Bioactive Compounds From Microalgae and Cyanobacteria: Utility and Applications

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Priyadarshani and Rath, IJPSR, 2012; Vol.

3(11): 4123-4130 ISSN: 0975-8232

IJPSR (2012), Vol. 3, Issue 11 (Review Article)

Received on 07 July, 2012; received in revised form 08 August, 2012; accepted 17 October, 2012


I. Priyadarshani and B. Rath*

Department of Biotechnology, North Orissa University, Sriram Chandra Vihar, Takatpur, Baripada-757003,
Odisha, India


Keywords: Microalgae and Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) are photosynthetic

Antimicrobial, prokaryotes used as food by humans. They have gained a lot of attention in
Bioactive compounds,
recent years because of their potential applications in biotechnology. They
Cyanobacteria, have also been recognized as an excellent source of vitamins and proteins
Microalgae and as such are found in health food stores throughout the world. They are
Correspondence to Author: reported to be a source of fine chemicals, renewable fuel and bioactive
compounds. Bioactive compounds are extra nutritional constituents that
Dr. B. Rath
typically occur in small quantities in foods. Numerous bioactive compounds
Department of Biotechnology, North Orissa appear to have beneficial health effects. Microalgae and Cyanobacteria have
University, Sriram Chandra Vihar, Takatpur, been identified as a rich source of biologically active compounds with
Baripada-757003, Odisha, India
antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and anticancer activities. This review is an
E-mail: attempt to consolidate the latest studies and critical research in this field,
and to showcase the immense competence of uses of microalgae and
cyanobacteria as a potential and promising source of novel compounds.
INTRODUCTION: Microalgae are a diverse group of and plays important role in the equilibrium of aquatic
prokaryotic and eukaryotic photosynthetic micro- ecosystem 1, 2. Microalgae can be a very interesting
organisms that can grow rapidly due to their simple natural source of new compounds with biological
structure. They are microscopic unicellular organisms activity that could be used as functional ingredients. In
capable to convert solar energy to chemical energy via fact, some microalgae are organisms that live in
photosynthesis. complex habitats submitted to extreme conditions (for
example, changes of salinity, temperature, nutrients,
Phylogenetically, microalgae can be prokaryotic or UV irradiation etc.), therefore, they must adapt rapidly
eukaryotic and, in evolutionary terms, recent or very to the new environmental conditions to survive,
ancient. This very diversity makes microalgae, as a producing a great variety of secondary (biologically
group, a potentially rich source of a vast array of active) metabolites, which cannot be found in other
chemical products with applications in the feed, food, organisms 3.
nutritional, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and even fuel
Microalgae are common, normal inhabitants of surface ICV (2011)- 5.07
waters and are beneficial to the health of a water
body. Low concentrations of microalgae represent Website:
primary producers of organic matter which provide
food base for most marine and freshwater food chains
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Priyadarshani and Rath, IJPSR, 2012; Vol. 3(11): 4123-4130 ISSN: 0975-8232

