Bitcoin and Us Security

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Bitcoin and U.S.

National Security
An Assessment of Bitcoin as a Strategic Opportunity
for the United States

Matthew Pines
National Security Fellow, Bitcoin Policy Institute

Executive Summary
Russia has shocked the world with its full-scale invasion of Ukraine. This crisis is a fraught
moment of significant uncertainty, with both immediate implications for the global economy and
cascading consequences for the international order. President Putin’s war of aggression is a
transparent attempt to fracture the geopolitical status quo. In the process, it has brought to the
fore latent frictions in the global economic system and thrown into sharp relief the strategic
challenges facing the U.S. and the western liberal order.

Western governments have imposed unprecedented sanctions on Russia, targeting Putin and his
cronies personally, cutting Russian banks (including the Central Bank) and companies from U.S.
and European financial systems, and imposing severe export controls and sanctions across a
range of key industries, all while Western companies exit en masse. The goal is to impose
immense economic and political costs on the Russian leadership and economy, isolating the
regime from the western system.

Putin will likely retaliate in some fashion, and the potential for escalation is real. How the situation
will evolve is hard to predict, but it is important to recognize that Russia’s actions are taking place
in a broader strategic context, as the culmination of larger macroeconomic and geopolitical shifts.
These shifts may precipitate a reordering of—or at least a major challenge to—the dollar-based
global economic system. The U.S. must reassess, with renewed urgency, the durability of the
rules-based international order, coming now under clear and direct assault.

As part of this assessment, the U.S. must identify and develop innovative approaches to:
1) Bolster our enduring sources of national economic strength, and
2) Leverage all means to counter our strategic adversaries, while
3) Preserving and protecting the democratic values at the heart of our national ethos.

This paper offers a contribution to such an assessment and identifies Bitcoin as a strategic
national security opportunity for the United States that supports these objectives.

More than just about any country in history, the United States has proven its ability to adapt and
lead in times of challenge and change. Leveraging our enduring constitutional principles, open
society, and natural bounty, we have transformed, sometimes radically, the fundamental
architecture of our political and economic system. This has required innovative, sometimes
controversial, thinking.

If we apply such innovative thinking, the U.S. will find itself exceptionally well-poised to take
unique advantage of the opportunity presented by the emergence of Bitcoin, helping overcome
our current challenges and promoting a more resilient and secure future.

The time for such thinking is now.


Summary of Bitcoin’s Potential Benefits and Risks to U.S. National Security

Bitcoin may well change society’s relationship with money and payments as profoundly as the
internet did with information. Just as the internet introduced novel benefits and risks to U.S.
national security, Bitcoin will likely do the same. The following is an overview of the opportunities
and challenges explored in greater depth throughout this paper.

Potential Benefits
Properly appreciated, this paper argues that Bitcoin can support three national security objectives
specifically identified by the Biden Administration’s Interim National Security Strategic Guidance.

In particular, Bitcoin may help:

1. Drive Economic Growth
 Bitcoin’s growth can drive technology innovation and expand U.S. capital markets.
 Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work mining may incentivize renewable energy generation and improve
energy system resilience.
 Bitcoin can foster increased economic inclusion.
2. Counter Strategic Adversaries
 China is using the current dollar system against the U.S.
 China’s Belt and Road Initiative along with its digital currency project make it poised to
outcompete America for influence in low and middle-income countries.
 Bitcoin can counter China’s efforts to internationalize its digital yuan.
3. Promote American Values
 Illiberal and authoritarian states benefit from restricting the open flow of information and
 Bitcoin enables citizens of these nations to finance opposition to their governments and
move capital into Western markets.

Potential Risks
Bitcoin presents possible risks and challenges, including:
 Potential constraints on monetary policy flexibility;
 Future protocol changes;
 Domestic and international shifts in economic power;
 Reliance on overseas microchip fabrication;
 Unanticipated effects the domestic and international energy system;
 Vulnerability to adversary attacks; and
 Other unknown, unanticipated risks given Bitcoin’s limited 13-year history.

While the benefits seem to outweigh the risks, a more comprehensive, ongoing, national-level
assessment is needed to take full account of the national interests at stake. Such an assessment
should chart a path forward to inform what is now urgently required: a National Bitcoin Strategy.

Executive Summary .......................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 4
What is Bitcoin? ................................................................................................................ 5
Summary of Post-War Global Economic System and International Order ................. 15
Thesis 1: Bitcoin Will Help Sustain National Strength................................................. 27
Thesis 2: Bitcoin Will Help U.S. Counter Strategic Adversaries .................................. 37
Thesis 3: Bitcoin Promotes Our Values ........................................................................ 47
Net Assessment: Benefits and Risks ............................................................................ 49
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 51
About the Author ............................................................................................................ 52
About the Bitcoin Policy Institute .................................................................................. 53
List of Figures ................................................................................................................. 54
Endnotes ......................................................................................................................... 55

This Departmental Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems Capability Needs Analysis –

Multiple Unmanned Aircraft Systems/Swarm Threats Assessment Report was
prepared by the Operational Experimentation Program for the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate.
This report reflects the information developed by the Operational Experimentation
Program Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems Capability Needs Assessment Team as
of the date of publication.
This report should be safeguarded, handled, transmitted, and stored in accordance
with appropriate security directives. This document is UNCLASSIFIED // FOR OFFICIAL
USE ONLY. Reproduction of this report, in whole or in part, is prohibited without prior

“This moment is an inflection point. We are in the midst of a
fundamental debate about the future direction of our world. To
prevail, we must demonstrate that democracies can still deliver for
our people. It will not happen by accident – we have to defend our
democracy, strengthen it and renew it. That means building back
better our economic foundations. Reclaiming our place in
international institutions. Lifting up our values at home and speaking
out to defend them around the world. Modernizing our military
capabilities while leading with diplomacy. Revitalizing America’s
network of alliances, and the partnerships that have made the world
safer for all of our peoples.”
Interim National Security Strategic Guidance i, March 2021

At a time when geopolitical and economic shifts threaten legacy institutions and power balances,
Bitcoin is emerging as a potent national security advantage for the United States. Still nascent,
this growing monetary asset -- and associated social and computational network-- may shortly
become a major force on the global stage. Inspiring fear and derision, as well as devotion and
hope, Bitcoin is a complex phenomenon that requires careful analysis and deep understanding.

Entering office amid a highly uncertain domestic and international environment, President Biden
framed ii U.S. national security as resting on a core strategic proposition: “we must embrace and
reclaim our enduring advantages, and approach the world from a position of confidence and
strength.” Properly appreciated, this paper argues that Bitcoin can help the U.S. achieve three
national security objectives specifically identified iii by the current Administration:
1. Defend and nurture underlying sources of national strength, specifically by fostering
domestic technology innovation, entrepreneurship, energy independence, deep capital
markets, and broader economic inclusion.
2. Promote a favorable distribution of power to deter and prevent adversaries from directly
threatening the United States and our allies, specifically by countering Chinese digital
currency ambitions and exploitation of the global dollar system to finance the Belt and
Road Initiative and by positioning the U.S. at the center of Bitcoin’s monetary gravity.
3. Realize and defend the democratic values at the heart of the American way of life,
specifically by enabling an ecosystem of technologies that enhance individual privacy and
freedom of expression, disincentivize surveillance capitalism, and empower broad,
democratic participation in the economic and monetary system.

Bitcoin is a rapidly emerging social and economic phenomenon. The time to think strategically and
to position the United States to take maximum advantage is now, and avoid making ill-considered
actions during this crisis situation. The stakes are potentially high: A world where Bitcoin fails is a
world where U.S. retrenchment and decline is more likely. A world where Bitcoin succeeds is a
world where our role in the global system, while changed, may long endure.

Such a world would see the values we claim -- freedom, inclusion, and innovation -- reinvigorated
and empowered, supported by a global, distributed, decentralized, natively-digital, opt-in neutral
reserve asset and associated peer-to-peer monetary network controlled by no one, but run by
anyone — an open system with well-defined rules, but no rulers.

More than just about any country in history, the United States has proven its ability to adapt and
lead in times of challenge and change. Leveraging our enduring constitutional principles, open
society, and natural bounty, we have transformed, sometimes radically, the fundamental
architecture of our political and economic system. The U.S. is exceptionally well-poised to take
unique advantage of the opportunity presented by the emergence of Bitcoin and use it to help
promote a more abundant and resilient future.
The following analysis is intended to provide a strategic primer on the national security
implications of Bitcoin and to motivate policymakers to direct more specific, focused studies
relevant to their areas of responsibility. In particular, the framework set out here should enable
something akin to a “net assessment” of Bitcoin iv, providing the basis for a long-term comparative
assessment of key trends, competitions, risks, opportunities, and future prospects for U.S.
national security capabilities relating to Bitcoin. But first, such an assessment must be informed
by an accurate understanding of what, exactly, Bitcoin *is*.

What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a cryptographically secured digital token whose programmatic issuance is fixed by a
software protocol (at 2.1 quadrillion
satoshis, or “sats”, the smallest unit of the
21 million Bitcoin supply cap), with the
rate of new issuance halving every
210,000 blocks (roughly four years). (See
Figure 1) This protocol applies a
mechanism of distributed consensus
secured by Proof-of-Work, involving
“miners” using special purpose computers
that build blocks of new transactions onto
a distributed ledger record of previous
transactions as they compete for new
token issuance by making an enormous
number of computationally intensive
guesses, or “hashes”.

Every two weeks the protocol automatically

readjusts the “difficulty level” of these
“hash” guesses to target an average time Figure 1: The issuance schedule for new Bitcoin is fixed
of ten minutes between new blocks. by the protocol and drops by half roughly every four years.

Essentially, it is as if a gold mine made it harder to dig the more people tried to dig, adjusting this
difficulty to ensure the amount of newly mined gold stayed constant. These dynamics make
Bitcoin mining close to a perfectly competitive market v and drive miners to seek the most energy-
efficient and cheapest (often wasted or non-marketable) forms of power.

Every ten minutes, the miners that win this computational lottery receive the block reward
(currently 6.25 BTC, about $230K at the moment) plus transaction fees (ranging vi from ~1-20% of
the block reward based on demand) and broadcast a new block containing a set of the pending
transactions to the rest of the network. This network consists of tens (maybe hundreds) of
thousands of distributed nodes (mostly using cheap, off-the-shelf hardware like a Raspberry Pi
connected to a standalone hard drive), each running an independent version of the Bitcoin Core
software. These nodes each store a live copy of the full ledger history of transactions and validate
incoming blocks to ensure they follow the consensus rules of the protocol. All these key protocol
elements were described in the 8-page Bitcoin white paper vii (see Figure 2) at inception.

Figure 2: The Bitcoin white paper summarized all key aspects of the protocol and incentive design in a
concise 8-pages.
One can think of the Bitcoin blockchain as a massively co-authored story viii, where miners
compete to publish new chapters and each node is free to decide to add those new chapters to
their personal copy of the book. Individual nodes can choose different rules to add or reject new
chapters, but if they want their book to accord with the vast majority of other copies, they are
incentivized to only accept new chapters that keep a consistent story (e.g., run the same Bitcoin
protocol, with its supply cap, issuance schedule, block size, etc.).

Each node is free to choose which

version of the software they wish to
run, and the rough consensus
development model ix constrains
updates to be backwards
compatible, which allows nodes to
run early software without breaking—
or “hard forking”—from the network.
Transactions are made by a user
signing and broadcasting a
transaction from their public address
Figure 3: Changes to the Bitcoin protocol follow a “rough
to another public address using their
consensus” model used in other open source software projects.
private key(s). These transactions
are entirely visible on the public blockchain and typically take 30-60 mins to settle (as
transactions are generally considered probabilistically final once 3-6 blocks have been stacked

Thus, Bitcoin is not entirely anonymous, but pseudonymous. The real identity of Bitcoin ownership
can be linked to coins purchased on regulated exchanges that follow standard Know-your-
customer (KYC) and Anti-money laundering (AML) procedures. There are “mixing” services and
“coinjoin” mechanisms to complicate or obscure this link, but these are not always surefire,
especially if performed incorrectly. In any event, there are legitimate reasons for transactional
privacy and law enforcement have ample tools at their disposal to investigate and prosecute
violations, as they do in other contexts. In fact, Bitcoin’s very transparency gives legitimate law
enforcement authorities powerful tools to track and trace x illicit activity, seizing xi ill-gotten gains by
criminal groups and ransomware operations.

Figure 4: The very transparency of the Bitcoin ledger makes it a challenge for criminals to disguise
transactions, which are a miniscule portion of the overall transaction volume.

For example, the largest U.S. exchange, Coinbase, provides detailed analytics services xii to U.S.
agencies like the IRS, DEA, and the Intelligence Community that enable highly effective law
enforcement and intelligence activities. These analytics providers have shown that just 0.15% xiii of
all cryptocurrency activity in 2020 was related to crime (see Figure 4). Rather than Bitcoin, FinCEN
is more concerned xiv about anonymity-enhanced cryptocurrencies (“AECs”) like Monero and Zcash.

