Sustaining Values
Sustaining Values
Sustaining Values
Employees Investors/owners
Consumers/clients Banks
Suppliers Community/public
Companies are urged to integrate sustainability into strategy, operations and evaluation
Siemens’ involvement with Adani coalmine “While I do have a lot of empathy for
environmental matters, I do need to
12 January 2020: Due to a supply contract for the new Adani coalmine in Australia Siemens balance different interests of different
CEO Joe Kaeser issued a statement justifying its commitments stakeholders, as long as they have
Climate activists had urged Siemens to review its role in the controversial project given its lawful legitimation for what they do!”
(Financial Times)
commitment to sustainability – in 2015, Siemens has committed carbon neutrality by 2030
Hot topics discussed Climate lawsuit against large carbon emitting countries
in Davos this year
23 September 2019: Five of the countries with the highest carbon emissions in the world –
Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany and Turkey – get sued by the Greta Thunberg
World Association for allegedly violating their children rights by failing to adequately reduce
Economic emissions. Angela Merkel and Emanuel Macron distance themselves from Thunberg
BlackRock includes climate change as integral part of investment thesis “The evidence on climate risk is
compelling investors to reassess core
14 January 2020: BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, says that it will now make assumptions about modern finance.
climate change central to its investment considerations. And not just for environmental In the near future – and sooner than
reasons but because it believes that climate change is reshaping the world's financial most anticipate – there will be a
system significant reallocation of capital.”
(Annual Letter to CEOs)
• Sustainable development addresses the needs of the present to ensure the • Environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles have been agreed
ability of future generations to meet their own needs to provide a framework for companies and investors to analyze, address and
communicate sustainability
• The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN provide a shared
blueprint to achieve peace, prosperity and a better future for people and the • ESG aspects are the baseline of the UN Principles for Responsible
planet Investment (PRI) – Member organizations follow these principles to align
• Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) encompasses all the practices put in investment activities with the broader interests of society
place by companies in order to uphold the principles and goals of sustainable
UN leads way to “net zero by 2050” EU/US governments respond Support accelerated from other parties
14,987 15,486
564 1,052
392 214 13,502 492 0
264 262 1,256 • Paradigm shift from fossil
4,142 5,044 350
2,733 10,335 81 2,608
to renewables – from fossil
1,365 215 to renewables dominance
1,960 2,813 1,707
7,207 0 1,147 2,965 2,819
472 122 1,749 1,671 1,839
596 488 1,908 RES
1,293 470 1,437 518 2,096 • Despite decreasing
421 572 421
2,986 2,551 678 Conventional capacity share, gas
1,765 2,740
2,595 2,576
398 296 310 246 2,406 capacity continues to
276 169
2,140 2,189 1,725 2,525
1,608 2,238 228 increase by +35% to 70%
Actuals IHS Rivalry IHS Auton. IHS Discord BNEF NEO IEA WEO NP IEA WEO SDS
2018 2019 2019 2019 2019 2018 2018 • No increase of oil and coal
fired capacity (decrease in
2018 2040 scenarios with strong
renewables focus)
Coal Oil Natural gas Nuclear Hydro Wind Solar Other renewables Battery storage/flexible capacity
Customers with set targets by 2050 (not exhaustive): • 6 of 9 highest emitting US power producers
have set aggressive carbon reduction targets
• Xcel repositions coal-heavy portfolio directly into
Southern renewables to reach 100% carbon reduction
nrg FirstEnergy IVA AEP Energy → no significant “coal to gas”
90% 90% by 2045 70% by 2030 80% 80-100%
• Southern Company's CEO, Tom Fanning, didn’t
(2014) (2016) (2017) (2018) (2018) think CO2 was the primary culprit for climate
change in 2017; in 2019, his bonus is linked to
