Stabilita Čela+dáždniky
Stabilita Čela+dáždniky
Stabilita Čela+dáždniky
Supervisors: Rafael Jiménez Rodríguez
Madrid, 2021
Título de la Tesis:
Advanced tunnel face stability analyses considering free span, reinforcement and
Autor: Congke Yi
Presidente: ……………………………………………………………………
Secretario: ……………………………………………………………………
de: …………………………………………………………………………
This PhD thesis investigates several aspects that affect the stability of the tunnel face,
such as the free span and pore water pressures. It also analyzes stabilization measures
measure for tunnels with a free span, whereas advance drainage boreholes are
The thesis analyzes the tunnel face stability employing different collapse mechanisms
developed in the framework of the Limit Analysis method. Numerical simulations (built
in the FLAC3D and OptumG2 codes) are used to support the Limit Analysis methodology
and to validate its main results: the failure geometry and the collapse pressure of the
tunnel face. Moreover, other analytical solutions proposed in the literature, both in the
For tunnels excavated with a free span, an advanced Limit Analysis collapse
mechanism is proposed first; then, the influence of the unsupported length on the
stability of the tunnel face is analyzed, depending on the soil strength parameters. The
contribution into the free span mechanism with the assumption of two failure modes
for the forepole element: shear failure and bending moment failure.
For tunnels under the water table with advance drainage boreholes, the thesis firstly
studies the face stability under steady-state conditions, proposing a Limit Analysis
collapse mechanism that employs the pore water pressure distribution computed by
numerical modeling. The effects of the advance drainage boreholes (on the failure
geometry and on the collapse pressure) are studied considering the borehole
arrangement, water level height and tunnel overburden. Then, the stability of the tunnel
face under transient conditions is studied. Finally, the relationship between surface
settlements and support pressure applied on the tunnel face is used to study the effects
Esta tesis doctoral investiga dos aspectos que afectan a la estabilidad del frente del túnel:
el vano libre (o longitud del túnel sin revestir) y las presiones de poro, estudiando
nivel freático.
La tesis doctoral analiza la estabilidad del frente del túnel mediante diferentes
apoyo a las metodologías de Análisis Límite y para validar los resultados obtenidos por
los mecanismos de rotura: la geometría de fallo y la presión de colapso del frente del
tanto en el marco del Equilibrio Límite como del Análisis Límite, para mostrar las
diferentes planteamientos.
Para el estudio sobre el vano libre se propone, en primer lugar, un mecanismo de rotura
estabilidad del frente en función de los parámetros resistentes del material donde se
asumiendo dos modos de fallo del micropilote: fallo por cortante y fallo por flexión. Se
Para túneles ejecutados bajo el nivel freático, el estudio se centra, en primer lugar, en
la estabilidad del frente bajo la condición de flujo estacionario. Para ello se propone
colapso en función de la disposición de los drenes, de la altura del nivel freático y del
recubrimiento sobre clave. Seguidamente, se estudia la estabilidad del frente del túnel
I would like to thank genuinely my supervisor Prof. Dr. Rafael Jimenez for his constant
guidance and unwavering support throughout this research. His foresight and resolute
decision contribute crucially to the delivery of the present work. Thanks to his
the face of study and life challenges. Working with him is a highly rewarding
I am also sincerely grateful to Prof. Dr. Salvador Senent for his generosity and patience
to be my co-tutor. The completion of this research cannot be separated from his great
earnestness and devotion. I benefited a lot from his constructive advice and
Financial supports from the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and the Spanish Ministry
I enjoyed so much working in an inclusive atmosphere with colleagues and staff who
have different cultural backgrounds in the Geotechnics Laboratory. I appreciate all the
moments when we stay together to discuss academic issues or share daily delight. I was
every difficulty, even in the toughest time facing the world-Coronavirus Pandemic.
Thanks also for everything that Spain brings to me, Spain has become my second home.
Last but not the least, I express my heartfelt gratitude to my family who shares
happiness and hardship with me, their supports are not absent at any time.
Abstract .........................................................................................................................v
Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................... ix
Contents ...................................................................................................................... xi
1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................1
2. Methodology .......................................................................................................19
2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................. 19
3.1 Introduction.................................................................................................. 29
3.2 Tunnel face stability 2D mechanism considering the free span .................. 30
4.1 Introduction.................................................................................................. 53
4.2 Incorporation of a forepole umbrella into the Limit Analysis tunnel face
stability mechanism ..................................................................................... 54
4.3 Effects of forepole umbrella on the stability of the tunnel face .................. 57
5.2 3D Limit Analysis mechanism considering pore water pressure and the
effect of advance drainage ...........................................................................71
5.5.1 Effect of advance drainage on the stability of the tunnel face .........88
6.5 Effect of advance drainage on the tunnel face stability ............................. 105
List of Symbols
Latin symbols
𝐵 excavation width
𝑐 soil cohesion
𝐶 overburden
𝐸 Young’s modulus
ℎ hydraulic head
𝐻 excavation height
List of Symbols
𝑘 permeability coefficient
𝐾 water modulus
𝐿 unsupported length
List of Symbols
𝑡 time
List of Symbols
Greek symbols
𝛼 angle of the cross-section of the structural element with the failure surface
𝛾 unit weight
𝜀 volumetric strain
𝜇 non-dimensional parameter
𝜎 collapse pressure
𝜎 support pressure
𝜐 Poisson’s ratio
𝜑 friction angle
𝜓 dilatancy angle
List of Tables
Table 3.1. Test cases for the numerical validation of the proposed Limit Analysis
mechanism.................................................................................................. 41
Table 4.1. Properties considered to study the effect of the forepole umbrella on the
stability of the tunnel face .......................................................................... 59
Table 5.1. Test Cases considered for numerical validation of the Limit Analysis
mechanism. (Diameter:D=10m; strength parameters: c=0kPa and φ=35°;
saturated unit weight: γsat=15.6kN/m3). ..................................................... 81
Table 5.2. Test Cases considered to compare the Limit Analysis mechanism with the
Limit Equilibrium methodology presented by Zingg (2016). (Diameter:
D=10m; strength parameters: c=0kPa and φ=35°; saturated unit weight:
γsat=20kN m3). ............................................................................................ 92
List of Figures
Figure 2.1. Limit analysis failure mechanism for tunnels with a free span (after Zhang
et al., 2018)................................................................................................. 22
Figure 2.2. Limit Equilibrium failure mechanism for tunnels under the water table
(after Zingg, 2016) ..................................................................................... 23
Figure 2.3. Flow chart of the bisection method in FLAC3D to compute the critical
support pressure ......................................................................................... 26
Figure 2.4. Process for fluid-solid coupled analysis in FLAC3D to study the time-
dependent behaviors of tunnel face stability .............................................. 28
Figure 3.1. Four heading failure mechanisms with free span in NATM a) bench
failures; b) crown failures; c) full-face failures d) local face failures (HSE,
1996) .......................................................................................................... 30
Figure 3.2. Problem setup for studying the stability of a tunnel with free span .......... 31
Figure 3.3. Outline of the proposed Limit Analysis mechanism to compute tunnel face
stability considering the free span .............................................................. 32
Figure 3.6. Comparison of collapse face pressures computed with the proposed
mechanism and with the numerical model ................................................. 40
List of Figures
Figure 3.7. Comparison of failure geometries obtained with the proposed mechanism
and with the numerical model for different strength parameters (φ, c) and
lengths of the free span (L) ........................................................................ 43
Figure 3.8. Collapse pressure vs length of the free span for different strength
parameters .................................................................................................. 45
Figure 3.9. Collapse pressure vs free span length for different values of cohesion
considering a supported and an unsupported free span: a) φ=30°; b) φ=35°
................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 3.11. Variation of the failure geometry depending on the free span (L=1,2,3):
a) φ=30°, c=5kPa; b) φ=30°, c=15kPa; c) φ=35°, c=5kPa; d) φ=35°,
c=15kPa ..................................................................................................... 49
Figure 3.12. Collapse pressures computed, as a function of the free span, with (i) the
proposed mechanism, (ii) the Limit Analysis methodology presented by
Zhang et al. (2018), and (iii) an Upper Bound Analysis in OptumG2.
(D=10m; c=5kPa; γ=18kN/m3): a) φ=20° (the pressure applied on the free
span is constant and equal to 50kPa); b) φ=40° (the pressures applied on
the free span and on the tunnel face are equal) .......................................... 50
Figure 4.2. Failure modes considered for the forepole umbrella (modified from De
Buhan and Salençon, 1993) ....................................................................... 56
Figure 4.3. Outline of the analyzed case to study the effect of the forepole umbrella on
the stability of the tunnel face .................................................................... 58
Figure 4.4. Collapse pressure vs ultimate bending moment of the forepole umbrella
for the three cases analyzed: a) Case 24 (φ=35°; c=5kPa; L=3m); b) Case
23 (φ=35°; c=5kPa; L=2m); c) Case 27 (φ=35°; c=15kPa; L=1m) ........... 62
List of Figures
Figure 4.6. Comparison of failure geometries obtained with the proposed mechanism
and with the numerical model in Case 24 (φ=35°; c=5kPa; L=3m) for
different amounts of supports: a) without umbrella; b) light umbrella; c)
heavy umbrella ........................................................................................... 66
Figure 5.2. Outline of the analyzed problem: a) in the vertical plane of symmetry of
the tunnel; b) in the tunnel face cross-section. (Boreholes layout: (I)
“upper” drainage; (II) “lower” drainage.) .................................................. 72
Figure 5.3. Generation of the Limit Analysis mechanism: a) cross-section at the tunnel
face boundary; b) longitudinal section along the vertical plane of
symmetry of the tunnel (simplified from Mollon et al. (2011a), Fig.3) .... 73
Figure 5.5. Numerical model with advance drainage boreholes employed to calculate
the pore water pressure distribution and the collapse pressure .................. 77
Figure 5.6. Contours of the pore water pressure distribution in the numerical model
for different drainage configurations: a) without drainage; b) “upper”
drainage boreholes; c) “lower” drainage boreholes. (D=10m; C=2D;
Hw=3D). (Values shown indicate the hydraulic head in kPa) .................... 78
Figure 5.7. Distribution of hydraulic head along the tunnel axis for several Test Cases
(see Table 5.1). (h: hydraulic head; h0: initial hydraulic head; y: distance
from the tunnel face) .................................................................................. 79
Figure 5.8. Examples of the failure geometries obtained with the Limit Analysis
mechanism: a) Test Case 2 (without drainage); b) Test Case 6 (“upper”
drainage); c) Test Case 10 (“lower” drainage). (D=10m; C=2D; Hw=3D) 83
Figure 5.9. Comparison of failure mechanisms computed with the Limit Analysis
solution and with the numerical simulation for different drainage
configurations: a) without drainage (Test Case 2); b) “upper” drainage
(Test Case 6); c) “lower” drainage (Test Case 10). (D=10m; C=2D;
Hw=3D)....................................................................................................... 85
List of Figures
Figure 5.10. Comparison of failure mechanisms computed with the Limit Analysis
solution and with the numerical simulation for different water levels: a)
Hw=2D (Test Case 9); b) Hw=3D (Test Case 10); c) Hw=4D (Test Case 11);
d) Hw=5D (Test Case 12). (D=10m; C=2D; “lower” drainage) ................ 86
Figure 5.11. Comparison of failure mechanisms computed with the Limit Analysis
solution and with the numerical simulation for different overburdens: a)
C=2D (Test Case 6); b) C=3D (Test Case 13). (D=10m; Hw=3D; “upper”
drainage) .................................................................................................... 86
Figure 5.13. Collapse pressures computed with the Limit Analysis mechanism, with
the Limit Equilibrium methodology presented by Zingg (2016), and with a
numerical simulation in FLAC3D, for different drainage configurations.
(See Table 5.2) ........................................................................................... 93
Figure 5.14. Comparison of the failure geometries obtained with the Limit Analysis
mechanism and with the Limit Equilibrium methodology presented by
Zingg (2016): a) “upper” drainage (Test Case 6 in Table 5.2); b) “lower”
drainage (Test Case 10 in Table 5.2). (D=10m; C=2D; Hw=3D) .............. 94
Figure 6.1. Schematic of the analyzed problem: a) in the vertical plane of symmetry of
the tunnel; b) in the tunnel face cross-section ........................................... 99
Figure 6.2. Numerical model with advance drainage boreholes in the analysis........ 101
Figure 6.3. Pore pressures ahead of the tunnel face along the tunnel axis for different
times without advance drainage............................................................... 103
Figure 6.4. Plastic failure zone evolution without drainage boreholes...................... 104
Figure 6.5. Pore pressures ahead of the tunnel face along the tunnel axis for different
times after introducing advance drainage ................................................ 105
Figure 6.6. Evolution of surface settlement at the monitoring point for different
support pressures: a) without advance drainage; b) with advance drainage
................................................................................................................. 106
List of Figures
Figure 6.7. Stand-up time vs support pressure. (Limit Analysis results have been
computed using the pore pressure distributions under steady-state
conditions) ................................................................................................ 107
Figure 6.8. Longitudinal surface trough for different support pressures and drainage
configurations ........................................................................................... 109
1. Introduction
1. Introduction
The stability of the tunnel face is a key aspect of tunnel design as heavy casualties and
economic losses caused by face collapses during tunnel construction are not unusual.
However, this is a complex problem, and previous theoretical studies in the literature
mainly focus on simplified tunnel face stability analyses, so that the effects of some
advanced aspects, like the effect of the free span or the excavation under the water table,
are often neglected for engineering design and construction. Moreover, improvement
measures under such conditions (e.g., forepole umbrellas and advance drainage) are
typically not studied in detail, although they play a key role to reduce the tunnel face
The present PhD thesis deals with the shortage of such studies, providing an advance
The unsupported length next to the tunnel face is defined as the free span (or
unsupported span). The free span typically occurs in projects constructed by the New
Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM), and it imposes a risk contributing to tunnel face
1. Introduction
instabilities that can extend significantly beyond the tunnel face or even up to the
ground surface (Baudendistel, 1985). (Such instabilities can occur despite the self-
bearing contribution produced by the soil arching mechanism that develops above the
unlined portions of the excavation). Similarly, the free span can affect the failure
mechanism. For instance, according to Casarin and Mair (1981), who carried out tests
in cohesive materials, two different instability mechanisms can occur depending on the
ratio between free span length and tunnel diameter (L/D): for lower L/D ratios, the
failure mechanism mainly affects the ground ahead of the tunnel face; whereas, for
larger L/D ratios, the mechanism develops above the free span, producing an almost 2D
failure. Moreover, even for stable faces, the unsupported length influences the
deformability of the excavation (e.g., Nemati Hayati et al., 2013) and consequently, it
This importance of the free span has therefore led us to study the stability of the tunnel
To improve the face stability in tunnels with a free span, reinforcement measures can
be implemented. For shallow tunnels with poor ground conditions, forepole umbrellas
are one of the most common reinforcement systems (Muraki, 1997). In tunnels with a
free span, the umbrella can support the weight of the material above the free span, hence
avoiding the development of a progressive failure that could reach the surface. However,
despite its advantages, there is not an established methodology to consider the effects
of such reinforcement support on the face stability analysis (Volkmann and Schubert,
2007). For this reason, this thesis investigates the effect of a forepole umbrella as
1. Introduction
Tunneling under the water table imposes great risks due to the seepage forces acting on
the excavated tunnel face. Therefore, the safety of tunneling works under high pore
elements at the face (normally, boreholes, but also pilot tunnels or a twin tunnel), that
aim to reduce seepage forces ahead of the tunnel face before its excavation. More and
more tunneling projects are carried out under the water table, and advance drainage is
a very practical tool to improve the face stability of subaqueous tunnels when the
required support pressure is too high to be practically achievable (Pelizza and Peila,
Seepage flows within the ground can theoretically be divided into two types: (i) steady-
state flow, in which pore water pressures and flow are constant over time; and (ii)
transient flow, in which they change with time. The tunnel face stability under the water
table is often studied under steady-state conditions since pore water pressure
distributions can be easily computed and stresses in the ground do not change. But the
stability of the tunnel face under transient conditions is time-dependent, and a study of
how long the tunnel face can maintain the stability, considering the drainage and the
This thesis studies the stability of tunnel faces under the water table, considering the
influence of advance drainage under both steady-state flow (which may be expected in
a relatively high permeability material) and transient flow (which may be dominant in
1. Introduction
Many studies on tunnel face stability have been published in recent decades, and some
of the more relevant ones are discussed herein. Concerning theoretical failure
mechanisms, the prism-wedge soil model proposed by Horn (1961) has been widely
employed to compute, in the framework of the Limit Equilibrium method, the critical
collapse pressure of the tunnel face (i.e., the minimum pressure that needs to be applied
on the tunnel face to avoid its instability) (e.g., Anagnostou and Kovari, 1994; Broere,
1998; Chen et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2020a). Similarly, Liu et al. (2019) proposed an
improved model for face stability analysis with a dual-failure-mechanism, which is also
In the framework of the Limit Analysis method, a two-block failure model was first
proposed by Leca and Dormieux (1990), and later improved by Mollon et al. (2009b),
mechanism, which is generated “point by point’’ from the entire (circular) tunnel face.
(Mollon et al., 2011a), obtaining better estimations of the critical collapse pressure and
of the failure geometry. Other collapse mechanisms in the framework of Limit Analysis
enriched the tools for stability analyses of the tunnel face considering, for example,
non-linear failure criteria (Senent et al., 2013), layered soils and the possibility of partial
collapse (Senent and Jimenez, 2015; Chen et al., 2019), soil arching (Zou et al.,2019),
a longitudinally inclined face (Zhao et al., 2017) and non-homogeneous soils (Zou et
al., 2019).
1. Introduction
Numerical simulations have also been widely employed to analyze tunnel face stability.
In one of the most well-known works, Vermeer et al. (2002) conducted 3D stability
analyses using the Finite Element Method (FEM) that identified several relevant factors
that affect the tunnel face stability. The FEM was also employed, for example, to
compute the face stability of tunnels in soils with linearly increasing shear strength with
depth (Ukritchon et al., 2017), or to determine the required support pressure of tunnel
Similarly, the 3D Finite Difference Method (FDM) has been used by Chen et al. (2013)
Senent et al. (2013) also used the 3D FDM to investigate the face stability of tunnels in
fractured rocks subject to the Hoek-Brown criterion; and Senent and Jimenez (2015)
studied the partial collapse of a tunnel face in layered soil. Based on FDM numerical
composed of four truncated cones. Other approaches are less common: for example, the
Discrete Element Method (DEM) has been used by Chen et al. (2011) to study tunnel
face stability in dry sand, whereas the 3D Kinematical Element Method (KEM) was
Experimental tests have been also designed to study tunnel face stability. For example,
Takano et al. (2006) used an X-ray tomography scanner to ‘visualize’ the shape of the
face failure mechanism at single gravity. The development of the failure mechanism,
as a function of the support pressure applied at the tunnel face, was investigated by
Kirsch (2010) using small-scale model tests, with his results showing that the
overburden has a negligible effect on the extent and evolution of the failure volume.
Ahmed and Iskander (2012) presented soil deformations associated with various face
1. Introduction
support pressures, as obtained from transparent soil models of tunnel faces. Senent et
al. (2019) studied the relationship between the tunnel face support and surface
settlements, utilizing a small-scale model at single gravity and the low-cost Structure
In addition to the general review of tunnel face stability analyses discussed above, the
literature review of some advanced issues (i.e., free span, reinforcement, and drainage)
is extended below.
Some experimental works have studied the failure mechanism of the tunnel face, and
its relationship with the free span (e.g., Kimura and Mair, 1981; Chambon and Corte,
1994; Oblozinsky and Kuwano, 2004; Lee and Schubert, 2008). Kimura and Mair (1981)
conducted centrifuge tests with L/D ratios from 0 to 2, and they observed a significant
influence of L/D on the tunnel stability and on the shape of the failure mechanism
(which evolved from 3D to 2D behavior). Chambon and Corte (1994), who used model
tests with L/D ratios between 0.1 and 0.4, observed the substantial influence of the
unsupported length on the failure geometry and on the support pressure, so that the
failure mechanism noticeably extends to the ground surface when L/D > 0.1, becoming
centrifuge tests with L/D ratios equal to 0.1, showing that such a short unsupported
length had no significant effect on the critical support pressure. Lee and Schubert (2008)
discussed the failure modes of a tunnel face with unsupported span through a set of
small-scale model tests; in particular, they defined five modes according to the collapse
behaviors of the unsupported span and of the tunnel face, and suggested pre-support
and face support measures for each mode in the excavation plan.
1. Introduction
Numerical models have been employed to study the stability of tunnels with a free span.
Among them, three-dimensional models using the Finite Element Method (e.g.,
Kielbassa and Duddeck, 1991; Vermeer et al., 2002), the Finite Difference Method (e.g.,
Costa et al., 2007) or the Discrete Element Method (e.g., Lee et al., 2005; Lee and
Schubert, 2008) can be found in the literature. Kielbassa and Duddeck (1991) carried
out elastic three-dimensional finite element analyses, showing that the free span affects
greatly the stress release, and that the effective ground pressures determine the lining
design. Vermeer et al. (2002) studied the stability of tunnel faces in cohesionless
materials. Their results illustrate that the stability of the face is almost independent of
the free span for low L/D ratios (i.e., L/D<0.3); however, they indicated that results
depend on the geometry of the tunnel, so that the influence of the free span is higher for
smaller circular tunnels. Costa et al. (2007) recognized the same two mechanisms
associated with the free span reported by Casarin and Mair (1981), and they pointed out
that the transition between both mechanisms depends on drainage, with the effect of the
free span on the collapse pressure being more relevant under undrained conditions.
approaches have been established to study the influence of the free span. For example,
Tamez (1984) proposed a Limit Equilibrium failure mechanism, similar to the classical
mechanism proposed by Horn (1961) (which is based on the silo theory of Janssen,
1895) but with a prismatic block above the free span. Cornejo (1989) provided a
formulation to determine the allowable tunnel advance length and the required face
support pressure, considering two ground types: (i) an isotropic and homogeneous
ground; and (ii) a stratified ground with strength parameters varying with depth. He
1. Introduction
and Bennermark, 1967; Tamez, 1984; Ellstein, 1986) suggesting that all of them can be
used to calculate the stability of the tunnel face, so that the final result can be determined
Equilibrium with the method of slices, Anagnostou and Perazzelli (2013) studied the
effect of the free span and of the support pressure distribution, on the stability of the
tunnel face. Based also on the Limit Equilibrium method, Yu et al. (2020) proposed a
failure mechanism that introduces a rotational log-spiral slip surface into the lower
(2013), to better approximate the actual failure modes observed in the laboratory. Very
recently, Tian et al. (2020) proposed an approach to determine the influence of the free
span, considering the stability of both the arch crown and the tunnel face.
