00025). OS was improved at 3 years with radical extent of radiation differed. Of 43 patients (44%) in the
(adjusted HR = 0.115; 95% CI, 0.027-0.482; P = .0031) or good Oberlin prognostic group, 19 (44%), 12 (28%), and 12
partial (adjusted HR = 0.296; 95% CI, 0.141-0.623; (28%) received radical, partial, or no irradiation, respec-
P = .00132) irradiation compared with no irradiation and tively, compared with 8 (15%), 34 (63%), and 12 (22%)
when comparing radical versus partial irradiation patients, respectively, in the poor Oberlin prognostic group
Volume 00 ! Number 00 ! 2021 Impact of RT on survival in mRMS 5

Table 1 Baseline characteristics of patients in the landmark analysis

Irradiation received, n (%)
Radical Partial None
Characteristic (n = 27) (n = 46) (n = 24) P value
Median age, y (range) 5.3 (1-18) 10.2 (1-17) 11.1 (2-17) .001
Age group, n (%), y .101
<1 (n = 5) 3 (11) 1 (2) 1 (4)
1-9 (n = 48) 17 (61) 21 (47) 10 (42)
≥10 (n = 44) 7 (26) 24 (52) 13 (54)
Disease risk, n (%) .414
High-risk mRMS* 18 (67) 37 (80) 19 (79)
Non−high-risk mRMS 9 (33) 9 (20) 5 (21)
Histology, n (%) .104
Embryonal 11 (41) 18 (39) 6 (25)
Alveolar 13 (48) 28 (61) 17 (71)
Other 3 (11) 0 1 (4)
Primary site, n (%) .235
Favorable 3 (11) 3 (7) 2 (8)
Unfavorable 24 (89) 43 (93) 20 (83)
No primary site identified 0 0 2 (8)
Bladder prostate 5 (19) 3 (7) 4 (17)
Nonbladder prostate genitourinary 2 (8) 2 (8) 2 (8)
Head and neck 1 (4) 0 0
Parameningeal 3 (11) 10 (22) 2 (8)
Orbit 0 1 (2) 0
Extremity 10 (37) 16 (35) 6 (25)
Other 7 (26) 13 (28) 8 (33)
No primary 0 0 2 (8)
Size of the primary lesion, n (%) .819
≤5 cm 7 (26) 13 (28) 6 (25)
>5 cm 18 (67) 24 (52) 11 (46)
Not measurable 3 (11) 8 (17) 5 (21)
Not applicable 0 0 2 (8)
Metastatic lesions, n (%) .002
1 9 (33) 5 (11) 5 (21)
2-3 7 (26) 5 (11) 0
≥4/bone marrow involved/multiple nontarget 11 (41) 36 (78) 19 (79)
Metastatic sites, n (%) .050
1 15 (56) 13 (28) 9 (38)
2 7 (26) 16 (35) 5 (21)
3 5 (19) 4 (9) 6 (25)
4 0 8 (17) 1 (4)
5 0 2 (4) 0
6 0 1 (2) 2 (8)
7 0 2 (4) 1 (4)
Metastatic site location, n (%)
Lung 8 (30) 17 (37) 14 (58) .101
Bone 6 (22) 32 (70) 9 (38) <.001
Bone marrow 2 (7) 8 (17) 3 (13) .507
Distant lymph node 8 (30) 13 (28) 8 (33) .958
Other 16 (59) 23 (50) 12 (50) .726
Randomized treatment, n (%) .331
Chemotherapy 17 (63) 21 (46) 11 (46)
Bevacizumab + chemotherapy 10 (37) 25 (54) 13 (54)
Oberlin score, n (%) .011
0 7 (26) 5 (11) 4 (17)
6 Cameron et al. International Journal of Radiation Oncology ! Biology ! Physics

Table 1 (Continued)
Irradiation received, n (%)
Radical Partial None
Characteristic (n = 27) (n = 46) (n = 24) P value
1 12 (44) 7 (15) 8 (33)
2 4 (15) 12 (26) 1 (4)
3 2 (7) 14 (30) 5 (21)
4 2 (7) 8 (17) 6 (25)

P values compare radical versus partial versus no radiation therapy.