As a form of technology, money has co-evolved with human civilization. While the historical and
anthropological literature debate the precise sequence of events and permutations involved, the
essential properties of what makes a good money are well understood. Specifically, to be useful
as a medium of exchange and long-term store of value, good money should be durable, portable,
fungible, scarce, divisible, and recognizable.

The most technologically available material substance that best met these conditions tended to
emerge as the dominant money in human societies (e.g., cowrie shells, glass beads, rai stones,
silver denarii, gold florins, etc.). At the same time, these “commodity monies” often existed
alongside ledger systems of increasing sophistication. The inherent physical limitations of
commodity money led to concentration of precious metals among central custodians (e.g.,
imperial treasuries, merchant houses, church coffers) who, in the 14th century, invented double-
entry bookkeeping.

This innovation created the infrastructure of modern capital (as the net of assets and liabilities
denominated on each side of the banker’s ledger) and led to an explosion of “asset-backed
monies”. These paper notes circulated as “second-layer money” and carried value to the extent
that holders remained confident they could be redeemed on demand for the underlying asset
(typically gold).

Over time, these private money issuers became intertwined with state structures and war finance
activities. Periodic crises struck economies when the issuance of these claims outstripped the
underlying reserves and panics led to bank runs. The cumulative effect of bankruptcy and bail-
outs/-ins led to increased centralization and management of national banking systems and the
emergence of modern central banks.

Bitcoin emerged in 2008 as a technological innovation anchored at the end of this long chain of
economic history. It represented an approximate solution to a long-standing problem in computer
science, called the Byzantine Agreement Problem, on how to forge stable and enduring consensus
among distributed, uncoordinated actors.

Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, synthesized decades of advances in

distributed systems, computer science, game theory, and cryptography to develop an open source
protocol to achieve enduring consensus on the entries of a distributed ledger. This protocol
defined a finite issuance of monetary units and incentivized participants to mutually enforce the
stability of the protocol.

Through the lens of monetary history, one can see Bitcoin breakthrough as an innovation that
used modern computing, cryptographic tools, and communications technology to develop a new
form of money that represented the best features of both commodity and ledger money. Bitcoin
shares (and even improves on) the properties that made gold a good money, but none of the
weaknesses that led to gold being concentrated and rehypothecated into paper liabilities.

As a bearer asset without counterparty risk

Bitcoin can be stored and protected like gold.
As a natively digital asset without portability
constraints, it can be exchanged at the speed
of the internet. Investment giant Fidelity
released a report for its institutional clients
that presented a helpful comparison chart of
Bitcoin against gold and fiat (see Figure 5).

Satoshi made a number of design choices and

fixed key parameters that maximized
decentralization at the expense of transaction
speed. Keeping the size of the blocks
somewhat small ensures many individuals can
keep a full copy of the ledger without trusting a
centralized entity and can separately enforce
the rules of the protocol.

This comes at a cost of transaction throughput

(about 6-7 per second), which was taken as a
point of criticism by early Bitcoin competitors.
It led to hard forks like BCH and BSV that were
mostly ignored and quickly lost market share.

As it happened, Bitcoin has matured into a

“Layer 1” protocol for final settlement (more
akin to FedWire and ACH than the Visa
network), with “Layer 2” protocols like the Figure 5: Bitcoin compared to gold and fiat against
Lightning Network managing vastly more key attributes of a money.
transaction volume, allowing batching and
settlement to the Bitcoin “main chain”.

The future evolution of Bitcoin will see it process and settle a relatively small number of
transactions where each transaction involves a large amount of value. Capacity in the Lightning
Network has tripled in less than a year and has become a substantial component of the broader
Bitcoin ecosystem (see Figure 6).

Figure 6: The capacity of Bitcoin’s “2nd-layer” Lightning Network dramatically increased in 2021.
This peer-to-peer network is providing the rails for novel financial solutions like immediate, low-
cost, global remittances (e.g., using Strike xv), streaming payments (e.g., using Breeze xvi), social
media tipping (e.g., integrated on Twitter xvii), and many other emerging applications. There is a
reason why Visa xviii and Mastercard xix are looking to, somewhat belatedly, interoperate with
Bitcoin, as protocols like the Lightning network threaten to dramatically undercut the interchange
and processing fees (~1-3%) they impose on global merchants.

In this sense, the Bitcoin protocol is serving as a foundational network protocol for a decentralized
value transfer system in much the same way as TCP/IP serves as the foundational network
protocol for the decentralized information transfer system we call the Internet, with higher-level,
integrated, and cross-compatible protocols built at the application layer on top for specific
purposes (e.g., HTTP, DNS, etc.) (see Figure 7). The Bitcoin and Lightning network protocols can
thus be seamlessly integrated into a wide array of software and hardware platforms, enabling
“Layer 3” applications like social media anti-spam (posting Bitcoin as surety), E-commerce xx
(global frictionless payments), decentralized identity xxi (DiD), monetized internet-of-things (IoT)
devices, among others. It’s only a matter of time until most of the major U.S. internet companies
(and others to come) will be forced by competitive pressures to connect their technology into this
interoperable open-source protocol and develop innovative and differentiated products and

Figure 7: While mostly viewed as a monetary asset, the computational nature of the network draws
apt comparisons to the structure of the internet and associated economic development.
Individuals can buy Bitcoin on regulated exchanges (e.g., Coinbase, Kraken, FTX, and Robinhood
among many others) or through neobanks (e.g., PayPall, CashApp, Strike). While many users
choose to leave their Bitcoin with these institutions, there is a broadly shared ethos among
dedicated Bitcoin adopters to take self-custody (reinforced by the oft-repeated mantra, “Not your
keys, not your coins”). These users can take physical possession of their Bitcoin by storing the
private cryptographic keys in a dedicated software application on their phone (e.g., Bluewallet,
Muun, among many others) or hardware wallet (Ledger, Trezor, and Coldcard are the most
popular). The latter is usually recommended for significant amounts, which keeps the private keys
off any internet-connected device for increased security.

These individual private keys can also be backed-up by a seed phrase (consisting of either 12 or
24 English words and an optional passphrase), allowing the individual to regain access to their
Bitcoin in case their hardware or software wallet is lost or damaged. These seed phrases are often
stored separately, with the letters punched or imprinted into resilient material like steel plates or
washers. It is a feature of Bitcoin as a “digital bearer asset” that enables this form of direct,
physical self-custody, but it also imposes a unique burden on the user to take security practices
and personal responsibility seriously. Lost keys without a backup are gone forever.

There are also more sophisticated, “multi-signature” arrangements that require a majority quorum
of separate private keys (typically 2-of-3, or 3-of-5) to jointly sign and broadcast a transaction. U.S.
companies like Casa and Unchained Capital have emerged with services that offer these multi-
signature setups with a smooth user interface and customer support. There are also a range of
companies (e.g., Coinbase, Fidelity, Kingdom Trust) that provide high-grade custody xxii services to
institutional or high-net worth customers.

The three key agents in the Bitcoin network—miners, developers, and node operators—are bound
together in a mutually reinforcing framework of incentives that game-theoretically steer self-
interested behavior towards maintenance of the rules of the protocol. Nodes enforce the rules on
miners who are handsomely rewarded for following these rules, and developers must convince the
vast majority of node operators and miners to accept new software updates (always in a
backwards compatible fashion). While this consensus model was tested several times in the first
half of Bitcoin’s existence (reaching a crescendo during the “Block Size Wars” in 2017 xxiii), it has
reached a point of stability with considerable protocol ossification and social embedding. Early
copy-cats of Bitcoin have faded from prominence, and Bitcoin has reached overwhelming
dominance xxiv.

Within the broader “cryptocurrency” market, Bitcoin is treated as the foundational asset, used as
the most demanded form of collateral, and the measure by which other tokens reference their
relative increase or decrease in value. However, there is considerable controversy and regulatory
uncertainty over the legal status of these other tokens (especially the recent variety of projects
that have emerged under the banner of “decentralized finance [DeFi]”).

It is the view of this author that the vast majority of these other tokens may be viewed as
securities (especially in light of comments xxv by SEC Chair Gary Gensler), given that they typically
have a centralized group of founders, developers, and venture capital funders with a
disproportionate share of the initial token issue (called a “premine”) and the ability to roll-back or
enforce minority-views on protocol changes. Further, many of these protocols have manifested
vulnerabilities or suffered hacks that resulted, just in the past year, of over a billion dollars xxvi of
lost or stolen user funds. Bitcoin, on the other hand, has never been hacked and has maintained
the continuous, uninterrupted integrity of its blockchain since the Genesis block (though there are
some debated episodes xxvii involving bugs and vulnerabilities in its early years).

As a result, this essay draws a bright line between Bitcoin and the rest of the “cryptocurrency”
market. The legality, regulatory path, and long-term viability of the latter is in question. That said,
Bitcoin’s legal status is clearly defined (by the IRS and CFTC, for example), with regulated futures
exchanges (e.g., the CME) and Exchange Traded Funds (Futures in the U.S. and Spot in several
other countries around the world). There are numerous publicly listed corporations with Bitcoin on
their balance sheet (e.g., MicroStrategy, Tesla, Square, Coinbase) and/or a part of their core
business (e.g., miners like Riot, Marathon, Hut8, and others). Bitcoin is traded 24/7 against
almost every currency in the world on dozens of exchanges, and is by far the most liquid
cryptocurrency market.

There are likely over 150 million Bitcoin users in the world at the moment, including over 47
million Americans xxviii. Altogether, 16 percent of American adults xxix today have money in
cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum (the same percentage of adults buying bonds). A
recent survey xxx found that more U.S. respondents viewed “cryptocurrencies” (22%) as having
long-term value (i.e., their value will increase or remain stable for several decades or longer) than
individual bonds (19%). Only equities and real estate ranked higher.

A recent NYDIG survey xxxi found that over

80% of Americans would be interested in
buying Bitcoin through their bank if the bank
offered it.

At current rates of adoption xxxii (growing

proportionally faster than the internet in the
late nineties), Bitcoin is likely to reach 1
billion users by 2024. The Bitcoin market,
like any financial market, includes short-
Figure 8: A NYDIG survey found a large majority of
term traders and speculators, but also customers would be interested in buying Bitcoin
contains a unique cohort: self-identified
“HODLers” who take an explicitly long-term view with a mindset that ignores the extreme short-
term volatility of the nominal USD price. This growing cohort sets an effective (and rising) floor for
the market price that has manifested over each of Bitcoin’s two major market cycles in 2013 and
2017 (which correlate with the four year halving cycle of programmed Bitcoin issuance). It is an
open question whether the price will continue to follow this historical pattern, but it is likely that
increasing global adoption (from the developing world xxxiii to elite Wall Street institutions xxxiv) will
continue apace, following growth curves seen in similar novel technologies until saturation.

The above is meant to provide an initial primer. Bitcoin is a novel technology, monetary network,
and social phenomenon that is not easy to fully understand. Its assessment requires investigation
of public-private key encryption, open-source software development practices and norms,
distributed consensus mechanisms, the nature and history of money, energy production and
distribution, chip fabrication, macroeconomic and geopolitical conditions, monetary policy,
international regulatory regimes, and many other topics. The reader is encouraged to explore
further resources: xxxv, xxxvi, xxxvii, xxxviii.

There are well-worn objections and critiques of Bitcoin that take a typical form: “uses too
much/dirty energy”, “is a Ponzi scheme”, “is for criminals”, “is unfairly distributed”, “is too
volatile/bad medium of exchange”, “has no intrinsic value”, “isn’t scalable”, “is a Tether pump
and dump scheme”, “is controlled by miners/large holders/China”, “is not backed by anything”,
“is vulnerable to quantum computing”, and many others. It is not the objective of this essay to
debunk all of these, so the interested reader is encouraged to review specific analysis and
treatments of these issues xxxix. That said, there are areas of risk that need proper attention and
analysis. This paper closes with a review of some of these and calls for further investigation on an
ongoing basis.

We have never before witnessed the real-time monetization of a novel monetary good, so it is
understandable that its emergence would be difficult to model and understand. It should be
expected that this process would be highly volatile. Nevertheless, humans rarely, if ever, un-invent
new technology. Bitcoin is here to stay. It’s time national security decision-makers understood the

But first, the national security analysis of Bitcoin must begin with a review of the economic
arrangements which have sustained U.S. power since World War II. To properly understand
Bitcoin’s potential value and relevance to U.S. national security, we must reckon with the
evolution and current instability of the global economic system and related international order.

Summary of Post-War Global Economic System and International Order

The core pillar of U.S. national strength is our economic strength. The Bretton Woods xl
arrangements formed post-WWII centered U.S. financial interests and the US dollar at the core of
the global system. This gold-backed dollar system and tight web of western trade and alliance
institutions helped finance early strategic competition with the Soviet Union. However, as we ran
up structural deficits with expanded domestic programs (e.g., Johnson’s Great Society) and proxy
wars (e.g., Korea, Vietnam), Europeans began calling in their gold claims.

