Dav Borl Public School, Bina Session (2023-24)
Dav Borl Public School, Bina Session (2023-24)
Dav Borl Public School, Bina Session (2023-24)
Session (2023-24)
Class: V
Integrated Assignment No:03
Q2 You met your old friend in the market today after two years. Write a diary entry
expressing your thoughts and emotions on the meeting.
a) 24.676
b) 90.006
a. 0.15
b. 1.5
Q 3. Use the below given grade and complete the given tasks.
a. Colour 25 boxes with Green .
1. Group of children went for a walk along a river. As they were walking along
the river they threw a few things like pebbles, coins, thermocole, saw dust,
iron nails into the river. Some of these things sank while others floated.
Make a list of the things that float and the ones that sink. (in Science
Think and do any socially productive activity, take the picture of the same and write
your experience in 30 words in a A4 Sized sheet and paste the taken picture there.
Give a proper title to your work and submit the sheet along with your name class and
section to subject teacher on 7/09/2022 positively.
उपसर्ग और प्रत्यय
क. —-- गच्छामि ।
ख. —----- लिखति ।
ग. —----- धावसि ।
घ. —----- हसन्ति ।
एतेषां नामानि संस्कृ तेन लिखन्तु
Q3. Write the name of tool used for Automatic spellings & grammar check?