Introduction To Human Brain Anatomy
Introduction To Human Brain Anatomy
Introduction To Human Brain Anatomy
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Abstract This tutorial chapter provides an overview of the human brain anatomy.
Knowledge of brain anatomy is fundamental to our understanding of cognitive
processes in health and disease; moreover, anatomical constraints are vital for neu-
rocomputational models and can be important for psychological theorizing as well.
The main challenge in understanding brain anatomy is to integrate the different levels
of description ranging from molecules to macroscopic brain networks. This chapter
contains three main sections. The first section provides a brief introduction to the
neuroanatomical nomenclature. The second section provides an introduction to the
different levels of brain anatomy and describes commonly used atlases for the visu-
alization of functional imaging data. The third section provides a concrete example
of how human brain structure relates to performance.
4.1 Introduction
The human brain is the most complex and fascinating organ of the human body. Over
centuries, it has been studied by philosophers, physicians, anatomists, biologists,
engineers, psychologists, and in recent times also by neuroscientists. In the Middle
ages, anatomical training played a central role in medical education and knowledge
of human anatomy was highly valued [60]. However, during early years of the last
century and the rapidly developing field of empirical psychology, knowledge of
brain anatomy was considered insufficient to understand cognitive functioning. For
4.2 Nomenclature
Fig. 4.1 (a) Conventions in anatomical terminology; The sagittal plane (red) divides the brain in
a left and right part, the axial or transverse plane (blue) divides the brain in inferior and superior
parts, and the coronal or frontal plane (green) is the vertical plane perpendicular to the sagittal
plane. (b) Connectional neuroanatomy. The corpus callosum and anterior commissure represent the
main commissural tracts connecting the left and right hemisphere (red). The associative pathways
(green) connect specific cortical areas within a hemisphere (ipsilateral connections). The ascending
and descending projection pathways connect cortical and subcortical structures (blue)
published a year later as the Terminologia Anatomica (TA); [30]. Since Latin is
taught increasingly less in high schools [17], the TA has been translated in several
different languages including English, Spanish, Russian, and Japanese.
Another commonly used way of describing the brain is by differentiating between
descriptive, sectional, and connectional aspects of neuroanatomy (see also [16]).
Descriptive neuroanatomy of the nervous system can be defined as the process of
identifying and labeling different parts of the brain and spinal cord [16]. The brain
can be described from its surface including different views. The surface of the brain
can be viewed from above (axial view), from the front (anterior or coronal view), the
back (posterior or coronal view), as well as from the side (lateral or sagittal view;
Fig. 4.1a). The same terminology is used to indicate different regions of the brain
surface (e.g., superior frontal gyrus, Fig. 4.2). The terms distal, proximal, bilateral,
unilateral, ipsilateral, and contralateral are used to indicate the location of an area
relative to another area. In the following we provide some examples to clarify these
terms. Place a finger in your elbow cavity and do the following: Move your finger
towards your wrist. This movement is in distal direction compared to your elbow
cavity. If you move your finger back to the elbow cavity then this movement is in
proximal direction.
The term bilateral indicates that a brain area is represented in both hemispheres.
The term unilateral refers to only one hemisphere. A well-known example for a
unilateral representation is Broca’s area, an area essential for language [23, 49]. In
the majority of people this area is located in the left hemisphere.
Finally, consider a plane that cuts your body symmetrically into a left and
right part. Any connection between two regions that remains on one side is called
ipsilateral. If the connection crosses from the left to the right side or vice versa, this
is called contralateral.
74 B. U. Forstmann et al.
Fig. 4.2 Sectional anatomy. Cortical subdivisions (a) lateral view (b) medial view (c) brain
For more than five centuries, the nervous system has been divided into grey matter and
white matter [82]. Grey matter contains cell bodies, neuronal extensions including
axons and dendrites as well as synapses between extensions, glia, and blood vessels
(cf. [77]). Grey matter compartments consist of relatively low numbers of cell bodies
and are composed of mostly unmyelinated axons, dendrites, and glia cell processes
which together form a synaptically dense region which is called the neuropil (cf. [63]).