Abbreviations: mRMS = metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma.
The definition of high-risk mRMS (age ≥10 years, unfavorable primary site, bone or bone marrow metastasis, and >2 metastatic sites) was based on
the BERNIE study and did not exactly match the Oberlin criteria.
Favorable sites: orbit, nonparameningeal, and nonbladder/prostate genitourinary.
Unfavorable sites: parameningeal, bladder-prostate, extremity, and other.
Oberlin score: based on the number of unfavorable prognostics factors present (age, site, bone or bone marrow involvement, and number of meta-
static sites).2

Table 2 Treatment delivered to primary, regional nodal, and metastatic sites of disease divided by radical, partial, or no irradiation
Treatment delivered
Radiation therapy group Primary site Regional lymph nodes Metastatic sites
Radical ! 11 radiation therapy only ! 7 radiation therapy only ! 23 radiation therapy only
(n = 27) ! 13 radiation therapy and ! 2 radiation therapy ! 23 100% lesions irradiated
surgery and surgery ! 4 radiation therapy and surgery
- 10 complete resection ! 18 not applicable - 4 100% lesions irradiated
- 2 partial resection and partial resection
- 1 uncertain

! 3 surgery only
- 3 complete resection testes/limb

Partial ! 23 radiation therapy only ! 14 radiation therapy only ! 23 radiation therapy only
(n = 46) ! 18 radiation therapy and ! 1 radiation therapy - 20 <100% lesions irradiated
surgery and surgery - 2 100% lesions irradiated at low
- 12 complete resection ! 1 surgery only (nonradical) dose
- 4 partial resection - 1 complete resection - 1 100% lesion irradiated

! 2 uncertain, 2 surgery ! 7 no treatment ! 23 no treatment

only ! 23 not applicable
- complete resection limb

! 3 no treatment

None ! 8 surgery only ! 8 no treatment ! 3 surgery

(n = 24) - 2 resection ! 16 not applicable - 2 partial resection
paratesticular primary - 1 uncertain
- 4 complete resection
- 2 partial resection ! 21 no treatment

! 14 no treatment
! 2 no primary site identified
Volume 00 ! Number 00 ! 2021 Impact of RT on survival in mRMS 7
1.0 No RT (n = 20)
A 1.0 No RT (n = 20)
B Partial RT (n = 41)
RT (n = 65) Radical RT (n = 24)

Proportion without EFS event

Proportion without EFS event





0 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (years)
0 1 2 3 4 5 N at risk, % without event
Time (years)
N at risk, % without event No RT 17, 84% 5, 28% 2, 9%
[70–100%] [13–61%] [2–56%]
No RT 17, 84% 5, 28% 2, 9%
[70–100%] [13–61%] [2–56%] Partial RT 35, 83% 19, 56% 9, 41% 5, 41% 2, 41%
[72–95%] [43–74%] [27–62%] [27–62%] [27–62%]
RT 54, 83% 28, 57% 14, 47% 9, 43% 4, 43%
[74–93%] [46–71%] [35–63%] [30–61%] [30–61%] Radical RT 20, 83% 10, 61% 6, 61% 5, 49% 3, 49%
[69–100%] [44–85%] [44–85%] [28–84%] [28–84%]

Fig. 1. Kaplan-Meier plot of event-free survival. (A) Patients receiving versus not receiving radiation therapy. (B) Patients
receiving radical, partial, or no radiation therapy. Dotted lines represent upper and lower 95% confidence intervals. Abbrevia-
tions: EFS = event-free survival; RT = radiation therapy.

Table 3 Effect of radiation therapy on EFS and OS for landmark analysis day 221
Comparison vs no radiation therapy
HR SE 95% CI P value HR SE 95% CI P value
Any irradiation Unadjusted 0.505 0.284 0.289-0.881 .01620 0.292 0.329 0.153-0.555 .00018
Adjusted 0.520 0.340 0.267-1.011 .05405 0.249 0.379 0.119-0.524 .00025
Partial irradiation Unadjusted 0.543 0.307 0.297-0.991 .04673 0.389 0.338 0.201-0.755 .00522
Adjusted 0.537 0.362 0.264-1.091 .08535 0.296 0.379 0.141-0.623 .00132
Radical irradiation Unadjusted 0.438 0.395 0.202-0.950 0.03662 0.133 0.574 0.043-0.409 .00044
Adjusted 0.483 0.473 0.191-1.221 0.12411 0.115 0.732 0.027-0.482 .0031

Variables: treatment (bevacizumab), disease risk, age, histologic classification, and metastatic lesion count.
Abbreviations: EFS = event-free survival; HR = hazard ratio; OS = overall survival; SE = standard error.