After these claims reached a tipping point threatening U.S. gold solvency, Nixon decided xli to
suspend gold-dollar convertibility in 1971. As the world adjusted to this shock, an oil embargo
triggered by the Yom Kippur War in 1973 spiked inflation xlii. Shortly thereafter, Kissinger and
Simon engineered a deal xliii with the Kingdom of Saud to denominate the global oil market in

This reset the global monetary system as a “petrodollar” regime with the USD dominating energy
markets and most international trade, and national fiat currencies freely floating against one
another. The transition to this new system coincided with high inflation and economic stagnation
in the 1970s, leading to the “Volcker Shock xliv'' in 1980 when the Federal Reserve hiked interest
rates up to 20% to get the U.S. out of a wage-price spiral. Given that U.S. debt service was
relatively low, this radical policy was effective at stamping out inflation, but precipitated a
structural change in the domestic economy.

High (but secularly declining) interest

rates from the Volcker era drove a shift of
capital from investment in labor intensive
fixed assets like factories into financial
assets. This inaugurated a multi-decade
boom in stocks, bonds, and real estate at
the same time as increasing productivity
growth became decoupled xlv from labor
income and set the U.S. on a path of de-
industrialization and growing income

Following the stagflationary 1970s, the

1980s period of relative economic
strength and capital inflows gave the U.S.
a decisive advantage in the expensive
arms race against the decaying Soviet Figure 9: The post-war Bretton Woods system broke down
in the late 1960’s as inflation took hold and the U.S.
system, precipitating the latter’s final suspended gold-convertibility and birthed the petrodollar.
collapse xlvi in 1991.

Figure 10: The 1970s move to a floating fiat exchange system marked a breakdown in the relationship
between labor productivity, private employment, and median family income.
This ushered in a period of unprecedented dominance for the U.S. as the sole “hyperpower”
bestride the world economic system, riding a powerful wave of trade globalization (NAFTA),
technology (the internet), market financialization (derivatives), and structurally declining interest
rates. At the same time, a strengthening dollar against various inflexible exchange rate regimes
triggered currency crises xlvii in just about every other major economic region of the world, with the
near-breakdown of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism in 1993, the Latin American Peso
Crisis in 1994, the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997, and a Russian default in 1998.

This series of rolling crises put the U.S. in position to steer favorable response actions (typically
involving further dollarization and debt-leveraging of emerging markets) via its dominance of
institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Three events at the turn of the Millenium signaled a shift in regime: the Dot Com Bubble Crash,
the 9/11 attacks, and the entrance xlviii of China into the World Trade Organization. The first forced
the Fed to drop its Fed Funds Rate below 2% xlix for the first time since 1961. The second put the
U.S. on a path of costly and polarizing “Overseas Contingency Operations l''. The third, and arguably
most significant event, set the table for China to quickly rise as a strategic competitor.

In particular, trade agreements and globalization shifted much of the U.S. manufacturing base to
Asia. Our need to continuously supply a dollarized world with USD further shifted our domestic
economic pattern towards services and imported goods consumption (mostly on credit). A
resurgent China accumulated dollar reserves recycled into U.S. treasuries to maintain its currency
peg and sustain an aggressive mercantilist policy.

The housing bubble and extreme financialization of investment activities threatened to collapse
the world economy in 2008, forcing politically toxic bailouts and a dramatic transformation of
Federal Reserve policy and market interventions. The alphabet soup of emergency fiscal and
monetary programs injected massive amounts of liquidity to stave off cascading defaults in the
tightly coupled global dollar-debt system.

It is no coincidence that the pseudonymous inventor of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, embedded in

the hash of the first, “Genesis li”, block of the blockchain the following string: “The Times
03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks”.

The Great Recession inflicted deep economic damage, but perhaps more importantly,
fundamentally altered perceptions of the dollar system built on the Treasury market. In particular,
foreign buyers of U.S. sovereign debt took notice after the “Taper Tantrum” in 2013 proved that
the Fed was boxed in. China, the largest foreign investor in our bonds, saw their holdings lii of
Treasuries peak in 2013.

Hedge funds running relative-value arbitrage trades, regulated domestic institutions (pensions,
insurance companies, and money market funds), and the Fed itself have had to make up the
difference. In 2021, the biggest marginal foreign buyers liii of Treasuries were the UK, Luxembourg,
Ireland, Cayman Islands, & Switzerland (i.e., known entities associated with hedge funds and tax

These Treasuries serve as the base funding collateral (rehypothecated from counterparty to
counterparty) to finance massive chains of mostly offshore dollar-derivatives. Global growth (in
nominal GDP terms) requires the continuous expansion of this debt system, which given its
opaque and complex construction, is vulnerable to sparks of mistrust that can ignite a cascade of
defaults that threaten to bring down the world economy.

The only solution to these recurring financial crises is to “kick-the-can” by reinflating debt creation
through monetary and fiscal expansion. This works, up to a point. The existential question for the
U.S. (and other major economies) is when we will hit that point.

Meanwhile, China has emerged as the one of the world’s largest creditors liv and supplanted the
U.S. as the dominant trading partner lv for the world, with two-thirds of countries (128 out of 190)
trading more with China than the United States. China controls seven of the ten largest container
shipping ports in the world.

Figure 11: China has emerged as the one of the world’s largest creditors and supplanted the U.S. as the
dominant trading partner for the world.
It’s no coincidence that the year China’s holdings of Treasuries peaked is the same year (2013)
that Xi Jinping unveiled the Belt and Road Initiative, a massively ambitious program of oversees
(dollar-denominated) lending to spread Chinese influence and secure access to critical transport
infrastructure and natural resources across Central and South Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.

As this initiative has grown to include over 145 countries lvi, China and Russia (and other states in
their respective orbits) have formed a closer strategic partnership, including direct bilateral trade
that bypasses the dollar, increasingly denominating commodity and energy trade in yuan, ruble,
and euros.

In the vacuum left by the failure of the U.S-led Trans-Pacific Partnership, China has driven its own
free-trade agreement, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). The RCEP
brings Australia, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Japan, Laos, New Zealand, Thailand, Singapore and
Vietnam together in an association that may cover almost 50 percent of global GDP by 2030 lvii,
helping to expand exports of Chinese products while helping speed up China’s industrial

No better example of the strategic contrast of our respective approaches to international

influence is Iraq. While the U.S. sank blood and treasure into that military misadventure in failed
nation-building, China has followed-up with hard capital investment, recycling U.S. dollars into the
war-torn country making it the third-largest recipient of BRI lending lviii. Straddling the long-standing
sectarian divide in the Middle East, China also signed a 25-year cooperation agreement with
Iran lix, committing to invest over $400 billion in return for reliable and discounted oil. Meanwhile,

China is challenging our traditional sphere of influence (at least as understood since the
formulation of the Monroe Doctrine), signing BRI agreements with 20 countries in Latin America
and the Caribbean, and bilateral local currency swap agreements lx that bypass the dollar.

More recently, a number of markers have emerged that indicate key international actors are
hedging their geopolitical bets as hints of a multi-polar world system emerge.

Just a few examples from February 2022: Saudi Arabia rebuffing lxi U.S. pressure to increase oil
production, sticking to a deal with Russia; Israel blocking lxii U.S. transfer of the Iron Dome missile
defense system to Ukraine so as to not antagonize Russia; Brazilian President Bolsonaro seeking
guarantees lxiii from President Putin to lift export restrictions on fertilizer to Latin America; Germany
demanding an energy exemption lxiv in proposed US dollar sanctions on Russia and holding back
support lxv for Lithuania as the small Baltic nation comes under intense Chinese pressure.

While the U.S. has run structurally high deficits lxvi (and become the world’s largest debtor nation)
ever since the 2007-09 crisis required countercyclical federal spending, the COVID-19 pandemic
forced a step-function increase.

Figure 12: The fiscal position of the U.S. has seen a dramatic deterioration in the past decade.

In only six fiscal quarters (from Q4 2019 to Q2 2021), total public debt as a percentage of GDP lxvii
increased by 18.5% to over 125%. This measure peaked at 130%, a level historically associated
as a “point of no return”, exceeding levels attained as a result of WWII. Since 1800, 51 of 52
times lxviii a country’s debt reached this level, it led to restructuring, devaluation, inflation, and/or
outright default. The last time a reserve currency issuer’s debt was this high was the United
Kingdom in the 1920’s. It didn’t end well.

Japan is the sole exception – their strong social cohesion and relatively stable political system
helped their population accept an extended period of low growth. In addition, Japan benefited
from a positive net international investment position lxix and a favorable period of cheap
commodities (for a country very dependent on these imports) while conducting (then radical)
experiments in expansionary monetary policy. In 2020, the Bank of Japan became the largest
owner lxx of Japanese stocks. I’m not sure most U.S. observers are prepared to go down that
particular road.

Aside from the immense human toll, the COVID-19 pandemic triggered the deepest recession lxxi
since the end of WWII. The highest share (over 90 percent lxxii) of countries since the Great
Depression experienced a simultaneous contraction in per capita GDP. Global fiscal support to
respond to the sudden pandemic shock reached $16 trillion in 2020 lxxiii alone (15 percent of
global GDP).

It is hubris to expect that U.S. economic strength (and related national power) will not be affected
by such a large-scale shock. Further, it is apparent that this recent sequence of events has
followed a well-studied lxxiv pattern whereby: 1) private debts surge prior to a banking crisis, 2)
private debts become public debts after the crisis, and 3) public debts after such banking crises
precipitate sovereign debt crises. We now find ourselves at the end of this ominous series.

In particular, as hedge fund billionaire (and pioneer of the risk-parity portfolio model) Ray Dalio
has noted, the United State is coming to the terminal stage of what he calls the “Long Term Debt
Cycle lxxv”, the last of which ended destructively in the 1930s. This current cycle has seen an
accumulation of debts as a result of periodic credit expansions in response to typical business
cycle recessions. Each recession is met with policy and fiscal actions that reduce interest rates
and increase debt creation to restimulate growth, but these interest rates never renormalize. As a
result, the total debt load structurally increases and interest rates fall until they hit the zero-
bound. :

The pattern has repeated over the past several decades, and the latest crisis (COVID-19) pushed
us hard again against the zero bound, forcing even more unconventional fiscal injections
(proverbial “helicopter” money) and monetary policy (more QE, swap lines, and Fed backstop of
the corporate debt market). It’s commonly acknowledged that we are now in “uncharted
waters lxxvi”. Historical analogues are few and far between, and no policy-maker currently living has
witnessed a global macroeconomic and monetary situation such as they now face.

Figure 13: Debt crises follow a known pattern.

The 20th Century witnessed several monetary regime shifts, as the international system “evolved
from a gold standard to a gold exchange standard, to a gold-dollar standard, and then to a dollar
standard.” lxxvii Bretton Woods codified the post-war order in 1944, which held through the creation
of Special Drawing rights in 1967 and the two-tier gold market in 1968 until the Smithsonian
Agreement in 1971 inaugurated a transition by 1973 to the flexible exchange rate system that
has lasted mostly unchanged to present day.

While most people living have only experienced a world under a dollar-standard, the century
started with multiple reserve currencies. Before WWI, the British pound, the French franc, and the
German mark each held sway in their respective trade and imperial orbits. The pound was
dominant, but the other currencies had strong relative roles. The interwar period saw the pound
and the dollar share the stage, with the dollar emerging from WWII with singular strength. This
strength, powered by our demographic and industrial might relative to the wreckage of the rest of
the world, drove dollar dominance, making it the currency of choice for international credit, trade,
and central bank reserves. As these strengths compounded over the decades, the dollar’s share
of globally disclosed foreign exchange reserves reached 59% at the end of 2020, even though the
U.S. economy only contributed 24.8% of nominal world GDP. lxxviii

As trade becomes increasingly multi-lateral, with regional blocs forming their own arrangements, it
is reasonable to expect a relative decline in the dollar’s status over time. Nations that trade with
and borrow with each other will increasingly seek to hold those regional currencies as reserves
(e.g., euros, yuan). The dollar may still remain dominant, but less so on a relative basis.

That said, changes in currency regimes can happen fast. As Berry Eichengreen notes, “In 1914,
approximately zero percent of global reserves were in the form of dollars. Zero percent of global

trade was financed and settled in dollars.

Even U.S. exporters and importers went to
London to obtain trade credit in sterling. But
only ten years later, in 1924, the dollar was
the leading reserve. More trade finance was
obtained in New York than London and
accounted for by the dollar than the
pound.” lxxix This isn’t necessarily a warning,
but a lesson – one present policy makers
should understand.

It is important to note that the bulk of these

official dollar reserves are held in the form of
U.S. Treasury securities. However, as the
recent sanctions on the Russian Central Bank
have shown, this “reserve asset” is subject to Figure 14: the dollar’s share of globally disclosed
the political whims of U.S. authorities. A foreign exchange reserves reached 59% at the end of
2020, even though the U.S. economy only contributed
recent WSJ headline captures the 24.8% of nominal world GDP.
significance of this move: “If Russian
Currency Reserves Aren’t Really Money, the World Is in for a Shock.” lxxx A bi-partisan group of U.S.
senators have even introduced a bill to target Russia’s ability to sell gold reserves lxxxi, which may
raise a question in the minds of the 36 foreign central banks who use the New York Fed to
custody their national gold reserves. Confidence is a fickle thing, and can be lost without warning.