White matter is indicated as such due to its white appearance as a result of mainly
myelinated axons, although it also contains unmyelinated axons. White matter is used
as a generic term for nervous system volumes where axons predominate connecting
grey matter regions. It can also include neurons when it is in close proximity to grey
matter [63, 72].
In this section we will describe in more detail sectional neuroanatomy includ-
ing grey matter regions such as the cerebral cortex and the basal ganglia. Next
connectional anatomy will be discussed including white matter compartments and
Fig. 4.3 Reproduction of the classical Brodmann map. (a) lateral view, (b) medial view. Individual
numbers indicate Brodmann area numbers
The outer surface of the cerebral hemispheres is called cerebral cortex which consists
of a densely folded strip of grey matter. The cerebral cortex displays a multi-layered
organizational pattern. The architecture of the cortical layers varies across the brain.
The majority of the cortex is six-layered (neocortex), and can be further parcellated
in distinct areas or fields. The cytoarchitecture reveals variations in cell shape, size,
and density; characteristics which are used as anatomical landmarks to divide the
cortex into distinct areas.
According to the work of individual groups and authors, the number of areas that
are distinguished varies from a minimum of 17 [13] to a maximum of 107 [26]. The
most widely used maps are provided by Brodmann [9] (Fig. 4.3) and his original
atlas contained 52 areas.
According to Brodmann’s classification, the frontal lobe consists of eleven fields,
which are grouped in five main regions. (1) Area 4 corresponds to the primary motor
cortex, containing neuronal bodies, as well as cortico-spinal projection fibers which
show a somatotopical organization; (2) Area six contains the premotor region and is
subdivided into the lateral premotor cortex (PMC), and the pre-supplementary motor
area (pre-SMA); (3) Area 44 and 45 correspond to Broca’s area; (4) Area 8–10, and
46 include dorsolateral prefrontal areas, and 47 to the ventrolateral prefrontal corex;
(5). Finally, areas 11 and 47 represent the main parts of the orbitofrontal cortex.
The parietal lobe is divided into four regions consisting of a total of nine separate
fields by Brodmann. (1) Areas 1–3 correspond to the somatosensory cortex and
its cytoarchitecture strongly resembles that of the primary motor cortex; (2) The
more laterally located areas 5 and 7 together form the superior polymodal parietal
cortex; (3) Areas 39 and 40 are located in the inferior polymodal parietal cortex,
corresponding to the Geschwind’s territory; (4) The medial parts of areas 31, 5, and 7
form the precuneus, and area 43 is considered a transition region of the fronto-parietal
4 An Introduction to Human Brain Anatomy 77
Fig. 4.4 Probabilistic Basal Ganglia atlas. (a) Probability maps for the striatum, globus pallidus
external segment, globus pallidus internal segment, subthalamic nucleus, substantia nigra, and red
nucleus of the left hemisphere. (b) Bilateral representation. (c) Axial presentation, level of the
globus pallidus. The color intensity reflects the percentage overlap across the 30 participants. (d)
Axial presentation, level of the red nucleus. The color intensity reflects the percentage overlap
across the 30 participants. (adapted from [46])
The temporal lobe is also divided into four main regions consisting of seven sep-
arate fields. (1) Area 41 is the primary auditory cortex; (2) Adjacent is the auditory
association cortex consisting of area 42 and 22, which in part overlays with Wer-
nicke’s area; (3) The temporal visual association cortex is formed by areas 20, 21, and
37; (4) Finally, area 38, one of the paralimbic areas, occupies the temporopolar cortex.
The occipital lobe consists of three areas (17–19). The primary visual cortex
corresponds to area 17, and area 18 and 19 form the visual association cortex.
