Test Anasthasiology

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# What is the final diagnosis of cardiac arrest based on

- absence of pulse in peripheral arteries
- Absence of pupillary reflex

# Your movement in asystole

+ indirect heart massage
- Intravenous administration of 10% Ca Cl solution
- administration of novocaine
- injection of soda solution into a vein

# Recovery of brain functions after resuscitation is assessed according

to the following
+ pupil narrowing
- recovery of heartbeat
- appearance of convulsive breathing movements
- involuntary acts of urination and defecation

# Based on which method, ventricular fibrillation can be diagnosed

- auscultation
- pulse in peripheral arteries
- pulse in the carotid artery

# How much time is left to revive a child who has stopped breathing and
blood circulation (heartbeat).
+ 3-4 min
- 5-10 min
- 10-15 min
- 1-2 min

# Which change in ECG is characteristic for hypokalemia

+ T tooth aligned or negative
- ST segment decrease from the isoelectric line
- low gear R in all networks
- high or pointed T tooth

# What depends on the effect of force and the place of impact in closed
heart massage
+ age
- the gender of the child
- chest size
- to body structure

# When is hyperbaric oxygenation used?

+ in injuries that do not heal for a long time
- in kidney and liver failure
- in severe trauma
- in all the above cases

# Patient condition and OSV mode in brain tumor

+ the head of the bed is raised, O'SV is in hyperventilation mode
- the head of the bed is raised, O'SV is in hypoventilation mode
- in horizontal position, O'SV in hyperventilation mode
- the side of the leg is raised, O'SV is in the mode of hypoventilation

# Where is a patient with acute, stenotic laryngotracheobronchitis

+ in the intensive care unit of the specialized intensive care unit
- in the ENT department
- in the therapy department
- in the emergency surgery department

# What R-graphic change is determined in bronchiolitis

+ clear emphysematic changes in the lung area
- no change is detected
- increased lung picture
- small plane calcification

# Auscultative sign of bronchiolitis

+ wet crackles with small bubbles
- "silence" in auscultation
- vesicular breath
- amphoric sound

# What is the basis of bronchial asthma?

+ parenchymal injury and dampness within the small circulation
- swelling of the vocal folds
- lung parenchyma injury
- obstruction of small airways

# Which act of external breathing is disturbed in bronchial asthma

+ difficult breathing
- difficult breathing
- difficult breathing and exhalation
- act of external breathing without pathological changes

# What causes airway obstruction with phlegm

+ the alveoli will collapse
- disruption of pulmonary capillary perfusion
- Disruption of diffusion through the alveocapillary membrane
- disruption of lung function

# Which abdominal pathology leads to advanced respiratory failure

+ peritonitis
- abdominal white line hernia
- acute appendicitis
- gastroenterologist

# What is acute respiratory failure?

+ violation of the ability of the lungs to convert venous blood into
arterial blood
- violation of ventilation
- lack of oxygen as a result of perfusion disorders
- lung tumor
# Mechanism of physiological impairment of diffusion in acute respiratory
+ disorders of ventilation, perfusion, diffusion
- violation of alveolar ventilation and pulmonary capillary perfusion
- violation of gas diffusion
- violation of alveolar ventilation

# Causes restrictive disorders

+ violation of lung elasticity, interstitial tissue edema, surfactant
- pulmonary emphysema
- pneumonia
- lung tumor

# Prolonged acute hypoxia leads to:

+ polyorgan deficiency
- brain tumor
- metabolic disorder
- violation of blood rheology

# One of the factors leading to central respiratory failure

+ brain tumor
- kinking of the intubation tube
- aspiration of gastric emptying
- lung tumor

# Normal partial pressure of oxygen

+ 92-95 mm.rt.st
- 60-80 mm.rt.st.
- 75 mm.rt.st
- 100-110 mm.rt.st.

# What causes hypoxia associated with hypoventilation

+ to hypercapnia
- to pulmonary edema
- violation of blood rheological properties
- respiratory alkalosis

# Participation of the lungs in thermoregulation depends on this

characteristic of the lungs
+ heat generation and release
- heat production
- heat release
- connection of the lungs with the thermoregulatory center

# What is used to extinguish foam in pulmonary edema

+ antifomsilan
- benzohexonal
- sodium bicarbonate
- chymotrypsin

# When the partial pressure of carbonic anhydride gas increases by how

many mm.sim.ust, the absolute reference to O'SV is considered
+ 50-60 mm.rt.st.
- 10-20 mm.rt.st.
- 30-35 mm.rt.st.
- 35-40 mm.rt.st.

# An increase in central venous pressure is considered an indicator

+ decreased heart pumping function low OSC
- slowing of blood flow in the veins
- hypovolemia

# Which drug improves myocardial contractility

+ straphanthine
- izadrin
- lidocaine
- Aymalin

# When defibrillation is ineffective

+ when acidosis is not corrected
- inadequate ventilation of the lungs
- when the electrodes are wrongly located
- if heart massage is performed ineffectively

# State the cause of ventricular extrasystole

+ hyperkalemia
- alkalosis
- in digitalis poisoning
- when taking diuretic drugs for a long time

# Effects of noradrenaline
+ spasm of all arteries and veins except coronary and cerebral blood
- expansion of arteries and spasm of veins
- spasm of all veins and arteries
- spasm of arteries and dilatation of veins

# Which group of drugs are used to increase vascular tone

+ adrenomimetics
- corticosteroids
- antihypoxants
-stimulators of the vascular center

# It helps the function of the heart to expel blood

+ enough venous blood return to the heart
- normal level of energy metabolism in the myocardium
- maintenance of compensatory capabilities
- normal heart rhythm

# ECG revealed small-wave ventricular fibrillation. What to do.

+ electrical defibrillation
- administration of calcium chloride into the central vein
- administration of cardiac glycosides
- open heart massage

# The main pathogenetic factor of traumatic shock

+ pain
- taking a cold
- fear
- hunger

# Caused by pouring shock

+ thermal, chemical castings
- acute expansion of the ventricles
- myocardial infarction
- allergic reaction

# The primary function of shock therapy

+ Restoration of OSK, improvement of microcirculation
- analgesia
- dehydration
- glucocorticoids

# Factors predisposing to hemodynamic disorders

+ unreplaced blood loss
- inadequate OSV
- hyperhydration
- pretreatment of anesthetics

# What is called strained shortness of breath in shock

+ Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) syndrome
- imbalance syndrome
- tension pneumothorax
- abduction syndrome

# Water deficit is the main cause of anhydremic shock

+ constant vomiting, diarrhea
- prolonged hyperthermia, panting
- prolonged hunger
- intestinal paresis

# The main cause of septic shock

+ transfer of bacterial infection to the blood, hyperergic state,
development of toxemia
- hypovolemia and blood clotting
- weakening of the immune system
- the passage of gr (-) microflora into the blood

# Anaphylactic shock is
+ severe degree of general anaphylactic reaction, paresis of
microcirculation blood vessels
- a sharp increase in peripheral resistance
- acute hypoxia as a result of bronchospasm
- acute hypovolemia due to blood loss

# The depth of coma depends on the following

+ to the degree of damage to the structure of the brain core
- degree of hyperkalemia
- MNS injury accompanied by coma
- respiratory system and hemodynamic state
# Where is the thermoregulation center located
+ hypothalamic branch of the brain
- long brain
- temporal branch of the brain
- brain stem

# The main clinical sign of the development of coma

+ loss of pleasure
- hyperthermic syndrome
- convulsion syndrome
- lack of movement activity

# Pleasant mild form of disorder

+ fainting
- sopor
- coma
- kinetic mutism

# Khushni is a severe form of disorder

+ coma
- somnolence
- stupor
- sopor

# An exclamation mark
+ relaxation, drowsiness, decreased mental activity
- lack of movement activity, lack of communication with the patient
- development of retrograde amnesia
- lack of communication with the patient at all

# The degree of unconsciousness in coma depends on:

+ degree of damage to the structures of the brain core
- to the degree of acidosis
- MNS satellite damage
- respiratory organs and hemodynamic state

# What develops in hyperosmolar coma

+ cellular dehydration
- cellular hyperhydration
- hypoglycemia
- hypercalcemia

# What causes toxic coma

+ hyperosmolarity
- hyposmolarity
- Exo and endotoxemia
- hypernatremia

# Intensive therapy of a comatose state begins with the following

+ ensuring airway patency, determining the cause of coma
- stomach probe and enteral feeding
- applying ice to the brain, central venous catheterization
- gastric lavage, intravenous administration of antihypoxants
# An important diagnostic criterion in assessing the depth of coma
- bilirubin in the blood
- cerebrospinal fluid
- examination of the fundus