In the framework of Limit Analysis, solutions to the tunnel face stability considering
the free span are rare. Senent and Jimenez (2017) presented a two-dimensional failure
composed of a triangular block above the tunnel crown and of a spiral block ahead of
the tunnel face; their results show that the collapse pressures obtained by the Limit
Analysis mechanism are clearly lower than those obtained with the Limit Equilibrium
To improve the stability of the tunnel face, a forepole umbrella is considered, since it
is one of the most common reinforcement systems employed when a tunnel passes
through soils or weak rocks (e.g., Peila, 1994; Wang and Jia, 2008; Kitchah and
1. Introduction
reinforcement measure in the classical NATM, supports the weight of the material
above the free span, hence avoiding the development of a progressive failure that could
reach the surface. However, bolts are usually the support measure considered to model
the effect of reinforcement on the stability of the tunnel face, while typically neglecting
the influence of the free span (e.g., Ng and Lee, 2002; Kamata and Mashimo, 2003;
Yoo and Shim, 2003; Anagnostou and Serafeimidis, 2007; Perazzelli and Anagnostou,
2013; Anagnostou and Perazzelli, 2015; Paternesi et al., 2017; Pan and Dias, 2017).
Some authors have studied the performance of forepole umbrellas at the tunnel face;
e.g., using centrifuge tests (e.g., Calvello and Taylor, 1999; Date et al., 2009; Juneja et
al., 2010; Le and Taylor, 2017), or numerical simulations (e.g., Elyasi et al., 2016;
Klotoé and Bourgeois, 2019). From an analytical approach, Zhang et al., (2020b)
analyzed the stability of a tunnel face reinforced with bolts and with an umbrella arch
using the Limit Equilibrium method and a strength reduction technique. In the Limit
Analysis literature, there are few works that analyze forepole umbrellas, as previous
works have mainly considered a bolt reinforcement –a support that only works by axial
force– (e.g., Pan and Dias, 2017). Pinyol and Alonso (2011, 2013) studied the effect of
a forepole umbrella on the stability of the tunnel face in undrained soils, employing one
of the translational mechanisms proposed by Leca and Dormiuex (1990). Qian et al.
mechanism to compute the safety factors of non-circular tunnel faces reinforced with
umbrella pipes. However, these works did not consider the influence of the free span.
To reduce the instability of a tunnel face excavated under the water table, advance
drainage measures are used to relieve the pore water pressure. As a result, the seepage
1. Introduction
decreases to a point that makes it possible that the face support pressure required for
thesis studies tunnel face stability considering different seepage conditions (steady-
The contribution of seepage on tunnel face stability has been incorporated into several
analytical solutions that do not initially consider seepage forces (e.g., Anagnostou and
Kovari, 1994; Leca and Dormieux, 1990; Mollon et al., 2011a). For instance, in the
framework of the Limit Equilibrium method, Anagnostou and Kovari (1996) introduced
seepage forces into the wedge-prism failure mechanism proposed by Anagnostou and
Kovari (1994); such seepage forces were computed by integration of the numerically
Anagnostou and Kovari (1996) to investigate the tunnel face stability under seepage
conditions using the “method of slices”, and approximating the hydraulic head
model proposed by Anagnostou and Kovari (1996) was also modified by Lü et al.
(2017), who modeled the effect of seepage on the inclination angle of the wedge and
employed the hydraulic head fitting equations proposed by Perazzelli et al. (2014) to
Leca and Dormieux (1990) has been extended to analyze the effect of seepage forces
on tunnel face stability (e.g., Lee and Nam, 2001, 2004; Lee et al., 2003, 2004; Tu et
al., 2012). Similarly, Pan and Dias (2016) extended the 3D rotational failure mechanism
proposed by Mollon et al. (2011a) to consider the seepage forces, and further analyzed
1. Introduction
the influence of different variables that affect the stability of a tunnel face under the
water table, like the permeability anisotropy. The face stability of tunnels under the
water table in weak rock masses with the Hoek-Brown criterion has also been studied
by Pan and Dias (2018). More recently, Li et al. (2021) assessed the effect of seepage
In addition, several works have employed numerical methods to study the effect of
seepage forces on tunnel face stability under steady-state conditions (e.g., Anagnostou,
1995; De Buhan et al., 1999; Li et al., 2011; Lü et al., 2014; Weng et al., 2020).
Anagnostou (1995), by reformulating and solving the diffusion equation under steady-
state conditions, pointed out that hydraulic head gradients were underestimated when a
high advance rate is applied. De Buhan et al. (1999) analyzed the tunnel face stability
using seepage forces computed with a variational formulation. Li et al. (2011) provided
a simple but effective tool to compute the safety factor of a tunnel face, by adding the
seepage forces calculated with the FEM to the stress field. Lü et al. (2014) studied the
required support pressure with the FEM, showing that a large part of the applied support
pressure is used to equilibrate the seepage force and that the critical support pressure
has a linear relationship with the water table. Based on numerical simulations with the
FEM, Weng et al. (2020) indicated that soil permeability has a negligible influence on
Some case histories and field observations (e.g., Pellet et al., 1993; Barla, 2000) also
provided important information about the role played by seepage forces in relation to
tunnel stability. Additionally, laboratory tests have been conducted to analyze the
1. Introduction
stability of the tunnel face under seepage conditions (e.g., Lee et al, 2003; Chen et al.,
2018; Lü et al., 2018; Weng et al., 2020). Lee et al. (2003) conducted small-scale model
tests to measure the seepage forces acting on the tunnel face, showing that the
relationship between seepage pressure and groundwater level to tunnel diameter ratio
(H/D) is almost linear. Chen et al. (2018) conducted centrifuge tests to study the face
stability of tunnels with steady-state seepage, finding that pore water pressure changes
only occur within a distance of less than 0.75D ahead of the tunnel face. Lü et al. (2018)
studied the influence of the cover to diameter ratio (C/D) and of the water level on the
collapse pressure and on the failure geometry. More recently, Weng et al. (2020) carried
out centrifuge tests, showing that the seepage force is independent of the longitudinal
slope of the tunnel, whereas the critical support pressure significantly increases with Seepage under transient conditions: tunnel face stability and settlements
In some grounds with low to medium permeability, the transient flow can control tunnel
face stability, due to the occurrence of negative excess pore water pressures that
dissipate over time (Broere, 2002, 2003). For practical operations under transient
conditions, the delayed failure time (or stand-up time) of the tunnel face and the surface
settlements are the two key indicators of tunnel face stability. The tunnel face stand-up
time under transient flow has been studied by several authors (e.g., Schuerch and
Anagnostou, 2013a, 2013b, 2014, 2015; Schuerch et al., 2016; Callari et al., 2017), and
several publications have also reported and analyzed field observations of the time-
dependent settlements (e.g., Attewell, 1988; Shirlaw, 1994; O’Reilly et al., 1999; Chai
et al., 2004; Mair, 2008; Shen et al., 2014; Soga et al., 2017). Similarly, numerical
models have been employed to study surface settlements under transient conditions
1. Introduction
(e.g., Shin et al., 2002; Greenwood, 2003; Zhang et al., 2004; Kasper and Meschke,
2006a; Höfle et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2012; Wongsaroj et al., 2007,2013; Callari, 2015;
The strong influence of face support pressure on surface settlements has been discussed
in the literature (e.g., Shirlaw et al., 2002; Kasper and Meschke, 2006b), and Broere
(2015) also pointed out that a proper support pressure is very important for a safe and
controllable operation. Some real cases, like the First Bangkok Subway Line (Phienwej
et al., 2006) or the First Metro Line of Ho Chi Minh City (Hieu et al., 2020), have
illustrated the relationship between the maximum surface settlements and the shield
face pressure, so that larger settlements tend to occur when the shields were operated at
lower face pressures. Nagel et al. (2012) analyzed the time-dependent ground
deformations due to tunneling in soft and water-bearing soil, showing that an ‘optimal’
range of support pressure can be chosen so as to avoid large surface settlements (for
low face support values) or surface heaves (for large face support values).
The required face support pressure in tunnels under the water table cannot usually be
measures. Therefore, alternative treatments to alleviate the seepage force ahead of the
tunnel face, such as drainage measures, are required (Anagnostou, 2014). Different
drainage measures have been applied in practice, such as the drainage boreholes
Shenzhen Metro (Tang et al., 2017); pilot tunnels (see e.g., Zingg et al., 2013; Jurík et
al., 2017) or drainage curtains (Zingg, 2016) have also been employed in other projects.
Such drainage measures introduce elements with high permeability, so that the water
1. Introduction
ahead of the tunnel face can flow out through these channels easily (Li et al., 2012),
hence reducing the seepage force acting on the tunnel face. For example, Hong et al.
drainage boreholes on the pore water pressures and on the flow rates that occurred in
subsea tunnels. They demonstrated the relevance of drainage, also giving suggestions
The literature about analytical solutions to investigate the stability of a tunnel face with
drainage measures is very scarce. Only the classical Limit Equilibrium mechanism
formed by a lower wedge and an upper prism (Anagnostou and Kovári, 1994, 1996)
has been extended by Zingg (2016) to study the effect of the drainage on tunnel face
designs (pilot tunnels, twin tunnels, drainage curtains, etc.). The stability of the tunnel
face in homogenous and non-homogenous permeability fields was also studied, in the
framework of the Limit Equilibrium method by Zingg and Anagnostou (2016, 2018).
On the contrary, Limit Analysis has never been employed to study the stability of a
The effect of drainage measures on surface settlements has been seldom addressed.
Tang et al. (2017) studied the surface settlements induced by the excavation of a
shallow tunnel with drainage boreholes, using a case history and a numerical model.
They observed that the safety of the tunnel face is improved after introducing the
drainage boreholes, but the total settlement was found to be slightly larger than without
considering also the drainage measures applied to improve the stability of the tunnel
1. Introduction
1.3 Objectives
This thesis aims to analyze the following advanced aspects of tunnel face stability: the
free span, reinforcement and drainage. It also considers the effect of drainage on the
The specific objectives of this thesis, in relation to each aspect, can be summarized as
Tunnel face stability considering the free span. In the framework of the Limit
Analysis method, this thesis aims to propose a collapse mechanism that allows
one to study the effect of the free span on tunnel face stability.
the tunnel face. This work aims to extend the free span mechanism, to be able
chosen as the advance drainage measure studied in this work. Under steady-
state conditions, the aim is to analyze the effect of drainage on the stability of
the tunnel face, through a collapse mechanism in the framework of the Limit
Analysis method; under transient conditions, the goal is to study the effect of
drainage on the tunnel face stand-up time and on the surface settlements.
1. Introduction
This PhD thesis is structured into seven chapters, including this one.
In Chapter 2, the methodologies employed in this thesis are introduced, dividing them
into two categories: (i) analytical methods, including the Limit Analysis method and
the Limit Equilibrium method; and (ii) numerical methods, based on the Finite Element
Method (OptumG2) and on the Finite Difference Method (FLAC3D). Also, some key
procedures are described in this Chapter, to help readers better understand the research
In Chapter 3, a 2D face failure mechanism for tunnels with a free span is presented. The
mechanism comprises three blocks: a rotational block ahead of the tunnel face, a
translational block above the free span, and a transitional block connecting the two
previous blocks. The 2D failure mechanism is an upper bound limit analysis solution
in the framework of Limit Analysis, and it can be employed to compute the collapse
pressure considering the length of the free span as a variable. A numerical validation is
carried out using a Finite Element Limit Analysis code (OptumG2), considering both the
In Chapter 4, the influence of a forepole umbrella to reinforce a tunnel face with a free
span is studied. Two failure modes of the forepole umbrella are considered, and they
are employed to extend the 2D Limit Analysis mechanism for tunnels with a free span.
Using this solution, the collapse pressures and failure geometries of tunnel faces with
In Chapter 5, the effect of drainage on the stability of the tunnel face under steady-state
1. Introduction
for different configurations (e.g., water level, tunnel overburden, drainage boreholes
layout) are computed using the Finite Difference code (FLAC3D). Such pore water
pressures can then be extracted and interpolated to the positions required by a face
collapse Limit Analysis mechanism, hence allowing us to consider the influence of pore
FLAC3D, considering both the failure geometry and the collapse pressure. Finally, the
results obtained with the proposed methodology are compared with the results of a
advance drainage). The stand-up time of the tunnel face, and the ground surface
settlements produced after tunnel excavation (as a function of the applied face support
pressures applied), are computed using FLAC3D. Finally, the effects of advance
In Chapter 7, a summary of the main contributions of this thesis, and some suggestions
The main results of this thesis have been published in related journals or presented in
international conferences.
Senent, S., Yi, C. and Jimenez, R., 2020. An upper bound solution for tunnel face
stability analysis considering the free span. Tunnelling and Underground Space
1. Introduction
Yi, C., Senent, S. and Jimenez, R., 2019. Effect of advance drainage on tunnel face
Yi, C., Senent, S. and Jimenez, R., 2019. Effect of advance drainage on the stability
Yi, C., Senent, S. and Jimenez, R., 2020. Tunnel face stability considering drainage
2. Methodology
2. Methodology
2.1 Introduction
This thesis employs several methodologies to address the problems discussed in the
analytical techniques can be employed: the Slip-line method, the Limit Equilibrium
method, and the Limit Analysis method. This thesis investigates the applicability of
Limit Analysis to analyze tunnel face stability problems, and highlights its advantages
in comparison with other approaches. The Limit Equilibrium method is also used and
With the arrival of high-performance computers, several codes have been produced to
validate the results of the Limit Analysis analytical solutions (i.e., to compare critical
umbrellas are considered, or pore water pressure distributions–needed for the analyses.
2. Methodology
Two analytical methods are employed in this thesis to analyze the stability of the tunnel
face: (i) the Limit Analysis method and (ii) the Limit Equilibrium method.
The Limit Analysis method is a common tool to solve geotechnical problems, given its
capability to always obtain a realistic value of the collapse load, independently of the
1, the Limit Analysis method has been employed in this thesis to study advanced tunnel
face stability problems, taking the free span and seepage into account.
There are two main theorems to compute limit loads by the Limit Analysis method: (i)
the lower bound theorem and (ii) the upper bound theorem. The lower bound theorem
states that, in a hypothetical statically admissible stress field, the external load is not
greater than the actual limit load, as long as the system fulfills the equilibrium equations
and the boundary conditions, and the stresses lie inside or on the yield surface in stress
space. An infinite number of limit load values can be obtained by the lower bound
theorem, with the largest one being closest to the actual limit load. For the upper bound
condition, the flow rule and the velocity boundary conditions) is assumed, so that the
power of its external forces is shown to be greater than (or equal to) the dissipated
power inside the system when the structure fails. (As the failure mechanism has to
satisfy the associated flow rule, the velocity vectors must form an angle φ with the
2. Methodology
the number of limit load solutions obtained by the upper bound theorem can also be
infinite, with the smallest one being closest to the real solution. Hence, the actual limit
load of a structure analyzed with both theorems ranges between the lower bound
solution and the upper bound solution so that a more accurate solution is obtained for
narrower ranges.
In this work, the Limit Analysis method solutions proposed for the tunnel face stability
problem are upper bound solutions. However, although the upper bound theorem is
used, the direction of the support pressure is opposite to the velocity of the collapse
mechanism so that the obtained critical support pressure is a lower bound of the actual
limit load. Therefore, a collapse mechanism that provides a higher value of the collapse
In this thesis, a Limit Analysis failure mechanism that considers the free span in a 2D
improves the previous solution by Senent and Jimenez (2017). The new mechanism is
formed by one rotational block ahead of the tunnel face and two translational blocks
(one above the free span and the other connecting the other two blocks). The details
about the failure geometry and formulation of this mechanism are presented in Section
The second Limit Analysis mechanism employed introduces the reinforcement effect
of a forepole umbrella into the Limit Analysis framework. The work of the resistant
forces (i.e., axial force, shear force and bending moment) applied by the forepole
element is integrated into the formulation to study the effect of reinforcement on the
stability of the tunnel face. The new formulations are explained in detail in Section 4.2.
2. Methodology
The third Limit Analysis mechanism is used to analyze the effect of drainage on tunnel
face stability. The contribution of drainage boreholes is incorporated into the rotational
seepage forces on the stability of the tunnel face according to Pan and Dias (2016). The
All of these analytical mechanisms are implemented in Matlab (The MathWorks, 2012)
mechanism that considers the free span proposed by Zhang et al. (2018) is also used for
comparison with the proposed methodology. The mechanism by Zhang et al. (2018)
consists of a trapezoid (or triangular) shear sliding block above the tunnel crown, and
of a block sliding along a spiral shear line ahead of the tunnel face (see Figure 2.1).
Figure 2.1. Limit analysis failure mechanism for tunnels with a free span (after
Zhang et al., 2018)
As indicated by Chen et al. (2015), the Limit Equilibrium method is often used in
tunneling due to its simplicity. The Limit Equilibrium method obtains an approximate
2. Methodology
solution of the factor of safety, by assuming a failure mechanism and balancing the
driving and resistant forces. It often involves searching for the critical failure surface,
shares some aspects with the upper bound solutions of Limit Analysis, it does not meet
the precise requirements of the upper bound theorem, and therefore the obtained result
In this thesis, the tunnel face limit equilibrium mechanism published by Zingg (2016)
for tunnels under the water table is adopted to compare its results with the results of the
comprises a wedge at the tunnel face, and an overlying prism reaching the ground
surface, as shown in Figure 2.2. The geometry of the mechanism depends on the angle
ω that defines the geometry of the lower wedge, so that the critical failure geometry is
Figure 2.2. Limit Equilibrium failure mechanism for tunnels under the water
table (after Zingg, 2016)
2. Methodology
In this thesis, two numerical approaches are employed: (i) the Finite Element Limit
implemented in FLAC3D.
OptumG2 is a geotechnical analysis software that applies the Finite Element Limit
Analysis Method (OptumCE, 2019). In this thesis, it is used for two main goals: (i)
validation of the new Limit Analysis failure mechanism that considers the free span
(see details in Section 3.3); and (ii) estimation of the thickness of the continuous
Section 4.3).
problems, with the advantage with respect to other analytical Limit Analysis
approaches that stress fields and failure geometries are “optimized” due to the use of a
finite element formulation. This code implements the finite element formulation of the
limit theorems of classical plasticity, as described in Sloan (1988, 1989), Lyamin and
Sloan (2002a, 2002b). OptumG2 provides “narrow” upper bound and lower bound limit
analysis solutions, and it is used as a convenient tool to obtain the critical tunnel face
pressure. Furthermore, the failure geometry can be obtained from the shear dissipation
distribution and compared to the analytical Limit Analysis mechanism. (The shear
dissipation contour also allows one to measure the thickness of the continuous
deformation zone, which is required to compute the ultimate load of the forepole
2. Methodology
geotechnical modeling (plastic collapse, flow, etc.), due to its availability of soil
constitutive models and its good modeling performance. In this work, FLAC3D is used:
(i) to obtain pore water pressure distributions under steady-state conditions (see Section
5.3); (ii) to compute tunnel face collapse pressures and failure geometries to validate
the Limit Analysis results in tunnels under the water table (see Section 5.4); (iii) to
compute pore water pressures under transient conditions, and to compute settlements
with a coupled analysis that considers the face pressure (see Sections 6.4 and 6.5).
Three important aspects of FLAC3D modeling as applied in this thesis, are discussed in
The 3D Limit Analysis mechanism to study the influence of advance drainage in tunnels
under the water table requires pore water pressure distributions along the failure region.
FLAC3D provides the pore water pressure distributions associated with seepage flow
water pressures at the excavation face are fixed to be zero and a fast water recharge is
2. Methodology
FLAC3D cannot directly provide the critical support pressure of the tunnel face. The
improved bisection method, proposed by Mollon et al. (2009a), has been adopted to
compute the critical pressure in the numerical model, as schematically shown in Figure
2.3 (see also the FLAC3D codes in Appendix C- Modelo_V02.dat and Intervalo.dat).
The computation starts with two reasonable initial face pressures Pinf and Psup,
corresponding respectively to pressures for which the tunnel face is unstable and stable.
Next, the stability of the face is computed assuming the mean value (P= (Pinf + Psup)/2).
If the tunnel face is unstable (i.e., the unbalanced mechanical-force ratio Runbal is bigger
than a prescribed reference value Rref), Pinf is replaced by such mean value; otherwise,
Psup is replaced. By repeating the computation until a specific accuracy ε is reached, the
Figure 2.3. Flow chart of the bisection method in FLAC3D to compute the critical
support pressure
2. Methodology
Similar to OptumG2, the failure mechanism ahead of the tunnel face is estimated from
used to validate the critical failure geometry obtained by the Limit Analysis mechanism.
the interactions between pore water pressures and soil behavior and deformation, an
“only flow” analysis under transient conditions is not acceptable. To analyze the tunnel
face stability in this situation, the FLAC3D numerical model must employ the “fluid-
solid coupled” mode, in which the flow is simulated in parallel to the mechanical
calculations. Such fluid-solid interaction implies that pore pressure changes cause
Figure 2.4 illustrates the three stages of such analysis: stress initialization, tunnel
excavation and fluid-solid coupled analysis. Different from the simulation under
steady-state conditions, the seepage boundary condition at the tunnel face under
“no-flow” boundary if it has negative pore pressures (pw<0, qw=0), and a “seepage face”
otherwise (pw=0, qw>0) (see also Anagnostou et al., 2016). With this mixed boundary
condition, the simulation can be carried out to analyze the behavior of the excavation,
The critical support pressure under transient conditions cannot be obtained with the
bisection method as it was done under steady-state conditions, due to the high
computational cost of the required simulations. Under transient conditions, the stability
of a tunnel face is assessed according to the time (called the stand-up time) during which
2. Methodology
the tunnel face is stable, before the acceleration of displacements associated with failure.
Consequently, the critical support pressure corresponds to the pressure for which the
stand-up time tends to infinity. Therefore, the FLAC3D model is run (under the fluid-
solid coupled mode and for a set of applied face support pressures), and the critical
pressure is estimated based on the relationship between the applied support pressure
Figure 2.4. Process for fluid-solid coupled analysis in FLAC3D to study the time-
dependent behaviors of tunnel face stability
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
3.1 Introduction
The excavated tunnel face together with the free span greatly impact the tunneling
construction safety. HSE (1996) summarized the heading failure mechanisms through
real-life experiences in London clay. Figure 3.1 presents four of them, for which the
tunnel cover is sufficient so that the failure does not reach the surface. This figure also
shows that the free span is an important factor that affects the heading failure
mechanism. Similarly, Standing and Burland (2006) indicated that the unsupported
length has a great influence on the volume losses and, accordingly, on the required
support pressure to be applied on the tunnel face to control its movements. Despite the
above, most research on the stability of the tunnel face considers a completed unlined
tunnel (i.e., an infinite free span; see e.g., Davis et al., 1980), or a completely lined
tunnel (i.e., with a null free span; see e.g., Leca and Dormiuex, 1990).
This chapter investigates the effects of the free span on the tunnel face stability
(assuming that the mechanism does not outcrop at the ground surface) in terms of (i)
the collapse pressure; and (ii) the failure geometry ahead of the tunnel face and over the
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
free span. From the description of the problem setup (Section 3.2.1), a new failure
mechanism for tunnel faces with a free span is proposed in the framework of the Limit
Analysis method (Section 3.2.2) and its formulation is described in detail (Section
3.2.3). To validate the new analytical mechanism, a numerical model is used to compare
the face collapse pressure and the failure geometry obtained from both approaches in a
a) b)
c) d)
Figure 3.1. Four heading failure mechanisms with free span in NATM a) bench
failures; b) crown failures; c) full-face failures d) local face failures (HSE, 1996)
defined by its cohesion (c), friction angle (φ) and unit weight (γ), is considered. Note,
of the excavation; but interesting outcomes can be obtained from this type of analyses
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
(e.g., Mollon et al. 2011b), and it could be particularly useful for other underground
works, such as long-wall mining (e.g., Yan et al., 2020). Figure 3.2 illustrates more
details of an analyzed tunnel: the length of unsupported excavation (or free span) is L
and a uniform support pressure σT is applied on both the tunnel face and on the free
span. Nonetheless, the case with an unsupported free span is also considered in the
Figure 3.2. Problem setup for studying the stability of a tunnel with free span
Figure 3.3 shows the proposed Limit Analysis mechanism to study the stability of the
tunnel face considering the free span. It is formed by three non-deformable blocks: (i)
a translational triangular block above the free span (Block 1); a rotational block ahead
of the tunnel face (Block 2); and a translational block above them that closes the
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
Figure 3.3. Outline of the proposed Limit Analysis mechanism to compute tunnel
face stability considering the free span
The failure of the material above the free span is analogous to the failure mechanism in
the trapdoor problem (Terzaghi, 1936), so that Block 1 is similar to the mechanism
proposed by Evans (1984) for this experiment. In this thesis, because of the boundary
conditions –i.e., the tunnel face–, an asymmetrical triangular block (Block 1), with a
angle φ with the vertical to fulfill the Limit Analysis hypothesis of associated flow.
Another parameter, β1, is introduced to define its internal boundary with Block 3. This
simplifies the mechanism originally proposed by Senent and Jimenez (2017), in which
a symmetrical triangular block was used, hence requiring one more block on its side.
The proposed asymmetrical block eliminates the need for such additional block, so that
the mechanism becomes simpler, and its results are more similar to numerical and
experimental results (see e.g., Costa et al., 2007; Lee and Schubert, 2008). Block 2
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
suffers a rotational movement, with angular velocity ω2, around a center O2 whose
position is defined by two variables (βE, RE). Its geometry is similar to the 2D rotational
mechanism proposed by Mollon et al. (2011b), which has been shown to outperform
other translational mechanisms, both in the computed collapse pressure and in the
failure geometry. In this case, the lower boundary of Block 2 (curve BF) is a logarithmic
spiral of parameter φ that starts in the lower corner of the excavation (Point B); its upper
considering the velocity of Block 3. The position of this internal boundary between
Blocks 2 and 3 is determined by a new parameter (α1) that defines its inclination in
the tunnel face, that forms an angle 𝛼 with the horizontal. The angle in the upper corner
βE, RE, α1, α2). Given that the proposed analytical solution is an upper bound Limit
Analysis solution, and that the face pressure acts against the movement of the
(Chen, 1975).
Two coordinate systems are employed to produce the mechanism: (i) a Cartesian
system (Y, Z) with origin in Point A; and (ii) a polar system (R, β) with origin in O2 –
i.e., in the center of rotation of Block 2–. Since the location of O2 is defined by
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
𝑌 = 𝑅 ∙ cos(𝛽 ) − (3.1)
𝑍 = −𝑅 · sin (𝛽 ) (3.2)
The proposed free span mechanism comprises three blocks. Hence, it is necessary to
define the relative velocities between blocks, in such a way that all terms in the energy
balance equations are expressed as a function of a unique velocity that could be later
removed from the equations. The relative velocity between Blocks 1 and 3 (V13) must
form an angle with their interface (line AD) equal to the friction angle. Since the
interface orientation is defined by the angle β1, velocities V3 and V13 can be calculated
( )
𝑉 = ( )
∙𝑉 (3.3)
𝑉 = ∙𝑉 (3.4)
( )
associated flow rule in the initial point of the interface between Blocks 2 and 3 (Point
A). Since, at Point A, the interface forms an angle α1 with the horizontal, and the
( )
𝜔 = ( )
· (3.5)
𝑅 = 𝑍 +𝑌 (3.6)
𝛽 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛 (− ) (3.7)
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
The boundaries of Block 2 are not straight lines, and they must be computed first to
obtain Point F (see Figure 3.3). The logarithmic spiral emerging from point B can be
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
The interface AF is generated point by point starting from Point A and, discretizing it
in segments of length s, following the process shown in Figure 3.4(c). For each point
𝑉 ,⃗̇ = (𝑦 − 𝑌 , 𝑧 − 𝑍 ) ∙ 𝜔 (3.9)
Since the relative velocity between Blocks 2 and 3 in Point 𝑃 is 𝑉 ,⃗̇ = 𝑉 ,⃗̇ − 𝑉⃗, and
since this velocity must form in Point Pi an angle with the interface equal to φ, the unit
vector of the next segment (of length s) of the interface is obtained rotating an angle φ
Hence, the next point of the interface (Pi+1) can be computed as:
𝑃 ̇ 𝑂 ⃗ = 𝑃 ̇ 𝑂 ⃗ − 𝑢⃗̇ ∙ 𝑠 (3.11)
Finally, Point F (βF, RF in polar coordinates) can be computed as the intersection of the
The remaining boundaries of the mechanism are straight lines, and they are easy to
obtain. Starting from the coordinates of Point C (-L,0), Point D can be obtained as the
intersection of two straight lines, the first emerging from Point C, with an inclination
of (π/2-φ), and the second from Point A, with an inclination of β1. Then, the coordinates
of Point D are:
𝑌 = −𝑍 · tan(𝛽 ) (3.12)
𝑍 = ·
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
Similarly, the coordinates of Point G can be obtained as the intersection of two straight
lines emerging (i) from Point D, with an inclination of (α2-φ), and (ii) from Point F,
( )· ( )·
𝑌 = ( ) ( )
𝑍 = 𝑍 + cot(𝛼 − 𝜑) · (𝑌 − 𝑌 ) (3.15)
Once all the internal and external boundaries of the mechanism have been obtained, it
is possible to compute the area of each block and the length of each boundary, and to
formulate the Limit Analysis energy balance needed to compute the collapse pressure.
The external forces applied on the failure mechanism comprise the soil weight, and the
support force applied on the tunnel face and on the free span. It is assumed that the
mechanism never outcrops at the surface, so that the ground surcharge is not considered
in the formulation.
where Si (i=1,2,3) is the area of Block i and, βK and RK are the polar coordinates of the
barycenter of Block 2.
𝑊 = ∬ 𝜎 ⃗ · 𝑣⃗ · 𝑑𝑆 = −𝜎 · (𝐿 ∙ 𝑉 + 𝑅 ∙ 𝜔 ∙ 𝐻 ∙ cos𝛽 ) (3.17)
Finally, the rate of the internal energy dissipated in the proposed mechanism is due to
the plasticity work that occurs along the internal and external velocity discontinuities:
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
𝑊 = −𝑐 · cos𝜑 · (𝑙 ·𝑉 +𝑙 ·𝑉 +∑ 𝑇 ̇𝑇 ̇ ⃗ · 𝑅 · 𝜔 + ∑ 𝑃 ̇𝑃 ̇ ⃗ ·
𝑉 , +𝑙 ·𝑉 +𝑙 ·𝑉 ) (3.18)
where lij represents the length between the points i and j in the boundary of the
mechanism (see Figure 3.3), and Ti (i=1…N) and Pi (i=1…M) are the points in which curves
By equating the work rate of the external forces to the rate of internal dissipated energy,
𝑙 ·𝑉 +∑ 𝑇 ̇𝑇 ̇ ⃗ · 𝑅 · 𝜔 + ∑ 𝑃 ̇𝑃 ̇ ⃗ · 𝑉 , +𝑙 ·𝑉 +𝑙 · 𝑉 ) /(𝐿 ∙
𝑉 + 𝑅 ∙ 𝜔 ∙ 𝐻 ∙ cos𝛽 ) (3.19)
As previously pointed out, this expression must be maximized in relation to the five
variables that define the mechanism (β1, βE, RE, α1, α2).
In this section, the main results of the proposed mechanism –the value of the collapse
pressure and the failure geometry– are compared to the results of a numerical simulation
conducted with the two-dimensional Finite Element Limit Analysis code OptumG2
(OptumCE, 2019).
for the validation of the proposed mechanism. (L=0 corresponds to a completely lined
tunnel, and it is used as a control case). Table 3.1 lists the 36 test cases used in the
numerical validation. Two different friction angles (30° and 35°) and three different
cohesions (5, 15 and 25kPa) are used. All the cases have the same unit weight
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
(γ=20kN/m3) and the same overburden (C=5D), which has been chosen to avoid that
Figure 3.5 illustrates the model used to validate the analytical solution numerically. The
excavation is 10m high and the overburden is 50m. The dimensions of the model are
70m×80m, and the length of the model ahead of the tunnel face is 50m. The boundary
conditions are given by fixed displacements at the boundaries of the model, i.e., at its
lateral perimeter and at its base, as shown in Figure 3.5. Similarly, the tunnel support
has not been included and displacements at the tunnel excavation boundary have been
fixed except in the free span. (“Limit Analysis” has been selected as Analysis Type in
OptumG2. Similarly, the Element Type has been configured as “Upper” and “Lower”;
since the face pressure acts against the movement of the mechanism, this makes
OptumG2 compute, respectively, lower and upper bounds of the collapse pressure).
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
3.3.3 Results
Table 3.1 and Figure 3.6 list the collapse pressures obtained with the proposed
mechanism and with the numerical model. As it can be observed, the results are very
similar, in all cases with differences lower than 7.4kPa. Note also that the differences
are higher for the lower friction angle (i.e., for φ=30°) and that they are almost
independent of the cohesion. For the higher friction angle (φ=35°), the differences are
lower than 3.5kPa comparing to the results of the lower bound analysis, and lower than
Figure 3.6. Comparison of collapse face pressures computed with the proposed
mechanism and with the numerical model
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
Table 3.1. Test cases for the numerical validation of the proposed Limit Analysis mechanism
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
Similarly, Figure 3.7 compares the collapse geometries obtained with the analytical
solution and with the numerical model. (Failure mechanisms in the OptumG2 model
have been estimated considering the distribution of shear dissipation.) As it can be seen,
the failure geometry obtained with the proposed mechanism captures the shape of the
failure given by the numerical model ahead of the tunnel face and above the free span.
Moreover, the failure surfaces in the numerical model define, approximately, the three
blocks that compose the analytical solution; thereby, the new mechanism is an
improvement over the four blocks mechanism proposed in Senent and Jimenez (2017).
Despite the above, the mechanism in the transition zone (Block 3) seems to be
excessively sharp compared with the results of the numerical simulation. In general,
predictions of the failure mechanism geometry improve for cases with higher soil
These results suggest that the proposed Limit Analysis mechanism can be used to
predict the collapse pressure and the failure geometry of tunnel faces considering their
free span, especially for tunnels in materials with higher friction angles (i.e., φ≥35°).
Therefore, such a mechanism is employed next to further explore the influence of the
As shown in Figure 3.8, the free span affects the collapse pressure of the tunnel face.
As expected, the collapse pressure increases with the free span. Moreover, a larger free
span can cause the instability of a tunnel face that would be otherwise stable for shorter
free spans; this is illustrated by the case with c=25kPa and φ=30°, in which the face is
not self-stable for L larger than about 1m. (When the collapse pressure is null, the face
is self-stable, and it is not necessary to support it). However, the effect of the free span
is less relevant than the effect of the soil strength: a reduction in the friction angle from
35° to 30° produces, for the case of c=5kPa, an increase of the collapse pressure of
around 40%; whereas its increase due to a larger free span, from 0 to 3m, is less than
13%. These results are coherent with Vermeer et al. (2002), who obtained that there is
almost no effect of the free span for frictional materials and L/D ratios lower than 0.3.
Conversely, Anagnostou and Perazzelli (2013) show a higher effect of the free span,
even for lower L/D ratios. One reason for such different results could be that, in this
work and in Vermeer et al. (2002) the support pressure is applied both on the face and
on the free span; whereas Anagnostou and Perazzelli (2013) apply support only on the
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
Figure 3.8. Collapse pressure vs length of the free span for different strength
Therefore, the proposed mechanism has also been employed to compute the collapse
pressure without considering any support applied on the free span. (Note that the
formulation presented in Section 3.2.3 continues to be valid, after removing the first
term between parentheses in Equation (3.17)). Figure 3.9 shows the results of this
analysis for the same Test Cases used in Section 3.3.1 (see Table 3.1). As shown in
Figure 3.9, the increase of the collapse pressure with L is noticeably higher for
unsupported free spans, especially for cases with lower strength parameters or, more
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
Figure 3.9. Collapse pressure vs free span length for different values of cohesion
considering a supported and an unsupported free span: a) φ=30°; b) φ=35°
Figure 3.9 shows some cases for which the collapse pressure cannot be calculated with
the proposed mechanism (i.e., with an unsupported span (and L>1m), for c=5kPa (φ=30°
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
and 35°)). The reason is that the free span, when no pressure is applied, is unstable, no
matter how much pressure is applied on the tunnel face. Consequently, a maximum
length of the free span can be defined (LMAX), above which the free span is unstable if
no pressure is applied on it. Anagnostou and Perazzelli (2013), based on the silo theory,
proposed Equation (3.20) to calculate LMAX depending on cohesion (c), soil weight (γ)
and excavation width (B); Equation (3.20) can be reduced to Equation (3.21) if an
𝐿 = (3.20)
𝐿 = (3.21)
Figure 3.10 plots the LMAX results computed with Equation (3.21) for a soil weight of
γ=20kN/m3 and compares them with the LMAX obtained with the proposed Limit
Analysis mechanism. As can be seen, the new analytical solution divided by two the
cohesion needed to keep the free span stable. This result, as expressed in Equation
(3.22), can be also derived from the Limit Analysis upper bound solution proposed by
Evans (1984) for a trapdoor problem of width L (Equation (3.23)), if a null pressure is
supposed (σT=0). The difference between both methodologies (Equations (3.21) and
(3.22)) is probably due to the associated flow rule hypothesis assumed in Limit Analysis.
𝐿 = (3.22)
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
Figure 3.7 also shows the effect of the free span on the collapse geometry. (In addition,
it shows that lower friction angles typically tend to produce larger mechanisms, and
that there is an almost negligible effect of cohesion on the failure geometry.) For
different free span lengths, the main variation occurs in the zone above the tunnel, as
the geometry of the mechanism ahead of the tunnel face remains almost equal. To
illustrate the influence of the free span better, Figure 3.11 directly compares the failure
mechanisms obtained with the proposed mechanism for the Test Cases used in Section
3.3.1 (see Table 3.1). Obviously, the failure always covers the free span completely,
but two other effects can be appreciated: first, the failure mechanism extends further
upwards as the free span length increases (this can be expected, because Block 3 is
triangular with a constant upper angle (2φ) and, for larger free spans, its base is bigger);
and, second, the velocity vector of Block 3 becomes slightly more horizontal for larger
free spans –i.e., angle α2 of the translational velocity of Block 3 (V3) reduces–.
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
Figure 3.11. Variation of the failure geometry depending on the free span
(L=1,2,3): a) φ=30°, c=5kPa; b) φ=30°, c=15kPa; c) φ=35°, c=5kPa; d) φ=35°,
As previously mentioned, Zhang et al. (2018) studied the effect of the free span on the
stability of the tunnel face using a Limit Analysis mechanism. Figure 3.12 compares
the collapse pressures computed (i) with the mechanism proposed by Zhang et al.
(2018), (ii) with our mechanism, and (iii) with a numerical simulation in OptumG2
(Upper Bound Analysis) as a function of the free span. Results are computed for two
values of the friction angle: φ=20° (Figure 3.12(a); see Fig.14 of Zhang et al., 2018);
and φ=40° (Figure 3.12(b)). (Zhang et al. (2018) considered different values of
pressures being applied on the tunnel face and on the free span: for the results in Figure
3.12(a), the pressure on the free span is constant and equal to 50kPa; whereas in Figure
3.12(b) the pressures on both the free span and on the tunnel face are equal). Results
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
show that trends computed with both models are similar (i.e., there is an increase of the
collapse pressure with the free span), but our mechanism provides higher critical
pressures than those computed with the mechanism proposed by Zhang et al. (2018).
Consequently, since both are upper bound limit analysis solutions, our mechanism
improves this previous mechanism that also considers the free span.
Figure 3.12. Collapse pressures computed, as a function of the free span, with (i)
the proposed mechanism, (ii) the Limit Analysis methodology presented by
Zhang et al. (2018), and (iii) an Upper Bound Analysis in OptumG2. (D=10m;
c=5kPa; γ=18kN/m3): a) φ=20° (the pressure applied on the free span is constant
and equal to 50kPa); b) φ=40° (the pressures applied on the free span and on the
tunnel face are equal)
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
Figure 3.12 also shows that, for a friction angle equal to 20° (i.e., significantly lower
than 35°), the results of our mechanism are noticeably lower than those computed with
the numerical model; in contrast, both approaches provide very similar collapse
pressures for the case with higher friction angle (40°), hence suggesting that the
proposed analytical solution can be used to accurately predict the collapse pressure of
tunnel faces with a free span in materials with higher friction angles (i.e., φ≥35°).
3.5 Conclusions
In this chapter, a simplified 2D Limit Analysis mechanism, based on the one employed
by Senent and Jimenez (2017), is proposed to study the face stability of tunnels
is that it considers the influence of the free span (or the length of the tunnel without
support); it also provides more similar results to the numerical simulations and to the
experimental tests.
The mechanism is formed by three non-deformable blocks (two translational and one
rotational) in such a way that the interface between one of the translational blocks and
the rotational block is obtained by an iterative process that assures that the associated
Results of the proposed mechanism are compared with results of a numerical model
built with the Finite Element Limit Analysis code OptumG2, showing that the proposed
analytical solution can be employed to reasonably predict (i) the value of the collapse
pressure, and (ii) the collapse geometry, for tunnels in materials with higher friction
3. Tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span
Results confirm the expected effect of the free span on the collapse pressure, as larger
free spans entail higher collapse pressures. However, the influence of the free span is
also shown to significantly depend on the assumption about how the support pressure
is applied, as the behavior can change significantly when (a) the support pressure is
applied only on the tunnel face but not on the free span, as opposed to (b) when the
support pressure is applied both on the tunnel face and on the free span.
The tunnel face can be self-stable up to a maximum free span length LMAX, above which
failure cannot be avoided no matter how much support pressure is applied on the tunnel
face. LMAX mainly depends on the soil properties: cohesion and unit weight. Moreover,
for a given set of soil properties, the Limit Analysis method provides the maximum
The failure geometry varies with the length of the free span, so that the free span length
mainly affects the failure geometry above the tunnel crown, as higher and more
horizontal mechanisms are produced for larger free spans. However, the influence of
the free span on the geometry of the rotational block that develops ahead of the tunnel
face is almost negligible, and results have shown that changes of this block are mainly
due to the well-known variation of the shape of the rotational failure surfaces that occur
associated to changes of the ground friction angle (see e.g., Mollon et al. 2011a).
4. Effect of a forepole umbrella on the stability of the tunnel face
4.1 Introduction
The unsupported advance length (i.e., the free span) can vary from half a meter to
state), the system of excavation, and the support measures employed to stabilize the
excavation (Lunardi, 2008). For tunneling in soft grounds, the forepole umbrella
sometimes by grout injected via pre-perforated steel pipes (Le et al., 2015). FHA (2009)
stated that the forepole umbrella is a common measure in NATM for cohesive grounds
but is considered to be infeasible for sandy grounds. Figure 4.1 illustrates an example
series of “beams” that rest on the rib steel sets and on the ground, that help preserve the
integrity of the advance core during tunneling construction. However, the size and
quantity of steel pipes chosen for a particular tunnel usually were based on empirical
guidelines, or the contribution of the forepole umbrella on the stability is simply not
4. Effect of a forepole umbrella on the stability of the tunnel face
defined (Takeuchi et al. 1999). Consequently, more studies are needed to enable
a) b)
Chapter 4 aims to improve our understanding of the influence of the forepole umbrella
required for the formulation proposed in Section 3.2, considering two failure modes of
the forepole umbrella. Then, in Section 4.3 the effect of the umbrella on tunnel face
stability is studied, considering both the collapse pressure and the failure geometry.
Introducing the effects of a forepole umbrella into a Limit Analysis upper bound
solution is not straightforward, since the failure mode of the umbrella must be defined
in advance, so that its contribution to the work equation can be computed. Unlike nail
reinforcements that work by axial force only, and that can fail by tension or by pull-out
4. Effect of a forepole umbrella on the stability of the tunnel face
from the soil (Michalowski, 2005), forepole umbrellas typically resist forces
perpendicular to its axis, and they, therefore, work by shear and by bending –i.e., like a
beam–. A similar problem can be found in slope stability analyses considering anti-
slide piles (e.g., Rao et al., 2017); however, in that case, the vertical piles receive
horizontal forces that depend on displacements (e.g., Winkler model), whereas in the
tunnel face stability problem the support element is subhorizontal and receives the
weight of the ground over it. Pinyol and Alonso (2011), for undrained soils, stated that
the micropiles forming the umbrella are characterized by a limiting (yielding) bending
moment, and that the soil reacts against the micropile with a force per meter of
micropile given by 9cud (Broms, 1964), where cu is the undrained strength of the soil
and d the diameter of the micropile. In Pinyol and Alonso (2013) the micropile is
its tensile strength is reached, and considering no contribution of the bending moment
In this work, the methodology proposed by De Buhan and Salençon (1993) for slopes
is used to study the effect of a forepole umbrella on the face stability of tunnels
(i) The structural element would fail at the velocity jump surface defined by the Limit
Analysis mechanism (Figure 4.2(a)), and the maximum resistance energy produced
where 𝑉⃗ is the velocity of the neutral axis of the structural element at the velocity
jump surface (see Figure 4.2(a)); N0 and V0 are the ultimate axial and shear forces
4. Effect of a forepole umbrella on the stability of the tunnel face
of the umbrella; and α is the angle between the failure surface and the cross-section
(ii) The structural element would fail after being affected by a continuous deformation
zone with a certain thickness (δ). Two plastic hinges are produced in the
reinforcement (Figure 4.2(b)) and its maximum resistance energy can be expressed
Figure 4.2. Failure modes considered for the forepole umbrella (modified from
De Buhan and Salençon, 1993)
4. Effect of a forepole umbrella on the stability of the tunnel face
The collapse pressure of the tunnel face considering the effects of the forepole umbrella
can be computed incorporating Equation (4.1) or (4.2) into the work equation (Equation
(3.19)). As explained later, the forepole umbrella modifies the mechanism in such a
way that the velocity of Block 3 becomes vertical (α2=90°). Therefore, the interface
between Blocks 1 and 3 disappears and the resistance energy due to the forepole
umbrella only affects interfaces CD and FG (see Figure 3.3). Moreover, φ-α=η (the
angle of the umbrella with the horizontal, see Figure 4.2) and, considering the small
inclination with which umbrellas are usually installed (typically between 0 and 15°),
the contribution of the axial resistance is neglected in Equations (4.1) and (4.2).
Umbrellas vary greatly in stiffness, costs and installation times (Oke et al., 2014).
Typically, umbrellas are divided into (i) light umbrellas, which consist of steel bars of
relatively small diameter (25-50mm) and a length shorter than the tunnel height; and
(ii) heavy umbrellas, formed by micropiles –i.e., steel pipes (usually of diameter 70-
150mm and wall thickness 6–15mm) filled with grout and with a length of around 20-
25m–. In this analysis, different reinforcements are considered, from a light umbrella
with 139.7 mm external diameter (de), 14.2mm thickness and spaced 0.3 m. Because of
the 2D consideration in the whole analysis, the forepole umbrella structural unit is
adopted. Table 4.1 summarizes the geometry, weight, and ultimate loads of the
umbrellas considered. (Diameters and thickness have been selected from a commercial
loads (N0, M0, V0) have been computed according to the Spanish Recommendations for
4. Effect of a forepole umbrella on the stability of the tunnel face
coefficients or safety factors and considering a yield strength (fy) of the steel of 355MPa;
Equation (4.3)). In all cases, a 20m long umbrella is supposed. (Note that, although this
is an excessive length for light umbrellas, this allows us to compare results for
possible failure block). The umbrella is assumed to have been installed in the previous
excavation cycle –i.e., the initial point of the umbrella is located at a distance of 2L
from the tunnel face– and with an inclination angle of 5° (see Figure 4.3).
𝑁 =𝐴 ·𝑓 · .
;𝑀 = · 𝑓 ;𝑉 = ·√
·𝑓 (4.3)
Figure 4.3. Outline of the analyzed case to study the effect of the forepole
umbrella on the stability of the tunnel face
To carry on this analysis, three specific cases from Chapter 3 with different free span
lengths are chosen, in particular, Case 24 (φ=35°; c=5kPa; L=3m), Case 23 (φ=35°;
c=5kPa; L=2m) and Case 27 (φ=35°; c=15kPa; L=1m); their support pressures without
4. Effect of a forepole umbrella on the stability of the tunnel face
For each case, the umbrellas defined in Table 4.1 are introduced into the numerical
model described in Section 3.2, and the corresponding collapse pressures are computed.
(For simplicity, in this analysis only lower bound values of the collapse pressure –
corresponding to upper bound analyses– have been computed). To model the umbrella
in OptumG2, a “plate” structural element is used, which “in plane strain is equivalent to
4. Effect of a forepole umbrella on the stability of the tunnel face
Figure 4.4 shows the collapse pressures obtained, as a function of the ultimate bending
a failure mechanism that develops below the umbrella (see Figure 4.6(c)). For
comparison, Figure 4.4 also shows the results computed with the proposed Limit
Analysis mechanism, and incorporating the effect of the umbrella according to the two
failure modes described previously. For the first failure mode (Figure 4.2(a); i.e., a
‘sharp’ failure by axial and shear forces at the velocity jump surface; see Mechanism I
in Figure 4.4), a fast decrease of the collapse pressure towards such minimum value
For the second failure mode (Figure 4.2(b); i.e., failure by bending moment), results
depend on the thickness (δ) of the continuous deformation zone. Figure 4.4 plots the
results obtained for several hypotheses. The first one (Mechanism II - δBS in Figure 4.4)
comes from the following expression suggested by De Buhan and Salençon (1993):
𝜇= 𝑑/𝛿 (4.4)
for μ is 1/10 (De Buhan and Salençon, 1993), so, since the forepole diameters range
from 25 to 140mm, δ varies between 0.1 and 0.6 m. The second one (Mechanism II –
δNM in Figure 4.4) is obtained after approximating the thickness of the failure zone
ahead of the tunnel face in the numerical model (see Figure 4.5) (values of 1.42, 1.36
and 1.25 m are considered for Cases 24, 23 and 27, respectively; see Table 3.1). A wider
thickness δ produces a smaller rotation at the hinges that develop within the structural
4. Effect of a forepole umbrella on the stability of the tunnel face
element (see Figure 4.2(b)), hence mobilizing less resistance energy, and, consequently,
requiring higher support pressures to maintain the stability of the tunnel face.
When a continuous deformation band is considered, the reduction is more gradual than
when a ‘sharp’ velocity jump surface is assumed, although the obtained results are still
lower than those computed with the numerical model. In both cases, the minimum
values, for heavier umbrellas, correspond to the minimum values obtained with the
numerical model.
Results in Figure 4.4 discussed so far suggest that the failure modes displayed in Figure
4.2 are not completely accurate and may predict unsafe results. Differences may be
caused by the behavior supposed in the analytical solution that, considering the results
of the numerical model, seems imprecise. In the numerical model, the umbrella works
as a fixed-ended beam, with a length larger than the width of the mechanism, and
developing plastic zones at the fixed ends and center of the structural element. But the
proposed analytical model does not exactly reproduce this behavior: the first failure
model (by shear) mobilizes too much energy, hence providing low estimations even for
the lightest umbrella; and the second failure mode (by bending) develops four plastic
hinges (two at each of the two external boundaries of the mechanism crossed by it). (As
such a way that the interface between Blocks 1 and 3 disappears, so that the structural
4. Effect of a forepole umbrella on the stability of the tunnel face
4. Effect of a forepole umbrella on the stability of the tunnel face
Notwithstanding the above, the value of δ can be adjusted to reproduce the results of
the numerical simulation. Figure 4.4 shows the collapse pressures computed with the
proposed mechanism, considering values for δ equal to 3.2 times the thickness of the
failure zone observed in the numerical model (δ=3.2·(δNM)) (i.e., values of 4.54, 4.35
and 4.00m for Cases 24, 23 and 27 respectively; see Mechanism II - 3.2·(δNM) in Figure
4.4). It can be observed that the agreement with the numerical results is excellent.
Therefore, it seems possible to estimate the effect of the forepole umbrella employing
the second failure mode from De Buhan and Salençon (1993) (Figure 4.2(b); failure by
bending moment) and a thickness of the continuous deformation zone equal to 3.2·(δNM).
(Note that this methodology is not a rigorous upper bound solution, so higher values
But note that the methodology just described requires an estimation of δNM, which is a
result from the numerical model. And the methodology would be useless if it requires
conducting numerical analyses that provide the collapse pressure result that one is
aiming to obtain. Therefore, a simple method to estimate δNM easily is required to make
the methodology useful in practice. To that end, the δNM values from the 36 validation
Tests Cases of Section 3.3.1 (Table 3.1) were employed, but considering three different
tunnel excavation height values (8, 10 and 12 m), to fit an equation that estimates δNM
as a function of the soil strength parameters (φ and c) and of the geometry of the tunnel
(H and L). Based on our fitting trials, the following equation is proposed.
( [ ]) . ·( [ ]) .
𝛿 [m] = ( [ ]) . ·( ) .
− 1.92, 𝐿 ≥ 0.5 (4.5)
4. Effect of a forepole umbrella on the stability of the tunnel face
4. Effect of a forepole umbrella on the stability of the tunnel face
Figure 4.5(a) compares the values of δ extracted from the numerical model (δNM) and
the values estimated from Equation (4.5) (𝛿 .( . ) ). The maximum difference is 0.14m;
relatively minor, these predictions are useful. To support this statement, Figure 4.5(b)
plots the values of the collapse pressure computed for the three cases analyzed (i.e.,
cases 24, 23 and 27) with the methodology proposed employing the 𝛿 .( . ) values
estimated with Equation (4.5). As shown, the adjustment between the analytical and the
different diameters and friction angles. As it can be observed, the value of δ reduces
Comparing the displacements of the numerical model and the failure geometries of the
shows the displacement fields in the numerical model for Case 24 for three situations:
(i) without reinforcement (Figure 4.6(a)); (ii) reinforced with a light umbrella (Figure
4.6(b)); and (iii) reinforced with a heavy umbrella (Figure 4.6(c)). (The results of the
proposed Limit Analysis mechanism, employing the failure mode by bending (Figure
4.2(b)) and with a width given by 3.2·(δNM), are superimposed for comparison.) In the
case without reinforcement, the three blocks described in Chapter 3 can be clearly
identified. When the ‘light’ umbrella is introduced (Case 2 in Table 4.1), displacements
above the tunnel become vertical and only one block can be distinguished in this zone.
With the ‘heavy’ umbrella (Case 17 in Table 4.1), the displacements above the
reinforcement are practically negligible, and all the movement is located ahead of the
4. Effect of a forepole umbrella on the stability of the tunnel face
Similar results are obtained with the proposed Limit Analysis mechanism. When the
‘light’ umbrella is introduced into the mechanism, the velocity of Block 3 becomes
vertical –i.e., α≈90°– so that the velocity of Block 3 is equal to the velocity of Block 1
4. Effect of a forepole umbrella on the stability of the tunnel face
and the interface between them disappears. (Because of this, a simpler mechanism
depending on only three variables (βE, RE, α1) can be used, as employed to obtain the
results of Figures 4.4 and 4.5.) For the case with the ‘heavy’ umbrella, the velocity of
Block 2 is much larger than the velocities of Blocks 1 and 3. Consequently, the overall
energy balance is mainly between Block 2 and the support pressure, denoting that the
ground falls below the umbrella. (The minimum collapse pressures shown in Figure 4.4
could also be obtained with a mechanism only composed of one rotational block ahead
4.4 Conclusions
The stability of the tunnel face with a free span is studied considering the reinforcement
the mechanism considering two failure modes proposed by De Buhan and Salençon
The results show that a direct implementation of such two failure modes tends to
overpredict the effect of the umbrella on the support pressure. In addition, the failure
mode considering the bending moment, as compared to the one considering the shear
force, gives better results even though more efforts are needed to obtain the thickness
new methodology has been proposed to compute the value of the collapse pressure more
accurately, and without the need to conduct numerical analyses to estimate the
to be optimized, after finding that the failure geometry changes depending on the
4. Effect of a forepole umbrella on the stability of the tunnel face
amount of support (i.e., three blocks for cases without reinforcement, two blocks for
light forepole umbrellas and just one rotational block for heavy umbrellas).
Results confirm that the proposed mechanism can capture the stability improvement
(i.e., the reduction of the collapse pressure) produced by the umbrella, as well as the
variation of the failure mechanism. Therefore, the proposed limit analysis mechanism
can reproduce the critical failure geometry associated with different amounts of support;
in particular, it can predict a local failure below the support for heavy umbrellas.
Hence, the free span mechanism has been successfully extended to be able to assess the
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
5.1 Introduction
For tunnels excavated under the water table, the stability of the tunnel face is reduced
by the destabilizing effect of the water, which depends on the hydrodynamic conditions
(i.e., steady-state and transient conditions). Consequently, assessing the effect of the
water flow is crucial, so that the advance measures (e.g., support, or drainage) can be
Two main design approaches can be employed for tunnels under the water table:
waterproofing reinforcement (e.g., grouting and freezing) and drainage (e.g., drainage
borehole, pilot tunnel, twin tunnel and drainage curtain). The best choice for a particular
tunnel depends on aspects such as the water table recharge flow rate, hydraulic gradient,
design should probably be selected when environmental restrictions apply, even though
that implies that the tunnel is excavated under hydrostatic pressures (Line a in Figure
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
5.1(a)); or the hydraulic conditions can be modified as a result of construction (Line b),
or even in some cases they should be changed even further (e.g., with drainage
In this Chapter, the stability of the tunnel face under the water table is investigated,
considering steady-state conditions and under the assumption of a fast aquifer recharge.
(Next Chapter 6 analyzes the transient condition). Moreover, drainage boreholes (see
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
Figure 5.1(b)) are considered to study the effect of advance drainage, as they are one of
the most typical measures to reduce the hydraulic head in tunnels under the water table.
Section 5.2 extends the Limit Analysis mechanism proposed by Mollon et al. (2011a)
to analyze the effect of water pressures and (as an original contribution of this thesis)
of advance drainage measures on the stability of the tunnel face. The pore water
considering the presence of drainage boreholes placed at the tunnel face, by numerical
numerical model (Section 5.4). Finally, in Section 5.5, the results of the proposed Limit
Analysis methodology are compared with the results obtained by a Limit Equilibrium
Figure 5.2(a) shows a longitudinal section of the problem analyzed: a circular tunnel
excavated under the water table and with advance drainage boreholes. The tunnel has a
water elevation from the tunnel crown (it also ranges between 20 and 50m) and h0 is
the initial hydraulic head at the tunnel axis. As shown in Figure 5.2(b), we consider two
symmetrically with an angle of 45° from the vertical and with a distance to the center
of the tunnel face r=3.8m, in two different locations: (I) “upper” drainage; and (II)
“lower” drainage.
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
Figure 5.2. Outline of the analyzed problem: a) in the vertical plane of symmetry
of the tunnel; b) in the tunnel face cross-section. (Boreholes layout: (I) “upper”
drainage; (II) “lower” drainage.)
considering the effect of the pore pressure distribution as proposed by Pan and Dias
rotates around a horizontal line perpendicular to the vertical plane of symmetry of the
tunnel (see Figure 5.3(b)). The mechanism is bounded, in this plane of symmetry, by
two log-spirals emerging from the crown and invert of the tunnel face that have the
same center (Point O in Figure 5.3). To generate the 3D failure surface that originates
from the tunnel face and fulfills the associated flow rule, as required by the Limit
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
explained in Mollon et al. (2011a). This technique first discretizes the tunnel perimeter
in a set of Points 𝐴 (see Figure 5.3(a)) and defines a set of radial planes 𝛱 ,
perpendicular to the vertical plane of symmetry, that pass through the center of rotation
of the mechanism (see Figure 5.3(b)). Then, if two points 𝑃 , and 𝑃 , in Plane 𝛱 are
known, a third point 𝑃 , in Plane 𝛱 can be obtained, so that the triangular facet
Limit Analysis (see Figure 5.4). Similarly, 𝐹′ , can be obtained from points 𝑃 , ,
by the set of facets 𝐹 , and 𝐹′ , , an upper bound of the collapse pressure can be
obtained by equating (i) the total rate of work applied to the system by the external
forces and (ii) the rate of energy dissipated in the system due to shear forces developed
by Mohr-Coulomb soils.
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
In the employed mechanism, the external forces comprise the soil weight, 𝑊 ; the
support force applied on the tunnel face, 𝑊 ; and, if the failure mechanism outcrops at
the surface, the ground surcharge, 𝑊 ; additionally, the resultant force due to the
seepage and buoyancy forces, 𝑊 , is considered. The rate of work of the soil weight
(𝑊 ), of the support force applied on the tunnel face (𝑊 ), and of the internal energy
dissipated along the failure surface (𝑊 ) are formulated concisely in Equations (5.1),
(5.2) and (5.3) respectively (more details can be found in Mollon et al., 2011a, and in
𝑊 = ∭ 𝛾⃗ · 𝑣⃗ · 𝑑𝑉 = 𝜔 · 𝛾 ·∑ ∑ 𝑅 , · 𝑉 , · sin 𝛽 , + 𝑅 , ·𝑉 , · sin 𝛽 ,
𝑊 = ∬ 𝜎⃗ · 𝑣⃗ · 𝑑𝑆 = −𝜔 · 𝜎 · ∑ (𝑆 , · 𝑅 , · cos 𝛽 , ) (5.2)
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
defined in Mollon et al. (2011a). In addition, note that the saturated unit weight γsat is
used in this thesis as the collapse mechanisms considered always develop under the
water table. Furthermore, since they never outcrop at the surface, the rate of work due
According to Viratjandr and Michalowski (2006), the rate of work due to the seepage
and buoyancy forces (𝑊 ) can be computed using the pore water pressures; following
𝑊 = − ∭ 𝑢 · 𝜀 · 𝑑𝑉 − ∬ 𝑢 · 𝑛 · 𝑣 · 𝑑𝑆 = 𝜔 · ∑ 𝑢 , · 𝑆 , · 𝑅 , · cos 𝛽 , +
where the volumetric strain 𝜀 is equal to zero because of the rigid block assumption.
so that the first term in the right side of Equation (5.4) is equal to zero; and 𝑢 ---which
represents the pore water pressure at outcropped elements--- is also zero because the
mechanisms considered herein never outcrop at the surface. Then, the rate of work due
𝑊 = − ∬ 𝑢 · 𝑛 · 𝑣 · 𝑑𝑆 = 𝜔 · sin 𝜑 · ∑ ∑ 𝑢 , · 𝑅 , · 𝑆 , + 𝑢′ , · 𝑅 ,
·𝑆 ,
where 𝑢 , and 𝑢′ , represent the pore pressures in the triangular facets that form the
external surface of the mechanism. In this work, they are obtained interpolating in the
pore water pressure distributions computed with the numerical model described in the
next section.
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
After applying the work equation, the collapse pressure can be expressed as (Pan and
Dias, 2016):
·∑ ∑ , · , · , , · , · , · ·∑ ∑ , · , , · ,
𝜎 = − +
∑ ( , · , · , ) ∑ , · , · ,
·∑ ∑ , · , · , , · · ,
∑ , · , · ,
The optimal value of 𝜎 can be obtained by maximizing Equation (5.6) with respect to
the two coordinates that define the position of the center of rotation of the mechanism
in the vertical plane of symmetry (𝛽 and 𝑅 ; see Figure 5.3(b)). The obtained value of
𝜎 represents a lower bound of the support pressure 𝜎 required to stabilize the face,
To obtain the pore water pressure distribution required by the Limit Analysis solution,
Figure 5.5, the tunnel has a diameter of D=10m and the overburden is C=20m. Taking
advantage of the symmetry of the problem, and to decrease the computing times, only
half of the model is considered. The dimensions of the numerical model are
55m×70m×50m in x, y and z directions, respectively. The model has 157 500 zones and
the mesh ahead of the tunnel face is refined for a more precise interpolation of pore
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
The water table is assumed to maintain a constant elevation (Hw in Figure 5.2(a)), whose
value depends on the case considered. The lower and lateral external boundaries of the
numerical model, including the longitudinal plane of symmetry of the tunnel, are
tunnel face becomes the only surface into which the groundwater can flow. When the
advance drainage boreholes are considered, the “null” model is applied to zones
representing the location of the boreholes, and an atmospheric pressure (equal to zero)
is imposed to them.
As an example of the results of the numerical model, Figure 5.6 shows the distributions
of pore water pressures in the vertical plane of symmetry of the tunnel, when the water
table is 3 diameters above the tunnel crown (Hw=3D), and for the cases without drainage
and with “upper” and “lower” drainage. As expected, Figure 5.6 shows (i) that advance
drainage reduces pore water pressures ahead of the tunnel face and (ii) that the
distribution of the reduced pressures varies with the location of the boreholes.
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
Figure 5.6. Contours of the pore water pressure distribution in the numerical
model for different drainage configurations: a) without drainage; b) “upper”
drainage boreholes; c) “lower” drainage boreholes. (D=10m; C=2D; Hw=3D).
(Values shown indicate the hydraulic head in kPa)
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
To illustrate the effect of drainage better, Figure 5.7 presents the hydraulic heads along
the tunnel axis for several Test Cases listed in Table 5.1. (These Test Cases are later
advance drainage (Cases 5, 8, 9 and 12) significantly reduces the pore water pressures
ahead of the tunnel face, so that such reduction extends up to the total length of the
drainage boreholes (30m) and even beyond. In addition, it shows that the “lower”
drainage layout (Cases 9 and 12) is more effective to reduce the hydraulic head along
the tunnel axis than the “upper” layout (Cases 5 and 8). And, although it is less
appreciable, this difference of efficiency is reduced when the water level is raised (See
Cases 5 and 9 for Hw/D=2 and Cases 8 and 12 for Hw/D=5). (Similar results have been
obtained by Zingg (2016), although she considered higher Hw/D ratios and, as explained
later, the effectiveness of drainage to stabilize the tunnel face depends on the water
Figure 5.7. Distribution of hydraulic head along the tunnel axis for several Test
Cases (see Table 5.1). (h: hydraulic head; h0: initial hydraulic head; y: distance
from the tunnel face)
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
To validate the proposed methodology, 15 Test Cases are employed (see Table 5.1), to
compare the results of the Limit Analysis solution–in particular, the critical pressure
and the collapse geometry–with the results of the numerical model in FLAC3D.
A tunnel with a diameter of 10m in a purely frictional material (φ=30°) with a saturated
unit weight of 15.6kN/m3 is assumed, considering different elevations of the water table
(Hw/D=2 to 5) and different drainage configurations (without drainage, and with “upper”
although three additional cases with other overburdens are employed to analyze its
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
Table 5.1. Test Cases considered for numerical validation of the Limit Analysis mechanism. (Diameter:D=10m; strength parameters:
c=0kPa and φ=35°; saturated unit weight: γsat=15.6kN/m3).
Reduction with
Collapse pressure respect to “without Difference LA vs NS
drainage” case
Position of
Case 𝐻 /𝐷 𝐶 ⁄𝐷
drainage ( ) ( )
𝜎 ( ) 𝜎 ( ) 𝑅( ) 𝑅( ) 𝜎 ( ) −𝜎 ( )
( )
[kPa] [kPa] [kPa] [kPa] [kPa]
1 2 2 Without 87.4 83.1 - - 4.3 5.1
2 3 2 Without 118.4 112.6 - - 5.8 5.2
3 4 2 Without 151.2 142.7 - - 8.5 5.8
4 5 2 Without 184.1 173.0 - - 11.1 6.4
5 2 2 Upper 64.2 61.3 23.2 21.8 2.9 4.8
6 3 2 Upper 83.6 80.1 34.8 32.5 3.5 4.3
7 4 2 Upper 103.2 99.0 48 43.7 4.2 4.3
8 5 2 Upper 123.1 119.5 61 53.5 3.6 3.0
9 2 2 Lower 59.7 57.5 27.7 25.6 2.2 3.8
10 3 2 Lower 80.8 77.6 37.6 35 3.2 4.0
11 4 2 Lower 102.6 98.4 48.6 44.3 4.2 4.2
12 5 2 Lower 124.6 119.4 59.5 53.6 5.2 4.4
13 3 3 Upper 82.2 78.6 - - 3.8 4.5
14 4 4 Upper 103.3 99.7 - - 3.6 3.6
15 5 5 Upper 122.8 120.6 - - 2.2 1.8
Note. LA: Limit Analysis mechanism; NS: Numerical simulation with FLAC3D.
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
To validate the Limit Analysis mechanism that considers the influence of pore water
pressure, and in particular, to compare its results with the results of a numerical model,
it would be enough to use the same pore water pressure distribution–using e.g., the pore
compare the results of both approaches. However, to be able to study accurately the
effect of advance drainage on the tunnel face stability, the FLAC3D numerical model
described in Section 5.3 is used to enable us to work with more realistic pore pressure
To that end, pore water pressures are extracted from the numerical model using a FISH
routine (the built-in programming language in FLAC3D), and they are then transferred
to the code of the Limit Analysis solution (implemented in MATLAB, The MathWorks,
2012). And, since the positions of nodes in the numerical model generally do not
coincide with the positions of the centers of the triangular facets that define the collapse
mechanism (i.e., where they are required to compute the support pressure in Equation
(5.6)), pore water pressures at the centers of facets are interpolated from the
distributions computed with FLAC3D. Then, the critical collapse pressure is computed
as explained in Section 5.2.2. Table 5.1 lists the critical pressures obtained with the
Limit Analysis mechanism, and Figure 5.8 shows three examples of the collapse
geometries obtained with the analytical solution for the different drainage
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
Figure 5.8. Examples of the failure geometries obtained with the Limit Analysis
mechanism: a) Test Case 2 (without drainage); b) Test Case 6 (“upper”
drainage); c) Test Case 10 (“lower” drainage). (D=10m; C=2D; Hw=3D)
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
The numerical model to compute the collapse pressure of the tunnel face considering
the influence of water is identical to that presented in Section 5.3. The constitutive
model for the ground is elastic-perfectly plastic, using the Mohr-Coulomb failure
criterion as implemented in FLAC3D, and with an associated flow rule so that it fulfills
only, so that pore pressures do not change during the simulation. (Note, however, that
they are employed to compute effective stresses and to detect failure; Itasca Consulting
Group, 2009). As before, the pore pressure distribution is imported from a (flow-only)
numerical simulation. (In this way, the distribution is ensured to be the same for both
The improved bisection method, proposed by Mollon et al. (2009a), has been adopted
to compute the collapse pressure in the numerical model as described in Section 2.3.2.
convergence criterion for the unbalanced mechanical-force ratio and the collapse
pressure is computed with a precision ε=0.1kPa. The obtained values are listed in Table
5.1. The collapse geometry in the numerical model can be visualized using the
distribution of shear strain rates. Figures 5.9, 5.10 and 5.11 show the failure
with the numerical model for different drainage configurations (Figure 5.9), water
levels (Figure 5.10) and overburdens (Figure 5.11); collapse geometries from the Limit
Analysis analytical solution have been added in these figures for comparison. (The
obtained geometries and the influence of the different variables will be discussed in
Section 5.5.)
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
Figure 5.9. Comparison of failure mechanisms computed with the Limit Analysis
solution and with the numerical simulation for different drainage configurations:
a) without drainage (Test Case 2); b) “upper” drainage (Test Case 6); c) “lower”
drainage (Test Case 10). (D=10m; C=2D; Hw=3D)
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
a) b)
c) d)
a) b)
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
5.4.4 Comparison
Results in Table 5.1 show that collapse pressures computed with the analytical solution
and the numerical model are very similar, with absolute differences that typically are
in the range of 3-8kPa, or with relative differences that are typically less than 5%.
face collapse pressures considering the influence of advance drainage. Note also that
the Limit Analysis results are higher than those computed with the numerical model.
Since this is an upper bound solution in the framework of Limit Analysis, and given
that the face pressure acts against the movement of the mechanism, the obtained values
should be lower than the ones given by the numerical simulation. Several reasons can
justify this incoherence, including the mesh size in the numerical model (e.g., Mollon
et al., 2011b), the locations of the model boundaries, or the precision of the method
employed to calculate the collapse pressure. Table 5.1 also shows that the differences
between the numerical model and the analytical solution tend to increase as the water
table rises; on the other hand, Test Cases with drainage show lower differences than
those without drainage. That is, differences between the analytical solution and the
numerical model increase as the pore water pressures ahead of the tunnel face increase.
to study the face stability in tunnels under higher water pressures (i.e., with Hw>5D, for
a D=10m tunnel).
Finally, the shape of the failure mechanisms obtained with the Limit Analysis approach
agrees satisfactorily with the numerical simulation results (Figures 5.9, 5.10 and 5.11).
The agreement is excellent in the lower part of the mechanism and approximated in the
upper part. (However, note that, as indicated by Mollon et al. (2011b), the lower part of
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
the mechanism has the main contribution to the computed face collapse pressure for a
constant applied pressure.) In the upper part of the mechanism, the numerical model
shows more rounded failure geometries, whereas the geometry of the analytical solution
is sharper. This is more relevant in the case without drainage (Figure 5.9(a)), in contrast
with other cases for which the agreement is better. In conclusion, the analytical solution
gives a good approximation of the collapse geometry in all cases and it can be employed
5.5 Discussions
Results in Table 5.1 show that raising the water table increases the collapse pressure in
12 with “upper” and “lower” drainage respectively). As noted by Zingg (2016), even a
very simple drainage with only two boreholes significantly reduces the critical pressure
(around 25-30% of its value) due to the reduction of the pore water pressure ahead of
the tunnel face. Results also show that both drainage configurations (“upper” and
“lower”) produce similar reductions of the collapse pressure. Finally, the comparison
of Test Cases 13 to 15 and Test Cases 6 to 8 suggests that the overburden does not
Figures 5.8 and 5.9 illustrate that the shape of the critical failure mechanism is affected
by the drainage configuration employed: in the case without drainage (Figures 5.8(a)
and 5.9(a)), the mechanism does not extend upwards and it evolves towards the region
directly ahead of the tunnel face. With “upper” drainage (Figures 5.8(b) and 5.9(b)), the
mechanism develops vertically towards the region above the tunnel crown, hence
developing a similar shape to that obtained in studies considering dry ground (e.g.,
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
Senent et al., 2013). Also note that, without drainage, the mechanism extends further
ahead of the tunnel face than when “upper” drainage is employed (approximately 6m
vs 4m in the Limit Analysis mechanism). This is probably because the mechanism tries
to mobilize as much energy (from the external loads) as possible, so that it tends to
develop towards the region with higher pore water pressures when there is no drainage;
with drainage, however, the effect of water is less important, and the mechanism tries
to optimize the relationship between its volume and its surface. Finally, with “lower”
drainage (Figures 5.8(c) and 5.9(c)), the reduction of pore pressures ahead of the upper
part of the face is less significant (see Figure 5.6(c)), so that the mechanism tries again
Figure 5.10 suggests that the variation of the failure geometry discussed in the previous
paragraph is more relevant as the water level increases, so that when the pore pressures
ahead of the tunnel increase, the mechanism tends to become more horizontal, trying to
develop itself deeper into the region ahead of the tunnel face. To better show these
results, Figure 5.12 plots a comparison between the three drainage configurations
(Figure 5.12(a)) and Hw/D=4 (Figure 5.12(b)), clearly illustrating that (i) the shape of
the mechanism changes depending on the drainage configuration, and (ii) the
“horizontalization effect” is more relevant for cases without drainage and with “lower”
drainage, whereas it is almost irrelevant when the drainage is in the upper part of the
tunnel face.
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
a) b)
Finally, Figure 5.11 shows two cases with the same water table and with “upper”
drainage, but with different overburdens. As it can be seen, the collapse geometry is
almost equal in both cases, hence suggesting that overburden does not affect much the
geometry of the failure surface (and neither the collapse pressure, as shown in Table
In this section, the proposed Limit Analysis mechanism is compared with a Limit
Equilibrium solution from the literature (Anagnostou and Kovári, 1994, 1996), which
was previously employed to study the effect of drainage on tunnel face stability (Zingg,
2016). Although Zingg studies the effect of different drainage designs (such as drainage
boreholes in different numbers and layouts, or pilot tunnels), our comparison is limited
to the two drainage layouts analyzed in this thesis. Consequently, a 10m diameter tunnel
excavated in a purely frictional material (with φ=35°) and with different water table
elevations (Hw/D from 2 to 5) is considered, with two drainage boreholes with L=30m
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
length located at the upper and lower part of the tunnel face (they correspond to the
“upper” and “lower” drainage configurations presented in Figure 5.2(b)). (A third case,
i.e., tunnel without drainage, is also considered for reference and comparison). In
addition, note that, due to the limitation of the Limit Equilibrium mechanism to
compute the collapse pressure when the submerged weight of the soil is lower than a
threshold–in the case without advance drainage, for 𝛾 ≤7.9kN/m3–a saturated weight
of 20kN/m3 is employed for this comparison. Note also that Zingg (2016) studies
subaqueous tunnels with Hw>5D, whereas this work analyzes tunnels with lower Hw.
Consequently, the Limit Equilibrium results presented herein are not directly taken
from Zingg (2016); they are computed using an own MATLAB implementation of the
Table 5.2 lists the Test Cases employed for comparison, and the collapse pressures
obtained for each case with both analytical solutions (Limit Analysis and Limit
Equilibrium); results computed with a FLAC3D numerical model are reported as well.
These values are plotted in Figure 5.13. As previously, collapse pressures computed
with the Limit Analysis mechanism are similar to results from the numerical model.
Results from the Limit Equilibrium mechanism are, in all cases, higher than those
computed with Limit Analysis and with FLAC3D (with relative differences generally of
around 15-29%, and reaching 44% in the case without drainage), and with absolute
differences that increase with Hw/D; this, however, suggests that the Limit Equilibrium
approach provides a safe estimation. The reason why the results of the Limit Analysis
mechanism are closer to the results of the numerical model could be due to the fact that
the same hypotheses (mainly, the associated flow rule) are considered in both
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
Table 5.2. Test Cases considered to compare the Limit Analysis mechanism with the Limit Equilibrium methodology presented by
Zingg (2016). (Diameter: D=10m; strength parameters: c=0kPa and φ=35°; saturated unit weight: γsat=20kN m3).
Numerical Simulation
Limit Analysis Limit Equilibrium
Position of with FLAC3D
Case 𝐻 /𝐷 𝐶 ⁄𝐷
drainage 𝜎( ) 𝜎( ) 𝜎( )
𝑤 [°] 𝑤 [°] 𝑤 [°]
[kPa] [kPa] [kPa]
1 2 2 Without 90.9 50 135.3 64 83.5 46
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
Figure 5.13. Collapse pressures computed with the Limit Analysis mechanism,
with the Limit Equilibrium methodology presented by Zingg (2016), and with a
numerical simulation in FLAC3D, for different drainage configurations. (See
Table 5.2)
In any case, all the methodologies demonstrate that: (i) collapse pressures increase
dramatically with the rise of the water level (i.e., with Hw/D); (ii) advance drainage
greatly reduces the collapse pressure, particularly for higher water tables; and (iii) the
location of the drainage boreholes does not affect the value of the collapse pressure
significantly, although it has some influence on the shape of the critical failure geometry.
In addition, results show that “lower” drainage is more effective when the water table
is low (between 3 and 4 diameters depending on the method employed, for the values
considered in this study); whereas, “upper” drainage is more effective when the water
table is higher than 4D. These results are coherent with previous research; e.g., Hong
et al. (2007) recommended “upper” drainage in the case of a tunnel with Hw/D≈13.8.
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
Finally, the failure geometry of the Limit Equilibrium solution–formed by a wedge and
an upper prism–is compared to the rotational failure mechanism obtained with Limit
Analysis. Figure 5.14 shows two examples, with C/D=2 and Hw/D=3 and with “upper”
and “lower” drainage (Figures 5.14(a) and 5.14(b) respectively). Note that both
analytical solutions predict very similar initial slopes (or critical angle, ω) of the
mechanism in its lower part, and that differences in the upper part are substantial. Table
5.2 summarizes the critical angles computed with the Limit Equilibrium solution for all
cases considered, and the angles extracted from the Limit Analysis mechanism and
from the numerical model. All approaches produce similar values, except for situations
without drainage, in which Limit Analysis and the numerical model produce more
similar results. For the cases considered, the critical angle for cases with “upper”
drainage is higher than for “lower” drainage. This result disagrees with Zingg (2016),
who obtained that “lower” drainage produced higher angles; the discrepancy is
probably due to the different Hw/D ratios considered (Hw/D≤5 are employed herein,
a) b)
Figure 5.14. Comparison of the failure geometries obtained with the Limit
Analysis mechanism and with the Limit Equilibrium methodology presented by
Zingg (2016): a) “upper” drainage (Test Case 6 in Table 5.2); b) “lower”
drainage (Test Case 10 in Table 5.2). (D=10m; C=2D; Hw=3D)
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
5.6 Conclusions
The effect of advance drainage boreholes is incorporated into the Limit Analysis
rotational collapse mechanism developed by Mollon et al. (2011a). The aim is to study
the face stability of a circular tunnel, with D=10m, constructed under the water table,
with particular attention on their failure geometries and on their collapse pressures, for
different drainage configurations (without drainage, and with drainage in the upper and
in the lower part of the tunnel face). The pore water pressure on the external surface of
the collapse mechanism is interpolated from pore water pressure distributions computed
with FLAC3D. Critical pressures and failure geometries calculated with the analytical
solution reasonably reproduce the results from the numerical simulations, especially
when the height of the water table above the tunnel crown is lower than 5 diameters.
Results show an expected increase of the critical pressure when the water level rises,
and highlight the importance of drainage measures on the stability of the face. The
location of the drainage boreholes is not so relevant, for the studied cases, although a
“lower” drainage is more effective when the water table is lower (Hw/D<3), whereas
an “upper” drainage is recommended when the water table is higher (Hw/D>4). Results
also show that the failure geometry is clearly influenced by the drainage configuration,
so that for cases without drainage and with “lower” drainage the mechanism develops
more horizontally into the ground ahead of the tunnel face, whereas with “upper”
drainage the mechanism develops more vertically, towards above the tunnel crown. The
shape of the critical collapse mechanism, particularly the tendency to develop more
horizontally (or not), is also heavily affected by the position of the water table.
Comparing the proposed methodology with the classical Limit Equilibrium mechanism
of Anagnostou and Kovári (1994, 1996) (Zingg, 2016), formed by a wedge and an upper
5. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under steady-state conditions
prism, the Limit Analysis approach gives lower values of the collapse pressure (with
differences up to 30-45% mainly depending on the water level and on the drainage
configuration), that generally agree better with the numerical simulation results.
Furthermore, similar values of the initial slope of the mechanism in its lower part are
6. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under transient conditions
6.1 Introduction
The loss of hydraulic head after excavation does not take place immediately. The tunnel
idealized analysis for soils with relatively high permeability and tunnels with slow
excavation advance rate. As shown by Anagnostou (1995), the time required to reach
the steady-state condition in soils with lower permeability is higher and the time-
dependent seepage in this type of soils significantly modifies the face stability analyses.
of which are in the interest of engineering design, can appear as a result of the changing
effective pressures (Soga et al., 2017). However, Broere and Van Tol. (2000) pointed
out that in most of the models proposed over the years to study tunnel face stability, the
effects of pore water pressures are rarely introduced; also, the development of the
excess pore water pressures, which can be of major importance during construction
6. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under transient conditions
standstills, was not dealt with. Although pore water pressures are being incorporated
into tunnel face stability mechanisms, the literature about its effects is apparently scarce,
6 extends the analysis of the tunnel face stability to consider transient conditions, in
After outlining the problem (Section 6.2) and explaining the computational model
(Section 6.3), two important time-dependent features are addressed: (i) the pore water
pressure evolution (Section 6.4.1); and (ii) the plastic yielding zone evolution (Section
6.4.2). The effects of advance drainage on pore water pressure distributions (Section
6.5.1), as well as on the computed tunnel face stand-up time (Section 6.5.2), are studied
under transient conditions. Finally, Section 6.5.3 investigates the surface settlements
that occur in response to the tunnel face pressure and to the advance drainage.
A circular tunnel with diameter D=10m and overburden C=10m, excavated under the
water table, is considered. The water table is kept at the ground surface (i.e., a sufficient
recharge from the far-field is assumed) so that the initial hydraulic head at the tunnel
axis is Hw=10m (see Figure 6.1(a)). Two drainage boreholes are considered; they are
being located in the upper part of the tunnel face with an angle of 45°measured from
the crown and with a distance to the center of the tunnel face of r=3.8m (See Figure
6. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under transient conditions
Figure 6.2 shows the numerical model built in FLAC3D for these analyses. Due to the
symmetry of the problem, and to improve the computational efficiency, only half of the
respectively (136 850 elements). The mechanical boundary conditions are defined to
avoid displacements at the lateral and lower boundaries. Similarly, and for simplicity,
the tunnel perimeter is fixed to avoid its movements, hence representing a rigid lining.
6. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under transient conditions
The fluid boundary condition at the tunnel face is defined using a mixed boundary
condition as described by Anagnostou et al. (2016), due to the negative pore water
is set to be impermeable when the pore water pressure at the tunnel face is negative;
allowing water to flow out from the ground (see Figure 2.4(c)). When advance drainage
is considered, the permeability of the elements forming the drain is increased by one
order of magnitude (i.e., 10 times higher than the permeability of the ground), without
removing them from the model to avoid any mechanical effect on the settlement
because of such removal. The soil is modeled as elastic-perfectly plastic, with the Mohr-
Coulomb (MC) failure criterion and a non-associated flow rule (with a dilatancy angle
ψ=0). The MC model is used for simplicity, because the interest is on the interaction
estimates of the stand-up time. The strength parameters are a cohesion c=20kPa, and a
friction angle φ=25° (these values are used so that the tunnel face is stable in the short
term but collapses in the long term.) The deformability of the ground is defined using
a Young’s modulus E=20MPa and a Poisson’s ratio ν=0.3. Finally, a permeability k=10-
m/s and a water modulus of Kf=108Pa are assigned. (The FLAC3D code of numerical
6. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under transient conditions
Figure 6.2. Numerical model with advance drainage boreholes in the analysis
To simulate the support pressure, a uniform horizontal total stress is applied at the
tunnel face; although this corresponds to an excavated face supported with air pressure,
it is also used to simulate a face reinforced with, for example, bolts (Anagnostou et al.,
Three stages are implemented in the numerical modeling (see Figure 2.4): a) stress and
in this stage, fluid flow is not allowed so that mechanical equilibrium can be achieved
under the negative pore pressures generated ahead of the tunnel face (see explanations
below); c) fluid-solid coupled analysis: in this stage, fluid flow and mechanical
equations are solved with the mixed boundary condition explained above, so that the
Two cases are computed and compared: (i) without advance drainage and (ii) with
advance drainage (modeling the drainage boreholes shown in Figure 6.1(b), and
6. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under transient conditions
keeping all the other parameters constant). The most relevant results related to pore
water pressure, tunnel face stability, and settlement, are shown and discussed in the
following sections.
In the second modeling stage (excavation and undrained mechanical equilibrium), the
tunnel face extrudes due to the excavation. Consequently, negative excess pore
pressures develop, having a stabilizing effect on the tunnel face. They dissipate over
time due to seepage through the ground ahead of the tunnel face. Therefore, the
unsupported tunnel face is stable in the short term, but (depending on the ground
strength) it may fail in the long term due to the dissipation of such negative pore
Figure 6.3 presents the evolution of pore pressures ahead of tunnel face (along the
tunnel axis) without advance drainage for different times. The pore pressure distribution
shown as reference. Figure 6.3 shows that, for t=0h (undrained mechanical equilibrium)
there is no seepage, producing a maximum negative pore pressure at the tunnel face
(y=0m). Far from the tunnel face, negative pore pressures reduce until they become
positive at around y=5m. The influence of the tunnel excavation on the pore water
distribution becomes negligible, with pore pressures being similar to the initial
hydraulic head, beyond approximately y=10m. This illustrates that the negative excess
pore pressures, and their stabilizing effect, develop in a limited region ahead of the
tunnel face and decrease with the distance to the tunnel face. (Note that the collapse
mechanism usually develops in this narrow region, see e.g., Pan et al., 2016, Lü et al.,
6. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under transient conditions
2018). Over time, negative excess pore pressures dissipate due to seepage, and the
Figure 6.3. Pore pressures ahead of the tunnel face along the tunnel axis for
different times without advance drainage
Once the tunnel is excavated (without face support), the plastic zone starts to develop
from the bottom of the tunnel face due to the stress redistribution. Figure 6.4 shows the
plastic zone contours (in red color) at different times after excavation. The soil mass at
the lower part of the tunnel face is critical for the stability of the tunnel face after
excavation, because the highest shear stresses develop from there. While negative pore
water pressures ahead of the tunnel face dissipate with time, effective stresses within
the soil reduce; consequently, the plastic zone develops upwards (towards the ground
surface) and extends over a larger area. Two elastic regions within the failure
mechanism can be observed: an elastic zone close to the tunnel face occurs due to the
initial negative excess pore pressures, which gradually decrease as the seepage proceeds;
the other elastic zone is close to the ground surface, as it shrinks with the development
of the shear bands. Anagnostou et al. (2016) described similar observations and
6. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under transient conditions
indicated that failure occurs when the plastic zone reaches the ground surface.
Therefore, the plastic failure zone evolution can be used to diagnose the stand-up time
t=0h t=2h
t=4h t=8h
t=10h t=15h
6. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under transient conditions
Figure 6.5 shows the evolution of pore pressures along the tunnel axis, for different
times, when advance drainage boreholes are considered. Dissipation of negative excess
pore pressures and drainage seepage proceed simultaneously, although the effect of
drainage at the tunnel axis (ahead of the face) is initially almost negligible. The later
effect of advance drainage on the pore pressure distribution can be observed along the
whole length of the drains (y≤15m) and even beyond (Zingg, 2016). Similarly, the
advance drainage boreholes do not accelerate the dissipation of pore pressures around
the tunnel face. This is because the drainage boreholes do not work when the soil around
Figure 6.5. Pore pressures ahead of the tunnel face along the tunnel axis for
different times after introducing advance drainage
Since the negative pore pressures dissipate with time, collapse occurs after some time,
so the stand-up time can be defined as the time that the face is stable before its collapse.
Therefore, a support pressure needs to be applied on the tunnel face to prevent failure.
6. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under transient conditions
Figures 6.6(a) and 6.6(b) show the evolution of settlements of a monitoring point at the
surface (see Figure 6.1(a)), for different support pressures and for the two cases
considered: without and with advance drainage. This figure shows that applying a
higher support pressure (i) delays the acceleration of settlements associated with failure
and (ii) can even avoid the collapse. Note that other criteria can be used to define the
failure of the tunnel face–such as the extension of the plastic zone or the rate of
volumetric strains (see Anagnostou et al., 2016)–can be adopted when the occurrence
of failure is ambiguous.
Figure 6.6. Evolution of surface settlement at the monitoring point for different
support pressures: a) without advance drainage; b) with advance drainage
6. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under transient conditions
For the case without drainage considered herein, the face collapses in less than about 3
days for support pressures lower than 50kPa. For 50kPa, the rate of settlements within
the time interval considered is small and almost constant. Correspondingly, for the case
with advance drainage, the face is stable during the first 3 days even for a support
less support pressure is required. These results are coherent with previous works (e.g.,
Figure 6.7 shows the variation of the stand-up time as a function of the support pressure,
for the two drainage cases considered. As previously explained, increasing the support
pressure increases the stand-up time, especially for higher support pressures. Moreover,
for tunnel faces with advance drainage, the stand-up time is longer than without
drainage; and differences in the stand-up time enlarge for higher support pressures.
Figure 6.7. Stand-up time vs support pressure. (Limit Analysis results have been
computed using the pore pressure distributions under steady-state conditions)
6. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under transient conditions
The reader can note that the stand-up timelines tend towards an asymptotic support
pressure, for which the stand-up time is infinite (i.e., the tunnel face is completely
stable). Critical pressures computed with the methodology in Chapter 5 (i.e., employing
an upper bound solution in the framework of Limit Analysis, and with the steady-state
pore pressure distribution), are incorporated into Figure 6.7 as two dotted vertical lines.
Although it seems that the analytical results correspond to the asymptotic values, more
research (and longer computations) is needed to analyze this fact. (Note that, as an
illustration, the time required to calculate the stand-up time in the case of advance
drainage and σT =25kPa on an Inter Code CPU i7-5930k 3.50-GHz PC is larger than 4
days). One possible explanation is that the Limit Analysis mechanism assumes an
associated flow rule, whereas a null dilatancy angle is employed in the numerical model,
as suggested by Anagnostou et al. (2016). Other works from the literature, with dry soil,
6.5.3 Settlement
As shown in Figure 6.6, settlements at the monitoring point develop faster for the
smaller support pressures, and they do not seem to be heavily influenced by drainage.
To analyze this problem, Figure 6.8 reproduces the surface settlement troughs (along
the tunnel axis) for the minimum support pressures required to avoid failure (50kPa and
37.5kPa, respectively, for the case without and with drainage respectively; see Figure
6.6). (These values are approximate, since a detailed analysis is not carried out
following, for example, the bisection method proposed by Mollon et al., 2009a). As it
can be observed, settlements for the case with advance drainage and applying the
minimum support required for stability are slightly larger than without drainage (with
6. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under transient conditions
maximum values of 16.1mm and 12.3 mm respectively). Similarly, settlements for the
same support pressure (σT=50kPa) are also larger for the case with drainage.
Consequently, it is clear that drainage increases surface settlements and that the larger
settlements associated to advance drainage develop due to the combined effect of both
(i) the higher seepage flow and (ii) the lower required support pressure.
Figure 6.8. Longitudinal surface trough for different support pressures and
drainage configurations
6.6 Conclusions
In this chapter, the face stability of tunnels under the water table was studied,
considering transient conditions and the presence of advance drainage; in addition, the
shallow tunnel, the evolution of negative excess pore pressures ahead of the tunnel face
is analyzed, and their effect on its stability is also assessed. Results show that the
negative excess pore pressures at the tunnel face dissipate gradually, due to seepage,
with the plastic zone developing gradually, so that the tunnel face may become unstable
after some time, if the plastic zones reach the ground surface. Increasing the support
pressure applied on the tunnel face delays such failure and can even completely avoid
6. Tunnel face stability considering advance drainage under transient conditions
it. Similarly, drainage increases the stability of the face, as less support pressure is
The Limit Analysis failure mechanism proposed in Chapter 5 is used to compute the
critical pressure in both drainage situations, employing the steady-state pore water
pressure distribution. Although more research is needed, results show that the analytical
solution can serve to preliminarily estimate the support pressures required for long-term
transient conditions.
Finally, advance drainage leads to larger surface settlements due to the combined effect
of (i) the higher seepage flow and (ii) the reduced support pressure required for stability.
Therefore, tunnels with advance drainage require lower support pressures to maintain
their face stability, but lead to larger surface settlements that may introduce additional
7. Conclusions and outlook
7.1 Conclusions
In this thesis, three advanced face stability problems–i.e., considering the free span,
reinforcement with a forepole umbrella, and drainage of pore water pressures in tunnels
In the first part of this thesis, a failure mechanism considering the free span, in the
framework of the upper bound theorem of Limit Analysis, is provided (Chapter 3); then,
efficient tool to obtain the face failure geometry, and the face collapse pressure,
of tunnels with a free span. As expected, the increase of the free span reduces
the stability of the tunnel face, and the mechanism is shown to be more accurate
for soils with higher frictional angles (i.e., φ≥35°). However, the effect of the
free span on the collapse pressure is less relevant than the effect of the soil
strength (for typical values considered in tunneling). It is also shown that the
length of the maximum self-stable free span is proportional to the soil cohesion.
7. Conclusions and outlook
2. The length of the free span barely affects the rotational failure geometry ahead
of the tunnel face, but the failure mechanism above the free span extends further
upwards as the free span length increases; similarly, the velocity vector of the
transition block becomes slightly more horizontal for larger free spans. The
cohesion of the soil mass has an almost negligible effect on the failure geometry,
but (as expected) lower friction angles cause larger failure mechanisms.
3. The failure modes of the forepole element (shear and bending moment) can be
integrated into the Limit Analysis mechanism with a free span, to study the
reinforcement effect of the forepole umbrella to improve the tunnel face stability.
The collapse pressure of the tunnel face is reduced as the forepole umbrella
the thesis, that was obtained through the fitting of numerical simulation results.
In the second part of this thesis, the 3D Limit Analysis failure mechanism of Mollon et
al. (2011a) is extended to consider pore water pressures at the tunnel face, and such
under steady-state conditions (Chapter 5); then, the stand-up time and the surface
settlements that occur in response to the face support pressure are computed,
considering transient flow conditions and (if applicable) the influence of advance
7. Conclusions and outlook
drainage boreholes installed at the tunnel face (Chapter 6). The principal conclusions
conditions) of the pore water pressure distribution ahead of the tunnel face; then,
it allows one to obtain, easily and accurately, the collapse pressure and the
2. The layout of the advance drainage boreholes affects the distribution of pore
water pressures ahead of the tunnel face, and hence the face support pressure; it
also affects the failure geometry, since the collapse mechanism at the tunnel
face tends to develop towards the region with higher pore water pressures.
Similarly, and according to the collapse pressure obtained after considering the
advance drainage, a “lower” drainage design is more effective when the water
3. Under transient conditions, the advance drainage can increase the stand-up time
of the tunnel face, particularly when higher support pressures are applied on the
tunnel face. However, larger surface settlements occur when drainage boreholes
are introduced to reduce the pore water pressures ahead of the tunnel face.
the stability of the tunnel face (e.g., drainage and support pressure) while still
employed to preliminarily predict the required support pressure in the long term.
7. Conclusions and outlook
This may provide an adequate tool for preliminary analyses, especially since the
computations of the face stand-up time under transient conditions are very time-
7.2 Outlook
1. The failure geometries obtained by the analytical solutions for both analyses
(i.e., free span and drainage) are sharper in the upper part than those computed
proposed free span mechanism is not completely consistent with the numerical
results in the region of the transitional block that forms above the tunnel crown.
stability of the tunnel face considering the free span and drainage, are adequate
to reproduce the behavior of shallow tunnels, but they are not applicable to deep
tunnels. This is because the soil arching effect that develops in deep tunnels is
not yet considered into these Limit Analysis mechanisms (see e.g., Zou et al.,
3. A more advanced soil constitutive model could be used to analyze the coupled
7. Conclusions and outlook
4. The influence of several properties that may affect the behavior of the tunnel
thesis, although interesting practical results may be obtained from such analyses.
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Appendix A. MATLAB-code Limit Analysis mechanism with the free span and
forepole umbrella
Appendix A
Airetri.m To calculate the area of a triangle
Input.m To input parameters and to show the results
Sigma_C.m To calculate the collapse pressure considering the free span
Appendix B
Airetri.m To calculate the area of the Facets 𝐹 , and 𝐹′ ,
Appendix C
Modelo_V01.dat To compute the pore water pressure distribution under
steady-state conditions
Modelo_V02.dat To compute the collapse pressure by the bisection method
Intervalo.dat Initial face support pressure for the bisection method
Mixboundary.dat Mixed boundary condition for the tunnel face under
transient conditions
function [sec]=Airetri(a,b,c)
aa=max([a, b, c]);
cc=min([a, b, c]);
if aa~=b & cc~=b
elseif aa ~= a & cc~=a
if b + c ~= a
sec = 0.25 * ((aa + bb + cc) * (-aa + bb + cc) * (aa - bb + cc) * (aa + bb - cc)) ^ (1 / 2);
sec = 0;
global D L Phi Coh Gam N M Sep
global Bh1 BhE RaE Al1 Al2
global curvaB_xy curvad3_xy Dy Dz Fy Fz Gy Gz Omg
global Ita No Mo Vo Delta Umb
D = 10; % Tunnel diameter [m].
L = 3; % Free span [m].
Phi = 35; % Friction angle [°]
Coh = 5; % Cohesion [kPa].
Gam = 20; % Unit weight [kN/m3].
N = 100; % Number of points in logarithmic spirals [-]
Sep = 0.02; % Discretization length in interface between Blocks s and 3 [m]
% Umbrella parameters
Ita = 5; % Angle of the umbrella with the horizontal [°]
No = 1538; % Axial force [kN/m]
Mo = 46; % Bending moment [kNm/m]
Vo = 622; % Shear force [kN/m]
Delta = 0.11; % Thickness of the continuous deformation zone [m]
Umb = 0; % 1-with umbrella; 0-without umbrella
% Variables
BhE = 20; % Coordinate of the center of rotation of Block 2 (BethaE) [°]
RaE = 10; % Coordinate of the center of rotation of Block 2 (RE) [m]
Al1 = 5; % Geometrical variable (Alpha1) [°]
Bh1 = 30; % Geometrical variable (Betha1) [°]
Al2 = 70; % Geometrical variable (Alpha2) [°]
if Umb == 1
Bh1 = 90 - Phi;
Al2 = 90;
Phi = Phi/180*pi;
Ita = Ita/180*pi;
Bh1 = Bh1/180*pi;
BhE = BhE/180*pi;
Al1 = Al1/180*pi;
Al2 = Al2/180*pi;
options = optimset('TolX',0.01,'Tolfun',0.01);
if Umb == 1
Params_Geom = [BhE,RaE,Al1];
[Params_Geom,sig,exitflag,output] = fminsearch(@Sigma_C,Params_Geom,options);
Params_Geom = [Bh1,BhE,RaE,Al1,Al2];
[Params_Geom,sig,exitflag,output] = fminsearch(@Sigma_C,Params_Geom,options);
Sigma = -Sigma_C(Params_Geom)
function [sig] = Sigma_C(Parametros)
global D L Phi Coh Gam N M Sep
global Bh1 BhE RaE Al1 Al2
global curvaB_xy curvad3_xy Dy Dz Fy Fz Gy Gz Omg
global Ita No Mo Vo Delta Umb
if Umb == 1
BhE = Parametros(1);
RaE = Parametros(2);
Al1 = Parametros(3);
if RaE <= 0 || BhE <= 0 || BhE >= acos(D/2/RaE)
sig = 10000000;
if Al1 <= 0 || Al1 >= pi/2
sig = 20000000;
Bh1 = Parametros(1);
BhE = Parametros(2);
RaE = Parametros(3);
Al1 = Parametros(4);
Al2 = Parametros(5);
if Bh1 >= pi/2-Phi || Bh1 <= 0 || RaE <= 0 || BhE <= 0 || BhE >= acos(D/2/RaE)
sig = 10000000;
if Al1 <= 0 || Al2 <= 0 || Al1 >= pi/2 || Al2 >= pi/2
sig = 20000000;
Z_0 = -RaE*sin(BhE);
Y_0 = RaE*cos(BhE)-D/2;
RaA = (Z_0^2+Y_0^2)^0.5;
RaB = (Z_0^2+(Y_0+D)^2)^0.5;
BhA = atan(-Z_0/Y_0);
BhB = atan(-Z_0/(Y_0+D));
V1 = 1;
V3 = 1;
if Umb == 0
V3 = sin(pi/2-Bh1-Phi)/sin(Al2+Bh1+Phi)*V1;
V13 = cos(Al2)/sin(pi/2-Bh1-Phi)*V3;
% Computation of Point F
P_0 = [Z_0 Y_0];
P_i = [0 0];
r_P = norm(P_0);
r_M = RaB;
Omg = V3/r_P*sin(Al1+Al2-Phi)/sin(Al1-Phi+BhA);
curvad3_xy = zeros(3,2);
curvad3_xy(1:2,1) = P_i;
M = 1;
while r_M > r_P
r_P = P_i - P_0;
v_2 = [r_P(2) -r_P(1)]*Omg;
v_3 = [-cos(Al2) -sin(Al2)]*V3;
v_23 = v_2 - v_3;
u = [cos(Phi) sin(Phi) ; -sin(Phi) cos(Phi)]*transpose(v_23)/norm(v_23);
u = transpose(u);
P_i = P_i - u*Sep;
curvad3_xy(3,M) = norm(v_23);
r_P = norm(P_i-P_0);
b_P = atan((P_i(1)-Z_0)/(-P_i(2)+Y_0));
r_M = RaB*exp((BhB-b_P)*tan(Phi));
if b_P <= 0
sig = 31000000;
if u(1) >= 0
sig = 32000000;
M = M+1;
curvad3_xy(1:2,M) = P_i;
if b_P>Al2-5/180*pi
sig = 40000000;
er_F = 1;
Sep_i = 0;
Sep_s = Sep;
while er_F > 0.0001
Sep_c = (Sep_i+Sep_s)/2;
P_i = transpose(curvad3_xy(1:2,M-1)) - u*Sep_c;
r_P = norm(P_i-P_0);
b_P = atan((P_i(1)-Z_0)/(-P_i(2)+Y_0));
r_M = RaB*exp((BhB-b_P)*tan(Phi));
er_F = abs(r_P - r_M);
if r_P>r_M
Sep_s = Sep_c;
Sep_i = Sep_c;
curvad3_xy(1:2,M) = P_i;
RaF = r_P;
curvaB_rb = zeros(2,N);
curvaB_xy = zeros(2,N);
curvaB_rb(2,:) = linspace(BhF,BhB,N);
curvaB_rb(1,:) = RaB*exp((BhB-curvaB_rb(2,:))*tan(Phi));
curvaB_xy(1,:) = curvaB_rb(1,:).*sin(curvaB_rb(2,:))+Z_0;
curvaB_xy(2,:) = -curvaB_rb(1,:).*cos(curvaB_rb(2,:))+Y_0;
% Computation of Point G
Dz = -L*tan(pi/2-Phi)/(tan(pi/2-Phi)+tan(Bh1));
Dy = -Dz*tan(Bh1);
Fz = curvad3_xy(1,M);
Fy = curvad3_xy(2,M);
u1z = cos(Al2-Phi);
u1y = sin(Al2-Phi);
u2z = -cos(pi-Phi-Al2);
u2y = sin(pi-Phi-Al2);
Gy = (-u2z/u2y*Fy+Fz+u1z/u1y*Dy-Dz)/(u1z/u1y-u2z/u2y);
Gz = u1z/u1y*Gy-u1z/u1y*Dy+Dz;
if Gz<Dz
sig = 60000000;
if Fy >= tan(Ita)*Fz+tan(Ita)*2*L-0.01
sig = 60000000;
d5 = ((Gz-Dz)^2+(Gy-Dy)^2)^0.5;
d6 = ((Gz-Fz)^2+(Gy-Fy)^2)^0.5;
d1 = L*tan(pi/2-Phi)/(cos(Bh1)*(tan(pi/2-Phi)+tan(Bh1)));
d7 = L*tan(Bh1)/(cos(pi/2-Phi)*(tan(pi/2-Phi)+tan(Bh1)));
A1 = Airetri(d1,L,d7);
% Block 2
curvaT2_xy = zeros(2,N+M);
curvaT2_xy(1,:) = [curvad3_xy(1,:) curvaB_xy(1,2:N) curvad3_xy(1,1)];
curvaT2_xy(2,:) = [curvad3_xy(2,:) curvaB_xy(2,2:N) curvad3_xy(2,1)];
Area2 = polyarea(curvaT2_xy(1,:),curvaT2_xy(2,:));
A_cg2 = 0.0;
X_cg2 = 0.0;
Y_cg2 = 0.0;
for ii = 1:N+M-1
A_cg2 = A_cg2+(curvaT2_xy(1,ii)*curvaT2_xy(2,ii+1)-
X_cg2 =
Y_cg2 = Y_cg2 +
A_cg2 = 1/2*A_cg2;
X_cg2 = 1/6/A_cg2*X_cg2;
Y_cg2 = 1/6/A_cg2*Y_cg2;
Ra_cg2 = ((Y_0-Y_cg2)^2+(X_cg2-Z_0)^2)^0.5;
Bh_cg2 = atan((X_cg2-Z_0)/(Y_0-Y_cg2));
% Block 3
curvaT3_xy = zeros(2,M+3);
curvaT3_xy(1,:) = [curvad3_xy(1,:) Gz Dz 0];
curvaT3_xy(2,:) = [curvad3_xy(2,:) Gy Dy 0];
Area3 = polyarea(curvaT3_xy(1,:),curvaT3_xy(2,:));
A_cg3 = 0.0;
X_cg3 = 0.0;
Y_cg3 = 0.0;
for ii = 1:M+2
A_cg3 = A_cg3+(curvaT3_xy(1,ii)*curvaT3_xy(2,ii+1)-
X_cg3 =
Y_cg3 = Y_cg3 +
A_cg3 = 1/2*A_cg3;
X_cg3 = 1/6/A_cg3*X_cg3;
Y_cg3 = 1/6/A_cg3*Y_cg3;
Ra_cg3 = ((Y_0-Y_cg3)^2+(X_cg3-Z_0)^2)^0.5;
Bh_cg3 = atan((X_cg3-Z_0)/(Y_0-Y_cg3));
% Energy balance
EA_P1 = V1*Gam*A1;
EA_P2 = Omg*Ra_cg2*Gam*Area2*sin(Bh_cg2);
EA_P3 = V3*Gam*Area3*sin(Al2);
EA_P = EA_P1 + EA_P2 + EA_P3 ;
if Umb == 0
ED_d1 = V13*Coh*cos(Phi)*d1;
ED_d1 = 0;
ED_d5 = V3*Coh*cos(Phi)*d5;
ED_d6 = V3*Coh*cos(Phi)*d6;
ED_d7 = V1*Coh*cos(Phi)*d7;
ED_d2 = 0.0;
for ii = 2:N
ED_d2 = ED_d2 + curvaB_rb(1,ii)*norm(curvaB_xy(:,ii)-curvaB_xy(:,ii-1));
ED_d2 = Omg*Coh*cos(Phi)*ED_d2;
ED_d3 = 0.0;
for ii = 1:M-2
ED_d3 = ED_d3 + curvad3_xy(3,ii)*Sep;
ED_d3 = ED_d3 + curvad3_xy(3,M-1)*Sep_c;
ED_d3 = Coh*cos(Phi)*ED_d3;
ED = ED_d1 + ED_d2 + ED_d3 + ED_d5 + ED_d6 + ED_d7 ;
if Umb == 1
nu = 2*Mo/No/Delta;
ni = Vo/No;
% By moment
EA_S1 = -No*V1*(sin(Ita)*0+nu*cos(Ita));
EA_S3 = -No*V3*(cos(Al2-Ita)*0+nu*sin(Al2-Ita));
% By shear
% EA_S1 = -No*V1*(sin(Ita)^2*0+ni^2*cos(Ita)^2)^0.5;
% EA_S3 = -No*V3*(cos(Al2-Ita)^2*0+ni^2*sin(Al2-Ita)^2)^0.5;
EA_S = EA_S1 + EA_S3;
EA_S = 0;
% Collapse Pressure
Sigma = (EA_P + EA_S - ED) / (V1*L + RaE*Omg*D*cos(BhE));
sig = -Sigma;
function [sec] = Airetri(a,b,c)
aa = max([a, b, c]);
cc = min([a, b, c]);
if aa ~= b & cc ~= b
bb = b;
elseif aa ~= a & cc ~= a
bb = a;
bb = c;
if b + c ~= a
sec = 0.25 * ((aa + bb + cc) * (-aa + bb + cc) * (aa - bb + cc) * (aa + bb - cc)) ^ (1 / 2);
sec = 0;
Wp = 0; % Coefficient of weight
Wr = 0; % Coefficient of energy dissipation
Wu = 0; % Coefficient of pore water pressure
global PoreWdistribution
Grad=0; % The gradient of the pressure applied on the tunnel face
for j = 1:j_A-1
if j/2 == round(j/2)
depinf = Nteta/2-j/2;
depsup = Nteta/2-j/2;
fininf = Nteta/2+j/2-1;
finsup = Nteta/2+j/2;
depinf = Nteta/2-(j-1)/2;
depsup = Nteta/2-(j-1)/2-1;
fininf = Nteta/2+(j+1)/2-1;
finsup = Nteta/2+(j+1)/2-1;
for i = depinf:fininf
if j/2 == round(j/2)
x1 = Points(j,i,1);
x2 = Points(j,i+1,1);
x3 = Points(j+1,i+1,1);
y1 = Points(j,i,2);
y2 = Points(j,i+1,2);
y3 = Points(j+1,i+1,2);
z1 = Points(j,i,3);
z2 = Points(j,i+1,3);
z3 = Points(j+1,i+1,3);
x1 = Points(j,i,1);
x2 = Points(j,i+1,1);
x3 = Points(j+1,i,1);
y1 = Points(j,i,2);
y2 = Points(j,i+1,2);
y3 = Points(j+1,i,2);
z1 = Points(j,i,3);
z2 = Points(j,i+1,3);
z3 = Points(j+1,i,3);
z1 = Points(j+1,i,3);
z2 = Points(j+1,i+1,3);
z3 = Points(j,i,3);
x1 = Points(j+1,i,1);
x2 = Points(j+1,i+1,1);
x3 = Points(j,i+1,1);
y1 = Points(j+1,i,2);
y2 = Points(j+1,i+1,2);
y3 = Points(j,i+1,2);
z1 = Points(j+1,i,3);
z2 = Points(j+1,i+1,3);
z3 = Points(j,i+1,3);
xc = (x1+x2+x3)/3;
yc = (y1+y2+y3)/3;
zc = (z1+z2+z3)/3;
pwp = PoreWdistribution(abs(xc),yc,zc);
r = sqrt((Yo-yc)^2+(Zo-zc)^2);
bet = atan(-(zc-Zo)/(yc-Yo));
a = sqrt((y1-y2)^2+(z1-z2)^2);
b = sqrt((y1-y3)^2+(z1-z3)^2);
c = sqrt((y3-y2)^2+(z3-z2)^2);
Wp = Wp+r*sin(bet)*Airetri(a,b,c)*abs(xc)*Gam;
a = sqrt((x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2)^2+(z1-z2)^2);
b = sqrt((x1-x3)^2+(y1-y3)^2+(z1-z3)^2);
c = sqrt((x3-x2)^2+(y3-y2)^2+(z3-z2)^2);
Wr = Wr+cos(Phi)*r*Airetri(a,b,c)*Coh;
Wu = Wu+sin(Phi)*r*Airetri(a,b,c)*pwp;
Points(j_A:size(Points,1),3*Nteta/4+1,:) = Points(j_A:size(Points,1),Nteta/4,:);
for j = j_A:size(Points,1)-1
dep = Nteta/4;
fin = 3*Nteta/4;
for i = dep:fin
if j/2 == round(j/2)
x1 = Points(j,i,1);
x2 = Points(j,i+1,1);
x3 = Points(j+1,i+1,1);
y1 = Points(j,i,2);
y2 = Points(j,i+1,2);
y3 = Points(j+1,i+1,2);
z1 = Points(j,i,3);
z2 = Points(j,i+1,3);
z3 = Points(j+1,i+1,3);
x1 = Points(j,i,1);
x2 = Points(j,i+1,1);
x3 = Points(j+1,i,1);
y1 = Points(j,i,2);
y2 = Points(j,i+1,2);
y3 = Points(j+1,i,2);
z1 = Points(j,i,3);
z2 = Points(j,i+1,3);
z3 = Points(j+1,i,3);
xc = (x1+x2+x3)/3;
yc = (y1+y2+y3)/3;
zc = (z1+z2+z3)/3;
pwp = PoreWdistribution(abs(xc),yc,zc);
r = sqrt((Yo-yc)^2+(Zo-zc)^2);
bet = atan(-(zc-Zo)/(yc-Yo));
if bet<0
bet = bet+pi;
a = sqrt((y1-y2)^2+(z1-z2)^2);
b = sqrt((y1-y3)^2+(z1-z3)^2);
c = sqrt((y3-y2)^2+(z3-z2)^2);
Wp = Wp+r*sin(bet)*Airetri(a,b,c)*abs(xc)*Gam;
a = sqrt((x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2)^2+(z1-z2)^2);
b = sqrt((x1-x3)^2+(y1-y3)^2+(z1-z3)^2);
c = sqrt((x3-x2)^2+(y3-y2)^2+(z3-z2)^2);
Wr = Wr+cos(Phi)*r*Airetri(a,b,c)*Coh;
Wu = Wu+sin(Phi)*r*Airetri(a,b,c)*pwp;
if j/2 == round(j/2)
x1 = Points(j+1,i,1);
x2 = Points(j+1,i+1,1);
x3 = Points(j,i,1);
y1 = Points(j+1,i,2);
y2 = Points(j+1,i+1,2);
y3 = Points(j,i,2);
z1 = Points(j+1,i,3);
z2 = Points(j+1,i+1,3);
z3 = Points(j,i,3);
x1 = Points(j+1,i,1);
x2 = Points(j+1,i+1,1);
x3 = Points(j,i+1,1);
y1 = Points(j+1,i,2);
y2 = Points(j+1,i+1,2);
y3 = Points(j,i+1,2);
z1 = Points(j+1,i,3);
z2 = Points(j+1,i+1,3);
z3 = Points(j,i+1,3);
xc = (x1+x2+x3)/3;
yc = (y1+y2+y3)/3;
zc = (z1+z2+z3)/3;
pwp = PoreWdistribution(abs(xc),yc,zc);
r = sqrt((Yo-yc)^2+(Zo-zc)^2);
bet = atan(-(zc-Zo)/(yc-Yo));
if bet<0
bet = bet+pi;
a = sqrt((y1-y2)^2+(z1-z2)^2);
b = sqrt((y1-y3)^2+(z1-z3)^2);
c = sqrt((y3-y2)^2+(z3-z2)^2);
Wp = Wp+r*sin(bet)*Airetri(a,b,c)*abs(xc)*Gam;
a = sqrt((x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2)^2+(z1-z2)^2);
b = sqrt((x1-x3)^2+(y1-y3)^2+(z1-z3)^2);
c = sqrt((x3-x2)^2+(y3-y2)^2+(z3-z2)^2);
Wr = Wr+cos(Phi)*r*Airetri(a,b,c)*Coh;
Wu = Wu+sin(Phi)*r*Airetri(a,b,c)*pwp;
Wt = 0;
for i = 1:Nteta-1
x1 = Contour(i,1);
y1 = Contour(i,2);
x2 = Contour(i+1,1);
y2 = Contour(i+1,2);
h = (y1+y2)/2;
r = sqrt((Yo-h)^2+Zo^2);
bet = atan(Zo/(h-Yo));
gr = 1+Grad*(h+Diam/2);
Wt = Wt+r*cos(bet)*gr*abs(x1+x2)/2*abs(y1-y2);
Wp = real(Wp);
Wr = real(Wr);
Wu = real(Wu);
WpG = Wp;
function Createfigures(xdata1, ydata1, zdata1)
% Create figure
figure1 = figure(...
'Color',[1 1 1],...
'PaperPosition',[0.6345 6.345 20.3 15.23],...
'PaperSize',[20.98 29.68],...
colormap gray
% Create axes
axes1 = axes(...
'CameraPosition',[0 50 -3],...
'CameraUpVector',[0 0 1],...
'PlotBoxAspectRatio',[2.5 1.5 3.5],...
'Position',[0.6223 0.03704 0.3763 0.9467],...
axis(axes1,[-5 5 0 6 -10 4]);
% Create surf1
surf1 = surf(xdata1,...
% Create surf2
surf2 = surf(xdata1,...
light2 = light('Position',[-12 6 -2],'Parent',axes2);
axes3 = axes(...
'CameraPosition',[-60 50 10],...
'CameraTarget',[0 5 -3],...
'PlotBoxAspectRatio',[2.5 1 3.5],...
'Position',[-0.0421 0.0163 0.3873 1.027],...
axis(axes3,[-5 5 0 6 -10 4]);
% Create surf3
surf3 = surf(xdata1,...
light3 = light('Position',[-6 8 -8],'Parent',axes3);
Signe = -1;
beta = Plans(1,7);% Angle Beta of the first plane
aax = 0;
aay = cos(Plans(1,7));
aaz = -sin(Plans(1,7));% Unit vector of the first plane from plane center to the rotation
xv = 0;
yv = Signe*sin(beta);
zv = Signe*cos(beta); % The coordinates of the velocity vector of the first plane
x1 = Points(1,Nteta/2,1);
y1 = Points(1,Nteta/2,2);
z1 = Points(1,Nteta/2,3);
Teta1 = Points(1,Nteta/2,4);
x2 = Points(1,Nteta/2+1,1);
y2 = Points(1,Nteta/2+1,2);
z2 = Points(1,Nteta/2+1,3);
Teta2 = Points(1,Nteta/2+1,4); % The coordinates and angle of points in Facet
xprime = Xc;
yprime = Yc-Diam/2;
zprime = 0;
Teta = (Teta1+Teta2)/2;
ax = -1;
ay = 0;
az = 0;
xc = Plans(2,3);
yc = Plans(2,4);
zc = Plans(2,5);
bx = xc-xprime;
by = yc-yprime;
bz = zc-zprime;
A = -zv/yv;
B = cos(pi/2+Phi)/yv;
C = -A*ay/ax-az/ax;
D = (-B*ay)/ax;
E = 1+C^2+A^2;
F = 2*C*D+2*A*B;
G = D^2+B^2-1;
Delta = F^2-4*E*G;
zn = (-F+sqrt(Delta))/(2*E);
yn = A*zn+B;
xn = C*zn+D;
deltay = (zn*ax-xn*az);
deltaz = (xn*ay-yn*ax);
if Signe*(yv*deltay+zv*deltaz)>0
zn = (-F-sqrt(Delta))/(2*E);
yn = A*zn+B;
xn = C*zn+D;
deltax = sin(Teta);
deltay = cos(Teta)*cos(Plans(2,7));
deltaz = -cos(Teta)*sin(Plans(2,7));
r = -(xn*bx+yn*by+zn*bz)/(deltax*xn+deltay*yn+deltaz*zn);
Points(2,Nteta/2,1) = xc+r*deltax;
Points(2,Nteta/2,2) = yc+r*deltay;
Points(2,Nteta/2,3) = zc+r*deltaz;
Points(2,Nteta/2,4) = Teta;
Points(2,Nteta/2,5) = deltax;
Points(2,Nteta/2,6) = deltay;
Points(2,Nteta/2,7) = deltaz;
Points(2,Nteta/2,8) = r;
Points(2,Nteta/2-1,1) = Contour(Nteta/2-1,1);
Points(2,Nteta/2-1,2) = Contour(Nteta/2-1,2);
bbx = Points(2,Nteta/2-1,1)-Plans(2,3);
bby = Points(2,Nteta/2-1,2)-Plans(2,4);
bbz = Points(2,Nteta/2-1,3)-Plans(2,5);
bb = sqrt(bbx^2+bby^2+bbz^2);
Points(2,Nteta/2-1,4) = acos((aax*bbx+aay*bby+aaz*bbz)/bb);
Points(2,Nteta/2-1,8) = sqrt((Points(2,Nteta/2-1,3)-Zo)^2+(Points(2,Nteta/2-1,2)-
Points(2,Nteta/2+1,1) = Contour(Nteta/2+2,1);
Points(2,Nteta/2+1,2) = Contour(Nteta/2+2,2);
bbx = Points(2,Nteta/2+1,1)-Plans(2,3);
bby = Points(2,Nteta/2+1,2)-Plans(2,4);
bbz = Points(2,Nteta/2+1,3)-Plans(2,5);
bb = sqrt(bbx^2+bby^2+bbz^2);
Points(2,Nteta/2+1,4) = 2*pi-acos((aax*bbx+aay*bby+aaz*bbz)/bb);
Points(2,Nteta/2+1,8) = sqrt((Points(2,Nteta/2+1,3)-Zo)^2+(Points(2,Nteta/2+1,2)-
beta = Plans(2,7);
aax = 0;
aay = cos(Plans(2,7));
aaz = -sin(Plans(2,7));
xv = 0;
yv = Signe*sin(beta);
zv = Signe*cos(beta);
x1 = Points(2,Nteta/2-1,1);
y1 = Points(2,Nteta/2-1,2);
z1 = Points(2,Nteta/2-1,3);
Teta1 = Points(2,Nteta/2-1,4);
x2 = Points(2,Nteta/2,1);
y2 = Points(2,Nteta/2,2);
z2 = Points(2,Nteta/2,3);
Teta2 = Points(2,Nteta/2,4);
x3 = Points(2,Nteta/2+1,1);
y3 = Points(2,Nteta/2+1,2);
z3 = Points(2,Nteta/2+1,3);
Teta3 = Points(2,Nteta/2+1,4);
Coefs = [Teta1^2,Teta1,1;Teta2^2,Teta2,1;Teta3^2,Teta3,1]^-1*[sqrt((xc-x1)^2+(yc-
xc = Plans(2,3);
yc = Plans(2,4);
zc = Plans(2,5);
Teta = (Teta1+Teta2)/2;
Rprime = Coefs(1)*Teta^2+Coefs(2)*Teta+Coefs(3);
xprime = xc+Rprime*sin(Teta);
yprime = yc+Rprime*cos(Teta)*cos(Plans(3,7));
zprime = zc-Rprime*cos(Teta)*sin(Plans(3,7));
deriv = ((2*Coefs(1)*Teta+Coefs(2))*cos(Teta)-
ax = -1;
ay = -cos(Plans(2,7))*deriv;
az = sin(Plans(2,7))*deriv;
xc = Plans(3,3);
yc = Plans(3,4);
zc = Plans(3,5);
bx = xc-xprime;
by = yc-yprime;
bz = zc-zprime;
A = -zv/yv;
B = cos(pi/2+Phi)/yv;
C = -A*ay/ax-az/ax;
D = (-B*ay)/ax;
E = 1+C^2+A^2;
F = 2*C*D+2*A*B;
G = D^2+B^2-1;
Delta = F^2-4*E*G;
zn = (-F+sqrt(Delta))/(2*E);
yn = A*zn+B;
xn = C*zn+D;
deltay = (zn*ax-xn*az);
deltaz = (xn*ay-yn*ax);
if Signe*(yv*deltay+zv*deltaz)>0
zn = (-F-sqrt(Delta))/(2*E);
yn = A*zn+B;
xn = C*zn+D;
deltax = sin(Teta);
deltay = cos(Teta)*cos(Plans(3,7));
deltaz = -cos(Teta)*sin(Plans(3,7));
r = -(xn*bx+yn*by+zn*bz)/(deltax*xn+deltay*yn+deltaz*zn);
Points(3,Nteta/2,1) = xc+r*deltax;
Points(3,Nteta/2,2) = yc+r*deltay;
Points(3,Nteta/2,3) = zc+r*deltaz;
Points(3,Nteta/2,4) = Teta;
Points(3,Nteta/2,5) = deltax;
Points(3,Nteta/2,6) = deltay;
Points(3,Nteta/2,7) = deltaz;
Points(3,Nteta/2,8) = r;
xc = Plans(2,3);
yc = Plans(2,4);
zc = Plans(2,5);
Teta = (Teta2+Teta3)/2;
Rprime = Coefs(1)*Teta^2+Coefs(2)*Teta+Coefs(3);
xprime = xc+Rprime*sin(Teta);
yprime = yc+Rprime*cos(Teta)*cos(Plans(3,7));
zprime = zc-Rprime*cos(Teta)*sin(Plans(3,7));
deriv = ((2*Coefs(1)*Teta+Coefs(2))*cos(Teta)-
ax = -1;
ay = -cos(Plans(2,7))*deriv;
az = sin(Plans(2,7))*deriv;
xc = Plans(3,3);
yc = Plans(3,4);
zc = Plans(3,5);
bx = xc-xprime;
by = yc-yprime;
bz = zc-zprime;
A = -zv/yv;
B = cos(pi/2+Phi)/yv;
C = -A*ay/ax-az/ax;
D = (-B*ay)/ax;
E = 1+C^2+A^2;
F = 2*C*D+2*A*B;
G = D^2+B^2-1;
Delta = F^2-4*E*G;
zn = (-F+sqrt(Delta))/(2*E);
yn = A*zn+B;
xn = C*zn+D;
deltay = (zn*ax-xn*az);
deltaz = (xn*ay-yn*ax);
if Signe*(yv*deltay+zv*deltaz)>0
zn = (-F-sqrt(Delta))/(2*E);
yn = A*zn+B;
xn = C*zn+D;
deltax = sin(Teta);
deltay = cos(Teta)*cos(Plans(3,7));
deltaz = -cos(Teta)*sin(Plans(3,7));
r = -(xn*bx+yn*by+zn*bz)/(deltax*xn+deltay*yn+deltaz*zn);
Points(3,Nteta/2+1,1) = xc+r*deltax;
Points(3,Nteta/2+1,2) = yc+r*deltay;
Points(3,Nteta/2+1,3) = zc+r*deltaz;
Points(3,Nteta/2+1,4) = Teta;
Points(3,Nteta/2+1,5) = deltax;
Points(3,Nteta/2+1,6) = deltay;
Points(3,Nteta/2+1,7) = deltaz;
Points(3,Nteta/2+1,8) = r;
Points(3,Nteta/2-1,1) = Contour(Nteta/2-2,1);
Points(3,Nteta/2-1,2) = Contour(Nteta/2-2,2);
bbx = Points(3,Nteta/2-1,1)-Plans(3,3);
bby = Points(3,Nteta/2-1,2)-Plans(3,4);
bbz = Points(3,Nteta/2-1,3)-Plans(3,5);
bb = sqrt(bbx^2+bby^2+bbz^2);
Points(3,Nteta/2-1,4) = acos((aax*bbx+aay*bby+aaz*bbz)/bb);
Points(3,Nteta/2-1,8) = sqrt((Points(3,Nteta/2-1,3)-Zo)^2+(Points(3,Nteta/2-1,2)-
Points(3,Nteta/2+2,1) = Contour(Nteta/2+3,1);
Points(3,Nteta/2+2,2) = Contour(Nteta/2+3,2);
bbx = Points(3,Nteta/2+2,1)-Plans(3,3);
bby = Points(3,Nteta/2+2,2)-Plans(3,4);
bbz = Points(3,Nteta/2+2,3)-Plans(3,5);
bb = sqrt(bbx^2+bby^2+bbz^2);
Points(3,Nteta/2+2,4) = 2*pi-acos((aax*bbx+aay*bby+aaz*bbz)/bb);
Points(3,Nteta/2+2,8) = sqrt((Points(3,Nteta/2+2,3)-Zo)^2+(Points(3,Nteta/2+2,2)-
for j = 3:j_A-1
beta = Plans(j,7);
sinbeta = sin(beta);
cosbeta = cos(beta);
betap = Plans(j+1,7);
sinbetap = sin(Plans(j+1,7));
cosbetap = cos(Plans(j+1,7));
xv = 0;
yv = Signe*sinbeta;
zv = Signe*cosbeta;
aax = 0;
aay = cosbeta;
aaz = -sinbeta;
if j/2 == round(j/2)
dep = Nteta/2-j/2;
fin = Nteta/2+(j-2)/2;
dep = Nteta/2-(j-1)/2;
fin = Nteta/2+(j-1)/2;
for i = dep:fin+1
bbx = Points(j,i,1)-xc;
bby = Points(j,i,2)-yc;
bbz = Points(j,i,3)-zc;
bb = sqrt(bbx^2+bby^2+bbz^2);
Points(j,i,4) = real(acos((aax*bbx+aay*bby+aaz*bbz)/bb));
if Points(j,i,1)<0
Points(j,i,4) = 2*pi-Points(j,i,4);
A = -zv/yv;
for i = dep:fin
xc = Plans(j,3);
yc = Plans(j,4);
zc = Plans(j,5);
if i == dep
x1 = Points(j,i,1);
x2 = Points(j,i+1,1);
x3 = Points(j,i+2,1);
x4 = Points(j,i+3,1);
y1 = Points(j,i,2);
y2 = Points(j,i+1,2);
y3 = Points(j,i+2,2);
y4 = Points(j,i+3,2);
z1 = Points(j,i,3);
z2 = Points(j,i+1,3);
z3 = Points(j,i+2,3);
z4 = Points(j,i+3,3);
Teta1 = Points(j,i,4);
Teta2 = Points(j,i+1,4);
Teta3 = Points(j,i+2,4);
Teta4 = Points(j,i+3,4);
xprime = (x1+x2)/2;
yprime = (y1+y2)/2;
zprime = (z1+z2)/2;
ax = x2-x1;
ay = y2-y1;
az = z2-z1;
Teta = (Teta2+Teta1)/2;
costeta = cos(Teta);
sinteta = sin(Teta);
elseif i == fin
x1 = Points(j,i-2,1);
x2 = Points(j,i-1,1);
x3 = Points(j,i,1);
x4 = Points(j,i+1,1);
y1 = Points(j,i-2,2);
y2 = Points(j,i-1,2);
y3 = Points(j,i,2);
y4 = Points(j,i+1,2);
z1 = Points(j,i-2,3);
z2 = Points(j,i-1,3);
z3 = Points(j,i,3);
z4 = Points(j,i+1,3);
Teta1 = Points(j,i-2,4);
Teta2 = Points(j,i-1,4);
Teta3 = Points(j,i,4);
Teta4 = Points(j,i+1,4);
xprime = (x3+x4)/2;
yprime = (y3+y4)/2;
zprime = (z3+z4)/2;
ax = x4-x3;
ay = y4-y3;
az = z4-z3;
Teta = (Teta4+Teta3)/2;
costeta = cos(Teta);
sinteta = sin(Teta);
x1 = Points(j,i-1,1);
x2 = Points(j,i,1);
x3 = Points(j,i+1,1);
x4 = Points(j,i+2,1);
y1 = Points(j,i-1,2);
y2 = Points(j,i,2);
y3 = Points(j,i+1,2);
y4 = Points(j,i+2,2);
z1 = Points(j,i-1,3);
z2 = Points(j,i,3);
z3 = Points(j,i+1,3);
z4 = Points(j,i+2,3);
Teta1 = Points(j,i-1,4);
Teta2 = Points(j,i,4);
Teta3 = Points(j,i+1,4);
Teta4 = Points(j,i+2,4);
xprime = (x3+x2)/2;
yprime = (y3+y2)/2;
zprime = (z3+z2)/2;
ax = x3-x2;
ay = y3-y2;
az = z3-z2;
Teta = (Teta2+Teta3)/2;
costeta = cos(Teta);
sinteta = sin(Teta);
xc = 0;
yc = Plans(j+1,4);
zc = Plans(j+1,5);
bx = xc-xprime;
by = yc-yprime;
bz = zc-zprime;
B = cos(pi/2+Phi)/yv;
C = -A*ay/ax-az/ax;
D = (-B*ay)/ax;
E = 1+C^2+A^2;
F = 2*C*D+2*A*B;
G = D^2+B^2-1;
Delta = F^2-4*E*G;
zn = (-F+sqrt(Delta))/(2*E);
yn = A*zn+B;
xn = C*zn+D;
deltay = (zn*ax-xn*az);
deltaz = (xn*ay-yn*ax);
if Signe*(yv*deltay+zv*deltaz)>0
zn = (-F-sqrt(Delta))/(2*E);
yn = A*zn+B;
xn = C*zn+D;
deltax = sinteta;
deltay = costeta*cosbetap;
deltaz = -costeta*sinbetap;
r = -(xn*bx+yn*by+zn*bz)/(deltax*xn+deltay*yn+deltaz*zn);
if j/2 == round(j/2)
Points(j+1,i+1,1) = xc+r*deltax;
Points(j+1,i+1,2) = yc+r*deltay;
Points(j+1,i+1,3) = zc+r*deltaz;
Points(j+1,i+1,4) = Teta;
Points(j+1,i+1,5) = deltax;
Points(j+1,i+1,6) = deltay;
Points(j+1,i+1,7) = deltaz;
Points(j+1,i+1,8) = r;
Points(j+1,i,1) = xc+r*deltax;
Points(j+1,i,2) = yc+r*deltay;
Points(j+1,i,3) = zc+r*deltaz;
Points(j+1,i,4) = Teta;
Points(j+1,i,5) = xprime;
Points(j+1,i,6) = yprime;
Points(j+1,i,7) = zprime;
Points(j+1,i,8) = r;
if j/2 == round(j/2)
Points(j+1,Nteta/2-j/2,1) = Contour(Nteta/2-j,1);
Points(j+1,Nteta/2-j/2,2) = Contour(Nteta/2-j,2);
bbx = Points(j+1,Nteta/2-j/2,1)-xc;
bby = Points(j+1,Nteta/2-j/2,2)-yc;
bbz = Points(j+1,Nteta/2-j/2,3)-zc;
bb = sqrt(bbx^2+bby^2+bbz^2);
Points(j+1,Nteta/2-j/2,4) = acos((aax*bbx+aay*bby+aaz*bbz)/bb);
Points(j+1,Nteta/2-j/2,8) = sqrt((Points(j+1,Nteta/2-j/2,3)-
Points(j+1,Nteta/2+j/2+1,1) = Contour(Nteta/2+j+1,1);
Points(j+1,Nteta/2+j/2+1,2) = Contour(Nteta/2+j+1,2);
bbx = Points(j+1,Nteta/2+j/2+1,1)-xc;
bby = Points(j+1,Nteta/2+j/2+1,2)-yc;
bbz = Points(j+1,Nteta/2+j/2+1,3)-zc;
bb = sqrt(bbx^2+bby^2+bbz^2);
Points(j+1,Nteta/2+j/2+1,4) = 2*pi-acos((aax*bbx+aay*bby+aaz*bbz)/bb);
Points(j+1,Nteta/2+j/2+1,8) = sqrt((Points(j+1,Nteta/2+j/2+1,3)-
Points(j+1,Nteta/2-(j+1)/2,1) = Contour(Nteta/2-j,1);
Points(j+1,Nteta/2-(j+1)/2,2) = Contour(Nteta/2-j,2);
bbx = Points(j+1,Nteta/2-(j+1)/2,1)-xc;
bby = Points(j+1,Nteta/2-(j+1)/2,2)-yc;
bbz = Points(j+1,Nteta/2-(j+1)/2,3)-zc;
bb = sqrt(bbx^2+bby^2+bbz^2);
Points(j+1,Nteta/2-(j+1)/2,4) = acos((aax*bbx+aay*bby+aaz*bbz)/bb);
Points(j+1,Nteta/2-(j+1)/2,8) = sqrt((Points(j+1,Nteta/2-(j+1)/2,3)-Zo)^2+(Points(j+
Points(j+1,Nteta/2+(j+1)/2,1) = Contour(Nteta/2+j+1,1);
Points(j+1,Nteta/2+(j+1)/2,2) = Contour(Nteta/2+j+1,2);
bbx = Points(j+1,Nteta/2+(j+1)/2,1)-xc;
bby = Points(j+1,Nteta/2+(j+1)/2,2)-yc;
bbz = Points(j+1,Nteta/2+(j+1)/2,3)-zc;
bb = sqrt(bbx^2+bby^2+bbz^2);
Points(j+1,Nteta/2+(j+1)/2,4) = 2*pi-acos((aax*bbx+aay*bby+aaz*bbz)/bb);
Points(j+1,Nteta/2+(j+1)/2,8) = sqrt((Points(j+1,Nteta/2+(j+1)/2,3)-
Zo)^2+(Points(j+ 1,Nteta/2+(j+1)/2,2)-Yo)^2);
summ = 10^10;
for j = jA:jF-1
beta = Plans(j,7);
sinbeta = sin(beta);
cosbeta = cos(beta);
betap = Plans(j+1,7);
sinbetap = sin(Plans(j+1,7));
cosbetap = cos(Plans(j+1,7));
xv = 0;
yv = Signe*sinbeta;
zv = Signe*cosbeta;
aax = 0;
aay = cosbeta;
aaz = -sinbeta;
dep = Nteta/4;
fin = 3*Nteta/4;
Trapezes = zeros(1,8);
for i = dep:fin
X1 = Points(j,i,1);
Y1 = Points(j,i,2);
Z1 = Points(j,i,3);
if i<fin
X2 = Points(j,i+1,1);
Y2 = Points(j,i+1,2);
Z2 = Points(j,i+1,3);
X2 = Points(j,dep,1);
Y2 = Points(j,dep,2);
Z2 = Points(j,dep,3);
if abs(X2)>abs(X1)
X3 = X1;Y3 = Y1;Z3 = Z1;
X1 = X2;Y1 = Y2;Z1 = Z2;
X2 = X3;Y2 = Y3;Z2 = Z3;
Trapezes(size(Trapezes,1)+1,1) = abs(X2)*sqrt((Y1-Y2)^2+(Z1-Z2)^2);
Trapezes(size(Trapezes,1),2) = X2/2;
Trapezes(size(Trapezes,1),3) = Y1+(Y2-Y1)/2;
Trapezes(size(Trapezes,1),4) = Z1+(Z2-Z1)/2;
Trapezes(size(Trapezes,1),5) = abs(X1-X2)*sqrt((Y1-Y2)^2+(Z1-Z2)^2)/2;
Trapezes(size(Trapezes,1),6) = X2+(X1-X2)/3;
Trapezes(size(Trapezes,1),7) = Y1+(Y2-Y1)/3;
Trapezes(size(Trapezes,1),8) = Z1+(Z2-Z1)/3;
suma = 0;
for i = 2:size(Trapezes,1)
suma = suma+Trapezes(i,1)+Trapezes(i,5);
xc = 0;
yc = Plans(j,4);
zc = Plans(j,5);
for i = dep:fin
bbx = Points(j,i,1)-xc;
bby = Points(j,i,2)-yc;
bbz = Points(j,i,3)-zc;
bb = sqrt(bbx^2+bby^2+bbz^2);
Points(j,i,4) = real(acos((aax*bbx+aay*bby+aaz*bbz)/bb));
if Points(j,i,1)<0 & i ~= dep
Points(j,i,4) = 2*pi-Points(j,i,4);
for i = dep:fin
if j/2 == round(j/2)
if i == dep
x1 = Points(j,fin-1,1);
x2 = Points(j,fin,1);
x3 = Points(j,i,1);
x4 = Points(j,i+1,1);
y1 = Points(j,fin-1,2);
y2 = Points(j,fin,2);
y3 = Points(j,i,2);
y4 = Points(j,i+1,2);
z1 = Points(j,fin-1,3);
z2 = Points(j,fin,3);
z3 = Points(j,i,3);
z4 = Points(j,i+1,3);
Teta1 = Points(j,fin-1,4)-2*pi;
Teta2 = Points(j,fin,4)-2*pi;
Teta3 = Points(j,i,4);
Teta4 = Points(j,i+1,4);
elseif i == dep+1
x1 = Points(j,fin,1);
x2 = Points(j,i-1,1);
x3 = Points(j,i,1);
x4 = Points(j,i+1,1);
y1 = Points(j,fin,2);
y2 = Points(j,i-1,2);
y3 = Points(j,i,2);
y4 = Points(j,i+1,2);
z1 = Points(j,fin,3);
z2 = Points(j,i-1,3);
z3 = Points(j,i,3);
z4 = Points(j,i+1,3);
Teta1 = Points(j,fin,4)-2*pi;
Teta2 = Points(j,i-1,4);
Teta3 = Points(j,i,4);
Teta4 = Points(j,i+1,4);
elseif i == fin
x1 = Points(j,i-2,1);
x2 = Points(j,i-1,1);
x3 = Points(j,i,1);
x4 = Points(j,dep,1);
y1 = Points(j,i-2,2);
y2 = Points(j,i-1,2);
y3 = Points(j,i,2);
y4 = Points(j,dep,2);
z1 = Points(j,i-2,3);
z2 = Points(j,i-1,3);
z3 = Points(j,i,3);
z4 = Points(j,dep,3);
Teta1 = Points(j,i-2,4);
Teta2 = Points(j,i-1,4);
Teta3 = Points(j,i,4);
Teta4 = Points(j,dep,4)+2*pi;
x1 = Points(j,i-2,1);
x2 = Points(j,i-1,1);
x3 = Points(j,i,1);
x4 = Points(j,i+1,1);
y1 = Points(j,i-2,2);
y2 = Points(j,i-1,2);
y3 = Points(j,i,2);
y4 = Points(j,i+1,2);
z1 = Points(j,i-2,3);
z2 = Points(j,i-1,3);
z3 = Points(j,i,3);
z4 = Points(j,i+1,3);
Teta1 = Points(j,i-2,4);
Teta2 = Points(j,i-1,4);
Teta3 = Points(j,i,4);
Teta4 = Points(j,i+1,4);
if i == dep
x1 = Points(j,fin,1);
x2 = Points(j,i,1);
x3 = Points(j,i+1,1);
x4 = Points(j,i+2,1);
y1 = Points(j,fin,2);
y2 = Points(j,i,2);
y3 = Points(j,i+1,2);
y4 = Points(j,i+2,2);
z1 = Points(j,fin,3);
z2 = Points(j,i,3);
z3 = Points(j,i+1,3);
z4 = Points(j,i+2,3);
Teta1 = Points(j,fin,4)-2*pi;
Teta2 = Points(j,i,4);
Teta3 = Points(j,i+1,4);
Teta4 = Points(j,i+2,4);
elseif i == fin-1
x1 = Points(j,i-1,1);
x2 = Points(j,i,1);
x3 = Points(j,i+1,1);
x4 = Points(j,dep,1);
y1 = Points(j,i-1,2);
y2 = Points(j,i,2);
y3 = Points(j,i+1,2);
y4 = Points(j,dep,2);
z1 = Points(j,i-1,3);
z2 = Points(j,i,3);
z3 = Points(j,i+1,3);
z4 = Points(j,dep,3);
Teta1 = Points(j,i-1,4);
Teta2 = Points(j,i,4);
Teta3 = Points(j,i+1,4);
Teta4 = Points(j,dep,4)+2*pi;
elseif i == fin
x1 = Points(j,i-1,1);
x2 = Points(j,i,1);
x3 = Points(j,dep,1);
x4 = Points(j,dep+1,1);
y1 = Points(j,i-1,2);
y2 = Points(j,i,2);
y3 = Points(j,dep,2);
y4 = Points(j,dep+1,2);
z1 = Points(j,i-1,3);
z2 = Points(j,i,3);
z3 = Points(j,dep,3);
z4 = Points(j,dep+1,3);
Teta1 = Points(j,i-1,4);
Teta2 = Points(j,i,4);
Teta3 = Points(j,dep,4)+2*pi;
Teta4 = Points(j,dep+1,4)+2*pi;
x1 = Points(j,i-1,1);
x2 = Points(j,i,1);
x3 = Points(j,i+1,1);
x4 = Points(j,i+2,1);
y1 = Points(j,i-1,2);
y2 = Points(j,i,2);
y3 = Points(j,i+1,2);
y4 = Points(j,i+2,2);
z1 = Points(j,i-1,3);
z2 = Points(j,i,3);
z3 = Points(j,i+1,3);
z4 = Points(j,i+2,3);
Teta1 = Points(j,i-1,4);
Teta2 = Points(j,i,4);
Teta3 = Points(j,i+1,4);
Teta4 = Points(j,i+2,4);
Teta = (Teta2+Teta3)/2;
sinteta = sin(Teta);
costeta = cos(Teta);
xprime = (x2+x3)/2;
yprime = (y2+y3)/2;
zprime = (z2+z3)/2;
if Phi == 0
DepContr = 1;
ax = x3-x2;
ay = y3-y2;
az = z3-z2;
xc = 0;
yc = Plans(j+1,4);
zc = Plans(j+1,5);
bx = xc-xprime;
by = yc-yprime;
bz = zc-zprime;
A = -zv/yv;
B = cos(pi/2+Phi)/yv;
C = -A*ay/ax-az/ax;
D = (-B*ay)/ax;
E = 1+C^2+A^2;
F = 2*C*D+2*A*B;
G = D^2+B^2-1;
Delta = F^2-4*E*G;
zn = (-F+sqrt(Delta))/(2*E);
yn = A*zn+B;
xn = C*zn+D;
if Signe*(yv*(zn*ax-xn*az)+zv*(xn*ay-yn*ax))>0
zn = (-F-sqrt(Delta))/(2*E);
yn = A*zn+B;
xn = C*zn+D;
deltax = sinteta;
deltay = costeta*cosbeta;
deltaz = -costeta*sinbeta;
r = -(xn*bx+yn*by+zn*bz)/(deltax*xn+deltay*yn+deltaz*zn);
Points(j+1,i,1) = xc+r*deltax;
Points(j+1,i,2) = yc+r*deltay;
Points(j+1,i,3) = zc+r*deltaz;
Points(j+1,i,4) = Teta;
Points(j+1,i,5) = xprime;
Points(j+1,i,6) = yprime;
Points(j+1,i,7) = zprime;
Points(j+1,i,8) = r;
if j>j_A & (suma-(summ-suma)<0 | suma<0.1 |
min(Points(j+1,Nteta/4:3*Nteta/4,8))<0 | suma>summ)
summ = suma;
Points = cat(2,Points,zeros(size(Points,1),1,8));
Points(:,Nteta+1,:) = Points(:,1,:);
global PoreWdistribution
% Import pore water pressure distribution obtained numerically from FLAC3D and
% Saved in EXCEL with name ''ppvalues''
[Matriz_Poro] = xlsread ('ppvalues_1',1,'F2:I31040');
% Globalize a series of variables and assign values to each variable global Phi Coh
%Param Params_Geom sig Diam Gam Nteta Delta_Beta
Diam = 10; % Tunnel diameter
Phi = 35/180*pi; %Friction angle
Coh = 0; % Cohesion
Gam = 15.6; % Saturate unit weight
Params_Geom = [20,10]; % Initial values of mechanism geometry parameters
% Call all the functions to generate the mechanism and show the collapse pressure
Critical_Collapse_Pressure = Signe*(WpG/Wt+Signe*Wr/Wt+Wu/Wt)
function [sig] = SigMC(Para)
global Gam Phi Coh Params_Geom Diam Nteta Delta_Beta
Parameters = cat(2,Para,[0,-Diam/2]); % Geometry parameters for ValueMC
DepContr = 0;
if DepContr == 1 % The mechanism generates wrongly
sig = 100000+err*100000
if Para(1)<5 % The mechanism coordinate BetaC is negative
sig = 100000-100000*Para(1)
if Para(2)<6 % The mechanism cordinate RC is negative
sig = 100000-100000*Para(2)
if Yo>0 % The rotation center lies above the tunnel crown
DepContr = 0;% The mechanism generates correctly
sig = Signe*(WpG/Wt+Signe*Wr/Wt+Wu/Wt)% Signe is defined -1 in ''Generate''
sig = 100000-100000*Yo
Points_dessin = zeros(10,10,3);
for j = 1:size(Points,1)
if j/2 ~= round(j/2)
for i = 1:Nteta/2+1
Points_dessin(j,2*i-1,:) = Points(j,Nteta/4-1+i,1:3);
Points_dessin(j,2*i,:) = Points(j,Nteta/4-1+i,1:3);
Points_dessin(j,1,:) = Points(j,Nteta/4,1:3);
Points_dessin(j,Nteta+2,:) = Points(j,3*Nteta/4,1:3);
for i = 1:Nteta/2
Points_dessin(j,2*i,:) = Points(j,Nteta/4-1+i,1:3);
Points_dessin(j,2*i+1,:) = Points(j,Nteta/4-1+i,1:3);
for i = 1:Nteta/2
if Points_dessin(j,Nteta/2+2+i,:) == zeros(1,1,3)
Points_dessin(j,Nteta/2+2+i,:) = Points_dessin(j,Nteta/2+1+i,:);
if Points_dessin(j,Nteta/2+1-i,:) == zeros(1,1,3)
Points_dessin(j,Nteta/2+1-i,:) = Points_dessin(j,Nteta/2+2-i,:);
Points_dessin(1:j_A,Nteta+3,:) = Points_dessin(1:j_A,Nteta+2,:);
Points_dessin(1:j_A,Nteta+4,:) = Points_dessin(1:j_A,Nteta+2,:);
global x_p0 x_p1 x_p2 x_p3 y_p0 y_p1 y_p2 y_p3 x_c y_c z_c
BetaC = Parameters(1)/180*pi;
RC = Parameters(2);
Xc = Parameters(3);
Yc = Parameters(4);
Yo = RC*cos(BetaC)+Yc;
Zo = -RC*sin(BetaC);
BetaA = atan(-Zo/(Yo-Yc-Diam/2));
RA = sqrt(Zo^2+(Yo-Yc-Diam/2)^2);
BetaB = atan(-Zo/(Yo-Yc+Diam/2));
RB = sqrt(Zo^2+(Yo-Yc+Diam/2)^2);
dbeta = Delta_Beta;
be = BetaA;
zda = 0;
yda = 0;
zdb = Zo+Rc*sin(be);
ydb = Yo-Rc*cos(be);
ra = sqrt((Yo-yda)^2+(Zo-zda)^2);
rb = sqrt((Yo-ydb)^2+(Zo-zdb)^2);
Angles(1,i) = 2*pi/Nteta*(i-0.5);
Contour = zeros(Nteta,5);
for i = 1:Nteta
Contour(i,3) = sin(Angles(1,i));
Contour(i,4) = cos(Angles(1,i));
Contour(i,1) = Xc+Contour(i,3)*Contour(i,5);
Contour(i,2) = Yc+Contour(i,4)*Contour(i,5);
aay = cos(Plans(1,7));
aaz = -sin(Plans(1,7));
bbx = Points(1,Nteta/2,1)-Plans(1,3);
bby = Points(1,Nteta/2,2)-Plans(1,4);
bbz = Points(1,Nteta/2,3)-Plans(1,5);
bb = sqrt(bbx^2+bby^2+bbz^2);
Points(1,Nteta/2,4) = acos((aax*bbx+aay*bby+aaz*bbz)/bb);
Points(1,Nteta/2,8) = sqrt((Points(1,Nteta/2,3)-Zo)^2+(Points(1,Nteta/2,2)-Yo)^2);
Points(1,Nteta/2+1,1) = Contour(Nteta/2+1,1);
Points(1,Nteta/2+1,2) = Contour(Nteta/2+1,2);
bbx = Points(1,Nteta/2+1,1)-Plans(1,3);
bby = Points(1,Nteta/2+1,2)-Plans(1,4);
bbz = Points(1,Nteta/2+1,3)-Plans(1,5);
bb = sqrt(bbx^2+bby^2+bbz^2);
Points(1,Nteta/2+1,4) = 2*pi-acos((aax*bbx+aay*bby+aaz*bbz)/bb);
rest Malla_Fina.sav
config zgroup 2
config fluid
mo mec mohr
mo fluid fl_iso
ini den 0.00152
prop bulk 417. sh 192.
prop fric 35. coh 0. dil 30.
prop perm 1e-7
prop poros 0.42
prop u_thc 1.0
ini fmod 30000.0
ini sat 1.0
ini ftens -1e-3
ini fdens 0.001
set grav 10
fix x ran x -0.001 0.001
fix x ran x 54.999 55.001
fix y ran y -20.001 -19.999
fix y ran y 49.999 50.001
fix z ran z -25.001 -24.999
ini pp 0.250 grad 0 0 -0.01
fix pp ran x 54.999 55.001
fix pp ran y -20.001 -19.999
fix pp ran y 49.999 50.001
fix pp ran z -25.001 -24.999
def ini tens
pnt = zone_head
rest Fase_3.sav
call Intervalo.dat
def acotacion
P_cal = 1./2. * (P_sup+P_inf)
if abs(P_sup-P_inf) > 0.1e-3 then
app syy @P_cal range Contorno_tunel y -0.1 0.1
print @P_sup
print @P_inf
print @P_cal
if estable = 1 then
P_sup_archivo = P_cal
P_inf_archivo = P_inf
P_sup_archivo = P_sup
P_inf_archivo = P_cal
fname = 'Calculo_Presion_'+string(k)+'.sav'
if float(k)/1. = k/1 then
save @fname
array bbbb(5)
bbbb(1) = 'def limites'
bbbb(2) = 'P_sup = ' + string(P_sup_archivo) + ' * 1.'
bbbb(3) = 'P_inf = ' + string(P_inf_archivo) + ' * 1.'
bbbb(4) = 'k = ' + string(k+1)
bbbb(5) = 'end'
dummy = open('Intervalo.dat',1,1)
dummy = write(bbbb,5)
dummy = close
call Modelo_V02.dat
def limites
P_sup = -1000.
P_inf = 0.
def mixedboundary
gp_pnt = gp_head
loop while gp_pnt # null
x0 = gp_xpos(gp_pnt)
y0 = gp_ypos(gp_pnt)
z0 = gp_zpos(gp_pnt)
if sqrt(x0^2+z0^2) < 5.05
if y0 > -0.05
if y0 < 0.05
x1 = gp_xpos(gp_pnt)-0.05
x2 = gp_xpos(gp_pnt)+0.05
z1 = gp_zpos(gp_pnt)-0.05
z2 = gp_zpos(gp_pnt)+0.05
if gp_pp(gp_pnt) >= 0 then
apply pp 0 range x @x1 @x2 z @z1 @z2 y -0.05 0.05
gp_pnt = gp_next(gp_pnt)