Besides its natural character, other important aspects Cyanobacterial blooms may be visible as thick mats or
related to the microalgae are their easy cultivation, scum on the surface of water and particularly when the
their rapid growing (for many of the species) and the scum begins to decay it can be smelly. It can be bluish-
possibility of controlling the production of some green to red in colour and might look like paint on the
bioactive compounds by manipulating the cultivation surface of the water.
Bioactive Compounds from Microalgae: Microalgae
Among the oldest extant organism on Earth, dating are a diverse group of microscopic plants with the wide
back in the fossil record to nearly 3.5 billion years ago, range of physiological and biochemical characteristics
the cyanobacteria (“blue-green algae”) have evolved to and contain up to 50-70% protein (up to 50% in meat,
produce an impressive array of biologically active and 15-17% in wheat), 30% lipids, over 40% glycerol,
compounds. Cyanobacteria are a simple, but primitive up to 8-14% carotene and a fairly high concentration of
and diverse group of microorganisms, with vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, E, K, D, etc., compared
characteristics in common to both bacteria and algae. with other plants or animals. The potential of
Cyanobacteria an ancient group of prokaryotic microalgae biomass for big Pharma practical uses is
organisms that are found all over the world in certainly great. The first use of microalgae by humans
environments as diverse as Antarctic soils and volcanic dates back 2000 years to the Chinese, who used Nostoc
hot springs, often where no other vegetation can exist to survive during famine.
At present around 110 commercial producers of
Cyanobacteria are cosmopolitan and possess high microalgae are in the Asia-Pacific region, with annual
potential for adoption to diverse environmental production capacity ranging from 3 to 500 tones 5. The
factors. Their success as a group in a wide range of commercially cultivated microalgae include Chlorella,
habitats has been attributed to their unique Spirulina, Dunaliella, Nannochloris, Nitzschia,
physiological characters and high adaptive ability under Crypthecodinium, Schizochytrium, Tetraselmis,
a wide range of environmental conditions. The Skeletonema etc. The market survey shows that being
potential of cyanobacteria as a source of a variety of developed in the last 20-30 years, the microalgae
compounds such as polysaccharides, lipids, proteins, production volume increased excessively6. Second-
vitamins, sterols, enzymes, pharmaceuticals and other generation microalgae large scale manufacturing
fine chemicals is well recognized, and their demand is volume sharply increased due to significant influence
now on an increasing trend. of food, high-quality perfumery additives related
industry development.
Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic prokaryotes used as
food by humans. They have also been recognized as an Most of the commercially produced algal biomass is
excellent source of vitamins and proteins and as such being marketed as health food, in the forms of tablets
are found in health food stores throughout the world. and capsules. Algae and their extract are also included
They are also reported to be a source of fine chemicals, in noodles, wine, beverages, breakfast cereals and
renewable fuel and bioactive compounds. This cosmetics. So, currently over 75% of pharmaceutical
potential is being realized as data from research in the product development is generated by the food
areas of the physiology and chemistry of these supplement production comprising also microalgae. In
organisms are gathered and the knowledge of recent years, microalgae have gained much attention
cyanobacterial genetics and genetic engineering due to their high nutritional value, high-value
increased. chemicals (pigments and vitamins), high growth rate as
compared to higher plants, and the ability to utilize
One feature of cyanobacteria is their frequent light energy. In addition, many bioactive compounds
formation of mass growth known as blooms in water have been found in microalgae. For example, dried
bodies creating aesthetic, operational and health microalgae could be used as high-protein feeds for
problems. animals such as shrimp and fish.

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Priyadarshani and Rath, IJPSR, 2012; Vol. 3(11): 4123-4130 ISSN: 0975-8232

