Test Anasthasiology
Test Anasthasiology
Test Anasthasiology
- absence of pulse in peripheral arteries
- Absence of pupillary reflex
# How much time is left to revive a child who has stopped breathing and
blood circulation (heartbeat).
+ 3-4 min
- 5-10 min
- 10-15 min
- 1-2 min
# What depends on the effect of force and the place of impact in closed
heart massage
+ age
- the gender of the child
- chest size
- to body structure
# Effects of noradrenaline
+ spasm of all arteries and veins except coronary and cerebral blood
- expansion of arteries and spasm of veins
- spasm of all veins and arteries
- spasm of arteries and dilatation of veins
# Anaphylactic shock is
+ severe degree of general anaphylactic reaction, paresis of
microcirculation blood vessels
- a sharp increase in peripheral resistance
- acute hypoxia as a result of bronchospasm
- acute hypovolemia due to blood loss
# An exclamation mark
+ relaxation, drowsiness, decreased mental activity
- lack of movement activity, lack of communication with the patient
- development of retrograde amnesia
- lack of communication with the patient at all
# Used in hypokalemia
+ polarizing solution
- calcium gluconate
- plasma
- albumin
# Fentanyl complication
+ shortness of breath, stiffness of chest muscles
- paroxysmal tachycardia
- tachypnea
- vasoconstriction
# What is induction
+ anesthesia
- premedication
- basic narcosis
- holding anesthesia
# If the patient's consciousness does not recover even after the heart
function is restored, what does this mean?
+ delayed hypoxic encephalopathy syndrome
- development of a brain tumor
- increased intracerebral pressure
- brain crush
# Hyperventilation is dangerous
+ acute narrowing of cerebral blood vessels, respiratory alkalosis
- hyperoxia
- hyperkamnia
- respiratory acidosis
# Indicate the factor in which breath control does not cause center
+ injury of peripheral nerves
- poisoning, overdose of narcotic analgesics
- brain circulation disorder
- brain tumor
# When is the amount of oxygen in the blood normal and the state of
decrease in the arterio-venous difference of oxygen is observed?
+when poisoned with cyanides
- when poisoned with alcohol
- when poisoned with barbiturates
- circulatory hypoxia
# How is the water intake carried out when poisoned with acetic acid?
+only with 2% sodium bicarbonate solution
- 50% physical solution and 50% glucose-novocaine mixture
- with polygluqin
- with 50% glucose and 50% saline
# Hypokalemia
+The tooth is aligned or negative
- Expansion of the ORS complex
- low gear R in all networks
- high or sharpened T tooth
# What depends on the effect of force and the place of impact in closed
massage of the heart
+ age
- to the patient's body position
- chest cavity
-to build a body
# Effects of norepinephrine
+ spasms of all arteries and veins except coronary and cerebral blood
- expansion of arteries and spasm of veins
- spasm of all veins and arteries
- spasm of arteries and dilatation of veins
# In the EKG, the fibrillation of the ventricles with small foxes was
detected. What to do.
+electrical defibrillation
- marcasium intravenous calcium chloride injection
-cardiac glycosides
-ganglioblakators uborish
# Pour shock
+thermal, chemical castings
-Acute dilatation of the ventricles
-myocardial infarction
- allergic reaction
# Anaphylactic shock is
+Severe degree of general anaphylactic reaction, paresis of blood
-a sharp increase in peripheral resistance
- the appearance of bronchospasm acute hypoxia
- acute hypovolemia as a result of blood loss
# Toxicology of practice
+ mannitol
- lasix
-ethacrynic acid
# Contraindication to neuroleptoanalgesia
+moderate hypovolemia
-pulmonary emphysema
- liver time
- myocarditis
# fentanyl complication
+ shortness of breath, chest muscle stiffness
- paroxysmal tachycardia
-abni sharp increase
# Neuroleptanalgesia
+droperedol fetanyl
-ketalar + droperedol
-floratane + nitrous oxide
# Neem induction
+ narcosis
-main anesthesia
-holding anesthesia
# If the patient's mood is not restored even after the heart function is
restored, what does this mean?
+acquired hypoxic encephalopathy and syndrome
- the development of a brain tumor
- head mia internal head increaser
- brain crush
# One of the factors that causes the breath to be controlled from the
+brain tumor
-intubation folding the tubes in the oral cavity
-brain tumor
-external pulmonary blood circulation
# When is the amount of oxygen in the blood normal and the state of
decrease in the arterio-venous difference of oxygen is observed?
+when poisoned with cyanides
- when poisoned with alcohol
- the permeability of the pathways is in the breath
- hypoxia transmitter
# What kind of medicine was not used to delay seizures in poisoning with
+morphine hydrochloride
-magnesium sulfate
-sodium hydroxybutyrate
# What should be done to wash the stomach in case of acute poisoning with
+yugon Send gastric lavage and wash with 12-15 l of water
- Drink 2 liters of water to stimulate wa kite
- back Stomach is fed and washed with 2-3 l of water
-kite to make stimulation
# When poisoned with vinegar acid, what happens when there is no water?
+only with 2% sodium bicarbonate solution
-50% physiological solution and 50% glucose-novocaine salt
- with polygluqin
-only sodium chlorination with physiological solution
#How much time is left to revive a child who has stopped breathing and
blood circulation
+3-4 min
-5-10 min
-10-15 min
-1-2 min
# What depends on the effect of force and the place of impact in closed
massage of the heart
+ age
- the gender of the child
- chest size
- to body structure
#Effect of noradrenaline
+ spasm of all arteries and veins except coronary and cerebral blood
- expansion of arteries and spasm of veins
- spasm of all veins and arteries
- spasm of arteries and dilatation of veins
#The ECG showed ventricular fibrillation with small waves. What to do.
+electrical defibrillation
- administration of calcium chloride into the central vein
- administration of cardiac glycosides
- open heart massage
# Anaphylactic shock is
+severe level of general anaphylactic reaction, paresis of
microcirculation blood vessels
- a sharp increase in peripheral resistance
- acute hypoxia as a result of bronchospasm
- acute hypovolemia as a result of blood loss
# It is used in hypokalemia
+polarizing solution
-calcium gluconate
- plasma
# Fentanyl complication
+ shortness of breath, stiffness of chest muscles
- paroxysmal tachycardia
- tachypnea
# What is induction
+ entry into anesthesia
- premedication
- basic narcosis
-holding anesthesia
# The most appropriate way to correct the blood clotting system during
- blood transfusion;
+ injection of fresh frozen plasma;
- fibrinogen infusion;
- introduction of vikasol .
# Indicate the minimum amount of blood loss that is often seen by the
SHOCK clinic:
- 10-15%;
+ 15-20%;
- 30-40%;
- 40-50%.
# Myasthenia Gravis:
+ autoimmune disease of the neuromuscular synapse;
- a viral disease.
- bacterial disease.
- allergic disease.