# Concentration of potassium ions in plasma

+ increased in acidosis, decreased in alkalosis
- reduced in acidosis
- increased in alkalosis
- decreased in acidosis, increased in alkalosis

# Concentration of glucose isotonic solution

+ 5% solution
- 0.85% solution
- 10% solution
- 20% solution

# Used in hypokalemia
+ polarizing solution
- calcium gluconate
- plasma
- albumin

# Do not use colloidal solutions

+ raising plasma colloid osmotic pressure
- Restoring CBV
- management of hemodilution
- reduction of intraoperative bleeding

# In infusion therapy, glucose solution is used for the following purpose

+ all of the above are true
- restoration of energy loss
- reduction of catabolic processes
- preparation of polarizing mixtures

# Occurs with repeated vomiting and prolonged aspiration of gastric

+ metabolic alkalosis
- metabolic acidosis
- respiratory acidosis
- respiratory alkalosis

# The main clinical indicator of the effectiveness of parenteral

+ positive nitrogen balance
- negative nitrogen balance
- weight gain
- improvement of the patient's condition

# Energy value of protein (kcal)

+ 4
- 9.3
- 6
- 12

# Identify the ingredients that are not included in the parenteral

nutrition regimen according to the hyperalimentation system
+ fats
- natural plasma
- carbohydrates
- crystalline amino acid solution

# How much energy is produced when fat is completely oxidized (kcal)

+ 4
- 9.3
- 2.3
- 10

# How the ingredients are administered in parenteral nutrition

+ rational throughout the day
- in a state compatible with the biorhythm
- immediate introduction of ingredients
- with a break

# Oxidation of protein in negative nitrogen balance

+ in order to cover the energy balance
- for plastic purposes
- for the synthesis of plasma globulins
- for plasma albumin synthesis

# What causes parenteral nutrition according to the hyperalimentation

+ deficiency of saturated fatty acids
- to hypoglycemia
- to hyperglycemia
- to pancreatitis

# What is used to provide the body with microelements during parenteral

+ natural plasma
- ringer's fluid
- gartman fluid
- panangin

# The main clinical indicator of the effectiveness of parenteral

+ positive nitrogen balance, improvement in the condition of the absence
of weight loss
negative nitrogen balance
- restoration of adequate diuresis
- appearance of polyuria

# After how long is it useless to remove a snake bite?

+ 10 min
- 6 min
- 18 min
- 8 min
# What determines the possibility of accelerated diuresis
+ according to the nature of excretion of poison through the kidneys
- when there is a high concentration of poison in the body
- when toxic metabolites are formed
- effect of poison on MNS structures

# What osmodiuretics are used in toxicology practice

+ mannitol
- veroshpiron
- lazix
- ethacrynic acid

# What is the basis of the hemosorption method

+ adsorption properties of various materials
- potential difference around the semiconducting membrane
- ion exchange principle
- mechanical filtration of blood

# Instruction for hemosorption

+ increase of medium and high toxic toxins in the blood
- increase of low molecular weight toxins in the blood
- hyperhydration
- in poisoning with heavy metal salts

# What antidote is used for Phos poisoning

+ atropine sulfate
- nalorphine
- manganous oxide sodium
- magnesium sulfate

# What to do when the symptoms of severe toxemia worsen

+ all of the above
- hemosorption
- plasmapheresis
- enterosorption

# Identify the antagonist of narcotic analgesics

+ nalorphine
- pentazocine
- deferoxamine
- fentanyl

# Which type of local anesthesia is more likely to cause vascular injury?

+ conductor
- paravertebral
- presacral
- infiltration

# General complications of local anesthesia

+ total block
- formation of hematoma as a result of damage to blood vessels
- traumatic damage to the nerve core
- anaphylactic reactions
# Contraindication to neuroleptoanalgesia
+ hypovolemic state
- pulmonary emphysema
- liver failure
- myocarditis

# Define muscle relaxant with depolarizing action

+ dithylene
- tubakuranin
- arduan
- trachrium

# Fentanyl complication
+ shortness of breath, stiffness of chest muscles
- paroxysmal tachycardia
- tachypnea
- vasoconstriction

# The advantage of using the Eira system

+ can be used in newborns
- minimal dead space effect, lack of breathing resistance
- the supplied gas optimally moistens the narcotic mixture
- optimally heats the gaso-narcotic mixture

# Purpose of Calypsol application

+ general anesthesia
- regional anesthesia
- dissociated anesthesia
- neurovegetative blockade

# Drugs used for neuroleptanalgesia

+ droperedol+fetanyl
- ketalar+droperedol
- fluoroethane+nitrous oxide
- calypsol+relanium

# In oxygen-fluorothane anesthesia, the patient loses consciousness after

a few minutes
+ 2-4
- 1-2
- 3-4
- 6-8

# What is observed in epidural anesthesia

+ resorptive result
- block of parasympathetic fibers
- neurovegetative block
- a block of muscle fibers

# Antidepolarizing muscle relaxant antidote

+ proserin
- nalorphine
- lexir
- atropine

# Opioid analgesic antidote

+ nalorphine
- unitiol
- proserin
- atropine

# What causes muscle pain after treatment

+ when using dithiline without antidepolarizing myorelaxants
- to the duration of the operation
- dithyline when used after antidepolarizing muscle relaxants
- post-operative tremors

# Which of the following drugs causes dissociative anesthesia?

+ calypso
- novocaine
- thiopental sodium
- propamidine

# What is induction
+ anesthesia
- premedication
- basic narcosis
- holding anesthesia

# Which one of these drugs is considered a central analgesic

+ promidol
- calypso
- sombrevin
- fluoroethane

# Apparatus used in cardiac resuscitation

+ defibrillator
- Ro-6
- electrocardiograph EKG-6 T-01
- volume meter

# What factors prolong life in prolonged hypoxia?

+ hypothermia
- old age
- infancy period
- hyperthermia

# What are the most common complications of closed heart massage?

+ rib fracture
- emphysema
- heart trauma and rupture
- liver damage and trauma

# Why is hyperthermia used in resuscitation

+ To protect the CNS from hypoxia
- when the internal pressure of the brain increases
- when the O2 demand of the brain increases
- when blood circulation in the brain decreases

# If the patient's consciousness does not recover even after the heart
function is restored, what does this mean?
+ delayed hypoxic encephalopathy syndrome
- development of a brain tumor
- increased intracerebral pressure
- brain crush

# Ventricular small-wave fibrillation was detected in the ECG, what to do

+ electro defibrillation
- send adrenaline into the central vein
- administration of cardiac glycosides
- open heart massage

# When small-wave ventricular fibrillation is detected on the ECG

+ v/i administration of adrenaline, calcium chloride and defibrillation
- switch to open heart massage
- conducting defibrillation
- send cardiac glycosides

# Why is the cellica method used for prevention?

+ to prevent regurgitation and aspiration
- To prevent air from entering the stomach in time in OSV
- damage to the vocal cords
- convulsions and hyperthermia

# The post-reanimation period is defined as severe

+ all of the above
- initial condition of the patient
- the effectiveness of resuscitation measures
- character of the main disease

# Main periods of post-reanimation illness

+ hypodynamic and hyperdynamic
- ischemic and postischemic
- ischemic, hemorrhagic
- posthypoperfusion and recovery period

# Which type of acid-base disorder is characteristic of the early

postresuscitation period
+ decompensated metabolic acidosis
- decompensated metabolic alkalosis
- decompensated respiratory alkalosis
- decompensated respiratory acidosis

# Measures taken in antihepoxic and antiischemic protection of the brain

+ craniocerebral hyperthermia, use of barbiturates, gomk
- bleeding and use of ginglioblockers
- send soda solution of course
- warming the patient, use of cardiovascular activity stimulants

# The condition resulting from prolonged resuscitation measures is

manifested by the following
+ polyorgan deficiency
- cardiovascular failure
- hepato-renal syndrome
- shortness of breath

# The hypodynamic stage of the postresuscitation period occurs as a

result of the following
+ reperfusion syndrome and endogenous toxemia
- long-term effects of adrenomimetics used during resuscitation
- Adrenal gland dysfunction and failure to use hormones on time
- as a result of long-term effects of gomc and barbiturates administered
during resuscitation

# Auscultative signs in bronchiolitis

+ moist wheezes with tiny bubbles
- moist coughs with large blisters
- vesicular breath
- amphoric sound

# What is the basis of bronchial asthma

+ there is no correct answer
- swelling of the vocal cords
- lung parenchyma damage
- obstruction of small airways

# Hyperventilation is dangerous
+ acute narrowing of cerebral blood vessels, respiratory alkalosis
- hyperoxia
- hyperkamnia
- respiratory acidosis

# One of the features of positive pressure at the end of exhalation

+ pneumothorax
- microatelectases
- swelling of the alveoli
- increase in the part of the lungs that is not involved in ventilation

# Indications for 3rd grade hoarseness syndrome

+ tracheal intubation under general anesthesia, transfer to auxiliary
O'SV or full O'SV
- increasing "tropical atmosphere" and recommending respiratory
- assisted lung ventilation using a mask
- trachostomy must be placed

# Indicate the factor in which breath control does not cause center
+ injury of peripheral nerves
- poisoning, overdose of narcotic analgesics
- brain circulation disorder
- brain tumor

# Sanitation of the tracheobronchial tree is the most effective method

+ bronchoscopy
- percussion massage
- catheterization of trachea and bronchi using direct laryngoscopy
- airway catheterization and aspiration

# Mucolytic agents used for aerosol therapy

+ hydrocarbonate sodium, chymopsin and chymotrypsin
- adrenaline, ephedrine, isadrine
- atropine, euphilin
- disfilin, no-shpa, eufilin

# The main factor in the development of laryngotracheobronchitis

+ vocal cord swelling
- accumulation of sputum in the respiratory tract
- limitation of chest excursion
- alveoli collapse

# Bronchial fistula wound treatment tactics

+ pleural cavity drainage and bronchial occlusion
- accelerate lung ventilation
- use of laryngopharyngoscopy
- pleural cavity puncture

# What causes upper respiratory tract obstruction with sputum

+ disruption of ventilation
- disruption of pulmonary capillary perfusion
- disruption of gas diffusion through the alveolar membrane
- violation of chest sensitivity

# Which of the abdominal pathology leads to advanced respiratory failure

+ peritonitis
- upper intestinal obstruction
- acute appendicitis
- gastroenteric colitis

# It is one of the factors that lead to a violation of the central

control of breathing
+ brain tumor
- folding of intubation tubes in the oral cavity
- aspiration of gastric emptying
- Pulmonary circulatory disorders

# Indicates an increase in central venous pressure

+ right ventricular failure
- left ventricular failure
- total heart failure
- superior vena cava thrombosis

# Effects of cardiac glycosides

+ positive bathmo-inotropic effect
- positive bathmotropic effect
- negative inotronic effect
- positive dromotropic effect
# At what level does the change take place after a heart transplant?
+ precapillary sphincter
- venule
- arteriole and capillary
- postcapillary sphincter

# The average therapeutic dose of 0.05% straphantin solution administered

intravenously in heart failure (ml/kg 1 day)
+ 0.025
- 0.005
- 0.05
- 1

# It is done in order to correct deconpensated alkalosis

+all answers are correct
- a high dose of ascorbic acid is administered
- hypokalemia and hypochloremia are eliminated
-1% acetic acid is injected intravenously

# What is pathological blood storage?

+ accumulation of blood in the microcirculation system
- filling of internal organs with blood
- accumulation of blood in the macrocirculation system
- accumulation of blood in body cavities

# What is the hemodynamic function of the large artery blood vessels

It acts as passive transport between the heart and the microcirculation
- has the property of changing its size, actively participates in the
management of prednagruzka
- has the ability to change its size, actively participates in post-
- not related to hemodynamics

# "Heart rate reduction" syndrome occurs in the following cases

+all answers are correct
- in a sharp decrease in the property of heart contraction
- in arrhythmogenic shock
-in collapse

# It is used to improve microcirculation when AQX is in the norm

+ small doses of catecholamines, disaggregates
- controlled hemodilution, disaggregants
-infusion of fresh frozen plasma
-vasoactive drugs with pressor effect

# Causes of cardiogenic shock

+myocardial infarction
-cardiac tamponade
- in trauma of the heart
- profuse bleeding

# First aid in anaphylactic shock

+everything is correct
-prednisolone v/i
-elimination of the cause of anaphylaxis
- adrenaline t/o

# Which of the following indicates hypovolemia?

+all answers are correct
- central venous pressure
-increased pressure in pulmonary capillaries
-hourly diuresis

# Which types of shock are included in the redistributive shock

+all answers are correct
- neurogenic
- septic
- as a result of drug intoxication

# Used for correction of decompensated metabolic acidosis

+2-4% sodium bicarbonate solution
- high dose of ascorbic acid
-1% acetic acid
-10% sodium bicarbonate solution

# Specific for hypotonic dehydration

+ hyponatremia
- hyperkalemia

# Used in the correction of decompensated metabolic alkalosis

+All listed procedures are performed
- administration of high doses of ascorbic acid
- prevention of hypokalemia and hypochloremia
-avoid pathological loss in the stomach

# Main clinical symptom of dehydration with excessive salt loss

+Pathological loss from the gastrointestinal system, +Weakness, adynamia,
pasty appearance of the skin
-excitability, thirst, skin and mucus
- change in skin color, hypoventilation
- hyperthermia and convulsions

# Paradoxical breathing is observed:

+in open pneumothorax
- in closed pneumothorax
- in laryngospasm
- in pneumonia

# It is used to reduce blood coagulability and platelet disaggregation in

the torpid phase of cardiogenic shock:
- trental
# Contraindications to the use of barbiturates:
+in collapse
- in hypoxia
- in eclampsia
- in epileptic seizures

# In which of the following cases, the risk of endotracheal narcosis

(risk anesthesia) during urgent examination is less?
+myocardial infarction in the anamnesis 2 years ago
- aortic stenosis
- angina pectoris with rapidly increasing attacks
-early signs of heart failure

# Used to reduce brain swelling:

+ mannitol
- hypoventilation
- hypertonic solution of sodium chloride
- hyperthermia

# Causes of heart rhythm disturbances during intubation:

+ tickling the larynx with the tip of the laryngoscope
- Intravenous administration of succinylcholine
-premedication with atropine
- drugs with pharmacological properties

# Diabetic ketoacidotic coma is observed:

+ hyponatremia with metabolic acidosis
-decompensated respiratory acidosis with metabolic alkalosis
- hyponatremia with metabolic alkalosis
-blood rN is less than 7.35

# Tachycardia cannot occur:

+ due to deep anesthesia
due to superficial anesthesia
- Due to OSV errors
- as a result of bleeding

# Drug substance used in the treatment of respiratory failure in overdose

of barbiturates:
+ cordiamine
- nalorphine
- caffeine

# Indications for tracheal intubation are:

+transmit USV for a long time
- ensuring high respiratory tract permeability
-hypoxia condition when poisoned with gas
- in the mouth of the people

# What is the indicator of MVB?

+ the characteristic of the contraction of the right ventricle
- venous tone
- blood volume
- the characteristic of heart blood circulation

# Hikildoc is considered a trivial function:

- fixative
- make a sound
- breathing

# Tracheal intubation may be difficult:

+large tongue and small lower jaw
- young age
- absence of teeth
- long neck

# It is used for accelerated diuresis in exogenous poisoning:

+ lazix
- veroshpiron

# Stomach resection is performed on a patient who is emaciated with

decompensated privratnik stenosis. Choose the optimal substance for the
main anesthesia:
- ether
- calypso
- nitrogen oxide

# In case of poisoning with dichloroethane, it is considered an effective

detoxification method:
+hemodialysis in the first 6 hours
- accelerated diuresis
- urine activation
-transfusion of blood

# When is the amount of oxygen in the blood normal and the state of
decrease in the arterio-venous difference of oxygen is observed?
+when poisoned with cyanides
- when poisoned with alcohol
- when poisoned with barbiturates
- circulatory hypoxia

# What kind of medicine can not be used to delay seizures in case of

poisoning with FOB?
+morphine hydrochloride
-magnesium sulfate
- seduction
-oxybutyrate sodium

# How is the severity of acetic acid poisoning determined?

+ with the color of urine
-with the amount of acid consumed
- with the concentration of acid consumed
- with the amount of urine
# What should be done to wash the stomach in case of acute poisoning with
+yugon Sending a stomach probe and washing with 12-15 l of water
- sending a duodenal probe and washing with 3-5 l of water
- sending a thin stomach probe and washing it with 2-3 l of water
-stimulation of vomiting

# How is the water intake carried out when poisoned with acetic acid?
+only with 2% sodium bicarbonate solution
- 50% physical solution and 50% glucose-novocaine mixture
- with polygluqin
- with 50% glucose and 50% saline

# Choose a poison that has a nephrotoxic effect:

- entrepreneurs
-cardiac glycosides
-carbon dioxide

# In which type of poisoning is shortness of breath observed when the

breath is stopped?
- seduction

# What is observed in metabolic acidosis?

+decrease in rN in blood and decrease in raO2
-all answers are correct
-rN and raO2 increase
-rN increase raO2 decrease

# What method can be used to increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in

the plasma in the hemoglobin block?
+ by the hyperbaric oxygenation method
- with the method of oxygen therapy using a face tent
- with the method of artificial lung ventilation
- with the method of oxygen therapy using a mask

# Hyperkalemia in plasma does not develop at what points?

+calcium chloride or sodium oxybutyrate is added
- in hypoxia
- in wide and deep wounds of tissues
- adrenal insufficiency

# What is the intensive treatment of alveolar lung tumor?

+ all that has been said
- foaming
-reduction of pressure in blood vessels of a small blood circulation
-reducing the permeability of the alveolar capillary membrane

# Foam is used for lung edema:

+10% antiphomsilan
-96% ethyl alcohol solution
- propasol aerosol
-1% isadrin solution

# In what case is MVB low?

+ in hypovolemia and circulatory disorders
- in heart failure
- thrombosis of small blood vessels
-small blood circulation in the reflex reduction of blood vessels

# What is the final diagnosis of cardiac arrest based on

-pulsing yoga in peripheral arteries
- Absence of the Korachig reflex

# Recovery of brain function after resuscitation is evaluated according

to the following
+coracic narrowing
- recovery of heartbeat
- stop convulsive breathing movements
- acts of involuntary urination and defecation

# Based on which method, ventricular fibrillation can be determined

- auscultation
-pulse in peripheral arteries
-pulse in the carotid artery

# Hypokalemia
+The tooth is aligned or negative
- Expansion of the ORS complex
- low gear R in all networks
- high or sharpened T tooth

# What depends on the effect of force and the place of impact in closed
massage of the heart
+ age
- to the patient's body position
- chest cavity
-to build a body

# Guide to when hyperbaric oxygenation

+In injuries that do not heal for a long time
- eyes and liver
- in severe trauma
- all of the above

# Patient status wa OSV modes in brain tumor

+ the head of the bed is raised, USV is in hyperventilation mode
- the head of the bed is raised, O'SV hypoventilation mode
-in horizontal cholat, O'SV hyperventilation mode
- the side of the foot is raised, O'SV hypoventilation mode
# Bronchioliting auscultative Sign
+Maida vesicular wet crackles
- "silence" auscultation
- vesicular breath
- amphoric sounds

# What is associated with bronchial asthma

+ parenchymal injury and dampness within the small blood circulation
- swelling of sheep folds
- lung parenchyma injury
-obstruction of the respiratory tract

# Which act of exhalation is disturbed in bronchial asthma

+difficult breathing
-All of the above
-difficult breathing and exhalation
-organ breathing without pathological changes

# Which abdominal cavity pathology leads to the development of shortness

of breath
+ peritonitis
-abdominal axial hernia
-Acute appendicitis
- gastroenterologist

# The protective function of the lungs is to contain and produce

poisonous and toxic products, depending on what it is used for.
+stimulation of the production of corticotropic hormones
- prevention of brain tumor
-participation in immunogenesis
-participation in blood clotting

# What is hot breath

+filling of the feature of pulmonary venous blood arterialization
- ventilation
-oxygen damage to perfusion disease
-The butt of the bottle

# Mechanisms of disruption of diffusion physiology in acute breathing

+ventilation, perfusion, diffusion of fracture
-protection of alveolar ventilation and pulmonary capillary perfusion
-the volume of gases
-Juice capillaries are the skin of perfusion

# Causes restrictive diseases

+Elasticity, interstitial tissue edema, fast surfactant
- emphysema
- I'm fine
-The butt of the bottle

# One of the factors that lead to the center of breathing

+brain tumor
-Intubation Bending of Nycha
- diaphragmatic hernia
- lung tumor

# Normal partial pressure with oxygen

+92-95 mm Hg
-60-80 mm Hg
-75 mm Hg
-100-110 mm Hg

# What causes hypoxia due to hypoventilation

+ hypercapnia
- pulmonary edema
- to protect blood rheological properties
- respiratory alkalosis

# Participation of the lungs in thermoregulation depends on this

characteristic of the lungs
+heat generation and release
- generation of heat
- heat output
- connection of the lungs with the thermoregulatory center

# Why foam for lung edema

- sodium bicarbonate

# When the partial pressure of anhydrite carbonate gas increases by

several mm.sim.st, O'CB does not show absolute.
+50-60 mm Hg
-10-20 mm Hg
-30-35 mm Hg
-35-40 mm Hg

# Central venous determines what is shown

+heart pump function blue
- Lung function
-blood flow in veins
- hypovolemia

# Which myocardial preparation improves contractility

- isadrin
- Aymalin

# Explain ventricular extrasystole and its cause

+ Hyperkalemia
- alkalosis
-in digitalis poisoning
-When taking a long-term drug

# Effects of norepinephrine
+ spasms of all arteries and veins except coronary and cerebral blood
- expansion of arteries and spasm of veins
- spasm of all veins and arteries
- spasm of arteries and dilatation of veins

# Additional examination to check the blood tone of which group of drugs

+ adrenomimetics
- antihypoxants
- supporters of vascular march

# In the EKG, the fibrillation of the ventricles with small foxes was
detected. What to do.
+electrical defibrillation
- marcasium intravenous calcium chloride injection
-cardiac glycosides
-ganglioblakators uborish

# The main pathogenetic factor of traumatic shock

- Fear
- hunger

# Pour shock
+thermal, chemical castings
-Acute dilatation of the ventricles
-myocardial infarction
- allergic reaction

# Factors contributing to hemodynamic support

+unreplaced loss of blood
-but enough O'CB
- hyperhidrosis
-anesthetic overdose

# What is shortness of breath in shock?

+Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) syndrome
- recovery syndrome
- tension pneumothorax
-abduction syndrome

# For induction of anesthesia in hyperkalemia:

+ Calypsol is a seducer
- Promedol + halothane
-Ketamine + enflurane

# Qualified preparations for NLI in OBE patients with oliguric stage:

+Slows down the work of depressing the MNS and slowing the onset of
- comes out of anesthesia quickly
- hyperthermia
-increases the tone of peripheral vessels

# Preparations that slow down the excretion of urine:

+ Morphine
- Veroshpiron
- Furosemide
- Propofol

# How is epideral anesthesia:

+ Cystolithotomy
- Liver echinococcus cyst
- operations on roofs
-plastic operators in the urethra

# Show pleural puncture and sequence

+The patient should raise his hand when he is hit or standing. According
to this, the middle life line is punctured from between 7-8 ribs puncture
Anesthesia of the puncture site
- Anesthesia of the puncture site
-Insert the needle between the ribs in a direction perpendicular to the
skin until we feel that the pleura is empty
- The mid-life line is punctured between 7-8 ribs

# Start jugular vein catheterization

+Puncture the triangle formed by the sternocleidomastoid cells with a
needle at an angle of 300 degrees
-Put a pillow under the patient's armpit, turn the eye away from the
place where the treatment is being performed.
- Fixation of catheters to the skin
-Catheters should go through the needle to the point where the tube joins
the tube

# 5-week-old child weight 4.1 kg growth strong pyloromyotomy sequence

+ Use of succinylcholine in hypokalemia and alkalosis intubation in
Sellick's condition by intubation
-Use of succinylcholine in intubation
-Intubation by Sellick's cholatia
- Use of oxytocin during intubation

# Oxygen is the most important indicator when burning a monitor

+Monitor increases O2 by 21%
- Makes sure the device is working
- Connecting kite contour sensors
- Extrude the contour to oxygen with a valve

# Water deficiently is the basis of anhydromic shock

+ Vomiting without sleep, diarrhea
- Prolonged hyperthermia, panting
-Prolonged hunger
-intestinal paresis

# Basic reason for septic tank shock

+ bacterial infection, blood ingestion, hyperergic state, development of
-hypovolemia and heartburn
- weakening of the immune system
- ingestion of gr (-) microflora into the blood

# Anaphylactic shock is
+Severe degree of general anaphylactic reaction, paresis of blood
-a sharp increase in peripheral resistance
- the appearance of bronchospasm acute hypoxia
- acute hypovolemia as a result of blood loss

# The depth of coma development depends on the following

+ to the degree of damage to the structure of the brain core
-degree hyperkalemia
- coma accompanying MNS injury
- hemodynamics of airways and cholate

# Centrally located thermoregulation

+ hypothalamic area of the brain
- long brain
-temporal branch of the brain
- brain stem

# The association of the development of coma is a sign of clinics

+ loss of pleasure
- hyperthermic syndrome
- convulsion syndrome
-infecting movement activity