(P = .0009). Table E1 shows the composition of the differ- Decisions regarding local therapy to individual sites of
ent Oberlin groups. disease are complex but may be influenced by the status of
the site. Overall, 16 of 85 patients (19%) had a complete
response to induction chemotherapy before cycle 7. Similar
proportions of these patients received radiation therapy
Effect of local therapy (88%) compared with those without a complete response
before cycle 7 (84%).
In total, 36% (34 of 95) of patients received radical radia- A greater proportion of target lesions (primary site and/
tion alone, 12% (11 of 95) underwent radical surgery alone, or site[s] of bulky, measurable metastases) were irradiated
33% (31 of 95) had surgery and radiation therapy, and 20% if they were still present before cycle 7 than if these had
(19 of 95) received no radical local therapy. Compared with resolved (P = .001). In total, 56 of 85 patients (66%) had a
no radical local therapy, EFS (adjusted P = .01366, target lesion present before cycle 7, of whom 53 (95%)
0.00009, and 0.03865) and OS (adjusted P = .00095, received radiation therapy, compared with 19 of 29 patients
0.00873, and 0.00003) were improved with radical irradia- (66%) whose target lesions had completely resolved.
tion, radical surgery, and both, respectively (Fig. E3). The Radical local therapy to the primary site was given to
3-year OS was 48% (95% CI, 33-70), 68% (95% CI, 43- 88% (56 of 64) of patients in whom the primary tumor was
100), 84% (95% CI, 71-100), and 13% (95% CI, 3-66) for still present and to 61% (17 of 28) of those who had experi-
irradiation, surgery, both, and none, respectively. enced a complete response at the primary site (P = .035).
8 Cameron et al. International Journal of Radiation Oncology ! Biology ! Physics

A 1.0 No RT (n = 24)
B 1.0

RT (n = 73)

Proportion without OS event

Proportion without OS event




0.2 No RT (n = 24)
0.2 Partial RT (n = 46)
Radical RT (n = 27)
0 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (years)
0 1 2 3 4 5 N at risk, % without event
Time (years)
N at risk, % without event No RT 22, 88% 7, 39% 3, 23%
[75–100%] [23–65%] [10–56%]
No RT 22, 88% 7, 39% 3, 23%
[75–100%] [23–65%] [10–56%] Partial RT 44, 93% 26, 69% 14, 54% 5, 54% 2, 54%
[87–100%] [57–84%] [40–72%] [40–72%] [40–72%]
RT 70, 95% 43, 76% 24, 64% 13, 64% 5, 64%
[89–100%] [66–87%] [53–77%] [53–77%] [53–77%] Radical RT 27, 96% 18, 89% 11, 84% 9, 84% 4, 84%
[89–100%] [78–100%] [70–100%] [70–100%] [70–100%]

Fig. 2. Kaplan-Meier plot of overall survival. (A) Patients receiving versus not receiving radiation therapy. (B) Patients
receiving radical, partial, or no radiation therapy. Dotted lines represent upper and lower 95% confidence intervals. Abbrevia-
tions: OS = overall survival; RT = radiation therapy.