The limbic lobe includes as much as 15 fields. Areas 11, 24, 25, 32, 33, 36,
and 47 form an olfactocentric group and areas 23, 26–31 form a hippocampocentric
group. Additionally, many white matter tracts are present in the cerebral cortex with
two main orientations: tangential and radial. Further myeloarchitectonic subdivision
within the cerebral cortex reveals over 200 additional areas [84].
Basal Ganglia The basal ganglia are located deep in the white matter of the cere-
bral hemispheres anterior to the thalamus positioned medial to the lateral ventricles
(Fig. 4.4). They consist of two major functional divisions, the striatum and, more
medially located, the globus pallidus. The striatum in turn is composed of two highly
interconnected masses, the putamen and caudate nucleus.
78 B. U. Forstmann et al.
The caudate nucleus shows a somewhat elongated shape with a large anterior head,
which becomes more narrow towards the thalamus and continues to narrow down
and forward towards the temporal lobe along the wall of the lateral ventricle. Towards
the antero-ventral part of putamen, distinguishing between the caudate nucleus and
putamen around the inferior border of the internal capsule is difficult.
The globus pallidus is further divided into an external and internal segment.
The putamen and globus pallidus together form the lentiform nucleus and are
located lateral to the internal capsule. Finally, two areas that are functionally but not
ontologically considered to be part of the basal ganglia are the subthalamic nucleus
(STN) and the substantia nigra. The STN forms a small lens-shaped nucleus, which
is high in iron content and a main target region for deep-brain stimulation for the
treatment of refractory movement disorders, e.g., Parkinson’s disease, and is located
adjacent in anterior and lateral direction of the substantia nigra. The substantia nigra
is a crescent shaped region that is one of the production sites of the neurotransmitter
dopamine and the degeneration of this nucleus is a main hallmark of Parkinson’s
disease. The substantia nigra is named after its pigmented, melanin containing
neurons, which allows it to be clearly distinguished in histological sections. Cerebellum
The cerebellum, or “little brain”, is located inferior of the occipital lobe and posterior
to the brain stem. The functions of the cerebellum range from maintaining balance,
coordination of half automatic movements to cognitive functions such as attention,
language, and working memory [6, 38, 73]. Similar to the cerebrum, the cerebellum
is distributed across the two hemispheres, which are connected through the vermis.
Each hemisphere has three lobes: the anterior, posterior, and flocculonodular lobe.
The cerebellum is connected to the brain stem via three peduncles namely the superior
cerebellar peduncle, the middle cerebellar peduncle, and the inferior cerebellar pe-
duncle connecting respectively to the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata. While
the cerebellum occupies only 10 % of the total volume of the entire human brain,
it contains many more neurons than the rest of the brain combined, such that for
each neuron in the cerebral cortex there are on average 3.6 neurons in the cerebellum
[40, 43].
White matter tracts can be classified in different groups: tracts in the brainstem and
projections, association, and commissural tracts in the cerebral hemispheres. Pro-
jection fibers connect cortical and subcortical gray matter, association tracts connect
two cortical areas, and commissural tracts connect the brain’s hemispheres.
Brain regions are connected by white matter tracts which vary across subjects in
terms of their position, extent, and course [12]. Even though the regional pattern of
connectivity is largely preserved across individuals and these afferent, i.e., conduct-
ing incoming, and efferent, i.e., conducting outgoing, pathways strongly influence
4 An Introduction to Human Brain Anatomy 79
two points, the AC-PC line, is often used for MRI-analyses. See Catani and de Schot-
ten [15] for an in vivo atlas of the projection, association, and commissural fibers.
Neuroanatomical atlases are a useful tool because they provide a common reference
framework for structural and functional MRI studies. This is important in light of the
substantial variability between individual healthy brains [44, 79], even in identical
twins [80]. For example, all humans have a transverse gyrus (known as Heschl’s
gyrus) in the superior temporal lobe that is associated with the primary auditory
cortex, but the number and size of these transverse gyri varies across individuals [62,
64]. Similar variability is observed in other cortical regions [2, 19, 59, 65, 66]. The
shape and relative locations of subcortical structures also differ between individuals
and change with age [24, 47, 48]. The same can be observed for commissural fibers.
This variability in brain structure across individuals is of critical importance because
it implicates that no two twin brains are identical at a macroscopic level and therefore
no single brain can be considered representative of a population. Consequently, any
atlas based on a single ‘template’ brain will necessarily provide limited accuracy.
In theory, it may be possible to determine a topological transformation that could
morph one brain into precise correspondence with another, although current spatial
normalization procedures tend to correct only for gross anatomical variability.
Prior to the development of MRI scanners, atlases were solely based on the analysis
of post-mortem tissue. Classical examples include for instance the work by Brod-
mann [9]. As described earlier, Brodmann’s atlas is based on cyotarchitectonics, i.e.,
the density and types of cells present in different cortical layers. Other cytoarchitec-
tonic atlases have been published by von Economo and Koskinas [26], Ngowyang
[57], Sarkisov and colleagues [69], and Braak [8]. Strikingly, all these atlases vary
substantially in the number of areas, the size of the areas, and the exact location of
delineated areas. The most recent cytoarchitectonic atlas is provided by Duvernoy
which covers both cortical and subcortical brain areas including the brain stem [25].
A different class of atlases is based on the myeloarchitecture, i.e., the distribution
of myelinated axons in the brain. The most prominent myeloarchitecture atlases were
published by Reil [67, 68], Burdach [11], Smith [71], Flechsig [31], Vogt [83], and
Strasburger [74].
Other classes of atlases that are used in the cognitive neurosciences are based on
non-human primate data. An example of such an atlas is provided by Schmahmann
and Pandya [70] which includes tracer sections. Postmortem sections were analyzed
after the in vivo injection with chemical tracers.
4 An Introduction to Human Brain Anatomy 81
With the advent of MRI, the need for a common reference space increased because
a common reference allows the comparison across individuals’ functional and struc-
tural brain maps. A first attempt at a standard 3D space was developed by Talairach
and Tournoux [78] which was based on a single post-mortem brain from a 60-year
old woman. This brain template, together with the anatomical labels, provided the
opportunity to compare individuals’ functional brain maps in a common reference
space. However, while this approach was considered state of the art for many years,
further progression of the research field now allows for better alternatives. In the be-
ginning of the 1990s, a template was developed which has now become the standard
space in MRI research: the Montreal NeuroImaging (MNI) template. Several versions
of this template exist with the most recent one including 452 subjects’ anatomical
MRI scans [29] specifying 142 brain areas. Other MRI atlases are based on macro-
scopic delineations of cortical and subcortical areas, such as the Harvard-Oxford atlas
which includes 96 brain areas and is created based on 37 subjects [21, 52]. Eickhoff
and colleagues [27] created an atlas which is based on cytoarchitectonic properties
and includes ten ex vivo brains. More recently, specialized atlases partly relying
on ultra-high resolution 7 T MRI have been developed including the STN [34, 47]
(, the locus coeruleus [46], and the thalamus [56].
In the final section of this chapter, we will discuss a concrete example how structure-
function relationships can be established in a model-based framework. This example
focuses on interindividual differences in the speed-accuracy tradeoff (SAT), both
in behavior and in structural features of the human brain. The SAT describes a
behavioral regularity that explains why the temporal benefits of responding more
quickly come at the cost of making more errors. A possible mechanism for the
SAT is that the response threshold can be adjusted depending on the strategy. If the
response needs to be very accurate, a high response threshold is adopted so that
sufficient information can be accumulated. If a speeded response is required, a low
response threshold ensures responses that are quick but error-prone.
Non-human primate and human studies have provided handles on how the mech-
anism of flexibly adjusting response thresholds could be implemented in the human
brain (for a review see [7]). Specifically, the anatomical substrate that could subserve
the SAT mechanism is the interplay between cortex and the basal ganglia. There are
two main pathways that connect the cortex to the basal ganglia namely the cortical-
striatal pathway and the cortical-subthalamic pathway. The striatal hypothesis poses
that an emphasis on speed promotes excitatory input from cortex to striatum; the
increased baseline activation of the striatum acts to decrease the inhibitory control
that the output nuclei of the basal ganglia exert over the brain, thereby facilitating
faster but possibly premature responses. Alternatively, the STN hypothesis posits
82 B. U. Forstmann et al.
Fig. 4.5 Visualization of the STN with different MRI contrasts at different field strengths. (a) The
left panel shows a 7 T T1 weighted anatomical MRI scan. Note the low contrast in the midbrain.
The right panel shows a 7 T T2* weighted anatomical scan. Note the improved contrast in the
subcortical regions. (b) The lower left panel shows a 7 T T2* weighted anatomical scan. The use of
high field strength yields excellent contrast allowing differentiation between individual subcortical
nuclei including the STN and SN. The middle panel shows a 3 T T2* weighted anatomical scan and
the lower right panel shows a 1.5 T T2* weighted anatomical scan for comparison. (adapted from
that an emphasis on accuracy promotes excitatory input from cortex (e.g., anterior
cingulate cortex) to the STN; increased STN activity may lead to slower and more
accurate choices.
These two hypotheses result in competing anatomical predictions. In particular,
the striatal hypothesis predicts that participants who display better control of the SAT
have stronger white matter tract connections between cortex and striatum, whereas
the STN hypothesis predicts stronger white matter connections between cortex and
STN. Testing of these distinct hypotheses has been technically challenging, but a first
step has been made by visualization of the STN using 7 T MRI [33, 34, 47]. Since
the STN is a very small lens-shaped nucleus in the subcortex, it is barely visible on 3
T anatomical MRI scans (Fig. 4.5). From an anatomical point of view, the technical
development of ultra-high resolution MRI has therefore already been proven crucial.
4 An Introduction to Human Brain Anatomy 83
Fig. 4.6 Structural differences in brain connectivity predict individual differences in decision mak-
ing. (a) Connectivity-based seed classification for the pre-SMA projecting into the striatum (green)
and STN (red). (b) Individual differences in tract strength between right pre-SMA and right striatum
are associated with flexible adjustments of the speed-accuracy tradeoff. (adapted from [33])
The STN contains iron, yielding hypointensities which in turn results in a loss
of the MR signal. Moreover, there are large interindividual differences in the STN’s
location [47]. (Fig. 4.5)
Next, diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) was applied to calculate the tract strength
between cortex and striatum and cortex and STN, respectively. Additionally, behav-
ioral data from a moving dots kinematogram with a SAT manipulation was analyzed.
The behavioral data were then modeled using the linear ballistic accumulator (LBA)
model to account for latent cognitive processes such as individuals’ response caution
([10] see also the chapter 1B Cognitive models in action). Statistical model selection
techniques confirmed that the LBA explained the data best when only the response
caution parameter was free to vary between the speed and the accuracy condition.
Interindividual differences in efficacy of changing response caution were quantified
by the differences in LBA threshold estimates between both conditions. These dif-
ferences were then related to participants’ tract strength measures between pre-SMA
and striatum and pre-SMA and STN, respectively.
Results showed that individual tract strength between pre-SMA and striatum trans-
late to individual differences in the efficacy with which people adjust their response
thresholds (Fig. 4.6). This supports the striatal hypothesis of how the brain regulates
the competing demands for speed vs. accuracy and show that individual differences
in brain connectivity affect decision making even in simple perceptual tasks. The
findings also show that, inconsistent with the STN hypothesis of SAT, there is little
or no evidence that strong connections from any cortical region to STN lead to more
flexibility in threshold settings (see [33] for more details regarding these findings).
84 B. U. Forstmann et al.
In contemporary neuroscience, the anatomy of the central nervous system has essen-
tially become the anatomy of the connections between brain regions. Understanding
patterns of connectivity and how neurons communicate is probably one of the next
frontiers in the neurosciences [55]. It is important to delineate fine-grained cere-
bral and subcortical structures using ultra-high resolution MRI [81]. Ultimately,
by linking information from large-scale networks with macro- and microanatomi-
cal knowledge we can reach a deeper understanding of descriptive, sectional, and
connectional neuroanatomy.
Finally, capturing the interindividual variability in the form of probabilistic atlases
and maps both from in vivo and postmortem brains holds a great promise. It will fa-
cilitate our understanding of functional neuroanatomy including changes associated
with development, aging, learning, and disease. Informing mathematical and neu-
rocomputational models of the human brain with the anatomical knowledge gained
by using ultra-high resolution MRI promises exciting new avenues of understanding
human cognition.
Step (1) Imagine a human brain floating in front of you with the eyes pointing
towards the cutter.
Step (2) Take out your imaginary knife and make the following cuts:
a. Cut the midline.
b. Take the left part and cut it in half again so that you have a superior and inferior
c. Take the inferior part and cut it again in half so that you have an anterior and
posterior part.
Q1(a) Which two parts did you have after step 2a?
Q1(b) In which part is the cerebellum located after step 2b?
Q1(c) In which of the two parts is the temporal pole located after step 2c?
4 An Introduction to Human Brain Anatomy 85
Q2(a) Which panel shows the brain in an axial view?
Q2(b) Which panel shows the brain in a sagittal view?
Q2(c) Name all the different anatomical structures in the following figure:
19 6
18 8
14 9 1 10
5 4 12
23 22
16 21
7 6
9 5
2 4 8
12 b
18 19
15 1
a 13
25 2
30 27 32
28 31
Further Reading
1. For a more in depth textbook on anatomy see Catani and de Schotten [16]. Atlas
of human brain connections (1st ed., pp. 1–515). Oxford University Press.
2. See for an extensive resource for information about neural
3. See for a large online collection of neuroanatomical atlases,
gene expression and cross-species comparisons.
4. See for the ana-
tomical nomenclature.
5. See for an ultra-high resolution image of a
post-mortem stained brain.
6. See for the English trans-
lation of the seminal work by Korbinian Brodmann.
86 B. U. Forstmann et al.
24. Dunnen DWF, Staal MJ (2005) Anatomical alterations of the subthalamic nucleus in relation
to age: a postmortem study. Mov Disord 20(7):893–898
25. Duvernoy MH (1999) The human brain, 2nd edn. Springer, Wien
26. Economo C, Koskinas GN (1925) Die Cytoarchitektonik der Hirnrinde des erwachsenen
Menschen. Springer, Wien
27. Eickhoff SB, Stephan KE, Mohlberg H, Grefkes C, Fink GR, Amunts K, Zilles K (2005a) A
new SPM toolbox for combining probabilistic cytoarchitectonic maps and functional imaging
data. Neuroimage 25(4):1325–1335
28. Eickhoff S, Walters NB, Schleicher A, Kril J, Egan GF, Zilles K et al (2005b) High-resolution
MRI reflects myeloarchitecture and cytoarchitecture of human cerebral cortex. Hum Brain
Mapp 24(3):206–215
29. Evans AC, Janke AL, Collins DL, Baillet S (2012) Brain templates and atlases. Neuroimage
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Cortico-striatal connections predict control over speed and accuracy in perceptual decision
making. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107(36):15916–15920
34. Forstmann BU, Keuken MC, Jahfari S, Bazin PL, Neumann N, Schafer A et al (2012) Cortico-
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