Quantitative Research 1 112
Quantitative Research 1 112
Quantitative Research 1 112
◼ Problem Definition and Hypothesis
◼ Survey Design
◼ Population and Sample
◼ Instrument Design
◼ Data Analysis and Interpretation/Discussion
Problem or Symptom
Research Objectives
◼ Decision/Problem statements must be
translated into research objectives.
◼ Once the decision/problem statement is
written, the research essentially answers
the question, “What information is needed
to address this situation?”
◼ Research objectives are the deliverables
of the research project.
Y = c + β1 X1
Daily food
consumption Constant Income
Research Methodology – Ari Warokka, PhD, MSc, MBA, MA, MPhil
Types of Variables
◼ Continuous variable ◼ Dependent variable (Y)
◼ Can take on a range ◼ A process outcome or a
of quantitative variable that is predicted
values. and/or explained by other
◼ Categorical variable
◼ Indicates ◼ Independent variable (X)
membership in some ◼ A variable that is
group. expected to influence the
◼ Also called dependent variable in
classificatory some way.
◼ Research Questions
◼ The researcher’s translation of the problem into a
specific inquiry.
◼ Provide input that can be used as a standard for selecting from
among alternative solutions.
◼ Hypotheses
◼ Statements that can be empirically tested.
◼ State what is expected to be found through the study.
◼ Managerial Action Standard
◼ A specific performance criterion upon which a decision
can be based.
Survey Research
◼ Respondents
◼ People who verbally answer an
interviewer’s questions or provide answers
to written questions.
◼ Sample Survey
◼ A survey that emphasizes contacting
respondents who are a representative
sample of the target population.
◼ Advantages of Surveys
◼ Gathering information via surveys is:
◼ Quick
◼ Inexpensive
◼ Efficient
◼ Accurate
◼ Self-Selection Bias
◼ A bias that occurs because people who feel
strongly about a subject are more likely to respond
to survey questions than people who feel
indifferent about it.
◼ Structured/Unstructured Questionnaires
◼ Structured question: imposes a limit on the number of
allowable responses.
◼ Unstructured question: does not restrict respondents’
◼ Disguised/Undisguised Questionnaires
◼ Undisguised questions: assume the respondent is
willing to answer.
◼ Disguised questions: assume the purpose of the study
must be hidden from the respondent.
◼ Random Sampling Error
◼ The difference between the sample result and the result of a
census conducted using identical procedures.
◼ A statistical fluctuation that occurs because of chance
variations in the elements selected for a sample.
◼ Systematic Sampling Error
◼ Systematic (non-sampling) error results from non-sampling
factors, primarily the nature of a study’s design and the
correctness of execution.
◼ It is not due to chance fluctuation.
Disproportional Sampling
Hypothetical Example
◼ Cluster Sampling
◼ An economically
efficient sampling
technique in which the
primary sampling unit
is not the individual
element in the
population but a large
cluster of elements.
◼ Clusters are selected
Urbanized Areas
Sample Size
◼ Variance (or Heterogeneity)
◼ A heterogeneous population has more variance (a
larger standard deviation) which will require a
larger sample.
◼ A homogeneous population has less variance (a
smaller standard deviation) which permits a smaller
◼ Magnitude of Error (Confidence Interval)
◼ How precise must the estimate be?
◼ Confidence Level
◼ How much error will be tolerated?
Research Methodology – Ari Warokka, PhD, MSc, MBA, MA, MPhil
Estimating Sample Size for Questions
Involving Means
◼ Sequential Sampling
◼ Conducting a pilot study to estimate the population
parameters so that another, larger sample of the
appropriate sample size may be drawn.
◼ Estimating sample size:
Proportions (2)
◼ Refers to the tools or means by which investigators
attempt to measure variables or items of interest in the
data-collection process.
◼ It is related not only to instrument design, selection,
construction, and assessment, but also the to
conditions under which the designated instruments
are administered—the instrument is the device used
by investigators for collecting data.
◼ In addition, during the process of data collection,
investigators might fail to recognize that changes in
the calibration of the measuring instrument(s) can lead
to biased results. Therefore, instrumentation is also a
specific term with respect to a threat to internal
validity in research.
Research Methodology – Ari Warokka, PhD, MSc, MBA, MA, MPhil
Instrumentation (2)
◼ Related to:
◼ the data-collection process,
◼ internal validity, and
◼ research designs
◼ Read professional journals
◼ to learn what kind of instruments are being used for similar
studies, their format, style, and how they are used by the writers.
◼ Read books
◼ that provide a description or an actual copy of various
instruments for the reader.
◼ Talk with other researchers
◼ who may know of certain tools they have developed for
themselves, or may have used tools developed by others.
◼ Combine or adapt one or more tools
◼ used by other researchers.
◼ Develop his/her own instrument
◼ to fulfill a specific need
Instrument - 4
◼ The researcher, through the instrument, must be
able to gather data that are appropriate in order
to test the hypothesis or to answer the question
under investigation.
◼ The researcher should gather a group of items
from such sources, such as persons
knowledgeable in the field, accepted theories or
hypotheses, personal experience, or material
from studies reported in books and professional
◼ Checklist
◼ These are items that comprise several questions on a
topic and require the same response format.
◼ Example:
◼ Here are some characteristics of birth-control devices
that are of varying importance to different people. How
important are the following in choosing a birth-control
Characteristic of Of very great Of great Of some Of no
birth-control device importance importance importance importance
Ease of Use
Research Methodology – Ari Warokka, PhD, MSc, MBA, MA, MPhil
Types of Research Instruments - 6
◼ Interview
◼ This involves either structure or unstructured verbal
communication between the researcher and subject, during
which information is obtained for a study.
◼ Types of Interview
◼ Unstructured Interviews
◼ more conversational
◼ long sometimes (hours) and conducted in a usual situation.
◼ allowing the researcher flexibility in questioning the subject.
◼ Structured Interviews
◼ always operates within formal written instrument referred as interview
◼ researcher designed the questions to be asked prior to interview
including the order of the questions.
Research Methodology – Ari Warokka, PhD, MSc, MBA, MA, MPhil
Types of Research Instruments - 7 99
◼ Observation
◼ most commonly used in qualitative research
◼ Types of Observation
◼ Unstructured observation
◼ a method of collecting research data that has both opponents
and proponents.
◼ Structured observation
◼ preparation of record-keeping forms such as category
systems, checklists and rating scales.
◼ researcher typically has some prior knowledge about the
behavior or event of interest.
◼ Records
◼ refers to all the numbers and statistics that
institutions, organizations and people keep as a
record of their activities.
◼ Sources
◼ 1. Census data.
◼ 2. Educational records.
◼ 3. Hospital/clinic records.
Levels of Measurement
◼ Nominal
◼ Ordinal
◼ Interval
◼ Ratio