Use Passing Chords - Larsen
Use Passing Chords - Larsen
Use Passing Chords - Larsen
Passing chords are a great Jazz trick to add some surprising but also beautiful sounds to chords. In this video I will show
you 4 types of passing chords and examples of how they sound and how to use them. You can use the examples to get them
into your own playing and add amazing new colors to how you play chords.
I am going to go over examples using, diatonic, chromatic, diminished and dominant passing chords and show you how you
can make some beautiful embellishments of a simple II V I turnaround in C.
I am going to cover the 4 types of passing chords by giving you some examples of how they sound. For this lesson I am not
going to discuss the music theory involved with the chords. I think it is more important that you have some options and that
you explore what they sound like.
Ironically the last one is the easiest to play, the one that adds the most color and movement and it would be the hardest to
Basic Progression
I am using a simple turnaround to show you where you can add extra chords, and the basic progression is this one:
The first version is using complete chords with the bass note, but the 2nd one is using drop2 voicings which are a little more
flexible. Most of the chords I am using in the lesson will be drop2 chords.
Below you can see how the A7 on beat 4 works as a passing chord towards the Dm7.
This is repeated in the next bar with the A7(b13) resolving to the Dm7(9)
Side note: Em7 voicing for Cmaj7
I very often get asked why I write Cmaj7 and then the chord voicing looks like an Em7 (for example beat one of example 6)
The explanation is fairly simple. If you look at bar 1 below then it is clear that it is an Em7 chord.
Em7 is E G B D, but if the bass plays a C then the notes sound like a Cmaj7(9): E(3rd of C), G(5th), B(7th), D(9th)
You probably know the Cmaj7(9) in bar2. The rootless version of that is, of course, still a Cmaj7(9), and you could add a high
G to that which would give you the voicing in bar 1.
Chromatic Passing Chords
A huge part of the sound of a Jazz solo is the use of chromatic passing notes and enclosures. The chromatic passing chords
is a way to harmonize this type of melody, maybe even the harmonic counterpart to this.
The first example has a C#m7 to pull toward the Dm7. You should notice that to get this to work you have to think in
melodies, and the top-note melody should be pretty strong. Here is D, D# to E.
the 2nd bar has an Ab7 approaching the G7 with a similar descending melody.
You can also use the chromatic passing chords as suspensions similar to how I used the diminished chord in example 5.
Here there are also chromatic approach chords for the Dm7 and Cmaj7.