Cestrum BS-Mar 23 Consol
Cestrum BS-Mar 23 Consol
Cestrum BS-Mar 23 Consol
BS As on 30.9.2022
Nat Asset Value 20,938 64.51 1,350,710
Diff - -
Diff - -
Cestrum Restated Balance Sheet as on 30.09.2022 for Consol
Capital Reserve 270,167
Investment 1,080,543
Liability 522,531
Cash/Bank 518,531
Other Receivable 1,354,710
1,873,241 1,850,885
1,873,241 1,793,096
2022 – 2023
CIN: U67100MH2010PTC210456
Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2023
(Rs In Hundred)
Particulars Note No. As at 31st March,
Shareholders’ Funds
(a) Share Capital 1 170,000.00
(b) Reserves and Surplus 2 1,807,509.64
Current Liabilities
(a) Other current liabilities 3 33,947.32
TOTAL 2,011,456.96
Non-Current Assets
(a) Property, Plant & Equipment 4
Tangible Assets 353,463.14
(b) Non-Current Investments 5 1,593,809.32
Current Assets
(a) Cash and Cash Equivalents 6 40,847.28
(b) Other Current Assets 7 23,337.22
TOTAL 2,011,456.96
Ravi Chaturvedi
(DIN: 06890879)
CA Vikas N Mehta
Partner Krishna Poojary
M No. 043754 Director
Place : Mumbai (DIN: 02544153)
Date : 31.05.2023
CIN: U67100MH2010PTC210456
Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss for the year Ended 31st March, 2023
(Rs In Hundred)
Particulars Note No. 2022-23
Revenue from Operations 8 80,817.32
(a) Depreciation & Amortisation Expenses 4 7,745.08
(b) Other Expenses 10 18,418.53
Total expenses 26,163.61
CA Vikas N Mehta
Partner Krishna Poojary
M No. 043754 Director
Place : Mumbai (DIN: 02544153)
Date : 31.05.2023
CIN: U67100MH2010PTC210456
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the Year ended 31st March, 2023
(Rs In Hundred)
Particulars 2022-23
A Cash flow from operating Activities
Net Profit / (Loss) before tax, as per Statement of Profit and Loss 136,210.36
Adjustment for :
Depreciation 7,745.08
Profit/(Loss) on sale of Investment (80,817.32)
Adj of Capital Reserve on Consolidation 2,701.67
Adj of Foreign Exchange Fluctuation Reserve on Consolidation (577.89)
Rent Income (56,200.00)
Dividend Income (25,200.00)
Operating Profit / (Loss) before working capital changes (16,138.10)
Adjustment for:
Trade & Other Receivables (22,657.02)
Trade & Other Payables 30,801.75
Cash generated from / (used in) operations (7,993.37)
Income Tax paid (24,212.60)
Net Cash from / (used) in Operating Activities (32,205.97)
Note: The above Cash flow statement has been prepared under the indirect method set out in Accounting Standard - 3.
Ravi Chaturvedi
(DIN: 06890879)
CA Vikas N Mehta
Partner Krishna Poojary
M No. 043754 Director
Place : Mumbai (DIN: 02544153)
Date : 31.05.2023
CIN: U67100MH2010PTC210456
Significant Accounting Policies
b) The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the following basis:
i) The financial statements of the Company and its subsidiary companies are combined on a line-by-line basis by adding together the
book values of like items of assets, liabilities, income and expenses, after fully eliminating intra-group balances and intra-group
transactions in accordance with Accounting Standard (AS) 21 "Consolidated Financial Statements".
ii) In case of associates (if any) where the company directly or indirectly through subsidiaries holds more than 20% of equity,
Investments in associates are accounted for using equity method in accordance with Accounting Standard (AS) 23 "Accounting for
investments in associates in consolidated financial statements".
iii) As far as possible, the consolidated financial statements are prepared using uniform accounting policies for like transactions and
other events in similar circumstances and are presented in the same manner as the Company’s separate financial statements.
iv) The difference between the cost of investment in the subsidiaries, over the net assets at the time of acquisition of shares in the
subsidiaries is recognised in the financial statements as Goodwill or Capital Reserve, as the case may be.