progress on reaching “low to no carbon” by
• Vistra does not (yet) have a carbon target but is
pushing a “coal to solar” bill in Illinois where
100% 85% 100% by 2045 99% by 2025 100% regulations are leading to coal plant closures
(2018) (2017) (2017) (2018) (2018) • 13+ smaller US producers also have 80%+
• Iberdrola and Enel have signed on to UN targets
for “net zero” which will be acknowledged at the
IBERDROLA enel Shell equinor UN Climate Summit
… • Shell’s CEO gave a speech supporting “net
100% 100% 50% 20% by 2030 zero” by 2050 in the EU, Engie and others also
(2019) (2019) (2017) (2018) support these targets
Sustaining values 2020
Strategy& 8
Interviews with thought leaders confirmed the observed trends by
highlighting the importance of decarbonization technologies
Summary thought leader interviews
28 renowned experts from all around the globe … … and placed their bets on future key technologies1)
Power storage
RES) Power
FCEV taxi fleet
Zeroavia H2 aircraft
(600 taxis by 2020)
H2 storage
70-80% Hydrogen
electro- Feed into gas grid NatGas w/ H2
RES Project Portal: 12 H2
Alstom H2 trains
pwr lysis trucks, Toyota NA
gen Methane/ Methane/
methanol 35-45% methanol and
synthesis derivates
Industrial parks: heat,
Rotterdam H2 heating
power, feedstock
Carbon (Negative
Carbon seques-
capture CO2 CO2
tration emissions)
H2O Power gen: H2-capable gas turbines and fuel cells
Xx% end-to-end efficiency
Investment by segment (US$ bn) Companies and deal volume by region (#, US$)
US$ m # Companies funded 0 1-5 >5
65 2101) ~200 270m ~3.1bn
Companies Deals Investors Largest deal Capital invested EU
NA 27
33 95
Regional split: 71% North America | 23% Europe | 5% Asia 104 704
2,195 Asia
1.2 114m
Trend 162
Nikola 2
0.9 210m
Number of companies 1
0.4 Number of deals 3
Total deal value ($M) 1
PE 0.4 Ballard;
VC 0.5 183m Main deals and investors (US$)
0.3 0.5
IPO ($1.6bn valuation); solid Fuel cell products funded by Weichai
Corporate/Strat. M&A HQHP 0.2 Bloom- Bloomenergy oxide fuel cell manufacturer Ballard Power (Diesel engines) and Zhongshan
Hydro- 0.1
157m energy
IPO 0.4 270m
genics; 270m (2018) 183m (2018) Comp. (manuf. electric AC and DC motors)
0.3 0.3 236m 0.3 Fuel cell producer and IPO Shenzhen SE ($550M valuation),
Hydrog(e)nics electrolyzers acquired by HQHP hydrogen mobility, e. g. refueling stations
Other 0.1 236m (2019) Cummins 157m (2015)
2010-12 2013-15 2016-18 YTD 08/2019 Fuel cell trucks Manufacturer of carbon black
NIKOLA manufacturer funded by NEL MONOLITH and hydrogen gas in the US funded by
210m (2018) + other undisclosed investors 114m (2018) Warburg Pincus (PE)
# deals 45 81 70 15
Sustaining values Note: total raised: >0.5m; Deal date after 01/2010; Deal types: all Buyout; Private Equity; VC; M&A/Control Transactions; IPO; excl. bankrupt, out of business and failed deals 2020
Strategy& 1) Including 40 undisclosed deals; Source: Pitchbook 11
Deep-dive energy market
Investment by segment (US$ bn) Companies and deal volume by region (#, US$)
US$ m # Companies funded 0 1-5 >5
162 5731) 630 602m ~7.5bn
Companies Deals Investors Largest deal Capital invested EU
NA 43
97 159
Regional split: 48% North America | 29% Europe | 22% Asia 374 2.180
3,579 Asia
Trend 1,679
1.4 Number of companies 5
Number of deals 11
Total deal value ($M) 17
1.5 0.8 1.4 Main deals and investors (US$)
1.2 Power optimization for real Lithium-ion battery system for vehicles,
Lithium 0.4 0.4 ferroamp Microvast
0.2 Maxwell estate, went public on investment by i.a. CITIC Securities, CDH
Other chemical
235m 0.1 602bn (2019) Stockholm Stock Exchange 400m (2017) Investments and National Venture Capital
0.9 0.6
Power electronics 1.0 Ferro- Manufacturer of lithium-ion Micro batteries and other energy
and non chemical amp 0.8 Liotech batteries; Rusnano and other VARTA storage solutions, went public on
0.1 0.3
Not specified 0.1 0.1 0.1 602m 0.0 451m (2010) undisclosed investors 240m (2017) Frankfurt stock exchange
2010-12 2013-15 2016-18 YTD 08/2019 Rechargeable batteries; Engaged in developing, manufacturing and
BYD investors include Samsung, Maxwell Tech. marketing energy storage and power
450m (2016) AMP Capital and SDIC 235m (2019) delivery solutions, acquired by Tesla