# Oxidation of oxyl in negative nitrogen balance

+ for the purpose of energy balance
- for the synthesis of plasma proteins
- for the synthesis of plasma globulins
- for plasma albumin synthesis

# According to the system of hyperalimentation, what does parenteral

nutrition lead to?
+ to saturated fatty acids
- hypoglycemia
- hyperglycemia
- Pancreatitis

# What is parenteral ozyllantyryl used to provide the body with trace

+ tabiium plasma
- It's a phone call
- Hartmann's disease
- Panangin

# The purpose of effective parenteral nutrition

+Positive nitrogen balance, body weight reduction, improvement of
-negative nitrogen balance
-adequate recovery diuresis
- occurrence of polyuria

# Accelerated diuresis is related to what is carried out

+ fight against the poison's excretion through the kidneys
- when there is a high concentration of poison in the body
- when toxic metabolites are formed
- effect of the poison on the structures of the MNS

# Toxicology of practice
+ mannitol
- lasix
-ethacrynic acid

# What is associated with the hemosorption method

+adsorption properties of various materials
-removal of the plasma part of the blood
-ion exchange principle
-Mechanical filtration of blood

# Indication for hemosorption

+increase of medium and high toxic toxins in the blood
-Increase of Paste Molecular Toxins in the blood
- hyperhidrosis
- in poisoning with heavy metal salts

# What antidote is used for Phos poisoning

+atropine sulfate
- nalorphine
- sodium permanganate
- bemigrid

# In case of poisoning, the skin covers become dark red

+IS from Gazi
-from gasoline
- from atropine
- from navoka

# What to do when Ogyr toxemia numbers are increasing

+all of the above
- hemosorption
- accelerated diuresis
- enterosorption

# What determines the need for accelerated diuresis

+ by excreting the poison with the kidneys
- concentration of poison in the blood
- production of toxic metabolites
- effects of toxins on the structure of the MNS

# Identify drug analgesic antagonist

+ nalorphine
- fentanyl

# Close control of blood vessel injury in any type of local anesthesia

- presacral
- infiltration

# Local anesthesia general

+common block
-Hematoma formation due to roof damage
-zhagini's nerve traumatic damage
- anaphylactic reaction

# Contraindication to neuroleptoanalgesia
+moderate hypovolemia
-pulmonary emphysema
- liver time
- myocarditis

# Define a depolarizing muscle relaxant

- trachrium

# fentanyl complication
+ shortness of breath, chest muscle stiffness
- paroxysmal tachycardia
-abni sharp increase

# Purpose of using Calypsol

+general anesthesia
- regional anesthesia
-dissociated anesthesia
- neurovegetative blockade

# Neuroleptanalgesia
+droperedol fetanyl
-ketalar + droperedol
-floratane + nitrous oxide

# Oxygen-fluorotanly narcosis patient loses consciousness after a few

- 8-10
- 3-4
- 6-8

# Epidural anesthesia, candai naija help

+resorptive voltage
- blocks of parasympathetic fibers
- neurovegetative block
-blocks of muscle fibers

# Antidepolarizing muscle relaxant antidote

- nalorphine
- dictionary

# Opioid analgesic antidote

+ nalorphine
- caffeine

# Which of the following drugs causes dissociative anesthesia?

+ calypso
- novocaine
-thiopental sodium

# Neem induction
+ narcosis
-main anesthesia
-holding anesthesia

# One of these drugs is marcasium analgesics

- calypso
- sombrevin
- halothane

# Depolarizing muscle relaxants have an effect

- 10-12
- 5-7
- 07.

# Oxygen is the main indicator when burning the monitor

+Monitor increases O2 by 21%
- Makes sure the device is working
- Connecting kite contour sensors
- Extrude the contour to oxygen with a valve

# Conservative treatment of acute dehydration

+ Measurement of incoming fluid and diuresis
- Body weight measurement during the day
-Measurement of MVB and A/D
-Dehydration therapy to accelerate diuresis

# Specify the sequence of decreasing hyperthermia in children

+Wipe the skin with alcohol
- Washing the large intestine with cold water (20 s)
- Washing the stomach with cold water through the probe (20 s)
-Undressing the child, wiping the skin with alcohol, pouring on the scalp
and head

# Main indication in convulsion syndrome

+Determine the level of respiratory and cardiovascular insufficiency
- Determination of skin color and body temperature
- Pupil size and reaction to light
-Huruzh character willow likildoks situation

# Tracheal intubation Patient position during intubation

+The patient is placed on his back
- The laryngoscope moves the tongue to the left and the tongue and the
hilum are placed.
- laryngoscopy

# Antibiotics that are toxic to the kidneys:

+ Gentamicin
- Levomycetin
- Tseporin

# Possible after nephrectomy:

+ Anemia
- hyperthermia
- sleep

# Factors responsible for the development of OBE:

+ Sepsis
- diabetes
- nephrotoxic drugs
- Arterial hypertension

# Recovery drugs for anesthesia in patients with SBE:

+ Midazolam
- Propofol

# After the resuscitation time, kidney function indicators are blue

+ hourly diuresis
-Electrolysis in the blood
- the amount of catecholamines in the blood

# Apparatus used in cardiac resuscitation

+ defibrillator
-electrocardiograph EKG-6 T-01
- volume meter

# What factors prolong life in prolonged hypoxia

+ hypothermia
- Deafness
-childhood period
- hyperthermia

# Which is the largest in the mass of the heart valve

+ pipe breakage
- emphysema
- dream bone fracture
- liver damage and trauma

# If the patient's mood is not restored even after the heart function is
restored, what does this mean?
+acquired hypoxic encephalopathy and syndrome
- the development of a brain tumor
- head mia internal head increaser
- brain crush

# When ventricular fibrillation with small waves is detected on the ECG

+Inverts adrenaline, calcium chloride and defibrillation
-It is not possible to carry out indirect heart massage, defibrillation
- defibrillation
-cardiac glycosides shock

# A severe course of the post-resuscitation period is determined

+All of the above
- the patient's surgical condition
- effectiveness of resuscitation measures
- the nature of the disease

# Sanitation of the tracheobronchial tree is the most effective method

- percussion massage
-Laryngoscopy for catheterization of the trachea and bronchi
- airway catheterization and aspirations

# Mucoly tic for aerosol therapy

+sodium bicarbonate, chymopsin and chymotrypsin
-epinephrine, ephedrine, isadrine
-atropine, euphyllin
-disfilin, no-shpa, eufilin

# By using the PEEP method

+ pneumothorax
- tracheobronchitis
-pulmonary emphysema
- hyperventilation

# There is an association factor in the development of

laryngotracheobronchitis narrowing
+boilies put with glass
- accumulation of sputum in the respiratory tract
- chest trauma
- alveoli collapse
# Bronchial abscess treatment tactics
+drainage of the pleural cavity and bronchial obstruction blue market
-acceleration of air delivery to the lungs
- pleural bushel and puncture

# What causes upper respiratory tract obstruction with sputum

- lungs perfusion and capillary
- protection of gas diffusion with alveolar membrane
- out of the impression of the chest

# Abdominal cavity, which of the pathology class leads to a developed

+ peritonitis
-Upper Intestinal Constipation
-Acute appendicitis

# One of the factors that causes the breath to be controlled from the
+brain tumor
-intubation folding the tubes in the oral cavity
-brain tumor
-external pulmonary blood circulation

# Markasium is great for increasing venosis

+ right ventricle
- left ventricle
-total heart heart
- superior vena cava rambo

# Effects of cardiac glycosides

+positive bathmo-inotropic effect
- positive batmatropic effect
-negative chronotropic effect
- positive dromotropic effect

# At what level is the change formed after a heart attack?

+precapillary sphincter
- push the valve of the device
-postcapillary sphincter

# The contractility of the myocardium is determined

+ due to preservation of inotropic mechanisms of the myocardium
-depending on the afterload state
-all of the above
- depending on the retention of rhythmotropic mechanisms

# Construction of correction of deconpensated alkalosis

+all answers are correct
Ascorbic acid is administered in small doses
-hypokalemia and hypochloremia, and
-1% acetic acid is injected into the vein

# What is pathological blood storage?

+Blood microcirculation of thymidine formation
- testicular bleeding
- slow blood clotting payo bwlishi
-organism of blood accumulation in its cavities

# It is necessary to add the septic tank shock

Glucocorticoids in catadose
- ganglioblockers
- sympathomimetic

# Hemorrhagic shock stage 2-3

+polyglycoprotein, blood
-reopologlyukin, gelatinol
-hemodesis, polyglucose, Ringer's solution
-5-10% glucose, Ringer's solution

# Addition to improve microcirculation when found in AQX norm

+ catecholamines, disaggregants in a small dose
- controlled hemodilution, disaggregants
-Renewed plasma Pour
-vasoactive drug with a pressor effect

