The Political Economy of Punishment
The Political Economy of Punishment
The Political Economy of Punishment
D E P U T Y D I R E C T I N G S TA F F AT N AT I O N A L A C A D E M Y F O R P R I S O N S A D M I N I S T R AT I O N ( N A PA ) , M I N I S T R Y O F I N T E R I O R , G O V T. O F PA K I S TA N
Who is Proponent?
Karl Marx is proponent of this theory.
Marx was a:
o German Philosopher
o Dialectician/Social Conflict
Javed Iqbal Khokhar, PhD-Scholar (Sociology), LLB, Deputy Directing Staff at NAPA Lahore
Karl Marx
Born in Trier, Prussia, on May 5, 1818
Javed Iqbal Khokhar, PhD-Scholar (Sociology), LLB, Deputy Directing Staff at NAPA Lahore
Karl Marx
Doctoral degree from the University of Berlin in 1841
Javed Iqbal Khokhar, PhD-Scholar (Sociology), LLB, Deputy Directing Staff at NAPA Lahore
Neo-Marxist Writers
George Rusche and Atto Kirchheimer
Punishment and Social Structure (1975)
Evgeny Pashukanis
General Theory of Law and Marxism (1924)
Douglas Hay
Javed Iqbal Khokhar, PhD-Scholar (Sociology), LLB, Deputy Directing Staff at NAPA Lahore
The Political Economy of Punishment
Punishment as an economically conditioned
state apparatus
Javed Iqbal Khokhar, PhD-Scholar (Sociology), LLB, Deputy Directing Staff at NAPA Lahore
Rusche and Kirchheimer
Interconnections between penal
institutions and the economic
requirements o f modes of production
Javed Iqbal Khokhar, PhD-Scholar (Sociology), LLB, Deputy Directing Staff at NAPA Lahore
Rusche and Kirchheimer
Penal institutions imbue prisoners with the
disciplines and attitudes necessary for
adaptation to the workplace
Prison inmates are put to work as a kind of compulsory
training for industry.
Javed Iqbal Khokhar, PhD-Scholar (Sociology), LLB, Deputy Directing Staff at NAPA Lahore
Rusche and Kirchheimer
Labor of convicted offenders provides a potentially
exploitable re- source.
2) Responsibility
3) Hedonistic psychology
Javed Iqbal Khokhar, PhD-Scholar (Sociology), LLB, Deputy Directing Staff at NAPA Lahore
Douglas Hay
Dual role of criminal law as
ideological legitimation as well
as class coercion
Javed Iqbal Khokhar, PhD-Scholar (Sociology), LLB, Deputy Directing Staff at NAPA Lahore
Douglas Hay
Ruling class hegemony
1) Strategic use of discretion in criminal justice
2) Careful management of symbols and ceremony
3) Ideological appeal of a system that generally abides
by its own legal ideals
Javed Iqbal Khokhar, PhD-Scholar (Sociology), LLB, Deputy Directing Staff at NAPA Lahore