(c) Investments other than in subsidiaries and associate have been accounted as per Accounting Standard (AS) 13 on “Accounting for
b) Investments:
i) Investments are classified into current investments and long term investments.
ii) Current Investments are valued, catagory wise, at cost or market price/quoted value whichever is lower.
iii) Long term investments are valued at cost. Provision for diminution is made scrip wise to recognise a decline, only if such decline is
other than temporary.
c) Stock-in Trade:
Stock-in-trade (Shares & Securities) is valued catagory wise, at cost or market price/quoted value whichever is lower. Cost is
arrived at using First in First out (FIFO) method.
e) Depreciation:
Depreciation on Property, Plant & Equipment is provided as per Straigth Line Method (SLM) based on useful life of the assets as
prescribed in Schedule II to the Companies Act, 2013.
f) Impairment of Assets:
An asset is treated as impaired when the carrying cost of an assets exceeds its recoverable value. An impairment loss is charged to
the Statement of Profit and Loss in the year in which assets is identified as impaired. The impairment loss recognised in the prior
accounting year is reversed if there has been a change in estimates of recoverable amount.
g) Revenue Recognition :
i) Revenue is recognized on accrual basis.
ii) Brokerage income is accounted in the year in which it fall due and is exclusive of GST.
h) Miscellaneous Expenditure :
Preliminary expenses and deferred revenue expenditure are written off in the year of incorporation.
i) Derivative Trading
i) Premium paid on purchase of options is considered at Cost. The options outstanding at the year end are valued at cost or market
value whichever is lower.
ii) Additional liability, if any accrued till end of the year on options sold is booked as expense.
iii) Loss or Profit on settlement of Futures during the year is charged / credited to Statement of Profit and Loss.
iv) Loss arising on account of Mark to Market of the un-expired Futures at the year end is charged to Statement of Profit and Loss.
l) Employee Benefits :
Retirement Benefits are accounted on cash basis.
Issued, Subscribed & Paid Up
17,00,000 (17,00,000) Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each, fully paid up 170,000.00
Nil (26,00,000) 3% Redeemable Cumulative, Optionally Convertible
Preference Shares of Rs. 10/- each, fully paid up -
(B) Reconciliation of the number of Equity Shares outstanding at the beginning and at the end of the year:
Particulars 2022-23
(a) No. of Shares outstanding at the beginning of the year 1,700,000
(b) No. of Shares issued during the year -
(c) No. of Shares outstanding at the end of the year 1,700,000
(C) Reconciliation of number of Preference Shares outstanding at the beginning and at the end of the year:
Particulars 2022-23
(a) No. of Shares outstanding at the beginning of the year 2,600,000
(b) No. of Shares issued/(redeemed) during the year (2,600,000)
(c) No. of Shares outstanding at the end of the year -
(E) The rights, preferences and restrictions attaching to each class of shares including to restrictions on the
distribution of dividends and repayment of capital:
a) Equity Shares- The Company has only one class of equity shares. Each holder of equity shares is entitled to one vote
per share. The equity shareholders are entitled to dividend only if dividend in a particular financial year is recommended
by the Board of Directors and approved by the members at the annual general meeting of that year. In case of winding
up, if the assets available for distribution are less than the paid up share capital, then the shortfall will be borne by the
members proportionately. Where there is an excess, the same shall be distributed proportionatley among the members.
b) Preference Shares 3%- The preference shares are redeemable and optionally convertible. The Preference Shares
have a preferential right to dividend of 3% per annum on cumulative basis, carry a preferential right for repayment of
capital in priority to the equity shares, on winding up or repayment of capital. However, the preference shares carry no
further or other right to participate either in the profits or assets of the Company.
b) Preference Shares:
Sr. Name of Shareholder As at 31st March, 2023 As at 31st March, 2022
No. No. of Shares % of Holding No. of Shares
held held
(i) Mr. Gagan Chaturvedi - - 2,600,000
CIN: U67100MH2010PTC210456
Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statement
b) Preference Shares:
Sr. No. Name As at 31st March, 2023
No. of Shares % of Total Shares % Change
(i) Mr. Gagan Chaturvedi - - 100.00
CIN: U67100MH2010PTC210456
Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statement
Total 1,807,509.64
TOTAL 33,947.32
CIN: U67100MH2010PTC210456
Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statement
Tangible Assets
Home Appliances & Fixtures 21,509.58 - - 21,509.58 15,075.69 1,222.80 - 16,298.49 5,211.09 6,433.89
Residential Flat 2603 420,964.87 - - 420,964.87 66,190.54 6,522.28 - 72,712.82 348,252.05 354,774.33
TOTAL 1,593,809.32
Aggregate amount of quoted investments -
Market Value of Quoted Investments -
Aggregate amount of unquoted investments 1,593,809.32
CIN: U67100MH2010PTC210456
Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statement
TOTAL 40,847.28
Note: ** Fixed Deposit marked as Lien favouring Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).