# Anaphylactic shock yes first aid

+ everything is correct
-intravenous prednisone
- adrenaline

# Which of the following indicates hypovolemia

+all answers are correct
-marcasium venous pressure
-Increase capillary pressure
-hourly diuresis

# Guide to decompensated metabolite acidosis corrections

+2-4% sodium bicarbonate solution
-ascorbic acid in small doses
-Whether it is a 20% sodium bicarbonate solution
- Whether 10% sodium bicarbonate solution

# Suitable for hypotonic dehydration

+ Hyponatremia
- hypochloremia
- hyperkalemia

# Guide to correcting decompensated metabolic alkalosis

+through all the treatments listed
- administration of ascorbic acid in high doses
- Getting hypokalemia and hypochloremia
- Avoiding pathological loss in the stomach

# Controlled hemodilution optimal hematocrit concentration (vol %)

Up to +28-30

# The main clinical symptoms of dehydration with large amounts of salt

+ Pathological diarrhea from the gastrointestinal system, weakness,
adynamia, skin yeast formation
- irritability, thirst, skin and phlegm
-clearing of skin color, hypoventilation
- hyperthermia and convulsions

# SBE should be treated with additional drugs in boron diseases:

+Succinylcholine, an opioid
- Proserin
- Midazolam

# It is possible to determine the level of hydration in the patient

according to the objective appearance:
+ Skin turgor
- Kidney function
- Hair thickness
- the presence of tumors

# The most important biocheist problems in SBE patients are:

+ Hyperkalemia, acidosis
- hypokalemia
- Alkalosis

# The most common muscle relaxants in SBE patients are:

+ Atracurium
- ketamine

# Risk of developing UBE

+massive when bleeding
- pneumonia
-When many people burn
- in multiple injuries

# The sequence of DIC syndrome and phases

+ Hypercoagulation, recovery, Pathological, fibrinolysis
- Pathological, fibrinolysis
- Hypercoagulation, Pathological fibrinolysis
- Hypercoagulation, recovery
# Properly specify the sequence of the relaxation attack after inducing
+Curishing and diplopia, Ptosis and movement of the chain movement soust,
Paresis of limbs and body posture, Phonation and damage to the larynx
-Curishing and diplopia, Paresis of limbs and body posture, Phonation and
damage to the larynx
-Curishing and diplopia, Ptoza wa chainov movement movement soust,
Phonation and damage to the larynx
-Curishing and diplopia, Ptoza wa chainov movement soust, Limbs and body
posture paresis

# Ratio of output within Khuzhaira and Khuzhaira organizational sector in


# Adams-Stokes-Morgagni syndrome and not for:

+ventricular fibrillations
- loss of consciousness
- bradycardia

# Contraindications to the use of barbiturates:

+AB collapse
- hypoxia
- in a state of psycho-emotional depression
- in epileptic seizures

# Used to reduce brain swelling:

+ mannitol
- hypoventilation
- sodium chloride hypertonic solution
- hyperthermia

# Ventricles are extrasystolic and cannot come out:

As a result of +succinylcholine
-as a result of alkalosis
- digitalis Taking the drug by mistake
-results of hypokalemia

# Arrhythmia during intubation:

+ tickling the larynx with the tip of the laryngoscope
-Intravenous administration of succinylcholine
-premedication with atropine
- drugs with pharmacological issues

# What did MVB consider as a kurstki?

+ right ventricular contraction characteristic
- Pulmonary hypertension
-characteristics of the heart's blood flow
# Considered a low-level function of builddock:
+ protection
-fixation dodger
- cough
- breathing

# In exogenous poisoning, accelerated diuresis is used:

+ lasix
- hypothesized

# Stomach resection and gastric bypass surgery for an emaciated patient

with decompensated pyloric stenosis. Choose the optimal substance for
general anesthesia:
- ether
- calypso

# In case of poisoning with dichloroethane, it becomes an effective

detoxification method:
+hemodialysis in the first 6 hours
- accelerated diuresis
- city operation
- blood transfusion operation

# When is the amount of oxygen in the blood normal and the state of
decrease in the arterio-venous difference of oxygen is observed?
+when poisoned with cyanides
- when poisoned with alcohol
- the permeability of the pathways is in the breath
- hypoxia transmitter

# What kind of medicine was not used to delay seizures in poisoning with
+morphine hydrochloride
-magnesium sulfate
-sodium hydroxybutyrate

# How is the severity of acetic acid poisoning determined?

+ With the color of urine
-with the amount of acid consumed
- with the concentration of acid consumed
-with a new level of MHC function

# What should be done to wash the stomach in case of acute poisoning with
+yugon Send gastric lavage and wash with 12-15 l of water
- Drink 2 liters of water to stimulate wa kite
- back Stomach is fed and washed with 2-3 l of water
-kite to make stimulation
# When poisoned with vinegar acid, what happens when there is no water?
+only with 2% sodium bicarbonate solution
-50% physiological solution and 50% glucose-novocaine salt
- with polygluqin
-only sodium chlorination with physiological solution

# In case of acute poisoning, how is the control of the volume and

control of the water load carried out?
+ With indicators of MVB and diuresis
-With AB and diuresis cleaners
- With ECG and diuresis devices
-With AB and pulse triggers

# Choosing a poison that has a nephrotoxic effect:

-cardiac glycosides
- carbon dioxide

# In which type of poisoning can shortness of breath be stopped while

- alcoholic drinks

# The rapid development of coma is not characteristic of which type of

severe poisoning?
+ with strong acids
- IS Gazi Bilan
- with alcoholic beverages
-With FOB

# In case of acute poisoning with FOB, it is permanent and true:

+ bradycardia, miosis, hypertension
- Kurusha angiosis, miosis, hypotension
-hypersalivation, mydriasis, tachycardia
-bronchorea, mydriasis, bradycardia

# Why is it not recommended to spray the nose when bitten by poisonous

snakes and insects?
+Intensification of lymph production and treatment of poison absorption
into the lymph
- due to increased acidosis
- case of screaming
-re-toufail of blood poisoning

# What to wash the stomach with when poisoned with acids?

+10-12 l of water, then with a weak solution of sodium bicarbonate
-2-5 l with water at 26-28 degrees
-permanganate with potassium permanganate
-with sodium chlorinating hypertonic solution
# Neem vomiting in case of metabolic acidosis?
+blood pH and paO2 control
- all answers are correct
-get pH AND PaO2
-pH Increase PaO2 Decrease

# Hemoglobin blockade can increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in the

plasma using which method?
+ by the hyperbaric oxygenation method
- method of oxygen therapy with facial tent
- with the method of oxygen therapy using endonasal catheters
- help with mask oxygen therapy

# Which cases of plasma hyperkalemia did not develop?

+calcium chloride or sodium hydroxybutyrate is added
- hypoxia
- tissues in wide and deep wounds
-conserved blood When poured

# What is the purpose of intensive treatment of alveolar pulmonary edema?

+all said
- foaming
-reducing the permeability of the alveolar capillary membrane

# It is used for foaming in pulmonary edema:

+10% antiphomsilan
-96% ethyl alcohol and solution
-propazol aerosols
-1.5% ethyl alcohol and solution

# Collapsing remains the first token:

+ arterial pressure
-counting heart rate
-metabolic acidosis
-get the amount of circulating blood

# Do not use in anaphylactic shock:

+blood transfusion
- polyglycoin infusion
- increase in corticosteroids
-adrenaline is excited

# Practical requirements for a syringe dispenser:

+required speed is more diagnosed (0-120 ml/h), acoustic and light alarm
device, robust good mechanism with holding profen
- acoustic and light alarm device
-sturdy with good mechanism retention profen
-Used syringe 10 ml

# Explore the unique features of modern defibrillators:

+ presence of polarizing electrodes, biphasic discharge, monitoring of
cardiac function
- Self-testing device
-complexity of creation
- the flow is two-phase flow

# What is the final diagnosis of cardiac arrest based on

- lack of pulse in peripheral arteries
- Absence of pupillary reflex

# Your movement in asystole

+ indirect heart massage
- Intravenous administration of 10% Ca Cl solution
- injection of novocaine
- injection of soda solution into a vein

# Recovery of brain functions after resuscitation is assessed according

to the following
+ pupil narrowing
- recovery of heartbeat
- appearance of convulsive breathing movements
- involuntary acts of urination and defecation

#How much time is left to revive a child who has stopped breathing and
blood circulation
+3-4 min
-5-10 min
-10-15 min
-1-2 min

# What depends on the effect of force and the place of impact in closed
massage of the heart
+ age
- the gender of the child
- chest size
- to body structure

#Which act of external breathing is disturbed in bronchial asthma

+difficult exhalation
-difficult breathing
-difficult breathing and exhalation
- act of external breathing without pathological changes

#Which abdominal pathology leads to advanced respiratory failure

+ peritonitis
- abdominal white line hernia
- acute appendicitis
- gastroenterologist

#What is acute respiratory failure?