At no time in American history has an adversary or group of adversaries totaled more than 60% of
US GDP. China surpassed that mark in 2014, and is now up to 70% in 2021, with estimates of
overtaking us as the world's largest economy by the end of the decade. China overtook lxxxii the
United States to become the largest value-added manufacturer in the world in 2010, while the
number of China millionaires soared from 236,000 in 2005 to 5.8 million in 2020. Despite the
trade war launched by the Trump Administration and the COVID-19 pandemic, foreign investment
into China hit a record lxxxiii US$144.4 billion in 2020, and China’s global trade surplus hit a record
$676.5 billion lxxxiv in 2021. They are attracting and deploying capital, while we import and
consume perishable goods.

This is entirely a consequence of the current dollar system, which is increasingly working against
our national interests. American power in the post-war era was built on a foundation of global
dominance in industrial production and trade, which allowed us to then expand our military and
financial dominance. We benefited greatly from the unique advantages this financial dominance
afforded (as expressed through the eurodollar system) to delegate our production to China, which
had the effect of recentering global trade in Asia and is now helping China expand their military
power and financial influence. While U.S. capitalism focuses on return on investment and profit
margin, China’s state-capitalism is focused on return on resources and closing the margin of
power differential with the U.S.-led system they seek to overturn.

Increasingly expensive oil with increasingly rising debt and rates already at zero, governments
need bond holders willing to accept steeply negative real rates. We don’t have the energy
productivity growth needed to service the debt and grow our living standards, which will require
increasing production of dollar currency units to stave off deflationary defaults. Macroeconomic
analyst and investment manager Lyn Alden has noted lxxxv that the U.S. dollar system may not be
large enough to remain the sole currency dominating global oil trade (see chart). No single chart
better represents the structural headwinds facing the petrodollar system, which may come under
acute stress in the current Russia-Ukraine crisis.

Figure 15: Presaging trends that may be coming to a head during the Russia-Ukraine war, this chart
shows the structural down-trend of the U.S. as a share of the world economy, interspersed with periodic
crisis-drive USD spikes.
While a simplification, one can view the structure of the geopolitical and economic system as
aligned around the fact that China sets the marginal price of goods production and labor, OPEC+
(with Russia) sets the marginal price of oil, and the US sets the marginal price of the dollar/credit.
This latter power is very significant but is increasingly weakened by the two other power blocs
colluding to increasingly bypass the dollar system.

More perniciously, China can recycle their accumulated dollars from our trade deficits back into
our equity markets and use that financial power to exert political influence over US corporations.
One need look no further than the controversies the NBA lxxxvi, Marriott lxxxvii, and Hollywood lxxxviii
have run into when their financial interests have crossed with the CCP’s political interests.

Worryingly, the U.S. is entering a period where our ability to finance national defense to project
global power, satisfy growing domestic social programs and entitlement obligations, and invest in
crumbling and outdated infrastructure requires sustaining the bid for U.S. bonds (higher taxes will
only contribute a fraction to our embedded fiscal requirements). However, aside from the Federal
Reserve and regulated domestic institutions “forced” to buy bonds, the strength of this bid is
frail lxxxix.

At the moment, the Russia-Ukraine war is disrupting global energy and food markets to an
unprecedented degree. The resulting commodity supply shock threatens to unleash a commodity
crisis that may rip through the western financial system. One of the most well-respected Wall
Street credit analysts, Zoltan Pozsar, sees strong echoes of the 2008 housing crisis, with
sanctioned Russian exports playing the role of subprime mortgages. xc Except this time the Federal
Reserve can’t provide the needed backstop to “close the spread”: the Fed can’t print oil or ships,
and it is western governments imposing the sanctions, as a “buyer’s strike”. But the People’s
Bank of China is well positioned. It has two options:

“Sell Treasuries to fund the leasing and filling of vessels to clean up subprime
Russian commodities. That would hurt long-term Treasury yields and stabilize
the commodities basis and would give the PBoC control over inflation in China,
while the West would suffer commodity shortages, a recession, and higher yields…
[or] do its own version of QE – printing renminbi to buy Russian commodities. If so,
that’s the birth of the Eurorenminbi market and China’s first real step to break the
hegemony of the Eurodollar market. That is also inflationary for the West and means
less demand for long-term Treasuries.”

This would mark a fundamental shift in the global monetary order, leaving the U.S. dollar much
weaker and “the renminbi much stronger, backed by a basket of commodities”. Viewed from the
vantage point of history, one can see this as a new “Bretton Woods III backed by outside money
(gold bullion and other commodities” replacing the current system “backed by inside money
(Treasuries with un-hedgeable confiscation risks)”. As Zoltan says dramatically, “after this war is
over, ‘money’ will never be the same again.” Maybe the U.S. should consider a novel form of
“outside” money that doesn’t help our adversaries win as the global monetary system shifts to a
new regime.

As we enter an era of strategic competition with rising and rogue states, the United States must
not merely fight rear-guard actions to preserve its status in the legacy global order. We must do
better than strategic retreat, managing our relative decline while acting from a defensive position.
Rather, the U.S. must seek non-traditional approaches that give us an asymmetric advantage,
applying strategies that our adversaries have not anticipated—that put them on the back-foot,
forced to respond to our initiative.

Just as the United States has developed national strategies for Cybersecurity xci, Defense, xcii
Countering China xciii, Climate change xciv, Critical and Emerging Technologies xcv, (and even a
national strategy on honey bees xcvi), we need a National Bitcoin Strategy. Such a strategy would
require a comprehensive and honest assessment of the changing geopolitical and international
economic system. It should integrate “whole of government” perspectives to identify relevant
risks, operational challenges, policy considerations, and recommendations to chart a national
path to taking strategic advantage of this new, rapidly growing technology and global
socioeconomic phenomena.

This essay takes inspiration from George Kennan’s “Long Telegram xcvii” which famously diagnosed
the strategic challenge and national security imperatives at issue in containing the Soviet Union.
More recently, a similar “Longer Telegram xcviii” was anonymously authored by a former senior U.S.
official calling for a renewed strategic approach to China. This essay correctly identifies the single
most important challenge facing the United States in the twenty-first century as the rise of an
increasingly authoritarian China under President and General Secretary Xi Jinping. As critical
elements of addressing this strategic challenge, the author identifies “National Measures to
Rebuild American Economic and Military Strength” including:

 Reversing declining investments in critical national economic infrastructure;

 Reversing declining public investment in STEM education, universities, and scientific
 Ensuring the United States remains the global leader in the major categories of
technological innovation;
 Rectifying the long-term budgetary trajectory of the United States so that the national debt
is ultimately kept within acceptable parameters, accommodating the new expansionary
monetary policy without creating an inflation crisis and weakening the role of the US dollar;
 Resolving, or at least reducing, the severe divisions now endemic in the political system,
institutions, and culture; and
 Addressing the critical question of future national political resolve to safeguard, build, and
even expand the liberal international order.

No honest observer of our current state of affairs and future trends would assign a high
probability to the U.S. achieving most or even any of these strategic imperatives. In fact, all signs
point to continued degradation in just about every element listed.

Yet, there is cause for optimism. In particular, this essay argues that there are at least three key
dimensions to how Bitcoin will help the U.S. achieve national strategic objectives. Together, they
represent theses for viewing Bitcoin as an enabler of:
1) Sustaining national strength,
2) Countering strategic adversaries, and
3) Promoting our values.

While the challenge is great, Bitcoin offers clear and demonstrable solutions. If we capitalize on
this unique opportunity, Bitcoin could help reinvigorate our domestic economy, regain the
strategic initiative, and buttress the global rules-based international order upon which the
prosperity of our citizens is secured.

Thesis 1: Bitcoin Will Help Sustain National Strength

Drive Technology Innovation and Expand U.S. Capital Markets

Bitcoin, first and foremost, is a technology. Synthesizing decades of research and development on
cryptography, distributed systems, and peer-to-peer networking (the early work on which was
heavily driven and funded by the U.S. government for defense and intelligence applications), the
protocol should rightly be viewed a major breakthrough, on par with the invention of the internet.

As such, it has unleashed a wave of innovation and entrepreneurship, much of which is occurring
in the United States. Over 600 xcix crypto start-ups here have raised over $10 billion dollars in seed
funding, building strong businesses that are attracting international talent, capital investment,
and consumer demand. Some of the biggest brands in the industry are based in the U.S. and our
deep and liquid capital markets provide the go-to venue for firms to list their equity on our public
exchanges. As existing publicly traded firms increase their balance sheet exposure to Bitcoin and
new Bitcoin-specific companies get listed, U.S. equity markets and our broad investor base stand
to strongly benefit from the growth of this new asset class.

The next several years will also see an explosion in “Layer 3” applications that interoperate with
the Lightning Network and bring the value transfer and store of value properties of Bitcoin to a
broad swath of merchants, retailers, E-commerce, social media platforms, media firms, individual
businesses, software developers,
hardware manufacturers, and
countless other businesses (some
of which may not exist yet).

As history has shown, once an

economy converges on a single
protocol for value or
communications transmission,
network effects become
exponential, unlocking
entrepreneurship, creating new
business models, driving down
consumer costs, and improving
overall quality of life for Americans.
While not guaranteed, Bitcoin may
serve as a Schelling Point for
individuals, corporations, and
nations seeking a neutral reserve
asset and associated network
protocol for digital value Figure 16: Bitcoin is the fastest asset to reach a $1 Trillion
market capitalization, doing so in 12 years.
settlement. There are lock-in

effects for those protocols that achieve sufficient adoption which can be extremely durable (e.g.,
modern rail gauges don’t differ much the width of Roman chariots). Those who build on this open
standard and adapt their economic systems to its principles are positioned to disproportionately
influence and benefit from its wider adoption.

Figure 17: Investment giant Fidelity has developed demand models projecting growth of Bitcoin adoption
following similar breakthrough technologies like mobile phones and the internet. c
To the extent that U.S. national security stands to gain from domestic technology innovation,
appreciation in our equity markets, and as an attractive destination for global talent, Bitcoin gives
us a clear advantage over other economic blocs and adversary nations that reject or stifle its
adoption, as they pursue techno-authoritarian governance and analog commodity money systems.

Incentivize Renewable Energy Generation and Improve Energy System Resilience

One underappreciated recent development is the pace and scale of the impact Bitcoin mining is
having on the U.S. energy sector. China’s ban of Bitcoin mining in June of 2021 precipitated a
shift in the global distribution of “hashrate”, a measure of the computational effort dedicated to
securing the network in reward for processing network transactions. Though specific estimates
are hard to generate, it is clear that the United States now has a plurality ci of global hashpower cii
(see Figure 18).

Several of the largest Bitcoin miners are now publicly listed in the United States and the intense
competition in this industry is driving rapid innovation in hardware, business operations, financing
models, scale of deployments, and improved economics ciii for renewables.

As the industry has matured,

several distinct models have
emerged, each with an important
and distinct impact on the U.S.
energy system. Firstly, small,
modular mining operators are
deploying containerized units
onsite at oil wells throughout the
Permian basin and Bakken fields
to capture natural gas that would
otherwise be flared, reducing the
release of greenhouse gasses like
methane that are released by the
typically inefficiently burning
Figure 18: U.S. now hosts a plurality of mining hash share. (Note:
While small, this practice is While China’s share has dropped substantially, it’s still non-zero.)
generating intense interest by the energy majors and could see systematic integration and
deployment wide scale very shortly. There are enough flare sites worldwide to replicate the entire
current hashrate on the Bitcoin network (though most are not geographically or jurisdictionally
feasible). Others will capitalize on these energy sources and take advantage if we do not.

Figure 19: Bitcoin mining is globally distributed. (Note: Same China caveat as above)

Another mining model involves deploying older miners co-located with wind turbines and solar
farms, a renewable power modality that suffers from the well-known “duck curve” mismatch
between daily pattern of life grid demand and the supply generation profile. In particular, North
and West Texas will see a massive expansion in wind power generation in the next several years,
but the high voltage transmission lines to distribute this power to the major load centers in the
south and east will lag substantially. Bitcoin miners offer these operations a co-located power
consumer that can absorb the excess generation that would otherwise be wasted, or worse, may
destabilize the grid.

Older generation miners are best suited for these deployments as their lower opportunity cost
makes it economically feasible to run them in fits and starts. In turn, by providing a second
customer for renewable generation with predictable demand, these Bitcoin miners improve the
economics of these power projects, a development which is already changing the Return-on-
Investment calculations by major energy investors. Bitcoin mining will be naturally attracted to
those areas of the U.S. that see negative pricing events due to excess energy generation, acting
as a sponge and a stabilizer at the same time (see Figure 20).