# Deals 112 192 227 42 Innovation Investment Mgmt.
Sustaining values Note: Total raised: >0.5m; Deal date after 01/2010; Deal types: all Buyout; Private Equity; VC; M&A/Control Transactions; IPO; excl. bankrupt, out of business and failed deals 2020
Strategy& 1) Including 86 undisclosed deals; Source: Pitchbook 12
Deep-dive energy market
Investment by segment (US$ bn) Companies and deal volume by region (#, US$)
US$ m # Companies funded 0 1-5 >5
34 891) ~150 190m ~1.5bn
Companies Deals Investors Largest deal Capital invested EU
NA 10
23 21
Regional split: 97% North America | 2% Europe | 1% Asia 67
1.434 Asia
0.5 Net 1
Trend Power 0.5 11
0.1 90m
2010-12 2013-15 2016-18 YTD 08/2019 Grows algae that capture CC from biomass and waste plants,
Sapphire Energy CO2 in ponds, investor i.a. LanzaTech funding received from Novo Holdings on
144m (2012) Monsanto Growth Ventures 72m (2019) August 6, 2019
# Deals 28 18 38 5
Sustaining values Note: Total raised: >0.5m; Deal date after 01/2010; Deal types: all Buyout; Private Equity; VC; M&A/Control Transactions; IPO; excl. bankrupt, out of business and failed deals 2020
Strategy& 1) Including 20 undisclosed deals; Source: Pitchbook 13
Deep-dive energy market
Investment by segment (US$ bn) Companies and deal volume by region (#, US$)
US$ m # Companies funded 0 1-5 >5
~210 ~5801) ~800 1.1bn ~10bn ~2.9m2)
Companies Deals Investors Largest deal Capital invested Med deal value EU
NA ~80
~90 ~200
US$ bn ~290 1.9bn
~3.5bn Asia
~ 4.1
Trend ~4.3bn
~ 3.1 Number of companies ~5 ~5
Trina JA ~10
solar SOLAR Number of deals ~5 ~25
~ 2.5 Total deal value ($M) ~30m ~300m
PE Trina
VC Jiangsu Main deals and investors (US$)
Mainly producing and selling Manufacturer of solar power products,
Corporate/Strat. M&A Trinasolar solar modules in China, JA SOLAR acquired by Mr. Beefing Jinn and Jingling
Jinko SPI
IPO Solar Group 190m (2017) acquired by Red Viburnum 92m (2015) Group Company
Sustaining values Note: Total raised: >0.5m; Deal date after 01/2010; Deal types: all Buyout; Private Equity; VC; M&A/Control Transactions; IPO; excl. bankrupt, out of business and failed deals; 2020
Strategy& 1) Including ~120 undisclosed deals; 2) Excluding undisclosed deals; Source: Pitchbook 14
Deep-dive circular economy
Recycled Nestle/PureCycle Increasing alliances
Technologies: across the value chain,
e.g. chemical companies BASF
Polypyrene restorage in ChemCycling: plastic
collaboration with Nestlé and recyclers
waste broken down to oil
and Milliken for products- and gaseous products
Increasing pressure concerning recyclability and eco-friendliness
Regulatory Pressure
translating into new initiatives:
• European strategy for plastics in a circular economy CreaSolv®:
• Ecoloop certification program 5. Product Recovering plastics from sachets in
• EU plastics regulation
3. Reutilization
• Ban on single-use plastics for polymer
• … creation
4. (Plastic) product creation
1Geyer et al. “Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever made”, Science Advances 2017; Strategy& Analysis
Sustaining values 2) mismanaged waste (= either littered or inadequately disposed) by population within 50km of coast line/high risk of entering the ocean; 2020
Strategy& pollution 15
As a result, sustainability quite obviously impacts the agendas of CEOs
across industries
Breakthrough 2050
Test Introduction Milestone Transformation
-30% CO2 Transformation neutral
Continue with existing internal initiatives Focus area internal investment Potential further internal investment
• How can the value and sustainability • What are key factors to act • How strong will investors be
of a company be measured? sustainable? influenced in the future by
• How can we define worldwide • How can companies integrate sustainability?
comparable standards? sustainability in strategic decisions • What will be the main KPIs for a
(trade-offs/optimization)? sustainable investment portfolio?
• How should the future company
reporting look like? • How can a company increase its • How can investors decide on
competitiveness in a sustainability- sustainable investments?
• How will future auditing look like
oriented landscape?
considering the increasing • Which external factors like regulatory
importance of sustainability? • How can a company steer its will force investors to act
business to creating lasting value? sustainably?