Heathkit - 097 - SA2040 Tuner
Heathkit - 097 - SA2040 Tuner
Heathkit - 097 - SA2040 Tuner
Figure 2: On the front panel is an erasable place to write settings as well as a place to add your station call letters.
specified its matching output impedance only this capacitor is directly grounded by the
as “wide-range”. Specifications are shown in mounting feet. The rotor section and remain-
Table I. ing stator section are isolated from ground by
ceramic end-plates. The output capacitor has
The SA-2040 has a 50Ω input and has out- a single 170 pF section with both the rotor
puts for a coaxial cable connected antenna, a and stator sections isolated from ground by
single wire non-resonance antenna and a ceramic end-plates. The roller inductor is 12
balanced-feedline antenna. This last output is µH. The hot end is the rear shaft. The front
coupled via an internal 1:4 toroidal balun cold end, the roller contact and its shaft and
transformer. Only one antenna at a time tensioners are grounded.
should be connected to the multiple outputs.
The front panel is bare aluminum covered
The SA-2040 measures approximately 5⅝” H with a self-adhesive-backed sheet of “vinylite”4
x 14¾ W x 14” D and weighs 10½ lbs. Inter- that contains the panel markings. This panel
nally it has only four electronic components: is medium-dark gray with black trim and
two large high-voltage variable capacitors, a black and white lettering. It includes a win-
roller inductor and a balun coil. They are lib- dow to allow viewing the turns-counter. There
erally spaced apart due to the high RF volt- is also an erasable table area where one may
ages that can be present in the tuner. Both mark down settings for later reference as well
capacitor rotors are at a high RF potential so as a place to put the station call-letters using
the extension shafts are made of insulating supplied vinyl lettering. This area is shown in
material. The input capacitor has two sec- figure 2. The cabinet is painted black, and the
tions, each section is 125 pF. This is not a dif- rear panel is painted a light gray with black
ferential capacitor; the sections track with the lettering.
same capacitance. The rear stator section on
The SA-2040 Controls and Connections:
The front panel of the SA-2040 has three
Heathkit SA-2040 Specifications large control knobs. On the left, TRANSMIT-
Frequency Range 3.5 – 30 MHz (80, 75, 40, 30, TER MATCHING adjusts the dual-section in-
20, 17, 15, 12, 10 meter bands) put capacitor. The dial is marked 0 - 100 in 5
Power Capability (input) SSB: 2 KW PEP unit increments over 180°; every other in-
CW: 1 KW crement is numbered. In the center, INDUC-
Input Impedance: 50 Ω TOR controls the roller inductor. It has no
Impedance Transformation: 4:1 (balance to unbalanced) dial markings, but to the left of its knob is
balun the window of a turns-counting dial. Every
Output Impedance: Wide range full turn of the inductor is represented by 10
Table I counts on the dial. The inductor has about 25
turns or 250 counts. On the right, ANTENNA
Final Assembly:
After the “Blue Label” that contains the kit’s
model and series numbers is attached to the
inside rear of the chassis, the feet are in-
stalled. Heathkit offers a choice of the kit sit-
ting flat or tilted at an angle by adding ex-
tensions to the two front feet. Knobs are at-
tached, and after a thorough inspection the
cabinet is attached using eight black ma-
chine screws.
SA-2040 Circuit:
The SA-2040 circuit diagram is shown in
Figure 14 at the end of the article. It is one of
two popular design derivatives of the Tee-
matching network (Tee-Transmatch5). The
basic Tee-Transmatch network is shown in
Figure 10A. It does a good job of matching
even very high SWR loads (The W8ZR an-
tenna tuner6 can match up to an SWR of
16:1). What it lacks is good harmonic attenu-
ation, especially if improperly tuned. Figure
10B is a modification of the Tee-Transmatch
called the Ultimate Transmatch previously
mentioned. It adds another section to the in-
put variable capacitor to ground and was
said to have better harmonic suppression.
Later it was found that the extra capacitor Figure 10: Three Popular Transmatch Schematics:
added little if any performance advantage. A: Tee Matching Network (Tee-Transmatch Network)
An “improved circuit”, called the SPC net- B: Ultimate Transmatch Network
work, “because the word ‘ultimate’ had al- C: Series Parallel Capacitance (SPC) Transmatch Network
ready been used”, is shown in Figure 10C. In each schematic:
SPC stands for “series, parallel capacitance”. C1 (C1A/B) Transmitter Matching Capacitor(s)
C2 (C2A/B) Antenna Matching Capacitor(s)
The SPC did do a better job of harmonic sup- L1 Inductor (Rotary or Multi-Tapped)
pression and was described in the ARRL J1 Coax Input from Transmitter
Handbook for many years. It did have two J2 Coax Output to Low Impedance Antenna
drawbacks, the first being the tuning was J3 Feedthrough to Single Wire Antenna
very sharp, especially on the lower bands, ly high voltage. To properly tune-up using
and a vernier knob on the capacitors was the SA-2040, and most other antenna tuners,
needed to ease tuning. The second drawback an SWR bridge, placed between the trans-
turned out to be the one that killed the SPC mitter and antenna tuner is needed. Fancier
design. It was found to be significantly more tuners, such as the SA-2060(A), have this
lossy than the other two. Heathkit never capability built in. When using an external
used the SPC circuit; the SA-2040 uses the SWR bridge it should be dedicated to the
Ultimate Transmatch circuit and the later tuner if the setup will be used on a day to
SA-2060(A) and SA-2500 both use the Tee- day basis. Short lengths of 50Ω coax should
Transmatch circuit. Not shown in the Fig- be used to connect between the transmitter,
ures 10 is the balun often found in these SWR bridge and SA-2040.
tuners. It is shown in Figure 11.
In Lew McCoy’s article7, that introduced the
Using the SA-2040: circuit used in the SA-2040(A), he gave basic
Setting the three controls on the tuner prop- adjustment instructions, here is the author’s
erly is important. It is possible to get a low interpretation:
SWR at more than one setting, but the 1. Start with C1 and C2 at maximum ca-
wrong setting will reduce harmonic suppres- pacitance (fully CCW), and L1 at maxi-
sion, be less efficient and can cause arcing mum inductance for 80/75 meters, about
across the tuning capacitors due to excessive- half inductance for 40/30 meters, about
quarter inductance for 20/17 and about
eighth inductance for 15/12/10 meters.
From junction of J3 Single
2. Apply just enough power to get a full-
C2/C2A and J2 Wire
scale reading in the forward direction on
See the SWR bridge.
J4 3. Set the bridge to read reflective power,
and slowly adjust L1. At some point the
reflected power will dip sharply; adjust
for a minimum.
T1 4. Now adjust C1 and C2, and touch-up L1
Balanced Feedline for a perfect match.
5. Now you may increase power to the level
desired. You may want to touch-up the
settings at the higher power.
J5 6. If you change frequency check the match,
and touch-up C1, C2 and L1 to correct
the match if needed.
Note: Install jumper between J3 and
J4 only when using balanced feedline. 7. More than one match often is encoun-
tered. Always select the match that uses
the highest capacitance settings.
Figure 11: A toroidal balun (T1) may be added to any of the
Transmatch networks discussed for a balanced feedline.
Figure 13: Ad for the SA-2040 Antenna Tuner from the Fall 1980 Heathkit Catalog (#850)
Figure 14