Figure 20: Bitcoin miners are drawn to the U.S. Wind Belt to soak up excess and unpredictable
renewable generation that often results in negative electricity pricing.
Some of the most sophisticated miners have negotiated detailed arrangements with utilities to
install large-scale operations “behind-the-meter,” providing “ancillary services” as part of
“demand response programs”. These sorts of programs are established by energy utilities to
incentivize grid customers (both industrial and retail users) to agree to reduce power consumption
on demand.

Figure 21: Bitcoin miners are helping to stabilize the Texas ERCOT grid.
The most advanced of these programs involve “controllable load resource civ”, which provide the
utility a highly responsive capability to finely tune both the demand profile as well as regulate the
grid frequency (acting as an automatic stabilizer via load shedding targeting 60 Hz).

Bitcoin miners have emerged as the “holy grail” form of controllable load and frequency control,
able to dynamically respond within seconds to adjust their demand. This gives utilities a new,
powerful tool to help keep the grid stable, improving the resilience of the overall system, and
reducing the impacts of exogenous shocks like the Winter Storm that caused widespread
blackouts in Texas in Feb 2021.

Figure 22: Bitcoin mining, as a form of controllable load, is an ideal resource for power systems that
need more flexibility and resilience as the share of renewable generation increases.

Moreover, the U.S. will need to build out dramatically more flexible load in the grid to achieve the
electrification required to meet our 2050 Net Zero emissions goals. Bitcoin mining, as a unique
form of this type of load, can play a critical enabling role in achieving this strategic national

Figure 23: the U.S. will need dramatically more flexible load, like Bitcoin mining, in the grid to achieve the
electrification required to meet the 2050 Net Zero emissions goals.
These are just the developments that have come to the fore in the past year or so. The pace of
innovation, investment, and deployment in this area is just starting to accelerate. Looking further
ahead, Bitcoin mining promises to also transform the domestic nuclear energy industry, a sector
that has seen stagnation and underinvestment for decades. A key challenge for nuclear power in
the U.S. -- aside from negative public perceptions due to high profile disasters like Chernobyl,
Three Mile Island and Fukushima -- has been the immense regulatory hurdles involved in new
construction. The burden of these regulations has all but eliminated the ability of smaller scale
operations to be cost-effective. However, a few U.S. nuclear energy start-ups (e.g., Oklo) have
resurrected and reengineered proven designs for advanced small, modular reactors cv, and
navigated the Nuclear Regulatory Commission approvals process to bring pilot systems to market.
In July of this 2021, Oklo announced a 20-year cvi commercial partnership with retail-oriented U.S.
Bitcoin mining company Compass Mining.

More exploratory approaches involve thermal decomposition from waste tires cvii, coal refuse cviii,
biomass cix. Just about anywhere there is stranded or wasted or low-cost energy, Bitcoin miners are
incentivized to capture and monetize it, generating positive externalities, innovation, and
economic growth in the process. To the extent that Bitcoin miners continue to use non-renewable
energy sources, the zero sum nature of the mining market means that directed investments in
renewable mining cx (whether by individuals or governments cxi) increase the difficulty level for all

other miners and shift the equilibrium breakeven profitability in favor of “greener” miners.
Individuals or governments can also invest in green Bitcoin mining incentive offsets cxii in
proportion to the size and duration of their holdings to provide no net incentive for carbon-
intensive mining.

Thus Bitcoin mining augurs a renaissance in the American energy industry: improving our ability to
be energy independent cxiii, capturing and reducing environmentally harmful emissions and
waste cxiv, improving the economics and demand profile for renewable generation cxv, bolstering the
resilience and stability cxvi our increasingly burdened electrical grids, and driving investment and
innovation in nuclear power cxvii for the first time in decades.

This will have increasingly serious national security implications as domestic mining operations
become tightly integrated into energy production and distribution systems. While mining firms
within each nation will likely evolve into co-opetitive arrangements that dissuade disorderly
sabotage, no such constraints will exist between states. In the zero-sum battle for the next block
reward, the incentive to undercut (by any means necessary) one’s global competition will be large.

This will manifest first in sophisticated corporate espionage and sabotage operations, likely
involving the same sorts of firms which now hire ex-intelligence and military professionals to
conduct all sorts of deniable and unsavory activities around the world. As is the case with
strategically important industries today, these types of activities tend to fuse with state
intelligence services. Bitcoin mining may become a strategically important industry, if not the most
important such industry, in the most geopolitically powerful and relevant nations.

Thus, it should not be surprising if we come to see state intelligence agencies brought into service
to protect domestic mining operations and develop offensive capabilities to threaten their global
competitors. Given the interconnection of these mining operations with regional energy production
and grid networks, this will compound the existing risks states face in protecting against
cyberattacks and disruption to critical infrastructure.

States (and/or their deniable proxies) will find and exploit vulnerabilities in each other’s mining
and national Bitcoin operations, which may range from executing sophisticated supply chain
attacks that compromise competitor ASICs to outright physical or cyber-enabled sabotage. This
will set off an increasingly expensive game to protect one’s domestic mining infrastructure. As
Bitcoin emerges as an increasingly important nexus between energy and finance, the U.S. should
be proactive and incorporate Bitcoin mining into existing national risk management
frameworks cxviii for the protection of critical infrastructure.

Foster Economic Inclusion

Bitcoin is an opt-in system, open to all, with no barriers to entry (beyond KYC/AML on regulated
exchanges). It provides Americans at every level of society a savings vehicle that isn’t gated by
discriminatory credit checks, “accredited investor” criteria, or other social qualifications.

Individuals can purchase as little as $.50 worth (with close to zero fees) at a time on platforms
like Strike, with many Americans (including NFL stars cxix and the mayors of New York City and
Miami cxx) choosing to take automatic portions of their paycheck in Bitcoin or “dollar-cost
averaging” small, regular purchases using U.S. companies like Swan, CashApp, and River

No one can be “red-lined cxxi” out of opening a Bitcoin savings account, as Bitcoin knows no race,
color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual
orientation. Minority-owned businesses are structurally disadvantaged by the current banking
system, receiving proportionally lower loan amounts cxxii and often forced to rely on cash. Women in
the US couldn’t get a line of credit
without a male co-signer until the
1970s. Black families' median and
mean wealth is less than 15 percent
that of White families, at $24,100 and
$142,500, respectively. cxxiii And yet, a
recent survey found that 30% of African
Americans and 27% of Hispanic
investors own crypto, compared with
just 17% of Whites. cxxiv

As the popularity of groups like “Black

Bitcoin Billionaires” (with over 100,000
members cxxv) on social chat apps like
Clubhouse and books like “From Bars
to Bitcoin cxxvi” and “Bitcoin and Black
America cxxvii” attest, Bitcoin is
increasingly being viewed by minority
groups as a tool for economic
empowerment. These communities are
signaling that they view Bitcoin as a
Figure 24: Minority groups in the U.S. that are financially
potentially constructive vehicle for excluded in the current system are disproportionately
building and preserving minority adopting Bitcoin as a tool of economic empowerment.

More broadly, the post-pandemic “K-shaped” recovery has seen asset prices skyrocket while
wages lag. This has compounded existing wealth inequality to the such an extent that just 39% of
Americans have enough savings to cover a $1,000 emergency expense. cxxviii While net productivity
has risen 61.8% since 1979, the hourly pay of a typical worker has increased only 17.5% in real
terms over the same period. With real wages not keeping pace with the cost of living, the average
American has been forced to take on increasing debt, with minorities and socioeconomic
disadvantaged groups exploited by pay-day and other predatory lenders.

Figure 25: Total household debt in the U.S. is at all-time highs, leaving many families vulnerability to
economic shocks and reliant on social support fiscal transfers to keep afloat.
At the same time, accelerating college tuition burdens new entrants to the workforce with non-
dischargeable debt and the increasing cost of heath issuance has become the largest driver of
bankruptcy, reduces labor mobility and acts as a drag on small business formation and
entrepreneurship. cxxix It should greatly trouble national policy-makers hoping to challenge China
that 20% of Americans read below the level needed to earn a living wage cxxx and that 45 million
adults are functionally illiterate cxxxi, struggling to read a simple story for their children.

While not all of these problems will be unilaterally solved by Bitcoin, it can help steer our
economic trajectory in a different direction. Our current system drives the population into debt cxxxii,
fosters inflation cxxxiii that erodes meager savings, incentivizes neo-feudal labor arrangements cxxxiv,
and concentrates real wealth cxxxv and hard assets among a shrinking and extractive elite class.
Scarce assets are mostly held by the already wealthy, who gain disproportionately from asset
appreciation (partly the result of monetary policy). An IMF study cxxxvi found that “an individual in
the 75th percentile of wealth distribution who invested $1 in 2004 would have yielded $1.50 by
the end of 2015—a return of 50 percent. A person in the top 0.1 percent would have yielded
$2.40 on the same invested dollar—a return of 140 percent.”

Moreover, once at the top of the wealth ladder, these dynamics reinforce their position:
“Controlling for age, parental background and earnings, moving from the 10th percentile to 90th

percentile of wealth distribution increases the probability of making it to the top 1 percent by 1.2
percentage points compared to an average probability of 0.89 percent.”

Figure 26: Existing asset holders benefit the most from monetary inflation, exacerbating social
inequality and inter-generational tensions.

Bitcoin is the first truly accessible hard asset that can be acquired by anyone with a phone and
internet, in increments as small as fractions of a penny at a time. There are no “accredited
investor” barriers, usurious loan terms, large down-payments, or other structural barriers that
keep the lower and middle class from climbing the economic ladder. Victims of domestic or
spousal abuse can also use Bitcoin to acquire and protect their wealth from seizure or monitoring
by their significant other. As an absolutely scarce and obtainable asset, Bitcoin can thus serve as
a universal long-term savings vehicle that allows all segments of the population to preserve and
protect the hard-earned fruits of their labor.

The effects of Bitcoin, over the long-term, can help mitigate the exclusionary effects of our current
monetary system and offer renewed prospects to historically discriminated and disempowered
groups. In addition to obvious benefits to our society and our people, this will also mitigate the
effectiveness of attempts by our adversaries to exploit the political and racial divisions that our
economic system has generated over decades.

Thesis 2: Bitcoin Will Help U.S. Counter Strategic Adversaries

China is Using the Current Dollar System Against the U.S.

The U.S. dollar system, as currently arranged, has ceased to serve as a net benefit to the interests
of the Nation. While it served its purpose well (at least from our strategic perspective) during the
Cold War and in the “hyperpower” era of the 1990s, the post-GFC period has revealed the
inherent flaws and latent instability in the system.

While our dominance of the international payments system (e.g., SWIFT) has enabled us to apply
targeted economic sanctions, these tools have become increasingly ineffective cxxxvii because of
their overuse cxxxviii, especially as mechanisms of coercion against near-peer cxxxix and rogue cxl
states. Sanctions are still important instruments of foreign policy, but have served mostly to
symbolically punish rather than strategically deter. Even our European allies have openly flouted cxli
our sanction policies. They are not a substitute for endogenous U.S. national power, which relative
power is in clear decline in the context of a rising China and increasingly multipolar political order.

Most recently, Western governments have unleashed punishing sanctions on Russia in response
to their invasion of Ukraine, cutting off Russia’s financial system (including its Central Bank),
imposing severe export controls across a range of key industries, and targeting Putin and his inner
circle personally. Some onlookers have speculated that Bitcoin and cryptocurrency could enable
Russia to bypass these restrictions. But it is unlikely cxlii that any cryptocurrency will provide a
meaningful way for the Russian institutions, officials, oligarchs subject to these specific sanctions
to accomplish widespread asset flight. Instead, Bitcoin is both helping Ukrainians directly raise
funds and enhancing Western pressure on the Russian government by enabling its citizens to
escape the collapsing ruble.

Moreover, major exchanges maintain strict compliance with U.S. and other jurisdictions’ sanctions
regimes. They are highly responsive to blacklist designated addresses and non-compliant
exchanges. Thus, sanctioned entities and individuals will struggle to find fiat off-ramps to cash
out. Sanctions violators will also have a hard time hiding their transactions with Bitcoin or other
cryptocurrencies, given that cryptocurrency monitoring companies cooperate closely with law
enforcement, using advanced tools and the inherent transparency of blockchains to flag violations
in real time.