Radical local therapy to regional lymph nodes was similar radiation therapy. Analysis of the treatment of the primary
whether there was a nodal complete response or not (63% site demonstrated that, compared with no treatment, radical
[12 of 19] vs 61% [11 of 18], respectively). For patients treatment (86% of patients had radiation as a component of
with ≥1 site of distant metastatic disease present before this) significantly improved EFS and OS, confirming the
cycle 7, 24% (14 of 58) received radical local therapy to all importance of radical treatment of the primary site. Irradia-
sites of distant metastases. If a complete response at all sites tion of all disease sites versus only some sites increased
was seen, 38% (15 of 39) of patients received radical local OS, suggesting that irradiation of metastatic sites may also
therapy to all sites (P = .13). be important.
Overall, 56 patients had ≥2 sites irradiated: 45 patients BERNIE recommended radical irradiation of all disease
received this radiation as a single course (21 of those sites where feasible. The reason for not incorporating irradi-
received radical irradiation), and 11 patients received this ation into the treatment strategy was not recorded for indi-
split into 2 consecutive courses (7 of those received radical vidual patients. The reason for this is undoubtedly
irradiation). multifactorial, including perceived feasibility, concern
regarding acute and late side effects including impact on
delivery of chemotherapy, uncertainty regarding the benefit
Discussion this provides, and the lack of radiation therapy quality
assurance within the trial. Thus, individual radiation oncol-
There are few published data to guide the use of radiation ogists did not have the reassurance provided by the support
therapy in mRMS. The main objective of this study was to that this creates. In addition, risk factors were not balanced
expand the currently available evidence. The study repre- among the groups receiving radical, partial, or no radiation
sents the largest series to date, and, although post hoc and therapy. A patient with a good versus a poor Oberlin score
not randomized, still benefits from the rigor of being multi- was significantly more likely to receive radical treatment to
center and subject to trial data collection standards. all disease sites. This may reflect a greater proportion of
Our findings demonstrate that pediatric patients with these patients having disease considered feasible to treat
mRMS within the BERNIE study showed significantly with radiation therapy. Similarly, differences were seen in
improved EFS and OS when they received radiation therapy patients who received radiation therapy based on responses
as part of their treatment. Because this was not a random- to initial induction chemotherapy. The trial collected data
ized analysis, it is unclear whether this improvement was on target and nontarget lesions; nontarget lesions were usu-
related to a positive effect from irradiation or a difference ally smaller or more difficult to measure accurately. If a tar-
in the patient population who received radiation therapy. get lesion was still present before cycle 7, it was much
After adjusting for potential prognostic factors, there was more likely that the patient received radiation therapy than
no statistically significant difference in EFS between the if there were a complete response of all target lesions. Like-
radiation therapy groups. However, this adjustment did not wise, if the primary site was still present before cycle 7, it
change the statistical analysis of an OS benefit from was more likely that this site received irradiation. However,
Volume 00 ! Number 00 ! 2021 Impact of RT on survival in mRMS 9

A 1.0 B 1.0

Proportion without OS event

Proportion without OS event

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2
0–1 RT (n = 31) 0–1 RT (n = 31)
0–1 No RT (n = 12) 2–4 RT (n = 42)
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (years) Time (years)
N at risk, % without event N at risk, % without event
0–1 RT 31, 100% 21, 93% 12, 89% 9, 89% 4, 89% 0–1 RT 31, 100% 21, 93% 12, 89% 9, 89% 4, 89%
[85–100%] [77–100%] [77–100%] [77–100%] [85–100%] [77–100%] [77–100%] [77–100%]

0–1 no RT 12, 92% 6, 58% 2, 29% 2–4 RT 39, 90% 23, 64% 13, 48% 5, 48% 2, 48%
[77–100%] [36–94%] [10–87%] [82–100%] [51–80%] [34–68%] [34–68%] [34–68%]

C 1.0 D 1.0
Proportion without OS event

0.8 Proportion without OS event 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2
2–4 RT (n = 42) 0–1 No RT (n = 12)
2–4 No RT (n = 12) 2–4 No RT (n = 12)
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (years) Time (years)
N at risk, % without event N at risk, % without event
2–4 RT 39, 90% 23, 64% 13, 48% 5, 48% 2, 48% 0–1 no RT 12, 92% 6, 58% 2, 29%
[82–100%] [51–80%] [34–68%] [34–68%] [34–68%] [77–100%] [36–94%] [10–87%]

2–4 no RT 11, 83% 2, 14% 2, 14% 2–4 no RT 11, 83% 2, 14% 2, 14%
[65–100%] [3–76%] [3–76%] [65–100%] [3–76%] [3–76%]

E 1.0 F 1.0
Proportion without OS event

Proportion without OS event

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0–1 No RT (n = 12) 0.2 2–4 No RT (n = 12)

0–1 Partial RT (n = 12) 2–4 Partial RT (n = 34)
0–1 Radical RT (n = 19) 2–4 Radical RT (n = 8)
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (years) Time (years)
N at risk, % without event N at risk, % without event
0–1 no RT 12, 92% 6, 58% 2, 29% 2–4 no RT 11, 83% 2, 14% 2, 14%
[77–100%] [36–94%] [10–87%] [65–100%] [3–76%] [3–76%]