+ violation of the ability of the lungs to transform venous blood into
arterial blood
- violation of ventilation
- lack of oxygen as a result of perfusion disorders
- lung tumor
#Mechanism of physiological disturbance of diffusion in acute respiratory
+disorders of ventilation, perfusion, diffusion
- violation of alveolar ventilation and pulmonary capillary perfusion
- violation of gas diffusion
- violation of alveolar ventilation

#What are the consequences of prolonged acute hypoxia?

+ polyorgan deficiency
- brain tumor
-metabolic disorders
- violation of blood rheology

#One of the factors leading to central respiratory failure

+brain tumor
- kinking of the intubation tube
- aspiration of gastric emptying
- lung tumor

#Normal partial pressure of oxygen

+92-95 mm.rt.st
-60-80 mm.rt.st.
-75 mm.rt.st
-100-110 mm.rt.s

#Participation of the lungs in thermoregulation depends on this

characteristic of the lungs
+heat generation and release
- heat generation
- heat release
- connection of the lungs with the thermoregulatory center

#What is the cause of increased central venous pressure?

+decreased heart pumping function
-low OSC
-slowing of blood flow in the veins
- hypovolemia

#Which drug improves myocardial contractility

+ straphanthine
- Aymalin

#What is the cause of ventricular extrasystole?

+ hyperkalemia
- alkalosis
-in digitalis poisoning
- taking diuretic drugs for a long time

#Effect of noradrenaline
+ spasm of all arteries and veins except coronary and cerebral blood
- expansion of arteries and spasm of veins
- spasm of all veins and arteries
- spasm of arteries and dilatation of veins

#Which group of drugs are used to increase vascular tone

+ adrenomimetics
- antihypoxants
-stimulators of the vascular center

#The ECG showed ventricular fibrillation with small waves. What to do.
+electrical defibrillation
- administration of calcium chloride into the central vein
- administration of cardiac glycosides
- open heart massage

#The main pathogenetic factor of traumatic shock

- taking a cold
- fear
- hunger

#cause of burn shock?

+ thermal, chemical burns
- acute expansion of the ventricles
-myocardial infarction
- allergic reaction

# What is the main cause of septic shock?

+ transfer of bacterial infection to the blood, development of toxemia
- hypovolemia and blood clotting
- weakening of the immune system
- transfer of gr (-) microflora to the blood

# Anaphylactic shock is
+severe level of general anaphylactic reaction, paresis of
microcirculation blood vessels
- a sharp increase in peripheral resistance
- acute hypoxia as a result of bronchospasm
- acute hypovolemia as a result of blood loss

# Where is the thermoregulation center located

+ hypothalamic branch of the brain
- long brain
-temporal branch of the brain
- brain stem

# What is the main clinical sign of the development of coma?

+ loss of sensation
- hyperthermic syndrome
- convulsion syndrome
- lack of movement activity

# What is the form of severe sensory impairment?

- somnolence
- stupor
- sopor

# What develops in hyperosmolar coma

+cellular dehydration
-cellular hyperhydration
- hypoglycemia
- hypercalcemia

# What causes toxic coma

-Exo and endotoxemia

# Intensive therapy of a comatose state begins with the following

+ ensuring airway patency, determining the cause of coma
-stomach probe and enteral feeding
- applying ice to the brain, central venous catheterization

# It is used in hypokalemia
+polarizing solution
-calcium gluconate
- plasma

# Occurs during repeated vomiting and long-term aspiration of gastric

+ metabolic alkalosis
-metabolic acidosis
-respiratory acidosis
- respiratory alkalosis

# Energy value of protein (kcal)


# How much energy is produced when fat is completely oxidized (kcal)


# Identify the antagonist of narcotic analgesics

+ nalorphine

# General complications of local anesthesia

+ total block
- formation of a hematoma as a result of damage to blood vessels
-traumatic damage to the nerve core
-anaphylactic reactions

# Fentanyl complication
+ shortness of breath, stiffness of chest muscles
- paroxysmal tachycardia
- tachypnea

# The purpose of using Calypsol

+ general anesthesia
- regional anesthesia
-dissociated anesthesia
- neurovegetative blockade

# In oxygen-fluorothane anesthesia, the patient loses consciousness after

a few minutes
- 1-2
- 3-4
- 6-8

# Opioid analgesic antidote

+ nalorphine

# Which of the following drugs causes dissociative anesthesia?

+ calypso
- novocaine
-thiopental sodium

# What is induction
+ entry into anesthesia
- premedication
- basic narcosis
-holding anesthesia

# Which one of these drugs is considered a central analgesic

+ promidol
- calypso
- sombrevin
- fluoroethane

# Equipment used in cardiac resuscitation

+ defibrillator
- Ro-6
- electrocardiograph EKG-6 T
- 01 - volume mete
# What are the most common complications of closed heart massage?
+ rib fracture
- emphysema
-heart trauma and rupture
- liver damage and trauma

# In the ECG, small-wave fibrillation of the ventricles was detected,

what should be done
+electro defibrillation
- sending adrenaline to the central vein
- administration of cardiac glycosides
- open heart massage

# When small-wave ventricular fibrillation is detected on the ECG

+ Intravenous administration of adrenaline, calcium chloride and
- open heart massage
- conducting defibrillation
- send cardiac glycosides

# Which type of acid-base disorder is characteristic of the early

postresuscitation period
+decompensated metabolic acidosis
- decompensated metabolic alkalosis
- decompensated respiratory alkalosis
- decompensated respiratory acidosis

# why Hyperventilation is dangerous?

+acute narrowing of cerebral blood vessels, respiratory alkalosis
- hyperoxia
- hyperkamnia
-respiratory acidosis

#Mucolytic substances used for aerosol therapy

+hydrocarbonate sodium, chymopsin and chymotrypsin
-adrenaline, ephedrine, isadrine
-atropine, euphilin
-disfilin, no-shpa, eufilin

# What causes obstruction of the upper respiratory tract with sputum?

+disruption of ventilation
-disruption of pulmonary capillary perfusion
-disruption of gas diffusion through the alveolar membrane
-disruption of chest sensitivity

# The average therapeutic dose of 0.05% strafantin solution administered

intravenously in heart failure (ml/kg 1 day)

# The contractility of the myocardium is determined

+ depending on the preservation of the inotropic mechanism of the
-postnagruzka depending on the situation
- depending on the state of prednagruzka
- depending on the preservation of rhythmotropic mechanisms

# What is pathological blood storage?

+ accumulation of blood in the microcirculation system
- filling of internal organs with blood
- accumulation of blood in the macrocirculation system
- accumulation of blood in body spaces

# Indication for hemosorption

+increase of medium and high toxic toxins in the blood
-Increase of Paste Molecular Toxins in the blood
- hyperhidrosis
- in poisoning with heavy metal salts

# What antidote is used for Phos poisoning

+atropine sulfate
- nalorphine
- sodium permanganate
- bemigrid

# In case of poisoning, the skin covers become dark red

+IS from Gazi
-from gasoline
- from atropine
- from navoka

# What to do when Ogyr toxemia numbers are increasing

+all of the above
- hemosorption
- accelerated diuresis
- enterosorption

# What determines the need for accelerated diuresis

+ by excreting the poison with the kidneys
- concentration of poison in the blood
- production of toxic metabolites
- effects of toxins on the structure of the MNS

# Anesthetics are preferred for induction anesthesia for acute blood

- sodium thiopental;
- fluoroethane .
- sombrevin .
+ ketamine .
- oxybutyrate .

# Associated with morbid obesity:

- increasing the reserve volume of exhalation ;
+ reduce vital energy;
- increasing the volume of functional residual.

# Appropriate anesthesia techniques for laryngeal microsurgery may

+ endotracheal intubation with a smaller cuffed tube;
- installation of a laryngeal mask;
- gas supply using a face mask.

# A brain tumor develops:

+ in case of clinical death.
- with hyperventilation ;
- with hypokalemia ;
- with hyperkalemia ;
- all answers are wrong.

# Uses to reduce brain swelling:

+ mannitol .
- hypoventilation ;
- concentrated NaCl solution;
- hyperthermia .
- general hypothermia.

# To eliminate convulsive syndrome in patients with CNS damage, the

following are used:
- neuroleptanalgesia ;
+ seduchen .
- fluoroethane .
- calcium chloride.
- ketamine .