U.S. Treasury officials themselves “are not overly worried about crypto undermining the effort to
choke off the Kremlin’s access to capital. Laundering large amounts of money through a dizzying
array of digital wallets and exchanges is expensive, time-consuming and would likely be visible in
the broader crypto market, given the massive investment portfolios of individuals and institutions
named in the sanctions.'' cxliii

As a globally distributed digital settlement system, Bitcoin allows anyone to transfer value peer-to-
peer without centralized intermediaries. Amidst the crisis, Ukrainian citizens, NGOs, and the

Ukrainian government itself have turned to Bitcoin and cryptocurrency to raise more than $50
million in aid. cxliv

Everyday Russians are using Bitcoin and dollar-pegged stablecoins to escape the collapsing
ruble. cxlv This will aggravate Russia’s currency distress and enable capital to flow out to the West.
Broad, indiscriminate sanctions that limit Russian citizens’ access to cryptocurrency would violate
a core principle of U.S. policy articulated by Deputy National Security Advisor Daleep Singh to only
impose sanctions that are “targeted to avoid the appearance of punishing the Russian civilian
population.” cxlvi

Moreover, the global offshore dollar market has been cleverly exploited by our principal strategic
adversary, China, to finance their neo-imperial ambitions. As we’ve run ever deeper twin (current
and capital account) deficits (including over $300 billion in trade deficit with China), we’ve handed
China massive dollar reserves which, instead of recycling into refinancing our bonds, they’ve used
to go on a spending spree around the world, buying up hard assets and taking large-scale
positions in western equity and real-estate markets. China and a handful of other nations now
own over $12 trillion in U.S. equities, up from $2 trillion in 2010. In 2015, almost 85% of China-
Russia trade was settled in dollars. This fell to less than 50% in 2020. The number of U.S.
manufacturing jobs fell from over 17 million to less than 12 million after China was awarded
“most-favored-nation” trade status.

As a result, the current dollar system is becoming a threat to national economic security. Note
that this runs counter to the typical refrain: we can print the world’s reserve currency and receive
real goods and services in exchange. Seems like a good deal. Not quite. China turns around and
buys up our real estate and stocks and farmland with those dollars. We have thus traded
ownership of our hard, productive assets to China in exchange for consumable, perishable goods.
This doesn’t exactly put the US in a great position from which to project strength in a period of
great power competition. Reversing this in the current system requires capital controls which
would greatly damage, if not kill, the reserve currency status of the dollar.

As part of their exceptionally ambitious BRI project, China has made dollar-denominated loans to
other emerging markets, usually with local infrastructure (ports, land, dams) as collateral. Just as
one example of the scale of China’s ambitions, their state-owned enterprises (SOEs) have built
over 100 commercial ports and other facilities around Africa in the past 20 years. Essentially,
China has used this system to construct an elaborate, global series of leveraged hedges against
the dollar system, knowing that the Fed will be forced to intervene in any systemic crisis, opening
up foreign swap lines and pushing whatever dollar liquidity is needed to prevent large-scale dollar
defaults that could cascade across the interconnected global banking system. And, in the unlikely
event the debtor nation does default, well China has a claim to the hard asset collateral it really
wants in the first place. Heads they win, tails we lose.

This shouldn’t come as a surprise. In the early 1960s, American economist Robert Triffin noted
that in order to maintain the U.S. dollar as the global reserve currency, we would be forced to run
structural trade deficits to keep a growing world economy sufficiently supplied with dollars. The
effects of this “Triffin Dilemma” manifested slowly, over the course of decades, with the gradual
erosion and elimination of wide swaths of our industrial base. It isn’t too much of a stretch to draw
a direct line between the systemic effect of the U.S. being the global reserve currency to the
increase in income inequality, the rise of political populism in recent years, and the estrangement
of working classes from our legacy governing institutions.

Figure 27: Coincident with the arc of the long-term debt cycle, the U.S. is witnessing the political
consequences of extreme wealth inequality, which historically presage periods of social instability.
The well-known hollowing out of our national industrial capacity accelerated with the entry of
China in the WTO, with the US losing five million manufacturing jobs in less than ten years. cxlvii This
same period saw a dramatic rise in opioid addiction, a crisis that now kills over 100,000
Americans every year. cxlviii Despite the hope of converting China towards the western rules-based
liberal order, it’s clear that Beijing is intent on expanding its “state-led, non-market approach to
the economy and trade” that “cause serious harm to workers and businesses around the world,
particularly in industries targeted by China’s industrial plans”, according to the US Trade
Representative in a 2022 report. cxlix

While the polarization and domestic instability that these effects portend is worrying enough, the
tangible national security impact on our defense industrial base capacity is more acute. Our
warfighting ability doesn’t just require bulk manufacturing of armaments (as was our signature
strength during World War II), but relies on critical, high-technology components. The production
and supply chains for these components (e.g., semiconductors) and upstream commodities (e.g.,
rare earth metals) are dominated by China. While efforts are underway to secure and stockpile
critical national needs in these areas, it is not clear those efforts will be sufficient in a time of
crisis. The likelihood cl of such a crisis grows every year, with no guarantee of U.S. victory cli and
potentially catastrophic consequences clii for the world economy. Our reliance on Chinese imports
of personal protective equipment (PPE) cliii in the early months of the pandemic should raise the
alarm on the pernicious effect the dollar system has had on national security.

Further, as the COVID-19 pandemic has shown, consumer goods and a broad range of
commercial supply chains are exceptionally fragile. The stimulus checks that were effective at
averting an economic collapse contributed to a shift from services spending to consumption of
imported goods, which, when combined with labor and chassis and storage space shortages, have
caused severe disruptions to a just-in-time logistics and supply chain that largely originates at a
handful of Chinese mega-ports.

The only way to reverse these deeply embedded structural flows that sap our national strength
and security is to shift the global monetary system towards a neutral reserve asset like Bitcoin and
give up the “exorbitant burden” of the U.S. Treasury-based dollar system. Note that moving away
from a system where the U.S. Treasury is the reserve asset for the world is not the same as
abandoning the dollar as the world reserve currency. Dollars, as a medium of exchange and unit
of account, will continue to be in high demand. However, we must gradually replace the Treasury
as the reserve store-of-value asset, for which function they are increasingly ill-suited at negative
real rates. This will not happen overnight and any transition must be orderly, but we must
recognize the unsustainability of the present system and explore alternatives that preserve our
position in the world economic order.

While Bitcoin isn’t a silver bullet solution for these embedded structural vulnerabilities and
complex interdependencies, it offers the U.S. a backstop reserve asset to use as a bridge away
from the dollar-debt system in case of an acute geopolitical crisis. In such a crisis, approaching
war, the Fed would be forced to overtly and directly monetize massive debt issuance to finance
the war. Even in the absence of an overt conflict, the cost of a new arms race (involving
hypersonics, cyber, space, and nuclear weapons) will force expansion of deficit spending. Unlike a
similar period in the 1980s, we don’t have the monetary or fiscal capacity to “outspend” our
strategic opponent.

While Bitcoin could be viewed as an escape valve for dollars fleeing anticipated financial
repressions and even capital controls, the U.S. possesses a distinct advantage: given that such a
large amount of Bitcoin is held by U.S. residents, we stand to disproportionately benefit from its
monetization. That is, the value of our domestically taxable Bitcoin grows as the rest of the world
increasingly pours value into the network, serving as a form of de facto seigniorage for us.

As long as we don't turn towards punitive taxation and drive Bitcoin holders out of the country, this
capital appreciation can be used as a backstop in times of acute national crisis to mitigate effects
of what could otherwise be a sovereign debt crisis. A dramatic re-valuation of gold is another
viable alternative, but this would have the effect of also benefiting our adversaries, as Russia and
China have been aggressively adding to their sovereign gold holdings over the past several years.

In this sense, it is as if someone invented a new form of gold (digitally) and now the U.S. finds
itself holding a disproportionate share of this new asset. Such a move would be a strategic
surprise to our adversaries, who have been quietly repositioning for years for the end of the dollar
system. It would allow us to reset the global monetary order once again on relatively favorable

terms. Such a “great reset” seems inevitable -- the only question is who will set the rules of the
new arrangement. Bitcoin, as a neutral reserve asset possessed disproportionately by United
States residents and companies, offers us a strategic national advantage as the world’s monetary
system shifts to a new regime.

To be clear, this is a “break-glass” scenario, only offered to assuage concerns that Bitcoin would
tie the hands of the government in cases of geopolitical conflict. The sorry state of the
government’s finances are not the fault of Bitcoin, and whatever crisis, if it arrives, will not be the
fault of Bitcoin. But given the path we are on, the existence of Bitcoin and its adoption by our
citizens gives us a relative advantage in navigating such periods without resorting to even more
extreme, likely authoritarian, measures of economic control and coercion.

Either way, it’s clear that China is using the dollar system against us. And while certain segments
of our population have benefited very much from this system, the cumulative erosion of our
industrial capacity and political stability has put us in a highly vulnerable state. Bitcoin, in the
medium term, can help shore up our national balance sheet, serve as a bridge to a new monetary
system in which the U.S. can retain some (but not all) of its seigniorage benefits, and provide a
domestic reserve asset backstop in an acute sovereign debt crisis.

Bitcoin is a Counter to the Digital Yuan and Authoritarian Use of CBDCs

A key element of China's strategic initiative to dethrone the U.S. (or at least achieve peer status
with their own equivalent geopolitical sphere of influence) involves their implementation of a
Central Bank Digital Currency. A complement to their BRI, the roll-out of the digital yuan has been
made a national priority by the CCP and the PBoC.

China’s digital payments ecosystem (including AliPay and WeChat Pay) is already much more
advanced than western economies, and the Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP) e-
renminbi (e-RMB) is adding a degree of state centralization and social control one should expect
from a one-party communist state. The e-RMB is expected to become an instrument of China’s
expansive surveillance and social credit system, enforcing targeted penalties on political deviancy
to snuff out any threat to the “harmonious society” over which the CCP desires continued,
unchallenged rule.

Beyond its application as part of the apparatus of domestic control, China also has broad
ambitions for the internationalization of the e-RMB by DCEP technology. Deployed along the
geographic contours of the BRI, the DCEP aims to facilitate bi-lateral trade and cross-border
payments in yuan-terms, bypassing the dollar system entirely and pulling more of Asia and Africa
into China’s economic sphere of influence.

Further, in January 2021 the PBOC announced a joint venture cliv with the Society for Worldwide
Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT), an entity over which the U.S. has expressed
singular dominance. The JV plans to create a data center and localized network in China that

connects to the main SWIFT network and allows the Chinese government to monitor and control
cross-border payments, greasing the rails for their DCEP efforts.

While the yuan is not nearly as

large as the other current
reserve currencies in absolute
terms, it has been growing
rapidly clv on a relative basis in
the past two years (see chart).
The share of RMB in global FX
reserves more than doubled
from 2016 to 2020. clvi

Rather than promoting the RMB

as a global alternative to the
dollar, China has prioritized
exchange rate stability with
non-dollar currencies tolerating
“higher volatility in the Figure 28: The yuan is a small share of global FX reserves, but is
growing fast, especially since 2020.
USD/CNY pair, in exchange for
lower volatility of the RMB against other currencies.” clvii As a result, China is able to anchor the
RMB against a reference basket of its Asian neighbor’s currencies without an official Asian
currency bloc similar in function to the euro area. The implementation of the e-RMB is likely to
evolve in tandem with other countries’ CBDC efforts to prompt a multi-CBDC arrangement among
central banks that facilitates further internationalization of yuan, especially for cross-border
payments along BRI and Asian economies.

Figure 29: China is making slow, but steady, progress in internationalizing use of the renminbi.

Our closest allies across the pond have raised the red flag. GCHQ chief Sir Jeremy Fleming warned
that China’s digital currency efforts will give them the ability to “exercise control”, “surveil
transactions” and that China is “investing very heavily, overtly and covertly” to exercise influence
on “the rules of the road” for the emerging digital global infrastructure. clviii MI6 head Richard
Moore recently opined that China’s “technologies of control and surveillance are increasingly
being exported to other governments…expanding the web of authoritarian control around the
planet.” clix Over 140 million individuals and businesses are supposedly already using the e-RMB,
and China used their hosting of the Winter Olympics to further internationalize its adoption. clx

There is a reason China has been among the most Bitcoin-hostile governments in the world,
banning Bitcoin mining and making all cryptocurrency transactions illegal. Bitcoin is a clear and
present threat to China’s strategic ambitions for the e-RMB as well as its efforts to enforce capital
controls. The latter in particular has been a worry for the PBoC, with stablecoins like Tether being
a popular vehicle for mainland Chinese to bypass annual limits on overseas capital transfer.
These moves on Bitcoin coincided with a crackdown on other mechanisms for capital flight like
gambling in Macau and the Hong Kong banking sector. clxi

Even if the U.S. didn’t stand to itself directly benefit from Bitcoin’s technological innovation,
energy incentives, and value growth (as argued in Thesis #1), we indirectly gain from the
constraints it places on China. The existence of Bitcoin is a severe complication for China’s CBDC
ambitions, presenting an attractive store of wealth and effective cross-border payment system to
those BRI nations that China seeks to entangle with the e-RMB. The e-RMB will be an attractive
tool for certain states that trade directly with China. We should encourage Bitcoin’s adoption in
these nations as an open-source and freedom-promoting alternative that comes with on-ramps
and transaction rails that facilitate dollar-exchange and associated dollar-demand as well.