The biotechnology of microalgae has gained The marine cyanobacteria has many potential
considerable importance in recent decades. pharmaceutical activity and they produce novel and
Applications range from simple biomass production for biologically active natural products such as
food and feed to valuable products for ecological acetogenins, bromophenols, fattyacids, terpenes,
applications. Microalgae are a great source of many sterols, alkaloids, etc.. They have potentially useful
highly valuable products such as polyunsaturated fatty biological activities such as antibiotic, antifungal,
acids, astaxanthin and bioactive compounds. Large- antitumour and anti-inflammatory activities 8. Various
scale production of these products, however, has been strains of cyanobacteria are known to produce
hindered by an inability to obtain high cell densities intracellular and extracellular metabolites with diverse
and productivities in conventional photoautotrophic biological activities such as antialgal, antibacterial,
systems. High cell density processes suitable for antifungal and antiviral activity.
heterotrophic cultures of microalgae may provide an
alternative means for the large-scale production of Temperature of incubation, pH of the culture medium,
algal products of high value. incubation period, medium constituents and light
intensity are the important factors influencing
For most of these applications, the market is still antimicrobial agent production 9. The study of Abo-
developing and the biotechnological use of microalgae Shady et al., 10 revealed the high efficiency of three
will extend into new areas. Considering the enormous algal filtrates (Anabaena subcylindrica, Nostoc
biodiversity of microalgae and recent developments in muscorum and Oscillatoria angusta) on the control of
genetic engineering, this group of organisms the isolated pathogenic fungi from the roots, stems
represents one of the most promising sources for new and leaves of Faba bean plants. Abedin and Taha 11
products and applications. In Chlorella species, the found that Spirulina platensis and Anabaena oryzae
most important compound from a medical point of had antifungal activity towards the plant pathogenic
view is ˙β-1, 3-glucan, an active immunostimulator, a fungi. Fatty acids are isolated from microalgae that
free radical scavenger and a blood lipid reducer. exhibited antibacterial activity 12.
Efficacy of this compound against gastric ulcers,
wounds and constipation, preventive action against Chlorophyll is one of the valuable bioactive compounds
artherosclerosis and hypercholesterolemia, and that can be extracted from microalgal biomass. It is
antitumor action have also been reported. used as a natural food colouring agent and has
antioxidant as well as antimutagenic properties.
Microalgae are significant resource for bioactive Sulfated polysaccharides of microalgae can be used in
metabolites, particularly cytotoxic agents with anti-adhesive therapies against bacterial infections
applications in cancer chemotherapy. From the marine both in cold and warm blooded animals. The use of
microalgae such as from the blooms of Phaeocystis sp., some microalgal species, especially Arthrospira and
antibiotic substances were listed. Phaeocystis pouchetii Chlorella, is well established in the skin care market
is reported to produce chemicals such as Acrylic acid, and some cosmeticians have even invested in their
which constitutes about 7.0% of the dry weight. The own microalgal production system (LVMH, Paris,
antibiotic substances thus produced are transferred France and Daniel Jouvance, Carnac, France). Their
throughout the food chain and found in the digestive extracts are found in e.g. anti-aging cream, refreshing
tract of Antartic penguins. Production of ß carotene or regenerating care products, emollient and as an
and vitamins by the halotolerant alga Dunaliella sp., is anti-irritant in peelers and also in sun protection and
documented. hair care products.

These compounds have much importance for the Some of these products’ properties based on algal
Mariculture activities. Microalgae, such as Ochromonas extracts include: repairing the signs of early skin aging,
sp., Prymnesium parvum, and a number of blue-green exerting a skin tightening effect, preventing stria
algae produce toxins that may have potential formation and stimulation of collagen synthesis in skin.
pharmaceutical applications 7.

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Priyadarshani and Rath, IJPSR, 2012; Vol. 3(11): 4123-4130 ISSN: 0975-8232

Table 1 below represents the microalgal PUFAs of potential of EPA (Porphyridium purpureum,
particular interest: however, currently, DHA is the only Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Isochrysis galbana,
algal PUFA commercially available. Indeed, even if Nannochloropsis sp. and Nitzschia laevis) 13, 14.
species have demonstrated industrial production
PUFA Potential application Microalgae as producer
γ-Linolenic acid (GLA) Infant formulas for full-term infants, Nutritional supplements Arthrospira
Infant formulas for full-term/preterm infants Nutritional Porphyridium
Arachidonic acid (AA)
Nutritional supplements, Aquaculture Nannochloropsis,
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
Phaeodactylum, Nitzschia
Infant formulas for full-term/preterm infants, Nutritional
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) Crypthecodinium, Schizochytrium
supplements, Aquaculture