0–1 partial RT 12, 100% 9, 92% 6, 80% 3, 80% 2–4 partial RT 32, 91% 18, 61% 9, 45% 3, 45% 2, 45%
[77–100%] [59–100%] [59–100%] [82–100%] [47–80%] [30–68%] [30–68%] [30–68%]

0–1 radical RT 19, 100% 13, 95% 7, 95% 7, 95% 4, 95% 2–4 radical RT 8, 88% 6, 75% 5, 60% 3, 60%
[85–100%] [85–100%] [85–100%] [85–100%] [67–100%] [50–100%] [33–100%] [33–100%]

Fig. 3. Kaplan-Meier plots of overall survival by Oberlin prognostic score (0-1 or 2-4) in patients receiving versus not
receiving radiation therapy and in patients receiving radical, partial, or no radiation therapy. Dotted lines represent upper and
lower 95% confidence intervals. Abbreviations: NA = not available; OS = overall survival; RT = radiation therapy.
10 Cameron et al. International Journal of Radiation Oncology ! Biology ! Physics

the status of the metastatic lesions did not affect treatment poor prognostic factor, according to Oberlin.2 In our series,
decisions. a small number of patients had bone-only metastases; this
These 2 differing treatment scenarios suggest that some group had a 3-year OS of 89%, reminding us that those
clinicians were adjusting their decision to proceed with with disease limited to a single organ site have a better
radiation therapy dependent on the Oberlin score and the prognosis, even if that organ is the bone. Within the radia-
response to chemotherapy. In a potentially conflicting ratio- tion therapy community there is a trend to consider those
nale for administering radiation therapy, they chose patients with oligometastatic disease to have a better prognosis and
with better prognostic outcomes and those whose bulky or to believe they should be offered radical radiation ther-
primary site of disease (but not metastatic sites) had apy.16 However, within our series, patients with mRMS
responded less well to chemotherapy. This underlines that with a single metastasis did not have a better prognosis than
treatment decisions made regarding the use of radiation those with ≥1 metastases.
therapy lack evidence, and its use has been arbitrarily Our analysis is limited by the biases that result from a
applied. However, one could propose that for patients in nonrandomized, post hoc analysis. We compensated for this
whom the primary site was still present, clinicians were tak- by adjusting for prognostic factors and by the adoption of the
ing into account both the impact on quality of life from an landmark analysis, removing patients whose prognosis was
uncontrolled bulky lesion and that, in the nonmetastatic set- limited. Six patients who received radiation therapy later
ting, the omission of radical treatment (radiation therapy) to than specified in the protocol were considered not to have
the primary site resulted in a significant worsening of received radiation therapy for the purpose of this analysis.
survival.13,14 Similarly, in those with a better prognosis, This could have diluted the positive effect of irradiation
clinicians may have deemed that the impact of administer- observed, but we wanted to exclude patients who were only
ing radiation therapy was worthwhile when there was a given radiation therapy owing to concerns of progression.
realistic chance of long-term survival.
Patients in BERNIE who received radiation therapy and
had a good Oberlin prognostic score had a 3-year OS of Conclusion
89%. In light of these data, the ongoing European Paediatric
Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group Frontline and Relapsed The use of irradiation in pediatric patients with mRMS is
RMS (FaR-RMS) study in adults and children with newly associated with improved OS. All children treated with rad-
diagnosed and relapsed RMS (EudraCT number: 2018- ical intent who have an identifiable primary site should
000515-24) has recommended that such patients receive receive radical treatment to their primary site. Radical irra-
radiation therapy to all sites of disease. Patients enrolled in diation of metastatic sites may further improve OS, particu-
FaR-RMS will have the added benefit of prospective radia- larly for patients with an overall better prognosis. Results
tion therapy quality assurance, as part of the International of the FaR-RMS study will help guide the use of radiation
Society of Paediatric Oncology−Europe (SIOP-E) proj- therapy in children with newly diagnosed and relapsed
ect.15 Patients with a poor Oberlin prognostic score in BER- mRMS.
NIE had an overall significantly worse outcome. In the FaR-
RMS trial, such patients will be randomized to receive radi-
ation therapy to all sites of disease or only the primary
locoregional site. The addition of radiation therapy to all
sites of disease in these patients will result in a potential
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