Power Operated Paddy Seeder: A Review: Umesh Kumar Dhruw and DK Roy
Power Operated Paddy Seeder: A Review: Umesh Kumar Dhruw and DK Roy
Power Operated Paddy Seeder: A Review: Umesh Kumar Dhruw and DK Roy
Paddy is a major and important cereal crop in India with a total approximately area of 44 Mha
and a production of 111.76 million tons in the year 2021-22. (Source: Directorate of
Economics and Statics Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India).
Directed seeded rice plays an important role in satisfying the rice grain requirement of the
people of the world. For line sowing, many designs of manual paddy drum seeder and bullock
drawn drum seeder have been fabricated, but pulling them on puddle fields involves drudgery
problems and a very hard way. Direct dry sowing is an important method for the rain-fed plot
area. In the monsoon season, friable field conditions, soil is available for limited. In rains
continue, the soil becomes saturated. Under such conventional sowing implements, it becomes
not easy to operate due to blocking and a chock-full of furrow opener. Therefore, to have a
machine which can be used in the boths conditions dry and wet seeding. The developed the
power operated paddy seeder unit could be useful in eliminating drudgery in transplanting or
pulling of manual drum seeder besides other advantages of pre-germinated line seeding.
All the above review papers are concern about the paddy
seeder including the power tiller operated, tractor operated,
two-wheel tractor operated and self-operated paddy seeder
machine. A self-propelled or power operator or other power
operated paddy seeder can be an appropriate use in sowing of
the puddle condition. These types of machines can eliminate
the reduction of hard work in a manual transplanting sowing
method. It is in conclusion that better results of power
operated paddy seeder as compared to both broadcasted rice
and transplanted rice.
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