It0047 Sa1 Dos Debug - Mamaril
It0047 Sa1 Dos Debug - Mamaril
It0047 Sa1 Dos Debug - Mamaril
Summative Assessment 1
Instruction: Perform the task in each number sequentially.
Write the command executed for each instruction.
4. Create the following subdirectories: fruits, veggies and MKDIR FRUITS VEGGIES MEAT
5. Go to subdirectory meat. CD MEAT
8. Go to fruits subdirectory.
9. Create a text file named saying.txt by typing copy con
command saying.txt. Then type the following:
Ordinary people with some Extraordinary Ideas
accomplished the greatest things in the world.
11. Using one command line, copy all the contents (files and
Xcopy meat veggies
directory) of meat subdirectory to veggies subdirectory.
12. Create a file called animal.txt (use copy con command, Copy con animal.txt
type the following: ) Zebra
Zebra Goat
Goat Snake
Snake Tiger
Tiger Rat
Rat Pig
Pig Horse
Horse Cat
Cat (then save your file)
13. Delete the files inside the meat subdirectory. Del Banana.txt orange.txt apple,txt
14. Move the file animal.txt to veggies subdirectory. Move animal.txt veggies
Execute the following commands and provide a screen shot.
C:\>tree/f DOS
C:\>type dos\veggies\apple.txt
C:\>type dos\veggies\banana.txt
C:\>type dos\veggies\orange.txt
2. Using DEBUG commands, make an Assembly Language Program that will display FEUTECH your INIITALS
with Last name & your STUDENT NUMBER (see sample output below). Filename:
Sample Output:
Criteria Grade
Total Score
Other Comments: