Master - Thesis - Maria - Chiara - Cioffi - Henry
Master - Thesis - Maria - Chiara - Cioffi - Henry
Master - Thesis - Maria - Chiara - Cioffi - Henry
B. Ozkan – TU/e, IE&IS
P.W.P.J. Grefen – TU/e, IE&IS
T. Kik – Accenture
Executive summary
This executive summary describes the main steps performed in this research. First, an introduction of
the subject is outlined. Then, problem and research methodology are reported. Lastly, the main results
and conclusions are discussed.
Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that promises to change the way transactions are executed.
The Blockchain revolution started in the financial sector, with the birth of a cryptocurrency called
Bitcoin. Nowadays, its use is spread across numerous domains, managing different types of data
transactions. One of this thriving domain is supply chain. Supply chain is currently facing several
problems due to the increasing complexity of its structure. Most of the production activities are not
executed in house anymore, but they are outsourced to external companies spread worldwide. In this
articulated network, each participant owns only a partial and incomplete copy of the information
about products and related processes. This generates an opaque and asymmetric structure that
increases the complexity of the companies’ operations. Blockchain is a promising technology, whose
characteristics can be exploited in the supply chain domain to overcome its main challenges. In
particular, thanks to its transparency, reliability and decentralization it can bring several advantages in
terms of process efficiency, network trustworthiness and supply chain synchronization. For these
reasons, Blockchain applications in this domain are increasingly explored from both researchers and
Although the large interest in this technology, the adoption rate from the company side is still low.
Moreover, the knowledge about Blockchain in this domain is fragmented and the overall possibilities
unclear. Therefore, this research aims to, firstly, understand the main applications of Blockchain in this
domain, in terms of use cases and related characteristics. Secondly, it investigates which characteristics
are determinants of its adoption from a company perspective. In particular, the following two research
questions guide this research:
1. What are the most important use cases of Blockchain in the supply chain domain and the
related characteristics?
2. What are the determinants of the adoption of Blockchain in the supply chain domain from a
company perspective?
The ultimate goal of this research is the development of an artifact and, in particular, of a technology
adoption model, in order to understand the factors that move a company to adopt Blockchain. For this
reason, the design science research methodology (DSRM) by Peffers et al. (2007) was followed. The
DSRM is used to produce successful artifacts, which could be either a construct, a model or a method
(Peffers et al., 2007). The DSRM is articulated in six steps: problem identification and motivation,
definition of the objectives for a solution, design and development, demonstration, evaluation, and
communication (Peffers et al., 2007). In this case, the problem identified was the lack of understanding
about the main use cases and related characteristics of Blockchain in the supply chain domain, and
their causal relationships with the intention to adopt the technology. Therefore, a quasi-systematic
literature review (quasi-SLR) was performed to collect the main Blockchain use cases in the supply
chain domain. Then, the related characteristics were extracted. Since the output of the quasi-SLR
presented a lack of understanding in terms of possible Blockchain threats and challenges, an additional
screening was performed to integrate this shortage. From the final pool, the main characteristics were
selected and grouped into generic constructs. These constructs were used to build the technology
adoption model. In particular, the constructs were mapped to the components of the Technology
Organization Environment (TOE) framework by Tornatzky and Fleischer (1990). Lastly, the model
hypotheses were defined and a web-survey was created in order to collect the data needed for the
analysis. The model was implemented in SmartPLS 3.0 (Ringle et al., 2015) and PLS-SEM and
bootstrapping were used to test the hypotheses (Hair et al., 2014).
The output of the first part of the research showed the production of a comprehensive model of the
Blockchain use cases described in literature and the related characteristics. In particular, this model
showed how the inherent characteristics of Blockchain, applied to the supply chain use cases, can bring
several advantages in the supply chain domain (Figure 1).
Then, selecting and grouping the main characteristics, the following six constructs of the adoption
model were outlined: technology risks (TER), business performance (BUP), technology and regulations
immaturity (TRI), business integration (BUI), cross-organizational data performance (CDP), and
competitive pressure (COP). The test of the hypotheses of the technology adoption model showed two
significant negative relationships between TER and IAB, and between TRI and IAB. Moreover, two
positive significant relationships were
highlighted between COP and IAB, and
between CDP and BUI (Figure 2).
Lastly, the practical implications of this research were discussed. The insights provided from the
developed adoption model were identified as main contribution to Blockchain practitioners.
Understanding the factors that obstacle the diffusion of the technology can help them to develop
targeted measures for companies that are hesitant about Blockchain adoption. In particular, the
relevant influence of the Blockchain challenges on the adoption decision suggests to practitioners to
focus their attention on that, trying to solve the main issues and clarifying the misunderstandings
about the technology. Moreover, the results about competitive pressure indicate the utility of
underlining the competitive situation in order to foster the adoption among companies.
Table 30. In use characteristics per use case: advantages in black; challenges in red; selected survey items in bold
Improvement of logistics performance X X X X X X X X YES
Time reduction X X X X X X X X YES
Costs reduction X X X X X X YES
Product safety X X X X X X YES
Real-time data (fast data exchange) X X X X X X YES
Data security X X X X YES
Intermediaries minimization X X X X YES
Customer confidence & satisfaction X X X YES
Customer engagement X X X YES
Data accuracy X X X YES
Digital trust X X X YES
Easy data exchange X X X YES
Improvement of quality management X X X YES
Privacy X X X YES
Process synchronization X X X X YES
Resources optimization X X X YES
Flexibility X X NO
Improvement of customer data analysis X X NO
Loss of sales reduction X X NO
Market adaptation X X NO
Process automation X X NO
Traceability X X NO
Complete data collection X NO
Data control X NO
Improvement of customer experience X NO
Loss reduction X NO
Money transfer efficiency X NO
Process efficiency X NO
Process transparency X NO
Product & service quality X NO
Profits increase X NO
Transaction automation X NO
Waste reduction X NO
Data security X YES
High costs X NO
Immaturity X NO
Difficult integration (IT inadequacy) X X YES
Lack of interoperability X X YES
Lack of standards X NO
Performance capability X NO
Privacy X YES
Regulatory issues X YES
Scalability X X YES