Bioactive Compounds from Cyanobacteria: Microalgae and the production of antibacterial substances may be
contain numerous bioactive compounds that can be one reason for this phenomenon. Cyanobacterial
harnessed for commercial use. They have emerged as bioactive allelo-chemicals that have been characterized
important sources of proteins and value added as algicides are directed against photosynthesis
compounds with pharmaceutical and nutritional (photosystem II) and therefore are termed natural
importance. Initially considered as laboratory herbicides. Light-dependent processes are unique to
curiosities or nuisances agents in water bodies, but both prokaryotic cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae
now cyanobacteria or blue green algae form an and are therefore logical targets for a bioactive
important component of integrated nutrient producer organism in competing with other such
management in agriculture and are exploited in organisms (the targets) in the same habitat.
commercial biotechnological ventures 15,16 as a source
of pigments, vitamins, phycocolloids, immuno- Many cyanobacteria produce compounds are generally
diagnostic agents and therapeutics and for biofuel considered to be secondary metabolites, that is,
production 17, 18. compounds that are not essential for general
metabolism or growth of the organism and are present
Several bioactive metabolites produced by in restricted taxonomic groups. Cyanobacteria such as
cyanobacteria and algae have been discovered by Microcystis,Anabaena,Nostoc and Oscillatoria produce
screening programs, employing target organisms quite a great variety of secondary metabolites. A number of
un-related to those for which the metabolites evolved important marine cyanobacterial molecules, including
. Many of these chemicals have diverse range of dolastatin 10, cryptophycins and curacin A, have been
biological activities and chemical structures, which discovered and these were either in preclinical or
affect many biochemical processes within the cells clinical testing as anticancer agents 22.
(mainly directed against photosynthetic process). Such
chemicals are presumably related to the regulation and Many secondary metabolites are potent toxins, causing
succession of algal and bacterial populations and can health problems for animals and humans when the
be involved as natural herbicide or bio-control agents producer organisms occur in masses in water bodies.
. Cyanobacterial lipopeptides include different
compounds like cytotoxic (41%), antitumor (13%),
The existence of algicidal and bactericidal properties of antiviral (4%), antibiotics (12%) and the remaining 18%
cyanobacteria is to be expected in the light of the co- activities include antimalarial, antimycotics, multi-drug
occurrence of these organisms in aquatic natural resistance reversers, antifeedant, herbicides and
communities, where an inhibitory interaction occurred immunosuppressive agents 23 ; besides the immune
between producers and competitors within the same effect, blue green algae improves metabolism (Fig. 1).
ecosystem. A pronounced reduction of gram positive
bacteria in lakes during the occurrence of
cyanobacterial water blooms was reported by Chrost 21

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Priyadarshani and Rath, IJPSR, 2012; Vol. 3(11): 4123-4130 ISSN: 0975-8232

characteristics in common to both bacteria and algae.

Their success as a group in a wide range of habitats has
been attributed to their unique physiological
characters and high adaptive ability under a wide range
of environmental conditions.

The potential of cyanobacteria as a source of a variety

of compounds such as polysaccharides, lipids, proteins,
FIGURE 1: BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF MARINE CYANOBACTERIAL vitamins, sterols, enzymes, pharmaceuticals and other
COMPOUNDS fine chemicals is well recognized, and their demand is
now on an increasing trend (Table 2). This compilation
Cyanobacteria are a prolific source of nearly 800
reviews the salient advances in the discovery of
diverse bioactive secondary metabolites, originating
bioactive compounds from cyanobacteria and their
mainly from nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS)
significance in agriculture and industry. The
or mixed polyketide synthase (PKS)–NRPS biosynthesis
24, 25 cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis is rich in nutrients,
. Their role as antiviral, anti-tumour, antibacterial,
such as proteins, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates,
anti-HIV and a food additive have been well
and γ-linolenic acid. It is gaining more and more
established. Cyanobacteria are a simple, but primitive
attention, not only for the foods aspects but also for
and diverse group of microorganisms, with
the development of potential pharmaceuticals 26.
39, 40
Species Group Product Application Culture system
Open ponds, natural
Spirulina platensis Cyanobacteria Phycocyanins, biomass Health food, cosmetics
Health food, food supplement, Open ponds, basins,
Chlorella vulgaris Chlorophyta Biomass, Ascorbic acid
food surrogate glass tube PBR
Health food, food supplement,
Dunaliella salina Chlorophyta Carotenoid, β carotene Open pond, lagoons
Carotenoids, Health food, pharmaceuticals,
Haematococcus pluvialis Chlorophyta Open ponds, PBR
astaxanthin additives
Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, baby
Odontella aurita Bacillariophyta Fatty acids Open food
Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics,
Porphyridium cruentum Rhodophyta Polysaccharides Tubular PBR
Isochrysis galbana Chlorophyta Fatty acids Animal Nutrition Open ponds
Bacillariophyta Lipids, Fatty acids Nutrition, fuel production Open ponds, Basins
Lyngbya mujuscule Cyanobacteria Immune modulators Pharmaceuticals, nutrition Open ponds

