Sample Psychology Interview Questions
Sample Psychology Interview Questions
Sample Psychology Interview Questions
Additional Questions
2. What are your career goals? How will this program help you achieve your goals?
3. In what ways have your previous experiences prepared you for graduate study in our program?
7. What distinguishes you from the other candidates for this program?
10. You have a Master’s, why do you want to pursue a doctoral degree?
11. What do you plan to do once you’ve graduated with your doctoral degree?
12. What are your greatest clinical strengths? What are some areas where you would benefit from additional
13. Does your partner/family/friends support your decision to pursue a doctoral degree and the additional
rigors of the program?
14. I see on your resume that you worked at XYZ, Inc. Tell me about your experience there.
15. Why do you want to pursue a PhD/PsyD? Why are you pursuing one instead of the other?
3. The doctoral program is very demanding on one’s time. How do you work with stress and managing
multiple responsibilities?
1. What kind of psychological testing experience have you had?
5. If you have a problem or disagree with your supervisor, how do you handle it?
6. What is the most surprising insight you’ve gained through your clinical practice?
8. How do you establish relationships with clients from a different background than your own and with
problems you’ve never experienced yourself?
9. Tell me your about experiences with social justice issues and your work with diverse clients.
1. Describe a research project on which you’ve worked. What was the purpose of this project?
2. What were the hypotheses and results of the research you conducted? What role did you play?
3. How will you cope with inevitable setbacks during your research?
4. In thinking about your dissertation, do you have any general topics in mind?
Sample MFT Internship and Post-Doc Interviews
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Why do you want to work here?
3. What are your plans for future areas of work?
4. Where do you see yourself in 3 to 5 years?
1. Tell me about a specific case that you have conceptualized using a therapeutic model and how you’ve
applied it in treatment planning.
2. Discuss the steps you took to create a clinically relevant and culturally sensitive treatment plan to help a
client meet his or her goals.
3. Give an example of a client session that evoked strong feelings, which made you particularly aware of
your personal position with regard to class/gender/race/disability etc.?
4. Talk about a disagreement/conflict with a supervisor and how you handled it?
5. How do you handle conflict with a client?
6. What theories have you used in clinical practice?
7. Describe a clinical/ethical dilemma that you have faced in your clinical work.
8. Tell me what you perceive as your biggest blunder or failure in your work with a client.
Field Specific
1. What is your theoretical orientation?
2. What do you think should change therapeutically in order to meet the needs of a multi-cultural society?
3. Tell us about the role of a Marriage and Family Therapist/Psychologist.
4. What population do you find particularly difficult to work with and why?
5. What are your views on working with clients from different cultures? What issues do you need to be
aware of?
6. What would you do if a client came to you saying that s/he were going to commit suicide when s/he left
your office?
7. How would you deal with a client who you did not enjoy working with?
8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of (a particular theoretical orientation)? What part does
emotion play?
10. What is your view on spanking in relation to child abuse? Is there a cultural aspect to assessment?
11. What procedures are in place for child and elder abuse?
14. How important are evidence-based practices? Empirically-based theories and treatments?
18. How has your education prepared you for work here (with this population)?
19. What has been the most surprising thing you have learned about yourself as a clinician in training?
20. Tell me about the most challenging client you have ever worked with.
21. Describe what you perceive to be the most successful outcome with a client?
22. What are some of the most important things that you learned while at your practicum site(s)?
23. Consider this clinical vignette. Tell me how you would approach treatment with this client? What do
you think is the first thing that needs to be addressed?
24. Give me an example of a time when you had to handle a client in crisis or an emergency.