TOTAL 23,337.22
CIN: U67100MH2010PTC210456
Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statement
TOTAL 80,817.32
TOTAL 81,556.65
TOTAL 18,418.53
Particulars 2022-23
(A) Net profit/ (loss) after tax as per Statement of Profit and Loss
attributable to Equity Shareholders (Rs In Hundred) 111,910.36
(B) Weighted Average Number of Equity Shares Outstanding During the
Year for Basic EPS and Diluted EPS (in Nos.) 1,700,000
(C) Basic and Diluted Earning/(Loss) per share of Rs. 10 each (Rs In
Hundred) 0.07
CIN: U67100MH2010PTC210456
Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statement
Due to Decrease in
1 Current Ratio Current Assets Current Liabilities 1.89 79.57 -97.62% Cash Balance
2 Debt-Equity Ratio Total Debt Shareholder’s Equity - - - -
3 Debt Service Coverage Ratio Earnings available for debt service (i) Debt Service (ii) - - - -
Due to Increase in Net
4 Return on Equity Ratio Net Profits After Taxes Average Total Equity 0.05 0.03 62.38% Profit
5 Inventory Turnover Ratio Profit/ (loss) on dealing in securities (Net) Average Inventory - - - -
6 Trade Receivables Turnover Ratio Net Credit Sales Average Trade Receivable - - - -
7 Trade Payables Turnover Ratio Net Credit Purchases Average Trade Payables - - - -
Due to Increase in
Operational Revenue
& decrease in Avg
8 Net Capital Turnover Ratio Revenue from Operations Average Working Capital (iii) 0.60 0.02 2915.43% Working Capital
Due to Increase in
9 Net Profit/(Loss) Ratio Net Profits After Taxes Revenue from Operations 1.38 10.25 -86.49% Operational Revenue
Due to Increase in
10 Return on Capital Employed Ratio Earning Before Interest and Taxes Capital Employed (iv) 0.07 0.03 155.79% Capital Employed
Due to Increase in
11 Return on Investment Ratio Dividend Income Average Investments 0.02 - 100.00% Dividend Income
Earning for Debt Service = Net Profit before taxes + Non-cash operating expenses like depreciation and other amortizations + Interest + other adjustments like loss on sale of
Fixed assets etc
(ii) Debt service = Interest & Lease Payments + Principal Repayments
(iii) Working capital = Current Assets - Current Liabilities
(iv) Capital Employed = Tangible Net Worth + Total Debt + Deferred Tax Liability
CIN: U67100MH2010PTC210456
Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statement
Note 13
Enterprises consolidated as Subsidiary in accordance with Accounting Standard 21 - Consolidated Financial Statement
Annexure - A
Salient Features of Financial Statement of Subsidiary Company as per Companies Act, 2013
(Rs In Hundred)
Name of Subsidiary Company Shreeji Kosh Overseas Pte. Ltd.
Reporting Currency SGD INR
Share Capital 21,000
Reserves & Surplus (62)
Total Assets 29,038
Total Liabilities 8,100
Investments -
Turnover/ Total Income -
Profit /(Loss) Before Tax -
Provision for Tax -
Profit/((Loss) After Tax -
Proposed Dividend -
% of Shareholding 100%
Names of Subsidiaries which have been liquidated or sold during the year - NIL
CIN: U67100MH2010PTC210456
Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statement
Note 13
The company is registered with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Sub-Broker having Membership (No.
INZ000298134 Dated 12th March, 2021) under SEBI (Stock Broker Sub-Broker) Regulations, 1992, for commodity
derivative segment.
As the Company is regulated by SEBI and hence the provision of registration as NBFC with Reserve Bank of India is not
Note 14 As per Accounting Standard 18, the disclosures of transactions with the related parties are given below:
(i) List of related parties with whom transactions have taken place and relationships:
Name of the Related Party Relationship
Mr. Gagan Chaturvedi Shareholder
Shreeji Kosh Overseas PTE Ltd Subsidiary Co.
Mrs. Shruti Chaturvedi Director (upto 22.03.2023) & Shareholder
Mr. Sanjeev Chaturvedi Director (upto 03.08.2021)
Mr. Krishna Poojary Director (w.e.f. 02.08.2021)
Mr. Ravi Chaturvedi Director
Mr. Rajeev Chaturvedi Director
(Rs In Hundred)
(ii) Transactions during the year with related parties (excluding reimbursements): 2022-23
Sr. No. Nature of Transactions
1 Issue of Equity Share Capital
Mrs. Shruti Chaturvedi Director & Shareholder -
2 Redumption of Preference Share Capital
Mr. Gagan Chaturvedi Shareholder 260,000.00
3 Dividend Paid on Preference Shares
Mr. Gagan Chaturvedi Shareholder 78,000.00
4 Investment in Equity shares of Subsidiary Company
Shreeji Kosh Overseas PTE Ltd Subsidiary Co. -
5 Loan Taken
Mrs. Shruti Chaturvedi Director & Shareholder -
6 Loan Repaid
Mrs. Shruti Chaturvedi Director & Shareholder -
Balance as at 31st March, 2023
7 Equity Share Capital
Mr. Gagan Chaturvedi Shareholder 99,990.00
Mrs. Shruti Chaturvedi Director (upto 22.03.2023) & Shareholder 70,010.00
8 Investment in Equity shares of Subsidiary Company
Shreeji Kosh Overseas PTE Ltd Subsidiary Co. -
9 Preference Share Capital
Mr. Gagan Chaturvedi Shareholder -
Figures in bracket represents previous year’s amount.