# The effectiveness of anti-shock measures can be evaluated as follows:

- restore blood pressure;
- increase hourly diuresis;
- reducing the temperature gradient between the skin and the rectum;
- normalization of pulmonary artery compression pressure;
+ all answers are correct.

# Symptoms of impaired peripheral perfusion include:

Possible answers:
+ cold limbs.
+ positive "pale dot" symptom (>5 seconds);
+ Central / peripheral temperature gradient.
+ metabolic alkalosis;
- peripheral cyanosis (stasis due to vasoconstriction).

# The main therapeutic measures of cardiogenic shock include:

Possible answers:
+ early transfer to ventilator ;
+ optimization of myocardial contractility;
- increasing the preload and reducing the afterload;
- infusion therapy at the rate of 10 ml / kg per hour ;
+ reducing the resistance of the pulmonary vessels.
# In acute blood loss, the decrease in vascular bed capacity is caused by
Possible answers:
+ venous spasm;
+ arterial spasm;
+ centralize blood circulation;
- autohemodilatation .

# The first sign of acute blood loss:

- decrease in hemoglobin ;
+ reduce hematocrit ;
- lowering blood pressure;
- reducing diuresis .

# The most appropriate way to correct the blood clotting system during
- blood transfusion;
+ injection of fresh frozen plasma;
- fibrinogen infusion;
- introduction of vikasol .

# Continued hemotransfusion of wound bleeding after massive blood

transfusion can be stopped by the following methods:
Possible answers:
+ new blood;
+ fresh frozen plasma;
+ calcium gluconate;
- platelet mass.

# In acute blood loss, general vasoconstriction is first accompanied by

Possible answers:
+ kidneys .
+ skin ;
- lungs .
- coronary diseases.
- splanchnic zones.

# If anaphylactic shock develops, the most effective drug for effective

and urgent treatment:
- norepinephrine .
- Diphenhydramine.
+ adrenaline ;
- prednisone .

# To relieve the pain syndrome in cardiogenic shock, use the following:

+ morphine-5-10 mg;
- fentanyl-0.01 mg;
- droperidol - 15-20 mg;
- promedol - 0.5 mg.

# Lung tumor development mechanisms:

Possible answers:
- a sharp decrease in pressure in the pulmonary artery system;
+ acute decrease in myocardial contractility;
+ hypersecretion of biologically active substances;
- increase in colloid- oncotic plasma pressure.

# When a lung tumor develops:

Possible answers:
- tetanus .
+ pulmonary embolism;
- cholera .
+ acute renal failure.

# The main areas of intensive care for pulmonary edema include:

Possible answers:
+ relieve pain , reduce emotional tension;
+ decrease in pressure in the pulmonary artery system;
+ improvement of myocardial contractility;
- Increase BCC.

# Medicines used for intensive therapy for pulmonary edema:

Possible answers:
+ nitroglycerin .
+ morphine .
- mannitol .
- hypothiazide .

# To improve the contractility of the myocardium with pulmonary edema,

use the following:
+ dopamine .
- promedol .
- furosemide .
- droperidol .

# Indicate the minimum amount of blood loss that is often seen by the
SHOCK clinic:
- 10-15%;
+ 15-20%;
- 30-40%;
- 40-50%.

# Symptoms of decompensated blood loss:

Possible answers:
+ threadlike pulse.
- Ht 35%;
+ oliguria ;
- CVP of 5 cm of water. art .;
+ hypothermia .

# Obstructive ventilation disorders are caused by :

- pneumothorax ;
- painful reaction.
+ bronchospasm ;
- respiratory depression.

# Intensive therapy for asthmatic patients includes:

Possible answers:
- use of sympatholytics ;
+ anesthesia with flurothane ;
- use of alpha-adrenomimetics ;
+ using beta2-adrenomimetics.

# Shock with decreased blood pressure, peripheral vasoconstriction,

tachycardia, and high CVP is characteristic of the following patients:
- massive blood loss.
- increased intracranial pressure;
+ myocardial infarction;
- anaphylaxis .

# Lidocaine is used to stop:

Possible answers:
- atrial extrasystole;
+ ventricular extrasystole;
- atrial fibrillation;
+ ventricular fibrillation.

# In case of premature ventricular arousal syndrome, the following can be

- cardiac glycosides;
+ amiodarone .
- verapamil .
- calcium supplements.

# Dextran, when used in doses, can cause coagulation disorders:

- 750 ml.
- 5 ml / kg.
- 10 ml / kg.
+ 15 ml / kg.

# Renal acute renal failure is characterized by:

+ high sodium content in urine ;
- low sodium content in urine ;
- high osmolarity of urine (2-3 times higher than plasma);
- the osmolality of urine is very low compared to plasma .

# Prerenal oliguria is characterized by:

- diuresis above 30 ml per hour ;
- specific gravity of urine below 1010;
+ specific gravity of urine above 1020;
- osmolarity of urine below 280 mosm/kg.

# In the initial stage of acute kidney failure, use the following:

- mesaton .
+ dopamine .
- norepinephrine .
- dobutamine .

# Prerenal acute renal failure may be caused by :

- urolithiasis ;
+ extensive burns.
- urosepsis .
- renal angiography.

# The cause of acute renal failure of the kidney can be :

+ poisoning with mercury preparations;
- massive blood loss.
- tumors of the urinary tract;
- prostate adenoma.

# Intensive care measures for sepsis include:

Possible answers:
+ infusion therapy;
+ use of vasoactive drugs;
+ antibiotic therapy;
- epidural blockade;
+ immunocorrective therapy.

# Criteria for systemic inflammatory response syndrome include:

Possible answers:
+ 38 hyperthermia;
- Heart rate is less than 60/min.
- bradypnea .
+ leukopenia < 4xnumx xnumx/l.

# Intensive care measures for freezing include:

Possible answers:
+ gradual warming;
+ Sedatives;
- anesthesia with flurothane ;
+ antiplatelet agents;
- use of fentanyl .

# In hyperglycemic coma, the volume of intravenous fluid in 24 hours can

be as follows :
- 1.5 liters.
- 2 liters.
+ 4.5 l.

# When using hypoglycemic coma:

Possible answers:
+ glucose solutions;
+ glucocorticoid hormones;
- fast 20 pieces of insulin intravenously ;
- pentamine .

# The following drugs are recommended for the treatment of hyperosmolar

non -ketoacidotic coma:
Possible answers:
+ rehydration with isotonic solution;
+ insulin , initial dose-bolus 0.1 - 0.15 u/kg;
+ 8.3 -13.0 mmol / l glucose concentration - glucose solution;
- sodium bicarbonate.

# Usually for type 2 diabetes:

Possible answers:
- thin construction.
+ insulin resistance;
+ normal insulin secretion;
- insulin secretion is sharply reduced or absent.

# Treatment of hyperosmolar coma in diabetes includes:

- infusion therapy;
- administration of small doses of insulin ;
- replenishing potassium deficiency;
+ all of the above .

# Myasthenia Gravis:
+ autoimmune disease of the neuromuscular synapse;
- a viral disease.
- bacterial disease.
- allergic disease.

# pathogenetic treatment of myasthenia gravis is to appoint:

- M-holinoblokatorov.
+ anticholinesterase drugs;
- adrenoblockers ;
- adrenomimetics .

# Chances of acid deficiency are reduced:

Possible answers:
+ prohibition of eating for 4-6 hours before the operation ;
- pressure on thyroid cartilage during tracheal intubation;
+ H2 blockade-receptors before surgery;
- anesthetizing the surface of tendons .

# What diuretics are prescribed for forced diuresis?

- triamterene .
- Dichlothiazide .
+ furosemide ;
+ calls .
- spironolactone .

# Hemodialysis is effective for:

+ poisoning with substances that slightly bind proteins ;
- veshchestvami , when poisoned by substances bound to vasosan proteins;
- when poisoned by any substances.

# One amount of liquid in adults during gastric lavage:

+ not more than 600 ml.
- 800-900 ml.
- not more than 1000 ml.
- not more than 300 ml.

In case of atropine poisoning :

+ whitening of the skin around the mouth ;
- bradycardia .
+ redness of the skin ;
- narrowing of the pupils .
# Specific antidote for benzodiazepine poisoning:
- phenazepam ;
- naloxone ;
- unitiol .
+ flumazenil .

# In severe FOS poisoning, the following are observed:

Possible answers:
+ loss of consciousness ;
- tachycardia .
+ bronchorrhea ;
+ arterial hypotension.

# In severe mushroom poisoning, the following are observed:

Possible answers:
+ vomiting .
- bradycardia .
- arterial hypertension;
+ acute kidney and liver failure.

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