China has banned Bitcoin in its own country, but cannot do the same across the rest of Eurasia,
the Middle East, and Africa, many nations of which have relatively permissive cryptocurrency
regimes. clxii In fact, China’s banning of Bitcoin mining led to the U.S. almost immediately taking the
hashpower lead. clxiii At the heart of the “new Silk Road” Kazakhstan and Russia now round out the
top three nations for Bitcoin mining, with Russia’s soviet-era overcapacity in hydro production and
cold Siberian climate rapidly emerging as a prime destination for exiled Chinese miners. clxiv Bitcoin
could thus serve as a potential “wedge” issue that divides China from its extended sphere of
influence, putting China’s Bitcoin hostility at odds with the domestic interests of its erstwhile allies
and “friends”.

The vast majority (86% clxv) of central banks are exploring the benefits and drawbacks of CBDCs clxvi,
with the Federal Reserve recently releasing its own, somewhat spare, discussion paper. clxvii The
adoption of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies (including stablecoins pegged to the dollar) is
growing rapidly, presenting challenges and opportunities to governments and financial authorities.

Russian leaders recently announced a draft law to treat Bitcoin as an “analogue of currencies”
and integrate cryptocurrency into their legacy financial system, although the status of this law is

uncertain in the context of the ongoing war and associated sanctions. clxviii As tensions grew prior
to the Ukraine invasion, Russia had shifted away from the dollar system and attempted to prepare
its economy to withstand further western sanctions by stockpiling diverse foreign currency
reserves and gold clxix, declaring a “no-limits” partnership with China clxx, and reinforcing its position
in the global energy market. clxxi

To address these challenges, the United States can take special advantage of the dollar-based
stablecoin ecosystem that has emerged to facilitate cryptocurrency trading, especially offshore.
The top two largest dollar-pegged stablecoins hold a market cap exceeding $130 billion clxxii, and
are growing quickly. clxxiii One can argue that these private stablecoins are winning the fight the U.S.
should be fighting against the e-RMB, with market-driven transaction volume in just these two
dollar-stablecoins vastly outpacing that of the PBoC’s DCEP efforts to-date. clxxiv The world wants
dollars, not renminbi. But when it comes to serving the demand for digital currency, China has a
determined strategy. Thus far, the U.S. has been able to free-ride on private innovation, but
continued success in this regard is not guaranteed.

No less an authority than the Vice Chair for Supervision at the Federal Reserve Randal K. Quarles
noted in a recent speech, that “a global U.S. dollar stablecoin network could encourage use of the
dollar by making cross-border payments faster and cheaper, and it potentially could be deployed
much faster and with fewer downsides than a CBDC.” clxxv Given that the global economy suffers
from a somewhat chronic “eurodollar” shortage, stablecoins provide another rail to satisfy
demand for dollar liquidity. clxxvi While these “crypto-eurodollar” issuers must come under some
form of regulatory framework and risk management supervision clxxvii, the strategic benefits the
U.S. accrues from increased global dollarization are highly significant.

Moreover, it is likely that domestically-domiciled stablecoin issuers will eventually be regulated

into holding a large portion of their reserves in highly liquid, cash-equivalent instruments, just as
do money market funds. As a result, increased demand for these stablecoin issuance (mostly
driven by increased demand for Bitcoin, and its rising dollar price) will drive increased (regulatory-
required) demand for U.S. bonds (and other U.S. corporate and municipal debt blessed as
“money-good” High Quality Liquid Asset collateral). At a time where foreign demand for our debt is
drying up, Bitcoin-driven stablecoin growth can serve as another source of government financing.
Again, given the global dynamics involved in stablecoins, this is essentially an international tax
levied on dollar-Bitcoin inflows that goes directly into floating U.S. debt markets.

The Federal Reserve has been incrementally forced to take ever larger responsibility for the stable
functioning of the global dollar system built on an orderly and smooth Treasury market. While
most casual observers may only remember the 2008/9 Lehman Crisis, the Fed has been forced
to respond to a number of crises since, cementing its role as the lender-of-last resort to the off-
shore banking system. In particular, the spike in the repo market in September 2019 and the
Treasury market freeze in March 2020 triggered a series of abstruse but highly significant
changes to the monetary plumbing through which dollars (and their associated debt collateral)
flow throughout the world financial system. In particular, during the COVID-19 crisis the Fed

invoked its emergency authorities clxxviii under Section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act to deploy
an unprecedented series of lending and credit facilities in coordination with the Treasury
Department. clxxix

The net effect of these changes have been to substantially broaden the number of counterparties
(financial institutions) with access to the Fed’s balance sheet. These monetary facilities—
specifically the Overnight Reverse Repo Facility (ON RRP) and the Standing Repo Facility
(SRF) clxxx—serve to provide a floor and ceiling, respectively, to money market and dollar funding
markets, with an effectively unlimited ceiling (the Chair has discretion to raise caps as needed).
The Fed has also expanded its dollar liquidity and foreign-currency liquidity swap lines with foreign
central banks to prevent obstruction in the key arteries in the global dollar system. clxxxi While
typically limited to countries with a close relationship to the U.S. (e.g., UK, Canada, the E.U., Japan,
and Switzerland), a crisis like Covid-19 saw these broadly expanded clxxxii to many others.

However, not all major foreign central banks have access to these facilities, most notably China.
To cover this gap in its ability to manage global dollar funding markets, the New York Fed executes
repo and reverse repo transactions through its foreign and international monetary authorities
facility (FIMA clxxxiii). While not publicly acknowledged, it’s understood that the dominant FIMA
customer is China clxxxiv. This facility allows China to borrow dollars directly from the Fed without
selling Treasury holdings. In a time of Treasury market stress driven by foreign selling of USTs like
that seen in March 2020, the Fed will print new dollars and give those to China in exchange for
UST collateral. One can see how this arrangement may become increasingly awkward as strategic
tensions rise between the U.S. and China, especially as the latter attempts to de-dollarize clxxxv it’s
trade and selectively impair clxxxvi overseas dollar-debt holders (as seen in the Evergrande crisis). It
may become especially problematic if China helps a sanctioned Russia access dollar-liquidity by
acting as a middle-man to the UST market via FIMA.

As the G30 Working Group on Treasury Market Liquidity clxxxvii has noted, the smooth functioning of
the U.S. debt market is absolutely imperative for the stability of the global financial system. As a
result, the Fed has had to develop (and somewhat improvise) expansive facilities that increase the
“moneyness” of USTs (e.g., it’s fungibility as a “cash equivalent”) and shore up this foundational
layer of the world’s monetary pyramid. These efforts have come in halting response to periodic
disruptions to the Treasury in the post-GFC period: the first signs of disturbance appeared with the
Flash Rally clxxxviii in 2014, then the Repo Spike clxxxix in 2019, and the particularly concerning sell-
off cxc in March 2020, when the Fed purchased as much as $75 billion of Treasury securities, an
amount comparable cxci to the highest monthly pace purchases following the Global Financial
Crisis. In addition, while written-off as an “operational error”, the technical failure of the FedWire
system on February 25th, 2021 left a lasting imprint in the debt market. cxcii

One can view the Fed’s actions as gradual attempts of managing the UST market, as any disorder
in that market threatens U.S. national security. Active discussions of further controlling this
market through Central Clearing cxciii of U.S. Treasury securities are underway as a mechanism to
fix the spread on the core collateral used for leverage operations throughout the global monetary

system. This would allow the Fed to effectively cap credit rates without open market operations or
explicit yield curve control, but at the cost of increasing centralization and creating a potential
single-point of failure in the world’s most critical asset.

However, these developments have not been driven to achieve a strategic objective or resulted
from a considered plan linked to U.S. national security interests. Rather, they have emerged as
mostly stop-gap emergency measures in response to crises in the increasingly unstable and
interconnected global dollar system. While they have centered more responsibility and power in
the hands of the Federal Reserve, they have also generated an enormous moral hazard across the
financial system and allowed our adversaries to free-ride. Alternatives should be explored.

If one forgets for a moment the novel and unique aspects of Bitcoin, one can see the outlines of
an arrangement that closely approximates the current “petrodollar” system. Just as that system is
implicitly backed by energy (via the oil trade and the threat of U.S. military kinetic action), Bitcoin
is a monetary asset directly linked to energy production (via the integration of mining with
domestic grids and energy sources, giving us a plurality of global hashrate). Crypto-eurodollars,
aka stablecoins, provide the bridge between the existing implicitly energy-linked dollar system and
this new explicitly energy-anchored proof-of-work hybrid Bitcoin-dollar system.

In this system, as Bitcoin continues its volatile monetization and remains a low velocity asset
principally used as a long-term store of value, USD fiat units would continue to serve as a global
medium of exchange as well as domestic legal tender. During this period of transition, as the U.S.
onshores more of global hashpower, accrues a disproportionate share of Bitcoin among its
citizens, and uses crypto-eurodollar stablecoins to counter the e-RMB, the USD stands to at least
holds its relative position as the reserve currency.

In a sense, we would be inserting a new commodity reserve asset (which in earlier systems was
gold, and then oil) at the base of the monetary pyramid that currently rests on U.S. Treasuries.
However, instead of replacing those bonds, it could rebuild confidence in those debts (and
associated embedded social welfare and defense obligations) by placing the monetary sovereign
from whom they issue on a more solid foundation.

Beyond these financial stability risks, one underappreciated vulnerability of our current system is
cybersecurity risk. A recent New York Fed report cxciv found that a cyber-attack on U.S. banks can
ripple through the wholesale payments network and that “impairment of any of the five most
active U.S. banks will result in significant spillovers to other banks, with 38 percent of the network
affected on average.” After high profile breaches of Solarwinds cxcv (attributed to Russian actors)
and Microsoft Exchange (attributed to Chinese APT Hafnium), Chairman Powell, in July 2021,
said cxcvi that “I’d have to say that the thing that worries me the most is really cyber risk.”

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) associated with Chinese military and intelligence agencies are
among the most capable and aggressive actors that network defenders like the 100+ strong
threat hunting force cxcvii at the Federal Reserve worry about. Meanwhile, the Cybersecurity and

Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)—responsible for defending Federal networks and closely
coordinating with private entities like the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis
Center cxcviii— is “underfunded, outmatched and ‘exhausted’ cxcix.” While attributed to “operational
error”, it isn’t comforting that FedWire (a system that moves over $3 trillion each day) as well as a
number of other critical services cc completely failed cci for a time earlier this year.

The Bitcoin network is exceptionally reliable and resilient. It continued to seamlessly process
billions of dollars each day even as over half of the mining capacity ccii was suddenly stripped away
by the China ban this summer. Further, the decentralized, heterogeneous nature of Bitcoin
(mimicking the early internet designed as it was to survive a nuclear war) is the most secure,
reliable, and resilient open computer network in existence. What the U.S. government and private
companies have to spend billions each year on mostly ineffective cybersecurity defenses, the
Bitcoin network has built endogenously, with its security improving as the network and mining

Finally, the U.S. economy is simply not large enough (as a percentage of the world economy) to
indefinitely sustain its role as the global reserve currency. Further, as noted above, playing this
role for as long as we have has caused systemic damage to our domestic manufacturing and
industrial capacity, made us vulnerable to fragile supply chains and reliant on our principal
strategic adversary for most of our consumer imports as well as critical components for defense
articles. It is apparent that the current petrodollar reserve currency system is fraying cciii. This
system worked for a time, but no longer serves our interests.

Therefore, it is in our strategic national interest to seriously consider how Bitcoin can play a key
role in an alternative model that helps preserve our global position and counter the malign plans
of our adversaries.

Thesis 3: Bitcoin Promotes Our Values

America stands on its wealth, but stands for freedom. At the heart of our way of life, our national
ethos, is a professed commitment to essential human rights like individual liberty, freedom of
speech, personal privacy, and democratic choice. These values, under threat by illiberal and
authoritarian states around the world, sit at the center of our strategic interest in promoting liberal
democracy and protecting civil societies around the world. Anything that helps advance the cause
of freedom thus helps advance this core national interest.

As the Human Rights Foundation cciv calls it, Bitcoin is freedom money. In particular, Bitcoin is a
highly effective and practical tool being used now by refugees fleeing war, by democracy activists
dodging state oppression, by impoverished populations protecting their wealth from hyperinflation
and state collapse, and by the unbanked billions around the world accessing for the first time a
savings vehicle that gives them a step up onto the economic ladder. Bitcoin mining is also
inherently egalitarian.

There are few industries on earth with such low barriers to entry. Anyone with access to stranded,
wasted, or otherwise favorable power sources and ASIC machines can mine. One is not required
to own Bitcoin first to participate in the network in this way, so new issuance is not tied to stake.
This is a new form of monetary equality (notably absent in other “Proof-of-Stake” cryptocurrencies)
where global distribution of new issuance is entirely fair and open. There is no special advantage
to early miners over new incumbents, and no unique governance power accrues to those with
disproportionate endowment.

In addition to fostering the domestic mining industry, the U.S. government should encourage
Bitcoin mining as part of its international development efforts ccv. The efforts are a key part of our
global efforts to expand liberal values and counter Chinese influence. Local development projects
involving Bitcoin mining can help bypass corrupt national governments, fund productivity-
enhancing and clean energy projects, stimulate local economic growth and enable direct
acquisition of dollars by underserved populations that lack effective access to domestic banking
systems and capital markets.