CIN: U67100MH2010PTC210456
Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statement
Note 15
Details of Loans given, Investments made, Guarantees given and Securities provided during the year covered under
Section 186(4) of the Companies Act, 2013:
i) Loans given by company to body corporates Rs Nil Hundred (Previous Year Rs Nil Hundred).
ii) Investment made by Company as at 31st March, 2023 & 31st March, 2022 (Refer Note No. 5).
Note 13
As per Transitional Provisions of Accounting Standard (AS) 21 on Consolidated Financial Statements, on the first occasion
that consolidated financial statements are presented,comparative figures for the previous year need not be presented.
Note 13
During the year, the company has invested in a subsidiary company in Singapore. The Consolidated financial statement is
prepared on the basis of the unaudited financial statement of subsidiary, which is prepared and approved by the
management and provisions made accordingly.
Note 16
There is no contingent liability for the year ended on 31st March, 2023.
Note 17
There is no dues to Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises for the year under review.
(ii) There are no balances outstanding on account of any transaction with companies struck off under section
248 of the Companies Act, 2013 or section 560 of Companies Act, 1956.
(iii) The Company does not have any charges or satisfaction which is yet to be registered with ROC beyond the
statutory period.
(iv) The Company has not traded or invested in Crypto currency or Virtual Currency during the financial year.
(v) The Company has not advanced or loaned or invested funds to any other person(s) or entity(ies), including
foreign entities (Intermediaries) with the understanding that the Intermediary shall:
(a) directly or indirectly lend or invest in other persons or entities identified in any manner whatsoever by or
on behalf of the company (Ultimate Beneficiaries) or;
(b) provide any guarantee, security or the like to or on behalf of the Ultimate Beneficiaries.
(vi) The Company has not received any fund from any person(s) or entity(ies), including foreign entities (Funding
Party) with the understanding (whether recorded in writing or otherwise) that the Company shall:
(a) directly or indirectly lend or invest in other persons or entities identified in any manner whatsoever by or
on behalf of the Funding Party (Ultimate Beneficiaries) or;
(b) provide any guarantee, security or the like on behalf of the Ultimate Beneficiaries.
(vii) The Company does not have any transaction which is not recorded in the books of accounts that has been
surrendered or disclosed as income during the year in the tax assessments under the Income Tax Act, 1961
(such as, search or survey or any other relevant provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961).
(viii) The Company has not borrowed from banks and financial institutions for any specific purpose during the
financial year.
CIN: U67100MH2010PTC210456
Notes forming part of the Consolidated Financial Statement
(ix) There is no immovable property whose title deeds are not held in the name of the Company.
(x) There are no loans or advances in the nature of loans that are granted to promoters, directors, key
managerial personnel (KMPs) and the related parties either severally or jointly with any other person, that
are: a) Repayable on demand or b) Without specifying any terms or period of repayment.
(xi) The Company does not have borrowings from banks or financial institutions on the basis of security of current
(xii) The Company is not declared wilful defaulter by any bank or financial Institution or other lender.
Note 19
The Previous year figures have been re-grouped/re-classified wherever necessary to conform to the current year presentatio
As per our report of even date
For RAJEN DAMANI & ASSOCIATES For and on behalf of the Board
Chartered Accountants
Firm Regn No. 116762W
Ravi Chaturvedi
(DIN: 06890879)
CA Vikas N Mehta
Partner Krishna Poojary
M No. 043754 Director
Place : Mumbai (DIN: 02544153)
Date : 31.05.2023
Computation of Networth of Cestrum Investment Broker Private Limited
As on 31.03.2023
Member Broker of Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) Ltd. in Commodity Derivative Segment
*Pledge securities does not include deposit of securities kept with stock exchanges.
**Includes debts\advances overdue for more than three months or given to associates.
# Variation in Net Worth is due to redumption of Preference Share Capital by the Company.
Above Certificate is based on the nesessary & relevent records & books of Accounts produced
before us.
Vikas N Mehta
Place : Mumbai (Partner)
Date : 31.05.2023 (M No. 043754)
UDIN No. :
Net Profit before tax as per Profit & Loss A/C 136,210.36
Disallow Travelling Exp while file ITR
Add: Capital increase Expenses - 4,317.57
interest for Investment in land -
STT on Investement 239.70
Depreciation as per book 7,745.08
Expenses attributable to rent income 8,015.69
Add: Interest u/s 234b (if tax paid below 90%) 20,473.39 18,426.05 18,000.00 148.40
Add: Interest u/s 234C 418.91