Convolutional Neural Network: by Gagandeep Kaur
Convolutional Neural Network: by Gagandeep Kaur
Convolutional Neural Network: by Gagandeep Kaur
By Gagandeep Kaur
From Cats to CNN
Around 1959 Hubel and Wiesel did a famous experiment on cat
There is the cat and there was a screen in front of it and on the
screen there were lines being displayed at different locations and
in different orientations like slanted, horizontal, vertical and so on.
There were some electrodes fitted to the cat and they were trying
to measure that which parts of brain actually respond to different
visual stimuli
So, the outcome of the study was that, that different neurons in
brain fire to only different types of stimuli, it is not that all neurons in
brain always fire to any kind of visual stimuli.
From Cats to CNN
So, this is essentially roughly the idea behind
convolutional neural networks starting from something
known as Neocognitron which was proposed back in
The neocognitron, proposed by Fukushima (1980), is a
hierarchical multilayered neural network capable of
robust visual pattern recognition through learning.
An example of the response of a neocognitron that
has been trained to recognize handwritten digits. The
input pattern is recognized correctly as '5'.
From Cats to CNN
The modern convolutional neural networks were proposed by
Yann LeCun in 1989.
He was interested in using them for the task of handwritten
digit recognition using backpropagation over a Convolutional
Neural Netwrok (CNN) and this was again in the context of
postal delivery services.
So, lot of pin codes get written or phone numbers get written
on the postcards and there was a requirement to read them
So, that these can be separated into different categories
according to the postal code.
From Cats to CNN
Biological Neurons
Biological Neurons
Biological Neurons
Biological Neurons
Biological Neurons
Biological Neurons
Biological Neurons
Biological Neurons
MP Neuron (Macullock and Pitts
Convolution In Image Processing
Convolution In Image Processing
Convolution In Image Processing
Convolution In Image Processing
Convolution In Image Processing
Average Pooling: Calculate the average value for each patch on the feature
Maximum Pooling (or Max Pooling): Calculate the maximum value for each
Pooling: enhancing the power of convolutions
Pooling: enhancing the power of convolutions
First of all, the image size is reduced to its half: by taking groups of 2x2 pixels and only
retaining the maximum, now the image is smaller.
The edges we kept when applying the convolution with the edge filter not only are
maintained, but are also intensified.
This means we have been able to reduce the information the image contains (by
keeping only half of the pixels), but still kept and intensified the useful features the filters
show when convolving the image.
No Parameters to learn
CNNs operate over Volumes !