As noted earlier in this essay, the adoption of Bitcoin by U.S. minority groups promises to help
reduce the racial wealth gap and this should be encouraged prior to Wall Street derivative
products geared toward the existing investor class. With wide and increasing adoption by these
elements of our society, Bitcoin can help empower deeper participation in the economy. While
Bitcoin, by itself, won’t reverse the dramatic income equality we see today, it will help encourage
the fruits of productivity gains to be more broadly shared by wage-earners, a class in our country
which have seen their incomes stagnate even as CEO incentive-compensation has skyrocketed.

Looking further ahead, the tall stack of Layer 2 and 3 technologies that are rapidly emerging on
top of the core Bitcoin protocol promise a radical expansion of tools and applications that
enhance privacy, generate innovative financial products, and open new markets for creative
expression and entrepreneurship. While somewhat speculative given their nascent stage, there is
hope for these open-source software and self-hosting data tools to offer Americans a plausible
path out of the walled, monopolistic gardens of our current tech oligopolies.

By embedding value transfer at the base layer of the network, Bitcoin enables communications
applications that don’t have to rely on advertising as the revenue model. Decentralized identity
and self-hosting data platforms may, at scale, help disincentivize and eventually steer our society
away from the malignant form of surveillance capitalism in which we find ourselves apparently
trapped. If successful, such a transition of our social media and advertising industry could greatly
mitigate the Mal-, Dis-, Mis-information ccvi vulnerabilities that are cleverly exploited by malign
actors to sow discord in our society.

Net Assessment: Benefits and Risks

The post-1971 U.S. dollar system is showing signs of strain. The current Russia-Ukraine crisis has
brought geopolitical tensions to the fore and threatens to rupture the delicate balance of financial
flows and economic relationships upon which the U.S. has leveraged its global power and
hegemonic status. Faith in fiat currency built on a foundation of ever expanding (and
unsustainable) sovereign debt, while strong at the moment, is not invulnerable. U.S. adversaries
may be posturing for a new monetary order that is recentered on a hard asset (i.e., gold) linked to
energy (e.g., oil) and marginal control over the price of consumer goods and global supply chains.
Russia and China stand to benefit from such a new (or really old) monetary system.

Bitcoin presents the U.S. with an opportunity to shape an alternative system that is also built on a
hard asset (i.e., BTC) linked to energy (i.e., proof-of-work Bitcoin mining), and allow the U.S. to
reverse the structural trade flows that have off-shored domestic manufacturing and made us
acutely vulnerable to Chinese-dominated production and supply chains. Those benefits aside,
there are several potential risks that such a system may present. In particular:
 Inflexible monetary policy: with a declining role for the UST market, Bitcoin’s rise as an
alternative neutral reserve asset will constrain monetary policy authorities and challenge their
ability to control interest rates through open market operations or other Federal Reserve
administrative facilities. Responsibility for economic intervention by the government will fall
mostly to fiscal authorities, whose decisions on taxation and expenditure are subject to
democratic mandate. This may impose limits on the scale of intervention in crisis situations
and force more market adjustment for misallocation of capital. In a sense, this would involve
trading off the long-term tail risk instability of the current system for more persistent, but
hopefully manageable economic volatility.
 Protocol changes: The Bitcoin protocol is open source. Updates are made by rough consensus
via a power balance between economic nodes and miners (within and across different
geographic jurisdictions). As such, U.S. authorities will have no decisive power or control over
how the protocol may evolve, in particular in ways that might limit future chain-analysis
surveillance and financial monitoring. U.S. authorities will have to participate in these debates
as a peer with other nations and their citizens, and use soft power influence to help shape the
future direction of the protocol. There is no guarantee that future changes will not constrain
current instruments of national power like sanctions designations, even if the current design
of the protocol makes tracking and designating public addresses relatively easy for law
 Domestic and international shifts in economic power: Any dramatic increase in the value of
Bitcoin will result in new power centers concentrated in those states and nations early to
adopt. Domestically, this will manifest as an increase in the economic power of states that
have abundant energy resources (especially excess renewables or stranded assets) and/or
have attracted Bitcoin holders and companies to their locales. Internationally, the story will be
similar, with currently marginal states (like El Salvador, Singapore, and Gulf States) that are
early to Bitcoin seeing a relatively dramatic rise in their national wealth, and associated

influence. This could have unanticipated effects on U.S. foreign policy and how we engage with
changing power blocs built around an alignment with Bitcoin and Bitcoin mining.
 Increasing reliance on overseas chip fabrication: Almost all Bitcoin mining hardware is
manufactured overseas and relies on microchips from a limited number of advanced
semiconductor foundries in Asia. If Bitcoin (and Bitcoin mining) becomes systemically
important to the U.S. economy, this reliance may present a strategic vulnerability. While there
are ongoing efforts to re-shore this production, the geographic concentration of mining
hardware supply chains will remain an area of strategic national interest (similar to how the
DoD views semiconductors inputs for the Defense Industrial Base.)
 Unanticipated effects on domestic and international energy production: As a geographically
independent and interruptible source of demand for low-cost energy, Bitcoin mining may have
a dramatic effect on energy markets and power systems. While the net effect of these changes
is likely to be very positive (as noted above with respect to the incentives for renewables and
grid stabilization), the resulting shifts could be disruptive if not well managed. Domestically,
grids that offer ancillary services may attract Bitcoin miners at the expense of other grid
systems, which could have second-order consequences setting up a new form of competition
among regional energy grids that are currently economically independent. Internationally,
nations with large, stranded energy resources may become new loci attracting Bitcoin mining,
which given the global nature of the market will open up intense competition. If Bitcoin mining
becomes tightly integrated into the domestic grid, and are suddenly attracted to a new, more
competitive jurisdiction or region, this may cause local disruption that authorities may seek to
manage and mitigate.
 Adversary attack: As a proof of work system, the rules of the protocol require all nodes to only
accept as valid those blockchain histories that have the most demonstrated energy
expenditure (i.e., the longest chain). Thus, the only way to double-spend a transaction or mine
empty blocks or otherwise disrupt the normal functioning of the network is for an entity to
acquire and deploy at least 51% mining “hashpower”. While such an attack will require
immense resources and planning (and may end up being self-defeating), it cannot be entirely
ruled out as impossible. Therefore, the game theory of such an attack requires careful
analysis, and analytical red teaming, to identify scenarios in which the network would be
vulnerable, assess the resources necessary to execute them, and determine the risk-weighted
relative likelihood of their success, given potential future conditions of the network. This is an
area that needs continued research and study, especially as the network adoption grows,
hashpower concentration changes, and mining hardware supply chains evolve.
 Other, unanticipated risks: Bitcoin is a novel monetary asset, with only 13 years of market
behavior and technical functioning under its belt. While it has been extraordinarily reliable as a
network, and its decentralization makes it very difficult to manipulate, it is hard to rule out
“unknown unknowns” that could emerge in the future and threaten the stability or functioning
of the network. The Bitcoin community as a distributed collective is always on the look-out for
potential threats and risks, but completely unknown, unanticipated issues are possible.

It is difficult for legacy institutions to acknowledge that the structures that underpin their power
need reform. It is natural for incumbents to view the systems they spent their careers building as
necessary and good; to view any challenge as a threat, and innovation as a concern. This is
understandable at a human level. At the level of national security and geopolitical strategy,
however, it is counterproductive. Preconception bias and cognitive inertia are limiting in an era of
rapid change. Those who fail to adapt, fail.

Our adversaries are positioning themselves for, and trying to bring about, a radically different
international order. Individuals around the world (including tens of millions of our own citizens) are
opting into an emerging monetary order, with Bitcoin as its new foundation. This order is one in
which America can maintain and extend its inherent sources of national power, while holding
resurgent and destructive illiberal forces at bay. Bitcoin, if it succeeds at home and abroad, can
help the U.S. and it’s liberal allies achieve our enduring objective to “keep the world safe for

As President Biden himself has proclaimed, “This moment is an inflection point. We are in the
midst of a fundamental debate about the future direction of our world. To prevail, we must
demonstrate that democracies can still deliver for our people.” If we expect to deliver on these
promises – to present and future generations – we must think differently.

In this moment of crisis, the time for such thinking is now.


About the Author

Matthew Pines is a National Security Fellow at the Bitcoin Policy
Institute. He is also a management consultant with over ten years
of experience advising the U.S. government and the private sector
on critical security and resilience challenges. He has conducted
dozens of assessments of national preparedness, emerging
technology, and strategic national programs for several
government agencies.

He is an expert at executing wargames, exercises, technology

experiments, and other analytical activities to help solve complex
security challenges and inform strategic planning. His analysis has
been used to drive decision-making by senior officials across the
government to mitigate risk, adapt policy, and foster innovation.

At the Bitcoin Policy Institute, Mr. Pines applies strategic foresight, risk assessment, and policy
analysis methodologies to evaluate how Bitcoin intersects with national security issues. His
objective is to help policymakers understand the implications of emerging technologies like
Bitcoin to minimize identifiable risks and maximize potential benefits to the Nation.

Mr. Pines holds a master’s degree in Philosophy and Public Policy (with Distinction) from the
London School of Economics and Political Science and a bachelor’s degree in Physics and
Philosophy (with Honors) from Johns Hopkins University.

The views expressed in this report and elsewhere on this topic are his own and do not express the
views or opinions of his employer.

About the Bitcoin Policy Institute

Who We Are

The Bitcoin Policy Institute is an interdisciplinary cohort of economists, coders, lawyers, climate
scientists, philosophers, and policy analysts providing research, fact-checking, and commentary
on Bitcoin.

Bitcoin may well change society's relationship with money as profoundly as the internet did with
information. Future policy debates on issues ranging from national security to central bank digital
currencies will require a robust understanding of the Bitcoin network.

Currently, few institutions are focused on the topic and mainstream writing is still playing catch up
to the realities of the technology, with technical facts frequently misstated and new developments
often ignored. BPI was formed to change that.

What We Do

We are in a period of rapid growth for Bitcoin, comparable to mass-adoption of the Internet in the
90’s. Like any new technology, mass-adoption of Bitcoin presents serious policy and ethical
questions. To unlock the full potential of this network while properly managing risks, policymakers
need high quality information.

BPI's experts study Bitcoin's implications for the U.S., technology-driven globalization, and the
future of finance to provide insights that help policymakers continue to position America as the
global leader in technology and innovation.

As a 501(c)3 public charity, the Bitcoin Policy Institute:

 Produces articles, videos, and infographics with key facts on Bitcoin;
 Connects journalists with Bitcoin experts;
 Conducts rigorous research on relevant topics to Bitcoin such as its environmental impact
and national security implications;
 Analyzes and assesses media coverage on Bitcoin to find errors and correct mistakes;
 Fosters discourse, with diverse perspectives, across the ideological spectrum

For more information, please contact David Zell,


List of Figures
PROJECTS. ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7
ARE A MINISCULE PORTION OF THE OVERALL TRANSACTION VOLUME. ......................................................................................... 7
FIGURE 5: BITCOIN COMPARED TO GOLD AND FIAT AGAINST KEY ATTRIBUTES OF A MONEY. ...................................................................... 9
STRUCTURE OF THE INTERNET AND ASSOCIATED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. ............................................................................. 11
..................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
SUSPENDED GOLD-CONVERTIBILITY AND BIRTHED THE PETRODOLLAR. ..................................................................................... 15
PRODUCTIVITY, PRIVATE EMPLOYMENT, AND MEDIAN FAMILY INCOME. ..................................................................................... 16
PARTNER FOR THE WORLD. ............................................................................................................................................... 18
FIGURE 13: DEBT CRISES FOLLOW A KNOWN PATTERN. ................................................................................................................... 21
THOUGH THE U.S. ECONOMY ONLY CONTRIBUTED 24.8% OF NOMINAL WORLD GDP. ............................................................... 22
SIMILAR BREAKTHROUGH TECHNOLOGIES LIKE MOBILE PHONES AND THE INTERNET. ................................................................. 28
NON-ZERO.) .................................................................................................................................................................... 29
FIGURE 19: BITCOIN MINING IS GLOBALLY DISTRIBUTED. (NOTE: SAME CHINA CAVEAT AS ABOVE) ......................................................... 29
OFTEN RESULTS IN NEGATIVE ELECTRICITY PRICING. .............................................................................................................. 30
FIGURE 21: BITCOIN MINERS ARE HELPING TO STABILIZE THE TEXAS ERCOT GRID.............................................................................. 31
FLEXIBILITY AND RESILIENCE AS THE SHARE OF RENEWABLE GENERATION INCREASES. ............................................................... 31
REQUIRED TO MEET THE 2050 NET ZERO EMISSIONS GOALS. ............................................................................................... 32
BITCOIN AS A TOOL OF ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT. .............................................................................................................. 34
RELIANT ON SOCIAL SUPPORT FISCAL TRANSFERS TO KEEP AFLOAT. ......................................................................................... 35
GENERATIONAL TENSIONS. ................................................................................................................................................ 36



































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