In contrast to higher plant, hydroperoxy-unsaturated Oscillatoria spp. can produce fatty acids, tetraamine,
fatty acids, especially hydroperoxy-linoleic acid or spermine and piperazine derivatives which show
linolenic acid in algae have been found to be the antimicrobial activity 29. Thillairajasekar et al., 30
intermediate compound of physiological bioactive that showed the presence of fatty acids from hexane and
involved in chemical defense or wound etc., such as ethyl acetate extract of Trichodesmium erythraeum
jasmonic acid, n-hexanal, 2(E)- and 3(Z)- nonenal, 2(E) showed antimicrobial activity. Phycocyanin and
and 3(Z)-hexenal 27. Anabaena spp produce a number Phycoerythrin are produced by cyanobacteria
of bioactive compounds, mostly lipopeptidases that (Spirulina) and recently have been used as fluroscent
have antibiotic, antialgal, anticancer, anti- labelling agent. They are proteinaceous in structure
inflammatory, cytotoxic and enzyme-inhibiting effects and exhibit a high extinction coefficient. One future
23, 28
. commercial application of microalgae could be in the
production of special lipids.

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Priyadarshani and Rath, IJPSR, 2012; Vol. 3(11): 4123-4130 ISSN: 0975-8232

The Omega-3-fatty acids found in the oils of certain

cold-water marine fish are considered to be
responsible to reduce incidence of coronary heart
disease. These fatty acids are likely to originate from
the plankton in food chain. Several leptosins were
isolated from the marine alga Leptosphaeria sp. and FIGURE 3: NORHARMANE
their biological activity evaluated, Of these leptosin M
exhibited significant cytotoxicity against human cancer Borophycin (Fig. 4) is a complex boron containing
cell lines.The sulphated polysaccharide of the red polyketide isolated from marine strains of Nostoc
microalga Porphyridium sp. showed high order of linckia and Nostoc spongiaeforme var. tenue 38.
antiviral activity against herpes simplex virus (HSV-1
and 2) both in vitro and in vivo 31.

The cyanobacterium Phormidium sp. has been

reported to inhibit growth of different Gram positive
and Gram-negative bacterial strains, yeasts, and fungi
. Similarly Lyngbya majuscula 23 that produces
numerous chemicals including nitrogen-containing
compounds, polyketides, lipopeptides, cyclic peptides
and many others 33.

The biological activity of these compounds is also

diverse and includes protein kinase C activators and
tumour promoters, inhibitors of microtubulin
assembly, antimicrobial and antifungal compounds and
sodium-channel blockers.
The number of bioactive compounds isolated or
CONCLUSION: The potential of cyanobacteria as a
produced from Nostoc species is increasing
source of a variety of compounds such as
continuously. Cryptophycins are anticancer agents
polysaccharides, lipids, proteins, vitamins, sterols,
isolated from terrestrial Nostoc strains 34, 35. Recently,
enzymes, pharmaceuticals and other fine chemicals is
it has also been found that the carbolinium alkaloid,
well recognized, and their demand is now on an
nostocarboline (Fig. 2) isolated from Nostoc acts as
increasing trend. Likewise the diverse end uses of
cholinesterase inhibitor, an enzyme targeted in the
microalgale includes Carbon neutral Biofuel
treatment of Alzheimer'disease 36.
production and Bioenergy generation; Capture and
bioconversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial
processes; Ingredients for human health and wellbeing
products, including essential omega 3 oils, antioxidants
and pigments; Ingredients for aquaculture and
agriculture feeds; Bioremediation and valorisation of
agricultural and industrial effluents.

FIGURE 2: NOSTOCARBOLINE Microalgal biotechnology is similar to conventional

agriculture, but has received quite a lot of attention
Recently, an interesting compound, norharmane (Fig. over the last decades, because they can reach
3) from Nodularia harveyana exhibited anticyano- substantially higher productivities than traditional
bacterial activity against both filamentous and crops and can be extended into areas and climates
unicellular cyanobacteria and may be used for the unsuitable for agricultural purposes (e.g. desert and
control of toxic algal blooms 37. seashore lands).

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How to cite this article:

Priyadarshani I and Rath B: Bioactive Compounds from Microalgae And Cyanobacteria: Utility and Applications. Int J Pharm Sci Res.
3(10); 4123-4130.

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