Power Operated Paddy Seeder: A Review: Umesh Kumar Dhruw and DK Roy

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The Pharma Innovation Journal 2023; 12(1): 2606-2608

ISSN (E): 2277-7695

ISSN (P): 2349-8242
NAAS Rating: 5.23 Power operated paddy seeder: A review
TPI 2023; 12(1): 2606-2608
© 2023 TPI
Received: 08-10-2022
Umesh Kumar Dhruw and DK Roy
Accepted: 12-11-2022
Umesh Kumar Dhruw The power operated seeder is a device which is used for sowing the pre-germinated or wet or dry
Assistant Professor, IGKV, seeding. It is a substitute for other sowing methods in puddle conditions because of its main advantages
RSV College of Agriculture & of time saving, saving the transplanting cost, being easy to work, satisfying profit and a satisfactory yield
Research Station, Bemetara, in the paddy crop. Fabricating the paddy seeder unit can be useful in reducing the hard work of sowing in
Chhattisgarh, India
puddles or dragging of the manually drum seeder, besides other benefits of pre-germinated row sowing.
Transplanting of rice seedlings is a tedious work for farmers, time-consuming and costly work needs to
DK Roy
Assistant Professor, IGKV, be done by direct seeding, decreasing the physical work of farmers require by more than 20 percent in
SK, College of Agriculture & terms of working hours. This seeder can be used save the seed; saving time and better yield production
Research Station, Kawardha, were comparable to the transplanted method and manual drum seeding, whereas they were better in
Chhattisgarh, India comparison to the broadcasted method.

Keywords: Power operated paddy seeder, pre-germinated seed, metering device

Paddy is a major and important cereal crop in India with a total approximately area of 44 Mha
and a production of 111.76 million tons in the year 2021-22. (Source: Directorate of
Economics and Statics Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India).
Directed seeded rice plays an important role in satisfying the rice grain requirement of the
people of the world. For line sowing, many designs of manual paddy drum seeder and bullock
drawn drum seeder have been fabricated, but pulling them on puddle fields involves drudgery
problems and a very hard way. Direct dry sowing is an important method for the rain-fed plot
area. In the monsoon season, friable field conditions, soil is available for limited. In rains
continue, the soil becomes saturated. Under such conventional sowing implements, it becomes
not easy to operate due to blocking and a chock-full of furrow opener. Therefore, to have a
machine which can be used in the boths conditions dry and wet seeding. The developed the
power operated paddy seeder unit could be useful in eliminating drudgery in transplanting or
pulling of manual drum seeder besides other advantages of pre-germinated line seeding.

Power operated paddy seeder

Gupta and Herwanto (1992) [4] constructed a two-wheel tractor operator with direct paddy
seeder for control of high pressure stress and hard work in the transplanting sowing method.
The seeding machine has a working breadth of 200 cm row length. For each line, the seeding
machine has the seed box, 6-fluted roller metering devices and a dual disc opener. There are
two Wheels with lug moving the metering devices connected to the shaft. Every one fluted in a
metering device could picked up 3 to 5 paddy seeds and drop the seed a furrow through seed
guided at desired of 2 to 7 cm. The seed rate can range from about 15-20 kgha-1. The field
capacity of the seeding machine was found about 0.5 ha h-1 at a forward speed of 0.81 msec-1.
The field efficiency of the machine was found to be 78%. Damage due to metering device was
zero. It was not found for soak seed and 3% of germinated paddy seeds.
Sahoo et al. (1994) [8] constructed a six-row power tiller operated for pr-germinate rice seeders
at Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar. The actual field capacity
of the seeding machine was found at 0.168 and 0.114 hah-1 for 9.9 cm and 25.3 cm hard pan
depth respectively. Inter row spacing was 20 cm and hill to hill spacing was 9.95 cm with 3-5
seeds per hill. The capacity of the hopper was 40 kg. The Size of a metering device of a cup
Corresponding Author:
Umesh Kumar Dhruw
type of disc, diameter 0.8 cm and 0.6 cm depth were design so as to pick up 3-5 seeds per hill.
Assistant Professor, IGKV, The operational cost of the seeding machine was found to be Rs. 173/ha. The seed rate can be
RSV College of Agriculture & adjusted to the range 75-85 kgha-1 for different varieties of paddy. The specifications of the
Research Station, Bemetara, machine are presented in Table 1.
Chhattisgarh, India
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Table 1: Specifications of the machine Table 3: Specifications of the machine

Six row power tiller operated Name of machine Self propelled rice ridge seeder
Name of Machine
pre-germinated rice seeder Overall size, cm 300 x 220 x 150
Overall size, cm 140 x 88 x 61.7 cm
Power source, hp 4.5 diesel engine
No. of row Six
Row spacing, cm 20 Turning radius, cm 300
Hill-hill space 9.95 cm with 3 to 5 seeds per hill Field speed, km/h 1.8 and 2.2
Working breadth, cm 100 cm Traction wheel 67 cm diameter, lug spacing 240
Total capacity of seed box 40 kg Suitable seed Pre-germinated seeds
Actual field capacity, hah-1 0.168
Field efficiency, percentage 77.18%
Sharma and Reddy (2006) [9] constructed a self-propelled ten
row paddy seeder at Central Institute of Agricultural
Jinfu and Ma (1997) [7] constructed a new machine fabricated Engineering Bhopal. The specifications of the machine are
on direct paddy seeder for wet seeding field conditions at the given in Table 4. The performance evaluation of the
Department of Agricultural Engineering, Huazhong machine’s actual field capacity was found to be 0.25 ha h-1.
Agricultural University. This machine has many features; The seeding machine has a working breadth of 200 cm row
small power, steel slide board, wheel-driven feed roller, top length. The metering device of the seeding machine was drum
delivery fluted feeder. The working breadth of the seeding type. The inter-row spacing was 20 cm and hill to hill spacing
machine was 300 cm and fourteen rows. The seed can be fed was 10 cm with 4 to 6 seeds per hill. The total amount of
in a hopper quantity from 30-150 kg ha-1. The damage rate seeds that could be capacity of seed hopper was 30 kg. The
due to metering devices was found at 0.045 percentages. The operational cost of the seeding machine was found to be Rs.
field capacity and fuel consumption of the machine was found 500 ha-1.
at 0.67- 0.8 ha h-1 and 1.2-1.54 lha-1. As compared with the
mechanical transplanting method, the manual broadcasting Table 4: Specifications of the machine
method and the manual transplanting method, the seeding
machine was found to have increased higher yields grains by Self propelled 10 row
Name of machine
12.72-14.48%, decreasing the production cost 1.0- 15%, paddy seeder
saving increasing the manpower’s 27.0-484.5 men days hha-1 Overall size, cm 285 x250 x130
and increase the net income. The specifications of machine Power source, kW 3.7 kW Diesel engine
are shown in Table 2. Working breadth, cm 200
Row to row spacing, cm 20
Table 2: Specifications of machine
No. of row 10
New direct paddy seeder Capacity of each seed drum, kg 3 kg
Name of machine
for wet field condition 2 set holes provided on the
Overall size, cm 230 x 299 x 135 cm Seed dropping mechanism
periphery of drum
Structural weight, kg 180
Seeder drum Cylindrical shape
Number of rows 14
Row spacing, cm 20
Row spacing of irrigation furrow, cm 30 Thiyagarajan and tajuddin (2013) [10] constructed a machine of
Number of seed/meters 14 self-propelled wet land direct paddy seeder for sowing pre-
Working width, cm 300 cm germinate paddy seeds in puddle conditions at Agricultural
Total capacity of box, kg 104 Engineering College and Research Institute Kumulur,
Diameter of driving wheel, cm 70 Tamilnadu. The performance evaluation of the seeding
Power, kW 3.3 machine of actual field capacity was found 1.92 ha day-1.
Minimum turning radius, cm 303 There was available a metering device of drum type. The row
Range of feed quantity, kgha-1 30-150 to row spacing between the seed drums can be adjusted from
Field capacity, ha h-1 0.67-0.8 25 cm to 30 cm. The operational cost of the seeding machine
Fuel consumption, lha-1 1.2-1.5 was found to be Rs. 635 ha-1.
Bangale et al. (2019) [1] constructed a machine self propelled
Dhalin et al. (2005) [3] constructed a machine check valve direct seeding rice planter at SV College of Agricultural
mechanism system as the power tiller worked a cup feed Engineering & Technology, Faculty of Agricultural
seeding machine at the Department of Machinery Tamil Nadu Engineering, IGKV Raipur, C.G. collaborating with CRIDA
Agricultural University. The field capacity of the seeding Hyderabad. The main components of the machine are an
machine was found at 0.06 ha h-1. The field efficiency of the inclined plate metering mechanism for seed, cup type
seeding machine was found to be 70-75%. metering for fertilizer, ground wheel, inverted T type furrow
Mathankar et al. (2006) [5] constructed a machine self- openers, 5 horse power engine as a prime mover adjustable
propelled rice ridge seeder for germinated seeding for wet handle levers and a rigid main supporting frame to attach all
field conditions at CIAE, ICAR Bhopal. The specifications of the parts and wheels. The specifications of the machine are
the Self propelled rice ridge seeder are given in Table 3. The given in Table 5. The performance evaluation of the machine
yield of this seeding machine was 5.3 tha-1 as compared to in the field condition of depth of placement was found 2.5-4.0
manual transplanted (5.7 t ha-1) and manual drum seeder (5.1 cm. The average number of seeds per hill was found: 2-3
t ha-1). It was higher than manual broadcasting 4.4 t ha-1. The seeds. The actual field capacity of the paddy seeder was found
net return was higher by Rs. 3,093 ha-1 for crop sown by the at 0.115hah-1. The field efficiency of the paddy seeder was
rice ridge seeder in comparison to transplanting. found to be 82.5%.
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Table 5: Specifications of machine a direct paddy seeder. Agricultural Mechanization in

Name of Machine Self propel direct seeded rice planter Asia, Africa and Latin America. 1992;23(1):23-27.
Overall size, cm 121 x 105.5 x 68.1 cm 5. Mathankar SK, Saha KP, Rautaray SK, Singh VV.
Total weight, kg 110 Development and Evaluation of Self- Propelled Rice
No. of rows 03 Ridge Seeder for Pre- Germinated Seeding. International
Row to row spacing, cm 20 (adjustable 20-25 cm for 3 row) Agricultural Engineering Journal. 2006;15(2-3):79-89.
Hill to hill spacing, cm 15 cm 6. Krishnaiah K. Row Seeder for Sowing Rice in Puddle
Power, hp 5 Soil ICAR News ICAR. Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi, India
Dhruw et al. (2020) [2] constructed a power operated paddy 7. Jinfu Geo, Ma Te. Research and Development of a New
seeding machine at SV, College of Agricultural Engineering Direct Paddy Seeder. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia,
and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, IGKV Africa and Latin America. 1997;28(3):47-50
Raipur (CG). The main components of the machines were a 5 8. Sahoo PK, Das DK, Pradhan SC. Development and
hp engine, seed hopper, cup type metering device, lugged testing of a power tiller operated pre-germinated cuban
wheel, float, gear box, universal coupling from the main shaft paddy seeder. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa
to the planting gear box mounted in the float etc. A Funnel and Latin America. 1994;25(1):21-24.
and seed disc with cup feed was placed inside the seed box for 9. Sharma, Arun Reddy, Sudhakar P. Self Propeller 10-
effective dropping of seeds from the seed box to the field. The Row Paddy Seeder, 2006. Extension Bulletin No.
spacing between the cup type metering devices was 20 cm. CIAE//FIM/2006//66
The brief specifications of the machine are shown in Table 6. 10. Thiyagarajan A, Tajuddin A. Self-propelled wetland
The actual field capacity of the seeding machine was found at direct rice seeder. The Hindu; c2013.
0.23-0.25 hah-1. The field efficiency of the seeding machine in https://www.thehindu.com>science
dry condition was 77.67% and in wet condition it is 71.88%.

Table 6: Specifications of the machine

Self propelled paddy
Name of machine
seeding machine
Power source 2.9 kW (4 hp)
Overall size, cm 253 x 181 x 99.9 cm
Rated, rpm 2600
Number of rows 08
Row to row spacing, cm 20
Seed metering Cup feed type
Float for wet field Stainless steel
Furrow opener for dry field Hoe type

All the above review papers are concern about the paddy
seeder including the power tiller operated, tractor operated,
two-wheel tractor operated and self-operated paddy seeder
machine. A self-propelled or power operator or other power
operated paddy seeder can be an appropriate use in sowing of
the puddle condition. These types of machines can eliminate
the reduction of hard work in a manual transplanting sowing
method. It is in conclusion that better results of power
operated paddy seeder as compared to both broadcasted rice
and transplanted rice.

1. Bangale RA, Srinivas I, Dave AK. Development of self
propelled directed seeded rice planter. International
Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences.
2. Dhruw UK, Roy DK, Verma AK. Development of power
operated paddy seeder for dry and wet seeding.
International Journal of Chemical Studies.
3. Dhalin D, Kumar VJF, Durairaj Divakar C. Development
of a check valve mechanism as an attachment of a check
to a power tiller operated seeder. Agriculture
Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
4. Gupta CP, Herwanto Totok. Design and development of

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